Gulfco ZA 40
Gulfco ZA 40
Gulfco ZA 40
Gulfco ZA 40 15114/40/1
Chemical characterization : Mixture of highly refined mineral oils and additives.(PCA-content < 3% - IP 346)
Composition of the mixture:
Substance name Contents CAS No EC No Annex No Ref REACH Classification
Polyolefin polyamine succinimide : 1.33 - 2.47 % ----- ----- ----- ----- R53
Hindered alkyl phenol : 0.69 - 1.28 % 128-37-0 204-881-4 ----- ----- N; R51-53
Alkarylphosphate : 0.49 - 0.92 % 68937-41-7 273-066-3 ----- ----- Repr. Cat. 3; R62
N; R51-53
Polyolefine polyamine succinimide : 0.24 - 0.45 % ----- POLYMER ----- ----- R53
Gulfco ZA 40 15114/40/1
Suitable extinguishing media : Water fog. Carbon dioxide. Foam. Dry chemical product.
Extinguishing media which shall not : Do not use a heavy water stream.
be used for safety reasons
Special hazards arising from the : Under fire conditions, hazardous fumes will be present.
substance or mixture
Advice for firefighters : Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, rubber boots and thick rubber gloves.
Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment, including respiratory protection.
Use water spray or fog for cooling exposed containers.
Avoid fire-fighting water to enter environment.
Precautions for safe handling : Keep away from sources of ignition. No naked lights. No smoking. Use only in well ventilated
areas. Avoid release to the environment. Do no eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
Wash hands and other exposed areas with soap and water before leaving work.
Conditions for safe storage, including : Store this product in a dry location where it can be protected from the elements. Store in
any incompatibilities tightly closed, properly ventilated containers away from heat, sparks, open flame, strong
oxidizers, radiations, and other initiators.
Keep at temperature not exceeding 50°C.
Specific end use(s) : Gas Engine Oil.
This oil should not be used for any other purpose than the intended use as a gas engine oil
without expert advice.
Gulfco ZA 40 15114/40/1
Control parameters:
Occupational exposure limit values:
- Australia : National exposure standards for atmosperic contaminants in the occupational environment;
Time-Weighted Average (normal eight-hour working day, for a five-day working week): 5 mg/
m³ for oil mist, refined mineral. (National Occupational Health & Safety Commission [NOHSC:
- Canada : The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has assigned
mineral oil mist a threshold limit value (TLV) of 5 mg/m(3) as a Time Weighted Average (
TWA) for a normal 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek and a short-term exposure limit (
STEL) of 10 mg/m(3) for periods not to exceed 15 minutes. Exposures at the STEL
concentration should not be repeated more than four times a day and should be separated by
intervals of at least 60 minutes.
[ACGIH 1994, p. 28]
- EU : Occupational Exposure Standard (OES) of 5 mg/m³,
8-hour time-weighted average reference period for oil mist.
- USA : The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has assigned
mineral oil mist a threshold limit value (TLV) of 5 mg/m(3) as a Time Weighted Average (
TWA) for a normal 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek and a short-term exposure limit (
STEL) of 10 mg/m(3) for periods not to exceed 15 minutes. Exposures at the STEL
concentration should not be repeated more than four times a day and should be separated by
intervals of at least 60 minutes.
[ACGIH 1994, p. 28]
Occupational Exposure Limits
Biological limit values : No data available.
Exposure controls:
Appropriate engineering controls : Provide adequate ventilation to minimize dust and/or vapour concentrations.
Individual protection measures, such
as personal protective equipment:
- eye / face protection : Chemical goggles or safety glasses (EN 166)
- skin protection : Wear suitable protective clothing.
- hand protection : Wear suitable gloves resistant to chemical penetration. (EN 374)
- respiratory protection : The use of Filtertype A (EN 141) is recommended If exceeding the Occupational Exposure
- others : Do not wear leather soled shoes.
Environmental exposure controls : Avoid release to the environment.
Gulfco ZA 40 15114/40/1
Toxicity :
No specific ecotoxicity data on this product available.
Persistence and degradability :
Major components are inherently biodegradable.
Bioaccumulative potential :
Not determined.
Mobility in soil :
It is to be expected small mobility in soil. Some or a few components may get into the soil and
may cause pollution of ground water. Product spreads on the water surface.
Results of PBT and vPvB assessment : Not applicable.
Other adverse effects : May contaminate water supplies.
Gulfco ZA 40 15114/40/1
Waste treatment methods : Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations.
See Directive 2001/118/EC
Waste Code European Waste List : 13 02 05 - mineral-based non-chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils.
15 01 10 - packaging containing residues of or contaminated by dangerous substances.
Not regulated.
Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture:
- Australian Inventory of Chemical : All components are in compliance with chemical notification requirements in Australia.
Substances (AICS)
- Canadian Environmental Protection : All components are in compliance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
Act (CEPA) and are present on the Domestic Substances List (DSL).
- European Inventory of Existing : All components listed.
Commercial Chemical Substances
- USA Toxic Substances Control Act : All components of this material are on the US TSCA Inventory or are exempt.
- Water Hazard Classification : Water Hazard Class: 1 - low hazard to waters
Chemical safety assessment : Not determined.
The contents and format of this SDS are in accordance with COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 453/2010 of 20 May 2010
amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The information in this SDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However, the
information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of
handling, storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other
reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This SDS was prepared and is to be used only for this
Gulf Oil International
16 Charles II St. SW1Y 4QU - London - United Kingdom
Tel 0207 839 2402 - Fax 0207 839 2399
E-mail: [email protected]
Page : 6
SAFETY DATA SHEET Revised edition no : 0
Date : 20 / 5 / 2013
Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 0
Gulfco ZA 40 15114/40/1
product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this SDS information may not be applicable.
End of document