Design of Raft Foundation
Design of Raft Foundation
Design of Raft Foundation
3 Z
1.050 0.4 z
7 9
0.6 x x
1.5 X 3.6
8 10
1.050 0.75
Length Of Foundation Lf = 3 m
Width Of Foundation Wf = 3.6 m
Thickness Of Foundation Tf = 0.75 m
Founding Depth Df = 2 m `
Length Of Pedestal Lp = 0.4 m
Width Of Pedestal Wp = 0.6 m
Height Of Pedestal Hp = 1.25 m
Col. No. Comb No. Load Combination FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM Z
7 1 10 (SELF+WL+X) -0.184 0.105 -0.017 -0.04 0 0.42
2 11 (SELF+WL-X) 0.097 2.203 0.033 0.07 0 -0.22
3 12 (SELF+WL+Z) 0.141 -4.62 -0.926 -2.13 0 -0.32
4 13 (SELF+WL-Z) -0.228 6.925 0.941 2.16 0 0.52
5 14 -0.196 -0.868 -0.141 -0.32 0 0.45
6 15 (SELF+PO+WL+X) -0.336 -1.916 -0.166 -0.38 0 0.77
7 16 (SELF+PO+WL-X) -0.056 0.182 -0.116 -0.27 0 0.13
8 17 (SELF+PO+WL+Z) -0.012 -6.64 -1.074 -2.47 0 0.03
9 18 (SELF+PO+WL-Z) -0.38 4.904 0.793 1.82 0 0.87
Col. No. Comb No. Load Combination FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM Z
9 1 10 (SELF+WL+X) -0.212 3.032 0.051 0.12 0 0.49
2 11 (SELF+WL-X) 0.058 0.932 0.002 0.01 0 -0.13
3 12 (SELF+WL+Z) 0.378 -3.629 -0.206 -0.47 0 -0.87
4 13 (SELF+WL-Z) -0.532 7.595 0.26 0.6 0 1.22
5 14 -0.22 3.492 0.069 0.16 0 0.51
6 15 (SELF+PO+WL+X) -0.355 4.541 0.093 0.21 0 0.82
7 16 (SELF+PO+WL-X) -0.084 2.441 0.044 0.1 0 0.19
8 17 (SELF+PO+WL+Z) 0.235 -2.12 -0.165 -0.38 0 -0.54
9 18 (SELF+PO+WL-Z) -0.675 9.105 0.302 0.69 0 1.55
Col. No. Comb No. Load Combination FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM Z
8 1 10 (SELF+WL+X) -0.184 0.105 0.017 0.04 0 0.42
2 11 (SELF+WL-X) 0.097 2.203 -0.033 -0.08 0 -0.22
3 12 (SELF+WL+Z) -0.223 6.973 -0.943 -2.17 0 0.51
4 13 (SELF+WL-Z) 0.136 -4.668 0.927 2.13 0 -0.31
5 14 -0.258 0.592 -0.097 -0.22 0 0.59
6 15 (SELF+PO+WL+X) -0.398 -0.455 -0.072 -0.17 0 0.92
7 16 (SELF+PO+WL-X) -0.117 1.642 -0.122 -0.28 0 0.27
8 17 (SELF+PO+WL+Z) -0.438 6.413 -1.032 -2.37 0 1.01
9 18 (SELF+PO+WL-Z) -0.078 -5.229 0.838 1.93 0 0.18
Col. No. Comb No. Load Combination FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM Z
10 1 10 (SELF+WL+X) -0.213 3.032 -0.051 -0.12 0 0.49
2 11 (SELF+WL-X) 0.058 0.931 -0.002 0 0 -0.13
3 12 (SELF+WL+Z) -0.528 7.546 -0.259 -0.6 0 1.21
4 13 (SELF+WL-Z) 0.373 -3.581 0.206 0.47 0 -0.86
5 14 -0.35 4.888 -0.093 -0.21 0 0.81
6 15 (SELF+PO+WL+X) -0.485 5.937 -0.118 -0.27 0 1.12
7 16 (SELF+PO+WL-X) -0.215 3.837 -0.069 -0.16 0 0.49
8 17 (SELF+PO+WL+Z) -0.801 10.452 -0.326 -0.75 0 1.84
9 18 (SELF+PO+WL-Z) 0.1 -0.675 0.139 0.32 0 -0.23
Moment On C.G :
Due to Fy
7 1 -0.184 0.105 -0.017 -0.079 - -0.079
2 0.097 2.203 0.033 -1.653 - -1.653
3 0.141 -4.62 -0.926 3.465 - 3.465
4 -0.228 6.925 0.941 -5.194 - -5.194
5 -0.196 -0.868 -0.141 0.651 - 0.651
6 -0.336 -1.916 -0.166 1.437 - 1.437
7 -0.056 0.182 -0.116 -0.137 - -0.137
8 -0.012 -6.64 -1.074 4.98 - 4.98
9 -0.38 4.904 0.793 -3.678 - -3.678
LOAD FX FY FZ Mxx1 Mxx2 Mxx Mzz1 Mzz2 Mzz
due to FY External Mxx1+Mxx2 due to FY External Mzz1+Mzz2
1 -0.793 6.274 0 0 0 0 4.39 1.82 6.21
2 0.31 6.269 0 0 0 0 -1.908 -0.7 -2.608
3 -0.232 6.27 -2.334 17.077 5.37 22.447 1.173 0.53 1.703
4 -0.251 6.271 2.334 -17.078 -5.36 -22.438 1.318 0.57 1.888
5 -1.024 8.104 -0.262 2.142 0.59 2.732 6.492 2.36 8.852
6 -1.574 8.107 -0.263 2.142 0.61 2.752 9.638 3.63 13.268
7 -0.472 8.102 -0.263 2.142 0.61 2.752 3.34 1.08 4.42
8 -1.016 8.105 -2.597 19.219 5.97 25.189 6.419 2.34 8.759
9 -1.033 8.105 2.072 -14.936 -4.76 -19.696 6.566 2.37 8.936
Check For stability :-
a) Against Overturing :- (Check is done only for with buoyancy case)
It is ensured that all the four corners of foundation are in compression for all the load cases.
This means foundation will not loose contact and safe against overturning.
Load Fy From Soil+ Fdn Fy Mxx Mzz Fy/A Mxx/Zxx Mzz/Zzz 1+2-3 1+2+3 1-2+3 1-2-3
Load +Ped 1 2 3
1 6.274 23.79 30.064 0 6.21 2.78 0 1.15 1.63 3.93 3.93 1.63
2 6.269 23.79 30.059 0 -2.608 2.78 0 0.48 2.3 3.26 3.26 2.3
3 6.27 23.79 30.06 22.447 1.703 2.78 3.46 0.32 5.92 6.56 -0.36 -1
4 6.271 23.79 30.061 -22.438 1.888 2.78 3.46 0.35 5.89 6.59 -0.33 -1.03
5 8.104 23.79 31.894 2.732 8.852 2.95 0.42 1.64 1.73 5.01 4.17 0.89
6 8.107 23.79 31.897 2.752 13.268 2.95 0.42 2.46 0.91 5.83 4.99 0.07
7 8.102 23.79 31.892 2.752 4.42 2.95 0.42 0.82 2.55 4.19 3.35 1.71
8 8.105 23.79 31.895 25.189 8.759 2.95 3.89 1.62 5.22 8.46 0.68 -2.56
9 8.105 23.79 31.895 -19.696 8.936 2.95 3.04 1.65 4.34 7.64 1.56 -1.74
Load Fy From Soil+ Fdn Fy Mxx Mzz Fy/A Mxx/Zxx Mzz/Zzz 1+2-3 1+2+3 1-2+3 1-2-3
Load +Ped 1 2 3
1 6.274 45.39 51.664 0 6.21 4.78 0 1.15 3.63 5.93 5.93 3.63
2 6.269 45.39 51.659 0 -2.608 4.78 0 0.48 4.3 5.26 5.26 4.3
3 6.27 45.39 51.66 22.447 1.703 4.78 3.46 0.32 7.92 8.56 1.64 1
4 6.271 45.39 51.661 -22.438 1.888 4.78 3.46 0.35 7.89 8.59 1.67 0.97
5 8.104 45.39 53.494 2.732 8.852 4.95 0.42 1.64 3.73 7.01 6.17 2.89
6 8.107 45.39 53.497 2.752 13.268 4.95 0.42 2.46 2.91 7.83 6.99 2.07
7 8.102 45.39 53.492 2.752 4.42 4.95 0.42 0.82 4.55 6.19 5.35 3.71
8 8.105 45.39 53.495 25.189 8.759 4.95 3.89 1.62 7.22 10.46 2.68 -0.56
9 8.105 45.39 53.495 -19.696 8.936 4.95 3.04 1.65 6.34 9.64 3.56 0.26
Y ex Cx
Mx ey
X X B= 3.6 4Cy
L= 3m
Depth of foundation below F.G.L 2.0 M
Length of foundation (L) 3 M
Width of foundation (B) 3.60 M
Total vertical load on foundation (P) 31.8 T
Moment about X axis (Mx) 25 T-m
Momoent about Y axis (My) 9 T-m
Area = L x B (A) 10.8 m2
Zxx = L x B 2 / 6 (Zxx) 6.48 m3
Zyy = B x A 2 / 6 (Zyy) 5.40 m3
ex = My / P ex 0.28 m < L/6= 0.500 m
ey = Mx / P ey 0.79 m > B/6= 0.600 m
Cx = (L / 2) - ex Cx 1.22 m
Cy = (B / 2) - ey Cy 1.01 m
P min = (P / A) - (Mx / Zxx) - (My / Zyy) -2.58 T/m2
-25.8 N/mm2
ex / L 0.09
ey / B 0.22
For corresponding (ex / L) and (ey / B) value of µ = 3.1
Maximum edge pressure = 9.13 T/m2
Safe bearing capacity = 8.0 T/m2
Allowable gross bearing capacity = 8*1.25+1.8*2= 13.6 T/m2
2.04 4.1
2.45 0.55
0.75 0.75
Critical Section = At distance d/2 from face of column
Concrete Grade = 30 N/mm2
Column Details
Length = 400 mm
Width = 600 mm
Foundation Details
Length = 1500 mm
Width = 3600 mm
Effective Depth = 675 mm
Percentage Of Steel = 0.2 %
Punching Load
Maximum Load on Column = 9.105 T
Punching Shear = 9.105 x ( 1.5 x 3.6 - 1.075 x 1.275 )
1.5 x 3.6
P= 7 Ton
Shear Resistance Of Concrete (Vc)
= vc x bc x d -----Refer to clause no. of IS 456
where vc = ks x tc
ks = 0.5 + bc -----should not be greater than 1
bc = Short Side Of Column
Long Side Of Column
= 0.667
ks = 1
tc = 1.37 N/mm2
bc = Appropriate perimeter at distance d/2
Length of critical section = 1075 mm
Width of critical section = 1275 mm
Perimeter of critical section = 4700 mm
Depth Required =
1.37 x4700
= 16.31 mm
Shear Resistance = 1.37 x 4700 x 675 / 10000
434 T
At Length
Length at critical section = 3600 mm
Width at critical section = -125 mm
Shear Force = 6.335 x 3.6 x -0.125
= -3 T
At Width
Length at critical section = 1500 mm
Width at critical section = 825 mm
Shear Force = 6.335 x 1.5 x 0.825
= 8 T
Design Of Foundation
a) Calculation of reinforcement at bottom
Maximum Pressure = 10.46 T/m2 --- Without Buoyancy Load Case
Pre. due to pcc & fdn wt = ( 20.25 + 22.14 ) / ( 3 x 3.6 )
= 3.93 T/m2
Net causing moment = 6.53 T/m2
Maximum Projection of fdn = 0.75 m
Bending Moment = 6.53 x 0.75 x 0.75 / 2
= 1.84 Tm
Ast = 0.5 x fck x b x d 1- (4.6 x Mu )
fy 1 - fck x b x d2
Summary Of Design :-
Length Of Footing :- 3000 mm
WIdth Of Footing :- 3600 mm
Depth Of Footing :- 750 mm
Reinforcement :-
At Top :- Provide 16 mm dia Bars @ 150 mm spacing bothways
At Bottom :- Provide 16 mm dia Bars @ 150 mm spacing bothways