PsychoticMurder 2012

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J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113

DOI 10.1007/s10896-011-9410-4


Psychotic Domestic Murder: Neuropsychological Differences

Between Homicidal and Nonhomicidal Schizophrenic Men
Robert E. Hanlon & Joseph J. Coda & Derin Cobia &
Leah H. Rubin

Published online: 13 January 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract There is substantial evidence that individuals with neuropsychological status of schizophrenic defendants who
schizophrenia are at increased risk for violent criminal behav- commit domestic homicide should be considered by the trier-
ior and an even higher risk for committing murder, relative to of-fact when they are tried for murder.
the general population. Neuropsychological features of seven
schizophrenic men who murdered family members were com- Keywords Schizophrenia . Homicide . Parricide . Murder .
pared to neuropsychological features of seven schizophrenic Neuropsychological testing
men with no history of violence, criminal offenses or antiso-
cial behavior. The two groups were matched for age, educa-
tion, race, gender, handedness, and diagnosis, and had similar Schizophrenic Violence
psychotic symptom profiles and substance abuse histories.
The schizophrenic murderers demonstrated significantly Studies of violence and schizophrenia have widely docu-
worse neuropsychological impairment, involving executive mented an increased risk for violent criminal acts among
dysfunction and memory dysfunction, relative to nonviolent individuals with schizophrenia when compared to the gen-
schizophrenic men. Implications include: (1) specific neuro- eral population (e.g., Brennan et al. 2000; Fazel et al. 2009a;
psychological deficits may increase the likelihood of some Swanson et al. 2006; Swanson et al. 1990) and an increased
schizophrenic men to murder family members due to an risk for homicide, specifically (e.g., Erb et al. 2001; Fazel
impaired capacity to inhibit impulsive violent aggression; (2) and Grann 2004; Wallace et al. 2004). However, there con-
tinues to be a general lack of consensus regarding the
origins of violent behavior among individuals with schizo-
R. E. Hanlon phrenia (Hodgins 2008; Naudts and Hodgins 2006).
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern
Psychiatric comorbidity, specifically personality disorders
University Feinberg School of Medicine and Neuropsychological
Associates of Chicago, and substance abuse disorders, increases aggressive tenden-
Chicago, IL, USA cies among individuals with schizophrenia (Cuffel et al. 1994;
Fazel et al. 2009b; Hanlon and Mayfield 2005; Liettu et al.
J. J. Coda : D. Cobia
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern
2009; Swanson et al. 1990; Tiihonen et al. 1997; Wallace et al.
University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2004). Additionally, a history of antisocial behavior during
Chicago, IL, USA childhood has been shown to significantly increase the likeli-
hood of violent behavior in adults with schizophrenia, with the
L. H. Rubin
likelihood of violence increasing as a function of the number
Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA of antisocial behaviors (Swanson et al. 2008).
Numerous studies have implicated substance abuse as a
R. E. Hanlon (*) primary risk factor for criminal violence among the mentally
Neuropsychological Associates of Chicago,
ill (e.g., Steadman et al. 1998; Fazel et al. 2009a,b; Vaughn
645 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 803,
Chicago, IL 60611, USA et al. 2010). The potential for abused substances to induce
e-mail: [email protected] aggression and paranoia may result in impulsivity, lack of
106 J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113

insight, and diminished awareness of the legal implications (Keshavan et al. 2008) and consequently disrupts neuro-
of criminal acts (Buckley et al. 2004; Krakowski et al. cognitive functioning (Palmer et al. 2009), in addition to
1986). Additionally, lower socioeconomic status, criminal producing the psychotic symptoms and negative symptoms
victimization (Vaughn et al. 2010), traumatic brain injury classically associated with the disorder. This has led to the
(Grafman et al. 1996; Wick et al. 2008), acute psychosis hypothesis that compromised neuropsychological function-
(Bourget et al. 2007; Humphreys et al. 1992; Liettu et al. ing is a core feature of the disorder (Elvevag and Goldberg
2009; Walsh et al. 2002), and undiagnosed/untreated schizo- 2000).
phrenia (Swartz et al. 1998), have been associated with Evidence from several avenues of research supports this
increased violent tendencies. hypothesis. Neuropsychological impairments emerge years
Paranoid delusions, a common feature of schizophrenia, before expression of psychotic symptoms (Hoff et al. 1999;
have been implicated as a key factor in acts of violence Reichenbert et al. 2002), are considerably developed upon
towards someone believed to be a persecutor, often a relative first psychiatric contact (Bilder et al. 2000; Saykin et al.
or friend (Krakowski et al. 1986). Delusions involving threat 1994), persist upon remission of psychotic symptoms, and
and control override (TCO), characterized by the belief that a remain relatively stable over time (Barbarotto et al. 2001;
persecutor is threatening or controlling one’s thoughts Friedman et al. 2001; Martinez-Aran et al. 2002), are evi-
(Bjorkly 2002a; Link et al. 1998), are associated with violent dent to a similar, yet mild, degree in non-psychotic siblings
acts directed toward the source of the delusional persecution. (Cannon et al. 1994; Goldberg et al. 1990; Goldberg et al.
With regard to hallucinations, studies of community- 1994), do not respond markedly to typical or atypical anti-
based samples of psychiatric patients have found no signif- psychotic medication (Mishara and Goldberg 2004), and are
icant relationship between auditory hallucinations and vio- related to functional outcome (Green 1996).
lent behavior (e.g., Monahan et al. 2000; Swanson et al. In general, the neurocognitive deficits associated with
1996). However, Bjorkly’s (2002b) review of studies on schizophrenia are commonly manifested in the following
hallucinations and violence revealed evidence that com- domains: attention and vigilance, working memory, lan-
mand hallucinations were associated with a propensity to guage, learning and memory, perceptuomotor processing,
execute violent acts based on the commands. and executive functions. The neuropsychological profile of
schizophrenia is best characterized as broad impairments
across the majority of cognitive domains. On average, cog-
Parricide nitive deficits in schizophrenia fall approximately one stan-
dard deviation below the mean for healthy subjects (Bilder
Parricide is the act of murdering one’s parent (i.e., matricide et al. 1995; Dickinson et al. 2007), with some falling below
or patricide) or both parents. While not exclusive to schizo- three standard deviations (Saykin et al. 1991; Saykin et al.
phrenia, parricide is considered to be an act closely associ- 1994). Measures of memory and learning, processing speed,
ated with schizophrenia (Green 1981; Singhal and Dutta and executive control appear to have the strongest effect
1992). In their review of documented cases of parricide, sizes. Neuropsychological studies of violent offenders with
Hillbrand et al. (1999) found that offenders were typically schizophrenia have found that violent schizophrenic indi-
single males with major psychopathology, including schizo- viduals manifest significantly worse neurocognitive deficits
phrenia, mood disorders, and personality disorders. C. (i.e., intellectual functions and memory) relative to nonvio-
Green (1981) and Liettu et al. (2009) found paranoia and lent schizophrenic individuals and antisocial individuals
persecutory delusions to be common features of male parri- without schizophrenia (e.g., Schug and Raine 2009).
cidal offenders, and that matricide, in particular, is commonly The neurocognitive deficits described above are consid-
committed by sons with schizophrenia. ered to be the result of structural and functional abnormal-
Additionally, the psychological effects stemming from ities of the schizophrenic brain. The most common
verbal and physical abuse by either parent may have dele- findings are enlarged ventricles and reduction in whole
terious and long-standing effects on individuals who are brain volumes. Regarding the neocortex, the most con-
repeatedly victimized. These circumstances have been iden- sistent findings are volume loss in prefrontal and tem-
tified as a forecaster for individuals who murder their parent poral regions, particularly left dorsolateral prefrontal
(s) (Marleau et al. 2006). cortices, as well as the left superior temporal gyrus
(Honea et al. 2005). Cortical thinning in prefrontal and
temporal regions has also been a consistent finding
Neuropsychological Abnormalities in Schizophrenia (Kuperberg et al. 2003; Narr et al. 2005). For subcortical
structures, changes in the hippocampus (Csernansky et al.
Schizophrenia is a chronic debilitating psychiatric disorder 1998), thalamus (Harms et al. 2007), and basal ganglia
that affects the development and formation of brain structure (Mamah et al. 2007) are also evident.
J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113 107

Neuroimaging studies of violent schizophrenic individu- of the seven murderers committed acts of parricide, involv-
als have revealed significant reductions in gray matter vol- ing the murder of one or both parents (i.e., matricide and/or
ume in the hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex (Barkataki patricide). One subject committed filicide, involving the
et al. 2006; Kumari et al. 2009). Similarly, schizophrenic murder of his daughter and one subject committed sorori-
murder defendants revealed reduced gray matter volume in cide, involving the murder of his sister, as well as the
the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (Yang et al. attempted murder of his mother. Table 1 provides a brief
2010). These findings suggest that specific structural abnor- description of the domestic murders and the relationship
malities of the fronto-limbic system, involving the hippo- between offenders and victims.
campus, parahippocampal gyrus and the prefrontal cortex, The seven nonviolent/noncriminal schizophrenic subjects
may predispose schizophrenic individuals who are already were recruited as part of an ongoing longitudinal study of
functionally compromised, psychiatrically and neuropsy- schizophrenia at the Conte Center for Neuroscience of Men-
chologically, to engage in impulsive aggression and commit tal Disorders at the Washington University School of Med-
unprovoked violent acts, due to diminished inhibitory icine in St. Louis, Missouri. Recruitment of the nonviolent/
control. noncriminal schizophrenic subjects occurred at various in-
patient and outpatient treatment centers in the Saint Louis
area. Diagnostic evaluation of each subject involved com-
Objectives pletion of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) (First et al. 1997), combined with
The primary hypothesis of the current study was that schizo- a detailed review of all data from present and past hospital-
phrenic men who murder family members manifest signifi- izations and corroborative personal sources (e.g., family).
cantly worse neuropsychological impairment than nonviolent All subjects were undergoing treatment with antipsychotic
schizophrenic men. Additionally, we hypothesized that medication at the time of the neuropsychological evaluation.
schizophrenic murderers manifest significantly worse neuro- Exclusion criteria included the following: (1) met DSM-IV
psychological impairment in multiple neurocognitive criteria for substance abuse (moderate or severe) or depen-
domains, including executive functions, attention, and mem- dence (any type) at the time of the neuropsychological eval-
ory, relative to nonviolent schizophrenic men. Consistent with uation or during the 6 months prior to the neuropsychological
previous findings regarding the relationship between execu- evaluation; (2) diagnosis of a severe medical disorder that
tive dysfunction and violent antisocial behavior, in general would confound the assessment of psychiatric diagnosis, (3)
(e.g., Golden et al. 1996; Grafman et al. 1996; Morgan and history of significant closed head trauma or traumatic brain
Lilienfeld 2000), and murder, specifically (Hanlon et al. injury with loss of consciousness; (4) documented history of
2010), we hypothesized that a fundamental difference between mental retardation or learning disorder. The two groups were
homicidal and nonhomicidal schizophrenic men is that schizo- matched (i.e., no statistically significant differences) on the
phrenic murderers manifest significantly worse executive dys- following variables: age, education, race, gender, and hand-
function, resulting in an impaired capacity for inhibitory edness, given the correlation between handedness and hemi-
behavioral control. spheric dominance (i.e., cerebral localization of language).
Table 2 summarizes the demographics, clinical characteristics,
and criminal factors of the subjects as a function of murder.
Method Overall, the two groups were similar across all socio-
demographic variables, substance abuse history, and clinical
Subjects symptom presentation.

Subjects consisted of 14 males diagnosed with schizophre- Procedures

nia, paranoid type (DSM-IV). The 14 subjects comprised
two distinct subgroups: (1) seven subjects were schizo- All subjects underwent a structured clinical interview
phrenic men charged with and/or convicted of first degree (SCID-I) and neuropsychological testing, including the fol-
murder in relation to the deaths of one or more family lowing measures: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III
members; (2) seven subjects were schizophrenic men with (WAIS-III) (selected subtests), Wechsler Memory Scale-III
no criminal history and no history of domestic violence or (WMS-III) (Logical Memory subtest) , a measure of encod-
antisocial behavior. The seven murderers were a criminally ing, retention and retrieval of narrative verbal information,
homogeneous group, given the fact that all seven committed the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), a measure of
domestic homicides, specifically spontaneous domestic encoding, retention, and retrieval of noncontextual verbal
homicides (i.e., spontaneous killing of a member of the information in list-learning paradigm, the Trail Making Test
household by a family member) (Douglas et al. 2006). Five (TMT), a measure of visuomotor tracking and psychomotor
108 J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113

Table 1 Brief descriptions of the domestic murders committed by seven schizophrenic men

Subject 1 27 year old, single, Caucasian male who lived with his mother; physically assaulted his mother in their home, then cut
her head off with a kitchen knife; reportedly in response to repeated commands from God to “kill Satan”
Subject 2 28 year old, single, African American male who lived with his mother; stabbed his mother to death with a kitchen knife in
their home; defendant reported that the murder of his mother was “revenge for how I grew up”
Subject 3 31 year old, single, Caucasian male who lived with his mother; stabbed his mother to death with a kitchen knife in
their home; reportedly in response to repeated commands from “the voice” to “kill the demon”
Subject 4 31 year old, single, African American male who lived with his mother and sister; stabbed his sister to death with a kitchen
knife in their home and stabbed his mother multiple times, but she survived; defendant reported that the homicidal acts
were “accidents”
Subject 5 43 year old, married, Caucasian male who lived with his wife and two children; strangled and drown his daughter in
the toilet; reportedly in response to commands from God or an “Angel of God” to “kill the devil”
Subject 6 28 year old, single, African American male who lived with his parents; stabbed his mother to death with a knife and shot
his father to death with a handgun
Subject 7 29 year old, single, African American male who lived with his parents; shot his mother and father to death with a handgun

speed (i.e., Trail Making A) and executive function involv- presented and were computed using Cohen’s d where small,
ing cognitive flexibility and rapid conceptual alternation medium, and large effect sizes correspond to values of 0.20,
(i.e.,. Trail Making B), Verbal Fluency (FAS), a measure 0.50, and 0.80, respectively.
of generative fluency requiring rapid retrieval of words
based on phonemic properties, and the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test (WCST), a measure of executive function Results
requiring hypothesis testing, cognitive flexibility, and
decision-making. All murderers underwent neuropsycho- Verbal Memory and Learning
logical evaluations as part of their forensic examinations.
In addition to the standardized neuropsychological tests Table 3 shows means, standard deviations, and relevant test
listed above, all murderers successfully completed three statistics for various aspects of verbal memory and learning
independent symptom validity tests during the neuropsy- on the CVLT and the Logical Memory subtest of the WMS-
chological evaluations, in order to provide objective III. Verbal memory functions of the schizophrenic subjects
evidence of sufficient test-taking effort. Specifically, all who committed murder were significantly worse than those
seven murderers successfully completed the Test of of the nonviolent/noncriminal schizophrenic subjects on two
Memory Malingering, the Word Memory Test, and the measures from the CVLT: (1) Verbal encoding as estab-
Rey 15-Item Memory Test, in addition to embedded lished by the total number of words recalled across five
symptom validity measures, including the Reliable Digit repeated learning trials on List A (p00.04, d01.37); (2)
Span and recognition hits (i.e., > 9) on the CVLT. The nonvi- Level of verbal encoding as established by the total number
olent/noncriminal subjects were not administered independent of words recalled on Trial 5 (p<0.05, d01.24). Although
symptom validity tests, but all seven subjects successfully there were no other significant group differences on the
completed embedded symptom validity measures, including CVLT measures, medium to large effect sizes were ob-
the Reliable Digit Span and achieved a recognition hit score of served, in the expected direction, on the two remaining
greater than nine on the CVLT. As a result of the successful learning indices (Cohen’s d’s ranged 0.74–1.07), on one
completion of several independent and/or embedded symp- index of short term memory (i.e., short delay free recall,
tom validity measures, all neuropsychological test data were d00.69), the three indices of long-term memory (Cohen’s
considered to validly and accurately represent their neuropsy- d’s ranged 0.85–0.97), and on the rate of forgetting (d0
chological status at the time of the evaluations. 0.62). Medium to large effect sizes were also observed, in
the expected direction, on two organizational strategies on
Statistical Analyses the CVLT: subjective clustering (d01.00) and serial cluster-
ing (d00.79), whereby schizophrenic murderers tended to
Data were analyzed using SPSS 15 for Windows. Group use less effective organizational strategies compared to the
differences on neuropsychological measures were evaluated nonviolent schizophrenic men.
using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test. Findings On the Logical Memory subtest of the WMS-III, a mea-
are presented as means and standard deviations. Because sure of narrative verbal encoding and recall, no significant
of the small sample size in each group, effect sizes are also differences were noted between the groups on the immediate
J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113 109

Table 2 Demographics, clinical characteristics, and criminal factors Executive Functioning

for schizophrenic subjects as a function of murder

Variables Schizophrenic subjects Table 4 shows means, standard deviations, and relevant test
statistics for measures of executive functioning. Schizo-
Committed Nonviolent- phrenic murderers performed worse than nonviolent schizo-
murder (n07) noncriminal (n07)
phrenic men on several measures from the WCST, including
Mean age (SD) 31.00 (5.45) 27.60 (3.23) the number of categories completed (p 00.02, d 01.50),
Mean years of 12.29 (1.80) 10.86 (2.27) number of perseverative errors (p00.04, d01.00), and num-
education (SD) ber of perseverative responses (p00.03, d01.03). A non-
Race, n (%) significant trend in the same direction was also noted on the
African-American 4 (57) 4 (57) trials to complete the first category on the WCST (p00.09,
Caucasian 3 (43) 3 (43) d00.77). There were no other significant differences be-
Sex, n (% Male) 7 (100) 7 (100) tween the two groups on measures of executive functioning.
Handedness, n (% 7 (100) 7 (100) However, a medium effect size (pattern of effects in the
Right) same direction) was also revealed on verbal fluency (FAS)
Mean WAIS 7.50 (2.35) 7.00 (2.77)
vocabulary (SD) (d00.52).
Type of housing, n (%)
Alone 0 (0) 0 (0)
Lives with parents 5 (72) 4 (57) Discussion
Lives with roommate 0 (0) 1 (14)
In hospital 0 (0) 1 (14) Although the propensity for individuals with schizophrenia
Lives with family 1 (14) 0 (0) to commit violent criminal acts (e.g., Brennan et al. 2000;
Lives with friend 1 (14) 1 (14) Hodgins 2008; Naudts and Hodgins 2006), including homi-
Positive symptoms, n (%, yes) cide (e.g., Wallace et al. 2004), is well established, the role
Hallucinations 7 (100) 5 (71) of neuropsychological impairment in impulsive violent ag-
Auditory 7 (100) 5 (71) gression, such as spontaneous domestic homicide, has not
Command 4 (57) 3 (43) been extensively examined (e.g., Schug and Raine 2009;
God/Satan content 4 (57) 1 (14) Yang et al. 2010). Based on the current findings, the severity
Delusions 7 (100) 7 (100)
of neurocognitive impairment manifested by men with para-
Paranoid 5 (71) 7 (100)
noid schizophrenia, appears to be a contributing factor with
Grandiose 1 (14) 4 (57)
regard to the commission of spontaneous domestic homi-
cide. Specifically, when compared to nonviolent schizo-
Religious 4 (57) 2 (29)
phrenic men with similar psychotic symptom profiles and
God/Satan content 4 (57) 3 (43)
substance abuse histories, who were matched for age, edu-
Drug abuse, n (% yes)
cation, race, gender, and handedness, schizophrenic men
Alcohol 4 (57) 4 (57)
who committed spontaneous domestic homicide (i.e., mur-
Cannabis 2 (29) 6 (86)
der of one or more family members) manifested significant-
Cocaine 2 (29) 2 (29)
ly worse neuropsychological impairments, involving
Heroin 1 (14) 1 (14)
memory and executive dysfunction.
Hallucinogen 0 (0) 0 (0)
Executive functioning of the schizophrenic murderers
Stimulant 0 (0) 1 (14)
was significantly worse than the nonviolent schizophrenic
Mean number of 1.29 (1.50) 2.14 (1.35)
drugs (SD)
controls, as assessed with the WCST, a measure of cognitive
Criminal characteristics, n (% yes) flexibility and concept formation, requiring selective re-
Criminal history 3 (43) 0 (0) sponse inhibition and the formulation of alternative solu-
History of violence 2 (29) 0 (0) tions to novel problems based on direct feedback regarding
the accuracy of one’s decisions. The behavioral implications
From the structured clinical interview for DSM disorders (SCID) of this difference in executive functions include the follow-
ing: (1) A defective capacity for response inhibition or
(p00.83, d00.18) or delayed paragraph recall (p00.24, d0 inhibitory control may render a psychotic individual who
0.63). However, a medium effect size was observed, in the is experiencing command hallucinations less capable of
expected direction, on the delayed paragraph recall with inhibiting impulsive aggressive actions; (2) Cognitive rigid-
murderers performing worse than subjects with no violent ity manifested in the form of perseverative thought patterns
or criminal history. may render a psychotic individual suffering from paranoid
110 J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113

Table 3 Performance of
schizophrenic murderers and Tests Schizophrenic subjects P Cohen’s d
nonviolent/noncriminal schizo-
phrenic men on selected indices Committed murder (n07) Nonviolent (n07)
of the California Verbal Learn- M (SD) M (SD)
ing Test (CVLT) and the
Wechsler Memory Scale-III CVLT
(WMS-III) Verbal encoding
Trial 1 (total) 4.57 (1.40) 5.14 (0.69) 0.21 0.54
Total recall trials 1-5 35.14 (9.46) 45.29 (5.41) 0.04 1.37
Trial 5 (total) 8.86 (3.13) 12.00 (1.92) 0.049 1.24
Learning slope −0.50 (1.53) 0.36 (0.80) 0.33 0.74
Trials 5 minus 1 4.29 (3.35) 6.86 (1.46) 0.16 1.07
Short-term memory
Short delay free recall 7.57 (2.82) 9.00 (1.83) 0.37 0.62
Short delay cued recall 8.71 (1.98) 9.29 (2.43) 0.61 0.26
Long-term memory
Long delay free recall 7.00 (2.24) 9.43 (2.76) 0.11 0.97
Long delay cued recall 8.00 (2.16) 9.86 (2.19) 0.14 0.86
Recognition discriminability −1.00 (1.00) −0.14 (1.03) 0.10 0.85
Rate of forgetting
Short- long-delay free recall 0.57 (0.98) −0.43 (2.23) 0.10 0.62
Organizational strategies
Semantic cluster −0.36 (0.56) −0.21 (0.91) 0.74 0.20
Serial cluster −0.43 (0.53) 0.29 (1.29) 0.19 0.79
Subjective cluster −0.50 (0.41) −0.07 (0.45) 0.11 1.00
Wechsler memory scale-III
Logical memory test (SS)†
Immediate recall 6.50 (1.38) 6.86 (2.73) 0.83 0.18
Delay recall 7.83 (0.98) 6.57 (3.05) 0.24 0.63
SS scaled scores

and persecutory delusional beliefs incapable of formulating persecution; (3) The diminished capacity to benefit from
nonviolent alternatives to stopping their perceived direct feedback regarding the accuracy of one’s decisions

Table 4 Performance on meas-

ures of executive functioning Tests Schizophrenic subjects P Cohen’s d
and working memory by
schizophrenic murderers and Committed murder (n07) Nonviolent (n07)
nonviolent/noncriminal schizo- M (SD) M (SD)
phrenic men
Trail making test (seconds)
Trails A 51.29 (23.77) 43.53 (14.63) 0.85 0.40
Trails B 118.86 (39.33) 111.13 (62.76) 0.57 0.20
FAS total correct 24.71 (9.36) 31.29 (15.94) 0.48 0.52
Trials to complete 1st 39.57 (41.10) 18.43 (14.03) 0.09 0.77
Categories completed 3.14 (2.12) 5.57 (1.13) 0.02 1.50
Perseverative errors 35.14 (27.94) 15.29 (11.63) 0.04 1.00
Perseverative responses 42.86 (36.25) 16.71 (14.51) 0.03 1.03
SS scaled scores. FAS verbal Letter number sequencing (SS)† 8.17 (1.60) 8.00 (2.16) 0.99 0.09
fluency. WCST Wisconsin card
sorting task. † One subject who Digit span (total) (SS) 7.29 (1.25) 8.57 (2.61) 0.33 0.66
committed murder was missing Forward span 8.00 (1.73) 8.86 (2.12) 0.36 0.45
data on letter-number Backward span 5.29 (2.14) 6.29 (2.14) 0.33 0.47
J Fam Viol (2012) 27:105–113 111

may render a psychotic individual who is experiencing such, these findings suggest that, in addition to the presence
command hallucinations and persecutory delusions unable and type of psychotic symptoms manifested by schizophrenic
to comprehend or appreciate the consequences of his aggres- individuals who commit murder, the trier-of-fact should also
sive behavior. consider the type and severity of neuropsychological impair-
Memory functions, particularly verbal encoding, of the ment manifested by schizophrenic individuals who are
schizophrenic murderers were also significantly worse than charged with murder. Clearly, it is imperative that the
selective memory functions of the nonviolent schizophrenic trier-of-fact be provided with all relevant information
controls, as assessed with the CVLT. Rate of verbal encod- regarding the mental abnormalities manifested by schizo-
ing (i.e., acquisition of to-be-remembered verbal informa- phrenic individuals who commit murder. Given the current
tion) of the schizophrenic murderers was significantly findings, objective test data obtained from neuropsychological
slower and the amount of encoded verbal information was evaluations may assist the trier-of-fact in rendering sound and
significantly less than that of the nonviolent schizophrenic informed decisions by providing information regarding neuro-
controls. The functional implications of this difference in cognitive defects, particularly executive dysfunction, that like-
memory encoding include the following: (1) A defective ly influenced the commission of the homicidal act. Finally,
rate of encoding reflects an abnormally slow rate of infor- given the current findings, neuropsychological assessment of
mation processing that may render a psychotic individual schizophrenic individuals with homicidal ideation may help
less capable of acquiring new information that may impact predict if such individuals have increased potential to murder
and possibly influence delusional thought processes; (2) A family members.
deficient level of encoding denotes that a substantial portion
of available information is not acquired or successfully
encoded, and as a result, that information is not available References
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none of the nonviolent schizophrenic subjects reportedly
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manifested homicidal ideation, at least briefly, at the time of sions. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 7(6), 617–631.
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