October 12, 2008: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2008: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2008: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2008 ny 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time If you are over 50 join us for our once a month social meeting. Bring a
GIFTED in Christ
What are Congregational Engagement & Spiritual Commitment? Congre-
dish to share and come meet others with similar interests. For addi-
tional information contact Georgia & Lyle Volkmer 404-766-1083, gational engagement describes the degree of belonging an individual has in
Readings for Mass Rosary Group Invitation and Prayers Roses Longino 404-767-5829 or Jerry Magrosky 770-969-2050. his/her parish. Engaged members use the language of "family" when they
I would like to invite everyone to join the Rosary Group to pray the talk about their parish. They want to know they are valued, that they make
October 12, 2008 October 19, 2008 rosary with us Thursday mornings after the 9:00 Mass. If you want us Attention Lectors! meaningful contributions to the mission and ministry of their church—not
in monetary terms, but in contributing their greatest talents to accomplish
1st Reading Is 25:6-10a Is 45:1, 4-6 to pray for someone, please call Helen Martin 770.463.3697.
If you are interested in being a lector, whether it be a /returning/ lec- something bigger than themselves. Spiritual commitment reflects a per-
2nd Reading Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 1 Thes 1:1-5b tor or a /new/ lector, and you have not attended training for this year, sonal depth of spirituality and can be seen in both behaviors & attitudes.
Adult Choir Rehearsals! please plan to attend the LAST training for lectors of this year on These individuals not only believe all the right things but they actually in-
Gospel Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Mt 22:15-21 Tuesday, Oct. 14th AND Thursday, Oct. 23rd Tuesday, October 21st in the church at 7:00 pm. This is a make-up corporate the tenets of their faith into their daily lives. Strong congrega-
training and your last opportunity until next year. Both new and return- tional engagement leads to strong spiritual commitment. In other words,
Youth Choir Rehearsals!
Ministry Highlight Sunday, Oct. 19th - Rehearsal
ing lectors are welcome. belonging leads to believing.
CAFÉ 9:45 (Adult Faith Formation) Sunday, Oct. 26th - Rehearsal
Rev. Fr. Victor Galier and the St. Matthew Parish Family, Consider this story. It's a typical Wednesday for Mike. After his morning
run, he gets ready for work, and then he and his wife, Janet, take their kids
This ministry group meets each Sunday to offer our Catholic adults an op- I write to thank you for the very kind reception, welcoming and hospital- to school. Over lunch, Mike meets with his men's small group, which gath-
portunity to grow in their faith. The subjects vary and are taught by parish- Calendar of Upcoming Events ity you gave me during this past summer. I am thankful to God that I was ers weekly to discuss "a Christian approach to men's issues," as Mike puts
ioners, outside speakers, Deacons and our Priest. The goal is to build a working at Saint Matthew Parish and that I met a lot of wonderful people.
deeper relationship with God while cultivating our faith and prayer life.
it. "We started this ministry at our church last year. I can really see a dif-
October 14 9:30AM Church Cleaning I enjoyed working at Saint Matthew, as I learned gratitude and kindness ference in my life." After work, Mike comes home, and then the family
This group meets between the 8:30AM and 11:00AM Masses. This year we
hope to add new programs and speakers by attracting coordinators, pro- October YAM Calendar See Bulletin Board from both you and the parishioners. You aided me in growing as a dea- heads out the door for Family Faith Night at their parish. "We have a
gram instructors and parishioners with new ideas. For information contact con, working on my skills, and becoming a better person through your meal, activities for the kids, and classes for adults," says Mike. "Janet and I
Deacon Gayle Peters at 770.964.5804. Save the Date for an evening your family won't want to miss! words and deeds. are in a couple's class. Right now we're discovering how our unique God-
given talents affect our relationships. It's been great for our marriage." Af-
SPORTS TICKER.....Our parish men played a very close game for Saint Matthew Parish Fall Festival Knowing the difficult economic times we are in, the gift I received from
the parish was a genuine sacrifice and was truly appreciated. As a small ter their night at church, the family heads home. Mike and Janet check
most of the first half but fell behind in the second period and fell to Holy Saturday, October 25th - after the 5:00 pm mass token of my appreciation, I would like to give something from which I homework, get the children off to bed, watch some TV, and then the cou-
Trinity, 45-24 in Catholic men's league action last weekend. Brandon Hel- Come one come all for an evening full of family fun! received this summer. In a few days you will receive a check for $200.00 ple spends time in prayer together. Mike is also involved in leading his
lenbrand has a great afternoon tossing 14 through the hoop but got little Delicious BBQ pork dinner catered by The Downtown Grill, Hay Rides, church's Habitat for Humanity team. "In my 'day job,' I'm a software engi-
that I would like to donate to the Parish Debt Reduction Fund.
offensive support from his teammates against the strong Peachtree City Bounce Houses for the kids, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Face Painting, Bon neer," says Mike, "but I've always loved to build things, and even worked
squad. Plan to come and support our parish team on Sunday, October 12 Fire with camp song singing and smores! With no more words to say, thanks Fr. Vic and St. Matthew Parish Family construction during the summers I was in college. When we became mem-
as we take on St. Theresa at 4 p.m. at the Our Lady of Mercy gym. Ad- Old fashioned games (three legged race, water balloon toss, egg and spoon for your generous donation and warm welcoming. bers of our church, I was asked, 'What are you good at, and what do you
mission is free and we can sure use your support! race!) Dcn. Salomon Garcia love to do?' I consider myself good at organizing people, I love to build
Cookie Baking Contest! Bring your best secret recipe to share with the par- things, and I've been a big believer in the mission of Habitat ever since I
Greeting Card Drive Coming Soon!!!!! ish! Fr. Vic and Deacon Bill will judge! Prizes to the Top Three Cookie
Religious Education News saw a news story about it several years ago. So I talked to my pastor about
During weekends October 25/26 and November 1/2, the St. Matthew starting a team from our church. It's been one of the greatest experiences
Please look for RSVP sign in the back of the narthex so we can plan ac-
Prison Ministry volunteers will be collecting unused Thanksgiving and Women’s Faith Formation of my life." For Mike, faith is the organizing principle of his life. He says,
cordingly. We need helpers - check out the volunteer sign up sheet as well!
Christmas Cards for imprisoned persons. These cards are distributed to Women's Faith Formation will meet on October 27, 2008 at 7:00 pm in "Without my faith, my life wouldn't be as meaningful. I don't know how,
Many blessings ~ Gail Routon ~ 678-361-5166
prisoners to send to their family members. Also, we are happy to take the conference room at church. We continue our discussion of The Shack but it seems that the more I've gotten involved at church, the more spiritu-
cards for other occasions, i.e. Birthday, as they can be used by the prison- by William P. Young. All women of the parish are welcome. ally aware I've become. I've become more compassionate, more aware of
SAVE THE DATE…Our Lady of Victory Catholic School, 211 Kirkley
ers too. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara at 770-486-8745. the suffering of others, and what I can do about it. I'm a better husband
Road, Tyrone, will be hosting an Open House for the 2009-20010 school RCIA
year on Saturday, January 24, 2009 between 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Please and father. I'm just a better person." Mike is an engaged member of his
We welcome the following make plans to attend. School tours are presently being given upon request.
In celebrating this month of Our Lady’s final journey to God in her glori-
ous Assumption, let us ask her motherly intercession to draw souls to the
parish—and a spiritually committed person. Engaged members, like Mike,
drive the spiritual health of every congregation in America. The more en-
new parishioners to our Parish Family If you are interested in Catholic Education for your child, please contact
Stephanie Johnston with our Admission Dept. at 770-306-9026 Ext. 303.
Sacred Heart of her Son. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults gaged members there are in our church, the healthier it will be. (Adapted
Kim Consolino & Carrie Jones (RCIA) is a journey too – of conversion to God and what he intends for
from "Growing an Engaged Church," by Albert L. Winseman (2006)).
Samuel & Dora Minta Medina You…Could be a lucky winner at the Casino Night gala at Falcon Field on us. RCIA is the process by which persons who was never baptized, or was
Carlos & Luz Maria Moreno November 1st. It’s an entire evening of fun and excitement, starting with~ baptized in other Christian tradition, become members of the Church, a Here at St. Matthew, we are preparing to measure, for the first time, our
Ricardo Sustaita Casillas & Martha Eleno Lopez Del Rio people on a pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father. Please contact King Coo- level of congregational engagement and individual spiritual commitment.
Jesus Lopez & Maria Torres ØDinner by Carrabba’s per at (770) 774-1182 for more information. Stay tuned for more information about congregational engagement in the
Jose & Manila Solis ØDesserts by Georgia Shrimp Company weeks to come.
ØCoffee by Starbucks Bible Study
Daytime Bible study will continue Tuesday, October 28th from 10:15 to
Visit Fr. Vic’s blog at
You can’t beat that menu!
11:30 am in room 3. All are invited. No previous experience is necessary. Financial Giving in our Parish Family
In addition, you’ll have a chance to play your Vegas-type gaming favorites, Please join us as we explore God's word together! For more information
http://padrevic.blogspot.com/ such as blackjack, poker, craps table and more, with dancing to live contact Doris Cooper at 770.632.0426 or Linda Spencer at 770.632.8880. October 5, 2008
music provided by
Mass Intentions First Reconciliation Parents Orientation Meeting October 19th Offertory $14,953.85
♫The Peachtree Jazz Edition♫ All parents of those children in the parish (normally in 2nd grade) who are
Tuesday 9AM No Mass Intentions Besides all this, chances for great prizes and an opportunity to obtain expecting to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time next Given in checks & envelopes (233) $14,140.85
exciting auction items. spring are asked to come to an important meeting on October 19, in the
Wednesday 6PM No Mass Intentions LaSalette Day Chapel at 9:45 am (between the Masses). The meeting will Parish Debt Reduction $813.00
All to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Societies of ~ discuss plans for preparation of the children to receive First Reconcilia-
Thursday 9AM No Mass Intentions tion at the Parish Advent Communal Penance Service on December 18,
Second Collection $1,420.00
ª St. Matthew in Tyrone
ª Holy Trinity in Peachtree City 2008, as a step toward receiving First Eucharist in April, 2009.
Saturday 5PM Saturnino Morgia Upcoming Second Collections
ª St. Mary Magdalene in Newnan PSR Rosary Rally
Sunday 8:30AM Joan Ellen Starr Ticket Information: Tim Thomas, 770-254-1371, 770-855-3497 or PSR Rosary Rally October 12 at 10 am at OLV. All parents are invited to October 12—St. Vincent de Paul Society
Sunday 11:00AM St. Matthew Parish Family email [email protected]. attend. Come and pray with us. October 19—World Mission