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Micro Project Report


“Test cases on Hotstar ”

Submitted by

Under the Guidance of

In the Partial Fulfillment of Fifth Semester of Diploma
in Computer Engineering

Department of Computer Engineering

Sandip Polytechnic
Mahiravani, Nashik - 422213

Affiliated to

Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education

Academic Year 2024-25

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education


This is to certify that Ms. KASTURI GANGURDE with Roll No-13 has successfully completed Micro-project in
course Software Testing(22518) for the academic year 2024-25 as prescribed in the 'Assessment Manual' during
his/her tenure of completing Fifth Semester of Diploma Program in Computer Engineering from institute, Sandip
Polytechnic with institute code 1167.

Place : Nashik Enrollment No:

Date: Exam Seat No:

Course Teacher Head of the Department Head of the Institute

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education


This is to certify that Ms.Shruti Bhamare with Roll No-31 has successfully completed Micro-project in course
Software Testing(22518) for the academic year 2024-25 as prescribed in the 'Assessment Manual' during his/her
tenure of completing Fifth Semester of Diploma Program in Computer Engineering from institute, Sandip
Polytechnic with institute code 1167.

Place : Nashik Enrollment No:

Date: Exam Seat No:

Course Teacher Head of the Department Head of the Institute

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education


This is to certify that Ms.Tanishka Zade with Roll No-43 has successfully completed Micro-project in course
Software Testing(22518) for the academic year 2024-25 as prescribed in the 'Assessment Manual' during his/her
tenure of completing Fifth Semester of Diploma Program in Computer Engineering from institute, Sandip
Polytechnic with institute code 1167.

Place : Nashik Enrollment No:

Date: Exam Seat No:

Course Teacher Head of the Department Head of the Institute


We express our deep sense of gratitude to our subject teacher Prof K. M. Kamale for
their valuable guidance, support and encouragement in completing our micro project.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the head of the department of Computer
Engineering Prof.V.B.Ohol for permitting us to utilize all the necessary facilities of the

We are also thankful to all the faculties and staff members of our department for their
kind co-operation and help.

Lastly we would like to express our deep appreciation towards our classmates and our
indebtedness to our parents for providing us the moral support
and encouragement.

GANGURDE KASTURI Middle Name (13) Enrollment No 1:

ZADE TANISHKA NANDU (43) Enrollment No 3:

Place: Nashik
Annexure – I

Micro Project Proposal

“Test cases on Hotstar”

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project: a) Great help with studies and in making a career choice
b) Improves academic performance and interest.
c) To Support Self Directed Learning.
d) To help students develop teamwork and problem-solving skills.
e) To enhance the skills to ‘communicate effectively and skilfully at workplace.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

a) Apply various software testing skills and method.
b) Prepare test cases for different levels and types testing.
c) Prepare test plan for an application.
d) Identify bugs to create defect report.
e) Test software for performance measures using automated tools.

3.0 Proposed Methodology: The work is assigned to 1 student. To complete the Project “Test cases for
Telegram”, qualitative method will be used in which data collection, analysis and interpretation is required. The data
will be collected from different sources such as Internet, reference books etc. The analysis and interpretation will be
done by observing the collected data & programming work. Finally the data will be represented with interpretation
in the form of application or collected data.
4.0 Action Plan:

Sr. Planned Planned Name of Responsible Team

Details of Activity
No Start Date Finish Date Members
1 Topic Discussion & Selection
2 Aim/Benefits & Importance
3 Resources Required
4 Analysis of Collected Data 1.KASTURI GANGURDE
5 Design & Editing of data
6 Compilation of Report
7 Compilation of Presentation
8 Presentation of Seminar
9 Final Submission
5.0 Resources Required:

SrNo Name of Resource/Material Specification Qty. Remarks

1 Hardware Resource Computer 1 -
2 Software Resource Open learning 1 -
3 Any Other Resource -

Name of Team Members with Roll No:

Roll No Name of Team Members


Name & Signature of Course Teacher

Annexure – II


Rationale (purpose of the project): The purpose of software testing is to ensure that software
works as intended and meets requirements, and to identify and fix bugs early in the development process.
There are many different types of software tests, including acceptance testing, code review, integration
testing, unit testing, functional testing, performance testing, regression testing, security testing, stress testing,
and usability testing . The primary purpose of software testing is to detect flaws at any step of the
development process. The higher the number of issues detected at an early stage, the higher the software
testing success rate. Bug Prevention: This is the immediate action of bug discovery, that occurs as a result of
bug discovery .

Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project: The foremost objective of software testing is defect . These
defects can range from minor glitches to critical errors that may lead to system crashes or incorrect data
processing. Software Testing is a process to evaluate and verify the working of the application as per user
requirements. The main focus of software testing is to identify bugs and inform the development team to fix
them. Several testing techniques are used as per the requirements of the application and user. There are
software testing models like SDLC, Agile, Spiral model, and many more. There are two types of software
testing modes: Manual software testing and automated software testing.

Course Outcomes Achieved:

a) Apply various software testing methods
b) Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.
c) Prepare test plan for an application
d) Identify bugs to create defect report of given application

Actual Resources Used:

Name of Resource/Material Specification Qty. Remarks
1 Hardware Resource -
2 Software Resource -
3 Any Other Resource -

Introduction: Software Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches
expected requirements and to ensure that software product is Defect free. It involves execution of
software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of
interest. The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrast to
actual requirements.
Software Testing is because if there are any bugs or errors in the software, it can be identified early and
can be solved before delivery of the software product. Properly tested software product ensures
reliability, security and high performance which further results in time saving, cost effectiveness and
customer satisfaction. Testing is important because software bugs could be expensive or even
dangerous. Software bugs can potentially cause monetary and human loss, and history is full of such
Type of Testing: Manual Testing
Manual testing is a software testing method where a tester evaluates the quality of an application or software
manually without using automated tools. The tester interacts with the system like an end user to identify
issues, defects, and bugs that could negatively impact the user experience. Manual testing is a basic
testing method that is important for detecting major issues in software. It helps ensure that the application
functions correctly and delivers a bug-free product to the user.
Dynamic testing
Dynamic testing is a software testing method that involves analyzing how a software system responds to a
specific input during runtime. The goal of dynamic testing is to verify that the software is performing as

Test Plan: A test plan is a document that outlines the strategy, scope, and objectives for testing software. It
is a detailed and comprehensive software testing document that outlines the strategy, objectives, schedule,
resources, and overall approach that are needed to complete a project. In many ways, a test plan is like a
blueprint for a building.

Test Cases: Formal test cases

In order to fully test that all the requirements of an application are met, there must be at least two test
cases for each requirement: one positive test and one negative test. If a requirement has sub-
requirements, each sub-requirement must have at least two test cases. Keeping track of the link between
the requirement and the test is frequently done using a traceability matrix. Written test cases should
include a description of the functionality to be tested, and the preparation required to ensure that the test
can be conducted.
A formal written test case is characterized by a known input and by an expected output, which is worked
out before the test is executed. The known input should test a precondition and the expected output should
test a post condition.
Informal test cases
For applications or systems without formal requirements, test cases can be written based on the
accepted normal operation of programs of a similar class. In some schools of testing, test cases are not
written at all but the activities and results are reported after the tests have been run.In scenario testing
hypothetical stories are used to help the tester think through a complex problem or system. These
scenarios are usually not written down in any detail. They can be as simple as a diagram for a testing
environment or they could be a description written in prose. The ideal scenario test is a story that is
motivating, credible, complex, and easy to evaluate. They are usually different from test cases in that
test cases are single steps while scenarios cover a number of steps of the key.

Test Summary Report: A test summary report is a document that summarizes the results of a software
testing cycle, and is created at the end of a testing project. It's also known as a Test Closure Report

Defect Report: It provides the relevant stakeholders with a detailed account of the overall test results and
defects. It aims to summarize the results of the entire testing process formally.
Skill Developed: Analytical and logical reasoning
Software testers use these skills to examine programs, identify challenges, and develop ideas to improve
software. They also use these skills to break problems into smaller pieces and define automation solutions.
Programming languages
Software testers need to know programming languages to develop tests and create tools and code snippets
to speed up manual testing.
Test automation
Software testers use automation tools to write and execute test cases, comparing the actual outcome with
the expected outcome.
Proficiency in bug tracking and test planning
Software testers need to be proficient in bug tracking and test planning.

Conclusion: Thus I have prepared test cases for Hotstar. I have successfully executed the thirty
test cases. Thus, Software Testing is Important because if there are any bugs or errors in the
software, it can be identified and can be solved before delivery of the software product.

Name & Signature of Course Teacher

Test Pre- Test Case Input Case Expected Actual Result Status
Case No requisites Result

1 Hotstar Verifying the Turning on the Login page is Login page is Pass
Application is application has login application displayed displayed
ON page and waiting
for login page
2 Hotstar Verify that the text Turning on the User should be The text is Pass
Application is on the mobile app is application able to view readable and
ON readable and clear. and waiting and read the clear
for text to text clearly

3 Hotstar Verifying that on Video Video should Video started Pass

Application is cliking the video for start playing playing when
ON play icon over the testing when play icon play icon was
video, the video is clicked clicked
should play.

4 Hotstar Verify all the video Video When clicked All controls Pass
Application is player controls- play, for on play video worked as
ON pause, volume, mute testing should start expected
etc. playing, pause
to pause video
volume to
increase or
volume and
mute to off

5 Hotstar Verify that user can Video User should User was able Pass
Application is select the allowed for be able to to change the
ON video quality for testing change quality quality of
playing the video. of video video

6 Hotstar Verify that once the Video User should be User was able Pass
Application is video is complete, for able to replay to replay video
ON user can replay the testing video using using replay
video using ‘replay’ replay icon icon
icon. once video is
7 Hotstar Verify that video Videos user Once user Relevant Pass
Application is should be searchable want to search types name in videos of
ON by name, displaying search bar given name
the most relevant relevant was displayed
video on the top in videos of
search results. given name
should be

8 Hotstar Verify that other Videos user User should User was able Pass
Application is attributes of video want to search be able to to search video
ON like artist name, search video by typing
description should by typing artist name
also be searchable artist name and description

9 Hotstar Verify that with each Video for View count View count Pass
Application is view the ‘view testing should was increase
ON count’ increases by increase by by one with
one. one with each view
each view

10 Hotstar Verify that the Video for The related The related Pass
Application is related videos are testing videos should videos were
ON related to the be related to related to the
current video or is the current current video
based on the past video or based or based on
viewing history of on the past the past
user. viewing viewing
history of user history of user

11 Hotstar Verify that clicking Video for Video should Video was Pass
Application is related video testing open when opened when
ON thumbnail should clicked on clicked on
open the video. thumbnail. thumbnail.

12 Hotstar Verify that every Video for Every video Every video Pass
Application is video viewed goes to testing viewed viewed went
ON history for logged in should go to to history for
user. history for logged in user.
logged in
13 Hotstar Verify that user Video for User should be User was able to Pass
Application can view or testing able to view or view or delete
is ON delete history delete history history items
items. items

14 Hotstar Verify that the Recieveing Call The App The app is Pass
Application app goes into the while app is should run in running in
is ON background when running background background
on call. without any
15 Hotstar Verify that the Receiveing The App The app is Pass
Application app still Message while should run in running in
is ON operates as app is running background background
designed when without any
a message or disturbance
notification pop-
up from another
app such as
Instagram, etc.

16 Hotstar Check Internet for The Change in Pass

Application the Performance testing performance performance
is ON of the app on the changes when
different internet the internet
networks such as network is
1G, 2G, 3G, or 4 changed

17 Hotstar Check that Combability Runs on Runs on Pass

Application the app is check on different different
is ON adaptable to different device devices devices
different mobile
platforms or OS
such as Android,
ft, etc.

18 Hotstar Verify that optimization Run smoothly on Run smoothly Pass

Application the loading Check on the different devices on different
is ON time for the device devices
app is not too
19 Hotstar Check that the The app should The app runs The app runs Pass
Application app is still working run after the successfully successfully
is ON as intended after update after the update after the update
the successful
update of the app.
20 Hotstar Check how Running the App should App should Pass
Application the app function app on run properly on run properly on
is ON under different different different different
battery battery levels battery level battery level
levels and
21 Hotstar Verify that the Running the The app is not The app is not Pass
Application app is not draining app for 2 hours draining too draining too
is ON too much battery. much battery much battery

22 Hotstar Check that logging out Unable to Unable to Pass

Application the app does not before the end of logout logout
is ON log out the user a session
beforethe end of a
23 Hotstar To ensure that Tapping for Able to zoom- in Able to zoom- in Pass
Application the validation for zoom-in and and zoom- out and zoom- out
is ON the tapping zoom-out
zoom- in and
facilities should
be enabled.

24 Hotstar Does the Trying to do does support does support Pass

Application app support payment payment payment
is ON paymentgatewa gateway gateway
y transactions? transaction transaction

25 Hotstar Are page Trying to scroll Able to scroll Able to scroll Pass
Application scrolling while running while running while running
is ON scenarios the app the app the app
26 Hotstar Can the Trying, Able to handle Able to handle Pass
Application app handle projected load projected load projected load
is ON projected load volume volume volume
27 Hotstar Buttons location, Checking the Easy to Easy to Pass
Applicatio style, etc are location/style access the access the
n is ON consistent within of button button and button and
the app. are stylish are stylish

28 Hotstar The keyboard Trying to Able to Able to Pass

Applicatio can be minimized minimized and minimized and minimized and
n is ON and maximized maximized the maximized the maximized the
easily. keyboard keyboard keyboard

29 Hotstar Going back, touching the Able to Able to Pass

Applicatio undoing an action, wrong item that undone the undone the
n is ON or on touching the can be easily be item easily item easily
wrong item can undone.
easily be undone.

30 Hotstar Time and date checking the Able to view Able to view Pass
Applicatio are properly time and date in correct time correct time
n is ON formatted. the app and date and date
accordinly to accordinly to
region selected region selected
Annexure – III
Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Kasturi Gangurde Enrollment No:

Name of Program: Semester: fifth
Course Title: Software Testing Course Code: 311001
Title of Micro Project:

Course Outcomes Achieved:

PoorAverage Good Excellent

Sr Sub
Characteristic to be Assessed Marks Marks Marks Marks
No Total
(1-6) (7- (13-19) (20-25)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (15 Marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
2 Literature Review/Information Collection
3 Completion of the Targets per Project Proposal
4 Analysis of Data & Representation
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (10 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva

(A) (B)
Total Marks
Process and Product Individual (25 Marks)
Assessment (15 Marks) Presentation/Viva (10

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Interpersonal Communication (if any)


Name & Designation of CourseTeacher

Annexure – III
Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Shruti Bhamare Enrollment No:

Name of Program: Semester: fifth
Course Title: Software Testing Course Code:2 2 5 1 8
Title of Micro Project: Test cases on Hotstar

Course Outcomes Achieved:

PoorAverage Good Excellent

Sr Sub
Characteristic to be Assessed Marks Marks Marks Marks
No Total
(1-6) (7- (13-19) (20-25)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (15 Marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
2 Literature Review/Information Collection
3 Completion of the Targets per Project Proposal
4 Analysis of Data & Representation
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (10 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva

(A) (B)
Total Marks
Process and Product Individual (25 Marks)
Assessment (15 Marks) Presentation/Viva (10

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Interpersonal Communication (if any)


Name & Designation of Course Teacher

Annexure – III
Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Tanishka Zade Enrollment No:

Name of Program: Semester: fifth
Course Title: Software Testing Course Code: 22518
Title of Micro Project: Test Cases on Hotstar

Course Outcomes Achieved:

PoorAverage Good Excellent

Sr Sub
Characteristic to be Assessed Marks Marks Marks Marks
No Total
(1-6) (7- (13-19) (20-25)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (15 Marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
2 Literature Review/Information Collection
3 Completion of the Targets per Project Proposal
4 Analysis of Data & Representation
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (10 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva

(A) (B)
Total Marks
Process and Product Individual (25 Marks)
Assessment (15 Marks) Presentation/Viva (10

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Interpersonal Communication (if any)


Name & Designation of Course Teacher


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