Smart City - Project Report
Smart City - Project Report
Smart City - Project Report
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Submitted by
Head of Department
Mechanical Engineering
Candidate’s Declaration 4
Certificate 5
Acknowledgement 6
Roles and Responsibilities 7
Personal Engineering Activity 8
Objective 10
Strategy 12
Pan-city initiative 14
Retrofitting 20
Redevelopment 22
Greenfield 24
Chapter 3 CHALLENGES 25
Chapter 7 ADVANTAGES 65
Chapter 8 CONCLUSION 66
Chapter 9 REFERENCES 67
I hereby certify that the work which is being presented by Amit Jaiswal, Ajay Singh
Chauhan, Rajeev Kumar, Raman Kumar, Vijay Kumar in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of degree of B.Tech. in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA is an authentic record of my own work carried out
under the supervision of Er. Harish Kumar Sharma (HOD) and Er. Vikas Kunnar.
Project Member:
Amit Jaiswal [5808614]
Ajay Singh Chauhan [5808615]
Rajeev Kumar [5808608]
Raman Kumar [5808606]
Vijay Kumar [5808613]
First of all we would like to thank our project guide Mr. ...................... Assistant
Professor, Mechanical engineering Department, Kurukshetra University who has given
valuable support during the course of our project by clarifying our doubts and guiding us
with her novel ideas.
We extend our sincere thanks to all teaching staff of mechanical engineering department,
those who helped us in completing this project successfully.
Lastly we also thank the people who directly or indirectly gave us encouragement and
support throughout the project.
As a mechanical engineer, before undertaking any task I checked the feasibility of the
project. In this project, my role is as team members. This report provides an insight into
the design and fabrication of a SMART CITY.
I wanted to know more details of the project before commencing; hence, I researched the
topic thoroughly by referring to journals and articles online. Additionally, I obtained
more information by taking references about the topic.
basic infrastructure,
uses ‘smart’ solutions to make infrastructure and services better, and
relies on Area based development.
Smart Cities focus on their most pressing needs and on the greatest opportunities to
improve lives. They tap a range of approaches - digital and information technologies,
urban planning best practices, public-private partnerships, and policy change - to make a
difference. They always put people first.
In the approach to the Smart Cities Mission, the objective is to promote cities that provide
core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable
environment and application of 'Smart' Solutions. The focus is on sustainable and
inclusive development and the idea is to look at compact areas, create a replicable model
which will act like a light house to other aspiring cities. The Smart Cities Mission is
meant to set examples that can be replicated both within and outside the Smart City,
catalysing the creation of similar Smart Cities in various regions and parts of the country.
The first question is what is meant by a ‘smart city’. The answer is, there is no
universally accepted definition of a smart city. It means different things to different
people. The conceptualisation of Smart City, therefore, varies from city to city and
country to country, depending on the level of development, willingness to change and
reform, resources and aspirations of the city residents. A smart city would have a
different connotation in India than, say, Europe. Even in India, there is no one way of
defining a smart city.
Some definitional boundaries are required to guide cities in the Mission. In the
imagination of any city dweller in India, the picture of a smart city contains a wish list of
infrastructure and services that describes his or her level of aspiration. To provide for the
aspirations and needs of the citizens, urban planners ideally aim at developing the entire
urban eco-system, which is represented by the four pillars of comprehensive
development-institutional, physical, social and economic infrastructure. This can be a
long term goal and cities can work towards developing such comprehensive infrastructure
incrementally, adding on layers of ‘smartness’.
Provide basic infrastructure.
Quality of life.
Clean and sustainable environment.
Apply Smart Solutions.
Set examples to be replicated both within and outside the Smart City and catalyze the
creation of similar Smart Cities.
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pedestrians and cyclists, and necessary administrative services are offered within
walking or cycling distance;
4. Preserving and developing open spaces - parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces
in order to enhance the quality of life of citizens, reduce the urban heat effects in
Areas and generally promote eco-balance;
5. Promoting a variety of transport options - Transit Oriented Development (TOD),
public transport and last mile para-transport connectivity;
6. Making governance citizen-friendly and cost effective - increasingly rely on online
services to bring about accountability and transparency, especially using mobiles to
reduce cost of services and providing services without having to go to municipal
offices. Forming e-groups to listen to people and obtain feedback and use online
monitoring of programs and activities with the aid of cyber tour of worksites;
7. Giving an identity to the city - based on its main economic activity, such as local
cuisine, health, education, arts and craft, culture, sports goods, furniture, hosiery,
textile, dairy, etc;
8. Applying Smart Solutions to infrastructure and services in area-based development in
order to make them better. For example, making Areas less vulnerable to disasters,
using fewer resources, and providing cheaper services.
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order to address the needs of the expanding population. One well known example is the
GIFT City in Gujarat. Unlike retrofitting and redevelopment, greenfield developments
could be located either within the limits of the ULB or within the limits of the local
Urban Development Authority (UDA).
Pan-city development envisages application of selected Smart Solutions to the existing
city-wide infrastructure. Application of Smart Solutions will involve the use of
technology, information and data to make infrastructure and services better. For example,
applying Smart Solutions in the transport sector (intelligent traffic management system)
and reducing average commute time or cost of citizens will have positive effects on
productivity and quality of life of citizens. Another example can be waste water recycling
and smart metering which can make a huge contribution to better water management in
the city.
The smart city proposal of each shortlisted city is expected to encapsulate either a
retrofitting or redevelopment or greenfield development model, or a mix thereof and a
Pan-city feature with Smart Solution(s). It is important to note that pan-city is an
additional feature to be provided. Since smart city is taking a compact area approach, it is
necessary that all the city residents feel there is something in it for them also. Therefore,
the additional requirement of some (at least one) city-wide smart solution has been put in
the scheme to make it inclusive.
For North Eastern and Himalayan States, the area proposed to be developed will be one-
half of what is prescribed for any of the alternative models - retrofitting, redevelopment
or greenfield development.
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Smart grids can help in reducing the accumulated technical and commercial losses,
unscheduled outages and peak demand.
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Accommodating the concerns of mayors and municipal commissioners that pan city
solutions should get more weightage rather than focusing more only on "area specific"
and "project specific plan", the urban development ministry has said that 50% of the
central assistance to each city is not project specific. This can be used for any component
of the Smart City plan including interventions that can impact large sections of the city
population. The pan-city interventions are viewed more as the basic interventions that are
required across the city to embark on the transformation journey. The pan-city initiative
aims to upgrade the existing city-wide infrastructure through application of smart
solutions. For improving the infrastructure and services, the smart solutions would
involve leveraging technology and disseminating relevant information for helping the
users in making well-informed decisions.
A pan-city smart solution should benefit the entire city through application of ICT and
resulting improvement in local governance and delivery of public services. The SCP
should contain one or two such Smart Solutions. Generally, smartness refers to doing
more with less, building upon existing infrastructural assets and resources and proposing
resource efficient initiatives.
Under the ambitious smart city mission, cities are scrambling to put together their plans
to transform themselves into smart cities. The smart cities programme is a key initiative
of the government that aims to make Indian cities more efficient, livable and vibrant and
to infuse economic activity in the country. The smart city plan (SCP) needs to have these
two primary components – the area based interventions which are to be limited to a
specified area and the pan city interventions that are supposed to be implemented across
the city. There are also marks specified for each of these two components for comparing
the plans of the 98 shortlisted cities, with area-based interventions being assigned 55
marks and pan-city interventions being assigned 15 marks. While area-based
interventions are being viewed as the template for a larger rollout of smart city
interventions, the pan-city interventions are viewed more as the basic interventions that
are required across the city to embark on the transformation journey. The pan-city
initiative aims to upgrade the existing city-wide infrastructure through application of
smart solutions. For improving the infrastructure and services, the smart solutions would
involve leveraging technology and disseminating relevant information for helping the
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users in making well-informed decisions. Given that energy, and specifically electricity,
is a key requirement of a modern energy guzzling city, smart grid is a popular choice of a
pan city project. Smart grid helps attain reliable, sustainable and affordable power supply
to the citizens. The traditional power systems face various challenges ranging from
leakages in the distribution system to gap in the demand and supply to high accumulated
technical and commercial (AT&C) losses. In India, the AT&C losses are around 32
percent of the installed generating electricity. Furthermore, the assets are ageing, poorly
monitored and have low efficiency. The citizens lack awareness about the role they can
play in managing their energy demand efficiently. The municipal bodies face challenges
pertaining to distribution management as the demand, especially at the peak hours,
outweighs the supply in many places. The utilities require smart solutions for addressing
issues related to network reliability, limiting the outage duration and reducing the average
cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The smart grid technology can help the utilities in
addressing the existing issues. It can help in reducing the AT&C losses, unscheduled
outages and peak demand by 50 percent, 100 percent and 27 percent respectively. It can
also help in increasing the outage response by 21 percent and improving the customer
experience by 70 percent. Smart grid makes use of high-speed communications, sensors
and controls to provide an intelligent two-way communication system. The two-way
communication system can, in turn, improve the demand side management which, at
present, is a major challenge being faced by the Indian power market. For understanding
how the demand-side management technology will help conserving energy and saving
costs let us consider a hypothetical case of a typical power demand curve for five days.
Essentially, the electricity demand is variable. It is the variability of demand that, at
times, makes energy management difficult for utilities. Furthermore, it might be the case
that the energy requirement for a city during the day is significantly different from the
energy requirements in the night. In general, the base and intermediate loads (See Power
Demand Curve) are taken care of through a contract with power generation agency.
However, for the fluctuating peak-demand, the utility relies upon power exchange. The
power exchange is costly and might lead to losses due to inability of the utility in
estimating the demand of energy. These losses can be reduced if the demand curve
flattens, somehow. The production/purchase of electricity has to be fine-tuned with the
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demand for saving costs and conserving energy to flatten the curve. This flattening of the
curve can take place if the users change their time and amount of energy consumed.
Changes in consumption patterns can translate to load shifting and energy efficiency and
conservation. Smart grid allows load shifting by tuning the parameters associated with
load/demand dynamically. The smart grid technology provides a two-way
communication channel between the utility and the households. Using the smart grid, the
utility can send the rate of electricity at the time of use and other relevant information to
the customers. The utility can also track the energy being used by the households
simultaneously. To complement the grid, smart meters will be installed at the household
level. By the year 2021, India envisages installation of 130 million smart meters.
Installing the smart meters is important because they equip customers with enough
information that the users can monitor their demand and change their consumption
patterns according to the fluctuating prices. Generally, the electricity prices rise during
peak hours. If the users are able to shift the load to off peak hours, then the costs incurred
by them would reduce. Even the utilities could save costs by not generating/buying
additional electricity. Using the information provided by the smart meters, the users can
make well-informed decisions and shift their consumption pattern. With better flow of
information, even the utilities can operate more effectively by introducing cost efficiency
measures. The utility can introduce differential pricing while keeping the users well-
informed on a real time-basis. The billing and collection efficiency will be improved
through these smart grids. Power consumption can also be monitored on a real-time basis
and used for testing pilot projects. On the supply front, smart grid allows integration with
alternative sources of energy such as solar, wind, nuclear, hydrocarbon and cleaner
technologies. This can help in reducing carbon emissions and ensuring a sustainable
source of power supply. For implementing the smart grid, municipal bodies can leverage
from the existing government schemes. The government can extend financial assistance
for the smart energy management initiative under integrated power development scheme
(IPDS), a scheme that envisages bridging the gap in sub transmission & distribution
network and metering. Smart energy management demonstrates one area where the
infrastructure and services can be up graded through the technological interventions. The
cities can take up solutions related to waste management, urban mobility, e-governance,
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medicine, education, incubation, public safety and water management. The initiative must
be relevant, effective, efficient and sustainable for the city. It should positively impact all
the citizens of the city by improving city’s governance or public services or
The strategic components of Area-based development in the Smart Cities Mission are city
improvement (retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (greenfield
development) plus a Pan-city initiative in which Smart Solutions are applied covering
larger parts of the city.
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building both owner and tenants can attain the benefits which are either tangible or
intangible benefits. It will result in reduction in consumption of energy, utilities and
water. Maintenance, new technologies and occupancy changes also need to be
continually dealt with.
Several components of area-based development
(a.) Holistic development of existing and new areas,
(b.) One area catalyzes the development of other areas,
(c.) Sets an example for other cities,
(d.) Quality of life in Areas meets citizens expectations,
(e.) Planned mixed land use,
(f.)Housing, especially for the poor,
(g.) Walkable localities,
(h.) Accessibility to parks,
(i.) Preservation and development of open space,
(j.) Public transport, last mile connectivity,
(k.) Governance is citizen friendly and cost effective.
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Development of an existing built area greater than 500 acres so as to achieve the
objective of smart cities mission to make it more efficient and livable e.g. Local Area
Development (Ahmedabad).
power plant retrofit, improving power plant efficiency / increasing output / reducing
home energy retrofit, the improving of existing buildings with energy efficiency
seismic retrofit, the process of strengthening older buildings in order to make them
earthquake resistant
Benefits of a retrofit
Saving on capex while benefiting from new technologies
Optimization of existing plant components
Adaptation of the plant for new or changed products
Increase in piece number and cycle time
Guaranteed spare parts availability
Principally retrofitting describes the measures taken in the manufacturing industry to
allow new or updated parts to be fitted to old or outdated assemblies (like blades to wind
The production of retrofit parts is necessary in manufacture when the design of a large
assembly is changed or revised. If, after the changes have been implemented, a customer
(with an old version of the product) wishes to purchase a replacement part then retrofit
parts and assembling techniques will have to be used so that the revised parts will fit
suitably onto the older assembly.
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Another example of this is car customizing, where older vehicles are fitted with new
technologies: power windows, cruise control, remote keyless systems, electric fuel
pumps, etc.
Environmental management
The term is also used in the field of environmental engineering, particularly to describe
construction or renovation projects on previously built sites, to improve water quality in
nearby streams, rivers or lakes. The concept has also been applied to changing the output
mix of energy from power plants to cogeneration in urban areas with a potential for
district heating.
Sites with extensive impervious surfaces (such as parking lots and rooftops) can generate
high levels of stormwater runoff during rainstorms, and this can damage nearby water
bodies. These problems can often be addressed by installing new stormwater
management features on the site, a process that practitioners refer to as stormwater
retrofitting. Stormwater management practices used in retrofit projects include rain
gardens, permeable paving and green roofs.
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Replace existing built environment in an area of more than 50 acres and enable co-
creation of a new layout, especially enhanced infrastructure, mixed land use and
increased density e.g. Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai.
Variations on redevelopment include:
Urban infill on vacant parcels that have no existing activity but were previously
developed, especially on Brownfield land, such as the redevelopment of an industrial
site into a mixed-use development.
Constructing with a denser land usage, such as the redevelopment of a block of
townhouses into a large apartment building.
Adaptive reuse, where older structures are converted for improved current market
use, such as an industrial mill into housing lofts.
Redevelopment projects can be small or large ranging from a single building to entire
new neighborhoods or "new town in town" projects.
Redevelopment also refers to state and federal statutes which give cities and counties the
authority to establish redevelopment agencies and give the agencies the authority to
attack problems of urban decay. The fundamental tools of a redevelopment agency
include the authority to acquire real property, the power of eminent domain, to develop
and sell property without bidding and the authority and responsibility of relocating
persons who have interests in the property acquired by the agency. The financing/funding
of such operations might come from government grants, borrowing from federal or state
governments and selling bonds and from Tax Increment Financing.
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Other terms sometimes used to describe redevelopment include urban renewal (urban
revitalization). While efforts described as urban revitalization often involve
redevelopment, they do not always involve redevelopment as they do not always involve
the demolition of any existing structures but may instead describe the rehabilitation of
existing buildings or other neighborhood improvement initiatives.
Urban renewal
Some redevelopment projects and programs have been incredibly controversial including
the Urban Renewal program in the United States in the mid-twentieth century or the
urban regeneration program in Great Britain. Controversy usually results either from the
use of eminent domain, from objections to the change in use or increases in density and
intensity on the site or from disagreement on the appropriate use of tax-payer funds to
pay for some element of the project. Urban redevelopment in the United States has been
controversial because it forcibly displaces poor and lower middle class populations and
turns over their land to wealthy redevelopers for free or for a below-market-value price.
They then use that land to construct private shopping malls, office buildings, automobile
factories and dealerships, and even gambling casinos. This is done and permitted by
American courts in spite of the fact that the Fifth Amendment to the United States
Constitution allows the use of eminent domain only for "public use."[citation needed]
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their legal rights and lack the will and the funds to mount a proper legal defense in a
valuation trial. Those who do so usually recover more in compensation than what is
offered by the redevelopment agencies.
The controversy over misuse of eminent domain for redevelopment reached a climax in
the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2005 5 to 4 decision in Kelo v. City of New
London, allowing redevelopment takings of sound, unblighted homes, solely to allow
redevelopers to put the taken land to more profitable uses and thus increase the revenue
flow to the local municipality. The Kelo decision was widely denounced and remains the
subject of severe criticism. Remedial legislation has been introduced and in some cases
passed, in a number of states.
Develop a previously vacant area of more than 250 acres using innovative planning, plan
financing and plan implementation tools with provision for affordable housing, especially
for the poor e.g. New Town, Kolkotta, Naya Raipur, GIFT City.
The term greenfield was originally used in construction and development to reference
land that has never been used (e.g. green or new), where there was no need to demolish or
rebuild any existing structures. Today, the term greenfield project is used in many
industries, including software development where it means to start a project without the
need to consider any prior work.
Greenfield land is undeveloped land in a city or rural area either used for agriculture,
landscape design, or left to evolve naturally. These areas of land are usually agricultural
or amenity properties being considered for urban development.
Greenfield land can be unfenced open fields, urban lots or restricted closed properties,
kept off limits to the general public by a private or government entity.
Rather than building upon greenfield land, a developer may choose to redevelop
brownfield or greyfield lands, areas that have been developed but left abandoned or
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This is the first time, a MoUD programme is using the ‘Challenge’ or competition
method to select cities for funding and using a strategy of area-based development. This
captures the spirit of ‘competitive and cooperative federalism’.
States and ULBs will play a key supportive role in the development of Smart Cities.
Smart leadership and vision at this level and ability to act decisively will be important
factors determining the success of the Mission.
Understanding the concepts of retrofitting, redevelopment and greenfield development by
the policy makers, implementers and other stakeholders at different levels will require
capacity assistance.
Major investments in time and resources will have to be made during the planning phase
prior to participation in the Challenge. This is different from the conventional DPR-
driven approach.
The Smart Cities Mission requires smart people who actively participate in governance
and reforms. Citizen involvement is much more than a ceremonial participation in
governance. Smart people involve themselves in the definition of the Smart City,
decisions on deploying Smart Solutions, implementing reforms, doing more with less and
oversight during implementing and designing post-project structures in order to make the
Smart City developments sustainable. The participation of smart people will be enabled
by the SPV through increasing use of ICT, especially mobile-based tools.
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A new properly built well can provide people with more and better water. But the new
well itself may have little or no impact on the surrounding community's health if the well
users do not know how to make effective use of the water.
In order to ascertain local needs, you must consider two limiting aspects to the provision
of water: 1) the quality of the water and 2) the quantity of water available locally.
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Good quality water does not contain chemicals and bacteria which are hazards to health
and life. The quality of water can be assured by:
The quantity of water is often more difficult to ensure. Especially in a rural setting,
access (distance) to water will often limit the amount that can be used by each individual,
because of the time needed to convey it. Quantity, however, has a direct bearing on
Five liters per person per day is considered the minimum consumption level, although
desert dwellers exist on less. More than 50 liters per person per day, it has been
estimated, gains no further health benefits. Twentyfive liters per person per day may
become an acceptable goal in places where piped connections to individual houses are
not feasible. Wherever possible, water use beyond minimum-level consumption should
be encouraged. Consumption will rise under the following circumstances:
new well construction to provide a water source closer to a group of people, who will
then presumably be able to gather more water in the same amount of time that they
previously were able to do;
education of local users toward a greater use of water, especially for hygienic
purposes (bathing, washing clothes and cooking utensils).
The quantity of water needed may also be significantly affected by the number of
livestock that require water and by whether the water is to be used for garden irrigation.
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Innovations in smart grid technology and renewable energy can boost nationwide power
generation, lower costs and optimize electricity consumption. This story will talk some
developments in smart power distributor in brief.
Electric energy is one of the most important resources in any economy and the challenge
posed by its supply must be handled well. The extent to which the economy can grow is
fully dependent on the efficiency and sustainability of energy supply to industries and
homes. In the past few years, the level of energy waste in India has been on the rise,
underscoring the need for the government and other stakeholders to address issues of
sustainable development. India is the world’s fourth largest in installed capacity,
according to the Ministry of Urban Development’s 2014 Concept Note on Smart Cities.
Yet it continues to be a country with scarce electricity distribution. Here, smart grids can
be a good way of bringing in transformative operations. The old traditional system lacks
good financial planning, resulting in losses due to poor revenue collection methods. The
system is also ageing with poorly-maintained infrastructure such as transmission lines,
among others. Accenture’s Digitally Enabled Grid of 2014 report found that India’s
rapidly-growing distribution systems need to address network and sustainability issues of
outage response, to help in reducing cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This can be achieved
through theft reduction of electricity and electrical installation systems. India’s smart grid
establishment received a big boost after blackouts that affected more than 600 million
people in 2012. Smart energy technology entails laying a secure and ubiquitous com-
munication link between power sources to the endpoint to ensure a good and efficient
communication channel that will enhance good connectivity. In case of disconnection,
there is a real-time response that ensures quality service delivery. The system also
ensures consumption of required amounts of power, helping to optimize costs to
customer. The smart grid technology is also able to predict and monitor possible failures
and help technical teams to preempt possible solutions. Smart grid technology allows the
grid to be fed by alternate energy sources such as solar, wind and hydrocarbons, among
others. The integration of this power generation into the smart grid enables further
decentralization of distribution and boosts nationwide generation. Such innovation
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encourages low-cost systems that reduce transmission costs and have minimal impact on
the environment. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but only transmitted from
one state to another. The political leadership and other stakeholders need to unite in
sensitizing members of the public on the importance of energy conservation by using
smart technologies.
Utilities must reduce costs while ensuring operational excellence, rapidly digitize end-to-
end processes, and improve performance. They also face the risks of balancing demand
peaks with low intermittent production. Urban power distribution network operators are
facing a growing number of challenges and demands from both consumers and the
authorities today. First of all, the commercial consequences of power discontinuities are
becoming more severe, urging operators to seek a feasible network upgrade solution.
Further, there are new needs emerging, such as charging stations for electrical vehicles
(EV), integration of distributed power generation, and support for demand response
programs. In short, in urban power distribution, existing cable networks have to take on
continuous increasing power consumption. When the decision to upgrade and build
networks with the ability to meet today’s efficiency and supply quality requirements, the
operators typically face the challenge of a huge existing network, which includes
different generations of primary and secondary substations, provided with a wide variety
of equipment. In most cases, this infrastructure is aging, which adds the subsequent risk
for increased component failure rates. Additionally, automation is a desired functionality,
as dense traffic makes it difficult to access the secondary substations.
To achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilization, throughout the
To minimize energy costs / waste without affecting production & quality
To reduce import dependency
To enhance energy security, economic competitiveness, and environmental quality
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Smart City Power Distribution
The Smart City Power Distribution concept, with its intelligent equipment solutions, has
been developed for the demanding urban power distribution environment. Undisturbed
power distribution is required not only to guarantee normal life and business conditions,
but also to ensure availability of electricity to emergency services. To secure undisturbed
power distribution to critical areas, such as commercial centers, it is necessary to receive
early pre-fault warnings and to have a network where alternative supply routes can be
arranged. In emergency situations, it is essential to have fast and accurate fault
localization, fault isolation and power restoration via remote reconfiguration of the
network. Further, emerging needs for energy savings, demand response, integration of
distributed generation and support for the charging of electrical vehicles have to be met
with real-time grid information. The Smart City Power Distribution concept
Meets the total needs of urban power distribution, but allows step-wise, situation-
sensitive implementation to gain the most feasible solution
Relies on standards, which allows for integration into existing systems, as well as
ensuring adaptability as there are new developments and the needs change
The specialized distribution grid automation components include the essential functions
for the grid nodes. These components are able to carry out automatic functions, either on
their own in a local automation scheme or in cooperation with a remote system, either
automatically or manually. Local automation systems can be used for automatic supply
changeover in transformer stations and by utilizing GOOSE messages (based on IEC
61850). Smart City Power Distribution fits, regardless of the size and age of the urban
power distribution system in question. The solutions combine sensible topology of the
primary network, appropriate primary equipment and intelligent protection, as well as
control and automation features into one optimal functional entity. The offering ranges
from a single component to total systems, including related services. Combined with the
possibility for a step-wise implementation, it is easy to adjust to the overall development
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of the urban infrastructure and the distribution grid and its gradual renewal. The
flexibility of smart distribution solutions makes them feasible for both new and existing
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The rapid escalation in the population is always supplemented with an increasing demand
for more infrastructure and construction facilities. Employment and gaining a balanced
economy is another concern for a country having such a rapidly exploding population,
ultimately leading to the emergence of new cities and urban areas.
The rapid dynamic population growth and immigration for new economic opportunities is
expected to congest the urbanized areas, resulting to various civic issues like tremendous
pressure on basic amenities, urban infrastructure, sanitation, waste management and
ultimately degradation of quality life. This congestion in a qualitative lifestyle is expected
to result in the generation of unwanted or useless solid materials from residential,
industrial and commercial activities. Hence, the concept of implementing an effective
management for solid waste to reduce or eliminate such adverse impacts on environment
and human health becomes of utmost importance to support the socio-economic life of a
qualitative civilization.
Mumbai, India’s financial capital and one amongst the country’s prominent metro
regions, faces the concern of high density in population and a heavy inflow of immigrants
seeking better qualitative life. Solid waste management in thus becomes of utmost
importance for a city like Mumbai, wherein the Municipal Corporation of Greater
Mumbai plays a pivotal role in executing and monitoring the purpose.
The process of solid waste management by any governing body, like a Municipal
Corporation, can be elaborated as a four-tier process – street sweeping, waste collection,
waste transportation and waste disposal. All the four steps can be considered as the four
core or prime pillars of an effective solid waste management process.
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Prior to execution of these four steps, a visit to the region outlined for undertaking a
detailed analytical study is the pre-execution stage of solid waste management process.
The study involves a deeper observation and analysis over the location, population
dwelling, density of population, socio-economic and political activities undertaken in the
area and current waste disposal system. The Corporation then releases tenders and hires
the contractors, as per their expertise, for executing the functions of
collecting/transporting/disposing the wastes. Each step in this process has its own role of
importance and is of pivotal importance for effective implementation and execution of
the solid waste management system.
A ‘smart city’ is developed upon numerous distinct elements and solid waste
management is one of these vital aspects. For instance, today, to address the rising
concern of carbon emissions in construction process contractors are mandatorily asked to
utilize equipments as per Euro-IV standards. Hence, for employing such operational
standards we need to have active participation and acceptance from the contractors in
utilizing equipments as per the prescribed technologies. Similarly, the effectiveness of
solid waste management system depends upon the active participation of all the
stakeholders and citizens. Solid waste management is of grave importance to an
urbanized region which faces the constant pressure of increasing population density,
rising infrastructural demands and expanding inflow of immigrants.
Hence, the need for creating a stronger civic sense among the citizens is of pivotal
importance for the success and fruitful implementation of solid waste management
system. Understanding the concept and context of waste segregation is also a vital
component in the solid waste management process. This is the stage where India still lags
behind as against the international counterparts. For instance, in a country like Finland,
only around 7 percent of the waste gets disposed into the dumping yard and the
remaining about 93 percent of the waste component is recycled. This level of
effectiveness in implementing the solid waste management system is possible only due to
qualitative spread of civic sense, clear understanding and acceptance over the concept of
waste segregation.
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Most of us love cities. As the hubs of commerce and culture, cities naturally attract
people. Today more than 50% of the world's population lives in or around a city. By
2050, this number is expected to reach 70%. The implications are profound. Cities
already generate 70% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Imagine their impact
on climate change by 2050!
That’s why our cities urgently need to evolve and become part of the solution to climate
change. International conferences like Ecocity World Summit 2011 are nudging urban
environments in this direction. So are the CO2 emission reduction targets made by a
growing number of cities and countries around the world.
Tenacious and troublesome megatrends are forcing experts to rethink urban mobility
planning. These trends include:
Short on land...
Inner-city real estate is expensive and scarce. In our automobile-dependent cities, we’ve
already handed over so much valuable space to these vehicles. The challenge is to
optimize urban land use by implementing an integrated and highly efficient mobility
infrastructure. Public transit solutions use significantly less land while moving an
exponentially greater number of people than the automobile.
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Even shorter on time...
Commuting by car not only creates significant pollution, it also wastes precious hours
and creates endless frustration. Even if you drive an electric or hybrid car, you still lose
time sitting in traffic jams. In contrast, transit systems bypass road congestion while
passengers read, work and play with their smartphone. They also give you more time to
spend with your family and friends or... even exercising!
Cities either spread out or rise up, and if they’re big enough, they often do both. Whether
population density expands vertically or horizontally determines which mode of
transportation makes the most sense.
In a mixed-use use urban area, people can walk to the grocery store and take the metro to
the movies. In suburban residential and commercial areas, you need a car to go the mall.
The available transport infrastructure shapes people’s lifestyle and transportation habits.
And it all boils down to the fact that people’s transport behaviour is driven by
The challenge for cities is to integrate the different modes of transport — rail,
automotive, bicycle and walking — into one convenient, easily accessible, time efficient,
affordable, safe and green system. An integrated systems approach optimizes
infrastructure and energy consumption and provides transportation for city residents
exactly where and when they need it.
Imagine a city where all vehicles are electric powered, emission free and even use the
same infrastructure. That’s convenient and sustainable mobility at its best.
The latest mass transit and e-mobility technologies blend flawlessly into city
infrastructures — from monorail and metro systems running through buildings, at-grade,
elevated or underground, to new solutions for electric vehicles. These attractively
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designed mobility solutions support the urgently needed shift in thinking from traditional
transport modes to electric public transport. They also deliver a smaller environmental
footprint and optimize land use.
As you can see, many sustainable mobility solutions are here today. Many more are yet to
come. At Bombardier, we’re already busy developing them. We’re working with
progressive urban planners around the globe to help shape the ecocities of the future.
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With the growing population creating increased pressure on metropolitan centers in India,
there is an urgent requirement for ‘smartly’ developed cities to meet the growing urban
The Government’s 100 Smart City Mission, under the AMRUT (Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) Initiative, is likely to contribute significantly to
revolutionize the urban landscape of India.
Housing for the urban poor is the single biggest challenge faced by any developing
nation. The current urban shortage of housing for the Economically Weaker Segments
(EWS) and the Lower Income Groups (LIGs) – families with a monthly income of up to
Rs.16,000- in India is estimated to be ~20 million.
The identified housing shortage and the low quality of life of the urban poor, has made
‘Housing for All’ a key initiative of the Modi led government.
The identified housing gap has resulted in a surge in the number of affordable housing
developments across urban centers over the last few years. While some efforts have been
made to provide housing with basic infrastructure for the lower income segments in
urban India. This has resulted in most affordable housing projects being located at a
significant distance from the city, with the per unit selling price being high relative to the
average income of people in this economic segment.
These 100 smart cities with their improved infrastructure, are slated to not just increase
foreign direct investment in to India, but be self-contained units to the extent that they
provide easily accessible housing for the middle income and lower income segments.
On June 17th 2015, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved a proposal to
increase the interest subvention rates for affordable housing to 6.5 percent for loans to the
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Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Lower Income Groups (LIGs) of up to Rs. 6
lakhs. As a result of this increment, beneficiaries will have to only bear 4 percent of the
total interest rate of 10.5%, which is estimated to work out to Rs.2.3 lakhs of center
assistance per beneficiary through the credit linked subsidy scheme.3 An increase in the
financial assistance to the economically disadvantaged groups, together with a focus on
launching affordable small ticket housing products aimed at this economic segment, is
crticial to assist in achieving the ‘Housing for All’ mission.
We anticipate that the 100 Smart city initiative will provide a platform for increased
investment opportunities to both the middle income segments and the lower income
segments, thereby improving the overall standard of living of the average person. This
will in turn bring the government one step closer to achieving its target of providing 25
million affordable homes and 40 million dwelling units by 2022.
About REMI-
REMI is a leading institute with two centers in Mumbai, that provides certification
programs, executive courses and customized training workshops specially designed for
the Real Estate Industry. REMI offers an international curriculum that trains students and
professionals in global best practices through its collaboration with IREM®, USA.
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The Smart Cities Mission of the Government is a bold, new initiative, where robust IT
connectivity and digitalization, good governance, especially e-Governance, would play
critical role in the smooth delivery, access and integration of a host of services. Sterlite
Technologies is at the forefront in ensuring an end-to-end approach for fast and future-
proof smarter network rollout with seamless system integration.
In June 2015, Prime Minister officially launched three mega urban schemes viz., Smart
Cities Mission, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and
Housing for All in urban area setting in motion the process of urban transformation to
enable better living and drive economic growth. All these three schemes are aimed at
urban planning and providing urban infrastructure in sync with present and future needs.
Smart Cities Mission is meant to set examples that can be replicated both within and
outside the smart city, catalysing the creation of similar smart cities in various regions
and parts of the country.
The concept of smart cities varies from country to country. However, in the approach of
the Smart Cities Mission, the objective is to promote cities that provide core
infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable
environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions including but not limited to robust IT
connectivity and digitalization, good governance, especially e-Governance and citizen
participation. Wire & Cable India recently interviewed Mr. K. S. Rao, Managing Director
& Chief Operating Officer, Sterlite Technologies to get updated on how his company is
engaged in realizing the objectives set by the mission through its expertise in designing,
building and managing smarter networks through its end-to-end portfolio of optical
communication products, software systems, and network integration services.
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Wire & Cable India: Tell us how you look at Smart Cities and how this mission of
the Government of India will change the urban landscape qualitatively.
K. S. Rao: With increasing urbanisation and economic development, urban areas are
likely to contribute nearly 75 percent to India’s GDP by 2030 from 63 percent at present.
As we pick up the pace to be at par with global standards of living, it is imperative to
ensure holistic improvement of these key engines of growth. Our long-term vision is to
ensure a well-structured smart city with smart applications leading to a sustainable and
transformative change in the living experience of its citizens.
The government has built the smart city plan around critical pillars such as smart
governance, smart environment, smart transportation, smart IT & communications, smart
health and smart education. Successful adoption and implementation of these pillars will
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improve efficiency, unlock economic potential, reduce costs, open doors to new business
and services, and improve the living conditions of its citizens.
WCI: What opportunities are there for a company like Sterlite Tech in the Smart
Cities Mission? Please elaborate the key infrastructural elements where you see
yourself instrumental.
KSR: Sterlite Tech is well-poised to apply its range of expertise in designing, building
and managing smarter networks through its end-to-end portfolio of optical
communication products, software systems, and network integration services. We are
committed to create a high-quality digital infrastructure on which a smart city can be
Sterlite Tech has built capabilities to capture this opportunity across multiple dimensions
such as solution design, network deployment, project management, and supply chain. All
these initiatives, combined with Sterlite Tech’s local manufacturing facilities, R&D and
experience in working closely with the government with a strong partner ecosystem, are
key to our vision of creating smart, efficient cities.
With our end-to-end capabilities, we are playing a critical role by not just implementing a
fiberised network, but also providing smarter network solutions. From aspects like
centralised command and control centre, smart communications, smart transport, e-
governance to digitalised access to utilities, e-healthcare, e-surveillance, we have the
competency to address all these key infrastructural elements.
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WCI: Tell us something about Sterlite Tech’s Smart City Solution Suite, which was
recently showcased at 2nd India Smart City Expo 2016. Also, underline how it takes
care of key strategic parameters under Smart City Mission.
KSR: The Smart City Solution Suite is an end-to-end approach for fast and future-proof
smarter network rollout with seamless system integration. It is highly customisable and
can be applied to address specific requirements of urban and rural bodies for area-based
development and pan-city initiatives. It is a unique offering that features complete
program management, project execution and network integration from infrastructure
management to network applications.
There are various elements and core offerings in the solutions suite which addresses
different requirements of a smart city. The state-of-the-art Command and Control Centre
(CCC) is where the entire city’s information will be collected, viewed and analysed
through an integrated video wall. Thereafter, we have smart communications which will
entail Wi-Fi hotspots and optical fibre based systems for better communication.
Smart transport solutions will facilitate Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVLS) for
automated transport monitoring. The e-governance will enhance the efficiency of the
government programs to reach the people through smart citizen engagement platforms.
Then smart water and solid management waste is where the sensors will communicate to
the waste management authority to provide real time information such as to help the
authorities work more efficiently.
Smart utilities solutions will enable to monitor and control the electric grids using
intelligent feedback. The smart surveillance will help to improve city monitoring and
leverage existing resources to enable security services with greater efficiency. The
helpline/emergency is the most important pillar that will feature an automatic call
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distribution system, facilitating the authorities with the caller details for faster actions.
Lastly, smart environment will ensure air quality control and water quality control.
WCI: The Govt in January 2016 released a list of 20 smart cities out of the 98
shortlisted for the ‘Smart Cities Mission’; these 20 cities will be the first to receive
funds. Are you doing something in this first batch of smart cities?
KSR: Gandhinagar Smart City project was our first order win under government’s smart
city programme. This project is being executed by our telecom software division –
Elitecore. It entails creation of a Wi-Fi city with about 400-500 access points and
applications like smart parking, setting up 200+ CCTV cameras and a state-of-the-art
central control room from where not just traffic, but also utilities like street lighting,
public address system, etc. can be managed.
Following this, we have also won the phase ІІ of Jaipur Smart City project. As part of the
project, we are setting up Wi-Fi hotspots and information kiosks to provide connectivity
within the city. The project also includes setting up video surveillance for public sector,
and entails building multiple smart cities attribute into one. We are also taking care of the
command control setup that will upgrade the existing smart city functions.
Very recently, we have won the Ahmedabad Smart City project, where our role is to
deploy an optical fibre backhaul infrastructure to interconnect Ahmedabad’s BRTS
corridor to the main data centre and disaster recovery site through passive network
WCI: The concept of these smart cities are based on smart solutions in all walks of
life, viz. water supply, electricity supply, urban mobility, e-Governance, IT
connectivity and digitization, etc. Tell us your own paradigm or thoughts as to how
to move step-wise to ensure all of the above with least bottlenecks.
KSR: Systems like surveillance cameras and information kiosks are the basic needs of
any city. However, a smart city means much more than just surveillance and providing
information to its citizens. It is more about changing the overall living experiences of the
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Foresight and good planning are the strong pillars of a smart city, from an infrastructural
perspective. It needs to be built in a sustainable manner to serve future needs –
technologically as well as capacity-wise. Hence, we strongly recommend an optical fibre
network for all smart cities. Aimed at better networking and interconnecting of all the
elements in the system like smart street lights and sensors, and provide digital
information to the control command centre. These figures and statistics can be ultimately
examined and used for planning the infrastructure of a smart city.
KSR: Diverse systems will have to be integrated to deliver the diverse service needs of a
smart city. This could be really challenging and hence, it would be of prime importance
to integrate these systems. The centralised command and control centre integrates
surveillance systems, sensor feeds, public safety network, disaster management, etc. of
different stakeholders and provides a single dashboard on a video wall. This would
further form an important part of the City Operation Centre.
The enterprise management system would form an important part of the Network
Operation Centre. It would be required to manage the FCAPS of all the network elements
deployed in the network.
Then, there is IoT Platform that would be required to integrate all the vertical
applications on a horizontal platform. The entire sensor which uses cases will get
integrated by the IoT Platform.
Lastly, there is SIEM where all security-related events and incidents would be collated
and correlated by the SIEM. This would form an important part of the Security Operation
Centre. All these systems have their own play in integrating various elements. This could
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be challenging but the use of open standards and open interfaces using open APIs will
ease out the integration effort.
WCI: There are three area based models to go for smart cities, viz. retrofitting,
redevelopment, and Greenfield. The first two pertains to the improvements in the
existing areas. What according to you will be the issues if you are given some
projects in these areas to align it as per smart cities requirements?
KSR: Based on our actual smart city implementation experience, various issues have
been observed. Firstly, the issue of ROW permission and coordination with multiple
agencies, where a single window of clearance would help in the delivering smart cities
faster, as various solutions are envisaged to make cities smart. Each of these solutions
may lie in the purview of different department jurisdiction. Getting ROW permission
from multiple departments requires lot of efforts and leads to cost and timeline overrun.
Then another issue is the integration with legacy systems. Cities may face challenge in
integrating the new systems with the legacy ones as they may not have open interfaces
and may not support flexible integration avenues leading to disjoint systems.
Also, there are O&M issues or sharing of assets between two different EPC companies.
Cases where O&M is being done by two different companies, owing to two or more
different phases of a project being awarded to two different EPC companies, could lead
to issues of SLA ownership as some products may be in use by both the bidders for asset
Another important issue may be the solution architecture keeping future expansions in
mind. The architecture of the cities should be well-thought out so that projects can be
implemented in phases and each phase builds upon the assets employed in previous
In addition to these, the use of open standards for inter-op is also a challenge. The world
is moving towards open source and standards, so that technology silos are not created.
For this to happen, systems should be built to conform to open standards. This will help
ease custom integration efforts, shorten project timelines and optimise cost while
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preserving technology roadmap. Lastly, there was an issue with DC-DR/Tier-III DC
architecture. In this case, cities have to debate whether to build their own data centre or
use public clouds while the decision is highly projected and user case specific, overall in
long term investing in private data centre is highly economical, agile, and secure.
The New Urban idea is a good one and it can get better in implementation if conservation
of energy and an encouragement to use non-fossil energy are incorporated in the life-style
ecosystem of urban dwelling
The Government of India has launched a major programme on smart cities. With
urbanisation growing at a rapid rate in the country, and the prospect of almost half our
population living in towns and cities by 2030, the design of cities, their infrastructure and
governance systems acquire great importance. While most of our towns and cities have
grown haphazardly, we have opportunities for ensuring that new urban habitat that we
design and construct utilises new knowledge and technologies, by which appropriate
amenities are available to all the residents in every location as well as in a manner that it
is cost effective and friendly to the environment. Cities generally have a large ecological
footprint, and if all the economic activities within a town or city are measured in
quantitative terms for their ecological impacts, it would be found that the impacts of
production and consumption activities in urban areas expand to a substantial distance
beyond urban limits. For instance, raw materials, food and other supplies have to be
produced elsewhere a wide area and travel a long distance to meet the demands of towns
and cities. This means that impacts, including pollution associated with these
activities,are not confined to urban locations, but spreads out over a large area of land
elsewhere. Before the Olympic Games were held in London in 2012, the city had carried
out just such an exercise to assess what London's ecological footprint was in terms of the
area that it impacts on. This was estimated at an order of magnitude above the size of
London itself.
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One issue that would be paramount in the design of new cities as well as in the
refurbishment of old towns and cities is the importance of integrating the impacts of
climate change on future plans. Cities will need to be designed in a manner that makes
them climate resilient. In simple terms, the infrastructure and systems in a city would
have to enable adaptation measures being facilitated, by which they are able to reduce the
risks from climate change impacts for both life as well as property. In several parts of the
world adaptation measures have been taken in hand through clear-cut plans and
institutional arrangements. Some of what is being done in other countries is briefly
summarised below.
In Africa, most Governments are initiating governance systems for adaptation. Disaster
risk management, adjustments in technologies and infrastructure, ecosystem-based
approaches, basic public health measures, and livelihood diversification are reducing
vulnerability, though efforts tend to be isolated.
In Europe, the adaptation policy has been developed across all levels of Government,
with some adaptation planning integrated into coastal and water management, into
environmental protection and land planning, and into disaster risk management.
In Australasia, planning for sea level rise, and in southern Australia for reduced water
availability, is becoming adopted widely. Planning for sea level rise has evolved
considerably over the past two decades and shows a diversity of approaches, although its
implementation remains piecemeal.
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In Central and South America, ecosystem-based adaptation including protected areas,
conservation agreements, and community management of natural areas is occurring.
Resilient crop varieties, climate forecasts, and integrated water resources management are
being adopted within the agricultural sector in some areas, but these have major
implications for urban and suburban living as well.
Resilience can be defined as the capacity of social, economic and environment systems to
cope with a hazardous event or trend or disturbance, responding or re-organising in ways
that maintain their essential function, identity and structure, while also maintaining the
capacity for adaptation, learning and transformation. In the case of urban location,
adaptation and consequently climate resilience would need to focus on impacts such as
sea level rise, higher temperatures, greater frequency and occurrence of heat waves as
well as extreme precipitation events, which have implications for drainage facilities and
management of water. Since climate change will get more serious over time, it is
important for those responsible for design of cities to evaluate future impacts of climate
change, and build in resilience factors at an early stage. Smart cities, being supported by
the Government of India, would need to make sure that smart measures incorporate
climate resilience as an essential component of urban development plans for the future.
A large number of cities are located in coastal areas. Due to sea level rise projected
throughout the 21st century and beyond, coastal systems and low-lying areas will
increasingly experience adverse impacts such as submergence, coastal flooding, and
coastal erosion. The population and assets projected to be exposed to coastal risks as well
as human pressures on coastal ecosystems will increase significantly in the coming
decades due to population growth, economic development, and urbanisation. The relative
costs of coastal adaptation vary strongly among and within regions and countries for the
21st century. Some low-lying developing countries and small island states are expected to
face very high impacts that, in some cases, could have associated damage and adaptation
costs of several percentage points of GDP.
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One particular impact of climate change which is going to affect almost every region of
the world involves the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation
events. The recent floods that took place in Chennai and the 2005 calamity with flooding
that occurred in Mumbai are occurrences which will increase in the future. Damage to
natural ecosystems, such as wetlands, in urban areas, increases the risks attendant on such
flooding. In the case of Mumbai, inadequate drainage was an important factor in the long
period for which the water stood across the city and the depth that led to excessive
damage and destruction. Similarly, heat waves are on the increase and will become much
more common in the future. Hence, buildings would need to be designed efficiently, such
that the demand for air-conditioning is minimised. TERI has been at the forefront on
designing and constructing energy efficient buildings, whereby demand for energy in a
new building can be reduced by as much as 45 per cent.
The concept of Smart Cities provides India with an opportunity to ensure efficient use of
resources in buildings, and the incorporation of climate change considerations.
A total of Rs 98,000 crore has been approved by the Cabinet for development of 100
smart cities and rejuvenation of 500 others. In the approach document of the Smart Cities
Mission by the Government of India, it is clearly laid down that one of the key objectives
is to promote cities that provide 'smart' solutions for safety and security of citizens,
particularly women, children and the elderly.
In the recent past, India has faced and continues to face safety and security threats. India
currently stands at rank 54 with a crime index of 46.82. Statistics from National Crime
Records Bureau has pegged India with a crime rate of 58.11 per 1,00,000 of the
population. Given the constant threats to safety and security that citizens face today, a
city can be smart only if it is made safe first.
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Application of smart solutions will enable cities to use technology, information and data
to improve infrastructure and services. Safe cities are those which use multiple
intelligence systems to gather public safety information effectively and respond to events
efficiently, along with predicting and preventing suspicious activities.
In the safe city concept, it's all about what information we need to collect, when and
where we need that information, who needs access to it, how does it get processed and
what do we do with it and what decisions does it prompt.
This mainly consists of a centralised video surveillance and management system for
monitoring and controlling the security and traffic situation along with protecting
population, assets and reputation (reduce urban crime and improve citizen safety).
Additionally, gathering information from other sensors such as LPR, gunshot detection,
social media intelligence and more, all displayed on a GIS map creates better intelligence
and situational awareness.
One city in India that has implemented these solutions well is Surat. Post implementation
of the Safe City project, the crime rate in Surat dipped by as much as 27 per cent.
Therefore, a unified and correlated security structure is necessary to detect, evaluate and
respond to incidents effectively. This created the necessity of a centralised command and
control center which helps ensure the centralisation of data and records thus enabling a
quicker response time to a crisis situation. Today's command-and-control technology
eliminates this time-consuming process by enabling operators to centrally manage
multiple data sources with a single command-and-control platform. Now when they
receive an alert, operators can immediately start monitoring the area and instantly
dispatch forces in the region, helping to enable faster and more accurate response action,
better visibility and better decision making with actionable intelligence.
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On any given day, administrators in a city of any size are tasked with some grouping of
the following:
Safety is a part of what makes a city smart and hence it can be said without a doubt that
safe cities are the stepping stones to smart cities in India. Through Safe Cities, the city
authority has taken steps to unify the monitoring, response and reaction to activities
deemed to pose a threat to citizens by organizing resources and appropriate responses on
a real time basis. Given the focus and impetus on
Smart Cities by the Government of India at present, it becomes even more relevant for
them to focus on the aspect of safety since only a secured city will bring in investment
and lead to job opportunities and related economic growth. The state authorities along
with the support of the Central Government should push to implement the required
infrastructure, tools and solutions to make a city safe which is undoubtedly essential for
making the city smart.
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Health and education are the two main tools to lift the people up from poverty and
powerlessness, leading to a prosperous nation. They also lay foundation for the sustained
economic growth of the country. These are the state subjects. Because of the neglect of
the state, many of the health centers function without doctors, nurses and medicines.
Children have dreaded learning experience because of the drab single room and single
teacher schools. People fall prey to the diseases because of the unsafe drinking water.
Toilets connected to the sewerage system seem to be a dream in some sections of urban
and rural areas. The right to education is still not actualized. There is nothing like free
education even in government schools. Rising costs are limiting access to the health care
facilities. User fees keep on expanding. 82% of the health spend on India comes from
private sources and 67% of the population do not have access to essential medicines.
WHO calls for a 7.5% allocation of GDP for health. India’s contribution to the health is
lower than 1% of the GDP
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Technological needs
Smart Cities are characterized by the availability of a wide range of technologies capable
of working together to deliver complex systems and solutions. Smart Cities need robust
and resilient technologies to help:
Provide a shared understanding of the core concepts underpinning Smart Cities that
can be used to develop coherent models and thus improve system interoperability;
Facilitate instrumentation through the use of multiple types of device for sensing,
capturing, storing, and exploiting the use of data from multiple sources, fixed as well
as mobile;
Make data exchange fluid and rapid between different types of network topology and
using different types of communication and transmission;
Facilitate the use and aggregation of data by systems and services that may not have
initially generated them;
Allow for data to be presented in a variety of formats, dependent on the context and
the person or technical system needing it, allowing it to be visualised, accessed, and
acted upon more easily, thus making it much more useful;
Allow heterogeneous ICT-systems to work together;
Ensure that data is exchanged and used safely and securely; and
Allow for greater automation that can enable city functions to be delivered reliably,
and effectively, reducing the need of direct human intervention where and when this
is appropriate.
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Market needs
Societal needs
Smart Cities are characterized by a built infrastructure together with physical and virtual
environments capable of sustaining the complex interactions between citizens,
businesses, and services (whether public or private) who, together with policy makers,
need to address economic, social and political challenges as they arise. Such challenges
Scenario-building, macro-economic and social modelling that takes due account of
demographic trends and the ever-changing needs of the population;
Analytics and evidence that can support models and scenarios so that this knowledge
can be used effectively, both by city managers and planners and by the citizen;
More modern industry that is ‘greener’ and more people-friendly;
Citizens to play an active role in decisions regarding the life and future directions of
the city; and encourage better city governance;
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Decision-making supported by detailed, measureable, real-time knowledge about the
city will be available at every level, so that it can be easily accessed by whichever
person or technical system would be able use it to help fulfil their role or achieve their
Improved quality of life and safety of citizens and delivery of different services;
An appropriate balance, in the collection and use of personal information, between
the legitimate desire of individual privacy and the collective social benefits of sharing
(for example in the domains of public health and safety);
A network of collaborative spaces, to enable dynamic communities that will spur
innovation and growth and enhance citizen well-being;
Services that adapt to long-term challenges as well as short-term demands or
emergencies; and
A sustainable environment (air quality, waste management, adaptability to climate
change and threats, etc.).
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ICT standardization requirements for Smart Cities
From these needs – technological, market, and societal – we can identify a number of
types of ICT standardization requirements
A Framework helps capture various cross-city governance processes that deliver benefits
based on core guiding principles and taking due account of critical success factors.
A domain knowledge model
The aggregation of multi-source and heterogeneous data and service needs a set of
unified concepts and terminologies. In addition, the development of applications needs
the support of common knowledge of Smart Cities. In order to support crossdomain and
cross-city interoperation of knowledge, a core concept model specifies terms from
different stakeholders, supports semantic understanding and provides a standardized
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expression of knowledge. Such a model should be completed with a taxonomy of (smart)
device types (such as types of sensor, mobile devices, hardware, software, systems, etc.);
Smart Cities sectors (such as health, transport, governance, etc.); and ‘components’
within each sector (such as medical devices, forensics/analytics, for health; buses, trams,
railways, for transport; etc.).
A data and services model
Using the OSI2) as a template, a data a services model would reflect the data,
communications, service and application layers that are used by citizens, businesses, and
city authorities. Such a model would provide an adequate technical view of and for a
more general Smart City model.
Data flows
Data is created in social and physical systems, collected, transmitted, stored and possibly
shared before the data can be analysed, displayed and finally used to make decisions. At
each step, different stakeholders are involved and technical challenges to be addressed
(e.g. related to interfaces and interoperability) as well as social issues (e.g. privacy,
security, monetization). Such data flows need to be observed within as well as between
different systems and help understand where further standards may be needed.
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of both the technological and social consequences of these combinations – that makes
greater visibility and use of ICT standards all the more important. This may require that
existing ICT standards are revisited and revised in light of the additional needs identified
by Smart Cities and present new requirements to many existing challenges, such as:
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Education and training
In order to ensure and provide an adequately trained and adaptive workforce, common
standards are required for distance learning tools that can be developed, deployed, and
used at short notice in any arbitrary setting including so-called adaptive learning spaces,
whether permanent or transient.
Emergency planning and response
Emergency Services Messaging (emergency service call centres, dispatch services, first
responders, resource allocation)
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4. Responding to societal challenges
All cities strive to improve the quality of life for their citizens and residents. The
increased complexity of Smart Cities present new challenges and opportunities through
the use of ICT. Cities have traditionally been equated with the anonymity of the
individual, whether that is embraced or feared often depended on the person. The
prevalence of mobile phones and other devices together with real-time location based
services now mean that cities are decreasingly a place for anonymity.
Cities also represent a scale of social organization that make decision-making ‘en masse’
highly impractical with the result that complex levels of representative government and
governance have emerged over time. ICT eliminates many of the physical limitations of
mass decision-making while also eliminating many of the social aspects of face-to-face
discourse and interaction.
Scenario-building and participative decision-making
This is another situation where a Smart City Framework can provide a valuable set of
Privacy and information sharing
ICT provides increasingly sophisticated means by which individuals can manage aspects
of personal privacy within particular social and legal norms.
Development of Privacy Impact Assessments, identification of data flows using or
impacting on personal information
Data exchange between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and environmental
information systems, such as air quality, waste management and treatment, etc.
Smart Water Management (SWM) in cities seeks to alleviate challenges in the urban
water management and water sector through the incorporation of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) products, solution and systems in areas of water
management and sanitation.
Improve the capacity of Smart Cities to respond to challenges posed by climate change
Communications between safety equipment/systems.
Interoperability between building information and communications systems
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The future Internet domain landscape comprises a great diversity of technology related
topics involved in the implementation of Smart Cities. This section covers some of those
that are most connected to the development of Smart Cities.
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As per the blueprint of Smart Cities Mission laid down by the government, each and
every city is free to make additions as per the needs of a particular geographic area in
order to encompass more people and facilities for the people. However, an illustration
(below) provides a comprehensive picture of the smart solutions that will be part of a
smart city.
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Smart solutions are application of IT&C to municipal services and infrastructure to make
them better.
Examples –
The Smart City Mission will be operated as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) and the
Central Government proposes to give financial support to the Mission to the extent of Rs.
48,000 crores over five years i.e. on an average Rs. 100 crore per city per year. An equal
amount, on a matching basis, will have to be contributed by the State/ULB; therefore,
nearly Rupees one lakh crore of Government/ULB funds will be available for Smart
Cities development.
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It can improve life of people who live in or around big cities. Smart city means it has
It can improve basic necessities like power, water, sanitation, health etc. Basic things
are surely provided in a smart city.
It can help reduce travel time within the city. Additional infrastructure will help in
It can improve health services in the city with more hospitals. Focus is always on
It can help clean environment with technology like solar etc and green area in a
planned way.
It will uplift life of poor and lower middle class people. It can provide low cost,
affordable housing.
Once social structure is improved it will help overcome problems related to religion,
myths, caste etc.
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The concept of smart city means very different things to different cities. As per the
requirements of area based developments as well as the development based on available
resources each and every strategy is proclaimed to be promising and playing very
important role to make this world a better to live in under smart city project. Since
already construction of building as well as several components of infrastructure of cities
have been already developed so retrofitting is the better smart solution in such case.
Greenfield development came in to picture since the developed cities facing the problem
of ecological imbalance so requirement of greeneries in our modern developed is very
important so as Greenfield development. In the case of redevelopment, the human
settlements and serviceable infrastructures became the requirements which is to be
fulfilled by implementation of this strategy over the under-developed cities throughout
the world. Now talking about last but not the least one the pan city development strategy
which is the backbone of the of infrastructure development in metropolitan, developed,
cities with high population as well as facing rapid urbanization cause the pan city strategy
to be highly utilized as well as of great economic and social infrastructures. So all the
strategies of smart cities development providing us the smarter solutions to remark the
overall development of infrastructures in the smart cities project.
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