Elastic Analysis of Cantiliver Balcony 2

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FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Elastic Analysis of Cantilever Balcony

Prepared by:
Mansour Alotaibi

Submitted at 9 December 2022

Table of Contents
1. Given...................................................................................................................................5
2. Load Calculations................................................................................................................5
3. Stiffness Factors Calculations..............................................................................................5
4. Distribution Factors Calculations........................................................................................6
PROPPED CASE...............................................................................................................................7
1. Hand Calculation.................................................................................................................7
a) Fixed End Moments Calculations....................................................................................7
b) Table of Distribution.......................................................................................................7
c) Propping Force Calculations............................................................................................8
2. LINPRO Results....................................................................................................................9
3. Linpro Reactions:..............................................................................................................13
4. Bending Moment diagram................................................................................................14
5. ANSYS Results...................................................................................................................15
6. Results Comparison..........................................................................................................18
UNPROPPED CASE........................................................................................................................19
1. Hand calculation...............................................................................................................19
a) Fixed end moments Calculations..................................................................................19
b) Table of distribution......................................................................................................20
c) Propping Force Calculations..............................................................................................20
2. Linpro results....................................................................................................................21
3. ANSYS Results...................................................................................................................22
4. Results Comparison..........................................................................................................23
FINAL STATE.............................................................................................................................23
1. Hand calculation...............................................................................................................23
2. Bending diagram...............................................................................................................24
3. ANSYS results....................................................................................................................25
4. Results Comparison..........................................................................................................25
SECTION ADEQUACY....................................................................................................................26
1. Ultimate limite state for beams UB (254x146x31)....................................................................26
a) Design for shear :..............................................................................................................26
b) Design for Bending............................................................................................................27

c) Design for deflection (SLS)............................................................................................27
1. Servicability limit state for columns UC (305x305x158)........................................................27
a) Design for slenderness..................................................................................................27
b) Design for axial flexural buckling compression (ULS)....................................................28
c) Design for major axis bending.......................................................................................29
d) Design for minor axis bending.......................................................................................30
e) Design for bending and compression............................................................................30
JOINT DESIGN...............................................................................................................................31
1. Flexible End Plates:...........................................................................................................31
a) Shear Capacity Calculations..............................................................................................31
b) Tension Capacity Calculations...........................................................................................31
c) Tearing Capacity Calculations...........................................................................................31
d) Interaction Check..............................................................................................................32
2.Web Shear and weld Check.......................................................................................................32
WORK CRITIQUE...........................................................................................................................33

List of Figures
Figure 1- 3D view............................................................................................................................5
Figure 2- Fixed end moment...........................................................................................................7
Figure 3-Coordinates of Joints/Supports......................................................................................10
Figure 4-Define Columns..............................................................................................................10
Figure 5-Define Beams..................................................................................................................10
Figure 6-Define distributed load on member 1............................................................................11
Figure 7-Define Point load on member 1......................................................................................11
Figure 8-Define Distributed load on member 2............................................................................12
Figure 9-Define point load on member 2......................................................................................12
Figure 10-Define Point load on member 3....................................................................................13
Figure 11-Linpro Propped case reactions.....................................................................................14
Figure 12- Linpro propped case bending moment diagram..........................................................15
Figure 13-Define Element type.....................................................................................................16
Figure 14-Real Constants For beams............................................................................................16
Figure 15-Real Constants For Columns.........................................................................................17
Figure 16-Define Material Model Behavior..................................................................................17
Figure 17-Create Joints and Members..........................................................................................18
Figure 18- Ansys propped case bending moment diagram...........................................................19
Figure 19-Fixed end moments......................................................................................................20
Figure 20-Support Settlement......................................................................................................22
Figure 21-Linpro Unpropped case bending Moment Diagram.....................................................23

Figure 22-ANSYS Unpropped case Bending moment....................................................................23
Figure 23-Linpro Final unpropped case bending moment diagram..............................................25
Figure 24-ANSYS Final unpropped case bending moment diagram..............................................26
Figure 25- c/t Ratio.......................................................................................................................28
Figure 26- Axial flexural buckling capacity reduction factor.........................................................30

List of Tables
Table 1- Manual calculation of propped case.................................................................................7
Table 2-Results Comparison of propped case...............................................................................10
Table 3-Manual calculation of unpropped case............................................................................12
Table 4-Results comparison for unpropped case..........................................................................14
Table 5- Final results for unpropped case.....................................................................................14
Table 6-Results Comparison for unpropped case.........................................................................16
Table 7-Outstand element classification.......................................................................................17
Table 8-Flexural buckling curve selection, rolled sections............................................................19

The purpose of the module is to provide us with a practical approach to using
computers for the analysis of structures, and introduce how engineers approach seismic
analysis and design.
We will use the moment distribution method which is a structural analysis method for
statically indeterminate beams and frames. The method only accounts for flexural
effects and ignores axial and shear effects.
Figure 1 shows a Cantilever Balcony system for which we will analyse and assess the
central frame . This is essentially a vertically oriented 2 bay portal frame with a sloping
member for the roof.

Figure 1- 3D view

1. Given
A=2.5 m B=2.75 m C=1.25 m D=4.2 m E=5.5 m F=2.75 m G=1.1 m.
Points loads: W=4 KN P=3.5 KN.

Dead load: GK1= 2KN/m 2 GK2=1.9kN/m2 GKr=0.8 kN/ m 2.

Live load: QK1=1.75KN/m2 QK2=1.8kN/m2 Qkr=0.3 kN/m2.

Boundary conditions: Joint 1,2,3 are Pinned
Structural Members:

Columns UC 305x305x158: I = 38700 cm 4 , Cross section A = 201cm 2 .

Beams UB 254x146x31: I = 4440 cm 4 , Cross section A =39.7 cm 2.

2. Load Calculations
The live loads and dead loads combination factors are 1.5 and 1.35 respectively.
UDL F1=W1x2xE=(1.35x2+1.5x1.75)x2x5.5=58.575 kN/m.
UDL F2=W2x2xE=(1.35x1.9+1.5x1.8)x2x5.5=57.915 kN/m.

R=√ C2 + D 2x2xExWr=4.38x2x5.5x(1.35x0.8+1.5x0.3)=73.71 kN.

The dead load P will be substituted by its moment effect Mp = 1.35x3.5x2.75 = 13 kN.m.

3. Stiffness Factors Calculations

4 EI Far end fixed 3 EI Far end pinned
k= k=

K14=3EI/L=3x21000x4440/4.2x100=666000 kN.cm.
K25=666000 kN.cm.
K56=4EI/L=4x21000x38700/2.75x100=11821090.91 kN.cm.
K45=4EI/L=4x21000x38700/2.5x100=13003200 kN.cm .
K36=3EI/L=3x21000x4440/4.38x100=638630.137 kN.cm.

4. Distribution Factors Calculations
The distribution factor for an end of a member is equal to the relative bending stiffness
of the member divided by the sum of relative bending stiffnesses of all the members
connected to the joint.

DF =


1. Hand Calculation
a) Fixed End Moments Calculations

Figure 2- Fixed end moment

(FEM)41 = = 58.575 x4.22 /8 = 129.157 kN.m.

( )
2 2
wL p 2 a b
(FEM)52 = + 2 b a+
8 L 2

= 57.915x4.22 /8 +4/4.22 ¿ ) = 129.75 kN.m.

b) Table of Distribution
Joint 3 6 5 4 1 2
Member 3-6 6-3 6-5 5-6 5-2 5-4 4-5 4-1 1-4 2-5
DF 1 0.051 0.95 0.463 0.03 0.51 0.951 0.049 1 1
FEM 0 0 0 0 130 13 0 129 0 0
RELAX -60.1 -3.39 -66.2 -123 -6.29 0 0
CO -30 0 0 -61.4 -33.1 0 -3.14 -1.69311
RELAX 1.538 28.5 28.43 1.6 31.32 31.46 1.611 3.145 1.693107
CO 0.769 0 14.2 14.24 0.85 15.73 15.66 1.572 0.806 0.801455
RELAX 0 -0.73 -13 -14.3 -0.8 -15.7 -16.4 -0.84 -0.81 -0.80145
CO -0.36 0 -7.13 -6.74 -0.4 -8.19 -7.86 -0.4 -0.42 -0.40213
RELAX 0.364 0.365 6.76 7.1 0.4 7.82 7.856 0.402 0.42 0.402127
CO 0.183 0 3.55 3.381 -0.2 3.928 3.91 0.21 0.201 0.20011
RELAX 0 -0.18 -3.37 -3.29 -0.19 -3.63 -3.92 -0.2 -0.2 -0.20011
CO -0.09 0 -1.65 -1.68 -0.1 -1.96 -1.81 -0.1 -0.1 -0.09276
RELAX 0 0.084 1.56 1.732 0.1 1.908 1.819 0.093 0.1 0.09276
CO 0.042 0 0.87 0.78 0.05 0.91 0.954 0.05 0.047 0.04883
RELAX 0 -0.04 -0.82 -0.8 0 -0.89 -0.96 -0.05 -0.05 -0.04883
SUM 0.903 1.033 -1 -31.2 128 -83.3 -125 125 0 0

Table 1- Manual calculation of propped case

c) Propping Force Calculations
Member 1-4:
-4.2xV1 -126.71+ 58.575x4.2/2x4.2=0
V1 = 92.838 kN.

Member 2-5:
V2 = 94.264 kN.

Member 5-6:
H4 = -11.58 kN.

Member 3-6:
V3 = -4 kN.

Calculate propping force P:

∑ Fy=0
P = 383.86 kN.

2. LINPRO Results

Figure 3-Coordinates of Joints/Supports

Figure 4-Define Columns

Figure 5-Define Beams

Figure 6-Define distributed load on member 1

Figure 7-Define Point load on member 1

Figure 8-Define Distributed load on member 2

Figure 9-Define point load on member 2

Figure 10-Define Point load on member 3

3. Linpro Reactions:

Figure 11-Linpro Propped case reactions

4. Bending Moment diagram

Figure 12- Linpro propped case bending moment diagram

5. ANSYS Results

Figure 13-Define Element type

Figure 14-Real Constants For beams

Figure 15-Real Constants For Columns

Figure 16-Define Material Model Behavior

Figure 17-Create Joints and Members

Figure 18- Ansys propped case bending moment diagram

6. Results Comparison
Member Hand Calculation Linpro Results Ansys results
1-4 0 0 0
4-1 -125 -122.32 -124.411
2-5 0 0 0
5-2 -128 -126.25 -101.946
3-6 0.9 0 0
6-3 1.03 0 0
4-5 112 112.7 112
5-4 -83.3 -77.98 77.776
5-6 31.2 48.27 55.311
6-5 -0.2 0 0
Table 2-Results Comparison of propped case

1. Hand calculation
a) Fixed end moments Calculations
Consider frame swaying Δ vertically:
Moments are induced in the beams 2 equal to for fixed ends, and 2 for pin-
ended beams.

Figure 19-Fixed end moments

Suppose Δ = 1 cm
3 EIbeamΔ
(FEM)4-1 = 2 = 3 * 21000*4440/(100*420*420) = 15.85 kN.m.
3 EIbeamΔ
(FEM)5-2 = 2 = 3 * 21000*4440/(100*420*420) = 15.85 kN.m.

The deflection at joint 6:

Δ 6-3 = Δ x√ C2 + D 2/D= 1x√ 1.252 +4.22/4.2 = 1.04.

Δ 6-5 = Δ xC/D = 1x1.25/4.2 = 0.29.

3 EIbeamΔ 6−3 3 x 21000 x 4440 x 1.04 x 10−6

(FEM)6-3 = = =¿15.149 kN.m.
C2 + D2 1.252 +4.22
6 EIcolsΔ 6−5 6 x 21000 x 38700 x 0.29 x 10
(FEM)5-6 = (FEM)6-5 = 2
=¿ =¿ 186.98 kN.m.
B 2.752

b) Table of distribution
Joint 3 6 5 4 1 2
Member 3-6 6-3 6-5 5-6 5-2 5-4 4-5 4-1 1-4 2-5
DF 1 0.051 0.95 0.463 0.03 0.51 0.951 0.049 1 1
FEM -15.1 190 187 -16 0 0 -15.9 0 0
RELAX -8.95 -166 -79.2 -4.47 -87.3 15.07 0.772 0
CO -4.48 -40 -82.9 0 7.537 -43.6 0 0.386 -2.23325
RELAX 4.476 2.028 37.6 34.88 1.97 38.42 41.5 2.125 -0.39 2.233247
CO 1.014 2.238 17.4 18.78 1.12 20.75 19.21 -0.19 1.063 0.983099
RELAX -1.01 -1.01 -19 -18.8 -1.06 -20.7 -18.1 -0.93 -1.06 -0.9831
CO -0.5 -0.51 -9.41 -9.33 -0.49 -9.04 -10.4 -0.53 -0.46 -0.53042
RELAX 0.504 0.508 9.4 8.733 0.49 9.619 10.36 0.531 0.463 0.530415
CO 0.254 0.252 4.37 4.7 0.27 5.181 4.81 0.232 0.265 0.246139
RELAX -0.25 -0.24 -4.38 -4.7 -0.26 -5.17 -4.79 -0.25 -0.27 -0.24614
CO -0.12 -0.13 -2.35 -2.19 -0.12 -2.4 -2.59 -0.13 -0.12 -0.13241
RELAX 0.118 0.127 2.35 2.18 0.12 2.402 2.587 0.132 0.123 0.132412
CO 0.063 0.059 1.09 1.174 0.07 1.293 1.201 0.061 0.066 0.061455
SUM 0.063 -20.8 22 60.29 -18 -39.4 15.27 -14 0.066 0.061455
Table 3-Manual calculation of unpropped case

c) Propping Force Calculations

Member 1-4:
-4.2x V1 -14.02+0.07 = 0
V1 = -3.3 KN.
Member 2-5:
-4.2xV2-18= 0
V2 = -4.3 KN.
Member 5-6:
60.3+22-2.75xH4 = 0
H4 = -29.92 KN.
Member 3-6:
-4.2xV3-20.76+0.06-29.92x1.25 = 0
V3 = -13.9 KN.

S = 21.5 KN

2. Linpro results
Define Support settlement Δ = 1 cm on node 3 :

Figure 20-Support Settlement

Figure 21-Linpro Unpropped case bending Moment Diagram

3. ANSYS Results

Figure 22-ANSYS Unpropped case Bending moment

4. Results Comparison

Member Hand Calculation Linpro Results Ansys results

1-4 0.07 0 0
4-1 14 14.26 15.9
2-5 0.06 0 0
5-2 18 18.82 15.9
3-6 0.063 0 0
6-3 -20.8 0 0
4-5 -15.3 -14.26 -15.9
5-4 -39.4 -30.30 42.977
5-6 60.3 49.11 51.993
6-5 22 0 0
Table 4-Results comparison for unpropped case

1. Hand calculation
Sway correction factor P/S = 383.86/21.5 = 17.8.
Tabulate moments to attain final state
Joint 3 6 5 4 1 2
Member 3-6 6-3 6-5 5-6 5-2 5-4 4-5 4-1 1-4 2-5
PROPPED -4.54 -3.33 168 -60.2889 18.25 39.93 -14.3 14.07 0.933768 0.938545
UNPROPPED -0.06 20.8 -22 -60.2889 18.23 39.42 -15.3 14 -0.06623 -0.06145
CORRECTED UNPROPPED -1.13 371 -393 -1076.16 325 704 -273 250 -1.18225 -1.09697
FINAL STATE -5.67 367 -225 -1136.45 344 744 -287 264 -0.24848 -0.15843

Table 5- Final results unpropped case

2. Bending diagram

Figure 23-Linpro Final unpropped case bending moment diagram

3. ANSYS results

Figure 24-ANSYS Final unpropped case bending moment diagram

4. Results Comparison
Member Hand Calculation Linpro Results Ansys results
1-4 -0.24 0 0
4-1 264 292.61 246.669
2-5 -0.158 0 0
5-2 344 321.23 321.23
3-6 -5.67 0 0
6-3 -367 0 -241.889
4-5 -287 -302.23 -302.23
5-4 -744 -959.56 -735.226
5-6 1136.45 1380.79 898.079
6-5 225 221.23 246.669
Table 6-Results Comparison for unpropped case

Eurocode 3 member capacities are based upon grade S235 steel, but since most UK
structural steel is S275 it is necessary to adjust the section classification using the 

factor,  =
fy √where fy is the design strength of the steel.

fy=275 N/mm2 , =
√ 235

 Assume that the sections are laterally and torsionally restrained.

1. Ultimate limite state for beams UB (254x146x31)

a) Design for shear :

Ultimate limit state shear force, V E =224.87 KN .


Try 254x146x31UB S275 steel (f y = 275N /mm2),

Av = htw = 251.415.8 = 3972.12mm.

γ M 0 = 1.0.

A v ( fy ∕ √ 3 ) 3972.12 ( 275 ∕ √ 3 )
V C , Rd= = =630658.75 N =630.65 KN .
γ Mo 1
VE 224.87
= =0.35<0.5 ,low shear condition, no reduction in bending capacity.
V C , Rd 630.65

Section classification:
There are two elements of any steel section; an outstand compression element usually
the part of the flange which extends from the web, and the internal compression
element usually the part of the web between root fillets. Ratio’s for t c are calculated for
each element and must be less than the limit value.

Table 7-Outstand element classification

Figure 25- c/t Ratio

b−t ω− ( 2× r ) 146.1−6−( 2× 7.6 )

Flange element c/t = = = 7.261 < 9.
2 xtf 2 x 8.6

d 219
Web element c/t = = =¿ 36.5 < 72.
tω 6

 Section is CLASS 1 PLASTIC.

b) Design for Bending

Ultimate limit state bending moment, M Ed = 425.5 KN . m.

w p , y xfy 393 x 1000 x 275
M pl , Rd= l
= = 108 kN.m.
γ M0 106

M Ed
= 425.5 = 3.9 > 1 Not ok for bending → beam section should be increased.
M pl , R

c) Design for deflection (SLS)

For a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load, the formula for
deflection is :

2 2
mm cm
Where E = 210 KN/ , Iyy=4440 , L=4.2 m.
Δmax=0.29m=290 mm.
for dead+imposed limit deflection to, Δ ≤ = 4200/200 = 21 mm < Δmax , NOT OK for

1. Servicability limit state for columns UC (305x305x158)

a) Design for slenderness
For compression, ensure  < 180
L E (the effective length of the bottom storey is 0.85L)
0.85 xL 0.85 x 2750
ⅈ≥ = =12.98 mm=1.298 cm.
180 180
izz = 7.9 cm > 1.298 cm → OK.
Try 305x305x158 UC S275 steel izz = 7.9 cm A = 201 cm2 fy = 275N/ mm2 E = 210 KN/,
mm2 same section through full height of column.
( γ M 0=¿1.0, γ M 2 =¿1.25).

b) Design for axial flexural buckling compression (ULS)

L = π
√ √

210 x 1000
= 86.8

Lcr = 0.85L = 0.85x4200 = 3570 mm

LCr 3750
λ= = = 0.546
i zz λL 79 X 86.8

h/b = 327.1 / 311.2 = 1.05 < 1.2.

Table 8-Flexural buckling curve selection, rolled sections

tf = 25 mm < 100 mm buckling about z-z use curve c,

Figure 26- Axial flexural buckling capacity reduction factor

From curve  = 0.85.

𝑁𝑏,𝑅𝑑 = Afy/ γM 1 = 0.85x201x100x275/1x1000 = 4698.375 KN

NEd 75.73
= =0.016< 1, OK.
Nb , Rd 4698.3
c) Design for major axis bending
The column will be subject to moments due to load eccentricity,
Major axis eccentricity, eyy = h/2 + 100 = 327.1/2 + 100 = 263.55 mm.
Minor axis eccentricity, ezz = tw/2 + 100 = 15.8/2 + 100 = 107.9 mm.
Ultimate limit state bending moment, My,Ed = Fxey = 224.8x0.263 = 59.12 KN.m.
The section will be subject to lateral torsional buckling on the z-z axis.
Classify section
Columns : UC (305x305x158)

b−t ω− ( 2× r ) 311.2−15.8−( 2 ×15.2 )
Flange element c/t = = =¿6.22 < 9.
2 xtf 2 x 25
d 246.7
Web element c/t ¿ = =¿ 15.61 < 72.
tω 15.8

 Section is CLASS 1 PLASTIC.

LTB effective length, LLTB = 0.85 x2.5 = 2.125 m , assuming endplates give plan torsional
L LTB 212.5
λz= = =26.89
ⅈzz 7.9
For S275 material, λ ¿= =¿ 26.89/96 = 0.28
h/b = 327.1/311.2 = 1.05 < 2 use buckling curve b for rolled sections.

From curve  LT =0.95

¿ w p , y fy 0.95 x 2680 x 1000 x 275
M b , Rd= l
= 6
=700.15 KN . m .
γ M1 1 x 10
MEd 59.12
= = 0.084 < 1 , OK for bending.
Mb , Rd 700.15
d) Design for minor axis bending
The section will reach full moment capacity on the y-y axis,
w p , z fy
M c , Rd=M pl , z , Rd= l
= 1230x1000x275/106 =338.25 KN . m.
γ M0

e) Design for bending and compression

Simplified bending and compression interaction check;
N E , d M y , Ed M
+ + 1.5 z , Ed =75.73/4698.3 + 59.12/700.15 + 0= 0.1 < 1
N b , z , Rd M b ,Rd M cz , Rd

 OK for bending and compression.

1. Flexible End Plates:
The flexible end plate connection is the most common method of attaching a beam to a
column or other beam.
Choose 4 No M20 grade 8.8 bolts in 22mm diameter holes; 160x160x8mm thick S275
plate; 6mm fillet welds to both sides of the beam web.

a) Shear Capacity Calculations

α v f ub A 0.6 x 800 x 245
Shear capacity of a bolt , F v 1 Rd= = = 94.1 kN.
γ M2 1.25 x 103
e2 30
K1 = 2.8 - 1.7 = 2.8x – 1.7 = 2.12 < 2.5.
d0 22

fub/fu = 800/410 = 1.95.

For the end row of bolts,
αb= αd =e1 / (3d0) = 30/(3x22) = 0.454 ≤ fub/fu
For the inner row of bolts,
αc = αe = p1 / (3d0) – 0.25 = 90/(3x22)-0.25 = 1.11 ≤ fub/fu
k 1 α b f u ⅆt
Bearing capacity of end row bolt, f b , Rd= =¿ 0.454x2.12x410x20x8/(1.25x103 )
γ M2
= 50.51 kN.
k 1 α c f u ⅆt
Bearing capacity of a bolt , f b , Rd= = 2.12x1.11x410x20x8/(1.25x103 ) =
γ M2
123.495 kN.
Shear capacity of bolt group ,FRd = 50.51x2+123.495x2 = 348.01 kN.

b) Tension Capacity Calculations
Assuming connection must transmit 75 kN tie force (T Ed), Ft, Rd = k2 fub A / yM2 = 0.9x
800x245/(1.25x103 ) = 141.1 kN.

c) Tearing Capacity Calculations

Net area in tension is Ant = 2t (e2 – d0 /2) = 2x8x(30-22/2) = 304 mm2 .

Net are in shear Anv = 2t (l-(e1 – 1.5 d0)) = 2x8x(160-(50-1.5x22)) = 2288 mm2 .

Veff,1, Rd = fu Ant/ yM2 + fy Anv /(√3yM0) = 410x304/1.25 + 275x2288/(√3) = 462.98 kN.

d) Interaction Check
Shear per bolt = VEd / 4 = 22.38/4 = 5.6 kN
Tension per bolt = TEd /4 = 726/4 = 181.5 kN
VEd/Fv,Rd + TEd/(1.4Ft,Rd) = 5.6/94 + 181.5/(1.4*141) = 0.97 < 1 OK.

2.Web Shear and weld Check

a) Shear Capacity Calculations Area of beam web in shear,
Av = 0.9 tw l = 0.9x6.3x160 = 907.2 mm2 .

Plain shear, Vpl,Rd = fy Av / (√3yM0) = 275*907.2/(√3*103 ) = 144 kN

b) Weld Capacity Calculations
Weld leg length, s = 6 mm and throat thickness a=6/√2= 4.2 mm
Weld shear strength, fvw,d = fu / (√3Bw yM2) = 410/(√3 *0.85 *1.25) = 223 N/mm2

Design weld resistance Fw,Rd = fvw,d xa = 223*4.2 = 946 N/mm

Length of profile weld 2h = 2*160 = 320 mm for weld on both sides of beam web
Deduction for two starts or stops 2(s+s)= 2(6+6)= 24 mm.
Net length of weld = 320 – 24 = 296 mm
Capacity of weld, Fw,Rd = 946 * 296 / 103 = 280 kN

Resultant applied action FEd = √ VEd 2 +TEd 2 = √ 22.382 +7262=¿726.34 kN.

𝐹𝐸𝑑 /𝐹𝑤,𝑅𝑑 = 726.34/280 = 2.6 >1 NOT OK.


The moment distribution method of analysis is an approximate method of

analysis. The degree of accuracy of the results obtained by the method of moment
distribution depends on the number of successive approximations or the iteration
process. This lead to the fact that moment distribution method cannot be accurate as
much as high accuracy software such as Linpro and Ansys. This difference lead to small
variations between hand calculations and software calculations.

The table above shows the displacement values at the various nodes generated
by linpro analysis. This displacement at these nodes could result into difference in
moment between the moment distribution method and computer analysis program.
The effect of this displacement on the moment increases in vertical members
which have higher moment of inertia when compared to beams which can be obviously
seen in the table below.

Member Hand Calculation Linpro Results Ansys results

1-4 -0.24 0 0
4-1 264 292.61 246.669
2-5 -0.158 0 0
5-2 344 321.23 321.23
3-6 -5.67 0 0
6-3 -367 0 -241.889
4-5 -287 -302.23 -302.23
5-4 -744 -959.56 -735.226
5-6 1136.45 1380.79 898.079

6-5 225 221.23 246.669


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