HC - Lec - Infectious Diseases
HC - Lec - Infectious Diseases
HC - Lec - Infectious Diseases
CAUSE • Influenza, commonly called the flu, is a viral
• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection that attacks the respiratory system.
Mode of Transmission Young children, older adults, pregnant women,
• Spreads primarily by: and people who have weakened immune
• Having unprotected sex with a person who has system are highly susceptible to flu.
HIV • Incubation period is 1-3 days.
• Having multiple sex partners or the presence of Cause
other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) • Influenza virus (A, B, or C)
that can increase the risk of infection during sex Mode of Transmission
• Sharing needles, syringes, rinse water, or other • Entry of the Influenza virus (A, B, or C) into the
equipment used to prepare illicit drugs for respiratory tract when someone coughs or
injection sneezes
• Being born to an infected mother (HIV can be • Contact with the surfaces, material, and
passed from mother to child during pregnancy, clothing contaminated with discharges of an
birth, or breastfeeding.) infected person
Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms
• Early symptomatic infection: • Fever of at least 38°C
• Headache
• Fever
• Runny nose, sore throat, cough, or other
• Fatigue
respiratory manifestations
• Swollen lymph nodes • May or may not have muscle or joint pains
• Diarrhea Treatment
• Weight loss • Use of antiviral agents, such as oseltamivir
• Cough (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza), within the first
• Shortness of breath 2 days may shorten the illness and help
Signs and Symptoms prevent serious complications.
• Primary infection (flu-like illness) occurs 3-6 • Have adequate rest.
weeks after acquiring infection in almost 50% • Increase intake of oral fluids and nutritious
of newly infected people: foods.
- Fever • Take paracetamol for fever. Aspirin should not
- Joint pain be given to children.
• Antibiotics should be given only to • Wear long- sleeved clothing and pants.
complications of influenza, such as pneumonia • Use mosquito repellants/coils and screens on
or otitis media. doors and windows.
Prevention • Clear hanging branches of trees along
• Give influenza vaccination preferably annually. streams.
• Minimize contact with a person who has • Have your blood examined if you have the
influenza. signs and symptoms of malaria.
• Avoid crowded places. • Follow the advice of health workers on how to
• Distance yourself by at least 1 meter from take anti-malaria drugs.
people who are coughing or have influenza.
• Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or MEASLES
coughing to prevent spread of the virus. • Measles is a highly contagious respiratory
• Wash hands frequently with soap and water. disease caused by a virus.
• Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal
disease caused by a parasite that commonly
infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds
on humans.
• Although malaria can be a deadly disease,
illness and death from malaria can usually be
• Protozoan parasite called Plasmodium (In the
Philippines, there are four main species of
malaria-causing Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P.
vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale. Infection with
P. knowlesi has also been identified in the
province of Palawan in 2010.) Cause
Mode of Transmission • A virus in the paramyxovirus family, which
• Transmitted through the bite of an infected normally grows in the cells that line the back of
female Anopheles sp. mosquito, which usually the throat and lungs
bites during nighttime. Mode of Transmission
Signs and Symptoms • Easily spreads from person-to-person by
• Chills sneezing, coughing, and close personal
• High-grade fever contact
• Severe headache
• Vomiting
Treatment Signs and Symptoms
• Uncomplicated P. falciparum • Cough
- First-Line: Artemether-Lumefantrine + • Runny nose
Primaquine • Red eyes/ conjunctivitis
- Second-Line: Quinine Sulfate • Fever
+Doxycycline/Tetracycline/Clindamyci • Blotchy rash lasting for more than 3 days
n Complications
• Complicated P. falciparum: Quinine • Diarrhea
Dihydrochloride Infusion + Doxycycline/ • Encephalitis
Tetracycline/Clindamycin • Otitis media (middle ear infection)
• Plasmodium vicax or Plasmodium ovale: • Malnutrition
Chloroquine + Primaquine • Pneumonia
• Plasmodium malariae: Chloroquine + • Blindness
Primaquine Treatment
Prevention and Control • Nutritional support and oral rehydration are
• Use long- lasting insecticidal mosquito nets, important to increase body resistance and
especially during nighttime.
replace lost body fluids caused by coughing, - Dog dies within observation period.
diarrhea, and perspiration. Treatment (When Bitten by a Dog)
• Take antibiotics as prescribed by physician to • If dog cannot be observed (stray dog), or if
treat infections. suspected to be rabid, consult your physician
• Give supplementation to infants and children immediately or go to the nearest Animal Bite
diagnosed with measles. Treatment Center in your area.
Prevention Prevention and Control
• Immunize infants with measles vaccine at 9 • Be a responsible pet owner
months old. - Have your pet dog immunized by a
• Give Vitamin A supplementation during routine veterinarian against rabies at 3 months
measles vaccination. old and every year thereafter.
- Never allow your pet dog to roam the
RABIES streets.
• Rabies is a deadly viral infection that is mainly - Take care of your pet dog: bathe it; give
spread by infected animals. it clean food; and provide clean
sleeping quarters.
• As an individual
- Get yourself pre-exposure anti-rabies
vaccine, especially if you have a high-
risk occupation.
• Also known as conjunctivitis, sore eyes is
manifested in redness and inflammation of the
membranes (conjunctiva) covering the whites
of the eyes and the membranes in the inner
part of the eyelids.
• Incubation period or time from exposure to
onset of symptoms is usually 5-12 days.
• Rabies virus
Mode of Transmission
• Close contact with infected saliva (rabies virus)
via bites or scratches
• from rabid animals, like dogs
Signs and Symptoms
• Headache and fever
• Pain or numbness of bite site
• Delirium and paralysis
• Muscle spasms
• Hydrophobia and aerophobia
Treatment (When Bitten by a Dog)
• Wash the wound immediately with soap and Causes
running water. • Virus infection (Adenoviruses)
• Consult immediately even while observing the • Chemicals
dog. • Trauma
• Observe the dog for 14 days and consult your Mode of Transmission
physician if any of the following occurs: • Direct contact with hands contaminated with
- Dog becomes wild and runs aimlessly. eye secretions of an infected person; touching
- Dog drools (saliva). eyes with hands getting in contact with
- Dog bites any moving or non-moving surfaces, instruments, eye solutions, or make-
object. ups contaminated with the virus from an
- Dog does not eat or drink. infected person; and entry of the virus through
the eyes by swimming in poorly chlorinated • Chest or back pain not referable to other
pools diseases
Signs and Symptoms • Loss of weight
• Begins in one eye and may later affect both • Blood-streaked sputum or hemoptysis
eyes Treatment
• Watery to pus-like discharge • Latent TB (TB infection): INH for children 5
• Redness of the eye with pain and/or itching years old and below only
sensation • Active TB: INH in combination with one or more
• Eyelids that are stuck together upon waking up of several drugs, including rifampin (Rifadin),
• In severe cases, pain of the eyes upon ethambutol (Myambutol), pyrazinamide, and
exposure to sunlight and foreign-body solution streptomycin for 6-8 months
Treatment Prevention
• There is no specific treatment during the acute • Health Professional:
phase (1-2 weeks). • Find the TB patient early and provide treatment
• If eye discharge is profuse and pus-like or through DOT (directly observed treatment) to
patient develops blurring of vision or severe cure the patient.
pain, consult with an ophthalmologist. • Individual:
Prevention • Adopt a healthy lifestyle to boost the immune
• Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with system.
soap and water. - Engage in physical activity or exercise
• Minimize hand-to-eye contact. regularly.
• Use only own towels, eye drops, make-ups and - Get enough rest.
applicators, sunglasses, or eye glasses. - Eat a balanced diet.
• Wear eye/sunglasses on windy days to protect - Keep the living area well ventilated.
one’s eyes from foreign particles. - Maintain personal hygiene.
• Avoid crowded places. - Cover the nose and mouth when
• Disinfect with dilute bleach solution surfaces, coughing and sneezing.
doorknobs, counters, elevator buttons, and
handrails. TYPHOID FEVER
• Wash clothes, towels, pillow cases, and • Typhoid fever is an infectious disease which is
anything else which may have come in contact also known as enteric fever or just typhoid.
with an infected person. Cause
• Salmonella typhi bacteria
TUBERCULOSIS Mode of Transmission
• Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that • Spreads through contaminated food and water
primarily affects the lungs and this condition is or through close
known as pulmonary tuberculosis. • contact with someone who is infected
• Other parts of the body may also be affected by Signs and Symptoms
tuberculosis; this is known as extra-pulmonary • Sustained high fever
tuberculosis. It may affect the bones, • Headache
meninges, joints, genitourinary tract, intestines, • Malaise (weakness)
liver, kidneys, and the heart. • Anorexia (loss of appetite)
Cause • Either diarrhea or constipation
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis or tubercle bacilli • Abdominal discomfort
Mode of Transmission Treatment
• Inhalation of bacteria released from air droplets • Antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin, may be given
when a person with TB coughs or sneezes to adults.
- Generally, the bacteria will be killed in - Ceftriaxone (injectable antibiotic) may
5 minutes after direct exposure to be given to pregnant women and
sunlight but these bacteria can survive children.
for up to 1 year in a dark, moist, and Prevention and Control
poorly ventilated area. • Avoid drinking untreated water. Boil water for
Signs and Symptoms drinking (upon reaching boiling point, extend
• Cough for two weeks or more boiling for 2 or more minutes) or do water
• Fever chlorination.
• Koplik Spots (Measles/Rubeola)
- Little spots inside the mouth that are RABIES POST-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS
highly characteristic of the early phase • Inactivated Purified Rabies Vaccine
of measles (rubeola) - Can be given in 1 site intramuscularly
- They are found especially on the inside on DAYS 0, 3, 7, 14 & 28 (Five Dose
of the cheek (the buccal mucosa) Regimen)
opposite the 1st and 2nd upper molars.