1) Lecture1v11 Part1

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Policies and Guidelines

Cs456 Computer Vision  My Introduction
 Class Exercise
 Attendance Policy/Late Policy
 Elective for Senior/Graduate students
 Quiz Policy
 Announced and Unannounced. Try to drop 1 out of 6
 Prerequisites:
 Programming background
 Plagiarism
 Mathematics especially Linear Algebra
 Mostly viva based assignments
 Results in F Grade
 CR
 No Hard work results in F Grade
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 1 2

Policies and Guidelines (CONT.) Policies and Guidelines (CONT.)

 Questions and Answers Session  Vision and Image Processing Yahoo Group
 Feel Free to ask  Join the Group [email protected]
 Office Location  Image World
 STD 404  For Study Abroad/Scholarships/Jobs in Vision and
 Course Office Hours Image Processing
 Mon (02:00 - 3 pm)  To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 Wed(03:30 – 4:30 pm) http://list.ku.dk/listinfo/sci-diku-imageworld
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
 Moodle [email protected]
 Link:
 For Study abroad/Scholarships
 Moodle Key= ‘Programming’
 Collect Scholarship document (Containing almost all
 Respect the scholarship that are available for Pakistani

3 4


Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects

 Safety Driving (“Feature based driver's Distraction
Policies and Guidelines (CONT.) Detection Techniques using Neural Network based on
Fixed Single Camera”)
Research Publication is 95% completed for VISAPP 2015
Journal Publication in Progress, FYP Students Invited
 Class Exercises 10%
 Rice Grain Analyzer, Research Publication In Progress,
 Homework/Assignments 20%
FYP Students Invited
 Project 15%
 Face Recognition (“Feature Based Face Recognition
 Quizzes/Mini-Tests 10%
Using Slope Table”)
 Mid-Term Exam/Term Test 20%
International Publication in IEEE ICCAIS 2014
 Final Exam 25%
Journal Publication In Progress, FYP Students Invited
 Human Fall Detection
 Challenge: It’s a challenge for you to score A grade in
International Publication in IEEE INMIC 2013
the course.
5 Journal Publication In Progress, FYP Students Invited 6

Vision and Image Processing

Computer Vision
Research Group (VIP G) --- (CONT.)  Good for Industry
 Our FYP Vision Students won First Position in  Lot of Programming Exposure
LUMS CATAR 2012  Matlab Programming Compulsory
 Won 2nd position and 4th in Soft Expo March 2013, 3rd  CV Project can be developed in Matlab, Open CV, Java, .Net,
Android, I-Phone
position in Soft Expo December 2013
 CV Project can be extended to Final Year Project
 Won 3 ICT R&D Scholarship for FYP in 2012-2013  Computer Vision/DIP experts are rare in market
 Won 2 ICT R&D Scholarship for FYP in 2013-2014  Good for Research/Study Abroad
 2 research publication in INMIC, IEEE UET 2013,  MS should be done in specialized area
 Helps you in deciding either to do MS in this area or not
 1 research publication in ICCAIS 2014 IEEE, Korea
 Research based course projects can also be done in this course
 Students got admission in University of Saarland  CV Project can be extended to Final Year Project
Germany, NUCES-FAST, Lahore, UMT, Canada/USA  CV Project can end up in Publication (Big Achievement)

 For details visit VIP G at  Publication can help in getting better admissions

(http://sst.umt.edu.pk/newsite/VIP/index.htm ) 7 Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University



Applications of Computer Vision

What is Computer Vision?
 Medical Imaging
 MRI Scans, Tumor Detection, Angiography
 Computer Vision is about making useful decisions
 Medical Imaging is rich in Europe, USA
about real physical objects and scenes based on sensed
 Defense
 Image Guided Missiles
 Object/Target Detection and Tracking
 Surveillance Solutions

 Agriculture
 Estimation of Crop Production for Exports

Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Material from Ohio State
USA 9 University ,USA 10

Why is computer vision hard? Why is computer vision hard?

 It is difficult for computers to make useful decisions.  It is difficult for computers to make useful decisions.
However, humans are good in making useful decisions. However, humans are good in making useful decisions.

Reference: LUMS Slides, Material from Ohio State Reference: LUMS Slides, Material from Ohio State
University ,USA 11 University ,USA 12


Human Perception Shape from Shading

Reference: LUMS Slides, Material from Ohio State Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
University ,USA 13 USA 14

Shape from Shading What is Perception?

Scene Image Perception
Eye Brain

Image Acquisition Image Interpretation

Scene Image Perception

Camera Computer

Image Acquisition Image Interpretation

Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 15 USA 16


Module 1: Transformations and

Four Modules Imaging Geometry
 Module 1: Imaging Geometry and Transformations

 Module 2: Motion

 Module 3: Binary Image Processing

 Module 4: Segmentation and Clustering

Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 17 USA 18

Module 2: Motion Module 3: Binary Image Processing

 Pyramids

 Optical Flow

 Global Motion Estimation

Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 19 USA 20


Module 4: Segmentation and Projects: cs456 Computer Vision, Fall 2012

Clustering 1. Thumb Recognition
2. Face Recognition (Celebrity Matching)
3. Photo to Cartoon Conversion
4. Video Summarization : Fall Detection
5. Image Editor
6. Sketch to photo matching
7. Car number plate identification
8. Watermarking

Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 21 USA 22

Projects: cs456 Computer Vision, Spring 2013 Projects: cs456 Computer Vision, Fall 2013
1. Thumb Recognition Any previous idea after getting approved from instructor
1. Face Recognition (Attendance System)
2. Face Recognition (Attendance System) 2. Face Recognition (Classroom Attendance System)
3. Face Expression Recognition 3. Face Recognition (Celebrity Matching)
4. Android Application: Multiple face warping
4. Caricature and Photo to Cartoon Conversion 5. Desktop Application: Multiple face warping
5. Sketch to photo matching 6. Android Application: Removing Wrinkles from faces
7. Desktop Application: Removing Wrinkles from faces
6. Sports Highlight Generation
8. Finding soft features (age, gender etc.,) of faces/human body (can
7. Optical Mark Reader also be used to increase the accuracy of thumb and face recognition
8. Number Plate Identification
9. Android Application: Caricature and Photo to Cartoon Conversion
9. Intelligent Traffic Signal 10. Desktop Application: Caricature and Photo to Cartoon Conversion
10. Image Filtering using Skin Detection 11. Video Summarization: Fall Detection
12. Video Summarization: Intelligent Surveillance Camera
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 23 USA 24


Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects

Projects: cs456 Computer Vision, Fall 2013 (CONT.)  Safety Driving (“Feature based driver's Distraction
13 Android Application: Typing in handwritten form Detection Techniques using Neural Network based on
14 Desktop Application: Typing in handwritten form Fixed Single Camera”)
15 Blind Vision Research Publication is 95% completed for VISAPP 2015
16 Gesture and Expression recognition of Dumb
Journal Publication in Progress, FYP Students Invited
17 Optical Mark Reader
18 Harry Potter Computer  Rice Grain Analyzer, Research Publication In Progress,
19 Image Editor FYP Students Invited
20 Dengue Diagnosis and Detection using Image Processing  Face Recognition (“Feature Based Face Recognition
21 Automatic Number Plate Recognition Using Slope Table”)
22 Sign Board Detection
23 Foveated Video Encoder and Decoder International Publication in IEEE ICCAIS 2014
24 Finger print/Thumb Recognition System, Palmist Journal Publication In Progress, FYP Students Invited
25 Car Parking Vacancy Detection and its application in 24-  Human Fall Detection
Hour Statistical Analysis
International Publication in IEEE INMIC 2013
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 25 Journal Publication In Progress, FYP Students Invited 26

Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects

(CONT.) Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.)
11. Sketch to Face Matching
Any previous idea after getting approved from instructor. C Prj list doc
12. Fever Detection using Face
1. Safety Driving: Drowsiness Detection
13. Android Application: Fever Detection using Faces
2. Safety Driving: Face Expression Recognition
14. Face Recognition: Who has more face value?
3. Safety Driving: Improving accuracy of facial feature detection
15. Android: Face Recognition: Who has more face value?
4. Safety Driving: Pain Recognition
16. Finding soft features (age, gender etc.,) of faces/human body (can
5. Face Recognition (Attendance System) also be used to increase the accuracy of thumb and face recognition
6. Face Recognition (Classroom Attendance System) systems)
17. Android: Finding soft features (age, gender etc.,) of faces/human
7. Face Recognition (Celebrity Matching) body (can also be used to increase the accuracy of thumb and face
8. Android: Face Recognition (Celebrity Matching) recognition systems)
9. Face Recognition: Who is elder? 18. Android Application: Multiple face warping
19. Desktop Application: Multiple face warping
10. Android: Face Recognition: Who is elder?
20. Desktop Application: Removing Wrinkles from faces
21. Android Application: Removing Wrinkles from faces
22. Android Application: Caricature and Photo to Cartoon Conversion
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University USA 27 USA 28


Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.) Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.)
23. Desktop Application: Caricature and Photo to 33. Optical Mark Reader
Cartoon Conversion 34. Harry Potter Computer
24. Person Counting
35. Image Editor
25. Video Summarization: Sports Highlight Generation
36. Dengue Diagnosis and Detection using Image
26. Video Summarization: Human Fall Detection
27. Video Summarization: Intelligent Surveillance
Camera 37. Automatic Number Plate Recognition
28. Android Application: Typing in handwritten form 38. Sign Board Detection
29. Desktop Application: Typing in handwritten form 39. Foveated Video Encoder and Decoder
30. Blind Vision 40. Finger print/Thumb Recognition System, Palmist
31. Android Application: Blind Vision
32. Gesture and Expression recognition of Dumb
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 29 USA 30

Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.) Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.)
41. Car Parking Vacancy Detection and its application in 24- 47. Android app: Adding Emotions to input image
Hour Statistical Analysis 48. Android app: Math Calculation
49: For kids learning --- (Maths learning, English Language
42. Face recognition using Low resolution images: Applying Learning, Islamic Religion learning)
standard artistic techniques to improve the face having 50: Android App: To check bonds
low resolution. Artistic techniques and rules include that 51: Submit picture of childhood --- let say age is of 3 yrs and
the left eye has almost same width than right eye, software would generate pics from that input
52: Tooth Brush App:
similarly distance between two eyes is equal to the width
53: Android App: Puzzles:
of an eye, distance from upper portion of forehead to App for Minds Games: It would be dynamic. Series like 1, 1, 2, 3, ___, 8.
nose is same as the distance from nose to chin. There would be Beginner Level (1 to 20 stages), Intermediate (1 to 20
43. Watermarking stages) and Expert (1 to 50 stages)
54: Android App for Doodling
44. Sign Board Detection 55: Android App to measure size of object
45. Kitchen Activity 56: Android App for Labor Force: To manage labors. (for
46. Satellite Imagery project Rickshaw it is already there)
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 31 USA 32


Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.) Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.)
 Android App: Expression Recognition (Action  Pic with Celebrity + Joining two pics (of same or
Units) different)
 Android App: Left side is some celebrity and right  Mobile App: Take 5 pic, save only best
side your pic..  Mobile App: Panorama Software
 Marriage App for best group photo  Mobile App: Selfie
 Android App: for good background pics (whole  Mobile App: One dialogue, one film
pak cultural, hilly areas)
 Mobile App: Moody jokes on occasions (weather,
 Android Project: To measure size of object using
special days, event)
 Mobile App: To measure size of the object
 Android Project: Indoor Navigation System using
Mobile  Mobile App: Indoor Navigations System
 Android Project: Email/Save Contact  Mobile App: Car Tracking, SMS on ignition
 Pic with Celebrity + Joining two pics (of same or  Mobile App: Brain Games
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
different) USA 33 USA 34

Project Ideas for this course/Final Year Projects (CONT.)

 For kids who do not eat food.
 Cake and candle coming out of it
 testing of fabric while dying processing for quality
perimeters (ORIC Industrial)
 Mr. Engineer for monitoring worker efficiency (ORIC
 area measurement of irregular shape (ORIC
 Automated waist calculation of a person (For Services
 3D Reconstruction of buildings using Satellite Imagery
 Thumb Recognition: Impl and Survey
 Sketch to Face Matching
Reference: LUMS Slides, Ohio State University
USA 35

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