Panya Kaew 2011

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Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739

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New thermal insulation boards made from coconut husk and bagasse
Satta Panyakaew ∗ , Steve Fotios
School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, Crookesmoor Building, Conduit Rd., Sheffield S10 1FL, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study describes the production of low density thermal insulation boards made from coconut husk
Received 12 January 2011 and bagasse without the use of chemical binding additives. Dwelling in Thailand use thermal insulation
Received in revised form 7 March 2011 to reduce air conditioning loads; the aim of this study was to develop a thermal insulation with lower
Accepted 17 March 2011
environmental footprint than conventional materials. The hot pressing method was used and this article
reports on the effect of board density and pressing conditions on the properties of the insulation boards.
Mechanical properties of the coconut husk and bagasse insulation boards were measured for comparison
Thermal insulation
with the standard employed in Thailand: JIS A 5905: 2003 Insulation Fibreboards. It was found that the
Binderless board
Coconut husk
bagasse insulation board with a density of 350 kg/m3 , using a 13 min pressing time at a temperature of
Bagasse 200 ◦ C, met all of the requirements except for swelling thickness. Thermal conductivity of the coconut
husk and bagasse insulation boards was measured according to ISO 8301 and this suggested that both
insulation boards have thermal conductivity values ranging from 0.046 to 0.068 W/mK which were close
to those of conventional insulation materials such as cellulose fibres and mineral wool.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction agricultural industry can be a major problem [8,9]. One solution

to the problem of waste management is reuse rather than dis-
The design of residential buildings in Thailand has tended posal or combustion. This article discusses the manufacture of
to move away from traditional, climate responsive architecture, thermal insulation from agricultural waste, thus creating a useful
towards a design influenced by western architecture. This trend building material [10,11]. Coconut husk and bagasse were con-
means that dwellings are less able to control the internal environ- sidered to be the raw materials offering greatest potential for
ment to comfortable conditions and mechanical air conditioning manufacture of thermal insulation [12], particularly in the con-
systems are needed. Energy consumption in the residential sec- text of Thailand [13]. This is because these raw materials are
tor accounts for approximately 20–25% of annual energy use in available within Thailand, and reducing the transportation com-
Thailand [1] and 65% of this is consumed by mechanical space ponent of embodied energy gives the potential for an improved
cooling [2]. Thermal insulation of the building envelope is one of environmental profile compared with those that are imported
techniques that have been adopted to reduce energy consumed by from overseas. In addition the production of insulation materials
air conditioning. tends to require use of chemical binders such as formaldehyde
Thermal insulation products available in Thailand tend to or phenolic resins which are toxic to humans; coconut husk and
be manufactured from fibreglass, mineral wool or polyurethane bagasse can be used to manufacture thermal insulation without
foams. Although these materials have good physical properties, a binder, a benefit in terms of environmental and health impacts
e.g. low thermal conductivity, good moisture protection and fire [14–18].
resistance, they can be hazardous to human health and to the envi- Coconuts are abundant in coastal areas of tropical countries.
ronment [3–5]. For example, exposure to the small particles from The coconut husk is available in large quantities as residue from
fibreglass and glass wool insulation can cause respiratory or skin coconut-fibre mattress production in many areas, which yields the
irritation [3]. In addition, these materials cannot be found locally; coarse coir fibre. The husk consists of 30% fibre and 70% pith. Both
they need to be imported from overseas, primarily the United States fibre and pith are extremely high in lignin and phenolic content
[6], which makes them expensive to use in Thailand. and it has been found that the coconut husk lignin can be used as
Thailand is an agricultural country: 41% of the total area is intrinsic resin in board production [15]. Bagasse, the by-product of
used for agriculture [7] and the waste and disposal produced by sugar production, is now considered to be one of the most promis-
ing non-wood lignocellulosic raw materials [19]. Large quantities
of this waste are still left unused or burnt in developing countries.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 114 222 0399; fax: +44 114 222 0315. Bagasse is rich in celluloses which may act as a binder when making
E-mail address: (S. Panyakaew). a board [16,18] and thus bagasse has good potential for the manu-

0378-7788/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Panyakaew, S. Fotios / Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739 1733

Table 1
Chemical components of coconut fibre, coconut pith and bagasse.

Chemical component Results (%) Test method

Coconut fibre Coconut pith Bagasse

Lignin 36.73 45.12 19.19 TAPPI-T222-cm-98

Holocellulose 67.63 58.82 76.31 Acid chlorite’s Browing
A cellulose 51.12 48.21 56.94 TAPPI-T203-cm-93

Note: All measurements carried out by Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute (KAPI), Bangkok, Thailand.

facture of binderless thermal insulation boards.Synthetic binders1 porous and easily absorbs moisture during storage before the pro-
(e.g. formaldehyde resins) are normally used for the production of duction and thus bagasse was dried to lower moisture content:
boards such as particleboard and fibreboard. These raw materials firstly being sun dried for three days to a moisture content of 10%
are expensive particularly for developing countries like Thailand and then further oven dried at 80 ◦ C to a moisture content of 6–7%.
where the supply of chemical products are limited. It is therefore The coconut fibres were cut to lengths of 8–10 mm. The fibre to
considered that in the context of Thailand with a surplus of agri- pith ratio for the production of coconut husk insulation boards was
cultural waste materials, the production of binderless board is the 80:20 by weight. For the production of bagasse insulation boards,
preferred option [17]. While efforts have been made to develop the average length of large particles was around 20–40 mm and the
binderless boards by using a high-temperature hot pressing pro- average length of small particles was around 8–9 mm, and the ratio
cess, it appears that the process can only produce binderless board of large particles to small particles was 50:50 by mass.
with high densities [14–18] whereas thermal insulation requires a
low density. 2.3. Hot pressing process
The objective of this study is to develop low density, binderless
boards using coconut husk and bagasse as the raw material. Low Hot pressing is the process in which heat and pressure is applied
density boards tend to have lower thermal conductivity than boards to a mattress composed of fibres and resin to mould the final prod-
with higher density, which makes them more suitable for use as uct [21]. In this study, binderless insulation boards made from
thermal insulation boards. Binderless boards were made using the coconut husk and bagasse were manufactured using hot pressing
hot pressing method to investigate the effects of board density, with pressure of 14.7 MPa.
hot pressing conditions (temperatures and times), proportion and Previous studies suggested that the coconut husk and bagasse
size of the raw materials on the properties of the insulation board. binderless boards can be made by using hot pressing method at
The target board densities were relatively low, ranging from 250 to temperatures above 180 ◦ C for 10 min [14–18]. Therefore, to inves-
450 kg/m3 . tigate the effect of pressing temperature on physical properties of
the insulation boards, three temperature settings (180 ◦ C, 200 ◦ C
2. Materials and test methods and 220 ◦ C) were used for pressing coconut husk and three tem-
perature settings (160 ◦ C, 180 ◦ C and 200 ◦ C) for bagasse. The lower
2.1. Raw materials temperatures for bagasse follow previous study [22–24] which sug-
gested that sugar containing lignocellulosic materials such as oil
Both coconut husk and bagasse are rich in cellulose and lignin, palm frond and kenaf core can be made into binderless boards using
which are two major compositions for producing binderless boards lower temperatures (140–180 ◦ C) due to their high hemicellulose
[14–18]. The chemical components of coconut husk (fibre and pith) content. It was expected that bagasse, also with high hemicellulose
and bagasse using for the production of binderless boards in this content, could be made into binderless boards using the similar
study are shown in Table 1 and these were measured according to lower temperature setting. In order to investigate the effect of
the procedures in TAPPI standard2 [20]. pressing duration, three pressing durations were used (7, 10 and
For this project, coconut fibre and pith were directly obtained 13 min) for both coconut husk and bagasse.
from the waste of a coconut-fibre mattresses factory in Bangkok
while bagasse was obtained from the waste of the sugar factory in 2.4. Board preparation
Rajchaburi province.
The test boards were produced in a laboratory at the Royal
2.2. Preparation of raw materials Department of Forestry, Bangkok, Thailand. To study the effect of
board density on physical properties of the insulation boards, the
According to JIS A 5905–2003, the Japanese standard for fibre- 25 mm thick test boards were manufactured at the target board
boards, the moisture content of insulation board should be around densities of 250, 350 and 450 kg/m3 . Coconut fibre and pith as
5–13%. In order to produce insulation boards with a moisture con- well as bagasse particles were formed manually using a forming
tent within this range, coconut husks (fibre and pith) were oven box into a mat of size 450 mm × 450 mm. After forming, the mats
dried at 80 ◦ C to a moisture content of 11–13%. Bagasse is more were pre-pressed by hand to compact the materials without heat
transfer. Two Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE) sheets were
used on both the top and bottom surfaces of the mat to prevent
the produced boards from sticking onto the hot plates during hot
Board production typically uses thermosetting resins as binders.
pressing process. The mat was then transferred to a single-opening
These synthetic binders include urea–formaldehyde, phenol–formaldehyde,
resorcinol–formaldehyde, condensed furfuryl alcohol resins or organic poly- hydraulic hot press. Bars of 25 mm thickness were inserted between
isocyanates. To bond the raw materials together, a binder is mixed with the raw the hot plates before pressing to maintain a uniform thickness for
materials or fibres and then compressed with heat. all samples.
TAPPI (Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry) prescribes standard A total of 81 binderless coconut husk insulation boards were
testing procedures and related practices used in the measurement, evaluation, and
description of pulp, paper, and related products. The standard also applies to the
made, three boards being made for each of the 27 different man-
raw materials used in the manufacture of these products. The standards in TAPPI T ufacturing conditions. These manufacturing conditions were the
1-200 series are for fibrous materials and pulp testing. 27 combinations of target board density (3 levels: 250, 350 and
1734 S. Panyakaew, S. Fotios / Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739

450 kg/m3 ), hot pressing temperature (3 levels: 180, 200, 220 ◦ C) for the calculation of the expansion ratio in thickness due to water
and hot pressing duration (3 levels: 7, 10 and 13 min). Simi- absorption.
larly, 81 binderless bagasse insulation boards were made, again
Swelling in thickness after immersion in water (%)
corresponding to three boards for each of the 27 manufacturing
conditions, combinations of target board density (3 levels: 250, 2
= × 100 (4)
350 and 450 kg/m3 ), hot pressing temperature (3 levels: 160, 180, t1 − 1
200 ◦ C) and hot pressing duration (3 levels: 7, 10 and 13 min).
Thermal conductivity was measured at room temperature using a
Heat Flow Meter under a steady-state one-dimensional test con-
2.5. Board testing dition with upward heat flow [26]. Test boards were sandwiched
between two plates, the hot plate and cold plate. At the centre
All produced boards were cut and trimmed into various test of both plates within the measuring area of 100 mm × 100 mm,
specimens. Since there is no standard testing procedures for fibre- two temperature sensors and two heat flux transducers were
board in Thailand, other industrial standards were used instead placed, one for each plate. Measurements of heat flux (W/m2 )
when testing the specimens. Japanese Industrial Standard: Insu- and temperature difference (K) across the board thickness were
lation Fibreboards (JIS A 5905–2003) [25] was used for testing used to calculate its thermal conductivity. The Heat Flow Meter
mechanical properties and dimensional stability: modulus of rup- can provide the measurements of thermal conductivity ranging
ture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), internal bonding (IB) from 0.005 to 0.35 W/mk. Twelve boards with the dimension of
strength, and thickness swelling (TS) after water immersion. All 300 mm × 300 mm × 25 mm were tested, these being two of each
tests for mechanical properties were carried out on a universal material (BBI and BCI) at each of the three target densities.
testing machine (Testometric M500-50 kN). ISO 8301 [26] was
followed in the measurement of thermal conductivity of the binder-
2.6. Data analysis
less boards using a Heat Flow Meter.
Bending strength test or MOR test is a three-point bending test
Mechanical properties and dimensional stability of the insu-
conducted over a span of 375 mm at a loading speed of 10 mm/min
lation boards produced in the current study were statistically
from the surface of test specimen. The test requires two speci-
analysed. The effects of different variables including board density,
mens with the dimension of 425 mm × 100 mm × 25 mm from each
hot pressing temperatures and times on the mechanical proper-
board. The load is increased onto the specimen until the speci-
ties and dimensional stability of the board were evaluated using
men cracks. The maximum load (P) is measured and the bending
the analysis of variance (ANOVA), a statistical technique for test-
strength of individual test piece is calculated using Eq. (1).
ing differences among experimental group means. ANOVA tests
3PL the null hypothesis that all group means are the same. Significant
Bending strength (N/mm2 ) = (1)
2bt 2 differences between groups would suggest that the experimental
manipulation had some effects on the dependent variables [27].
where P is maximum load (N), L the span (mm), b the width of the
test piece (mm) and t is the thickness of the test piece (mm).
Breaking load test or MOE test is based on the result from the 3. Results and discussions
MOR test. After the maximum load is measured, a graph between
the load and the increasing bending distance is plotted. The values 3.1. Board appearance
of bending strength test can be determined using Eq. (2).
All the binderless boards were dark brown and had a peculiar
L3 W smell, especially those boards made from bagasse at high temper-
MOE (N/mm2 ) = (2)
4bd3 S ature. The dark colour and smell indicate a modification of the
where L is the span (mm), W the increasing load in the range of chemical components during hot pressing. The binderless bagasse
linear line of graph (N), S the increasing bending distance in the insulation boards had smooth surfaces similar to those of typical
range of linear line of graph (N), b the width of the test piece (mm) MDF board, as a result of the fineness of particles and the strong
and d is the thickness of the test piece (mm). bonding generated by chemical reaction of the particles.
Internal bond (IB) test is carried out using two test specimens The actual densities of the test boards were in the range of
with the dimension of 50 mm × 50 mm × 25 mm from each board. 230–270 kg/m3 , 340–360 kg/m3 and 440–480 kg/m3 for the target
Each test specimen was adhered to aluminium blocks. Then, a ten- board densities of 250, 350 and 450 kg/m3 , respectively. The aver-
sile load was applied vertically to surface of the test specimen. In age moisture contents of the test boards were between 6.3 and
this study, the tensile load speed was about 2 mm/min. The maxi- 9.3%. Some of the coconut boards of density 230–270 kg/m3 were
mum load (P ) at the time of the fracture of the adhesion part was slightly delaminated after hot pressing at a temperature of 180 ◦ C
measured. The internal bond can be calculated by the Eq. (3). and pressing times of 7 and 10 min.

Internal bond (N/mm2 ) = (3) 3.2. Bending strength
where P is the maximum load (N), b the width of the test piece The effects of materials type and board density on the modu-
(mm), and L is the length (mm) of the test piece. lus of rupture (MOR) of binderless boards produced using various
Thickness swelling test (TS) examines the expansion of the pressing conditions are shown in Fig. 1. The results show that
board after immersion in water after 2 h. Two specimens with the the binderless bagasse insulation boards have higher MOR values
dimension of 100 mm × 100 mm × 25 mm from each board were than the binderless coconut husk insulation boards. Some of the
used. First, the thickness in the centre of a test specimen (t1 ) was 230–270 kg/m3 of binderless coconut husk insulation boards were
measured to the nearest 0.05 mm using a micrometer. Then, the brittle and broke during cutting.
specimen was immersed in water of temperature 24 ± 1 ◦ C, in the The maximum value of MOR for the binderless coconut husk
horizontal plane about 3 cm below the water surface for 2 h. After insulation boards was 0.12 MPa at the board density of 250 kg/m3 ,
that, the specimen was removed from the water, wiped to remove 0.68 MPa at the board density of 350 kg/m3 and 1.94 MPa at the
surface water, and its thickness measured again (t2 ). Eq. (4) is used board density of 450 kg/m3 . The maximum value of MOR for the
S. Panyakaew, S. Fotios / Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739 1735

Fig. 1. The effect of board density on MOR of binderless coconut husk insulation Fig. 3. The effect of board density on MOE of binderless coconut husk insulation
board (BCI) and binderless bagasse insulation board (BBI) (n, number of samples board (BCI) and binderless bagasse insulation board (BBI) (n, number of samples
tested). tested).

binderless bagasse insulation boards was 0.43 MPa at the board

density of 250 kg/m3 , 1.51 MPa at the board density of 350 kg/m3 tion is required to produce insulation boards with good bending
and 4.16 MPa at the board density of 450 kg/m3 . strength.
It can be seen that MOR increased with increasing board density, The results of the modulus of elasticity (MOE) for all boards are
similar to common fibreboards (Fig. 1). The MOR of bagasse insula- shown in Fig. 3. It is clear that MOE of both bagasse insulation boards
tion boards was about two times higher than those of coconut husk and coconut husk insulation boards follows the same trend as the
insulation boards. The inferior bending strength of the binderless MOR; MOE increased with increasing board density. The maximum
coconut husk insulation boards may be due to the chemical and value of MOE for binderless bagasse insulation boards was 102 MPa
physical properties of the coconut fibre. MOR not only depends at the board density of 250 kg/m3 , 392 MPa at the board density of
on the bonding strength among fibres, but also the individual fibre 350 kg/m3 and 957 MPa at the board density of 450 kg/m3 . The max-
strength and fibre geometry. The length of fibres using in this study imum value of MOR for binderless coconut husk insulation boards
could also contribute to a low MOR. was 88 MPa at the board density of 350 kg/m3 and 365 MPa at the
Fig. 2 shows the relationship between hot pressing conditions board density of 450 kg/m3 . Due to the brittleness of the coconut
(duration and temperature) on the MOR of binderless boards. It is insulation boards at the target density of 250 kg/m3 , it was not
obvious that the MOR values increase with increasing pressing time possible to determine MOE for these boards.
and temperature. It should be noted that JIS A 5905–2003 does not specify
JIS A 5905–2003 recommends the minimum MOR of 1 MPa for a minimum MOE value for insulation boards. Nevertheless, the
insulation fibreboards (boards with density under 400 kg/m3 ). It is MOE values of binderless bagasse insulation boards at density
apparent that only the binderless bagasse insulation boards at a of 450 kg/m3 with 200 ◦ C/13 min pressing condition exceeded
density of 350 kg/m3 with 200 ◦ C/13 min pressing condition could 800 MPa at which JIS A 5905–2003 recommends for type 5 Medium
meet this requirement. It is obvious that a certain pressing condi- Density Fibreboard (MDF).

Fig. 2. The effect of hot pressing times and temperatures on MOR of binderless bagasse insulation boards at the density of 350 kg/m3 (n, number of samples tested).
1736 S. Panyakaew, S. Fotios / Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739

Fig. 4. The effect of board density on IB of binderless coconut husk insulation board (BCI) and binderless bagasse insulation board (BBI). (a) The whole set of results; (b) omits
the BBI boards of internal bond 0.05–0.06 MPa to improve clarity of data at lower regions (n, number of samples tested).

3.3. Internal bond ranging from 0.003 to 0.08 MPa [28]. The IB values of both binder-
less coconut husk and binderless bagasse insulation boards were
The effects of materials type and board density on the inter- within or slightly lower than this range.
nal bond (IB) of binderless boards produced using various pressing
conditions are shown in Fig. 4. The results showed that the IB val-
ues of binderless coconut husk insulation boards were much lower 3.4. Dimensional stability
than those of binderless bagasse insulation boards of the same
board densities. For example, at the board density of 350 kg/m3 , The percentage thickness of swelling (TS) after water-soaking
the maximum value of IB for the binderless coconut husk insula- for different board densities are shown in Fig. 6. The plotted values
tion boards was only 0.002 MPa whereas the maximum value of IB are scattered and suggest the unexpected non-linear relationship
for the binderless bagasse insulation boards was 0.014 MPa. between density and TS. This is believed to be due to the den-
Fig. 5 shows IB for binderless bagasse insulation boards at the sity gradient across the thickness of the board and is being further
board density of 350 kg/m3 using different pressing time of 7, 10 investigated.
and 13 min, and different pressing temperature of 160, 180 and The TS values of the binderless coconut husk insulation boards
200 ◦ C. It is obvious that the IB value increased with increasing decreased with increasing temperature and pressing time. This
pressing time. An increase of pressing time from 10 to 13 min trend is similar to the previous studies [23,24]. In contrast, the
improved the IB by 30–50% for binderless coconut husk insulation TS values of the binderless bagasse insulation boards increased
boards and by 60–80% for binderless bagasse insulation boards. The with increasing temperature and pressing time. At the board den-
trend of the relationship between hot pressing temperature and IB sity of 350 kg/m3 , the binderless coconut husk insulation board
value was different for the three pressing times. gave the lowest TS value of 21.7% with pressing temperature of
According to JIS A 5905–2003, IB test is not required for insu- 220 ◦ C/13 min whereas the binderless bagasse insulation board
lation board. However, the results of IB values of both binderless gave the lowest TS value of 42.7% with pressing temperature of
coconut husk and binderless bagasse insulation boards could be 160 ◦ C/7 min. It should be noted that thickness swelling of both
used for comparison with the conventional insulation materials. insulation boards exceeds the maximum permitted levels (10%) for
Fibreglass and rock wool insulation boards generally have IB values insulation boards in JIS A 5905: 2003.

Fig. 5. The effect of hot pressing times and temperatures on IB of binderless bagasse insulation board at the density of 350 kg/m3 . (n, number of samples tested).
S. Panyakaew, S. Fotios / Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739 1737

Fig. 6. The effect of board density on thickness swelling after water-soaking tests Fig. 7. The effect of board density on thermal conductivity of binderless coconut
for 2 h of binderless coconut husk insulation board (BCI) and binderless bagasse husk insulation board and binderless bagasse insulation board (n, number of samples
insulation board (BBI) (n, number of samples tested). tested).

3.6. Statistical analysis

3.5. Thermal conductivity
ANOVA was carried out to determine the effects of board den-
The thermal conductivity values of binderless boards made from sity, hot pressing temperature and time on mechanical properties
coconut husk and bagasse plotted against board density are shown and dimensional stability of binderless coconut husk and bagasse
in Fig. 7. The data indicate a positive relationship between ther- insulation boards. Note that analysis of the data suggested they
mal conductivity and density. The thermal conductivity values of were drawn from a normally distributed population. The ANOVA
binderless coconut husk and bagasse insulation boards with the results are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Overall, the results for binder-
density of 250–350 kg/m3 range from 0.046 to 0.068 W/mK. Table 2 less coconut husk and bagasse insulation boards were similar: there
compares the thermal conductivity of both boards with other insu- were the significant main effects of density, temperature, and time
lation materials. It can be seen that the thermal conductivity values on board properties at the probability level of 0.001, for all board
of both boards are lower than those of kenaf and cotton stalk insula- properties being analysed (MOR, MOE, IB and TS). Also there were
tion boards [29,30], in the same range as those of expanded perlite significant interaction effects between density and temperature,
and vermiculite and close to those of synthetic fibrous and cellular density and time, temperature and time on all board properties.
materials (e.g., cellulose fibres, mineral wool, polyethylene foam The interaction effect among density, temperature and time was
and extruded polystylene foam) [28]. also significant on some board properties (MOR, MOE and IB for

Table 2
Thermal conductivity of binderless coconut husk insulation board (BCI) and binderless bagasse insulation board (BBI) compare with other insulation materials.

Materials Density (kg/m3 ) Thermal conductivity (W/mK) Source

BCI 250–350 0.046–0.068

BBI 250–350 0.049–0.055
Kenaf insulation board 150–200 0.051–0.058 [29]
Cotton stalk insulation board 150–450 0.058–0.081 [30]
Cellulose fibres 30–80 0.040–0.045 [28]
Mineral wool (fibreglass and rockwool) 20–200 0.035–0.045 [28]
Polyethylene foam (PE) 50–100 0.035–0.045 [28]
Extruded polystylene foam (XPS) 25–45 0.030–0.040 [28]
Expanded perlite boards (EPB) 90–490 0.045–0.070 [28]
Vermiculite 70–160 0.046–0.070 [28]

Table 3
The result of ANOVA test on the effect of variables on binderless insulation board properties made from coconut husk (n, number of samples tested).

Between-subject effects MOR (n = 150) MOE (n = 53) IB (n = 110) TS (n = 106)

F Sig F Sig F Sig F Sig

Density 1961.24 p < 0.001 297.41 p < 0.001 1006.23 p < 0.001 612.17 p < 0.001
Temperature 291.50 p < 0.001 123.46 p < 0.001 437.39 p < 0.001 90.69 p < 0.001
Time 188.20 p < 0.001 92.60 p < 0.001 186.00 p < 0.001 65.03 p < 0.001
Density × temperature 167.22 p < 0.001 83.70 p < 0.001 431.21 p < 0.001 4.34 p < 0.001
Density × time 39.54 p < 0.001 27.11 p < 0.001 154.98 p < 0.001 6.02 p < 0.001
Temperature × time 21.36 p < 0.001 26.63 p < 0.001 83.45 p < 0.001 3.17 p < 0.05
Density × temperature × time 19.68 p < 0.001 19.89 p < 0.05 68.95 p < 0.001 1.65 p = 0.12
1738 S. Panyakaew, S. Fotios / Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1732–1739

Table 4
The result of ANOVA test on the effect of variables on binderless insulation board properties made from bagasse (n, number of samples tested).

Between-subject effects MOR (n = 162) MOE (n = 81) IB (n = 162) TS (n = 130)

F Sig F Sig F Sig F Sig

Density 1634.83 p < 0.001 614.32 p < 0.001 1562.82 p < 0.001 359.47 p < 0.001
Temperature 143.53 p < 0.001 72.84 p < 0.001 615.59 p < 0.001 41.75 p < 0.001
Time 96.11 p < 0.001 80.42 p < 0.001 817.95 p < 0.001 111.61 p < 0.001
Density × temperature 40.32 p < 0.001 17.05 p < 0.001 338.66 p < 0.001 19.62 p < 0.001
Density × time 24.37 p < 0.001 19.33 p < 0.001 122.45 p < 0.001 4.46 p < 0.01
Temperature × time 4.04 p < 0.01 6.28 p < 0.001 153.69 p < 0.001 5.48 p < 0.01
Density × temperature × time 1.27 p = 0.26 2.20 p < 0.05 50.73 p < 0.001 4.35 p < 0.001

binderless coconut husk insulation boards, and MOE, IB and TS for Acknowledgments
binderless bagasse insulation boards).
The authors thank the laboratory at the Royal Department of
Forestry, Bangkok, Thailand for providing equipment for this study,
4. Conclusions and Victory Industrial Co. Ltd. and Baan Pong sugar factory for sup-
plying the raw materials.
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