Performance Analysis of Concatenated
Performance Analysis of Concatenated
Performance Analysis of Concatenated
Abstract—: For reliable and error free transmission of data in II. CODE DESCRIPTION
communication systems we require a system employing
forward error correction schemes. This paper analyze the Block diagram of the downstream channel is shown below,
performance comparison of Convolution code , Reed-Solomon
code as well as concatenation of Convolution code and Reed-
Solomon code over optical communication links with
interleaving in terms of their probability of Bit error rate and
signal to noise ratio with different code rate and identify with
code rate will give best performance .
In optical communication systems, high bit error rates In our study, we have chosen a convolutional code which
require employing forward error correction (FEC) while is designed to provide several rates by the use of
transferring data. In satellite, space and optical communication puncturing. Consider a punctured Convolutional code of
system removing error is not a mare task. Even though optical
length 7 and rate 0.5 which is specified by parameters (7,
communication system provide high data rate, high
bandwidth, resistance to electromagnetic interference etc. but 1/2). The puncturing pattern is denoted by p and
in order to reduce the error due to transmission channel, we generator vectors is denoted by G. when G=1, if
have to choose a proper coding scheme. An implicative puncturing is done and equals 0 when puncturing is
enhancement in the performance aspect if the codes are deleted. The most frequently used punctured patterns of
properly chosen and decoding techniques are efficiently the Convolutional code are given in table below [1],
applied. In order to appropriate channel codes, for different
applications, we have to consider factors like transmission Table.1 Punctured Convolutional codes
channel characteristics, decoding performance etc.
In this paper we are analyzing the BER performance of the
Concatenation of two codes i.e. Reed-Solomon code and
Convolutional code using Viterbi decoding scheme by
considering half rate punctured Convolution code as the inner
code and shortened Reed-Solomon code as the outer code.
Puncturing phenomenon is done by periodically deleting
certain symbols from output stream to increase the code rate
of the encoder.
978-1-4799-8047-5/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 692
B. Reed - Solomon Code routed into the branch corresponding to the null delay i.e. “0”
Consider shortened Reed Solomon (204,188). Here encoder of the interleaver. Same principle will be for de-interleaver.
process is done on every 188 bytes coordinate with t=8 i.e. we
can correct 8 enormous byes per transport packet. Here we are III.MODELING OF CHANNELS
using parity bytes to the packet which is going to transfer to
give the codeword. We are using 16 parity bytes to give 204 The channels models employed in FSO communication links
byte codeword. By using this shortened code, the amount of are briefly described in this section.
redundancy per information symbol increases because of this .
the amount of energy per information symbol is decreased.
A. Log-normal fading channel
Consider the following generator polynomials for Reed-
Solomon code,
If a random variable X is said to be log-normal distribution,
Code Generator Polynomial:
then the random variable Y = ln (x) is Gaussian distributed.
The log-normal circulation is applicable to standard
where. β=02 H continuous random quantities when the circulation is believed
(1) to be biased, such as certain proceeds and lifetime fickles. The
Field Generator Polynomial: log-normal fading probability density function is derived from
the first order Rytov approximation, where the logarithm of
(2) the power fluctuation can be approximated by the Gaussian
distribution. The probability density function (PDF) of the log-
normal distribution is given as,
C. Interleaving
Code Free Total no. of bit errors in
Rate distance, all incorrect paths,
for BER= for BER=
RS Decoder output RS Decoder output for BER= RS
Decoder output
Without interleaving Without interleaving With
Interleaving phenomenon contribute to improve performance
of forward error correcting codes. As a result, concatenation of
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