Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhz257
Advance Access Publication Date: 24 October 2019
Original Article
The development of executive function is linked to maturation of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in childhood. Childhood obesity
has been associated with changes in brain structure, particularly in PFC, as well as deficits in executive functions. We aimed
to determine whether differences in cortical structure mediate the relationship between executive function and childhood
obesity. We analyzed MR-derived measures of cortical thickness for 2700 children between the ages of 9 and 11 years,
recruited as part of the NIH Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. We related our findings to
measures of executive function and body mass index (BMI). In our analysis, increased BMI was associated with significantly
reduced mean cortical thickness, as well as specific bilateral reduced cortical thickness in prefrontal cortical regions. This
relationship remained after accounting for age, sex, race, parental education, household income, birth-weight, and
in-scanner motion. Increased BMI was also associated with lower executive function. Reduced thickness in the rostral
medial and superior frontal cortex, the inferior frontal gyrus, and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex partially accounted for
reductions in executive function. These results suggest that childhood obesity is associated with compromised executive
function. This relationship may be partly explained by BMI-associated reduced cortical thickness in the PFC.
Key words: ABCD, childhood obesity, cortical thickness, executive function, prefrontal cortex
who are overweight or obese generally score lower on various (Sowell et al. 2004; Shaw et al. 2006), the consolidation of
measures of executive function (Liang et al. 2014), including regional activity (Durston et al. 2006), and the emergence of more
working memory (Riggs et al. 2012), reward-sensitivity (Verbeken comprehensive and extensive network connections (Ezekiel et
et al. 2012) and inhibitory control (Guerrieri et al. 2008; Verbeken al. 2013). An important question therefore is whether childhood
et al. 2009). obesity is characterized by structural changes in cortical regions
At a biological level, various hypotheses exist relating execu- important for executive function at this critical developmental
tive functions to body mass index (BMI). One prominent theory period and further, whether these structural changes mediate
is that the role of executive function in planning and decision- the link between BMI and differences in executive function
making, response inhibition, and reward evaluation influences observed in childhood.
food intake (Gluck et al. 2017), contributing to increased BMI. We sought to address this question using data from the NIH
Prospective studies of bariatric patients following surgery sup- Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) dataset
port this association (Spitznagel et al. 2013), as do neuroimag- (Jernigan and Brown 2018) of n = 2700 children between the
ing investigations. For example, functional magnetic resonance ages of 9 and 11 years. Specifically we related measures of
imaging studies have demonstrated that the dorsolateral pre- cortical thickness to measures of executive function and BMI,
Cortical Reconstruction and Brain Structural Measures linked to changes in cortical thickness between the ages of 4
and 13 years (Nguyen et al. 2013). To account for the possible
Cortical reconstructions were carried out using FreeSurfer v5.3.0
confounding effects of the age of onset of puberty, we included
(Dale et al. 1999; Fischl et al. 1999a, 1999b), as part of the initial
salivary DHEA levels (Uban et al. 2018) as a covariate in our
baseline processing of the ABCD dataset. Reconstructions were
analysis. Birth weight was also included as a nuisance variable,
visually inspected for quality control purposes. Only those
as studies have indicated that this may play a role in intelligence
reconstructions deemed of sufficient quality were included
scores at 11 years (Korpela et al. 2018) and has been demon-
in this study. Based on these surface reconstructions, cortical
strated to be significantly predictive of childhood obesity (Biro
thickness (Fischl and Dale 2000) values were processed for
and Wien 2010; Glavin et al. 2014). We also included estimates of
the Deskian-Killiany atlas (Desikan et al. 2006), with data
head movement during scanning. Such micromotions have been
unavailable for 3/36 regions per hemisphere (omitted regions
demonstrated to be genetically correlated with BMI (Hodgson et
included “unknown”, “corpus callosum”, and “insula”). Derived
al. 2017) and associated with biases in MR-derived parameters
results per individual per region were provided as part of the
of cortical structure (Alexander-Bloch et al. 2016). For these
ABCD curated annual release 1.0 (DOI 10.15154/1412097).
reasons, frame-wise displacement (FWD) derived from resting-
BMI was classified using percentile growth charts stratified according to age based on CDC 2001 look up tables (CDC Growth Charts 2018,
growthcharts/html_charts/bmiagerev.htm). For statistical assessment, household income levels were categorized as less than $35 000, less than $100 000, and greater
than $100 000. Race was categorized as white, black, Hispanic and other. Parental education was categorized as up to and included General education diploma (GED),
up to and including college or associated degrees, and postgraduate. Mean FWD was used as a measure of head motion during scanning. Physical activity was a
self-reported record of number of days in past week where the subject was physically active for more than 60 min/day.
Relationship Between Cortical Thickness thickness was a significant mediator of the relationship between
and Executive Function BMIZ and executive function.
Results of analysis revealed that while global mean cortical
Across individuals with complete data (n = 2389), there was a
thickness was not a significant mediator between BMI and exec-
significant negative relationship between mean global cortical
utive function, cortical thickness in 11 regions partially mediates
thickness and executive abilities (β = −0.07, t = 3.1, P = 0.002),
the relationship (see Fig. 4, Supplementary Table 3 and Supple-
without adjusting for BMIZ . At a local level and after FDR-
mentary Material). These regions included the parsorbitalis, pars
correction, mean cortical thickness in several regions was
triangularis, rostral middle frontal and superior frontal cortex
predictive of executive function (see Fig. 3), including cuneus,
bilaterally, and additionally lateral OFC in the left hemisphere,
fusiform, lateral occipital, rostral anterior cingulate, rostral
and fusiform and medial OFC in the right hemisphere (see
middle frontal gyrus, superior and inferior parietal cortex,
Supplementary Table 3 and Supplementary Material).
middle and superior temporal gyrus, pars opercularis, pars
triangularis, postcentral, and supramarginal cortices bilaterally,
and additionally the caudal anterior cingulate, superior tem-
poral sulcus, caudal middle frontal gyrus, lateral orbitofrontal Discussion
cortex, pars orbitalis, precuneus, precentral sulcus, posterior In this study, we investigated the association between BMI,
cingulate and the superior frontal cortex in the left hemisphere, cortical thickness, and executive function in 2700 9–11 year
and lingual region, the precuneus, and the transverse temporal olds recruited as part of the ABCD NIH study. We observed a
sulcus in the right hemisphere (see Supplementary Table 1 and negative association between executive function and cortical
Supplementary Material). In all regions, this association took thickness across the cortical surface. Increased BMI was asso-
the form of a negative relationship between cortical thickness ciated with lower scores on a composite measure of executive
and executive function. This is in line with previous results for function. We also found significant BMI-related differences in
this age-range (Shaw et al. 2006). cortical thickness in line with similar studies (Maayan et al. 2011;
Taking DHEA levels into account in the subset of the sample, Yau et al. 2014; Ross et al. 2015). In particular, reduced cortical
the negative relationship between global mean cortical thick- thickness was pronounced in orbitofrontal cortex, ventromedial
ness and executive abilities remained (β = −0.08, t = 2.6, P = 0.02). PFC, and DPFC, regions involved in executive functions includ-
At a regional level, executive function was again associated ing decision-making, response inhibition, working memory, and
with reduced cortical thickness in several regions including cognitive flexibility.
cuneus and superior parietal cortex in the left hemisphere and The changes that such reduced cortical thickness reflects
pars triangularis and transverse temporal cortex in the right are unknown. For example, previous studies have suggested
hemisphere. Again, the effect size was not reduced compared to that MR-based measures of changes in cortical thickness during
the larger dataset suggesting that DHEA was not a significant childhood may reflect, in part, increases in cortical myelination,
confound of the relationship between cortical thickness and particularly in frontal association areas (Croteau-Chonka et al.
executive function (see Supplementary Table 2 and Supplemen- 2016). Interpreting the results of the current study along these
tary Material). lines, reduced cortical thickness associated with childhood
obesity may be a function of an increase in cortical myelination.
Future studies may consider more direct measures of myeli-
nation with a view to increasing power to detect the extent
Having established a relationship between (1) BMI and cortical of structural mediation between BMI and executive function.
thickness, (2) cortical thickness and executive function, and (3) Moreover, other brain parameters may also be important.
BMI and executive function, we next examined whether cortical For example, relative change in degree of connectivity or
2524 Cerebral Cortex, 2020, Vol. 30, No. 4
Figure 4. Estimate of mediation effect of regional cortical thickness on the relationship between BMI and executive function.
consolidation of activity may more closely index the develop- and changes in this area are convincingly related to risk-taking
ment of executive function and thus may be more sensitive to behavior and substance abuse (Goldstein and Volkow 2011). In
BMI-related differences (Durston et al. 2006; Ezekiel et al. 2013). addition, the relatively extended maturational trajectory of PFC
Previous studies have reported a degree of regional- is thought to subserve experience-dependent learning (Romine
specificity to changes in cortical structure in relation to and Reynolds 2005). As such, differences in PFC structure during
childhood obesity. The current study, capitalizing on a uniquely early adolescence may possibly increase the vulnerability of this
large dataset, demonstrates that increased BMI is associated region to external stressors. Thus, BMI-associated brain changes
with pervasive reductions in cortical thickness across much of in PFC may be regarded as a risk factor to the developing brain.
the PFC. While our study does not allow a clear mechanistic In a complementary analysis, we found that reduced cortical
interpretation of this predominance of effect in PFC, one thickness in the PFC partially mediated the relationship between
possibility is that, since this region is associated with top- BMI and executive function. This observation is compatible with
down control and inhibitory processes, then BMI-related the idea that elevated BMI causes cortical thinning in turn
changes could in turn lead to further difficulties in resisting leading to a reduction in executive function score. The direction
external drives to consumption and attenuated learning from of this causality model is supported by some observational
experience. This could entail a positive feedback in which early studies. For example, in adult populations, a significant number
detrimental changes to PFC structure and function lead to of studies have suggested that obesity may play a causal role
ensuing behavioral changes that exacerbate weight gain. in the onset of brain structural changes and cognitive decline
More generally, PFC is involved in top-down regulation and (Bruce-Keller et al. 2009; Arnoldussen et al. 2014). It is hypoth-
inhibitory control as well as emotion and motivation regulation, esized that factors related to increased body mass such as an
Childhood BMI, Brain Structure, and Executive Function Ronan et al. 2525
elevated inflammatory response or neuroendocrine dysfunction cardio-metabolic risks than other metrics such as waist circum-
might impact on brain structure and cognitive function in a ference and waist-to-height ratio (Sharma et al. 2015). When
manner akin to neurodegenerative processes observed with we repeated our analysis for waist circumference and waist-
aging. Indeed, many studies have associated increased BMI in to-height ratio, we found that both measures were associated
midlife with increased rates of neurodegeneration and a sig- with lower levels of executive function, as well as regional
nificant elevated risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in reductions in cortical thickness in a manner similar to what
old age (Singh-Manoux et al. 2017). In children, a large-scale we observed using BMI. However, both measures additionally
longitudinal analysis of early childhood development reported identified regions where increased waist circumference and
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ies to these studies are reports of significant improvement of the total variation of cortical structure with increased adiposity.
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