CMI3416 CMI7416 Assignment1-2021-22
CMI3416 CMI7416 Assignment1-2021-22
CMI3416 CMI7416 Assignment1-2021-22
Additional guidance information
Your It is your responsibility to read and understand the University regulations
responsibility regarding conduct in assessment.
Further guidance can be found in the SCEN Academic Skills Resource and UoH
Academic Integrity Resource module in Brightspace.
You will have 5 working days after submitting a request to provide the
evidence. Failure to submit evidence will result in the request being rejected
and your work being marked as a late submission (see below).
If you are unable to submit work within the maximum late submission period of
10 days, contact the School’s Guidance Team ([email protected]), as you
may need to submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances (ECs).
Additional guidance information
Extenuating An EC claim is appropriate in exceptional circumstances, when an extension is
Circumstances not sufficient due to the nature of the request, or it concerns an examination or
(ECs) In-Class Test (ICT).
You can access the EC claim form on the Registry website; where you can also
find out more about the process.
You will need to submit independent, verifiable evidence for your claim to be
Once your EC claim has been reviewed you will get an EC outcome email from
Registry. If you are unsure what it means or what you need to do next, please
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An approved EC will extend the submission date to the next assessment period
(e.g July resit period).
Assignment 1
Academic Literature Review
1. Assignment Aims
2. Learning Outcomes
• Identify and delineate the professional, legal and ethical issues raised by computing
practice in organisations and in research, as well as the state of the art in a particular
computing domain.
• Reflect critically on your own personal and professional development.
3. Assessment Brief
For this assignment, you need to conduct and write an academic literature review on
a topic of your choice, relevant to your degree. The review should demonstrate an
understanding of the field of research related to the chosen topic and a firm grasp of
competing hypotheses in the area. In preparing your submission, you need to take
into account the following notes regarding topic choice, structure and content
Choosing your Topic
The topic of your literature review has to be related to one of the areas of research
and/or practice that are associated with your degree. In choosing your topic, you may
indicatively get inspiration from any undergraduate or postgraduate modules and
projects you have undertaken, or any experience gained from placement or
employment. Feedback on your topic choice will be provided from your tutors. You
are strongly advised to make your choice within two days of the handout date.
You are free to structure your review in any way that you feel is more suitable to your
topic. Indicatively, you can structure it as a standard essay, containing:
- An introductory section where you can define your topic, state the scope of
the review and explain the organisation of the rest of the document.
- The main body where the review of relevant literature is provided.
- A concluding section where you briefly summarise the most important aspects
of the literature review and point out potential gaps in existing research.
- A list of references (which is NOT included in the word count).
Content Requirements
The content of your literature review is directly dependent on your topic. However,
the following are required as minimum:
- An appreciation of the professional, legal and ethical issues that are relevant
to the chosen topic.
o For Information Systems Management students this may involve the
ethics of dealing with trade-offs for different groups of stakeholders.
o For Computing students this may involve the ethics of cutting-edge
software development for commercial purposes.
o For Artificial Intelligence students, this may involve the significant legal
and ethical challenges raised by the use of AI.
o For Data Analytics, Internet of Things and Industrial Mathematics
students, this may involve issues related to data privacy and protection.
o For Cyber Security and Digital Forensics students, this may involve
looking into ethical hacking.
- A critical analysis of the most important academic publications relevant to the
chosen topic, summarising their content, strengths and weaknesses.
- Referencing must strictly follow the APA 7th style which is used at the
University of Huddersfield.
4. Marking Scheme
5. Grading Rubric
Marks Available
Criterion 0 to 29% 30-39% 40-49% 50 - 59% 60 - 69% 70 - 79% 80-89% ≥ 90%
Adequate but not Outstanding and
Little to no Nearly excellent Exceptional and
Superficial analysis well-supported Systematic analysis Excellent analysis of deeply insightful
Appreciation appreciation of analysis of insightful analysis of
of professional, legal analysis of of professional, legal professional, legal analysis of
of relevant professional, legal professional, legal professional, legal
and ethical issues professional, legal and ethical issues and ethical issues professional, legal
issues and ethical issues and ethical issues and ethical issues
related to the topic and ethical issues related to the topic related to the topic and ethical issues
related to the topic related to the topic related to the topic
related to the topic related to the topic
Adequate but not Exceptional and Outstanding and
Little to no critical Superficial analysis Systematic analysis Nearly excellent Excellent analysis of
well-supported insightful analysis of deeply insightful
Critical analysis of strengths of strengths and of strengths and analysis of strengths strengths and
analysis of strengths strengths and analysis of strengths
analysis and weaknesses of weaknesses of weaknesses of and weaknesses of weaknesses of
and weaknesses of weaknesses of and weaknesses of
reviewed work reviewed work reviewed work reviewed work reviewed work
reviewed work reviewed work reviewed work
Adequate use of
Predominant and
Very poor attempt Poor attempt to Use of literature primary articles with Predominant use of Predominant use of
Over-reliance on comprehensive use
to explore literature. explore literature. limited to a few some reliance on primary articles. primary articles.
non-primary articles. of primary articles.
Breadth of Very few to no Very few articles articles and reviews. reviews or other Adequate articles Many articles
Limited number of Many articles
references articles presented presented from Very limited number documents. Some presented from presented from
recent or seminal presented from
from recent or recent or seminal of recent or seminal articles not from recent or seminal recent or seminal
articles. recent or seminal
seminal publications publications or recent articles. recent or seminal publications publications
No grammatical No grammatical or
Minor grammatical No grammatical or
Minor grammatical errors and minor spelling errors.
Major grammatical Many grammatical or spelling errors. spelling errors.
Major grammatical or spelling errors. spelling errors. Writing on par with
or spelling errors. or spelling errors. Writing on par with Report publishable
and spelling errors. Scientific writing on Writing on par with excellent,
Writing barely Scientific writing on nationally in world-leading
Presentation No evidence of an adequate level. internationally internationally
scientific. Few or a low level. Most recognised venues. international
scientific writing. No Most figures recognised venues. recognised venues.
largely irrelevant figures accurate but Most figures venues. All figures
relevant figures accurate, some not Almost all figures All figures accurate,
figures not very relevant accurate and accurate, focused
very relevant accurate, focused focused and
informative and informative
and informative informative
Citation style
Citation style mostly
Little to no evidence Citation style partly somewhat Citation style correct
consistent. Some Citation style Citation style correct
of use of citation Citation style mostly inappropriate. Many consistent. Many and accurate
references consistent. and consistent.
Citation style. Little to no inappropriate. Many inconsistencies references throughout.
inconsistent Reference list almost Reference list
style consistency and inconsistencies and between text and inconsistent Reference list
between text and complete, with complete, but with a
accuracy in errors list with many major between text and completely accurate
list, with many some minor errors few minor errors
reference list errors list, with many with no errors
minor errors
minor errors