NIA2287 May21 CW2
NIA2287 May21 CW2
NIA2287 May21 CW2
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NIA2287 Analysis of Materials Assignment
Wall thickness in thin walled cylindrical pressure vessels
It is not generally possible to measure stress directly from an engineering component and thus strain values from
strain gauges fixed to a test component are used to determine stress given an understanding of Hooke’s law. Such
stress and strain results may be used directly in the design analysis process of a component or as part of the
validation process for a theoretical analysis of a component.
Learning Outcomes
Understand and demonstrate the application and function of a strain gauge rosette.
Demonstrate the method for configuration of the strain gauge interface system to match the specific strain
gauge input and output requirements.
Be able to plot series of strain data points and create a strain Vs pressure chart.
Know, and demonstrate how from first principles the method by which strain gauge rosette output values
can be used to plot Mohr’s circle for strain at the gauge location
Demonstrate how Mohr’s circle for strain is used to find the first and second principal strains and principal
strain angles.
Show how Hooke’s law can be used to calculate principal stresses from principal strains
Demonstrate an understanding of how the internal pressure and resulting principal stresses in a thin walled
cylinder can be used to calculate the cylinders wall thickness
Demonstrate an understanding of the trends of Young’s modulus and yield stress of a given metal due to
alloying and heat treatment.
Laboratory work
Due to current restrictions it is not possible for you to enter the laboratory to undertake this experiment. You should
however watch the video recording of the test being carried out and ensure that you understand the apparatus and
procedure below.
Thin walled cylindrical pressure vessel apparatus with 4 cylinders each of a different material
Aluminium alloy 1060 in H16 temper
Stainless steel [ 304]
Carbon fibre reinforced polymer
Polyvinyl chloride
o The apparatus is fitted with
Pressure valve and gauge
One 450 strain rosette per cylinder oriented randomly on each cylinder.
Gauge connection wiring
Manual pump
P3 strain gauge data acquisition unit and a PC will be used to record the strain data. The data acquisition unit
is driven from the computer as described below.
1. Wheatstone bridges and gauge factor are already set appropriately (quarter bridge and 2.1)
2. System should be primed by pumping until water is seen to flow from the overflow valves, once water is noticed the
system should be sealed using the overflow valves.
3. Check the system for leaks by increasing pressure to 1 Bar once done any faulty cylinders will be isolated and drained
using the isolation valves.
4. Release excess pressure in the system, using the pressure release valve on the pump.
5. Select Channel A then use the auto-balance function on the data recorder to ensure the system is zeroed for the strain
gauge rosette specific to that cylinder.
6. Note the readings at a pressure of zero bar.
7. Pressurise the cylinders using the manual pump, to 1 bar and take a reading, repeat for values of up to 10 bar.
Values will be approximate and the actual value for pressure should be noted.
8. Depressurise the rig back to a primed state taking care to not let air back into the cylinders.
9. Record a final zero value.
10. Select the next channel and repeat steps 5-9 for the three remaining cylinders.
11. Once all 4 cylinders have complete data sets depressurise the rig and reintroduce air into the system.
For the strain gauge rosette for each cylinder carry out the following actions in Excel:
1. For each cylinder create a graph showing the strain data series for the L, M and N limbs from the rosette.
This graph should be an x-y scatter chart with the pressure data as the abscissa (x, horizontal) and the strain
data as the ordinate (y, vertical). Plot the data as points. Do not join these points with a line. You should
format this graph so that it is; easily readable in printed form, has appropriate axes titles, suitable legend
(series) and has a suitable title.
o For materials that are behaving elastically (assumed in this lab) the stress-strain (pressure-strain)
relationship is linear. Thus, a single coefficient links stress to strain. (In the first principal direction in
the uniaxial loading case this coefficient is Young’s modulus).
2. Returning to the Excel table, using the “least squares regression method” find the gradient of a straight line
fitted to each data series for each cylinder. This can be done using the Excel LINEST function in a new row of
cells at the bottom of the table. (Note that LINEST will give the same gradient as that indicated by the
coefficient of x in the function of the fitted linear trend line. However, using LINEST removes the need to add
trend lines and hand transcribe the coefficients into the table) The on-line help gives the syntax for this
command. The ‘known_y’ values are the strains and the ‘known_x’ values are the pressure. To ensure that
the fitted line is not forced to pass through the origin (zero intercept) and that no other statistical data about
the regression is output ‘Const’ and ‘Stats’ should be left blank. Configuring LINEST in this way will return the
gradient of the line of best fit to the selected data.
o The ratio of pressure to strain for each point gives an estimate of this coefficient, considering a range
of different pressure value data and taking the gradient of the fitted line gives an improved estimate.
o Zero pressure will produce zero strain (zero intercept) so arguably the fitted line could be forced to
go through the origin (0, 0). However, in this case this is not done as it can strongly influence the
outcome by not considering any error or bias that could systematically affect all readings. The
qualitative and quantitative consequences of forcing a zero intercept in this setting are good subjects
to consider in the experimental critique and error section of the report.
3. Using the gradient of the line of best fit calculate the strains "which would have been measured" by the
gauges under the pressure given to you in Brightspace (this process is called “interpolation”!). Unless
otherwise stated all sample calculations in the report should be carried out at this interpolated pressure.
4. In your Excel table label the three strains for each rosette ε l ε m ε n corresponding to the L, M and N limbs of
the rosettes as indicated by the wiring scheme of the rig (the convention of anticlockwise alphabetic labelling
of the limbs is applied here)
5. Adding suitable columns to your Excel table use equations 1 and 2 (from the appendix) to calculate the
principal strains for each cylinder.
6. For your assigned cylinder (see Brightspace) you should use the ε l ε m ε n strain rosette values for the
interpolated pressure (from section 3) to construct Mohr’s circle for strain from first principles.
o Using the methods detailed in your lecture notes and “Strain Gauge” video lecture, show a full step
by step graphical construction of Mohr’s circle for the strain field at the location of the strain gauge
on one of the cylinders at the interpolated pressure value. Determine the angle (θ P) between the ‘x’
direction of strain gauge coordinate system (L limb) and the direction of the first principal strain
measured positive in the anti-clockwise direction, and verify that the principal strains agree with
those from the Excel sheet calculations.
o This process is detailed in your lecture notes and online video and should include SEVERAL diagrams
with annotation to illustrate how Mohr’s circle is constructed geometrically (using similar triangles)
without reference to any equations. All diagrams should be completed in a suitable software
package (eg Power Point, Word, Paint, Solidworks or similar) hand drawn diagrams are not
acceptable and will NOT be marked.
7. For a thin walled cylinder the first and second principal strains are the “circumferential” ε ∘ and “longitudinal”
ε long strains respectively.
9. Using the principal strains and Hooke’s law in 2 dimensions (“thin” walled cylinder) it is possible to calculate
the principal stresses in the cylinder walls and hence calculate the wall thickness. This can be done using the
following theory:
σ long= σ ∘=
4t 2t
Material Properties
Listed in table 1 are the relevant material properties, these should be referenced in the lab report where applicable.
(Correct referencing format is expected.)
Additional work
1. It is noted that σ ∘ =2 σ longcompare this relationship with values from your calculations and comment on the
results for each cylinder material.
2. You should compare the first principal stress and the yield stress for the material and say if any plastic
deformation is likely to have occurred at the location of the strain gauge. (This yield criterion assumes that
other principal stresses are zero).
3. You should also calculate the factor of safety for the component at this location at maximum pressure.
(NB plastic deformation is not expected to occur first at the gauge location as stress may well be higher elsewhere)
Lab report
A conventional lab report layout for the experimental work in the lab, including the excel charts and tables,
with a commentary saying what the results are. Figures and tables should not be included if they are not
discussed in some way. They must always be referred to from the main body of the text.
Sample calculations should be included for Excel functions used (functions from Excel referencing cells are
NOT acceptable) and a sample calculation for each step of the Mohr’s circle construction for plane strain
should be included.
Sample calculations only need to be shown once, additional uses of the same formula only require a correct
answer be shown.
A discussion of the experimental work including error and error magnitude assessment, and an experimental
o NOTE marks for the lab report are focused on attention to detail.
The report should be structured as per the assessment criteria.
Any issues with submission or any other part of this assignment should be addressed to the assignment discussion
board on Brightspace.
The report should be no more than 2500 words long (excluding tables and figures) and should be submitted as a
single pdf or Word file to Brightspace.
CORRECTLY). A successful submission will result in YOU RECEIVING AN EMAIL RECEIPT! IF THIS DOES NOT
Assessment Criteria
Introduction and Methodology (10%): Brief introduction stating the aim and objectives and some basic
theory relating to the experiment. Methodology should be in your own words with supporting imagery.
(Section should not exceed 500-600 words)
Experimental results and calculations (20%): Strain results for channels L, M and N should be presented
clearly in 4 graphs one for each cylinder. A final graph comparing the first principle strains. Graphs should be
well laid out and clear to the reader. A full copy of the results should be included but may be placed in the
Construction of Mohr’s circle and Additional work (20%): This should include sufficient diagrams to show
clearly the stages in the construction of Mohr’s circle for the strain field and a short commentary to explain
the stages.
Additional Calculations (10%): Calculations for stress and wall thickness for all 4 vessels should be shown
alongside calculated factors of safety.
Presentation and referencing (10%): The report should be clear and well structured. All figures and tables
should have numbers and titles and should be referred to from within the text. Graphs should have labeled
axes and a clear legend. A high standard of English is also expected in better quality reports (report writing
detail is important here so refer to your handbook on report writing for exact details of these requirements)
You should choose an appropriate format for the results, present numerical data to a sensible precision,
ensure that units being used are clear and use the correct type and style for all graphs. There should be no
ambiguity regarding any symbols or data presented. The reader should be guided through the results and
calculations with an appropriate commentary.
Each rosette consists of 3 gauges arranged at 45 degrees to each other, as shown in FIGURE 2. The principal strains
can be found from equations 1 and 2:
Eqn 1
( εl + εn ) ( ε l −ε m )2 +( ε m−ε n )2
ε1= +
2 2
Eqn 2
( εl + εn ) ( ε l −ε m )2 +( ε m−ε n )2
ε2= −
2 2
ε l = strain measured in the 'l' limb of the gauge
ε m = strain measured in the 'm' limb of the gauge
ε n = strain measured in the 'n' limb of the gauge
Equations Eqn 1+ 2 arise from the construction of Mohr’s circle for plane strain;
The first principal strain is the centre value + the radius.
The second principal strain is the centre value – the radius.