Capt. Kohli Q&a
Capt. Kohli Q&a
Capt. Kohli Q&a
1. Polar distance?
Ans. It is the complement of declination, 90°- Declination, i.e. it is the angle at the centre
of the earth contained between the pole and the body.
2. ROR cards
3. ROR situation
4. Precaution and preparation as mate before entering into ice.
1. Law
Check whether your underwriters permit you.
Check charter party term and condition check for Ice Clause in C/P.
2. Information
Ice information to be obtained from following resources
Sailing Direction
Weather Message Fax
Ice Charts
Warning from Other Ship.
Us Sailing Direction
Monthly Ice Charts
Mariner Hand Book
Ocean Passage of World
Routeing Charts
Daily Bulletins By International Ice Patrol
3. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
Stab Calculation for Ice Accumulation
on Deck.
Train Crew
Keep Ballast In Recirculation.
4. Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
6. VDR.
Ans. Voyage Data Recorder is fitted onboard ships to track down the ships movement for
following purposes;
For investigation of accidents
Assessment of response
Settlement of claims
Promoting best practices
Training Purposes
There are various modules of VDR which serves different purpose
Data Recording Unit- Collect data from various inputs converts it into specified
format and stores them in a sequential manner.
Audio Recording Unit- It records the audio from Bridge Mic and VHF.
Final Recording Unit- It takes form of an orange capsule located on the
Monkey Island, of highly visible colour, free from all obstructions, and marked
with retro-reflective tape and fitted with device for homing.
Remote Alarm Module- in case of input error it will generate an alarm.
Replay Station- It is an optional feature which enables the user to replay the
data recorded.
7. Principle of magnetic compass?
Ans. 1. Earth magnetic field in horizontal direction i.e. H gives the magnetic compass its
directional property and is directly proportional to Cos Lat i.e. maximum at equator an
nil at poles.
2. Red end of a freely suspended magnet would point in direction of Magnetic North.
3. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other.
8. Doppler log?
Ans. Doppler Log measures speed of the ship, and is based on the principle of Doppler
shift i.e. measurement of change in frequency transmitted and frequency received.
1. Passage planning as a mate?
1. Seaworthiness of the vessel. i.e. condition of the hull and the deck equipments.
2. Weather expected during the voyage, to make sufficient allowance for the stability.
3. Loadline zones, to ensure vessel will not exceed her loadlines at any stage of the voyage.
1. Law
Check whether your underwriters permit you.
Check charter party term and condition check for Ice Clause in C/P.
2. Information
Ice information to be obtained from following resources
Sailing Direction
Weather Message Fax
Ice Charts
Warning from Other Ship.
Us Sailing Direction
Monthly Ice Charts
Mariner Hand Book
Ocean Passage of World
Routeing Charts
Daily Bulletins By International Ice Patrol
3. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
Stab Calculation for Ice Accumulation
on Deck.
Train Crew
Keep Ballast In Recirculation.
Spray anti-freezing mixture on deck and accommodation areas
Keep sufficient equipments for removal of ice from deck.
Keep Search lights ready forward.
4. Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
Ans. First-year sea ice is ice that is thicker than young ice but has no more than one year
growth. In other words, it is ice that grows in the fall and winter (after it has gone through
the new ice — nilas — young ice stages and grows further) but does not survive the spring
and summer months (it melts away). The thickness of this ice typically ranges from 0.3
metres (0.98 ft) to 2 metres (6.6 ft). First-year ice may be further divided into thin (30
centimetres (0.98 ft) to 70 centimetres (2.3 ft), medium ((70 centimetres (2.3 ft) to 120
centimetres (3.9 ft)) and thick (>120 centimetres (3.9 ft)).
Ans. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight and for evening twilight find out
LMT Civil Twilight against your latitude from the daily pages of almanac and apply LIT to get
GMT and ZT to get SMT.
Second priority
The bodies should be at altitudes between 15 degrees and 70 degrees. Unusual
refraction can introduce large errors in low altitude sights, and accurate sights at very
high altitudes are difficult to obtain.
Third priority
The magnitude of the star. Obviously, first magnitude stars are easier to see and to
shoot while the horizon is still clearly defined.
5. What is IALA?
Main recommendations
The association is primarily known for the IALA Maritime Buoyage Systems or sea
mark systems that are used in the Pilotage of vessels at sea
Ans. Warm currents are those which are warmer than the water prevailing in the area
where they travel. Ex: Kuroshio Current off Japan, Gulf Stream Off the south coast of
8. You are approaching a TSS in RV, no directions marked in both the lanes, ship comi
ngdown from both sidesvisible on radar, land on either sides of the TSS, action?
9. One vessel coming from stbd quarter doing 17 knots, distance 3 miles, your speed is
15 miles, action?
Ans. TCPA will be 1.5 hrs, monitor the vessel and determine if roc exists.
Ans. If the other vessel is coming up from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft the
Ans. Take visual bearing and make use of AIS as an aid to navigation.
12. Same situation as point 10 but in R.V, radar not operational, action?
Ans. Alter course to port away from the overtaking vessel upon hearing the fog signal
coming from the stbd quadrant taking the fog signal on port quarter.
13. What is range of fog signalling apparatus?
Ans. 2 nm
Ans. Emergency towing Apparatus. Deep sea towage, emergency or salvage with main
purpose of avoiding pollution.
Ans. Ships other than tankers should have an ETB which should contain:
Requirement for the ETB was of 3 such booklets with each copy placed at a specific
location (Bridge, Ships office & Forecastle) with one copy in Company office which could
be utilised by them in case of emergency.
16. Use of ETA when you are on a berth and your vessel catches fire?
Ans. Rapid deployment of the aft eta for towing the vessel away from the berth if there is
Function 1
1. Seaworthiness of the vessel. i.e. condition of the hull and the deck equipments.
2. Weather expected during the voyage, to make sufficient allowance for the stability.
3. Loadline zones, to ensure vessel will not exceed her loadlines at any stage of the voyage.
Ans. In case of an emergency, on bridge, during heavy weather or any other circumstances
where he may deem it necessary.
3. 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year ice, table ice, growler?
Ans. First-year sea ice is ice that is thicker than young ice but has no more than one year
growth. In other words, it is ice that grows in the fall and winter (after it has gone through
the new ice — nilas — young ice stages and grows further) but does not survive the spring
and summer months (it melts away). The thickness of this ice typically ranges from 0.3
metres (0.98 ft) to 2 metres (6.6 ft). First-year ice may be further divided into thin (30
centimetres (0.98 ft) to 70 centimetres (2.3 ft), medium ((70 centimetres (2.3 ft) to 120
centimetres (3.9 ft)) and thick (>120 centimetres (3.9 ft)).
Second year ice is sea ice which has not melted in the first summer of its existence;
by the end of the second winter, it attains a thickness of 2 meters (6.6 feet) or more; it
stands higher out of the water than first-year ice; summer melting has somewhat
smoothed and rounded the hummocks, which accentuation of minor relief by differential
melting may have caused others to develop; bare patches and puddles are usually
Multiyear ice is a sea ice which has survived more than one. (In some sources old ice is
more than 2-years old.) Multi-year ice is much more common in the Arctic than it is in the
Antarctic. The reason for this is that sea ice in the south drifts into warmer waters where it
melts. In the Arctic, much of the sea ice is land-locked.
Table Ice- an Iceberg which takes tabular form.
Growler- An iceberg whose height is under 1 m and length under 6 m.
Ans. 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight apply LIT to get GMT
and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to
DR Lat choose 3-4 stars.
5. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will
disappear from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for
all the stars.
6. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using
Intercept to nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Ans. Almanac-
1. At the start you can get total correction for Sun, Stars & planets given against the
apparent altitude and the dip table for height of eye. The altitude correction is for 10° and
above for altitude below it there is a separate table.
i) Sun- divided into two groups i.e. Oct-Mar and Apr-Sept. The correction for lower
limb and upper limb is different. It contains refraction correction, Semi Diameter
and parallax.
ii) Stars and Planets- The table is same and contains only refraction correction apart
for Venus and mars for which the parallax correction is provided due to its close
iii) Dip- Given for height of eye in feet and fathom.
2. There is another altitude correction table which provides variation in refraction due
to pressure and temperature.
3. Then there is a calendar which helps in calculation of no of days, especially during the
day’s work.
4. There is a graph provided which represents the movement of planets and indicates
their visibility.
5. Then there is, daily pages which provides the details for Aries, Four Planets, 57 Stars,
Sun and Moon.
i) Aries- GHA Aries at hourly interval and merpass in LMT.
ii) Planets- their magnitude, Hourly GHA and Declination v and d correction &
SHA and LMT merpass.
iii) Stars- SHA and declination.
iv) Sun- Hourly GHA and Declination, SD, d correction, Sunrise-Sunset against
latitude in LMT & LMT merpass.
v) Moon- Hourly GHA and Declination & ‘v’‘d’ correction also HP correction and
SD for each day, moon rise-moonset against latitude, merpass in LMT, age
and phase of moon.
vi) Morning and evening twilight, civil and nautical twilight only.
6. Star charts for NH and SH.
7. Monthly SHA, Declination and magnitude for 173 stars.
8. Polaris correction table for a0, a1, a2 against LHA Aries and Azimuth tables.
9. Hourly increment tables for sun, planets, moon and Aries also ‘v’ ’d’ corrections.
10. Altitude correction table for moon consisting of Dip correction against height of eye,
main correction consisting of augmented SD correction and refraction correction
against apparent altitude and HP correction separate for LL and UL with 30’ to be
subtracted from UL altitude.
LMT- Local mean time is the westward angle measured from the observer’s inferior
meridian to the median passing through mean sun.
GMT Greenwich Mean Time is the westwards angle measured from inferior Greenwich
meridian to the median passing through mean sun.
Zone Time- Earth is divided into various zones of 15° each starting with first zone from
7.5°E-7.5°W. Each of these zones has a central meridian and the time on this meridian is
known as the Zone time.
Ans. Star finder is used to choose suitable stars for celestial observations and for
identifying stars.
1. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight and for evening twilight
find out LMT Civil Twilight apply LIT to get GMT and ZT to get SMT.
2. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
3. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR
Lat choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
For identifying stars just get the azimuth of star and calculate LHA Aries and latitude is
known so use suitable template and put the pointer on LHA Aries and using the azimuth
find the star.
7. How will you make bottom heavy gyro, north settling. Draw and explain in detail?
Ans. A bottom heavy effect is used in Anschutz gyro which is German made, and is used
for gravity control. As the bottom heavy effect will give me a north seeking gyro it has to
made north settling with the help of damping control in this case the damping will be
damping in Azimuth i.e. there will be no Settling error.
Damping in Azimuth is done by Precession control towards the meridian with the help of
mercury ballistics.
Ans. Day Signal- A cylinder. Night signal- In addition to masthead light or lights, sidelights
and Sternlight, Three all round red lights in a vertical line.
10. Clear visibility overtaking situation from stbd quarter, same situation in R.
V with radar operational.
11. Can you alter co to stbd for a vessel on your stbd quarter in R.V?
Ans. Warm currents are those which are warmer than the water prevailing in the area
where they travel. Ex: Kuroshio Current off Japan, Gulf Stream Off the south coast of
Cold currents are those which are colder than the water prevailing in the area where
they travel. Ex: Oyashio Current off Japan, Labrador off Newfoundland.
Ans. Take bearing of storm centre using Buys Ballots Law. Face the true wind and storm
centre will be 8-12 points on the left. If pressure has fallen 5 mb below normal after
allowing for semi diurnal variation take 12 points, if it is 20 mb below normal allow 8
points as the TRS is in near vicinity.
2. Determine which semicircle you are in. Wind will veer in RHSC and back in
LHSC. Due care must be exercised while determining wind direction.
- In Dangerous semicircle i.e. LHSC: keeping the wind on port bow 1 point for
slow vessels (speed less than 12 knots) and 4 points for vessel fast vessels (speed more
than 12 knots) altering as the wind is Backing.
- In Navigable semicircle i.e. RHSC keeping the wind 4 points on Port quarter,
alter course as the wind is veering.
In both the above cases vessel to proceed in the same way until the pressure comes
back to normal.
Ans. Face the true wind area of low pressure will be on your right in NH and to left in SH.
Function 1
1. Star sight?
Ans. 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight and for evening twilight
find out LMT Civil Twilight apply LIT to get GMT and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
5. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will disappear
from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for all the stars,
for evening sight we will have to set the sextant at obtained altitude and azimuth
from star finder for stars on eastern horizon as the eastern horizon will disappear
6. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Ans. A top heavy effect is used in Sperry gyro which is British made, and is used for gravity
control. As the Top heavy effect will give me a north seeking gyro it hast to made north
settling with the help of damping control in this case the damping will be damping in Tilt.
3. Ice navigation?
1. Law
Check whether your underwriters permit you.
Check charter party term and condition check for Ice Clause in C/P.
2. Information
Ice information to be obtained from following resources
Sailing Direction
Weather Message Fax
Ice Charts
Warning from Other Ship.
Us Sailing Direction
Monthly Ice Charts
Mariner Hand Book
Ocean Passage of World
Routeing Charts
Daily Bulletins By International Ice Patrol
3. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
Stab Calculation for Ice Accumulation
on Deck.
Train Crew
Keep Ballast In Recirculation.
Spray anti-freezing mixture on deck and accommodation areas
Keep sufficient equipments for removal of ice from deck.
Keep Search lights ready forward.
4. Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
4. Cards
5. Situations
6. Currents?
Ans. Drift Current- Caused due to movement of wind over a given area for a long period of
time. Ex: North Equatorial Current, South Equatorial Current, North Atlantic Current, South
Atlantic Current.
Upwelling Current- Caused when a wind blows over a long coast line for a
long period of time, it causes the top layer to be displaced by the bottom layers of the
sea. Ex: Canary Current along the NW African coast, Benguela Current along SW African
coast, Californian current, Peru Current.
Function 1
1. Damping error- It is also known as latitude error, it is caused in the Sperry gyro which
is damped in tilt. For any latitude other than equator there will be a drift (15 Sin Lat)
and the damping precession will cause the north end of the gyro to settle slightly to
east and north in north latitude and slightly to west and south in south latitude to
counter this drift.
2. Speed and course error- The gyro north is shifted from actual north due to this error,
actually the gyro settles on the resultant of ship course & speed and earth speed.
Tan C= (v Cos Course) / (902 Cos lat- v Sin Course).
3. Ballistic deflection error- Whenever the ship is manoeuvring there are lots of hard over
movements involved which alters the inertia of the ship and the, this change in inertia
is taken as an external force by the gyro and causes deflection due to gyroscopic
precession i.e. 90° away from the force application, to avoid this a device known as
Scheuler Tuning is fitted in gyro which counters these forces.
Ans. Coefficient Real A- Due to induced magnetism in unsymmetrical pair of horizontal rods
i.e. –b, +d or +b, -d.
Coefficient Apparent A- Due to human error
i) If the F/A line of the compass card is not in line with F/A line of the magnet.
ii) If the lubber line is not in line with F/A line of the ship.
iii) If there was an error in taking the bearing.
iv) If there was an error in calculation of the variation.
v) If there was an error in LHA calculation.
vi) If the ship was swung too hard at the time of taking bearings.
Coefficient PB- Caused due to ships permanent magnetism in F/A direction.
Coefficient iB- Caused due to ships vertical induced magnet in F/A plane i.e. c rod.
Coefficient PC- Caused due to ships permanent magnetism in Athwartship direction.
Coefficient iC- Caused due to ships vertical induced magnet in Athwartship plane i.e.
f rod.
Coefficient D- Caused due to induced magnetism in continuous or divided soft iron in
F/A or Athwartship plane i.e. +a, +e, -a or –e.
Coefficient E- Due to induced magnetism in symmetrical pair of horizontal rods i.e. –
b, -d or +b, +d.
Ans. PM Test is carried out and length of plume obtained is compared with original
plume length to check efficiency of Radar.
1. Law
Check whether your underwriters permit you.
Check charter party term and condition check for Ice Clause in C/P.
2. Information
Ice information to be obtained from following resources
Sailing Direction
Weather Message Fax
Ice Charts
3. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
Stab Calculation for Ice Accumulation
on Deck.
Train Crew
Keep Ballast In Recirculation.
Spray anti-freezing mixture on deck and accommodation areas
Keep sufficient equipments for removal of ice from deck.
Keep Search lights ready forward.
4. Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
Ans. 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight and for evening twilight
find out LMT Civil Twilight apply LIT to get GMT and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
7. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will disappear
from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for all the stars,
for evening sight we will have to set the sextant at obtained altitude and azimuth
from star finder for stars on eastern horizon as the eastern horizon will disappear
8. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
6. You are doing 12kts. Other vsl doing 15kts. 3 mile off action.
Function 1
1. From begining show all calculations on paper of sights to get ships posn till
noon including star sights and its procedures to obtain ships posn?
1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight apply LIT to get GMT
and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
7. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will disappear
from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for all the stars,
8. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Noon Sight- 1. Get the LMT Merpass from daily pages of Almanac; calculate DR Position
from LMT obtained. Apply LIT to it get the GMT and then apply ZT and get SMT, now
apply run and get DR Position for the SMT now take this DR Long and apply LIT from this
long to LMT get GMT apply ZT and get SMT. Repeat this process twice so as to get more
accurate LMT Merpass, this process is called Iteration.
3. 10 minutes before set the sextant with sun on the horizon, keep bringing the sun
down as it goes up.
1. The moment when sun stops going up and starts going down note the time and the
highest altitude obtained will be the merpass altitude.
2. Using this altitude calculate MZD and observed lat and apply ‘C’ correction and
obtain longitude for noon observation.
Evening sight- 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the
Star finder.
2. For evening twilight find out LMT Civil Twilight apply LIT to get GMT and ZT
to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
7. Now for evening sight we will have to set the sextant at obtained altitude and
azimuth from star finder for stars on eastern horizon as the eastern horizon will
disappear first.
8. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Ans. Coefficient D- Caused due to induced magnetism in continuous or divided soft iron in
F/A or Athwartship plane i.e. +a, +e, -a or –e.
Coefficient E- Due to induced magnetism in symmetrical pair of horizontal rods i.e. –b, -d or
+b, +d.
Flinder bars- Placed in the fore and plane of the ship to correct for coefficient iB.
Ans. A top heavy effect is used in Sperry gyro which is British made, and is used for gravity
control. As the Top heavy effect will give me a north seeking gyro it hast to made north
settling with the help of damping control in this case the damping will be damping in Tilt.
Ans. Declination- It is the angle at the centre of the earth contained between the equinoctial
and the body.
Polar Distance- It is the complement of declination, 90°- Declination, i.e. it is the angle at the
centre of the earth contained between the pole and the body.
1. Law
Check whether your underwriters permit you.
Check charter party term and condition check for Ice Clause in C/P.
2. Information
Ice information to be obtained from following resources
Sailing Direction
Weather Message Fax
Ice Charts
Warning from Other Ship.
Us Sailing Direction
Monthly Ice Charts
Mariner Hand Book
Ocean Passage of World
Routeing Charts
Daily Bulletins By International Ice Patrol
3. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
4. Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
3. Pythagoras error
4. Multipath Error
7. You are entering a TSS but there is no traffic direction marked and ships are coming
down from both sides. Action as a mate?
7. A situation with one ship coming down in the wrong lane in a TSS in RV meeting at an
8. What is Aries?
Ans. The point where Equinoctial and the Ecliptic meet when the sun is moving from South
to north, it is known as first point of Aries.
1. 4 ROR R.V situations, no cards, only quote rule 19 d?
2. As a mate what'll u do when going in Ice?
1. Law
Check whether your underwriters permit you.
Check charter party term and condition check for Ice Clause in C/P.
2. Information
Ice information to be obtained from following resources
Sailing Direction
Weather Message Fax
Ice Charts
Warning from Other Ship.
Us Sailing Direction
Monthly Ice Charts
Mariner Hand Book
Ocean Passage of World
Routeing Charts
Daily Bulletins By International Ice Patrol
3. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
Stab Calculation for Ice Accumulation
on Deck.
Train Crew
Keep Ballast In Recirculation.
Spray anti-freezing mixture on deck and accommodation areas
Keep sufficient equipments for removal of ice from deck.
Keep Search lights ready forward.
4. Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
3. Situation while entering TSS, both side shallow waters and u see vessel
coming from both lanes. (Always call master for Capt. Kohli)
Ans. A top heavy effect is used in Sperry gyro which is British made, and is used for
gravity control. As the Top heavy effect will give me a north seeking gyro it hast to made
north settling with the help of damping control in this case the damping will be damping in
A bottom heavy effect is used in Anschutz gyro which is German made, and is used
for gravity control. As the bottom heavy effect will give me a north seeking gyro it has to
made north settling with the help of damping control in this case the damping will be
damping in Azimuth i.e. there will be no Settling error.
Ans. 1. Earth magnetic field in horizontal direction i.e. H gives the magnetic compass its
directional property and is directly proportional to Cos Lat i.e. maximum at equator an
nil at poles.
2. Red end of a freely suspended magnet would point in direction of Magnetic North.
3. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other.
Flinder bars- Placed in the fore and plane of the ship to correct for coefficient iB.
Coefficient PC- Caused due to ships permanent magnetism in Athwartship
Coefficient iC- Caused due to ships vertical induced magnet in Athwartship plane i.e.
f rod.
Ans. 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight apply LIT to get GMT
and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to
DR Lat choose 3-4 stars.
5. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will
disappear from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for
all the stars.
6. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using
Intercept to nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Ans. Buy Ballots Law- Face the true wind and the area of low pressure will be on your
right in NH and on your left in SH.
Adiabatic lapse rate- It is the change in the temperature of the parcel of air which is
made to rise or fall without exchange of heat from the surroundings.
1. Why nautical twilight is used for star sight?
Ans. Because during nautical twilight the horizon is clear and the stars are visible as well,
correct time to take star sight actually is between nautical and civil twilight i.e. the time
when sun centre is within 3°-9°.
Coefficient PB- Fwd/Aft permanent magnet- Placed below the compass in F/A
plane to correct for coefficient PB. For +PB red end placed forward, they are placed in
multiple rows with distance between each corrector in each row twice their length.
Coefficient iB- Flinder bars- Placed in the fore and plane of the ship to correct for
coefficient iB
Ans. 1. Earth magnetic field in horizontal direction i.e. H gives the magnetic compass its
directional property and is directly proportional to Cos Lat i.e. maximum at equator an
nil at poles.
2. Red end of a freely suspended magnet would point in direction of Magnetic North.
3. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other.
4. Phases of Moon?
It's probably easiest to understand the moon cycle in this order: new moon and full
moon, first quarter and third quarter, and the phases in between.
As shown in the above diagram, the new moon occurs when the moon is
positioned between the earth and sun. The three objects are in approximate
alignment (why "approximate" is explained below). The entire illuminated portion of
the moon is on the back side of the moon, the half that we cannot see.
At a full moon, the earth, moon, and sun are in approximate alignment, just as the
new moon, but the moon is on the opposite side of the earth, so the entire sunlit
part of the moon is facing us. The shadowed portion is entirely hidden from view.
The first quarter and third quarter moons (both often called a "half moon"), happen
when the moon is at a 90 degree angle with respect to the earth and sun. So we are
seeing exactly half of the moon illuminated and half in shadow.
Once you understand those four key moon phases, the phases between should be
fairly easy to visualize, as the illuminated portion gradually transitions between
An easy way to remember and understand those "between" lunar phase names is by
breaking out and defining 4 words: crescent, gibbous, waxing, and waning. The
word crescent refers to the phases where the moon is less than half illuminated. The
word gibbous refers to phases where the moon is more than half
illuminated. Waxing essentially means "growing" or expanding in illumination,
and waning means "shrinking" or decreasing in illumination.
Thus you can simply combine the two words to create the phase name, as follows:
After the new moon, the sunlit portion is increasing, but less than half, so it is waxing
crescent. After the first quarter, the sunlit portion is still increasing, but now it
is more than half, so it is waxing gibbous. After the full moon (maximum
illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs
next. Following the third quarter is the waning crescent, which wanes until the light
is completely gone -- a new moon.
Ans. Index error is caused when the horizon glass is not parallel to the index glass. Index
error can be corrected by the third adjustment screw however it is not corrected instead
it is just measured and applied to sextant altitude. Reason for this is adjusting the third
adjustment screw will affect both side error and error of perpendicularity.
6. Principle of sextant?
2. When a light suffers double reflection then the angle between the incident ray
and final reflected ray is double the angle between the two mirrors.
Ans. 1. Check the whistle is working properly, the deck air supply for whistle should be in
good condition.
3. Rest hours for the crew keeping a watch on bridge to be taken care of.
4. Window wipers and clear view screen to be checked working properly or not.
7. Situation- wreck on stbd beam and another vsl seen on stbd bow. Action?
Ans. In this case I should have acted before but now when I end up this situation I have
to take action.
1. Take series of consecutive bearing and determine if ROC exists and determine
whether it is a crossing situation or head on situation.
2. If ROC exists in crossing situation then I have to alter to stbd but with wreck on my
stbd it will be difficult. But the wreck is already abeam and if TCPA is good enough i
will alter to stbd after passing the wreck or give bold alteration to port.
3. In head on situation I will reduce speed so that both the vessels do not end up with
wreck abeam at same time. But since the wreck is already abeam as mentioned in
the question there will be no trouble as we will be able to clear the wreck well in
8. Pivot point and where on vsl it applies?
Ans. Pivot Point- Is the point about which the ship pivots, purpose of this is to position
the tugs by the pilots.
9. Situation - overtaking?
Errors- Adjustable error: side error, error of perpendicularity, index error and error
of collimation
1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight apply LIT to get GMT
and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
6. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will disappear
from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for all the stars,
7. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Noon Sight- 1. Get the LMT Merpass from daily pages of Almanac; calculate DR Position
from LMT obtained. Apply LIT to it get the GMT and then apply ZT and get SMT, now
apply run and get DR Position for the SMT now take this DR Long and apply LIT from this
long to LMT get GMT apply ZT and get SMT. Repeat this process twice so as to get more
accurate LMT Merpass, this process is called Iteration.
3. 10 minutes before set the sextant with sun on the horizon, keep bringing the sun
down as it goes up.
3. The moment when sun stops going up and starts going down note the time and the
highest altitude obtained will be the merpass altitude.
4. Using this altitude calculate MZD and observed lat and apply ‘C’ correction and
obtain longitude for noon observation.
Evening sight- 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the
Star finder.
2. For evening twilight find out LMT Civil Twilight apply LIT to get GMT and ZT
to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
5. Now for evening sight we will have to set the sextant at obtained altitude and
azimuth from star finder for stars on eastern horizon as the eastern horizon will
disappear first.
6. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Ans. Long Range Identification tracking system is fitted onboard ship’s to provide the
authorised receivers the position of the ship with primary purpose to enhance maritime
Working: 1. Ships transmit data at every 6 hours, consisting of IMO no, position,
date and time of transmission to the satellites.
2. Via satellite this data is transferred to CSP, which forwards his data to
ASP as received.
3. ASP adds some data to received data i.e. Ships name, LRIT No, MMSI
No, Date and time received & date and time transmitted.
4. Afterwards this data is forwarded to Data centre of the flag state.
5. All the data centres are connected to each other via International Data
Exchange. And any request for data of a ship is made through IDE.
Every country has their own data centres but some countries have combined together
which are called as Regional data centre.
For India the Data centre is located in Jahaj Bhawan, D.G. Shipping.
International Data Exchange- Lisbon. During the 87th session of the MSC the European
Union Member States submitted a proposal for the establishment, operation and
maintenance of the IDE of the LRIT system by the European Maritime Safety Agency
(EMSA) in Lisbon, Portugal. EMSA became the IDE Operator in October 2011. 65 Data
Centres worldwide (covering 117 Contracting Governments and Territories) currently
use the IDE hosted at EMSA. The backup Disaster Recovery site remains with the US
Coast Guard.
Ans. AIS broadcast messages to nearby ships, shores party. Whereas LRIT is a closed loop
communications sending information only to authorised party.
Ans. LRIT data can be provided to SAR facilities to facilitate SAR operations.
Ans. The emergency wreck-marking buoy is designed to provide high visual and radio aid
to navigation recognition. It should be placed as close to the wreck as possible, or in a
pattern around the wreck, and within any other marks that may be subsequently
deployed. The emergency wreck marking buoy should be maintained in position until:
• The wreck is well known and has been promulgated in nautical publications;
• The wreck has been fully surveyed and exact details such as position and least depth
above the wreck are known;
• Coloured in equal number and dimensions of blue and yellow vertical stripes
(minimum of 4 stripes and maximum of 8 stripes).
• Fitted with an alternating blue* and yellow flashing light with a nominal range of 4
nautical miles (authorities may wish to alter the range depending on local conditions)
where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5
seconds. Bu1.0s + 0.5s + Y1.0s + 0.5s = 3.0s
• Consideration should be given to the use of a racon Morse code “D” and/or AIS
Ans. 1. First we need to choose suitable stars which can be found using the Star finder.
2. For morning twilight find out LMT Nautical Twilight and for evening twilight
find out LMT Civil Twilight apply LIT to get GMT and ZT to get SMT.
3. Now apply run to last known position to get DR Lat and Long from current
SMT to the SMT obtained.
4. Now from almanac get GHA Aries and apply longitude to get LHA Aries.
From DR Lat and LHA Aries go to star finder and using the correct template closest to DR Lat
choose 3-4 stars.
ii) Chosen stars magnitude should be low i.e. they should be bright.
7. Now for morning sight start with the stars on eastern horizon as they will disappear
from horizon first, take the altitude and azimuth note down the time for all the stars,
for evening sight we will have to set the sextant at obtained altitude and azimuth
from star finder for stars on eastern horizon as the eastern horizon will disappear
8. Use 3 stars for plotting purpose. Apply run to the obtained PL using Intercept to
nearest hour. Point of intersection of the PL’s would be your position.
Ans. A top heavy effect is used in Sperry gyro which is British made, and is used for
gravity control. As the Top heavy effect will give me a north seeking gyro it hast to made
north settling with the help of damping control in this case the damping will be damping
in Tilt.
19. ETA deployment and requirements as per what on your last vessel?
Ans. My last ship was Bulk Carrier requirement says that the ships other than tankers should
have an ETB which should contain:
Requirement for the ETB was of 3 such booklets with each copy placed at a specific
location (Bridge, Ships office & Forecastle) with one copy in Company office which could
be utilised by them in case of emergency.
Ans. Precautions
All Possible Info
Have Sufficient Trim
Crew Warm Cloth
Deck Water Line Drained
Deck Machinery Running/Covered/Heating Started Before Using.
Stab Calculation for Ice Accumulation
on Deck.
Train Crew
Keep Ballast In Recirculation.
Spray anti-freezing mixture on deck and accommodation areas
Keep sufficient equipments for removal of ice from deck.
Keep Search lights ready forward.
Ship handling
Thickness Of Ice Should Be Estimated Before Entering.
Whether Vsl Can Safely Pass Through. No Attempt Should Be Made To Enter
a Region Of Thick Ice.
Use Ice Breaker And Follow His Instruction.
Never Stop M/E
Enter In Slow Speed And Increase Power When Bow Made Contact To Maintain Hea
d Way.
Follow Leads Of Other Vsl.
Enter Ice Area At Right Angle.
In Night Sufficient Lighting Arrangement, Do Not Enter In Darkness.
Ans. Drift Current- Caused due to movement of wind over a given area for a long period of
time. Ex: North Equatorial Current, South Equatorial Current, North Atlantic Current, South
Atlantic Current.
Upwelling Current- Caused when a wind blows over a long coast line for a
long period of time, it causes the top layer to be displaced by the bottom layers of the
sea. Ex: Canary Current along the NW African coast, Benguela Current along SW African
coast, Californian current, Peru Current.
1. Take bearing of storm centre using Buys Ballots Law. Face the true wind
and storm centre will be 8-12 points on the right. If pressure has fallen 5 mb below
normal after allowing for semi diurnal variation take 12 points, if it is 20 mb below
normal allow 20 points as the TRS is in near vicinity.
2. Determine which semicircle you are in. Wind will veer in RHSC and back in
LHSC. Due care must be exercised while determining wind direction.
- In Dangerous semicircle i.e. RHSC: keeping the wind on stbd bow 1 point for
slow vessels (speed less than 12 knots) and 4 points for vessel fast vessels (speed more
than 12 knots) altering as the wind is Veering.
- In Navigable semicircle i.e. LHSC keeping the wind 4 points on Stbd quarter,
alter course as the wind is backing.
In both the above cases vessel to proceed in the same way until the pressure comes
back to normal.
In southern hemisphere,
1. Take bearing of storm centre using Buys Ballots Law. Face the true wind
and storm centre will be 8-12 points on the left. If pressure has fallen 5 mb below
normal after allowing for semi diurnal variation take 12 points, if it is 20 mb below
normal allow 20 points as the TRS is in near vicinity.
2. Determine which semicircle you are in. Wind will veer in RHSC and back in
LHSC. Due care must be exercised while determining wind direction.
- In Dangerous semicircle i.e. LHSC: keeping the wind on port bow 1 point for
slow vessels (speed less than 12 knots) and 4 points for vessel fast vessels (speed more
than 12 knots) altering as the wind is Backing.
- In Navigable semicircle i.e. RHSC keeping the wind 4 points on Port quarter,
alter course as the wind is veering.
In both the above cases vessel to proceed in the same way until the pressure comes
back to normal.
Towing component should have a working strength of at least 1000kn for tanker of
20000dwt & above but less than 50000 dwt at least 2000kn for tanker of 50000dwt and
above working strength is defined as one half of ultimate strength. Strength should be
sufficient for all relevant angle of tow line. Up to 90 deg from ship C/L to port & stbd 30 deg
vertically downward. Towing pennant should have a length of at least twice the lightest sea
going ballast free board at the fair lead + 50m.