(Web Mining) Assignment 2
(Web Mining) Assignment 2
(Web Mining) Assignment 2
Report 2
Grade: M1
Name: Roberto Espinoza
Student ID: 6930-31-1295
information available. Or on the other extreme, they might believe any kind of news if they
make it way into a trustable source (something that is becoming more usual with the
widespread reach of social networks). Such was the case of fake news spread all along
Facebook by as many as 60 million bots that were infesting the social network. They had
influence because of the substantial posts of political content and were also used to attempt to
influence in the 2017 French election.4 On that note, according to a global survey done by
CIGI-Ipsos to more that 25000 internet users over two dozen countries, 86% of them said
they had fallen for fake news at least once, with 44% saying they sometimes or frequently
did. Only 14% said they had “never” been duped by fake news. 5 Considering this, being able
to classify fake news will help to alleviate or even stop their possible impact. Still, for
identification and classification it is required to understand the common traits as to be able to
recognize them as fake news.
- Linked data: Analyze the distance of the information node to an existing knowledge
network or publicly available structured data. The closer the node, the higher the
likelihood of the statement to be true.
- Social Network Behavior: Use of a network-based text analysis called Centering
Resonance Analysis (CRA), which represents the content of large sets of texts by
identifying the most important words that link other words in the network
4. Are the methods of opinion mining and sentiment analysis useful for this task? Why?
Considering that there is already semantic analysis and use of classifiers approaches, both
methods reviewed in class could be useful in the task of detecting fake news, if they aren’t
being used already. While syntactic patterns may be used to find anomalies, in the same way,
there are subtle differences of sentiment that can be present in fake news, since there is
pattern in the exaggeration of the sentiment (both positive and negative) that deceivers are
trying to convey on the receivers, which may be even more noticeable in the case of political