Module 3 Lesson 2
Module 3 Lesson 2
Module 3 Lesson 2
Lesson 2
In today’s digital world, blogging has become one of the effective ways of communicating and
networking among students, professionals, businessmen, public officials, etc. In other words, blogging has
become an indispensable medium of communication. In the same manner, blogging can be used effectively
for academic purposes.
The learner-blogger becomes aware that the arbiter is no longer the classroom teacher, the
audience or readership. It is a collection of skills that one needs to run and supervise a blog. This entails
equipping a web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier
on the internet ( Alsamadani, 2017).
What is a blog?
A shortened form of weblog, blogs are personal journal websites on which a user can type an entry and add
images, videos and links to other websites. Usually, readers of the blog can post comments.
Make a point. While posts do not require a formal thesis or claim, it is important to have an
argument, opinion, or purpose in mind when you compose.
Be concise. Use precise language and coherent syntax to make your posts easy to read.
Post often. Blogs should be updated regularly to hold readers’ interest. Actively generate new and
interesting content on a daily or weekly schedule.
Consider inviting guest bloggers to appeal to diverse readers, broaden your blog’s scope, or
refresh your own perspective on the project.
Proofread. Careless mistakes and errors can distract readers and make you appear less credible
as a writer.
Create visual interest. Consider which aspects of your content would pair well with visual elements
such as photographs, figures, or videos. Break up large chunks of text with visual elements to
make your blog more readable.
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A Course Module in Purposive Communication
How to Start a Blog in 8 Easy Steps
Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile
technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like
personal journals, presenting the author’s daily life and thoughts.
Generally speaking (although there are exceptions), blogs tend to have a few things in common:
A main content area with articles listed chronologically, newest on top. Often, the articles are
organized into categories. An archive of older articles.
A way for people to leave comments about the articles.
A list of links to other related sites, sometimes
Guide Question: Before watching the video, do you have any background on making a blog? If does, after
watching it, what other steps you have made while making your blog that you didn’t took?
Checklist: Put a check to a media platform/application that you know to assess what is commonly
and mostly used by people.
1. Messenger
2|GE-Purposive Communication
A Course Module in Purposive Communication
2. Facebook
3. Youtube
4. Whatsapp
5. WeChat
6. Instagram
7. QQ
8. Tumbler
9. Qzone
10. Tiktok
11. Twitter
12. Reddit
13. Viber
14. Snapchat
15. Line
INSTRUCTIONS: Create a 10-minute blog about the historical places in your area using series of
Content 40%
Creativity/Design/Editing style 30%
Extra Features (graphics, photos, etc.) 30%
INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and answer the following questions.
1. Why is it necessary for you to use blog?
2. What are the different media platforms/applications that are very useful in your blog?
3|GE-Purposive Communication
A Course Module in Purposive Communication
3. How can a blog help you in promoting and advertising?
Bloggers are the ones who inspire and/or motivate with their content. This is probably the most
powerful and strong relationship there ever can be between a content creator and the audience. When
you’ve reached the point where you can stir emotions, energize, motivate, and influence people towards
certain actions, you know you’ve really connected with them. Inspiring content doesn’t necessarily have
special content forms like educational content often does. The value is in the effect and style
A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying
information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a
platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. A well-structured
blog posting will catch the readers' attention, and make them want to read what you have to say. There are
many reasons to start a blog for personal use and only a handful of strong ones for business blogging.
INSTRUCTIONS: Create an interesting blog that will ignite the interest of your friend who’s never
been into blogging. Present it for critiquing. Points will be based on the rubrics.
Blogging Rubric:
4 (5 pts.) 2 (3 pts.) 1 (1 pt.) Point
Content Post are clearly Post are focused on one Post are not focused on
focused on one point point and supported by one point and supported
and supported by any few events by only one event.
detailed events
Coherency Coherent & well- Somewhat difficult to Not Organized
& Organization organized follow
Accuracy Few error in spelling Many spelling or Meaning unclear due to
and grammar grammar error, bur still spelling or grammar
comprehensible. errors.
Creativity Creative presentation Somewhat creative Completely uncreative
of topic including presentation without Presentation.
pictures or link to other picture or links
Comments on Comments to two Comments to two Comments to one
others’post classmates’ blog classmates’ blog posts. classmates’ blog post or
posts. Reply shows Reply shows little no comments at all
careful thought given thought has been given
to other students to other students
‘comments. New reply ‘comments and new
challenges peers to reply promotes little
think critically. conversation.
total 25
Legend of Rating: 4-5-Very Good, 2-3-Good, 1-Poor
4|GE-Purposive Communication
A Course Module in Purposive Communication
INSTRUCTIONS: Find and download a short a blog, write a critique or a comment on the video.
Use the rubric below.
Blog Post Rubric
10 Points 5 Points 0 Points
Blog Title Wow! That title totally Ok. That title isn’t Ok. That title lacks
makes me want to read original but it works. spark and originality.
this post!
Images 2-5 high quality images 1 image is included No images
are included
Text The text effectively The text is ok, but it You made 7-errors
covers your topic in an goes off topic or lacks
exciting manner creativity
Spelling and Grammar You made 0-3 errors You made 4-6 errors You made 7 errors
Format Wow! I can tell you It looks ok, but you can The text and images
thought about how to do better are just thrown together
place your text and
Voice I could tell this was your I could hear your voice I couldn’t find your voice
blog just by your words a few times as I was at all
Total Points
Wakat, et al. (2018). Purposive Communication. LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC., Metro Manila.
ISBN 978-621-8035-50-8, pp 1-8
Hashem A. Alsamadani (2017) The Effectiveness of Using Online Blogging for Students’ Individual
and Group Writing. International Education Studies; Vol. 11, No. 1; 2018 ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-
Rettberg, J. (2014). Blogging. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Polity Books.
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