Suggested Picturebooks

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foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

Dr. Mary Roche compiled this The same books can be used to
picturebook list based on her explore different concepts with

work with children over the older and younger children in

past 30 years. The list includes different classes. For example,
suggestions some of which, a discussion on why the Little
hopefully, will interest the Red Hen’s friends didn’t help
children you work with and her might take place with
provoke deep discussions. junior infants, with the wider
The list is far from exhaustive. concepts of friendship and
Add books that you and the pro-social behaviour as
children have found useful for depicted in the story, being
developing critical thinking and explored with older classes.
book talk skills.
See the Support Material,
Critical Thinking and Book Talk
Using Picturebooks to help you
support these discussions
with children in your class.

Discussions like these increase

vocabulary as well as enabling
children to think critically and to
enhance their oral language skills. 1
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

Suggested Picture Books 8. Bluebird (2013, Random House) Bob Staacke


1. A Bit Lost (2010, Walker Books) Chris Houghton 9. Changes (2008, Walker) Anthony Browne
2. A Dark, Dark Tale (1992, Picture Puffin) Ruth Brown 10. Cinderella (1978, Houghton Mifflin) Paul Galdone *
3. Amazing Grace (2007, Francis Lincoln Childrens 11. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2012, Little
Books) Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch Simon) Judi and Ron Barrett
4. Angry Arthur (1982, Andersen Press) Hiawyn Oram 12. Crusher is Coming (1999, Picture Lions) Bob
and Satoshi Kitamura Graham
5. Bear Hunt (1994/2010, Puffin, Re-issue) Anthony 13. Dear Greenpeace (1998, Walker Books) Simon
Browne James
6. Beegu (2004, Red Fox) Alexis Deacon 14. Dog Loves Drawing (2012, Red Fox) Louise Yates
7. Billy: Where have all Your Friends Gone? (2005, 15. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (2004, Walker
Discovery) Declan Carville and Sarah Roche Books Limited)
16. Elsie Piddock Skips in her Sleep (2000, Walker
Books) Eleanor Farjeon and Charlotte Voake
17. Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like

(1984, Prentice Hall) Jay Williams and Mercer Meyer

18. Farther (2013,Templar Publishing) Graeme Baker-
19. Feathers and Fools (2000, HMH Books for Young
Readers) Mem Fox and Nicholas Wilton 2
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

20. Flora and the Flamingo (2013, Chronicle) Molly

21. Flotsam (2012, Andersen) David Wisener

22. Fox (2008, Allen and Unwin) Margaret Wild and
Ron Brooks
23. Fred (2014, Andersen) Posy Simmonds
24. Freefall (1991, William Morrow) David Wiesner
25. Frog and Toad Collection (2004, Harper Collins)
Arnold Lobel
26. Give a Dog a Name (1995, Scholastic Hippo)
Barrie Wade
27. Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs (2013, 32. Hey, Little Ant (1998, Tricycle Press) Philip and
Walker Books) Mo Williams Hannah Hoose and Debbie Tilley
28. Good Little Wolf (2011, Jonathan Cape) 33. Hooray for Bread (2014, Walker) Allan Ahlberg
Nadia Shareen Bruce Ingman
29. Gorilla (1983 McRae; 2008, Walker Books) 34. Horton Hears a Who (2008, Harper Collins

Anthony Browne Children’s Books) Dr Seuss

30. Hansel and Gretel (2008, Walker) Anthony 35. How to Catch a Star (2004, Harper Collins
Browne Children’s Books) Oliver Jeffers
31. Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955/2012, 36. Humpty Dumpty (2001, Scholastic) Daniel Kirk
Essential Picture Book Classics) Crockett Johnson 37. I am an Artist (2013, Macmillan) Martha Althés 3
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

38. If You Give a Cat a Cupcake (2000, Laura 45. I Wonder Why the Wind Blows and Other

Geringer Books) Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond Questions (1994, Kingfisher Books Ltd) Anita
39. If You Give a Dog a Donut (2011, Balzer and Bray/
Harperteen) Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond 46. Jack and the Beanstalk (1974, Houghton Mifflin)
Paul Galdone *
40. If You Give a Moose a Muffin (1994, Harper
Collins) Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond 47. Journey (2013, Walker) Aaron Becker
41. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (2013, Harper 48. Kate and the Beanstalk (2000, Atheneum) Mary
Collins) Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond Pope Osborne and Giselle Potter
42. If You Give a Pig a Pancake (1998, Scholastic) 49. Let the Celebrations Begin (1996, Orchard Books)
Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond Margaret Wild and Julie Vivas)
43. Ish (2005, Walker) Peter Reynolds 50. Lily Takes a Walk (1988, Picture Corgi) Satoshi
44. It’s a Book! (2012, Macmillan) Lane Smith
51. Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears (2008, Macmillan)
Emily Gravett
52. Little Red Hen (2001, Houghton Mifflin) Paul
Galdone *

53. Lost and Found (2005, Harper Collins Children’s

Books) Oliver Jeffers
54. Maia and What Matters (2013, Book Island) Tine
Mortier and Kaatje Vermeire 4
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

55. Meanwhile Back at the Ranch (2010, Picture Puffin)
Trinka Hawkes Noble and Tony Ross

56. Mister Magnolia (2010, Red Fox ) Quentin Blake

57. Mr Wuffles (2013, Andersen Press) David Wiesner
58. My Many Coloured Days (1996, Red Fox) Dr Seuss,
Steve Johnson and LouFancher
59. Night Noises (2001, Harcourt Australia) Mem Fox and
Terry Denton
60. No Bears (2013, Walker) Meg McKinlay and Lelia Rudge
61. Oi! Get off our Train (1989, Red Fox Books) John
Burningham 68. Quick as a Cricket (2004, Child’s Play International)
62. Oliver Button is a Sissy (1990, Harcourt) Tomie Audrey & Don Wood
de Paola 69. Rosie’s Walk (2009, Simon and Schuster) Pat Hutchins
63. Once Upon an Ordinary School Day (2004, Andersen 70. Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (2009,
Press) Colin McNaughton and Satoshi Kitamura Pearson) Eleanor Coerr and Ronald Himler
64. Penguin (2007, Candlewick Press) Polly Dunbar 71. Sam and Dave Dig a Hole (2015, Walker Books) Mac

65. Piggybook (1990/2008, Walker, Revised Edition) Anthony Barnett and Jon Klassen
Browne 72. Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend (2008, Catnip)
66. Prince Cinders (1997, Picture Puffin) Babette Cole Melanie Watts
67. Princess Smartypants (1996, Picture Puffin) Babette Cole 73. Seven Blind Mice (2002, Pearson) Ed Young 5
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

80. The Black Book of Colours (2010, Walker) Menena
Cottin and Rosana Faria

81. The Butter Battle Book (1984, Random House Books

for Young Readers) Dr Seuss
82. The Colour of Home (2002, Frances Lincoln) Mary
Hoffman and Karin Littleton
83. The Conquerors (2004, Andersen Press) David McKee
84. The Day the Cow Sneezed (2010, Enchanted Lion
Books) James Flora
85. The Dot (2004, Walker Books) Peter Reynolds
86. The First Drawing (2013, Little, Brown and Co)
74. Shh! We Have a Plan (2014, Walker Books) Chris Mordicai Gerstein
Houghton 87. The Frog Prince, Continued (1992, Picture Puffin)
75. Silver Buttons (2013, Walker Books) Bob Graham John Scieszka and Steve Johnson
76. Six Men (2011, North South Books) David McKee 88. The Gruffalo (1999, Macmillan Children’s Books) Julia
77. Something Else (1995, Picture Puffins) Kathryn Cave and Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

Chris Riddell 89. The Heart and the Bottle (2010, Harper Collins
78. That is Not a Good Idea (2013, Walker) Mo Williams Children’s Books) Oliver Jeffers
79. The Bad Tempered Ladybird (2010, Puffin reissue) Eric 90. The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane (2010,
Carle Charlesbridge) C.M. Millen and Andrea Wisnewski 6
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

91. The Jolly Postman (1999, Puffin) Janet and Allan Ahlberg 98. The Paperbag Princess (2009, Annick Press) Robert

92. The Lion and The Mouse (2011, Walker) Munsch and Michael Marchenko
Jerry Pinkney 99. The Pencil (2009, Walker) Allan Ahlberg and Bruce
93. The Lorax (2010, Harper Collins Children’s Books) Dr Ingman
Seuss 100. The Princess and the Pea (2005, Penguin) Lauren
94. The Magic Bed (2007, Red Fox) John Burningham Child
95. The Man with the Violin (2013, Annick Press ) Kathy 101. The Rabbit Problem (2010, Macmillan Childrens
Stinson and Dusan Petricic Books) Emily Gravett
96. The Matchbox Diary (2013, Candlewick Press) Paul 102. The Shopping Basket (1992, Red Fox) John
Fleischman and Bagram Ibatoulline Burningham
97. The Maths Curse (1998, Puffin) Jon Scieszka and Lane 103. The Sissy Duckling (2002, Simon and Schuster)
Smith Harvey Fierstein and Henry Cole
104. The Smartest Giant in Town (2002, Macmillan)
Julia Donaldson and Axel Sheffler
105. The Sneetches and Other Stories (2003, Harper
Collins Children’s Books) Dr Seuss

106. The Stranger (1986, Houghton Mifflin) Chris

Van Allsburg
107. The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig (2003,
Egmont) Eugene Trivizas and Helen Oxenbury 7
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

108. The Three Pigs (2012, Andersen) David Wiesner


109. The Three Robbers (1962/2009, Phaidon) Tomi Ungerer

110. The Tooth (2010, Kane/Miller Book Publishers) Avi
Slodovnick and Manon Gauthier
111. The Troll (2009, Macmillan) Julian Donaldson and David
112. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (1991, Picture
Puffin) John Scieszka and Lane Smith
113. The Tunnel (1992, Walker Books) Anthony Browne
114. The Umbrella (2015, Book Island) Ingrid and Dieter
115. The Very Smart Pea and the Princess to be (2011, 119. This is not my Hat (2012, Walker) Jon Klassen
Dragonfly Books) Mini Grey 120. Through the Magic Mirror (2010, Walker) Anthony
116. The Way Back Home (2007, Harper Collins Children’s Browne
Books) Oliver Jeffers 121. Tuesday (1998, Houghton Mifflin) David Wiesner

117. The Whale’s Song (1997, Puffin Books) Dyan Sheldon 122. Tusk Tusk (2006, Andersen Press) David McKee
and Gary Blythe 123. Twinkle Twinkle Chocolate Bar (1993, Oxford
118. Think of an Eel (1993, Walker Books/2004 Candlewick) University Press) John Foster
Karen Wallace and Mike Bostok 124. Up and Down (2010, Harper Collins Children’s
Books) Oliver Jeffers 8
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | ORAL LANGUAGE | Stage 1 - Stage 4

Suggested Picture Books

125. Voices in the Park (1999, Corgi) Anthony Browne 137. William’s Doll (1991, Picture Lions) Charlotte

126. War and Peas (2002, Andersen Books) Michael Zolotow and William Pene du Bois
Foreman 138. Wolves (2006, Macmillan) Emily Gravett
127. We are in a Book (2010, Hyperion Books) Mo Willems 139. Yellow Bird, Black Spider (2004, Bloomsbury) Dosh
128. Weslandia (2007, Walker) Paul Flesichman and Kevin and Mike Archer
Hawkes 140. Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (2004, Harper
129. What does Peace Feel Like? (2004, Atheneum) Collins Children’s Books) Dr Seuss
Vladimir Radunsky 141. Zoo (1999, Red Fox) Anthony Browne
130. When Jesse Came across the Sea (1999, Walker 142. Zoom (1995,Viking Kestrel) Isvan Banyai
Books) Amy Hest and P.J. Lynch
131. When Sophie Gets Angry - Really Really Angry *Any version of traditional stories will do.
(2008, Scholastic) Molly Bang
132. Where the Wild Things Are (2000, Red Fox new
edition) Maurice Sendak
133. Who Sank the Boat? (1988, Puffin) Pamela Allen

134. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears (2002,

Penguin) Verna Aardema and Leo and Diane Dillon
135. Why? (1998, North South Books) Nikolai Popov
136. Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge (1987, Puffin)
Mem Fox and Julie Vivas Developed in collaboration with Dr. Mary Roche

9 (Dip Ed, MA, PhD)

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