Antiferromagnetic Order in Co-Doped Fe 5GeTe 2 Pro
Antiferromagnetic Order in Co-Doped Fe 5GeTe 2 Pro
Antiferromagnetic Order in Co-Doped Fe 5GeTe 2 Pro
Xiang Chen,1, 2, ∗ Enrico Schierle,3 Yu He,4, 2, 1 Mayia Vranas,5 John William Freeland,6 Jessica.
L. McChesney,6 Ramamoorthy Ramesh,7, 1, 2 Robert J. Birgeneau,2, 1, 7 and Alex Frano5, †
Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialen und Energie, BESSY II, D-12489 Berlin, Germany.
Department of Applied Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 06511, USA
Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, California 92093, USA
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
arXiv:2207.14412v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 28 Jul 2022
The unique nature of the cleavable, quasi-two- lar magnetic metal, which hosts a metastable, zero-field
dimensional (quasi-2D) van der Waals (vdW) materi- Néel-type skyrmion lattice at RT, was discovered at x =
als offers rich platforms for exploring both exotic phys- 0.5 of Co-F5GT [36, 37]. The aforementioned observa-
ical phenomena and technological applications [1–9]. A tions of the Co-F5GT system highlight its immense tun-
broad variety of intriguing physical phenomena have been ability and capacity for unusual magnetic properties and
reported in recent years by investigating the (atomi- could render applications in next-generation spintronics.
cally thin) vdW bonded compounds. Some exceptional Despite the reports of exotic magnetic textures such
phenomena include unconventional superconductivity in as the chiral soliton lattices and skyrmions in F5GT or
twisted graphene [10], nonlinear Hall effect in few-layer Co-F5GT [36, 38, 39], there is a scarcity of information
WTe2 [11, 12], 2D magnetism in monolayer Cr2 Ge2 Te6 from neutron scattering studies of these systems. The
[13, 14], CrI3 [15, 16] and the quantum anomalous Hall challenge of growing single crystals large enough for neu-
effect in insulating tellurides [17, 18]. Among the differ- tron experiments hinders the timely investigations of the
ent materials, the layered vdW, itinerant magnets rep- magnetic properties of Co-F5GT. Here, we demonstrate
resent ideal quasi-2D material systems which enable the the applicability of utilizing the element specific, resonant
coupling between the electronic and magnetic degrees of magnetic x-ray scattering (RMXS) technique [40–43] to
freedom [1, 4–7]. Therefore, vast opportunities arise be- investigate the bulk magnetic properties of a specific Co-
cause of the rich physical properties and the abundant F5GT single crystal at x = 0.45(1). By tuning the x-ray
possibilities for functional devices [19, 20]. energy E = h̄ω to either the Fe L edges or Co L edges,
Very recently, some promising quasi-2D magnetic tel- our study determines the contribution from both the Fe
lurides [21–33], such as Fe5 GeTe2 (F5GT) and CrTe2 , and Co spin moments to the magnetic order. In addition,
with atomically thin nanoflakes for promising room tem- our scattering data affirms the A-type AFM order, with
perature (RT) spintronics have been reported. The a Néel temperature TN ∼ 340 K and an out-of-plane mo-
F5GT compound has a ferromagnetic (FM) transition ment direction. The influence of external magnetic fields
above RT at TC ∼ 315 K [30, 31]. Intriguingly, on the AFM ground state is also explored and found to
with cobalt (Co) substitution of iron (Fe) in F5GT be consistent with magnetization measurements.
((Fe1−x Cox )5−δ GeTe2 , Co-F5GT), the magnetic transi- Single crystals of Co-F5GT at x = 0.45(1) (labeled
tion temperature is further increased up to ∼ 360 K, here as Co45-F5GT) were synthesized using the chem-
and the magnetic ground state switches from FM to an- ical vapor transfer technique [30, 31, 44]. The chemi-
tiferromagnetic (AFM) when the Co doping level reaches cal composition of the samples was verified by energy
x ≥ 0.4 [34, 35]. Interestingly, a novel wurtzite-type po- dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, with the cation deficiency
FIG. 3. (Color online) Temperature dependence of the (0, 0, FIG. 4. (Color online) Magnetic field dependence of the (0,
0.5) peak, at different energies: (a) Fe LIII edge, E = 708 0, 0.5) peak on resonance. (a) The (0, 0, 0.5) peak at T =
eV, (b) Co LIII edge, E = 778.2 eV. Solid lines in (a)-(b) are 300 K and E = 708 eV, collected under select magnetic fields.
Lorentzian fits to the peak intensity. (c) Power law fits to the Solid lines are Lorentzian fits to the peak intensity. (b) Field
integrated area of the (0, 0, 0.5) peak at both Fe and Co LIII dependence of the integrated area of the (0, 0, 0.5) peak at
edges. For better comparison, the data is normalized to 1 at 300 K, at both Fe and Co LIII edges. The peak intensity is
T = 300 K. completely suppressed beyond H ∗ = 2.4(1) T. The green line
is a fit to the data by assuming the intensity is proportional
to the c component of the magnetization squared m2c . For
level x [30, 31, 36, 38]. Consequently, it is important better comparison, the data is normalized to 1 at zero field.
(c) Phase diagram of the temperature dependent H ∗ , from
to investigate the magnetic properties of Co-F5GT by
both the magnetization and RMXS measurements.
using a direct, bulk-sensitive, element-specific scattering
technique such as RMXS.
Our RMXS experiments were performed on Co45-
F5GT single crystals with the AA-stacking sequence also examined, as shown in Figs. 2-3. With increasing
(P3̄m1, Fig. 1(b)). A strong peak is identified at the temperature, the peak intensity at either the Fe or the Co
structurally forbidden Bragg peak position Q0 = (0, 0, LIII edge is becoming vanishingly small and independent
0.5) below the magnetic onset temperature. To under- of temperature above the transition temperature TN =
stand fully the nature of this reflection, we present a 337(3) K (Fig. 3) [44].
thorough study of its dependence on x-ray energy, po- Both the energy and temperature dependent studies
larization, temperature and magnetic field. Fig. 2 shows in Figs. 2-3 demonstrate the magnetic nature of the
the x-ray energy dependence of the Q0 reflection. Res- (0, 0, 0.5) peak, which is in agreement with the AFM
onant peak profiles were recorded near both the Fe and behavior from the magnetization in Fig. 1(c). This is
Co LIII or LII edges (Fe LIII ∼ 708 eV, Fe LII ∼ 720 further supported by studying the magnetic field H de-
eV, Co LIII ∼ 778 eV and Co LII ∼ 793 eV) [45–47]. A pendence of the Q0 peak on resonance (at both Fe and
single energy dependent peak profile is evident near both Co LIII edges), examined at select temperatures (Fig. 4).
the Fe and Co LIII (LII ) edges. This resonance in photon The field was applied in the ab plane of the sample (Fig.
energy is a strong signature of the magnetic nature of 1(a)). With increasing magnetic field, the Q0 peak in-
the Q0 peak [42, 43, 45–47]. To support this argument tensity is gradually suppressed and reaches almost zero
further, the temperature dependence of the Q0 peak at when H ≥ H ∗ . This can be easily understood since the
the resonance energies (both Fe and Co LIII edges) was applied magnetic fields are polarizing the spins along the
FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) The (0, 0, 0.5) peak, collected at | eiQ·rj kf ·mj |2 = | eiQ·rj ki ·mj |2 +| eiQ·rj eσ ·mj |2
708 eV and 300K, with the incoming x-ray either horizontally j j j
(π-pol) or vertically (σ-pol) polarized. Iσ = Iπ is observed. (2)
(b) The intensity ratio Iσ /Iπ ≈ 1 in a wide range of azimuthal
where ki and kf are the unit vectors along the incom-
angle Ψ, where Ψ = 0 is defined when the [1 0 0] direction is
parallel to the scattering plane. ing and reflected photon wave-vector directions, respec-
tively. The azimuthal Ψ dependence of the Q0 peak was
performed by rotating the sample about the Q0 direction,
which is parallel to the c-axis (Fig. 1(a)), and measuring
field direction. When the magnetic moments are fully the peak intensity for both polarizations. Clearly, Iσ ≈
polarized under H ≥ H ∗ , the magnetic structure enters Iπ is maintained over a broad range of the Ψ angle (Fig.
into the polarized FM state and hence the peak inten- 5(b)). This rules out the possible contribution from Γ5
sity at Q0 disappears. By assuming that the measured since the presence of in-plane moments will manifest as
peak intensity is proportional to the c component of the an angle-dependent azimuthal scan by virtue of rotat-
magnetic moment squared m2c , which equals Msat 2
− Mab2
ing the projections shown in Equation (2). It is evident
from the magnetization data in Fig. 1(d), an excellent that only the solution from Γ3 satisfies Equation (2) (Iπ
agreement is found between the field dependence of the = Iσ ), regardless of the Ψ angle, since the magnet mo-
resonant peak intensity at Fe LIII edge and the measured ments pointing along the c direction are parallel to the
magnetization squared (green line in Fig. 4(b)). Specif- rotation axis along the Q0 direction. From these argu-
ically, the H ∗ values at different temperatures inferred ments, the experimental data determine an A-type AFM
from both the RMXS data and the magnetization data order with Ising moments in Co45-F5GT, as depicted in
also match each other excellently, which are summarized Fig. 1(b).
and plotted as the phase diagram in Fig. 4(c). Our RMXS study together with the magnetization
Combining all evidence, our study confirms the AFM data on the Co45-F5GT single crystals confirm the long-
nature of Co45-F5GT with a propagation vector Q0 = range AFM ground state. Under moderate magnetic
(0, 0, 0.5) and a transition temperature TN ∼ 340 K. fields (H < H ∗ ), this AFM state is still maintained, since
The similar behavior of the magnetic peak at both the the (0, 0, 0.5) magnetic peak is only gradually weakened
Fe or Co L edges indicates an important contribution in magnitude, but without becoming incommensurate or
from the Co spin moments in Co-F5GT. This explains significantly broadened in peak width. This suggests that
why the saturation moment of Co45-F5GT at 10 K (Fig. it is unlikely to have the magnetic field induced exotic
1(d))–Msat ∼ 8 µB per formula unit (f.u.)–is only slightly spin textures in Co45-F5GT with the AA-stacking order,
smaller than the value of Msat ∼ 10 µB per f.u. in F5GT unlike the novel AA0 -stacked structure hosting Néel-type
(x = 0). By assuming the average Fe magnetic moment skyrmion lattices in Co-F5GT at x = 0.50 [36, 37]. The
is unchanged (∼ 2 µB /Fe) [30, 31, 36, 48], the average contrasting magnetic textures in Co-F5GT, albeit with
Co spin moment contribution to the magnetization is es- the similar Co doping level x = 0.45 or x = 0.5, high-
timated to be ∼ 1.1 µB /Co in Co45-F5GT. Clearly, iden- light the essential role of the underlying lattice symmetry,
tifying the presence of an ordered magnetic moment at as well as the contribution from the Co spin moments.
the Co site is an important result of our work. Additionally, the Co magnetic moments appear to play
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