Sample IDP 2023
Sample IDP 2023
Sample IDP 2023
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies
KRA 2: Objective 1 KRA 1: Objective 3 Enrich different teaching Applying new learning from Year round Fund
Managed classroom Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop seminars, workshops, Internet connection
structure to engage strategies to develop critical critical and creative thinking Learning Action Cells (LAC) Master teachers
learners, individually or in and creative thinking as as well as other higher Laptop
groups, in meaningful well as other higher order order thinking skills. Education Program
exploration, discovery, thinking skills. (PPST 1.5.2) Supervisors/School
and hands-on activities Head/Master
within a range of physical Teachers, Learning
area coordinators.
learning environments.
(PPST 2.3.2)
KRA 3: Objective 1
KRA 4: Objective 1 Planned, managed, and Determine and examine the Applying learnings read
Designed, selected, Year round Fund
implemented different effective process from books , educational
organized, and used developmentally sequenced to meet curriculum sites, seminars/ workshop Internet
diagnostic, formative, and teaching and learning requirements and varied LAC connections
summative assessment processes to meet teaching contexts Speakers
strategies consistent with curriculum requirements /Experts
curriculum requirements. and varied teaching /Experienced
(PPST 5.1.2) contexts. (PPST 4.1.2) Teachers about
Teaching and
learning processes.
B. Core Behavioral Competencies
Teamwork Self-Management Sets high quality, Participate in different Year round Fund
. challenging, realistic goals programs that will Internet
for self and others. challenge and improve connection
myself. Master