Sample IDP 2023

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Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies
KRA 2: Objective 1  KRA 1: Objective 3  Enrich different teaching Applying new learning from  Year round  Fund
Managed classroom Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop seminars, workshops,  Internet connection
structure to engage strategies to develop critical critical and creative thinking Learning Action Cells (LAC)  Master teachers
learners, individually or in and creative thinking as as well as other higher  Laptop
groups, in meaningful well as other higher order order thinking skills.  Education Program
exploration, discovery, thinking skills. (PPST 1.5.2) Supervisors/School
and hands-on activities Head/Master
within a range of physical Teachers, Learning
area coordinators.
learning environments.
(PPST 2.3.2)
KRA 3: Objective 1
KRA 4: Objective 1 Planned, managed, and Determine and examine the Applying learnings read
Designed, selected, Year round  Fund
implemented different effective process from books , educational
organized, and used developmentally sequenced to meet curriculum sites, seminars/ workshop  Internet
diagnostic, formative, and teaching and learning requirements and varied LAC connections
summative assessment processes to meet teaching contexts  Speakers
strategies consistent with curriculum requirements /Experts
curriculum requirements. and varied teaching /Experienced
(PPST 5.1.2) contexts. (PPST 4.1.2) Teachers about
Teaching and
learning processes.
 Laptop/gadget

B. Core Behavioral Competencies
Teamwork Self-Management  Sets high quality,  Participate in different  Year round  Fund
. challenging, realistic goals programs that will  Internet
for self and others. challenge and improve connection
myself.  Master

Attend seminars trainings  Fund

Innovation Service Orientation about how to engage, be  Internet
Can explain and articulate connection
part and participate in a Year round
organizational directions,
certain organization.  Master
issues, and problems.
 Laptop/gadget


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