Elaha Art. N-Tio2 Ft-Ir
Elaha Art. N-Tio2 Ft-Ir
Elaha Art. N-Tio2 Ft-Ir
Keywords: A highly efficient, eco-friendly, and visible-light-driven photocatalyst, namely nitrogen doped titanium dioxide
N-TiO2/ASC-PVP hybrid nanocomposite (N-TiO2)/collagen-polyvinyl pyrrolidone (ASC-PVP) hybrid nanocomposite is prepared via facile sol–gel method.
Naphthalene The ASC-PVP steadily covers the N-TiO2. The XPS data confirmed the oxygen vacancies and nitrogen interstitial-
type doping in N-TiO2 prepared by the sol–gel route. Furthermore, the O 1s and N 1S XPS data prove that both
Visible light
nitrogen and oxygen atoms of ASC-PVP are participated in hydrogen bonds with N-Ti-O and/or Ti-O-N bonds in
N-TiO2 nanoparticles. Moreover, the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP is shown an obvious red shift of absorption band edge and
reduced recombination rate of electron-hole in comparison with N-TiO2 nanoparticles. N-TiO2/ASC-PVP was
used to study photocatalytic degradation of a typical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs), namely naph
thalene in water under visible light irradiation. N-TiO2/ASC-PVP possessed high photocatalytic activity for the
naphthalene degradation (86%) within 100 min under visible light. The inhibitory effect on the naphthalene
photodegradation indicated that O−2 . and h+⋅are the major reactive species. Also, the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP exhibited
very good visible light photocatalytic efficiency for the removal of naphthalene at very low concentrations from
1. Introduction and thermal stability, low cost, availability, and non-toxicity [6]. The
heterogeneous photocatalytic process is an advanced oxidation process
Currently, water scarcity is one of the most important global chal for water treatment that takes place by directing sunlight or ultraviolet
lenges. Population growth, industrialization of communities, pollution light onto the surface of a semiconductor. The heterogeneous photo
of existing freshwater resources, and climate change have made it catalysis reactions are a promising technology for the degradation of
difficult to provide safe drinking water [1]. One of the most important toxic organic and inorganic contaminants from water, and hydrogen
water pollutants is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are production [7–11].
classified as toxic, carcinogenic, and immunotoxic pollutants [2,3]. The The dependence of TiO2 photocatalytic activity on UV light, which
simplest member of PAHs is naphthalene (C10H8), which is one of the contains only 4% of sunlight, has limited its use [6]. In addition, the
polycyclic compounds in crude oil and is found in insecticides, cleaners, possibility of electron-hole pair recombination also reduces the effi
and dyes [4]. In recent years, the use of photocatalyst in advanced ciency of TiO2 [12]. To solve this problem, photocatalyst modification
oxidation processes (AOP) has attracted the attention to remove water strategies such as surface chemical modification and doping are used
pollution because they do not cause secondary pollution and have the [13–18]. Doping of TiO2 with metal elements such as Au, Fe, and Ag
ability to convert organic pollutants into harmless substances such as increases the charge transfer property and the stability of the electron-
H2O and CO2 [5]. One of the most important photocatalysts is titanium hole pair in the photocatalyst [19,20]. The doping of TiO2 with
dioxide, which is used due to its high photocatalytic activity, chemical different types of metallic or non-metallic ions is done as substitution or
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Elmi).
Received 5 August 2021; Received in revised form 10 November 2021; Accepted 19 November 2021
Available online 24 November 2021
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
interstitial. In recent years, the use of non-metallic elements such as C, software 2.3.23 (Casa Software Ltd., UK). All spectra were corrected by
N, and S has been considered due to the reduction of energy bandgap moving the position of the primary C 1s core level to 284.6 eV. The
(Eg), recombination rate, and increase of photocatalytic activity in the curves were fit with sum Gaussian-Lorentzian line shapes following
visible region [21–23]. Among non-metallic elements, N is important Shirley’s background subtraction.
due to its low ionization energy and high stability [24]. Since the cat
alytic activity depends not only on the type of material but also on its 2.1. Synthesis of N-TiO2 nanoparticles
particle size, the use of nanoscale photocatalysts increases the surface-
to-volume ratio and improves the catalytic properties. It is necessary The sol–gel method was used to synthesize N-TiO2. In this method,
to obtain the optimal semiconductor particle size to improve the process. TiO2 and urea were combined in mass ratios of 1:2, 1:3, and 1:5. For the
Reducing the particle size below the optimum value causes surface synthesis of 1:2, 1.2 g of TiO2 was added to 10 ml of distilled water and
recombination to happen faster than the interfacial charge transfer placed in an ultrasonic bath at room temperature for 10 min. Then, it
procedure. The optimum size for TiO2 as a photocatalyst is about 10 nm was added to 2.4 g of urea in 10 ml of distilled water. The sample was
[25]. stirred at room temperature for 1 h and was kept in the dark for 24 h.
Organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposite offers a novel route of Next, the sample was placed in a vacuum oven at 350 ◦ C for 1 h. Finally,
nanomaterials with preferred applications in various fields such as the cream-colored powder was washed with distilled water to reach pH
health, optics, energy storage, and the environment. Hybrid nano = 7 [28]. The same procedure was used to synthesize N-TiO2 nano
materials display better properties in comparison to their counterparts, particles with other mass ratios.
wherein inorganic material performs several important roles such as
enhancing the thermal and mechanical stability, providing an accessible
2.2. Preparation of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP hybrid nanocomposite
porosity through an interconnected porous network for catalyst or
sensing, and chemical or electrochemical properties [26]. Organic ma
0.5 g of N-TiO2 was dissolved in 10 ml of 10 × PBS. Then, 0.1 g of
terials give opportunities to improve mechanical properties allowing the
PVP in 5 ml of 10 × PBS was added and stirred at room temperature for
preparation of better fibers and films, controlling the porosity and
1 h. ASC was extracted from white fish scales by the acidic method [29].
porous network connectivity, and modifying the hydrophilic-
0.05 g of ASC in 5 ml of 0.5 M acetic acid added to N-TiO2/PVP. The pH
hydrophobic balance. Organic matter can play a role in a particular
of the sample was adjusted to 7.6 using 0.1 M NaOH. The sample was
chemical or physical substance, such as electrical or optical behaviors,
placed in a shaker incubator for 1 week at 10 ◦ C. The milky solid phase
electrochemical properties, and biochemical or chemical reactions [26].
was separated from the liquid using filter paper. The sample was dried at
In this study, a new hybrid nanocomposite comprising acid-soluble
room temperature.
collagen (ASC), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), and nitrogen doped tita
nium dioxide (N-TiO2) is fabricated to serve as a novel photocatalyst for
naphthalene degradation under visible light. It should be noted that PVP 2.3. Photocatalytic activity of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP
is an important cross-linker to increase the strength of N-TiO2 and ASC
bonds as well as a non-toxic polymer. The use of PVP prevents the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP (4 mg) was added to 40 ml of naphthalene (15 mg/l
agglomeration of nanoparticles, improves the electro-optical properties, in distilled water/ethanol, 1: 1 V/V), pH = 6.5 ± 0.1. It was then sub
and reduces the Eg in the UV and visible regions [27]. The goal of this jected to ultrasonic for 5 min and then stirred in the dark at room
study is to investigate the structural properties of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP temperature. Samples (3 ml) were collected at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
hybrid nanocomposite and to demonstrate its photocatalytic activity 80, 90, and 100 min intervals. After sample collection, the nano
toward the removal of naphthalene contaminant in an aqueous medium. composite was separated under centrifugation at 10000 rpm. The
absorbance of the samples was read at 276 nm by UV–Vis spectroscopy.
2. Materials and methods The equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe) of naphthalene onto photo
catalysts was calculated according to the following equation:
The materials used in this study have the highest degree of purity. (c0 − ce ) V
FT-IR spectroscopy (Model Tensor 27, Bruker, Germany) was used to qe = (1)
determine the functional groups of N-TiO2 and N-TiO2/ASC-PVP. The
denaturation temperature (Td) of the hybrid nanocomposite was deter where c0 is the initial concentration (mg/l), ce is the final concentration
mined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (200-F3Maia, (mg/l) of naphthalene, V is the volume of the solution (l), and m is the
NETZSCH, Germany). Morphology and particle sizes of N-TiO2 and N- mass of the photocatlyst (g). The rate of naphthalene removal was
TiO2/ASC-PVP were characterized using a transmission electron mi determined according to Eq. (2):
croscope (TEM) (Zeiss EM900, Germany) and field emission-scanning
(c0 − ce )
electron microscope (FE-SEM) (Mira III, Czech Republic). The R(%) = × 100 (2)
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis (BEL, Belsorp II, Japan) was
used to determine the specific surface area, mean diameter, and total Before irradiation, the sample was stirred for 60 min in the dark at
volume of pores. XRD studies on N-TiO2 and N-TiO2/ASC-PVP (XRD- room temperature to achieve adsorption–desorption equilibrium. Then,
PW1730) were recorded with Cu lamp irradiation (40 kV and 30 mV it was stirred under visible light illumination using a 150 W xenon lamp
current) at 2θ angles equal to 10–80◦ . XRD analysis was explained in by a cut-off filter (λ > 420 nm). During the irradiation period at each
Supporting information (Fig. s1). The fate of the photogenerated interval of 10 min (10–80 min), the solution was isolated from the
electron-hole pairs for N-TiO2 and the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP were studied by sample. Then, N-TiO2/ASC-PVP was separated by centrifugation at
photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy (Avaspec 2048 TEC, Netherlands) 10000 rpm. The absorbance of the solution was measured by UV–Vis
at the excitation wavelength of 320 nm. The diffuse reflectance spec spectroscopy at λmax = 276 nm.
troscopy (DRS) (S-2014, Scinco, South Korea) was used to calculate the The photocatalytic degradation efficiency (η) was calculated using
band gap for N-TiO2 and N-TiO2/ASC-PVP. Two-beam optical spec Eq. (3):
troscopy (UV–VIS-T80+, PG Instrument Limited, UK) was used to study c0 − c
the photodegradation of naphthalene. The x-ray photoelectron spec η(%) = × 100 (3)
troscopy (XPS) was measured using XPS (BESTEC, Germany) with a
monochromatic Al Kα x-ray source (1486.6 eV) operating at ultrahigh where c0 is the initial naphthalene concentration at irradiation time of
vacuum (10-7 Pa). Peak fitting was performed using Casa XPS analysis zero, and c is the concentration of the naphthalene at various irradiation
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
time intervals. Furthermore, the kinetics photodegradation rate of Ti–O–Ti and Ti–O. The absorption peak in the range of 3650–3000
naphthalene over the as-prepared photocatalysts was calculated using cm− 1 is related to the vibrations of the OH groups. The sharp and strong
the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model Eq. (4): peak at 1700 cm− 1 is related to the stretching vibrations of C–
– O of urea
− 1 − 1
(c ) precursor. The peaks of 1452 cm and 1051 cm are attributed to the
= tKapp asymmetric stretching vibrations of N–O and bending vibrations of
O–N–O bonds, respectively [30]. In the FT-IR spectrum for N-TiO2/
where kapp is the apparent pseudo-first-order rate constant; c0 and ct ASC-PVP nanocomposite, the peaks appearing in the range of 700–450
denote the initial and at time t irradiation time concentrations of cm− 1 belong to N–TiO2. The band that appeared at 1290 cm− 1 corre
naphthalene, respectively. sponds to symmetric stretching vibrations of N–O. The absorption peak
due to asymmetric stretching vibrations of N–O (1452 cm− 1) to a lower
2.4. Photocatalytic activity of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP in the presence of frequency (1421 cm− 1) can be due to the participation of this bond in
scavengers hydrogen bonding with functional groups of a homogenous blend of ASC
and PVP polymer. The band at 1620 cm− 1 is associated with amide I
First, 4 mg of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP was added to 40 ml of naphthalene (stretching of C– – O weakly coupled with N–H bending and C–N
(15 mg/l). Then, 2 mg of EDTA was added as a hole scavenger. The stretching vibrations). The changes in vibrational signatures are an
sample was subjected to ultra-sonication at pH = 6.5 ± 0.1 for 5 min. indication of N–TiO2 and ACS-PVP interactions.
Then, the sample was moderately stirred on a hot plate in the dark for
60 min. Subsequent steps were performed as described in section 2.3. 3.2. DSC analysis
Similar experiments were performed in the presence of 0.2 ml of 2-prop
anol (hydroxyl radical scavenger), 2 mg of p-benzoquinone (superoxide According to the DSC analysis (Fig. s2), the melting temperature of
radical scavenger), 2 mg of KI (the adsorbed hydroxyl radical and N-TiO2/ASC-PVP is 51.5 ◦ C. The denaturation temperature of ASC
valence band hole scavenger), and 2 mg of AgNO3 (electron scavenger). extracted from white fish scales has been reported to be 19 ◦ C [29].
Strong interactions between N-TiO2 nanoparticles with collagen fibrils
strengthen the ASC structure. In addition, the presence of PVP increases
2.5. The effect of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP on the photocatalytic removal of
the thermal resistance by increasing the activation energy. The area
naphthalene from seawater
below the thermogram curve showed the total enthalpy of melting ΔH
= 194.33 J/g.
Caspian Seawater was collected from the clean area close to Sari,
Mazandaran province. The sample was immediately transferred to the
3.3. BET analysis
marine science laboratory. The sample was filtered using sterile syringe
filters (FilterBio® 0.45 µm). Next, 4 mg of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP was added
The BET plots for N-TiO2 and the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP hybrid nano
to 40 ml of naphthalene (120 μg/l in seawater/ethanol 1:1, V/V). The
composite are shown in Fig. s3. Both of these diagrams correspond to the
pH was adjusted to 6.5 ± 01. The sample was ultra-sonicated for 5 min
type IV isothermal diagram based on the IUPAC classification, which
and then moderately stirred for 60 min in the dark. Subsequently, it was
belongs to the mesoporous materials. In addition, the hysteresis loop for
exposed to visible light from a xenon lamp for 100 min. Every 10 min, 3
both samples is H3 type, indicating slit-shaped pores. The specific sur
ml of sample was collected, and 4 ml of dichloromethane was added to
face area (SBET), average pore diameter (Dp), and the pore volume (Vp)
the vial. The resulting cloud solution was centrifuged, and the organic
obtained were represented in Table s1. The results show that the samples
phase absorption was recorded at λmax = 276 nm.
have low porosity.
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
Fig. 2. FE-SEM images of (a) N-TiO2 with 200 kx magnification, and (b) N-TiO2 with 40 kx magnification, (c) N-TiO2/ASC-PVP with 200 kx magnification, and (d) N-
TiO2/ASC-PVP with magnification 50 kx.
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
(3.15 eV), 405 nm (3.06 eV), 417 nm (2.97 eV), 432 nm (2.87 eV), 442
nm (2.80 eV), 452 nm (2.74 eV), 468 nm (2.65 eV), 488 nm (2.54 eV),
512 nm (2.42 eV), 530 nm (2.34 eV), and 550 nm (2.25 eV) Fig. 4b.
Compared to the N-TiO2 PL spectrum, the emission intensity is higher in
the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP hybrid nanocomposite, and peak emissions have
centered at larger wavelengths. This suggests that more surface states
are available in N-TiO2/ASC-PVP than N-TiO2. The increase in emission
intensity can be due to a blend of ASC-PVP polymer, charge transfer
between ASC-PVP molecular orbital energy levels and deep, and shallow
traps in N-TiO2.
Research has shown that PVP has a maximum PL emission wave
length at 394 nm with λexc = 325 nm, which is related to the electron
transfer from the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) to the
highest molecular orbital (HOMO) [40]. This radiative relaxation of the
electrons could be involved in the formation of a strong emission band at
394 nm for the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP hybrid nanocomposite. When collagen
is exposed to light, it emits fluorescence due to the amino acid residues
of tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan [41]. Reports in this field
indicate that phenylalanine amino acid residues play a major role in the
emission PL spectrum of collagen in the visible light region with a
maximum PL emission wavelength at 417 nm (2.97 eV) at λexc = 337 nm
(3.68 eV) [42]. Thus, collagen may play a role in the formation of an
emission band at 417 nm for N-TiO2/ASC-PVP.
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
and reusability of the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP, Fig. 8. After four cycle tests, the
photocatalyst exhibits a high photodegradation rate and photo
degradation efficiency of 81.4%, Table s2. This shows that N-TiO2/ASC-
PVP can be used as an efficient photocatalyst with excellent cycle per
formance to degrade naphthalene in aqueous solutions. Fig. s7 shows
FT-IR spectrum of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP nanocomposite after four recycling
test. The peaks in the range of 700–450 cm− 1 are related to N–TiO2. The
band at 1290 cm− 1 corresponds to symmetric stretching vibrations of
Fig. 6. High resolution XPS spectra of N 1s region of N-TiO2 and N-TiO2/ASC- N–O. The absorption peak at 1450 cm− 1 is associated with asymmetric
PVP samples. stretching vibrations of N–O. The absorption peak in the range of
3650–3000 cm− 1 is due to the vibrations of the hydroxyl groups. The
three peaks (Fig. s6). The low binding one located at 530.1 eV is assigned band at 1730 cm− 1 is associated with the carbonyl stretching vibrations.
to the oxygen of Ti–O bonds in TiO2 [57]. The other one at 531.2 eV is The main amide I absorption is shifted from 1620 cm− 1 to 1640 cm− 1, a
typical for the oxygen of Ti-OH bonds [57]. The third peak appears at shift indicative of weakening the intermolecualr hydrogen bonds be
532.1 eV. This feature was first reported by Saha and Tompkins [57]. tween N–TiO2 and blend of polymers after 4 cycles.
György et al. was first characterized it by a depth profiling study on TiN
surfaces [58]. They attributed this feature to the oxidation of Ti–N,
3.10. Proposed mechanism of naphthalene photodegradation
which leads to the Ti–O–N bond. Chen and Burda proposed that this
peak appearance is in accordance with the nitrogen substitution in the
The proposed scheme for naphthalene degradation by N-TiO2/ASC-
TiO2 matrix and reveals the O–Ti–N bond formation [59].
PVP presented in Fig. 9 can be summarized as follows: when a photon of
We also suggest that the appearance of this peak can be attributed to
energy equal to or greater than the Eg hits the photocatalyst an electron
the Ti–O–N and/or Ti–N–O linkages mainly in the surface, which is
in valence band (VB) gets excited to the conduction band (CB), leading
associated with N 1s at 400.3 eV. The high-resolution O 1s XPS spectra of
to the simultaneous production of a hole in the VB (h+) and excess
N-TiO2/ASC-PVP could be illustrated into two characteristic peaks at
529.5 eV and 531.3 eV. The O 1s peak with its binding energy at 531.3
eV could be assigned to chemisorbed water molecules on N-TiO2/ASC-
PVP. The O 1s binding energy at 529.5 eV could be assigned to ASC-PVP
blend polymer chemisorbed on the N-TiO2 surface. This indicates that
the O atoms in ASC-PVP blend polymer are involved in the chemisorp
tion on the N-TiO2 surface.
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
3.11. Evaluation the photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene in the η(%) Kapp (min− 1) Scavengers
presence of scavengers 59.1 0.0089 Iso-propanol (200 µl)
42.4 0.0051 AgNO3 (2 mg)
It seems that reactive species such as OH. , O−2 . , h+, and e- may be 56.5 0.0045 KI (2 mg)
33 0.0039 EDTA (2 mg)
involved in photocatalytic processes in the degradation of organic pol
31 0.0036 P-BQ (2 mg)
lutants. To investigate major photoactive species involved in the pho 86 0.0115 None
tocatalytic procedure under visible light irradiation, radical trapping
experiments are carried out. In the present work, the main reactive
species responsible for degrading of naphthalene are determined by 3.12. Evaluation of the photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene in
using EDTA, KI, AgNO3, parabenzoquinone (P-BQ), and isopropanol as seawater by N-TiO2/ASC-PVP
the scavengers of h+, adsorbed OH. and valence band holes, e-,⋅O−2 . ,
and⋅OH. , respectively. The results show that the maximum photodegradation efficiency of
P-BQ and EDTA possess a more remarkable inhibitory effect on the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP under visible light irradiation in seawater is 78%. The
naphthalene photodegradation than other scavengers, indicating that results indicate that the N-TiO2/ASC-PVP hybrid nanocomposite has a
O−2 . and h+• is the major reactive species (Fig. 10 and Table 1). There are reasonable efficiency for the removal of crude oils, the most prominent
only a few OH. generated during the photocatalytic reaction. Based on of which is naphthalene, Fig. 11. However, it seems salinity suppressed
these results, the possible photocatalytic mechanism of N-TiO2/ASC- the photocatalytic performance of N-TiO2/ASC-PVP, which was majorly
PVP is that the aromatic rings of naphthalene can be readily adsorbed on caused by the presence of cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+,…) and anions (Cl-,
photocatalyst due to the π-π stacking adsorption between benzene rings SO42-, Br-, CO32–, HCO3–,…) in seawater. These ions may trap O−2 . and h+
of naphthalene and pyrrole rings of ASC-PVP polymer. Under visible reactive species. So, there exist fewer reactive species for the photo
light irradiation, the excited electrons react with oxygen molecules degrading process.
producing O−2 . . Both h+ and O−2 . can decompose naphthalene molecules.
E.H. Doabi et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 425 (2022) 113677
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