Dual Spaced Induction

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• Water quality
• Bed boundaries
• Correlation


• Length 2.25 metres

• Diameter 38 mm
• Weight 6.2 Kg
• Pressure Rating 3000 PSI
• Temperature Rating 0 – 70 Deg Celsius
• Power Supply 60 – 100 V DC, 100mA
• Typical Logging speed 5 m/min


• Conductivity 3 – 3000 mS/m (0.3 – 300 Ohm-metres)


Channel Description of Sonde Channel Measurement

Number measurement Mnemonic Offset (cm)
1 Natural Gamma * NGAM 190
2 Conductivity (Short Spacing) SCON 47♣
3 No measurement Null -
4 Conductivity (Long Spacing) LCON 80♣
5 No measurement Null -
6 No measurement Null -

Note: All Measurements are taken from bottom of sonde.

* Optional

♣ See Calibration section for determining exact coil offset



25 060 001 Dual Induction

25 061 001 Dual Induction + Natural Gamma


20 070 000 Natural Gamma Test Jig without source

30 010 000 Natural Gamma Test source

20 086 000 Induction Calibration Jig

23 001 000 Induction Fin Stand-off


The sonde head connector carries the following signals from surface system:

Pin Number Monocable Four-wire

Communications Communications
1 Power & Comms Uphole Comms
2 Not connected Downhole Comms
3 Not connected Not connected
4 Not connected Sonde power

Note: Pin 1 as adjacent to the polarising keyway, 2, 3 & 4 are numbered clockwise when looking
down from above.


This equipment is energised at up to 100 Volts by the surface

system. Ensure that sonde power is switched off before attaching or
detaching the logging cable. Opening the sonde by removing the
outer tube should only be attempted by trained personnel.
Hazardous voltages up to 2KV may be present inside this equipment
when powered from surface system

If the sonde is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer or his agent, the protection
provided by the equipment may be impaired.



Amperes law states that a magnetic field will be associated with the flow of an electric current through
a coil, the direction of which will be at right angles to current flow. In addition Faraday deduced that a
changing magnetic field would induce a current in a loop of conductor present in the field. In its
simplest form the tool consists of a transmitter coil and a receiver coil

The induction sonde uses a coil array: one transmitter, one receiver and a number of focussing coils.
The sonde’s coil spacing is optimised to achieve high vertical resolution and a deep radius of
investigation. In this instrument the focussing action is arranged to give two different depths of

The transmitter coil at the bottom of the sonde is supplied with a sine wave drive. The alternating
magnetic field induces a circular current flow around the axis of the sonde in a toroidal zone shaped
by the focussing coils. The current flow sets up an alternating magnetic field of its own. The induced
magnetic field sets up an out-of-phase EMF in the receiver coil which is amplified by the
measurement circuit. An EMF is also produced from the direct magnetic coupling between the
transmitter and receiver coils.
The conductivity information is contained in the received out-of-phase EMF. The in-phase component
due to the direct coupling is unwanted and removed by a phase sensitive detector in the
measurement circuit.

The induction method is unique because it is the only conductivity/resistivity measurement which will
operate in dry holes, oil based muds or plastic-cased boreholes.


All rocks contain small quantities of radioactive material. Certain minerals contain trace amounts of
Uranium and Thorium; Potassium-bearing minerals will include traces of a radioactive isotope of
Potassium. All of these emit gamma radiation as they decay with an extremely long half-life. This
radiation is detected by scintillation - the production of a tiny flash of light when gamma rays strike a
crystal of Sodium Iodide. The light is converted into an electrical pulse by a photomultiplier tube -
pulses above a threshold value of 60 KeV are counted by the sonde's microprocessor. The
measurement is useful because the radioactive elements are concentrated in certain rock types e.g.
clay or shale’s, and depleted in others e.g. sandstone or coal.



Before attempting to calibrate the Induction sonde power the tool up and leave for several minutes to
allow the sonde to reach a stable operating temperature. In order to conduct a valid calibration the
sonde needs to be supported horizontally, at least 1.5m above the ground on non conducting stands.
A pair of wooden tripod stands is ideal for this but care must be taken that no metal nails are used in
their construction as these would interfere with the calibration.

Before calibration starts, the exact calibration positions of the sondes two measurement points needs
to be established. The standard offsets for the SCON and LCON measurements are 47cm and 80cm
respectively (from the bottom of the tool), however due to manufacturing procedures these can vary
slightly from tool to tool.

Place the calibration loop over the sonde and slide it

up the sonde while recording in TIME mode. The
position of maximum response is indicated in the
sketch. Note it is not required to have the sonde
calibrated for this operation, since all that is required
is the position of the peak response. Typically use
scales from 32000 to 64000 cps to get a good
display. Once the two peaks have been found, mark
the body of the sonde with their position, the bottom
most being the SCON calibration point and the
upper the LCON point.

With the tool on the wooden stands and the

calibration loop removed and stored a safe distance
from the tool select the correct asset number DUIN
from the sonde selection box. Select Tool |
Calibration then select the SCON channel from the drop down list. Select the appropriate unit of
measurement, typically mS/m. Two different conductivity settings are required for the calibration,
record the first as 0 with no calibration coil in place and the second as 3300 (see below) with the coil
positioned on the SCON measurement point. Repeat this step for the LCON channel from the drop
down list this time positioning the coil on the LCON measurement point and using the value of 1650
(see below) for the coil reading. Once completed the calibration coefficients will be saved and used
for future logs.

Jig Position SCON apparent LCON apparent

conductivity conductivity
(mS/m) (mS/m)
With loop in place 3300 * 1650 *
Loop removed 0 0
* Enter jig values marked on loop if different

Calibration loop Apparent Conductivity


It is possible to calibrate the response of the sonde in API gamma ray units. The procedure falls into
two parts, the primary calibration is performed in a test pit at RG during manufacture, and the
secondary can be performed in the field using the optional calibration fixture.

The primary calibration uses a test pit manufactured from Uranium-doped concrete which has a
known API activity. An identical pit made with the same concrete mix, but without the Uranium
additive, is used as a background. The increase in count rate above the background is measured, and
this is used to calculate a multiplier which relates the raw count rate to the API count rate.

Once this primary calibration has been performed, it is possible to create a secondary standard which
will give a convenient count rate such as 200 API. This is done by mounting a small source on a rod
which can be clamped over the detector, and then moving the source in or out along the rod until the
activity reaches the required value. At this point a small detent is made in the rod at the correct
position, and the jig is stamped with the API value. If an optional API calibrator is specified by the
customer, all the above procedures will be performed by RG.

Secondary calibration is achieved through the Tools|Calibration menu. Select the NGAM channel
and you will be asked to establish background conditions. Place the sonde horizontally on stands
about 1 metre above the ground. Start acquisition by clicking Continue, which will proceed for 5
minutes (300 seconds). At the end of the first period, attach the calibrator jig to the sonde tube, taking
care that the base of the rod is exactly centred over the detector crystal. This can be determined
experimentally by 'peaking' the count rate in a separate time mode log, or by measurement from the
base of the sonde. Start the second acquisition period. After 5 minutes counting, you will be asked for
the activity of the calibration source (see below). The calibration coefficients will then be computed
and written to file together with the count rates and timestamp. Previous data will be transferred to the
'history' file for reference.

The date of calibration is important because the API value will change as the source decays. The API
value at any time in the future is given by :

. ln 2

where :

= time (years) since the original API calibration.

 = API value at time t.

 = original API value as stamped on calibrator.

 = half-life of isotope.

137 137
The half-life of Cs is approximately 28 years. In a four year period, a Cs source will decay to
approximately 90% of its original value, and to 80% after 10 years.



Use the calibration loop, and make a calibrated time log in TIME mode as the loop is moved along the
length of the sonde. The sonde should return the correct value for the apparent conductivity of the coil
when positioned at the SCON and LCON measurement points.


The natural gamma section (when fitted) can be observed on channel 1 and will normally give a small
count rate at surface due to background radiation. Otherwise a small test source of gamma rays can
be utilised, e.g. 10µCi Cs.



All sonde measurements are offset from the

bottom of the tool. When performing an uplog if
the top of the tool is aligned with your logging
datum on surface you would initialize the depth
to be the length of the tool. If performing a
downlog then when the top of the tool is aligned
with the logging datum then you would initialize
the depth to be zero. Therefore if a downlog is
performed from surface and then an uplog
performed, the depth system must be changed
once at the bottom by adding on the length of
the tool. If you wish to use ground level for your
datum then you must subtract the height H from
the length of the tool. The preferred method of
logging is to record in an upwards direction as
this provides better depth control of the sonde.

Example: Tool length = 2.7m, Casing 50cm above ground. Case 1. Align top of tool with casing.
Initialize depth to be -0.5m. Record down until depth reads 100m. Stop log, reset depth to 102.7m.
Record uplog. Case 2. Align top of tool with casing. Initialize depth to be 2.2m run down to required
depth and log up.

These instructions should be used in conjunction with the full or quick reference guide to logging with
your surface system. Ensure that sonde power is turned off

• Connect the sonde to the logging cable.

• Measure the length of the tool from the bottom and also a reference point to use as a zero
point for your logging datum.
• Lower the sonde into the borehole and ensure depth is incrementing in the correct direction
and speed is correct. If not change the system settings by selecting menu item Tools |
system settings
• Line the zero point measured previously with your logging datum and initialise the system
• Power up the sonde, it is a good idea to use the menu item Tools | Test Sonde to monitor
the operation of the sonde as you run into hole. While running in steel casing it is
recommended that the sonde power be switched off to prevent damage to the sonde.
• Once at the point to commence logging ensure the depth is set correctly, see above and
select menu item File | New Log.
• If you wish to produce a log with real electrical units and API gamma units ensure the correct
calibration file is loaded in the Data Processing section of the new log window.
• Select logging direction and file name then complete the header information.
• The sonde will operate correctly at up to 10m/min, but the recommended logging speed is
less than 5m/min. Resolution from the Natural Gamma, when fitted, due to the statistical
nature of the measurement will be improved at lower speeds.
• Once within the steel casing, the log should be terminated as the sonde will not function any
further and the sonde power turned off.
• When at surface turn off sonde power and remove sonde from the borehole. Clean the sonde
with low-pressure fresh water.


The calibrated conductivity data from the sonde must be manipulated by a user function in order to
compute formation resistivity.

/************ Dual Induction Sonde **********/

/* Copy Natural Gamma unchanged */
OUT1 = IN1;
/* Shallow - check conductivity to prevent maths error */
TMP1 = fabs(IN2);
if (TMP1 > 0.5)
OUT2 = 1000 / TMP1;
OUT2 = 2000;
/*Deep - check conductivity to prevent maths error */
TMP2 = fabs(IN4);
if (TMP2 > 0.5)
OUT3 = 1000 / TMP2;
OUT3 = 2000;
The computation is simple, since it only performs the reciprocal of the conductivity, with appropriate
conversion of units. The maths is protected against a divide-by-zero error by checking that the
conductivity is greater than 0.5 mS/m, at which point the resistivity output is clamped. This version of
the user function also checks to see that calibration has not introduced small negative values for
conductivity. These are ‘rectified’ to prevent large negative anomalous values for resistivity being

For more information regarding implementation of User Functions please refer to the Logging
Software Manual.

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