2.0 Lesson Plan 8B1

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Condensed Lesson Plan

Trainee: Adeel Ali School DKA Mathematics

/ Dept

Lesson Algebra – nth term of a Quadratic Sequence Date of 05.05.23 Class / 8A Ma1
Topic: Lesson: Group:

Learning What have they already covered? What are they going on to learn in connection with this topic?
Context: They have completed the graphical section of the Algebra unit. In particular the equation of a linear graph and
how that can be extrapolated to find and solve simultaneous equations. Last lesson they went over parallel lines
and how that relates to having the same gradient. In this lesson we are going to go over the nth term.

Which of my Target One: School systems are used to respond to major and minor disorder appropriately, encouraging a respect of
weekly boundaries. [CCF 4]
targets are
addressed? Target Two: Specific strategies are used to good effect to maintain on-task behaviour during lessons elements. [CCF 1/ CCF

Target Three: Common misconceptions and the prior knowledge of pupils/groups are noted in planning and
lessons/sequences address these. [CCF2]

Planned Outcomes: What will pupils have done by the end of the
progress lesson? Check these connect with your lesson objectives:
and learning
LO1: Retrieval practice on percentage increase and They will have completed the Do Now on their MWB to
decrease. show that LO1 is completed.
LO2: They will have completed the WeDo/YouDo tasks
LO2: To be able to calculate the nth term of a and the independent study at the end.
quadratic sequence of the form (an2 + b) LO3: I will check for understanding during
WeDo/YouDo and circulate during independent
LO3: To be able to calculate the nth term of a practice.
quadratic sequence of the form (an2 + bn + c).
They will also do independent practice in their books
with full working out so that they can trace their steps
in the future.
Barriers, misconceptions or preconceptions related to planned progress. How will you address these?
 That all sequences are either Arithmetic, Geometric or Quadratic
 That arithmetic sequences are always positive
 That arithmetic sequences always have integer values
 That to find whether a term is in the sequence we substitute it for n

Enabling Details of specific educational needs or needs of How will you provide challenge and support for the
groups of pupils, e.g. ethnic groups, EAL, gender. specific needs in this group?
from a range
of starting AA – SEMH HH, SS and AA sit on the ends of the rows for ease of
points: HH – Anxiety + EAL access. This allows me to monitor their work easier and
give them positive encouragement when they require
it. I sit SS at the front as he often needs a lot of

Role of other staff members Significant H&S or other features of location

SD – Host Teacher and Mentor Floor 1 – Will use closest staircase to evacuate in case
of fire.
Post-lesson How far were your lesson objectives achieved? What impact did your teaching have on pupils’ learning? What
evaluation of
progress did pupils make in this lesson? Evidence from individuals / groups (gender, minorities, pupil premium,
progress: EAL, send) / whole class. Focus on the specific things that pupils said, did, wrote, or completed in response to
your teaching as evidence.

Students HS, AK, ANE and AA were confident in attempting the (an2 + bn + c) types of questions, but the
majority of the class did not make it to those questions but rather were attempting then (an2 + b) types with
the missing nth term. Unfortunately, there was a fire-drill which meant that the already short lesson got cut
further short. I ensured that all students swifty and safely stood behind their chairs and make their way to
the nearest fire-exit.
Lesson Action Plan
Element & Teaching and Learning Monitoring and Assessment
Outline specific teaching and other actions, with links to specific How will you know they have all grasped
(Timing) objectives. The lesson plan should be obvious from this column alone. this?
Start of  Greeting – At the door and at the front.
Lesson  Seating
Routine  Registration
 dealing with latecomers - detention if later than 4 minutes
Introduction Consider: Consider:
 Lineup – Come into room in silence  Students will show fluency with
 Word of the week the questions and they will
 Link to previous lesson --> We covered bar representations of understand how fractional
fraction; and multiplied and divided mixed fractions. increase and decrease is closely
related to multiplication by
 Do Now: Express a fraction of an amount as a percentage.
Start off with skill work and develop into appreciation and
depreciation questions.
 Self-mark questions and display their scores.
 Go through homework expectations
 Timings ~ 10 minutes
Development Consider: Consider:
 Checking for understanding
Sub-divide if using MWB checks and then
needed. Question: Display a quadratic sequence on the board and an adapting my lesson to ensure
arithmetic sequence and ask students what they notice. that any tricky questions are
being remodelled so that
I do/We do/You do: I will explain what a quadratic sequence looks students can get quick-feedback
like i.e. the format an2 + bn + c where the values of a,b,c are and find the mistakes.
integers. Next I will model finding the first 5 terms of a quadratic  Scaffold questions for students
sequence by substituting the values of 1 à 5 for n on a given if they require it.
quadratic sequence. Then I will explore the method of finding the  Circulate to ensure students are
nth term of a quadratic sequence by first finding the second
difference and dividing it by 2. This gives you the a – coefficient of
the n2. Using this they will subtract the sequence from the n
squared sequence and find the missing c value.

I do/We do/You do: I will show that this skill can be applied to full
quadratic sequences which have a,b and c values. The method is
exactly the same to find the a value and subtract the
corresponding sequence. The difference is that the resultant won’t
be a constant sequence but rather an arithmetic sequence and
hence there will be an additional step to find that. Once the
arithmetic sequence is found then we simply add together all the
parts and get a sequence in the form an2 + bn + c.

Independent Practice: Give students about 20 minutes to practice

consolidating the skills they learnt in the Id/Wd/Yd. Questions get
progressively more challenging as they move from Pathfinder to
Conclusion / Consider: Consider:
Plenary /  Leave enough time for students to self-mark their work  Review of learning against
Review  Display and go through Plenary Question if students need lesson objectives
to be challenged.

Homework / out of class learning

Homework to extend or build on pupils’ learning in the lesson or prepare for the next lesson – this section is essential show
that you can embed pupil progress over time.
This is done centrally through Sparks Maths.

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