No06SCI2009JMST 235 pp1225-1233
No06SCI2009JMST 235 pp1225-1233
No06SCI2009JMST 235 pp1225-1233
Reliability Analysis and Preventive Maintenance for Fatigue Life of End Beam
for Uncovered Freight Car
4 230
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(Manuscript Received March 12, 2007; Revised February 14, 2008; Accepted September 1, 2008)
As the cumulative running times of a locomotive truck increases, degradation such as fatigue, wear, and deterioration
occur. Particularly the container train and uncovered freight train, their maintenance cost during their lifetime is three
times more than the manufacturing cost. Generally, for the freight train, corrective maintenance to repair a bad part
after a breakdown is not adapted; however, preventive maintenance that fixes a bad part before a breakdown is. There-
fore, it is important and necessary to establish a system of optimal preventive maintenance and exact maintenance pe-
riod. This study attempts to propose a preventive maintenance procedure that predicts a repair period using reliability
function and instantaneous failure rate based on fatigue test and load history data. Additionally, this method is applied
to the end beam of an uncovered freight train, which is the brake part, and its usefulness is examined and analyzed.
Keywords: Preventive maintenance; Cumulative fatigue damage; Miner’s rule; Maximum likelihood estimator; Kaplan-Meier estimator
1. Introduction
According to the time of maintenance executed,
The performance of locomotive truck frames de- maintenance is usually divided into two major catego-
creases as the cumulative running time increases. Its ries: corrective maintenance (CM) and preventive
causes are expected to be fatigue, wear, and deteriora- maintenance (PM) [6-11]. The former corresponds to
tion. New inspection and repair methods are needed the actions that occur after the system breaks down,
for their safety because freight trains require higher while the latter corresponds to the actions that take
speed and longer running time. In the case of con- place while the system is operating. Most investiga-
tainer and uncovered freight trains, the maintenance tions on preventive maintenance have been limited by
cost is about three times more than their manufactur- regular inspection time or components management.
ing cost during their lifetime [1, 2]. Therefore, it is Since the performance test or endurance test of freight
important to establish an optimal preventive mainte- trains is achieved in proving railroad, its reliability
nance schedule to minimize the total cost with the estimation is very difficult to obtain.
desired or specified levels of operational safety and Reliability estimation function can be predicted by
reliability [3-5]. It can also maximize the availability probability density function, cumulative distribution
of the components and optimize some other specified function, or hazard rate function, which is a function
†This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate of replacement time (or fatigue crack initiation time)
Editor Chongdu Cho based on the maintenance records. The preventive
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 51 2007651, Fax.: +82 51 2007656
maintenance of freight trains is very useful because
E-mail address: [email protected]
© KSME & Springer 2009 the demand prediction of their parts through reliabil-
1226 S.-H. Baek et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1225~1233
1/ m
⎛ n m⎞
⎜ ∑ ln ti ⎟
η = ⎜ i =1 ⎟ (3)
⎜ r ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠
to (6), respectively. 300
T-type welding, R= 1
250 No Fracture
R (t ) = exp ⎢⎜ − ⎟ ⎥
⎣ 6 i =1
(4) = 0.405
⎢⎣⎝ η ⎠ ⎥⎦ 150
P = 95%
⎡⎛ t ⎞ m ⎤ 100
F (t ) = 1 − exp ⎢⎜ − ⎟ ⎥ (5)
⎢⎣⎝ η ⎠ ⎥⎦ 50
f (t ) = ⎜ ⎟ (6)
η ⎝η ⎠ ⎢⎣⎝ η ⎠ ⎥⎦ 4
10 10
Furthermore, the hazard rate function (instantane- Fig. 3. P-S-N curve for SS400 steel.
ous failure rate function) is the ratio of probability
3. Freight train preventive maintenance sched-
density function to reliability function. It is expressed
as Eq. (7).
3.1 P-S-N curve of SS400 steel
m −1
m⎛ t ⎞ The material of the end beam for an uncovered
h(t ) = ⎜ ⎟ (7)
η ⎝η ⎠ freight train is SS400 steel. Its fatigue test was per-
formed by the Schenck-type twisting and bending
The Kaplan-Meier estimator [12, 14] for fatigue fatigue testing machine under the maximum bending
data with censored observations is used in this study. moment of 4 kg·m, frequency of 1,800 rpm, and
It is compared with the median that corresponds to stress ratio of -1 (Fig. 2). The static and dynamic test
more than 50% of the failure probability. The Kaplan- results of the T-type welded specimens are introduced
Meier estimator of hazard rate function and reliability in the references [2]. See references for further details.
function are expressed as Eqs. (8) and (9), respec- A P-S-N (probabilistic-stress-life) curve can be ob-
tively. tained from JSME S002.
Fig. 3 shows the P-S-N curve for SS400 steel. The
⎛ dj ⎞ relationship between stress amplitude and fatigue life
R (t ) = ∏ (1 − h j (t ) ) = ∏ ⎜1 −
⎜ nj
(8) is given in Eq. (10).
j∈t j < t j∈t j < t ⎝ ⎠
dj log N = 6.728 − 0.0094∆s / 2 ± 0.405 (10)
h j (t ) = (9)
The mean of the fatigue limit by the JSME statisti-
cal S-N testing method was 52.8 MPa.
where n is the total number of units, nj and dj denote
the number of subjects that survive just before time tj
3.2 Estimation of loading history
and the number of failure occurring at time tj , respec-
tively. It is very difficult to change the size of the end beam
1228 S.-H. Baek et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1225~1233
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
Min. 0.51 36.26 36.75 70.65 31.14 3.41
Max. 7.74 48.26 51.62 94.14 72.02 6.96
Mean 3.71 8.47 8.83 13.28 0.13 0.4
Modified Palmgren-Miner rule
Fig. 7. Result of the rainflow cycle counting histogram.
Mean stress
Life Damage Year
G1 Unlimited 0 Unlimited
G2 983,700 1.02×10-6 46.79
G3 360,400 2.77×10-6 17.14
G4 209,800 4.77×10-6 7.98
G5 5,146,000 1.94×10-7 244.78
G6 170×106 5.88×10-9 8,086
G1 23.2×106 4.31×10-8 4,833
G2 35,350 2.83×10-5 7.36
G3 36,550 2.74×10-5 7.61
G4 14,010 7.14×10-5 2.92
G5 50,780 1.97×10-5 10.58
G6 11.5×106 8.69×10-8 2,397
reliability function
95% lower bound
95% upper bound
Reliability function, %
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fatigue life, year
Table 3. Estimation of the two-parameter Weibull distribu- Table 4. Percentile and hazard function for cumulative failure
tion. probability.
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Kookmin University in 1988. Dr.
Joo is currently a Professor at the
Seok-Heum Baek received a B.S. Mechanical Engineering at Dong-A University in Busan,
and M.S. degree in Mechanical Korea. His research interests are in the area of creep and
Engineering from the Dong-A fatigue in high temperature alloy, fatigue design, and
University in 2001 and 2003, strength evaluation.
respectively. He is currently a
Ph.D. student at the School of
Mechanical Engineering at Dong-
A University in Busan, Korea.
Student Baek works on ceramic composite design and
robust and reliability-based design, and his research inter-
ests are in the areas of trade-off analysis in multicriteria
optimization, design under uncertainty with incomplete
information, and probabilistic design optimization.