Stress Analysis of Steam Piping System
Stress Analysis of Steam Piping System
Stress Analysis of Steam Piping System
1 1,818
1 author:
Yogita Shinger
svit nashik
All content following this page was uploaded by Yogita Shinger on 31 October 2020.
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ngin ing
DOI: 10.4172/2168-9873.1000158
Mechanical Engineering
ISSN: 2168-9873
This is about the design of steam piping and its stress analysis of a given process flow diagram. The prime
objective of this project is to design the piping system and then to analyze its main components. Wall thicknesses
are calculated for all pipes which were found very safe for the operating pressure. For header pipe the calculated wall
thickness is 0.114 inch and the standard minimum wall thickness is 0.282 inch which is greater than the calculated
one by more than 2.4 times. Different loads such as static loads, thermal loads of all pipes were also calculated. After
load calculations, spacing supports carried out. Thermal and static analysis of main system pipe has been done and
results were compared with ASME Power Piping Code B31.1. After calculation of all applied loads, standard circular
column of 4 inch nominal size were designed and analyzed both manually and on ANSYS software. The results
obtained from both methods were compared and found safe under available applied loads.
Keywords: Code B31.1; ANSYS; Steam piping d) Structural design of supports manually
a) Process design of the complete piping system Citation: Shinger YB, Thakur AG (2015) Stress Analysis of Steam Piping System .
J Appl Mech Eng 4: 158. doi:10.4172/2168-9873.1000158
b) Structural design of the pipes manually Copyright: © 2015 Shinger YB, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
c) Stress analysis of the pipes using ANSYS or compatible CAE unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
software original author and source are credited.
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B31.4: Liquid transportation system for Hydrocarbons, liquid SL=basic material allowable stress at design pressure, psi.
petroleum gas, and Alcohols. Stresses due to thermal loadings
B31.5: Refrigeration Piping. The effect of thermal expansions must meet the following equations [1],
B31.8: Gas transportation and distribution piping system. iMc/Z≤SA+f(Sh-Sl) (2)
B31.1 Power piping code concerns mononuclear piping such as Where,
that found in the turbine building of a nuclear plant or in a fossil-fueled
power plant. f=stress range reduction factor,
B31.3 code governs all piping within limits of facilities engaged in Mc=range of resultant moment due to thermal expansions, lb-in
the processing or handling of chemical, petroleum, or related products.
SA=allowable stress range for expansions
Examples are a chemical plant compounding plant, bulk plant, and
tank farm. B31.4 governs piping transporting liquids such as crude oil, The rest of term are same as above.
condensate, natural gasoline, natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum
gas, liquid alcohol, and liquid anhydrous ammonia. These are auxiliary Piping Design Procedure
piping with an internal gauge pressure at or below 15 psi regardless of Process design
temperature. B31.5 covers refrigerants and secondary coolant piping
for temperatures as low as 320oF. B31.8 governs most of the pipe lines This process is based on the requirement of the process variables.
in gas transmission and distribution system up to the outlet of the It defines the required length and cross sectional area of pipe, the
customer’s meter set assembly. Excluded from this code with metal properties of fluid inside the pipe, nature and rate of flow in it. These
temperature above 450oF or below - 20oF. As for as the steam piping is variables affect the positioning and placements of equipments during
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lay outing and routing. The operating and design working conditions D0=outside diameter of pipe, in
are clearly defined. The end of Process Plan Design is the creation of a
Di=inside diameter ofpipe, in
Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and Process and Instrumental diagram
(PID), which are used in the designing and lay outing of the Pipe [7]. t=insulation thickness depends upon NPS, in
g=acceleration due to gravity, ft/sec2
Piping structural design
gc=gravitionalconstant, lbm-ft/ft sec2
In piping structural design, according to pressure in pipelines, the
design and minimum allowable thicknesses are calculated; according ρsteel=density of steel, lb/in3
to the required codes and standards. ASME codes for various standards
ρfluid=density of water, lb/in3
are available, for process fluid flow, ASME B31.1 is used [8].
ρinsulation=density of insulation, lb/in3
Pipe thickness calculations Insulation factor depends on the thickness of the insulation of the
Piping codes ASME B31.1 require that the minimum thickness tm pipe.
including the allowance for mechanical strength, shall not be less than
the thickness [2].
Static Loads Calculations
For Static loads calculation, considering a pipe no. 208 and taking
tm=(P×DO/2×S×Eq+P×Y)+A (3)
its section up to first vertical leg of the expansion loop. This pipe is to
Where, be considering as a straight beam with uniformly distributed load [10].
tm=minimum required thickness, inches Design specifications
t=pressure design thickness, inches NPS (Nominal Pipe Size)=8 in=200 mm
p=internal pressure, psig Pipe outer Diameter=8.625 in
D o = outside diameter of pipe, inches Pipe thickness=0.322 in
S=Allowable stress at design temperature(know as hot stress), psi Total (metal +Insulation +Fluid) distributed weight of pipe=50 lb/
ft=4.167 lb/in Section Modulus, Z=16.8 in3
A=allowance additional thickness to provide for material removed
in threading corrosion or erosion allowance ,manufacturing tolerance Moment of Inertia, I=72.5 in4
should also be consider Modulus of Elasticity, E=27.5 Mpsi
Y = coefficient that takes material properties and design temperature For segment A-B as shown in Figures 3-5 below, taking the weight,
into account shear force (Refer Figure 6) and
For temperature below 900ºF, 0.4 may be assumed Moment equation and then using length L1=22.22 ft
Eq=quality factor. W(x)=-Mo(x)-2 + R0(x)-1-w(x)1 –R1(x-a)-1-M1(x-L)-2
Allowable working pressure V(x)=-Mo(x)-1+ R0(x)0 -w(x)1 –R1(x-a)-1-M1(x-L)-2 (6)
The allowable working pressure of a pipe can be determined by M(x)= -Mo(x)0 + R0(x)1 -w(x)2 –R1(x-a)1-M1(x-L)0
Equation [2]
P= 2(S×Eq)×t/(Do-2Yt) (4)
t=specified wall thickness or actual wall thickness in inches.
For bends the minimum wall thickness after bending should not be
less than the minimum required for straight pipe [9].
Sustained load calculations
Figure 3: Symmetry of header pipe considering as a beam Solving Segment
Sustained loads are those loads which are caused by mechanical A-B.
forces and these loads are present through out the normal operation
of the piping system. These loads include both weight and pressure
loadings. The support must be capable of holding the entire weight
of the system, including that of that of the pipe, insulation, fluid
components, and the support themselves [2].
Pipe weight =(п/4) ×ρsteel×(DO2-Di2)×(g/gc)
Fluidweight=(п/4)×ρfluid×(Di)2)×(g/gc) (5)
Insulation weight=Insulation factor ×ρinsulation×(g/gc) Figure 4: Segement A-B.
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Integrating the moment equation twice and putting boundary Piping Analysis on ANSYS
conditions we get,
Analysis was performed for the pipe in ANSYS for using the
EIy(x) =-M0 (x)2/2 +R0(x)3/6 –w(x)4/24 =0 (7) following data.
As the segment AB,x=L1=266.64 in Element type=Beam 3
-M0(l1) /2 +RO(l1) /6-w(l1) /24 =0
2 3 4
Material properties
-35548.44M0+315945.77R0-877634043.8=0 Modulus of Elasticity=27.5 Mpsi
EIy(l2)=- MO(l2) +R0(l2) /6 +R1(l2-l1) /6-w(l2) /24 =0
2 3 3 4
(8) Poison’s Ratio=0.283
-142193.78M0+252766366.2R0+3159545.78R1-1.404e =0 10
Density=0.283 lb/in3
Similarly for segment C-D: Type of Loads
EIy(l3)=-MO(l3)2+R0(l3)3/6+R1(l3-l1)3/6-R2(l3–l2)3/6-w(l3)4/24=0 (9) Four Vertical constraints in the middle and one all degree of
Freedom constrained at the start.
-320000M0 +85333333.33R0 +25287743.4R1 +3159545.78R2-7.11e11 =0
Gravity=9.81(386.22 in/sec2)
For segment D-E:
Final Meshing=96 elements for total length of the beam (Figures
EIy(l4)=-MO(l4)2 +R0(l4)3/6 +R1(l4-l1)3/6- R 2(l4 –l2)3/6+R3(l4 –l3)3/6
8-10) (22 elements for first four each sections and 8 elements for the
–w(l3)4/24 =0 (10) last section. Refining the mesh from 24 elements up to 96 elements but
568775.12M0+202210929R0+85307735.9R1+252776366.2R2+31567 there is no change found in deformation values and bending moment
02R3 -2.24e11=0 values).
Now taking summation of moment at left end of right end support
M0+R0l4 +R1(l4 –l1)+R2(l4 -l2) + R3(l4 –l3) –wl1(l4 –a) –w(l2 –l1)(l4 –b)-
w(l3 –l2)(l4 –c)-w(l3 –l2) (l4 –c)-w(l4 -l3)(l4 –d)-wx2/2-P×x=0 (11)
M0+1066.56R0 +800R1 +533.28R2 +266.64R3-2369952.574=0
Solving the above (7),(8),(9),(10),(11) equation we get
Mo = -24401,Ro= 552 lb, R1=1123 lb R2=1067 lb,
R3= 1266 lb
For R4,taking
R0 +R1 +R2+R3+R4 =wL + 800 Figure 7: Bending moment diagram.
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Comparison of analysis
The maximum deflections and bending moment values obtained
from both methods are arranged in Table 1.
Following conclusions are made from the analysis of the designed
Figure 8: Loaded view of meshed beam. system.
1. The designed pipe verified all the conditions defined by the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel code B31.1. Thickness and working
pressure calculated are in the safe limit. Thermal and Sustained
analysis results obtained are in the safe limits defined by the Code.
2. Supporting Assembly confirms to the safety requirements of AISC
3. The analysis shows that the complete system is safe and the results
are verified by manual calculations and ANSYS software.
4. On the positive side of the manual calculations lays the fact that
it gives fully basic concept of the piping system. While the
assumptions made during manual calculations make the results
slightly differ from the software results.
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Figure 9: Deflection (inch) in pipe.
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