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Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 315 – 320
Sheep wool is a natural material, already used for thermal insulation of pitched roofs, in the form of soft mats. The paper presents
a research project called Cartonlana, concerning a new sheep wool-based product with two main innovative features: it is a stiff
panel, unlike the existing soft wool mats; it has a low environmental impact, using local recycled sheep wool, otherwise disposed
as special waste. Physical and chemical properties of Cartonlana panel were determined by measurements, in order to
demonstrate its effectiveness as insulation for buildings: thermal conductivity, acoustic absorption coefficient, absorption of
formaldehyde, thermal transmittance of a wall.
© 2015 TheTheAuthors.
Publishedbyby Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the CENTRO CONGRESSI INTERNAZIONALE SRL.
Peer-review under responsibility of the CENTRO CONGRESSI INTERNAZIONALE SRL
Keywords: sheep wool; thermal conductivity; acoustic absorption coefficient; sustainable architecture.
1. Introduction
Sustainable architecture needs natural materials with low environmental impact and physical performances which
meet the requirements imposed by regulations concerning energy consumptions of buildings [1]. Sheep wool is a
natural material suitable for thermal and acoustic building insulation. Taking into account the national context
(Italy), the sheep wool insulation products already available in the building market can be divided into two
1876-6102 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the CENTRO CONGRESSI INTERNAZIONALE SRL
316 Daniela Bosia et al. / Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 315 – 320
- soft mats made of 100% sheep wool, with thicknesses between 4 and 6 cm, mainly used for the insulation of
pitched roofs;
- semi-rigid panels made of sheep wool (70-80%) and polyester fibers (20-30%), with thicknesses between 5 and
12 cm. The stiffness, obtained through the partial fusion of the polyester fibers, also allows for application in walls.
A research conducted by the Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), [2, 3] has
evidenced some critical points concerning the economic and social aspects of the wool production-chain in the
Piedmont Region, in Italy, such as:
- sheep farming is mainly geared for the production of milk and meat;
- sheep are not selected for the quality of their wool, which cannot be used by textile industry;
- wool, in most cases, is improperly disposed. It is buried or burned, with a strong impact on soil and air
- sheep wool building products are in most cases made of wool imported from foreign countries.
Starting from the critical issues analysed above, DAD, Davifil s.r.l. and ISMAC CNR carried out a research
project concerning Cartonlana, a semi-rigid thermo-acoustic insulation panel obtained from Piedmont recycled wool
[2, 3]. The study investigates an innovative way to produce an insulation panel with low environmental impact and
high stiffness, using the low quality sheep wool collected in the Piedmont Region.
The low environmental impact of sheep wool-based building products is demonstrated in literature [2, 3, 4]. In
particularly, the following wool life cycle stages must be considered: raw material supply, transport, end of life. In
Cartonlana the raw material is represented by low quality wool, not suitable for the textile industry, and considered
as special waste according to national regulations. Therefore, the impact of raw material supply is minimized,
considering the avoided impacts of wool disposal. Concerning transport, the lack of wool collection facilities
represents a huge limit to its utilisation, and pushes wool insulation producers to buy raw material from foreign
countries, increasing the impact of transport on the environment. For instance, the primary energy content of
transports of wool from New Zealand averages 10% per kilogram of the final product [3]. Considering the end of
life stage, the compositions of the panel is important: panels with polyester fibres cannot be recycled as the 100%
wool soft mat or stiff panel, which can be re-used in various innovative ways, like, for example, as a high value
agricultural fertilizer [5].
Hence, Cartonlana stiff panel (Fig.1 - product C2) has been compared with other insulating wool products
available on the Italian construction market: the 100% wool soft mat (Fig. 1 - product A) and the semi-rigid wool
and polyester panel (Fig. 1 – product B). An environmental evaluation based on the Life Cycle Assessment
methodology defined by the UNI EN ISO 14040/44 [6] has been made in order to analyse the potential
environmental impact of each product. Life cycle inventory data are collected directly from the industrial partners of
the research project. It has been assumed that all the three products are made of recycled sheep wool from Piedmont.
Figure 1 shows a comparison between the three products in term of mega joule of non-renewable resources per
kilogram. The washing process requires a large amount of energy for all the three products. Product B requires more
energy than A and C2 for the raw material supply. Considering the total use of not renewables resources, C2 is
similar to A, but has a higher manufactory process impact.
Fig. 1. Use of resources in the processing steps for manufacturing different wool insulation products (A, B, C2)
Daniela Bosia et al. / Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 315 – 320 317
The stiffness of Cartonlana is the result of thermal and chemical processes developed by CNR ISMAC and
Davifil s.r.l [7] which partially degrade the wool fibers producing a protein glue, which adheres the remaining fibers
together. The availability of a 100% sheep wool stiff panel, instead of soft mats or semi-rigid panels with polyester
fibers, leads to new applications and the integration of building envelope components. Two different applications
were explored:
- insulation of external walls. In this case Cartonlana is used for its thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
- internal insulation of walls or ceilings, exposed to internal environments, without any finishing layers. In this
case, in addition to the insulating property (thermal and acoustic), also sound absorption and formaldehyde
absorption must be considered. Referring to these applications, physical-technical measurements have been carried
out in order to demonstrate their effectiveness.
3. Experimental methodology
Laboratory measurements have been performed to assess the equivalent thermal conductivity of the sheep wool
samples (45 mm thickness and 600x600 mm size). A set of experimental measurements was carried out with a
guarded heat flux meter apparatus, in accordance with EN ISO 12667 [8] and ASTM C518 [9] standards. The
experimental apparatus consists in a single sample guarded heat flux meter device (Lasercomp FOX600), equipped
with two plates containing the heat flux meters sensors above and below the sample. The instrument was calibrated
with “1450b NIST SRM” calibration reference sample previously certified by NIST.
Laboratory measurements were performed on three different samples (18d, 34d and 38d) with different densities
and different water content (humid sample and dry sample). For the dry tests, 34d and 38d specimens were dried to
constant mass in a ventilated oven for 48 h at 60°C. The relative loss in mass and the water content was calculated
comparing the samples mass before and after the drying cycle. The tests were carried out at two different mean
temperatures Tavg: 25 and 40 °C, respectively. The measurement principle is to generate a constant temperature
difference between the upper and the lower plates (20°C in order to minimize measurement uncertainty), and to
measure the specific heat flux and surface temperatures in steady state conditions. The equivalent thermal
conductivity Oeq [W/(mK)] was then calculated using equation (1).
Where: s is the sample thickness [m], Ǘ is the specific heat flux [W/m2] and ∆T is the temperature difference
between the two faces of the plates [°C].
Besides laboratory measurements of thermal conductivity, in-situ measurements of thermal transmittance were
carried out in a test box built by a drywall technology (dimension 4x2, 5x3 m) during winter time. The wall (Table
1) was insulated by a double Cartonlana panel with properties comparable to sample 34d dry (Table 2).
In situ measurements were carried out according to the heat flowmeter (HFM) method described in the standard
ISO 9869 [10]. The north wall of the test box was chosen in order to avoid the influence of direct solar radiation,
whilst internal conditions were kept constant by an electric heating system. Surface temperature sensors and two
HFM probes were placed on the internal surface considering the wall homogeneity. Besides thermal flux
measurements, indoor and outdoor air temperature were measured accordingly at both sides of the tested vertical
element. The data from the HFMs and the temperature sensors were acquired over a period of 5 days without
interrupting the data acquisition process.
Sound absorption coefficient was assessed by means of a reverberation room at the National Institute of
Metrological Research (INRIM – Turin - Italy). The test specimen was constituted by 12 m2 of Cartonlana stiff
panels with 50 mm of thickness and 130 kg/m3 of density, mounted on the floor of the reverberation room with the
rough side selected as the absorption surface area (Fig. 2). According to standard EN ISO 354 [11], the sound
absorption coefficient by reverberation room method was obtained through two reverberation time measurement sets
of the test room with and without the specimen placed in it, within the intervals of 100-5000 Hz in third-octave
frequency band. The reverberation room was equipped with diffusing panels to obtain a uniform distribution of
acoustic energy and random direction of sound incidence on specimen. Test measurements were conducted at an air
temperature of (16 ±0.5) °C, relative humidity of (39 ±1) % and pressure of (1005 ±1) hPa.
The chemical composition of sheep wool is: approximately 82% keratin, 17% non keratin proteins and about 1%
lipids and polysaccharides. Thanks to its high protein content, wool is able to absorb and neutralize particulate
matter, heavy metals, and other hazardous gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and VOCs (volatile Organic
Compounds) such as formaldehyde [12, 13]. The adsorption performances of Cartonlana were evaluated measuring
the formaldehyde concentration in an hermetically sealed chamber (3.3 l volume at 20 °C; 65 % RH), equipped with
an air circulation fan, with a Formaldemeter™ htV (PPM Technology). An aqueous solution of formaldehyde was
introduced into the chamber. When a stable concentration of formaldehyde was reached in the air, the solution was
removed and the concentration (6 ppm) was measured versus time, in order to assess the sealing properties of the
chamber itself (Fig.4). Then, a 9 g Cartolana specimen was introduced in the sealed chamber measuring the
formaldehyde concentration drop versus time.
The experimental results show that samples 34d and 38d differ mainly with respect to density: sample 38d
presents a higher density than sample 34d for both humid and dried samples. The thermal experimental results of the
two different samples are reported in Table 2, which shows the equivalent thermal conductivity for different average
temperature and different water content. Both samples demonstrate a not negligible influence of the water content
on Oeq. The dried samples results are lower than humid ones: about 10% for 34d at 25 and 40°C, while for 38d the
Oeq value is 7% and 4% lower respectively for test at 40°C and 25°C. Samples 34d and 38d in both humid and dry
conditions shows a little difference in thermal conductivity in the range of measurement uncertainty (±2%).
Differently sample 18d shows lower thermal conductivity around 12%-14% compared to 34d and 11% compared to
38d depending on the test set-point temperatures and independently from the water contents.
Daniela Bosia et al. / Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 315 – 320 319
Measured data through HFM probes and temperature sensors were processed using the progressive average
method over the acquisition period of 5 days, according to ISO 9869 [10].
U values measured in two different point of the wall were 0.45 W/(m2K) and 0.42 W/(m2K) respectively and
comparable to 0.41 W/(m2K) of U value calculated considering the same materials of the tested wall and sample
“34d humid” for Cartonlana thermal conductivity. This test has also confirmed that thermal performance of
Cartonlana is comparable to other fibrous insulating materials such as fiberglass and rock mineral wool.
An overview of measured sound absorption coefficient within the frequency band of 100-5000 Hz is given in
Figure 2. In accordance with standard EN ISO 11654 [14], from these results the weighted sound absorption
coefficient was calculated obtaining a value of αw = 0.55 (MH). Since the tested Cartonlana specimen shows a good
performance at medium and high frequencies typical of acoustic fibrous materials (i.e. glass and rock mineral wool
with the same density), it can be considered suitable for acoustic treatments in indoor workplaces.
Fig. 2- (a) Cartonlana panels placed in the reverberation room; (b) Values of sound absorption coefficient α of tested panels.
It is known that formaldehyde has high reactivity towards proteins, particularly with the amino groups of lysine,
arginine, glutamine and asparagine. Figure 3 b shows that Cartonlana reduces airborne formaldehyde concentration
by 89,3% in less than 3 days. The effective abatement is the result of simultaneous physisorption (physical
320 Daniela Bosia et al. / Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 315 – 320
adsorption) and chemisorption (absorption by chemical reaction) of formaldehyde that occur first on the surface and
then in the wool fibre bulk. This may contribute to lessen the Sick Building Syndrome due to low concentration of
formaldehyde and other VOCs released from boards, furniture and paints in new buildings and renovated properties.
Fig. 3- (a) Formaldehyde concentration in the chamber versus time; (b) Absorption of formaldehyde by CARTONLANA versus time.
5. Conclusion
The results of the experimental measurements show that Cartonlana is competitive in terms of thermal
conductivity and acoustic absorption and comparable with other insulation materials. The in situ application in an
external wall, built with dry technologies, shows a good workability and thermal insulation performance. In
addition, Cartonlana can be used in indoor applications for formaldehyde absorption. The main critical point for the
scale-up to an industrial production is the absence of an efficient wool collections network at the regional level.
Cartonlana can be considered a sustainable and innovative alternative to the waste of local low quality wools and a
new opportunity for the sheep farming sector [15].
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