Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs2
Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs2
Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs2
Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and affects about 18 percent of all pregnancies .
Gestational diabetes usually goes away after pregnancy, but once you've had gestational
diabetes, your chances are higher that it will happen in future pregnancies .
In some women pregnancy uncovers Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and these women will need to
continue diabetes treatment after pregnancy.
Another form is prediabetes .
This condition causes a person’s blood sugar levels to be higher than normal but not high
enough to be diagnosed with diabetes .
The American Diabetes Association estimates that there are 84.1 million Americans that have
pre-diabetes in addition to the 30.3 million with diabetes.
Normal Diabetes
— Fasting blood sugar 80-99 mg/dl 126 mg/dl and above
— Random blood sugar 80-139 mg/dl 200 mg/dl and above
— 2 hour glucose tolerance test 80-139 mg/dl 200 mg/dl and above
Oral hypoglycemic drugs Dr. Fahmy M. Al-Wasei
1. Sulfonylureas
Pharmacological actions
- Decrease blood glucose: 1- increase insulin secretion
2- increase uptake of glucose by target cells
3- decrease glucagon secretion
4- increase the process of glycolysis (break down of
Potency Onset Duration
1st Generation
Tolbutamide Low Rapid Short
Acetohexamide Low Intermediate Intermediate
Chlorpropamide Low Slow Long
2nd Generation
Glipizide High v. rapid Short
Cliclazide Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
Glibenclamide High Slow Long
First generation >> low potency >> is used for mild hyperglycemia
Second generation >> high potency >> is used for severe DM
Actions :
- Decrease plasma glucose by :
1- ↑ glucose uptake into cells increase its metabolism
2- potenciate effect of insulin on tissue receptors
Advantages :
- No weight gain BCz they produce anorexia
- No hypoglycemia ( Euoglaycemia = normal glucose level)
- Suitable for obese patients
Oral hypoglycemic drugs Dr. Fahmy M. Al-Wasei
Examples :
- Rosiglitazone
- Pioglitazone
Actions : ( increase receptor sensitivity )
They diminish insulin resistance by :
- Increase glucose uptake into cells
- Increase cell glucose metabolism
Clinical value of Insulin-sensitizers
In combination with other oral hypoglycemics or insulin to overcome insulin resistance.
Adverse effects:
Edema, fluid retention
Anemia, due to effect on bone marrow
Weight gain
Abdominal pain
Elevation of liver enzymes, BCZ all these agents are metabolized in liver.
4. α-Glycosidase Inhibitors
This enzyme is found in the stomach & intestine
Used to increase absorption of glucose by binding monosacharides into olysaccharides
Example: Acarbose
Used in obese patients for weight control, also in postprandial hyperglycemia
It has no effect on FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar)
Central : dizziness , confusion
Peripheral : tremors , sweating , hunger, palpitation ( sypathatic )
Some drugs may mask these symptoms associated with hypoglycemia, such as β-blockers.
Hence diabetic patients suffering from \hypertension should not be given
Β-blockers. If given , the patient may go into severe hypoglycemia, which may proceed into
coma, without manifestations.
Oral hypoglycemic drugs Dr. Fahmy M. Al-Wasei
Glucose (Oral, IV).
Glucagon. (1mg I.M. in unconsciousness)
Diazoxide (chronic hypoglycemia).
Drug-Drug interaction:
1- Drug reduce the efficacy of antidiabetics ( treatment failure )
- β-adrenergic agonist
- diazoxide
- corticosteroids
- phenytoin
- diuretics ( thiazide, furosemide)
- oral contraceptives
- thyroid hormones