This resource is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating information poster. It would be used to teach students in years 1-2 about food and nutrition, wellbeing, and relationships. Students would explore how certain foods benefit health through guided discovery, developing vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Integrating this resource with English supports literacy development. While beneficial, its limitations include not representing all cultural diets and needs to ensure maximum student participation and inclusion.
This resource is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating information poster. It would be used to teach students in years 1-2 about food and nutrition, wellbeing, and relationships. Students would explore how certain foods benefit health through guided discovery, developing vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Integrating this resource with English supports literacy development. While beneficial, its limitations include not representing all cultural diets and needs to ensure maximum student participation and inclusion.
This resource is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating information poster. It would be used to teach students in years 1-2 about food and nutrition, wellbeing, and relationships. Students would explore how certain foods benefit health through guided discovery, developing vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Integrating this resource with English supports literacy development. While beneficial, its limitations include not representing all cultural diets and needs to ensure maximum student participation and inclusion.
This resource is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating information poster. It would be used to teach students in years 1-2 about food and nutrition, wellbeing, and relationships. Students would explore how certain foods benefit health through guided discovery, developing vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Integrating this resource with English supports literacy development. While beneficial, its limitations include not representing all cultural diets and needs to ensure maximum student participation and inclusion.
Identify the resource The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
Information Poster National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines Summary. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council. Focus Area - Food and nutrition - Wellbeing - Relationships
Location in AC: HPE Strand: Personal, Social and Community Health.
Sub-Strand: Interacting with Others. Year Level: Year 1 and 2 Content Descriptor: Investigate a range of health messages and practices in their community and discuss their purposes (AC9HP2P06). Elaboration: Discussing how eating a variety of fresh foods can influence health and wellbeing by using The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. General Capabilities: Literacy, and Numeracy. Cross-Curriculum Priorities: N/A
Integration – Related content English
- Literacy: Using comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, and questioning. Design and Technologies - Food and Fibre Production: Explore how food can be selected and prepared for healthy eating.
How the resource would be used Guided discovery to explore:
Knowledge - Discuss how certain foods can benefit you. - The influence that foods have on an individual’s health and well-being. - Identify the five food groups. - Identify the “sometimes food”. - Discuss how these practices can be shared in their community, for example within their family. Skills - Skills to identify how to eat a variety of fresh/healthy foods. - Critical thinking to evaluate how foods can influence health and well-being. - Develop their vocabulary and comprehension strategies. Capacities - Students can name and identify a variety of fresh foods which will benefit their health and well-being. Why it is beneficial - This resource can be integrated with English as students use their comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, and questioning to evaluate The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. - Connection to real-life world by understanding how the students eat fresh foods, by sharing these practices in their community. - Students continue to develop communication skills with other students around them.
Limitations & considerations Limitations:
- The text doesn’t include the cultural and social resources of all students and their ethnic/cultural backgrounds. o Some cultures don’t eat certain food groups, or participate in fasting, and so on. o To ensure MIP is met you can learn about these cultures and their version of The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. This can lead to other students bringing their own cultural texts of nutrition. Student Diversity/Inclusion - This text is inclusive to all primary grades F-6. - Learn about other cultures nutritional texts that they follow. - Students with disabilities are involved as they could read or look at the visual guide. Maximum Individual Participation (MIP) - The text incorporates MIP as students are always doing, or even thinking. - Involves working in groups, and individually. - There will be multiple groups to ensure MIP is met and all students are participating. Supportive Learning Environments - Supporting and encouraging your group. - This text is gender inclusivity, as it doesn’t discriminate genders. - The text includes students with physical or intellectual disabilities, if they are unable to write or draw, they may use a computer and use voice to text.
An Introduction to Concepts of Nutrition: a Participant Workbook: A Facilitated Course Designed for Further Education and Entry Level Higher Education / Adult and Community Learning