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Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, CHINA
Nitrogen Fixation Laboratory, Qi Institute, Building C4, No.555 Chuangye Road, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, CHINA
Abstract. Mung beans, also known as Lu Dou, are one of the tion from traditional to modern methods. It has historical
traditional soy foods consumed mainly in East Asia, especially by relationship with medicinal plants for more than 2000
Chinese and Japanese. It has been used both as nutritional food years, and it was demonstrated by medicinal herbs. Tradi-
and herbal medicine. Mung is a valuable plant for sustainable ag- tional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes herbal medicine,
riculture due to its ability to use atmospheric nitrogen. Because
acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, food therapy and
of energy crises and high mineral fertilizer prices cultivation of
legumes become one of the most promising strategies for sus- physical exercise (Xu, Wu, 2009).
tainable agriculture. The factors determining the efficiency of TCM is also an essential part of the health care system
symbiotic process are the genetic constitution of the host plant in most Asian countries, relies on natural products and has
and bacteria, environment, and technological inputs (inoculums, been playing a very important role in health protection and
fertilizers and pesticides). Inoculation of mung bean with Brady- disease control for many years (Wang et al., 2017).
rhizobium enhanced nodulation, and results in increasing of shoot The aim of this research is to review health benefits and
biomass and grain yield. The legume residues are also a good nutritional values of mung bean with considering sustain-
source of mineral nitrogen for the succeeding crops. Mungbean able agriculture.
is rich in easily digestible protein, it also contains vitamin A, B1,
B2, C, niacin, folate, iron, calcium, and zinc. Nutrition therapy
on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is quite ef- MATERIALS AND METHODS
fective at treating common diseases. The most important health
benefits of mung beans are anti-oxidant effects, antifungal and All relevant papers in English language of various re-
antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory activity, activity against searchers and scholars from different countries were col-
diabetes, hypertension and cancer. Mung bean clears heat, detoxi- lected. The keywords of mung bean, traditional Chinese
fies, reduces swelling, promotes urination, quenches thirst, aids medicine, biological nitrogen fixation, and health benefits
edema in the lower limbs. It is recommended for conjunctivitis, were searched in Google Scholar, Scopus, Research Gate
diabetes, dysentery, summer heat, heatstroke, dehydration, edema and PubMed.
and food poisoning.
Keywords: mung bean, traditional chinese medicine, biological TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE
nitrogen fixation, health benefits FOR ORGANIC LIFE
MUNG BEAN COMPOSITION, MEDICINAL USES Species and common names of the two im-
IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE portant species of Vigna radiata is shown in
AND MODERN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Table 1. Macronutrient composition of mung
bean is presented in Table 2. The most impor-
Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is widely consumed as a nutritional food tant and modern pharmacology of mung bean
in the forms of cooked whole beans, flour, or sprouts (Adsule et al., is shown in Table 3. Selected mung bean re-
1986). In China, it has also been used as a medicinal herb for dissipating cipes on herbal remedies is presented in Ta-
fever and detoxicating the body since the 1050,s (Zhu et al., 2012). In- ble 4. Biological activities and compounds of
terestingly, in the line with the ancient description, recent studies have mung beans is shown in Table 5. Amino acids
manifested that mung bean extract and/or components such as vitexin in mung bean protein isolates with levels com-
and isovitexin can alleviate pathogenic heat and oxidative stresses (Cao paring the ones adapted from FAO/WHO is
et al., 2011; Chung et al., 2011). Drinking a bowl of cold sweet mung presented in Table 6.
bean soup every day is a Chinese habit in summer, and it is a delicious Greater amounts of potassium, nitrogen
dessert and a cold (yin energy) treat to cool down the body system in the and phosphorus were taken up from intercrop-
heat. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the tiny green mung ping soil than from the monoculture (Soleyma-
beans (lu dou) eaten as soup or congee can expel toxins. According to ni et al., 2011a; Soleymani and Shahrajabian,
TCM, since mung beans are cold (yin), they help dispel internal heat, 2012b; Shahrajabian et al., 2017). Nitrogen is
clear away toxins, promote urination and relieve hot weather aliments one of the primary limiting nutrients for plant
and rashes (Using the tiny ...). From an energetic perspective, mung be- growth in agriculture, and the productivity of
ans are a surefire way to support your entire body while relieving itchy many agricultural ecosystems is controlled by
skin rashes, and detoxing and strengthening your Stomach and Liver. nitrogen availability (Broumand et al., 2010;
Most illnesses are related, on an energetic level, to poor Liver function, Khoshkharam et al., 2010; Shahrajabian et
so it is especially important to give this organ a boost. And even though al., 2011; Soleymani and Shahrajabian, 2011;
Spring is the season of the Liver, mung beans can be used throughout Soleymani et al., 2011d; Soleymani et al.,
the year, with an added side-effect of beautiful, glowing skin (Mung 2012a; Shahrajabian et al., 2013; Soleymani
Beans: A TCM ...). et al., 2013; Soleymani et al., 2016; Shahraja-
bian and Soleymani, 2017a; Shahrajabian and
Table 1. Species and common names of the two important species of Vigna Soleymani, 2017b; Abdollahi et al., 2018). As
radiata. a consequence of the persistent energy crises
resulting in higher fertilizer costs, biological
Species Synonyms Common Names
N2-fixation (BNF) has become one of the most
Vigna radiata Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek Mung bean, green gram, attractive strategies for the development of
var. aureus golden gram
sustainable agricultural systems (Hayat et al.,
Phaseolus radiatus (L.) Orgeon pea, Moong, 2008). The factors determining the symbiotic
Jerusalem pea
process are the genetic constitution of the host
Phaseolus aureus Roxb. Newman pea plant and bacteria, environment, and technolo-
Vigna radiata Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper Urd, urd bean, black gram gical inputs such as inoculums, fertilizers and
var. mungo pesticides. Balasubramanian and Sinha (1976)
Phaseolus mungo (L.) Mash, mungo bean, concluded that there was a considerable fall in
woolly pyrol, black mapte the nitrogen fixation efficiency of mung beans
under saline environment. Inoculation with
Bradyrhizobium enhanced nodulation, shoot
biomass and grain yield of mung bean. The le-
Table 2. Macronutrient composition of mung bean (Dahiya et al., 2015).
gume residues can supply more mineral nitro-
Macronutrient Average# Minimum Maximum gen to the succeeding crops than cereal residu-
Moisture (g/100 g) 9.80 4.10 15.20 es due to their relatively high nitrogen contents
(Hayat et al., 2008). Anwar et al. (2018) conc-
Crude protein (g/100 g dm) 23.8 14.6 32.6
luded that in organic sources application of po-
Crude lipid (g/100 g dm) 1.22 0.71 1.85 ultry manure at the rate of 5 ton ha-1 improved
Crude fiber (g/100 g dm) 4.57 3.8 6.15 growth, yield and yield components of mung
Ash (g/100 g dm) 3.51 0.17 5.87 bean. They have recommended 30 kg ha-1
with 5 tons ha-1 poultry manure to the farmers.
Carbohydrate (g/100 g dm) 61.0 53.3 67.1
Htwe et al. (2019) concluded that Bradyrhizo-
Energy (Kcal/100 g dm) 344 338 347 bium japonicum SAY3-7 plus Bradyrhizobium
Mean value of all collected data. elkanii BLY3-8 and Streptomyces griseoflavus
Shahrajabian M.H. et al. – A short review of health benefits and nutritional values of mung bean ... 33
Table 3. The most important and modern pharmacology of mung bean.
Protein and phospholipids can excite nerves and increase appetite, which is necessary to increase the nutrition of many
important organs.
Polysaccharide can enhance the activity of the serum lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and in turn promote the triglyceride hydrolysis
in lipoprotein so that it obtains the lipid-lowering effect, which thus can prevent coronary heart disease and angina pectoris.
3 Antimicrobial ingredients like tannin can accelerate local hemostasis and promote wound healing.
4 It is a good raw source for extracting SOD, which has very good anti-aging effect.
It has inhibition on staphylococci and certain virus. That is to say, it can clear heat and detoxify, which is really useful on
treating acne caused by inflammation or endogenous heat.
One type of globulin and polysaccharide can promote animal’s cholesterol to break down into cholic acid in the liver,
accelerate the secretion of bile salt in bile, and reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.
According to clinical trials reported, its active ingredients are with anti-allergic effects, which can treat hives and other
8 It is rich in trypsin inhibitors, which can protect the liver, reduce protein breakdown, and thereby protect the kidneys.
Through experiments, it was found with some certain preventive effect on morphine + nitrate induced mouse lung and liver
It is so rich in protein that the fresh mung bean milk can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa if taken orally. In addition,
its protein, proteins, tannins and flavonoids can combine with organophosphorus pesticides, mercury, arsenic, and lead
compounds to form precipitate and thus reduce or totally get rid of their toxicity since they are difficult to the gastrointestinal
source: Chinese Herbs Healing. Art of Herbal Remedies Revealed http://www.chineseherbshealing.com/mung-beans/
San Dou Yin from Shi Yi De Xiao Fang (Effective Formulas from Generations of Physicians). It joins hands with Chi Xiao
Dou (Adzuki beans), Hei Dou (black soya bean), and Gan Cao (Licorice Root) to prevent smallpox and measles.
Lu Dou Yin from Jing Yue Quan Shu (Jingyue’s Collected Writings). It is used alone to cook and make cold drink for the
treatment of polydipsia, dark urine, and others due to hot summer weather.
Lu Dou Yin from Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng (The Level-line of Patterns & Treatment). It is matches with Huang Lian (Coptis
3 Root), Ge Gen (Kudzu Root), and Licorice to detoxify the people suffering from food poisoning or poisoning induced by
aconite, croton, arsenic and other toxics.
Tuo Li Tang from Sheng Ji Zong Lu (Complete Record of Holy Benevolence). It is coupled with Ru Xiang (Frankincense) to
treat carbuncle on the back and vomiting and pain due to a number of pathogens attacking heart.
Lu Dou Yin from Huo You Xin Shu (The Heart Book of Pediatrics). It is formulated with Coptis, Kudzu, and Licorice to cure
irritability, nausea, vomiting or thirst due to eating medicine of hot nature by mistake.
source: Chinese Herbs Healing. Art of Herbal Remedies Revealed http://www.chineseherbshealing.com/mung-beans/
Table 5. Biological activities and compounds of mung beans (Tang et al., 2014).
Table 6. Amino acids in mung bean protein isolates with levels comparing the ones adapted from FAO/WHO (Zhu et al., 2018).
MBPI levels Amino acids MBPI (mg g-1) FAO/WHO (mg g-1)
Overview Total amino acids 800.2
Total essential amino acids 348.2 (43.51%)a
Total aromatic amino acids 96.7 (12.08%)a
Total sulfur amino acids 13.0 (1.63%)a
Higher levels Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 90.3 63
Leucine 74 66
Lysine 62.4 58
Valine 46.3 35
Isoleucine 39.1 28
Histidine 27.9 19
Lower levels Threonine 28.4 34
Methionine + cysteine 13 25
Tryptophan 6.4 11
Not mentioned by the FAO/WHO Glutamic acid/glutamine 125.4
Aspartic acid/asparagines 85.3
Arginine 64.4
Serine 38.5
Alanine 36.6
Glycine 32.2
Proline 30
MBPI – mung bean protein isolates.
Percent of amino acids, relative to total amino acids in MBPI.
Figure 1. Mung bean seeds (A), sprouts (B) and plant with pods (C).
eding crops than cereal residues due to their relatively high Chung I.M., Yeo M.A., Kim S.J., Moon H.I., 2011. Protec-
nitrogen contents. Benefits of mung beans have also been tive effects of organic solvent fractions from the seeds of
attributed to control of cereal diseases and insect pests and Vigna radiata L. wilczek against antioxidant mechanisms.
improvements in soil structure (Zhu et al., 2018). Human and Experimental Toxicology, 30(8): 904-909, doi:
Mungbean is rich in easily digestible protein, it also
Dahiya P.K., Linnemann A.R., Van Boekel M.A.J.S.,
contains vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, niacin, folate, and Khetarpaul N., Grewal R.B., Nout M.J., 2015. Mung
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hemagglutinins, and polyphenols (Dahiya et al., 2015). views in Food Science and Nutrition, 55(5): 670-688, doi:
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cholesterol, treat pesticide poisoning and lead poisoning, gen fixation, nutrient uptake and seed yield of mung bean,
cowpea, and soybean. Agronomy, 9: 77, doi: 10.3390/agron-
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