Fge 50081884 2990936 01-11-2022 1 Y
Fge 50081884 2990936 01-11-2022 1 Y
Fge 50081884 2990936 01-11-2022 1 Y
M 10000406120
DG MCC Profile
DG1 MCC02 02
Payment Slip
Knockbrack House
Matthews Lane Account No: 50081884
Donore Road, Drogheda,
Co. Louth, Ireland
A92 T803
MPRN: 10000406120
08222 000500818843 0000001 939170
Description Meter No From Meter Readings Multiplier Consumption Payment Options
Previous - Present
See www.flogas.ie for all payment options
Day Z00047002 29/08/22 37793 C 37973 A 1 180 kWh Direct Debit: Call 041 214 9500
Night Z00047002 29/08/22 51998 C 52374 A 1 376 kWh Electronic Funds Transfer:
Following details required to pay via EFT:
A – Actual, C - Customer Read, E - Estimate, F - Final Your Electricity Account Number.
IBAN: IE78 BOFI 90332269780025
Debit/Credit Cards: www.flogas.ie
Units Rate(€) VAT Amount(€) or call 041 214 9500
Bill Information
Make payable to Flogas Natural Gas Ltd.
Standing Charge 29/08 25/10 58.000 0.70620 R €/day 40.96
Include your MPRN on Cheque.
Standing Charge 26/10 01/11 7.000 0.70620 R €/day 4.94 Please do not send cash by post. If this is your final
Day Units 29/08 25/10 161.000 0.31720 R €/kWh 51.07 bill and your account is in credit please contact us
on the above number to arrange for a refund.
Day Units 26/10 01/11 19.000 0.38060 R €/kWh 7.23
Night Units 29/08 25/10 336.000 0.15430 R €/kWh 51.84
Night Units 26/10 01/11 40.000 0.18520 R €/kWh 7.41 Contact Details
PSO Levy (Aug 22 to Sep 22) 29/08 Please have your account number to hand when
you contact us. We can only discuss account
30/09 2.000 4.30000 R €/month 8.60
information with the account holder.
PSO Levy for 1 month (Oct 22) 01/10
041 214 9500 Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm
25/10 1.000 0.00000 R €/month 0.00 Email: [email protected]
PSO Levy (Oct 22 to Nov 22) 26/10 01/11 1.000 0.00000 R €/month 0.00 Address: Flogas Natural Gas Ltd,
Government Electricity Credit 1 01/11 Knockbrack House, Matthews Lane,
Donore Rd, Drogheda,
01/11 1.000 1.00000 R Adjustment -183.49 Co.Louth, A92 T803
VAT Reg No: IE 4530571M
Net total Customers with payment queries should contact
our Credit Control Department on 041 214 9500
VAT (R) 9.00% on -11.44 -1.02 or email asu@flogas.ie
Energy Saving hints and tips Public Service Obligation (PSO) Levy
• These days we use many electrical devices & appliances to get through our day. It would be difficult for any of The PSO Levy is determined by the CRU (Commission
us to stop using them, but making small changes to our habits can help to reduce energy consumption over for Regulation of Utilities) and relates to any additional
time & being a bit smarter in the times we use devices can help to lessen use at peak times. cost incurred by the ESB in purchasing or generating
• Switch off unused devices at the wall socket when you are not using them. When devices are sleeping or in electricity from sustainable, renewable and indigenous
standby mode they still use small amounts of electricity. Timers or smart plugs can be a good way to do this. sources. It is charged to all electricity customers.
If you have queries & would like additional Flogas Fuel Mix Disclosure
support, there are a number of impartial
January 2020 to December 2020
bodies who can help.
Electricity supplied
% of total
General advice: has been sourced from Electricity Average for All
Supplied by Island Market
Citizen Information the following fuels
Flogas (for comparison)
www.citizensinformation.ie | T: 0761 07 4000
available Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm Renewable 100.0 57.9
Natural Gas 0.0 35.8
For advice on payment or debt issues: Peat 0.0 2.1
Money Advice & Budgeting Service (MABS) Coal 0.0 3.0
www.mabs.ie | T: 0761 07 2000 Other 0.0 1.2
Total 100.0 100.0
available Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm Environmental Impact
For help and support on reducing your energy bill, CO2 Emissions 0 gCO2/kWh 236 gCO2/kWh
grants available, energy efficiency and emission
For information on your fuel mix and on the environmental
costs: Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI)
impact of your electricity supply visit www.flogas.ie or, for
www.seai.ie | T: 01 8082100 further details call 0412149500.