Nace Ampp CP1 Epg
Nace Ampp CP1 Epg
Nace Ampp CP1 Epg
Target Audience...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Types of Questions........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Description of Questions..................................................................................................................................... 9
Preparation ....................................................................................................................................................................11
Training ....................................................................................................................................................................11
Books ........................................................................................................................................................................11
Papers .......................................................................................................................................................................11
Standards ................................................................................................................................................................11
Calculators ..............................................................................................................................................................13
Conversions ............................................................................................................................................................15
Symbol of deinitions..........................................................................................................................................15
Formulas ..................................................................................................................................................................15
Note: Completion of course does not entitle the candidate to the certification.
Target Audience
Candidates for Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) should ideally have several years of CP field
experience and possess intermediate level knowledge of corrosion theory, CP concepts, the types of CP
systems in common use, and be competent with basic rectifier diagnostics, intermediate level field
measurement techniques and equipment. CP Technician candidates could also be practicing
technicians or engineers with a more modest level of cathodic protection experience, but with more
significant relevant technical education.
Typically, Cathodic Protection Technicians are responsible for testing and maintaining the effectiveness
of operating CP systems and components and supervising or assisting with the installation of CP
systems. This includes troubleshooting, identifying interference conditions, performing over-the-line
surveys and evaluating the results obtained.
Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) closed book exam (multiple choice, with
relevant references)- NACE-CP2-001
Application Requirement:
Approved Cathodic Protection Technician (CP2) application
Note: Completion of course does not entitle the candidate to the certiication.
Note: Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) exam (practical/ hands on exam) is only given at the
conclusion of the NACE Cathodic Protection Technician Course. Separate arrangements should be made
to take this portion of the exam should the candidate choose not to attend the course.
Submit Application – Candidates must apply for this certification by submitting an on-line application which is
subject to approval. Applications must be submitted within 3 years of successful completion of both exams.
Upon successful completion of requirements, the candidate will be awarded a a Cathodic Protection
Technician (CP 2) Certiication *Approval required
Types of Questions
Description of Questions
The questions on this exam are multiple-choice and there is only one correct answer per question. The
questions are based on the knowledge and skills required in the cathodic protection industry for a
Cathodic Protection Technician. While the NACE training course is an excellent method of preparation,
it is not the only reference used in the development of the questions. Additional references can be
found in the Reference Section.
Sample Questions
The sample questions are included to illustrate the formats and types of questions that will be on the
exam. Your performance on the sample questions should not be viewed as a predictor of your
performance on the actual test.
1. What is the current in a 91 m (300 ft.) span of 762 mm (30 in.) pipe weighing 176.65 kg/m (118.7 lb/
ft), if the voltage drop across that span is 0.62 mV?
a. 0.850 A
b. 1.176 A
c. 2.802 A
d. 2.585 A
2. What is the pipe-to-earth resistance of a 3 km (1.86 mi.) section of 32 cm (12.75 in) diameter pipe
that has a 4-wire current span at each end with the following data?
Eon TS1 = -1320 mV Eon TS2 = -1240 mV
Eoff TS1 = -1000 mV Eoff TS2 = -1080 mV
Ion TS1 = 3.0 A Ion TS2 = 2.6 A
Ioff TS1 = 1.0 A Ioff TS2 = 1.0 A
3. When an ammeter with an internal resistance of 0.15 Ω is inserted into a circuit that is normally
operating at 5 V and 20 A, the ammeter will read a current of:
a. 0.08 A
b. 10 A
c. 12.5 A
d. 50 A
Answer Key
1. A
Reference: NACE Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Course Material
2. D
Reference: NACE Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Course Material
3. C
Reference: NACE Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) Course Material
To take the NACE Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) exam without taking the NACE Cathodic
Protection Technician (CP 2) course, the following materials are recommended for review. These are in
addition to reference materials listed in the Exam Preparation Guide for the Cathodic Protection Tester
(CP1) exam. The CP2 exam covers certain information that is contained within these documents, as well
as primarily, the Cathodic Protection Technician (CP2) course material.
§ Peabody, A.W. (2001), Control of Pipeline Corrosion, Second edition. NACE International, the
Corrosion Society.
§ Holtsbaum, W. B. Cathodic Protection Survey Procedures. NACE International, the Corrosion Society, 2012
§ Parker, M. and Peattie, E., Pipeline Corrosion and Cathodic Protection, Third Edition, Gulf Publishing, 1984
§ Ansuini, Frank J., James R. Dimond, “Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Reference Electrodes”,
Materials Performance, 33, 11 (1994): pp. 14-17.
§ “A Guide to Understanding Electrode Readings”, Robert M. Park, Materials Performance, 2009 (NACE
International, Houston, TX).
The latest editions should be used for all standards. Certain content from these standards are
incorporated in the NACE Cathodic Protection Technician (CP 2) course materials and some of them are
included in the course manual.
§ SP0169 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems
§ SP0285 Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection
§ SP0388 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Carbon Steel
Water Storage Tanks
§ SP0177 Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and
Corrosion Control Systems
§ American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Standard D104 “Automatically Controlled, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for the Interior of
Steel Water Tanks.”
§ American Petroleum Institute (API)
Recommended Practice 651, “Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Petroleum Storage Tanks.
Recommended Practice 1632, “Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and
Piping Systems.”
§ U.S. Government, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
49CFR Part 192, Subpart I Natural Gas Pipelines
49CFR Part 193, Subpart G Liquefied Natural Gas
49CFR Part 195, Subpart D Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
40CFR Part 280 Underground Storage Tanks
Numeric Notation
Standard (Floating Decimal) mode menu options
Notation (digits to the left and right of decimal NORM SCI ENG e.g. 123456.78
FLOAT 0 1 2 3 4 5 … e.g. 123456.7800
Scientiic Notation mode menu options
(1 digit to the left of decimal and appropriate NORM SCI ENG e.g. 1.2345678*105
power of 10)
Engineering Notation
mode menu options
(number from 1 to 999 times 10 to an
NORM SCI ENG e.g. 123.45678*103
integer power that is a multiple of 3)
Simple fractions n/d
Mixed numbers 2nd [Un/d]
Conversion b/w simple fraction and mixed number 2nd [n/d Un/d]
s s
Conversion b/w fraction and decimal
2nd [f d]
s s
Powers, roots, and inverses
Square a value x2
Cube a value
Example (24)
Raise value to specified power
2 4
Example (√16):
Square root 2nd [√]
2nd [√] 16
PI (π) π
The scientific calculator might show the results of certain calculations as a fraction - possibly involving
pi or a square root. To convert this kind of result to a single number with a decimal point, you will need
to use the “toggle answer” button circled in the picture below. Pressing this button will change the
display from a fractional to a decimal format.
Answer Toggle
If you find this onscreen calculator difficult to use, raise your hand and ask the TA to provide you with
a hand-held calculator. If available, you will be provided with a scientific or non-scientific calculator.
Candidates are not permitted to bring their own calculator into the testing room.
Reference Material Provided During the Exam
Candidates will not have access to the full manual during the exam however targeted reference material will be
available in the testing system. This material is provided during the exam to aid in answering questions. No outside
material is permitted during the written exam.
§ Conversions
US to metric
§ Symbol definitions
E or e
V or v
mV or mv
µV ar µv
I or i
mA or ma
µA or µa
R, r or Q
§ Formulas
Series Circuits
Parallel Circuits
Area of a Circle
Surface area of a Cylinder
Faraday’s Law
4-Wire Line Current Test Calibration Factor
Coating Conductance
Rectifier Efficiency Formula
AC Input Power
Current Requirement Calculations
§ Tables and Figures
Shunt Types and Values
Consumption Rate (K) for Various Metals
Relative Values of Typical Reference Electrodes to Copper-Copper Sulfate Reference Electrode
Steel Pipe Resistance
Relative Values of Typical Electrodes to a Hydrogen Electrode
Reference Electrode Conversion Scale
4-Wire Current Span Test Station
Meter Measurement Error
Color Code for Resistors