First Conditional Advice Worksheet Unlocked
First Conditional Advice Worksheet Unlocked
First Conditional Advice Worksheet Unlocked
Focus Read through the introduction with the students about how to
form and use the first conditional.
First conditional for
Students then complete the first conditional sentences about
giving advice with the words from the box.
Exercise A - Answer key
To practice giving advice
using the first conditional 1. She'll be able to do more at work if she hires an assistant.
with will and other modal 2. If you report the crime to the police, they will help you.
verbs. 3. He might understand if she explains why she has to leave.
4. If you don't want to go with them, you should tell them.
5. I f you don't tell your boss, he might blame someone else for
Preparation the mistake.
Make one copy of the
Next, students put words in the correct order to make first
two-page worksheet for
conditional sentences about giving advice, adding punctuation
each student.
and capitalization where needed.
Intermediate (B1) 1. I f you take extra water with you, you will be able to survive
in the desert. OR You will be able to survive in the desert if
you take extra water with you.
30 minutes 2. I f you keep your clothes in the wardrobe, your room will look
much tidier. OR Your room will look much tidier if you keep
your clothes in the wardrobe.
Time have any problems. We don't have a lot in common, but if we're
Finally, students take on the role of the advice columnist and write
a response to the email, giving advice using the first conditional.