BR 67
BR 67
BR 67
Part 1
Surface Ships
Category 1
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Amd Date Text Affected Signature and
No Date
Revision Note
Historical Record
(NAN) EXP/05
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
a. This Defence Standard (Def Stan) 00-101 is sponsored by the Directorate Sea
Systems (DSS) Naval Authority Explosives (NAExp), Defence Equipment & Support
(DE&S), Ministry of Defence (MOD).
b. The complete standard is titled: Design Standards for Explosives Safety in MOD
Ships and Submarines, and comprises:
d. Any user of this Defence Standard either within MOD or in industry may propose
an amendment to it. Proposals for amendments that are not directly applicable to a
particular contract are to be made to the publishing authority identified on Page ii,
and those directly applicable to a particular contract are to be dealt with using
contract procedures.
g. Any significant amendments that may be made to this Defence Standard at a later
date will be indicated by a vertical sideline. Deletions will be indicated by 000 appearing
at the end of the line interval.
h. Extracts from British Standards within this Defence Standard have been included
with the permission of the British Standards Institution.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Conditions of Release
i. This Defence Standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD, and its
contractors in the execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law,
the Crown hereby excludes all liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including but
without limitation, liability resulting from negligence) for any loss or damage however
caused when the Defence Standard is used for any other purpose.
j. This document is Crown Copyright and the information herein may be subject to
Crown or third party rights. It is not to be released, reproduced or published without
written permission of the MOD.
k. The Crown reserves the right to amend or modify the contents of this Defence
Standard without consulting or informing any holder.
l. This Defence Standard is the property of the Crown and unless otherwise authorised
in writing by the MOD must be returned on completion of the contract or submission of
the tender in connection with which it is issued.
m. When this Defence Standard is used in connection with a MOD tender or contract,
the user is to ensure that he is in possession of the appropriate version of each
document, including related documents, relevant to each particular tender or contract.
Enquiries in this connection may be made of the Authority named in the tender or
n. When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts, users are responsible for
their correct application and for complying with contractual and other statutory
requirements. Compliance with a Defence Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
o. The Category of this Defence Standard has been determined using the following
Related Documents
p. In the tender and procurement processes the related documents in each Section
and Annex A can be obtained as follows:
q. All applications to Ministry Establishments for related documents are to quote the
relevant MOD Invitation to Tender or Contract Number and date, together with the
sponsoring Directorate and the Tender or Contract Sponsor.
r. Prime Contractors are responsible for supplying their subcontractors with relevant
documentation, including specifications, standards and drawings.
s. This Defence Standard may call for the use of processes, substances and
procedures that may be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It
refers only too technical suitability and in no way absolves either the supplier or any
user from statutory obligations relating to health and safety at any stage of manufacture
or use. Where attention is drawn to hazards, those quoted may not necessarily be
t. This Defence Standard has been written and is to be used taking into account the
policy stipulated in Joint Service Publication (JSP) 430: MOD Ship Safety Management
System Handbook.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Additional Information
v. This standard has been produced by DSS Naval Authority Explosives, Defence
Equipment & Support Agency, and Ministry of Defence. The Point of Contact for
matters pertaining to the technical content of the standard is (DSS) NAExp, Ash 3c,
#3311, MOD Abbey Wood, BRISTOL BS34 8JH.
w. This standard has been agreed by the authorities concerned with its use and is
intended to be used whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts etc. and
whenever practicable by amendment to those already in existence. If any difficulty
arises which prevents application of the Standard, the sponsor shall be informed so that
a remedy may be sought.
y. Compliance with this Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal
obligations imposed upon them.
z. This standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD and its contractors in
the execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD
hereby excludes all liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without
limitation, liability resulting from negligence) for any loss or damage however caused
when the standard is used for any other purpose.
aa. The mandatory requirements and associated guidance in this Standard are
intended to meet the policy of the Secretary of State for Defence to put in place
regulations that are at least as good as civil requirements, so far as is reasonably
practicable, where MOD has exemption from civil legislation. Use of this Standard in
maritime platform acquisition programmes is also intended to contribute towards
optimisation of capability.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
0. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................13
1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................14
2. WARNING .................................................................................................................................15
5. AMENDMENT ...........................................................................................................................16
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.7 Guidance – DDAs (Electrical Installations and Fire Fighting Arrangements) .............................31
2.8 Guidance – Package Examination Rooms (PERs) ..........................................................................32
2.9 Guidance - Marking of Areas around Launchers ..............................................................................32
2.10 Guidance - Separation of RAS(L) and RAS(A) Areas .....................................................................32
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
12.3 ACOP for Over Pressure Venting Plates and Vent Routes..........................................................123
12.4 ACOP for Marking of Over Pressure Vent Plates ...........................................................................124
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
0.2. The aim of this Standard is to provide requirements and guidance to assist in
providing an acceptably safe integration of Ordnance, Munitions Explosives (OME)
into MOD ships and takes precedence over Lloyds Naval Ship rules in regard to
design guidance for magazines.
0.3. This Standard has been issued to identify the mandatory Performance
Requirements for the design, construction and ship fitting of all JSP 430 applied ships
in respect to safety issues arising from stowage, handling and use of explosives. It
incorporates the best practice contained in previous magazine standards Naval
Engineering Standard (NES) 183 and Def Stan 08-101 but is written to both support
the risk based SMS introduced by JSP 430 Pt 3 Chapter 8 (Naval Authority
Regulations) and allows prescriptive design features to continue under specified
Approved Codes of Practise or Guidance.
0.6 The user of this standard is directed to ANNEX C which should be read early in
the use of this standard to ensure that the terminology is understood and to avoid
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.1. The MOD Ships to which this standard applies are defined in JSP 430 and JSP
430 Part 3 Naval Authority Regulations, Chapter 8 (Explosives). These include HM
Ships and Submarines, Royal Fleet Auxiliaries (RFA), Marine Services, other ships
owned by MOD, Government Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO) vessels (where
these are owned by MOD), and ships on MOD charter. The term “ship” is intended to
include vessels, launches, tenders, lighters and any other craft carrying any
explosives. The Naval Authority may determine that a specific platform is not required
to comply where no hazard exists but does not issue exemption certificates.
1.2. This Standard applies to the design, construction and ship fitting of all MOD
Ships built to MOD or Classification Society constructional standards and operated by
the Royal Navy, Army (including Special Forces), Royal Air Force, RFA or Marine
Services. The standard also applies to Marine Services vessels supplied as
Government Furnished Equipment for contract operations and MOD authorised
modifications undertaken to charter vessels.
1.3. It is to be applied to contracts that specify requirements that have any effect
upon the explosives safety of the platform. This will include the magazines, adjacent
compartments and ammunition routes and handling equipment within MOD ships in
which explosives will be embarked, moved, stowed and used. It is also to be applied
to all Refits and Repair work affecting any of these including Alterations and Additions
and Modifications. It may also include other design issues throughout the platform that
impact on explosives safety.
1.4. The complete standard is titled: Design Standards for Explosives Safety in
MOD Ships and Submarines, and comprises:
1.5. Classified material associated with threat levels, protection and mitigation
techniques is published separately under classified (NAN) EXP/03 in support of this
standard. This document is available from DSS NAExp; it is currently protectively
1.6. This standard has been written primarily to support the risk based shipborne
explosives Safety Management System (SMS) introduced by JSP 430 Part 3 NAR
Chapter 8 Explosives. Where legacy vessels have been certificated under previous
transition procedures, it is not necessary to implement additional work to meet this
standard, unless major modifications are undertaken or a new munition added to a
magazine or weapon system. Then this Defence Standard must be implemented.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.1. The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United
Kingdom and European laws regarding Health and Safety at Work. All MOD
Standards either directly or indirectly invoke the use of processes and procedures that
could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. MoD Standards or
their use in no way absolves users from complying with statutory and legal
requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.
2.2. This is a mandatory Category 1 Standard. If not applied it may have a Critical
affect on the following:
a) Safety of the ship, its complement or third parties.
b) Operational performance of the ship, its systems or equipment.
c) Through life costs and support.
2.3. If the Platform Duty Holder (PDH) proposes not to apply this mandatory
Category 1 Standard, agreement must be obtained from Naval Authority Explosives
and the relevant Director of Equipment Capability (DEC). Details of any such
agreement is to be formally recorded in the Safety Case. In the event of a MOD
enquiry or any prosecution under Health and Safety legislation, if it is proved that the
relevant requirements were not followed, the PDH will need to show that he has
complied with the Naval Authority Regulations in some other way or an enquiry or
court may find him at fault.
2.5. This standard contains Approved Code of Practice (ACOP), which has been
approved by the Naval Authority (Explosives) as good practice. It gives practical
advice that may be used to assist in complying with this standard. Alternative
methods to those set out in the ACOP may be used providing they are justified in the
Ship Explosive Safety Case (SESC).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.6. This standard also contains other, more general Guidance. This guidance
reflects corporate knowledge and experience and is issued by the Naval Authority
Explosives to assist duty holders’ understanding of the subject area. It may not be
exhaustive and all users are recommended to contact DSS NAExp for the latest
3.1. The publications listed in Annex A are referred to in the text of this standard.
3.2. Reference in this standard to any related document means that in any invitation
to tender or contract the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender
or contract apply unless a specific edition is indicated.
3.3. In consideration of 3.2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue and
amendment status of all related documents, particularly when forming part of an
invitation to tender or contract. Responsibility for the correct application of standards
rests with users.
4.1. For the purpose of this standard the abbreviations and definitions listed in
Annex B and Annex C apply. The user of this standard is directed to Annex C that
should be read early in the use of this standard to ensure that the terminology is
understood and to avoid misinterpretation.
5.1. If this Standard is found to be unsuitable for any particular requirement, the
sponsor is to be informed in writing with a copy to DSS NAExp, Ash 3c #3311, MOD
Abbey Wood, BRISTOL BS34 8JH.
5.2. Any user of this Standard either within MOD or in industry may propose an
amendment to it. Proposals for amendments that are not directly applicable to a
particular contract are to be made to the MOD and those directly applicable to a
particular contract are to be dealt with using existing procedures or as specified in the
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.1. JSP 430 introduces the concept of Key Hazard Safety Management by MOD
Platform Duty Holders (PDH) who are normally the associated Platform Integrated
Project Team Leaders (PIPTL). JSP 430 defines a Key Hazard to represent a
significant danger to the lives of several persons and whose consequence may cause
the loss of the ship or significant damage to the environment. JSP 430 mandates the
Regulation of these key hazards by an independent assurance body and for
explosives the Naval Authority Explosives (NAExp) in DSS undertakes this role, with
delegated authority from the Ships Safety Board. DSS NAExp sponsors this Category
1 mandatory Standard. It is approved by the Naval Authority Explosives Advisory
Committee (NAEAC).
6.2. Throughout this document the following convention is used when referring to
the Regulatory body or its incumbents. NAExp relates generically to Naval Authority
Explosives and its policies, DSS NAExp relates to the Secretariat.
6.3. NAExp has published a suite of documents relating to the use of this Standard,
that comprise JSP430 Part 3, Naval Authority Regulations Chapter 8 – Explosives,
JSP 862 – MoD Maritime Explosives Regulations (Operator Requirements) and
Maritime Acquisition Publication (MAP) 01-103, Ship Explosives Safety Case (SESC)
– Guidance For Platform Duty Holders, Part 1. They will be referenced in the
Acquisition Management System (AMS) and are available via the Naval Authority
System Library website at
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
7.3. The National regulations may exempt defined groups and personnel from
compliance with them in whole or in part. In terms of MOD these exemptions are
identified in varying ways throughout statutory legislation, e.g. ‘ships’, ‘master and
crew’, ‘British warships’, ‘military’ and ‘armed forces’. However, the Secretary of State
for Defence states: “… where MOD has been granted exemption from specific
regulations, health and safety standards and arrangements will be, as far as
reasonably practicable, at least as good as those required by statute.”. In the case of
this National legislation the Secretary of State for Defence may invoke at any time the
exemptions given in the legislation when there is a National need. These exemptions
are explained fully in JSP 375 and JSP 430.
7.4. The Merchant Shipping Act (MSA) 1995 sets out arrangements for registration
of ships, safety, health, welfare and discipline of crews, and safety of ships. Section
308 of the Act exempts Her Majesty’s ships from the Act, and makes provision for
MOD ships to be registered by Order in Council, subject to exceptions and
modifications as required. Orders in Council, and the policy statements of the
Secretary of State for Defence, have established MOD control and regulation of
manufacture, conveyance, storage and use of explosives to standards equal to or
more stringent than the provisions of the Explosives Act.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
7.5. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act (HSWA) 1974 makes every employer,
so far as reasonably practicable, responsible for the health, safety and welfare of all
their employees and other persons affected by the “work”. A statutory duty exists
under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to assess all hazards and reduce
risks to ALARP. However, achievement of compliance with this defence standard for
a platform does not necessarily constitute achievement of an ALARP risk state;
likewise, this standard is not a “Safety Target”. Activities in ships outside the 12 mile
limit and by the Master and crew are exempt from this Act, but subject to the Merchant
Shipping Act (see 7.4 above). The effect on MOD of the HSWA is fully explained in
JSP 375 Chapter 7. For all MOD Ships, the way the HSWA, and subordinate
regulations and guidance, is applied is through the provisions of JSP 430, also from
which safety targets are set.
7.6. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act (HSWA) 1974 also confers duties
(section 6) on every person who designs, manufactures, imports or supplies any
article for use at work. The HSWA should be consulted for the exact extent of these
7.7. The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code. The IMDG Code
applies to cargo ships and provides detailed guidance on the transportation of all
materials and substances identified under Dangerous Goods Class 1 (explosives) to
Class 9. This includes ship design requirements, safety management, reporting,
stowage and packaging of dangerous goods. The provisions of JSP 430 meet the
requirements for safety management in MOD ships.
7.8. The regulations in Naval Authority Regulations, JSP 430, Part 3, Chapter 8,
Explosives and JSP 862 (MOD Maritime Explosives Regulations (MMERs)) include
the directives of the Secretary of State for the conveyance (other than as freight),
stowage, handling and use of explosives in HM Ships, Submarines, RFA, Marine
Services Vessels, and Charter Ships. In all other respects, the regulations in NAR
Chapter 8 (Explosives) and MMERs are intended to conform to the requirements of
the HSWA and Statutory Instruments and Regulations made under that Act so far as
they apply to the Naval Service and its support agencies and organisations in
accordance with JSP 375.
7.9. All Unregistered MOD Ships and submarines are mandated to adhere to NAR
Chapter 8 (Explosives)
7.10. All MOD ships that are also registered, or registered under Orders in Council,
shall adhere, as a minimum, to Maritime and Coastguard Agency regulations for
Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS). Warships and larger RFAs are provided with
additional SOLAS stores in excess of SOLAS requirements and shall adhere to
MMERs for carriage, handling and use of SOLAS.
7.11. RFA vessels registered under Orders in Council shall adhere to NAR Chapter 8
(Explosives). NAR Chapter 8 requires the design of magazines to be in accordance
with this Standard. Specific exceptions for RFA vessels to the requirements in this
standard are stated where appropriate.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
7.12. In RFAs and other vessels not manned by Royal Navy (RN) personnel the
carriage of packaged explosive stores in bulk, as cargo, for purposes other than own
use is to be in accordance with JSP 862 Chapter 13.
7.13. In Charter ships, where MOD authorized modifications have been undertaken
for the purposes of carrying and/or handling and using munitions, NAR Chapter 8 and
MMERs will apply and an RN or other MOD Officer will be present to be responsible
for explosives safety. Carriage of explosive stores in bulk may be in accordance with
the IMDG Code, where appropriate. Existing SOLAS stores in Charter vessels will
continue to be governed by MCA regulations.
7.14. All existing statutory provisions continue in force until they are amended,
repealed or replaced by new legislative provisions. MOD explosives regulation through
such documentation as NAR Chapter 8, Def Stan 00-101 and MAP 01-103, only being
periodically updated, will not remain concurrent with relevant aspects of statutory
legislation. Therefore, it is essential that reviews are conducted at the outset and
during the execution of platform design and throughout platform life as a part of the
production and subsequent through life review of the SESC. Further information may
be obtained from the SSMO Handbook of Maritime Safety Legislation and Regulation
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.2. MOD inclusion in the Health and Safety at Work Etc. (HSAW) Act 1974 and the
Secretary of State’s statement led to the publication in 1996 of JSP 430 for MOD Ship
Safety Management. This introduced the requirement for ship safety cases within
which there would be independent regulation of Key Hazards by MOD Naval
Authorities. Safety Cases are generally risk based but JSP 430 part 2, issue 3 states
“…however prescription can still be useful in certain contexts.”
8.3. In line with civil statutory authorities the MOD recognised that the fully
prescriptive regimes within which explosives hazards were regulated was
inappropriate and a change to risk based regulation was made.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.6. The foundation of the platform explosives safety management process within
MOD, for the maritime environment, is the requirement for a Certificate of Safety
Explosives (CSE) to be in place before embarking, handling, stowing and using
explosives onboard JSP 430 applied platforms.
8.7. The existence of a CSE provides assurance that, for the named platform, the
PDH has demonstrated through a safety case that hazards from explosives approved
for embarkation, are tolerable and ALARP. For those legacy platforms certified under
the requirements based on compliance with prescriptive standards the evidence
remains extant.
8.9. Full details of the process for obtaining a Certificate of Safety Explosives are
contained within JSP 430 Part 3 Chapter 8. Additional guidance on the process of
producing a Ship Explosive Safety Case (SESC) can be found in MAP 01-103 which
also provides details of the preferred methodology on how to conduct a Ship Explosive
Threat Hazard Assessment (SETHA).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.1. The design of the platform is vital to ensuring that the risks from explosives are
Tolerable and ALARP. This Defence Standard provides Performance Requirements,
Approved Codes of Practise and Guidance for the stowage and handling of
explosives. Guidance for explosive safety management and assessment is provided in
Maritime Acquisition Publication (MAP) 01-103, Ship Explosives Safety Case (SESC)
– Guidance For Platform Duty Holders, Part 1, Edition 1 supporting NAR Chapter 8 by
providing fully detailed guidance on practises and methodologies that have been used
previously to good effect and how they should be used during the development of a
ship explosives safety case. This includes topics such as:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.1 Description
1.1.1 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, Approved Code of
Practice (ACOP) and Guidance that relate to explosive munitions/stores in magazines,
and explosives areas in MOD ships. Refer to Chapter 2 “Warning” for the method of
identification of mandatory requirement clauses.
1.1.2 The Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance below will assist
platform duty holders when integrating OME into the platform, in achieving an
optimised design for the magazines and associated area within a ship that addresses
the hazards produced from credible threats in order to reduces the probability of an
explosive event and potential consequences to ALARP and tolerable levels
1.1.4 The Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance associated with specific
detailed explosives safety topics are covered in subsequent appendices.
1.2.1 Magazines shall be designed, constructed and maintained throughout the life
of the ship to stow and handle the designated outfit of explosive stores within the
environment specified in Part 4 of Def Stan 00-101 - Generic Naval Environment, as far
as is reasonable practicable, and justified in the Ship Explosive Safety Case (SESC).
Further guidance is given in Part 1 and Part 4 of this standard.
1.2.2 Magazines shall have adequate capacity and space to permit safe stowage
and handling of all of the explosive stores specified in the Armament
Statement/Requirements document. Arrangements are to be justified in the SESC.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.2.5 Magazine, DDA and adjacent compartment designs must also meet the
requirements of other Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS) and
Key Hazard requirements as appropriate, and are to be justified in the SESC. The duty
holder shall take measures to ensure all relevant requirements are satisfied.
1.3.1 JSP 862 is the onboard document that specifies the explosives safety
management system (SMS) to be followed by the ship’s company. To ensure
consistency of procedures, safe systems of work and training needs across the Fleet
and to avoid differences in training needs, all magazine, Designated Danger Area and
adjacent compartment designs should be consistent with the operating instructions in
JSP 862.
1.3.2 JSP 430 specifies other key hazards that are regulated by Naval Authorities
and that require certification (e.g. Fire Certification). The design of magazines,
Designated Danger Areas and adjacent compartments should also meet these key
hazard requirements and other appropriate SEMS that may specify design
requirements for implementation in all ship compartments. Typical examples are
Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defence (NBCD) requirements and ship structural,
insulation, ventilation, electrical and lighting requirements. This standard identifies
where specific requirements unique to explosives safety apply, but specifies that
otherwise the general requirements appropriate to a compartment of that type, in a ship
of that type, apply.
1.4.1 The UN Hazard Division (HD) and Compatibility Groups (CG) of explosive
stores/munitions are shown in JSP 862, these together forms the Hazard Classification
Code (HCC); JSP 862 also shows the requirements for separation by Compatibility
Group. Ships are to be fitted out with magazines designed to stow munitions by UN
HCC. Where it is practicable to take action retrospectively to separate incompatible
groups by repositioning stores this should be undertaken.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.5 ACOP for Basic Principles of Capacity, Size and Bulk Explosives
1.5.1 The Armament Statement (AS) forms a part of the User Requirements
Documentation (URD) and is managed by the PDH. An Entitlement list that
encompasses the User requirements will replace the AS shortly and it is likely that
requirement change will occur in detail to the Armament Statement during the design
and manufacture phase and throughout the in-service period of the platform. The
designed capacity of magazines and small magazines should be sufficient to stow the
munitions designated in the Armament Statement/Entitlement list and should have
some flexibility to accommodate changes through life, as justified in the SESC.
1.5.2 Adequate space and facilities should be provided in the magazines for safe
handling of munitions in the magazine, any routine maintenance (e.g. desiccant check)
and weapon preparation and test activities. Space should also be allowed for routine
maintenance checks of the magazine structure and fittings, and is to be justified in the
SESC. The provisions of Def Stan 00-25 should be applied for all Human Factor (HF)
aspects associated with the design and use of the magazine.
1.5.3 RFAs shall carry all Class 1 Dangerous Goods explosive stores in accordance
with the regulations in JSP 862. Classes 2 to 9 are to be carried by RFAs in
accordance with the IMDG code. There may be MOD inspection and storekeeping
requirements to access compartments which would not be permitted under the IMDG
Code segregation and separation regulations. NOTE: RFA Armament Holds are now
referred to as magazines. Refer to JSP 862 Chapter 13 for the requirements for
stowage of bulk explosives.
1.5.4 In the case of bulk explosives, the potential consequences from credible
explosives events to personnel and operation capability may be catastrophic. It is
therefore best practise to locate large magazines containing bulk explosives by at least
6 metres away from High Value compartments and those containing large numbers of
personnel (Appendix 3.3). In addition Fire Barrier Insulation (FBI) to A60 bulkhead
standard should be fitted. An A60 bulkhead is able to prevent the passage of smoke or
fire of a standard test fire for at least one hour. Guidance on FBI is given in Def Stan 07-
204 and SOLAS Regulations.
1.6.1 If reload times for weapon systems cannot be met from the munitions
permanent stowage then Ready-Use (RU) Magazines or RU lockers should be
provided for temporary stowage of munitions close to the point of use. These RU
Magazines should be sited and have adequate capacity to meet weapon reload times,
and are to be justified in the SESC. RU Magazines are defined at Annex C.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.7.2 The permitted quantity and the compatibility of the explosive stores/munitions
shall be taken into account when SQTU magazines are considered, and shall be
justified in the SESC. Guidance on the requirements and quantities of SQTU munitions
that may be embarked/disembarked is given in JSP 862.
1.8.1 All packaged explosive stores are allocated a Hazard Classification Code
(HCC), however when in the unpackaged state a different HCC may apply that is most
likely to be of a higher division, e.g. a Packaged store classified as HD1.2 may show
1.1 tendencies in the unpackaged condition and will be classified HD 1.1 accordingly.
1.9.1 Consideration should also be given to separation between bulk explosives and
high value compartments where damage may have a catastrophic effect on operational
capability applying vulnerability reduction techniques.
a, Key life saving appliances/area (e.g. marine evacuation points and boats
used for lifesaving.
b, All key ‘float’ functions (e.g. shaft line, steering gear/rudder, at least one
main engine and key auxiliaries /pumps, generators/emergency power,
controls and bridge).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.10.1 Environmental hazards from the initiation of munitions are generally of short
duration apart from the presence of residual toxic materials and metals that must be
disposed of through a managed ‘clean-up’ plan.
1.10.2 In particular, many pyrotechnic / smoke stores produce smoke that is toxic in
large concentrations in confined spaces. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
or Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) statement within the munition
safety case or the Ship Explosive Safety Instruction (SEXSSI) should identify any
specific hazards that may need to be considered.
1.10.3 White phosphorus (WP) will combust spontaneously if exposed to air and is
classified as a UN Compatibility Group H stores. The risk may be reduced by stowing
all WP stores in a magazine or locker within a movable container that can be flooded to
a level above the height of the store and its packaging and contained until removed /
disposed of. Further guidance including required ventilation for WP stowage is given in
Appendix 4.7.6 and 4.17.5.
1.10.4 A number of munitions also contain fuels or batteries that may present an
environmental and/or health hazard if the munition skin is breached. These hazards
are also described in the munition safety case and SEXSSI.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.1 Description
2.1.1 Designated Danger Areas (DDAs) are compartments and spaces not fitted out
specifically for the stowage of explosive stores/munitions, but in which there is likely to
be an increased hazard to ship safety due to their temporary presence. Examples are
given at Appendix 2.3.1 below.
2.1.2 Explosives, when present in a ship, are either: in a magazine, small magazine,
magazine locker, a weapon system, other launch or ready-use position, or else by
definition in a DDA.
2.2.2 The measures taken are to be detailed in the magazine and ammunition
handling route designs. Design safety justification for the measures is to be detailed in
the DDD. Guidance on appropriate measures and examples of DDAS are given below.
The main measures should be justified in the Safety assessment in the SESC.
2.2.3 DDAs must meet the explosive SMS and safe systems of work (SSOW)
requirements of JSP 862 and also the requirements of other SEMS and Key Hazard
areas as appropriate. The duty holder shall take measures to ensure all relevant
requirements are satisfied. See Guidance in Appendix 1.3.
2.2.4 The requirements, best practise and guidance associated with more general
explosives safety topics are detailed under specific paragraph headings (see contents).
Examples include fire fighting, munitions protection and venting etc. These must be
considered in relation to DDAs, addressed in the DDD and justified in the SESC as
2.3.1 The following spaces are typical DDAs, the list is not exhaustive:
a) Weapon hoists/trunks.
b) Weapon lifts.
c) Areas around gunhouses/turrets/mountings.
d) Areas around upperdeck weapon launch positions.
e) Upperdeck weapon and vehicle parks.
f) Package Examination Room (PER).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.3.2 Other areas such as aircraft/helicopter hangars, vehicle decks, Landing Craft
Utility (LCU) cargo deck and Landing Platform Dock (LPD) / Landing Ship Dock (LSD
(A)) dock areas are classified as ‘Dangerous Areas’. ‘Dangerous Areas’ are normally
accepted as safe for the temporary presence of munitions when these areas meet fully
the requirements of BR 1754 – ‘Safety Regulations for Storing and Handling Petroleum,
Oils and Lubricants and certain other hazardous stores in HM Ships’. The BR 1754
requirements that the ammunition routes rely on to achieve ALARP explosives safety
levels shall be summarised in the SESC. Guidance on the requirements of BR1754
may be obtained from its sponsor, DES MPPS SFG216 or DSS NAExp.
2.4.1 All internal DDAs are to be fitted out electrically in accordance with Def Stan
00-101 Part 3.
2.4.2 DDAs are to meet the fire fighting and fire prevention arrangements set out in
this standard.
2.4.3 The following DDAs in particular must be fitted with smoke and heat detectors:
b. Weapon lifts.
c. PERs.
f. Clearways.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.5.1 The arrangements for PERs shall be assessed and justified in the SESC.
2.5.2 PERs should also comply with the following regulations as described in this
2.6.1 The swept arc and/or physical danger area around mountings, launchers,
containers, weapon lifts etc should be marked with a black/yellow hazard stripe.
Guidance in given in 2.9.2 below.
2.6.2 A means of showing the presence of danger from explosives that may be
present in mountings/launchers/torpedo tubes or containers that can be loaded with
munitions is to be made available.
2.7.1 Part 3 of this standard identifies the electrical requirements for internal DDAs.
2.7.2 For Clearways and LCVP/armed boat recesses, the full requirements of Part 3
of this standard are not normally justified. Whilst the general electrical requirements of
Def Stan 08-107/NES 501 and Def Stan 08-160 apply to Clearways and LCVP
recesses, high fire risk electrical equipment, such as open heaters or dryers etc. should
not be sited in these areas.
2.7.3 Guidance on the provision of fire prevention and fire fighting arrangements in
DDAs is given in Appendixes 7 & 8.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
2.8.1 PERs may be required to have a conducting deck (see Appendix 15). For
additional advice contact DSS NAExp.
2.8.2 A PER may also be provided and justified in a large warship or other MOD ship
where re-palletisation is required, for examination of damaged packages, or where
significant numbers of packages/ammunition containers are refilled from part used or
damaged boxes.
2.9.1 The limit of the physical danger areas from the swept arc, efflux and
operational opening of mechanisms or doors, and the noise danger area where
relevant, should be marked in accordance with Def Stan 02-784/NES 784.
2.9.3 Markings and signs associated with munitions should not be visible from
outboard so as not to present an aiming point for terrorist attack.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
3.1 Description
3.1.1 Adjacent compartments are those that have decks, deckheads or bulkheads in
common with a magazine.
3.2.1 Risks to the magazines from adjacent compartments containing petroleum, oils
and lubricant (POL) and pressurised bottles/systems are to be reduced to ALARP and
justified in the SESC.
3.2.2 Smoke and heat detectors are to be fitted in adjacent compartments where
there is a fire risk. To reduce the risk to ALARP the location, configuration and number
of smoke and heat detectors is to be assessed and justified in the SESC.
d. Galleys
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
3.3.2 Marking of adjacent compartment bulkheads in accordance with Def Stan 07-
204 to indicate the presence of a magazine on the other side provides warning to
personnel. Markings may also be used to reduce the risk that stores or items are
placed against a magazine bulkhead that could result in a threat to a magazine.
3.3.3 Where the magazines, small magazines, contain small quantities of munitions
(see guidance below) they may be sited adjacent to those compartments listed above,
provided that the common boundary is insulated with Fire Barrier Insulation (FBI) to a
minimum of A60 standard. Guidance on FBI is given in Def Stan 07-204 and SOLAS
NOTE: Mineral Fibre Marine Board (MFMB), where already fitted in existing
ships, is acceptable in lieu of fire barrier insulation. New designs should employ the
latest MOD SME approved alternatives.
3.3.5 For pressurized gas bottles that serve a magazine i.e. RRSS, bottles may be
sited in adjacent compartments but will be dependent on the outcome of a SETHA.
3.3.7 Magazines containing any type of explosive may be sited adjacent to the
compartments listed below, provided that adequate FBI (a minimum of A60 standard) is
fitted in accordance with Def Stan 07-204/NES 119:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
b High Value Spaces; (such as those defined in Def Stan 07-204/NES 119)
c Laundry
d Workshops
e Hangar
h Acid stores
i Paint/Flammable stores
3.3.9 Exceptionally, some ships including Naval Armament Vessels (NAVs) and
powered Naval Armament Lighters (NALs) may be provided with a cofferdam between
the Cargo Hold and the Engine Room, where this can be justified as ALARP.
3.4.1 Magazines, small magazines are NOT to be sited adjacent to structural tanks
containing Petroleum POL Class I and II products, as defined in BR1754.
3.4.2 The temperature in the magazine should not be allowed to rise due to heating
of an adjacent tank to 320C, or those temperatures quoted in Appendix 9.3 Where
heated oil or water tanks are sited adjacent to a magazine, risk control or mitigation
measures are to be justified in the SESC.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
3.4.5 The risks from any POL systems (e.g. pumps and pipework) adjacent to
magazines, or magazine lockers shall be assessed and reduced to ALARP.
3.5.1 The assessment of risk will determine the requirement for smoke and heat
detectors. It is best practise to install smoke and heat detectors in all adjacent
compartments to magazines except as described below.
3.5.2 Detectors are not normally required where adjacent compartments are
bathrooms, WCs/heads, watertight compartments (WTCs), passageways, frequently
used lobbies, structural tanks and cofferdams.
3.5.3 Smoke and heat detectors should also be installed in compartments with
access to small magazines or in compartments containing magazine lockers.
3.5.4 Smoke/Heat Detectors are to operate alarms either in the Ship Control Centre
(SCC), or other locations appropriate to the ship’s protection organization. In Minor War
Vessels and from magazines in RFA and solid support ships detectors are also to alarm
on the weatherdeck.
3.5.5 In ships where the SCC or ship’s protection organization is not continually
manned, additional alarms are to be fitted adjacent to the Officer of the Watch (OOW)
position at sea, and adjacent to the Quarter Master’s position in harbour. In ships not
manned by Naval personnel, including RFAs, NAVs and NALs, the additional
smoke/heat detector alarm should be centralized either in the Navigating Bridge area or
at any other suitable control station which is provided with direct communication with
the Navigating Bridge.
3.6.1 Magazines containing bulk munitions of HD 1.1 (e.g. air weapons (including
bombs), torpedoes, shells, guided weapons, decoy charges (HE), mines or demolition
charges) or large quantities of propellant (e.g. rounds/munitions above 57 mm in
diameter) should not be sited adjacent to the compartments listed in Appendix 3.1.5
above. Magazines, small magazines and magazine lockers containing small quantities
of HD 1.1 munitions (typically less than 25 kg) or munitions of diameter less than 57
mm may be sited adjacent to the compartments listed in Appendix 3.3. Provided that
FBI of at least A60 is provided.
3.6.2 A highly effective method of reducing risk to explosive safety is to remove fire
hazards by minimising ignition and also removal of any potential sources of explosion to
a safe distance e.g. Crank case explosions or HP bottle/cylinder stowages containing
flammable gases to a safe distance. Mitigation and control measures in adjacent
compartments shall be justified in the SESC.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
3.6.3 The risks associated with adjacent compartments have the potential to affect
operational capability and should be assessed in the context of reducing the
consequences from an explosive incident to tolerable levels. The assessment should
consider whether additional hazard in the adjacent compartment could significantly
contribute to the explosives incident and present additional risks to explosive safety on
the platform and/or affect capability. Further guidance is given at Appendix 10.
3.6.6 Typical best practise mitigation design between a magazine and an adjacent
compartment include appropriate armour, blast resistant bulkheads/doors and cropped
“T” connections with austenitic welds. Water filled cofferdams are also good mitigation
and trials to date indicate that these should ideally have a width allowing at least 400
mm of water to be retained. The configuration of explosives in the adjacent magazine
needs to be optimised. (Further guidance is given in Appendix 5). This will also help to
reduce heat transfer from any fire loading in the adjacent compartment from entering
the magazine. Where weight considerations preclude a water fill, a cofferdam with an
air gap of approximately 1m will be moderately effective and allow access for
maintenance. Further efficiency may be gained by filling the gap with foams or blast
absorbing materials. Further advice on blast resistant structure, armour, cofferdams
and fill material should be sought from DSS NAExp.
3.6.7 One of the key hazards to munitions from adjacent compartments is fire.
Mitigation in the adjacent compartment may be provided by use of:
3.6.8 Mitigation within the magazine for fire risks from an adjacent compartment is
detailed in Appendix 8.
3.6.9 Bulk explosives should be separated from uptakes and downtakes by an A60
bulkhead and at least 3 metres.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
3.7.1 Structural tanks containing any liquid with a flash point lower than 570C should
not be placed adjacent to magazines or ammunition routes. The siting of tanks
containing liquids with a higher flash point adjacent to magazines and ammunition
routes should be justified within the SESC
3.7.3 The design safety of POL pumps and pipework should be optimised to
minimise the threat to magazines and ammunition routes. In particular, Avcat pump
spaces should be well separated from magazines by a minimum of 6 meters
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.1 Description
4.1.2 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the general construction of magazines, small magazines, OME
preparation areas and vertical launch silo magazines in ships.
4.2.1 The design and construction of magazines are to be in accordance with these
4.2.2 The design and construction of magazines is to reduce to ALARP, risks to and
from OME contained within.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.3.4 The use of a SETHA toolset, from which derives the Platform and OME
Protection Strategy, will determine potential design options that may be used in the
construction of hold, magazine and OME area boundaries. Further guidance is given in
Appendix 4.13 and NAN 03 with further advice available from DSS Exp.
4.3.5 The scantlings of magazines and other OME area boundaries below the
vertical limit of watertight integrity are to be determined from the general plating and
stiffening equations in appropriate Class Design Rules.
4.3.7 All piped or trunked systems serving a magazine should have isolating valves
immediately external to the magazine boundary.
4.4.1 Magazines and Weapon Handling Spaces are to be painted with approved fire
retardant paints in accordance with the requirements of the standards stipulated in
Warpaint and BR3939. The surface of conducting decks where required are to be left
bare steel or painted with an approved conducting paint.
4.4.2 Magazine decks should be fitted with anti-slip measures such as welded studs,
fully welded tread strips, anti-slip paint schemes or abrasive self-adhesive tread strips.
Adhesive tread strips must not be fitted to conducting decks. Flow-forge stowage
systems fitted to magazine decks generally meet anti-slip requirements.
4.5.1 Automatic Air Escapes (AAE) should be provided for all magazines fitted with
spraying arrangements. Variations to this Clause are:
4.5.2 Automatic Air Escapes should be readily accessible for periodic functional
testing. A typical AAE drawing is at (Annex K).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.5.3 Where fitted AEE should operate at approximately 0.013 bar (1.38 kN/m²) (0.2
psi) and terminate above the Red risk Zone in suitable lobbies, passageways or
weather decks.
4.5.4 The position of the air escape within the magazine and the terminating position
should be indicated by a BLACK arrow and the words ‘AIR ESCAPE’ in BLACK
lettering on a white background in accordance with Def Stan 02-784/NES784.
4.6.1 Air systems that do not serve the magazine should NOT pass through
magazines, small magazines or silo magazines.
4.6.3 Air systems pipework serving the magazine should be provided with a means
of isolation adjacent to the magazine boundary for use in the event of fire.
4.6.5 In the design of pipework systems, particular care should be taken to reduce
vulnerability to damage; mechanical protection is to be provided as necessary.
4.7.2 Additional arrangements should also be made to ensure that water can be
drained or pumped out from stowage bins or lockers and from under false floors within
magazines – Def Stan 02-712/NES 712 provides guidance.
4.7.3 Magazines drains are not to be shared with drains likely to contain flammable
4.7.5 Drainage arrangements should be fitted with lockable opening and closing
arrangements, immediately adjacent to the magazine.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.7.7 Flood sensors should be fitted in magazines where a pressurized fluid system
(other than the magazine spray system) passes through or serves the magazine.
4.8.2 The SETHA will help in determining whether blast resistant doors are to be
fitted. Where this type of door is to be used it should have the same level of blast,
fragmentation protection and fire resistance as the bulkhead it is fitted within.
4.8.3 In NAVs, a watertight hatch and fixed ladder should be fitted to give alternative
access to the Cargo Hold to facilitate inspection of the cargo at sea.
4.8.4 “Out-to-in” fish eye viewing (f-e-v) devices are to be fitted at each access point
to the magazine to allow an assessment of the magazine.
4.8.5 An “in-to-out” f-e-v should also be fitted to magazine doors that open directly
into the hangar/flight deck to allow assessment of any fuel danger hazards, additionally,
a notice stating ‘DO NOT OPEN DOOR IN FUEL DANGER STATE’. The notice should
be BLACK text on a WHITE background... Should be affixed to the inside of the door.
4.10.2 A dedicated stowage box should be provided for the emergency lighting outfit,
and stood off from the bulkhead to allow boundary cooling. Where the method chosen
is Cyalume Chemical Illuminators (CCI) the stowage box should hold a full outfit of CCI
including their associated Magnetic Base Holders and Combat Light Devices (light
shields). See JSP 862 for guidance.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.10.3 The emergency lighting stowage box should be sited adjacent to the magazine
access on the outside for inboard magazines and the inside for weatherdeck
4.11.1 Magazines sited within the ship should have an explosives warning sign affixed
to their access door/hatch, in accordance with Def Stan 02-784/NES 784.
4.11.2 Where magazine doors open onto the weatherdeck, the deck, in front of the
access should be marked ‘DANGER EXPLOSIVES’ in RED TEXT.
4.11.3 All pipes passing through magazines should be identified with the correct
colour coding and DC identification tape in accordance with Def Stan 02-853/NES 853
Part 1.
4.11.4 Other Hazard Warning/Safety Signs and notices are to be in accordance with
Def Stan 02-784/NES784, unless otherwise specified within individual sections of this
4.12.1 Adequate protection should be provided to prevent efflux from burning through
the magazine boundaries, adjacent stowage’s and internal magazine structures and to
prevent efflux from impacting into adjacent munitions and adjacent high value
4.12.2 External doors, hatches, hoists or other openings in the ships structure that
may be subject to burning efflux emitted from a missile during or after launch should be
flameproof, as well as flashtight, when closed.
4.12.3 Combustible material should not be used as a seal in the path of efflux.
4.12.5 Guidance is available from DSS NAExp on calculating the need for over-
pressure venting
4.13.1 Whether the boundary structure will withstand explosive loadings and whether
its failure, elastically, plastically or total, will cause intolerable consequences upon the
safety and capability of the platform, on personnel and to the environment is to be
determined. When assessing the structural design, in this context, distinction should be
made between the effectiveness of Service Life of Structure (SLS) and Ultimate Life of
Structure (ULS) built into the magazine boundaries as part of the whole hull girder
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
structural design and the level to which this will contribute to withstanding an initiation
event from magazine contents.
4.13.3 Boundary structure may incorporate a filled cofferdam, where the SETHA
indicates that barrier separation is required from other compartments. This should have
a width of at least 400 mm of water to reduce the blast effects and fragment velocity
(assessment of this is required) from threats or initiation events to levels that will
prevent propagation of explosion. (The configuration of explosives in the adjacent
magazine needs to be optimised. Seek guidance from DSS NAExp). This will also
help to reduce heat transfer from any fire loading in the adjacent compartment from
entering the magazine. Where weight considerations preclude a water fill, a cofferdam
with an air gap of approximately 1m will be effective for lower ENEQ events and allow
access for maintenance. Further efficiency may be gained by filling the gap with blast
absorbing fill including foams or pulverised mineral ash. Further advice on blast
resistant structure, armour, cofferdams and fill material should be sought from DSS
4.13.4 For Lloyds Naval Ship Rules the scantlings are to be calculated according to
Volume 1, Part 6, Chapter 3 Section 3.12 including Table 3.3.15. Alternative
arrangements should be proven by direct calculation/testing.
4.13.5 As a minimum compartments within the red risk zone must meet the ship
construction requirements in full. The requirement is to keep flood water out of the
magazine and keep smoke and gasses generated by explosives incidents within the
magazine. For Lloyds Naval Ship Rules Volume 1, Part 5, Chapter 3, Section 5.8 apply
for deep tank or watertight bulkheads or the equivalent quasi-static over-pressure
caused by the postulate credible incident, whichever is greater.
4.13.6 Magazines above the red risk zone need to meet the minimum structural
requirements to achieve the air pressure test. This is required to keep smoke and
gasses generated by explosives incidents within the magazine.
4.13.8 The magazine and explosives preparation areas should be constructed to the
standard chosen for the ship construction and meet the watertight requirements of the
compartment location.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.13.9 Within the magazine structure, fire fighting and spraying arrangements may
cause local flooding and free surface water. The impact on stability will require
assessing. The watertight construction of the magazine should prevent unintentional
escape of water and casualty explosives products. Drainage arrangements will be
required (see 4.17).
4.13.11 The magazine structural boundary also forms the first line of defence against
risks arising in adjacent compartments. In particular, fire in an adjacent compartment
may cause structural failure thus exposing munitions to heat hazards. Operation
CORPORATE lessons learned showed that magazines in aluminium structure were
prone to structural failure in fire. Lessons learned from the USS STARK incident in
1987 showed that magazine bulkheads were prone to failure at the bulkhead to
deckhead junction when subjected to high heat loads.
4.13.12 Where aluminium or GRP is used in the boundaries of magazines, fire barrier
insulation is required on both sides of the boundary. The protection provided is to be
assessed to ensure that the response of the structure to the thermal effects of credible
incidents within the magazine or in adjacent compartments does not exceed that which
will cause significant reduction in the strength properties of the material. Further advice
is available through DSS NAExp.
4.15.2 The size of an AAE is too limited to act as an effective over- pressure vent to
relieve the pressure caused by inadvertent initiation of explosives propellant (see
Appendix 12).
4.16.1 Air operated handling machinery may be used. They should be designed to
minimise the probability of feeding air into a fire. Guidance on system pressure and
types of connector is available from MESH IPT.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.17.1 Drainage arrangements are required to allow water from fire fighting and
spraying arrangements to be drained and to prevent local flooding and build up of free
surface water.
4.17.2 Control of drains by lockable opening and closing arrangements is required for
the following purposes:
4.17.3 Magazine drains are normally locked open. However, where munitions
carrying liquid fuel are present in a magazine, it may be considered more appropriate
that the drain is normally locked shut. This will depend upon the free-surface presented
by a magazine or OME area and operating environment restrictions. Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) and International Marine Pollution (MARPOL) requirements
are to be assessed and considered in the design of arrangements.
4.17.4 The entry point to a drain in a magazine is normally designed with a low lip
(approximately 15 – 25 mm) to allow a water film to develop on the deck of the
magazine. This is sufficient to be effective for boundary cooling, but sufficiently small to
avoid free surface issues. In a larger magazine (e.g. greater than 10 m2) a drain may
be required on each side of the magazine to avoid the build up of a significant volume
of water in a list condition.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
4.19.1 Explosives warning signs are intended to alert personnel to the presence of
explosive stores in a compartment and reduce the potential for accident near the
magazine/access. The Fire Division warning sign will assist shore fire brigade
personnel in deciding how to tackle a fire in the vicinity. This duplicates arrangements
at military and civil shore explosive storehouses.
4.19.2 Other signs and Damage Control (DC) markings should use the normal
convention of other RN and MOD ships. This aids the actions of personnel and permits
common training for emergency and contingency arrangements.
4.20.1 Adequate protection should be provided to prevent efflux from burning through
the magazine boundary. Guidance on use of mitigating materials to protect stowages
and structure from efflux is given in (NAN) EXP/03 (Advice should be sought from DSS
NAExp). The orientation of the munitions will require consideration when designing
magazine layout configurations to take into account the effects from an initiation event
and how they impact adjacent munitions, stowages or structure.
4.20.3 Combustible materials may not withstand the flame torching when a missile is
fired and should therefore not be used or fitted in the path of efflux.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.1 Description
5.1.2 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the general configuration and construction of munition stowage’s and
fittings in magazines and magazine lockers in MOD ships. These provisions are also
relevant to stowage’s for bulk explosives, as appropriate. In addition, the requirements
for stowage of bulk explosives in JSP862 Part 1 Chapter 13 – Stowage Plans apply.
5.2.1 Appropriate stowages shall be provided to safely stow the required quantities
of munitions, in accordance with Armament Statement requirements, within magazines
and magazine lockers in MOD ships. Flow forge or multi purpose stowages shall
provide means to safely restrain munitions in their transit packaging (see Annex N).
5.2.5 The stowage racks and any supporting structure and plinths should meet the
shock requirements (including associated whipping components) of Def Stan 08-
120/NES 814, BR 3021, BR 8470 and CB 8469 when munitions are in place within the
5.3.1 Explosive stores should be safely stowed and restrained to meet the assessed
conditions of ships movement and required shock levels. Guidance is given below and
in the GNE, Part 4 of this standard. Methods of stowing explosive stores/munitions in
RFA Magazines, NAVs and NALs should be in accordance with the Platform and OME
Protection Strategy (See MAP 01-103 Ship Explosive Threat Hazard Assessment).
Further guidance should be sought from DSS NAExp.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.3.4 All portable fittings should be restrained when in use and also restrained in a
stowage position when not required for use. Such restraint should be designed to
ensure that the fittings do not rattle in use or when stowed, or jump out under shock
5.3.5. Every effort shall be made to reduce rattles in stowages and fittings that may
contribute to the acoustic noise signature of the ship. Further guidance is given in Def
Stan 02-703.
5.3.6 Stowages and fittings and restraint arrangements should be free of projections
that may damage stores or hazard personnel.
5.3.7 Separate stowages should be provided for each type of explosive store and
should be adjustable to allow alterations in box sizes. Where alternative packages are
specified in the Armament Statement for the same explosive store, additional portable
restraints/battens are to be provided.
5.3.8 The stowage and restraint arrangements should be designed in such a manner
that removal of restraint to gain access to other stores will not leave a tier or part of a
tier to topple.
5.3.9 The maximum stowage height of ammunition boxes when stowed separately
(i.e. not palletised) is to take account of the size and weight of individual boxes and be
commensurate with the health and safety requirements of the explosive store, the
handler and the ship/magazine layout. Guidance on human factor (HF) requirements is
given in Def Stan 00-25.
5.3.10 Where shelves are an integral part of the stowage, they should be constructed
with an upstand and provided with drainage holes.
5.3.11 Where flow forge arrangements are fitted, provision should be made for
removable access above and under the grid where appropriate for the purpose of
maintenance and cleaning.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.3.12 Where non-explosive stores (e.g. Flight in Air Materials (FIAM)) are required to
be stowed in the magazine, non-flammable lockers with adjustable stowages should be
5.4.2 External threats to the ship, on the munitions to be stowed in each magazine,
are to be reviewed as part the SETHA. The susceptibility, HCC and ENEQ of the
munitions to be stowed, the results of munition safety trials detailed in the SEXSSI and
OME Safety Instruction and the munition packaging configuration will be three major
inputs to the THA. This will identify munitions which require protection and measures to
reduce the probability of sympathetic reaction and intolerable consequences. All RFA
stowage plans for UN Class 1 munitions and explosives carried for whatever purpose,
will now be fully covered by JSP 862 and RFAs will no longer use the International
Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code for explosives stowage plans. For the
requirements for bulk stowage plans refer to JSP 862 Chapter 13 Stowage Plans.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
12011-04 or 12011-10
18701-03 or 18701-04
18701-03 or 18701-04
18701-03 or 18701-04
18701-03 or 18701-04
18701-01, 18701-02,
18701-01, 18701-02,
Round 7.26mm
Round 7.26mm
4B1T Belted
Rocket System
Rocket System
4B1T Belted
4B1T Belted
Rocket System
Rocket System
94mm HEAT
94mm HEAT
Belted L2A2
94mm HEAT
94mm HEAT
or L21A1
ADAC 12007-04
12007-04 12007-04 12011-04 or 12011-10 11906-01, 11906-02
Round 7.26mm Round 7.26mm Round 7.26mm Ball or 11906-04
Round 7.26mm 4B1T Belted
4B1T Belted Belted L2A2
or 11906-04
12011-04 or 12011-10
Round 7.26mm Ball
50603-02 or
Belted L2A2
ADAC 51301-09
Demolition Grip
or L21A1
Firing Device
Cord Detonating
W gge P
id r
or 11906-04
ADAC 56217-01
A1 d 1
09 an 3-0
or 56217-02
L1 de H 740
Explosive Kit
a 1
en C
Cratering Rapid
Signal Distress
Day and Night
No 1 Mk 4
ADAC 51603-01
or 51603-03
Firing Device Kit
Combination ADAC
Round 7.62mm Ball
Shell 105mm FD HE
Shell 105mm FD HE
L26A1, L26A3
Super Charge
or 11906-04
Round 5.56mm 4B1T
35426-01 35426-01 Round 20mm Bandolier
Shell 105mm FD HE
Shell 105mm FD HE
Charge Demolition
Super Charge
Super Charge
or 11906-04
Shell 105mm FD HE Shell 105mm FD HE
35426-01 35426-01 HEI/HEIT
Grenade Hand HE
ADAC 54204-10
Marine Sound L109A1
or 54204-14
Signal Mk7
Round 5.56mm Ball
Shell 105mm FD HE
Shell 105mm FD HE
Normal Charge
Normal Charge
1B1T Belted
35414-01 35414-01
Round 12.7mm HE L12A1 Fuzed
Round 5.56mm 4B1T
Raufoss ADAC Bandolier
1MP/1MPT/1API 11906-01, 11906-02
11906-01, 11906-02
or 11906-04
Shell 105mm FD HE
Shell 105mm FD HE
or 11906-04
Round 9mm Ball
Normal Charge
Normal Charge
Carton L18A1
ADAC 53204-01
Golekeeper HE L36A1
Fuze Safety Metric
Shell 105mm FD HE
Shell 105mm FD HE
L1A2 or L1A3
or 50404-02
Normal Charge
Normal Charge
ADAC 54204-10
35414-01 35414-01 NSN 18400-36 or 54204-14
ADAC ADAC 8140-99-739-0233 Mortar Bomb 81mm Mine Anti-Tank Mk7
Golekeeper HE L36A1
30mm MPDS Fuzed L127
Round 5.56mm Ball
Normal L35A1 or Shell 105mm FD HE
Shell 105mm FD HE
Normal Charge
Normal Charge
Signal Distress
Day and Night
No 1 Mk 4
Shell 105mm FD HE Shell 105mm FD HE 8140-99-739-0233 Mortar Bomb 81mm or 11906-04
35414-01 35414-01 Golekeeper HE L36A1 Round 5.56mm 4B1T
ADAC ADAC 30mm MPDS Fuzed L127 Bandolier
Cartridge 105mm FD
Cartridge 105mm FD
Cartridge 105mm FD
Cartridge 105mm FD
Cartridge 105mm FD
Normal L35A1 or
Normal L35A1 or
Normal L35A1 or
Normal L35A1 or
ADAC 35470-21
ADAC 35470-21
ADAC 35470-21
ADAC 35470-21
ADAC 35470-21
or 35470-23
or 35470-23
or 35470-23
or 35470-23
or 35470-23
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
No. Principle
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
12 The risk of heat transfer through bulkheads must be considered and hence a
minimum clearance of 60 mm from bulkheads is to be maintained.
14 Munitions should be oriented to present the least susceptible area to the threat
(i.e. directing the nose/base of a susceptible munition towards the threat or
adjacent munition).
17 Directed energy weapons should be oriented such that the high velocity jet or
fragments are aimed away from vulnerable munitions/high value
compartments/external infrastructure – ideally not within 1 metre of the ship
20 The positioning of munitions is to be such that access to ship fittings (e.g. fire-
fighting equipment) within the magazine for operation, maintenance and
inspection is to be maintained i.e. clearways are to be maintained.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.5.1 Heat transfer from an adjacent compartment fire or tank heating may be
reduced to tolerable levels by a free air space of at least 60mm being maintained
between bulkheads and stowage’s and between the lowest tier of stowage’s and the
deck. This space also serves to permit boundary cooling of the bulkhead/deck to be
carried out.
5.5.2 Clearance is not required where the bulkhead is the hull or the outer
superstructure of the vessel. Clearance is also not required for minor stowage of fittings
or portable items. Clearance may be required for FIAM stowages and other larger non-
munition stowages to enable effective boundary cooling.
5.5.3 Clearance is also required in Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (GRP) vessels.
5.5.4 In RFA Magazines, NAVs and NALs clearance between the deck and
stowages/transit boxes is not required. Normally where flow forge stowage is used, the
grating is raised off the deck sufficiently to provide adequate heat dissipation. This,
however, should be assessed on a case by case basis.
5.6.1 Where stowage racks are fitted, identification letters should be painted in
BLACK over each bay in magazines and the tiers are to be numbered commencing with
the lowest tier to enable the different explosive store stowage’s to be uniquely identified.
5.6.2 Each stowage should also be fitted with a label plate or card holder, showing
the nature of the contents and the maximum number of boxes/munitions.
5.6.3 Where appropriate, stowage racks should be marked with a BLACK line to
denote the maximum permissible height of munitions. The line should take into account
the spray head clearances.
5.7.2 A Magazine Contents Board is not required in NAVs and NALs - BR1029
covers equipment requirements, temperature measurement etc. in NAVs and NALs.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.7.3 The board should to be positioned clear of the bulkhead using at least 20 mm
5.7.4 Where the space precludes the fitting of a full ‘Contents Board’, an A4 size
holder should to be provided to take RN Form S285K.
5.7.6 The RN Form S285K is to be updated by the PIPT throughout the life of the
ship to reflect any changes.
5.7.7 For bulk explosive stowages in warships and RFAs stowage plans are to be
prepared for each outload in accordance with JSP 862 Chapter 13. for palletised
stowages in warships a set of stowage plans is required for the most common likely
types of outload. Magazines that use palletised type stowages will be provided with
stowage plans that compliment the RN Form S285K as appropriate.
5.8.1 The design of stowages should reflect the need for restraint of movement as
well as ship expenditure of ammunition. Guidance on expected movement is given in
Part 4 of this standard. As the ship expends ammunition or moves munitions to RU
stowages, the number of boxes in a stowage configuration may decrease. The
stowages may need to be re-arranged to re-stow empty boxes. Likewise the contents
of bulk stowages (e.g. the operational load in an RFA magazines) may alter as
munitions are outloaded or supplied to other ships and other munitions or empty
containers are returned. To ensure the stores are safely stowed and restrained to meet
these conditions, “flow forge/binpole”, conventional steel stowage racks/shelving with
restraints/battens, or other suitable restraint arrangements that can be adjusted to suit a
variable number of boxes/ULCs/containers, should be used.
5.8.2 Stowages, shelves, racks and associated fittings should generally be made of
steel rather than a lower melting point metal to withstand a fire or heat generated by a
credible incident to a munition. Guidance is given in Def Stan 02-791/NES 791, Part 1.
Where significant quantities of Insensitive Munitions (IM) are present in a magazine,
their response to enemy action may be an intense fire generating large thermal energy.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.8.5 Shelves require upstands both to assist in retaining the stores on the shelf and
also to allow spray water to thoroughly wet the boxes in the stowages and keep the
shelves wet. Drainage holes in the shelves should be designed to enable spray water
to drain evenly to lower levels to ensure boxes on lower shelves are also wetted
No. Guidance
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8 Maximising the separation between units of HD1.1 munitions will reduce the
risks associated with PIP of an explosion, given that one unit is initiated.
Blast decreases as an inverse cube law and so distance is critical in
reduction of blast overpressure to below the threshold level that will cause
initiation in adjacent “units” of munitions. A balance is to be achieved
between space for barriers and standoff and stowage density.
Recommended minimum separation distances based on preventing only
peak reflected over-pressure PIP are:
Small Units >200Kg – 1.0m minimum separation
Medium Units between 200Kg and 400Kg – 1.5m minimum separation
Large Units >400Kg to 700Kg –2.0m minimum separation
Barriers will be required to prevent fragment impact and to reduce lobbing
effects. Refer to Appendices 10 and 11
11 In general, munitions should be stowed below the level at which the spray
system will develop an even spray coverage. The aim is to ensure that spray
water would flow over the top, sides and ends of munition containers/ACAs
and to achieve optimum boundary cooling. Where this is not practicable, the
best compromise should be chosen that ensures that the sides and top
facing the next ‘unit’ would be wetted Appendix 8 refers.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
15 Orientate hard case munitions with the nose or base pointing at 90° to
adjacent munitions or in the direction of the base or tail of the adjacent
munition with maximum separation. This places the munitions in the arcs of
least energy emanating from a detonation and reduces probabilities of
propagation. See also Item 4 above. E.g. Trials have demonstrated
propagation is prevented when applying this principle to pallets of 105mm
HE Shell and 4.5 Inch IA HE Shell.
18 Missiles (and sub-munitions) must be prevented from flight, which can arm
their fuzing systems. Refer to Appendix 10.1.30.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
20 Movement of munitions should be minimised and space allowed for safe use
of tools, test equipment and personnel access.
5.10.1 Heat transfer experiments [78] show that a clearance/stand off from the
bulkhead/deck reduces the heat measured at a munition stowage to a tolerable level
(prior to magazine spray or boundary cooling) even in the severe case of a large (1
MW) adjacent compartment fire - see Figure ). Electrical equipment stood off from the
bulkhead will also benefit, although heat will be conducted by the mounting
5.10.3 Where the clearance between bulkhead/deck and stowage is variable due to
the shape of the bulkhead, a minimum of 20 mm clearance is to be achieved at all
positions, with an accessible area where there is at least 60mm clearance to allow first
aid boundary cooling.
5.10.4 Clearance from the hull or outer superstructure to assist heat dissipation is not
specifically required because there is already a good insulating medium present (i.e.
sea or air). If assessed as necessary, cooling can be applied externally by hose on the
exposed boundary above the waterline or in accordance with normal BR2170 fire
fighting boundary cooling practise, to adjacent bulkheads/decks/deckheads.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.10.5 Clearance from the deck is not required in RFAs, NAVs and NALs because in
general these vessels carry unit loads, either of pallet type or special to type containers.
Such loads in general have a gap underneath to allow fork access. Furthermore, in
most cases the working “deck” in an RFA magazine is the flow forge deck, which is
itself raised off the compartment deck, thus allowing plenty of room for water flow
Figure 2 - Temperature at the Magazine Bulkhead and at Distances from the Bulkhead
in the Magazine when Subject to a 1 MW Fire in the Adjacent Compartment.
5.11.2 The position of lines marking maximum permissible capacity is to take into
account sprayhead clearances and the manual handling limits specified in Def Stan 00-
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
5.12.1 The safety case provides justification for a specific number of particular
munitions (and other equipment) in a given magazine. A list of magazine contents is to
be prepared for each magazine and magazine locker. RN Form S285K is to be used to
list the permitted contents of magazines and magazine lockers.
5.12.2 The primary purpose of the RN Form S285K is to ensure that the Officer of the
Quarter (OOQ) complies with the design intent by stowing only the number and type of
munitions (and other equipment) cleared by the safety case.
5.12.3 An A4 sized holder for RN Form S285K is appropriate in Small Magazines and
Magazine Lockers.
5.12.4 Minor variations between the total number of munitions specified for the
Class/Batch in the Armament Statement/Entitlement List and the maximum number that
may actually be stowed safely should be identified in the RN Form S285K.
5.12.5 For palletised stowages in warships, a set of stowage plans is required for the
most common likely types of outload. Further guidance is given in JSP 862. For bulk
explosives stowages in warships and RFAs, stowage plans are to be prepared for each
outload in accordance with JSP 862.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.1 Description
6.1.2 Magazine Lockers are lockers designed and constructed for the safe stowage
of explosive stores for which specific or ‘built in’ magazine compartment facilities have
not been provided. They are free standing and should be surrounded by an air gap, but
may be recessed into the ship’s structure. A locker does not normally have an
‘adjacent compartment’ because of this air gap. Each locker is considered to be a
separate stowage.
6.1.3 Ready Use (RU) Magazine Lockers or ‘RU Lockers’ are used for the temporary
stowage of small quantities of explosives for immediate use and because of reduced
time at risk have slightly different requirements to permanent stowage Magazine lockers
(see below).
6.1.4 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the design safety and installation of magazine lockers in MOD ships.
6.2.2 Ready use Stowages including lockers for Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) and
explosive stores for immediate use in all MOD ships shall be compliant with Maritime
and Coastguard Agency (MCA) regulations as a minimum.
6.4.2 Magazine Lockers shall not normally be sited in any of the compartments listed
in Appendix 3.1.5 or 3.1.9. above
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.5.1 The following code of practise for safe design of magazine lockers should be
followed in addition to the design requirements of Def Stan 02-179/NES 179:
c. Racks, sections and shelves within the locker should be clearly marked
for instant recognition. Each item should be provided with adequate
supports and restraints, consistent with rapid removal.
e. The use of composite materials in the locker carcass may remove the
requirement for solar cladding - see guidance below and Def Stan 02-
6.5.2 The environment within Magazine Lockers should meet the environment
specified for the specified munitions Part 4 of this standard (the GNE) and the
applicable SRD.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.5.4 MCA requirements for stowage of SOLAS stores for immediate use are given
in Merchant Shipping Life Saving Appliances Regulations SI 1986/1066. In summary
they must be retained in a cupboard or box unless their size precludes this (e.g. Marker
Man Overboard). In NAVs, NALs, GoCo vessels, STUFT, and all other minor vessels
including MOD yachts, ships’ boats, LCVPs and other tenders and boats this will
generally be the only SOLAS store stowage. In warships, RFA vessels and LCUs,
separate stowage in appropriate magazines/magazine lockers should be provided for
spare SOLAS stores to replenish stores used and to stow safely the whole SOLAS
outfit when in harbour. Warships and RFAs will generally carry additional or more
effective safety of life explosive stores than the minimum SOLAS requirement.
6.5.6 RATTAM protection may be fitted in lieu of solar cladding subject to the air gap
of 25 mm being maintained.
6.6.1 Magazine Lockers (except RU Lockers, Depth Charge fuse RU lockers, and
Detonator Lockers) should be provided with individual manual flooding arrangements.
Lockers containing only HCC 1.4S munitions may not require a flooding arrangement
but this shall be justified in the SESC.
6.6.2 The seawater system branch pipe for flooding Magazine Lockers should be
capable of isolation to facilitate maintenance of the flood-operating valve. Inadvertent
operation of the isolation facility must be prevented by suitable means.
6.6.3 The Magazine Locker flood valve operating position should be sited either in a
protected position, i.e. screened from the locker, and at least 3 metres from the locker,
or greater than 5 metres away from the locker in an unprotected position.
6.6.4 A suitable facility should be fitted in the branch pipe immediately down stream
of the flood isolating valve to indicate readily if the valve is passing.
6.6.5 Pressurised parts of flood (or spray) pipe systems exposed to atmosphere
should be lagged and/or trace heated in accordance with the electrical requirements of
Part 3 of this standard, to prevent freezing.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.6.7 Each flood operating and isolating valve should have a clearly visible sign
adjacent to it that identifies the magazine locker served, position/location, the purpose
of the valve and the normal system valve line-up position, e.g. “locked closed” to identify
valve function. Operating instructions should also be provided adjacent to these
……Locker (position)
6.6.11 All locking arrangements should be in accordance with Def Stan 07-207/NES
6.7.1 The following design guidance for siting of magazine lockers should be taken
into account:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.8.1 Detonator Lockers may be sited in either, the Torpedo and Anti-Submarine
(TAS) store, Gunners Store or any MOD approved dry secure storeroom provided the
total Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) of the detonators does not exceed 1 kg per
storeroom. The storeroom is to be locked in accordance with the requirements of JSP
6.8.3 Where the total NEQ of the detonators to be embarked exceeds 1 kg, stowage
should be provided either by siting Detonator Lockers in a dedicated Detonator
Magazine, sited below the waterline, or in a number of dry secure storerooms. See
guidance below in Appendix 6.13.
6.9.2 When fitted in the Air Weapons Magazine, a 100 mm minimum air distance
should be provided between the locker and the compartment boundary - measured
from the bulkhead plating.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.10.1 Upperdeck Magazine Lockers should be painted with the colour of the ship’s
side or adjacent superstructure.
6.10.2 Warning notices should also be painted on the locker in 50 mm high ‘RED’
lettering. Lettering should be as follows:
6.10.3 Markings should be visible across the front or top of each locker, or in the case
of lockers over 1.5 m in height, on the deck immediately in front of the locker.
6.10.4 Internal Magazine Lockers (including Detonator Lockers and Response Force
Lockers) are to be fitted with an explosives warning sign in accordance with Def Stan
02-784/NES 784.
6.10.5 Detonator Lockers should be painted RED with the word ‘DETONATORS’
painted in 20 mm high WHITE letters across the front of the locker.
6.12.2 The permitted quantity and the compatibility of the explosive stores/munitions
shall be taken into account when SQTU magazines are considered. Guidance on the
requirements and quantities of SQTU munitions that may be embarked/disembarked is
given in JSP 862.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.13.1 Lockers containing CG B detonators, should only contain a limited NEQ and
should not have a volume greater than 3 m3. The provision of upper deck lockers for
the stowage of explosive stores/munitions should be kept to a minimum to reduce
Radar Cross Section (RCS) ship vulnerability. Where larger quantities of munitions or
significant quantities of UN HD 1.1 munitions are required to be stowed, a small
magazine or magazine should be provided. Application of the design requirements
specified in Part 3 of this standard should eliminate any risks from electrical equipment.
Design to meet the appropriate fire prevention and fire fighting provisions of this
standard and of the Fire Safety Management System requirements will help to reduce
fire risks.
6.13.2 The SRD should specify the environment within Magazine Lockers. The
environment specified in the GNE in Part 4 of this standard may be used as a template.
To achieve this in non-UK waters, solar cladding will be required for steel lockers. Due
to the low thermal conductivity of GRP and similar materials, solar cladding may not be
required depending on the design of the locker. However, other considerations such as
humidity, Radar Cross Section and the need for RATTAM protection may influence the
choice of locker construction materials.
6.13.3 GRP may be used to construct Magazine Lockers. It has some advantages
over steel.
6.13.4 Material placed within a GRP locker will be protected from elevated external
temperatures for longer period of time as GRP is generally a poorer conductor of heat
than steel.
6.13.6 The GRP carcass may be moulded with RCS attenuating material embedded
onto or within the composite itself.
6.14.1 Where appropriate, a float-operated valve may be fitted that turns off the
supply once the locker is completely flooded
6.14.2 Where appropriate, a sealed key safe with a transparent frangible front
containing the key to the operating valve may be fitted adjacent to the valve operating
position. This is likely to be required where the flood valve is a deck valve requiring a
special key.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
6.15.2 Where only small quantities of detonators are required, it is recommended that
they be supplied in special purpose-designed and lined H83 boxes such that they can
be Classified as UN HCC 1.4S. Such boxes may be safely stowed with other stores.
6.15.3 Where Detonators are required to be stowed in bulk on ships not manned by
RN personnel, a separate secure compartment, within or outside a magazine, should
be provided. Detonator lockers to hold less than 1 kg NEQ in RFAs should comply with
Appendix 6.8.1 above.
6.15.4 The separate secure compartment is to be sited at least 2.5 m from ship’s side
and surrounded by steel bulkheads of a minimum of 8 mm mild steel plate.
6.15.5 Detonator stowages are to consist of either a lined system of pigeon hole
stowages with a maximum of 2 boxes per pigeon hole or Detonator Lockers.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
7.1 Description
7.1.2 Fire Prevention measures in magazines, magazine lockers and DDAs are
designed to reduce the probability of a fire incident involving munitions to ALARP. As
one of the primary risks to explosives, magazine and DDA Fire Safety is uniquely
regulated by NAExp, however an important interface exists with whole ship Fire Safety,
the Key Hazard regulated by NA Fire (MESH FS) under NAR Chapter 7. MESH FS are
also the sponsors of the Damage Control and whole ship fire fighting Defence
Standards, BR’s are Subject Matter Experts and equipment sponsor for many system
components used within magazine spray systems.
7.1.3 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the design safety requirements for fire prevention relating to munitions in
MOD ships.
7.1.4 Knowledge of the munitions’ reaction to various heating regimes (as described
in Part 4 of this standard, STANAG 4439, STANAG 4240, and STANAG 4382), and the
operational environment is required to determine the nature of the fire prevention
measures required.
7.1.5 Munitions may spend 95% of their time or more in a platform in a quiescent
state in the magazine. The explosives SMS should address the fire prevention
precautions required to provide assurance that the munitions remain safe. This
includes rounds of magazines and adjacent compartments in accordance with JSP 862.
The specific procedures that personnel undertaking rounds carry out related to fire
prevention are detailed in JSP 862.
7.1.6 For the small proportion of time onboard that munitions are being handled for
embarkation/disembarkation, testing/maintenance/preparation and use, the physical
precautions identified in this standard are designed to reduce the risk of fire. These
precautions are set out in appendix 16 (Ammunition handling – embarking, stowing and
supply), Appendix 15 (Static control requirements and conducting decks), appendix 2
(DDAs) and Appendix 4,5 and 6(design of magazines, stowages and lockers). Further
procedural precautions are given in JSP 862.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
7.2.1 The design of magazines and DDAs in MoD ships is to ensure that the risk of
initiating or sustaining a fire is ALARP and tolerable.
7.2.2 The measures taken are to be detailed in the design. Design safety justification
for the fire prevention measures are to be detailed in the DDD. Guidance on procedural
fire prevention measures and the safe system of work (SSOW) are given in JSP 862.
7.2.3 Fire Prevention measures must meet the explosives SMS and Safe System Of
Work (SSOW) requirements of JSP 862, other SEMS and Key Hazards area as
appropriate. The duty holder shall take measures to ensure that all relevant
requirements are satisfied.
7.3.1 In addition to the general design guidance for DDAs, Adjacent Compartments
and Magazines given in this standard, there are a number of specific measures that can
be taken in the design of the magazine to reduce the risk of fire. Examples that should
be considered in magazine and DDA design are:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
a. Where the design solution uses hydraulic machinery, the operating fluid
should be non-flammable. Any pressure relief valves fitted should
vent/discharge outside the magazine.
b. Where the design solution uses pressurised air machinery, the operating
pressure is to be kept as low as possible to reduce the risk of any equipment
pressure burst propagating high velocity fragments.
c. Where the design solution uses electrical machinery, the equipment
should comply with Part 3 of this standard.
7.4.1 General regulation on procedure for fire prevention for explosives safety is
given in JSP 862 supported by the design and equipment requirements of Appendix 8
of this standard. The development, implementation and adherence to the procedures of
an effective fire prevention SMS applied to explosives play an important part achieving
and maintaining ALARP levels of risk on board.
7.4.2 Fire prevention best practise, advice and Regulation on a whole ship basis is
the responsibility of NA Fire (MESH FS) and the requirements of their Def Stan 07-204
and BR2170 for Damage Control and Firefighting are fundamental to magazine and
explosives areas with regard to fire prevention measures.
7.4.3 Awareness of the fire prevention requirements of these documents and the
SESC can be heightened through the display of Fire Safety Notices both inside and
outside the magazine and in areas of the ship adjacent to the magazine. Design and
display of the notices should be in accordance with Def Stan 02-784.
7.4.4 A suitable laminated Fire Safety Notice for display onboard is RN S1149
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.1 Description
8.1.1 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the provision of suitable arrangements for fire fighting systems in
magazines and DDAs in MOD Ships. The specific protection requirements for
Magazine Lockers are given in Appendix 6 of this standard.
8.1.2 It is critical for the designer to conduct a fire hazard assessment for the areas
requiring protection as part of the Overall Platform Design Safety Strategy described in
MAP 01-103. This must also be linked with the whole ship fire assessment required by
NA Fire in NAR Chapter 7. These actions should determine the credible fire sources to
be considered and the performance required to prevent event escalation before
selecting an appropriate fire fighting system for the explosives stowage and handling
8.1.3 The ACOP below gives current best practise based on existing magazine fire
threats, stowage designs and compartment sizes (typically Frigate based). The stowage
design, density, compartment dimensions (height and volume) and munition
packaging/container design all have a critical effect on fire fighting system performance,
and must be considered carefully. Therefore the current ACOP may not provide an
ALARP solution to future ship designs.
8.1.4 DSS NAExp in its continual Research and Development (R&D) programme to
investigate the latest fire fighting technologies and mitigation techniques for magazines
has included additional guidance, on Fire Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment
which can be found in ANNEX I along with a process map.
b. To react to the fire detection stimuli to provide early warning alarms and
for automated systems, to activate fire suppression in a time that prevents
escalation of the event.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
d. To ensure fire detection, alarm and suppression system designs for such
spaces follow a systems engineering approach and that supporting ship
systems are integrated with them to ensure the required level of
8.2.2 Advice on suitable arrangements for magazines, small magazines and DDAs
is given in the ACOP. General requirements for fire fighting systems, including sea
water supply, are given in Def. Stan. 07-204 Part 1.
8.2.3 The fire fighting arrangements in magazines, small magazines and DDAs shall
meet the explosives SMS and SSOW requirements of JSP 862, other SEMS and other
ship Key Hazard Certification requirements. In particular the requirements of Naval
Authority Fire and associated whole ship Fire Safety Certification shall also be met
outside magazines and DDAs where applicable. The duty holder shall take measures to
ensure that all relevant requirements are satisfied.
8.3 ACOP for Common Principles of Fire Detection and Spray Control Systems
8.3.1 An adequate number of heat and smoke detectors are to be fitted throughout the
magazine area.
8.3.2 Where designed to activate the spray system, they must react, either directly or
through an integrated control system, to operate the spray system in the magazine in a
time that is sufficient to prevent escalation of the event. Current guidance on this time is
given in Rapid Reaction Spray System (RRSS) ACOP below.
8.3.3 Where the detectors are linked to a control system that initiates the spray
system, the control system should be located outside the magazine. The control
system should be provided with interlocks and remote testing facilities that permit
routine testing and maintenance to be carried out without hindering the operation of the
8.3.4 Where the magazine is large (requiring more than one sprayhead)
consideration should be given to configuring the system into zones, a maximum of 4 is
recommended, such that a whole magazine is not “wetted” when a fire/heat source is
confined to a small area. However, the use of zoned systems must be justified to DSS
NAExp and designed carefully to ensure fire fighting performance is maintained as this
can adversely affect some small droplet/low flow spray/mist systems as the benefits of
local oxygen depletion are lost.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.3.5 When the detection and control system is activated separate audible and
visual alarms should be operated locally outside the magazine and at appropriate
remote positions throughout the ship.
8.4.1 Fire detection arrangements should comprise measures for smoke, flame and
heat detection, as identified in the ACOPS below.
8.5.2 Where the size of the magazine requires the spray system to be configured
into zones, in accordance with Appendix 8.3.4 above, the number of smoke detectors
calculated from the table above should be shared as equally as possible between each
8.5.3 Any single smoke detector signal should activate audible/visible alarms, both
locally and remotely in the SCC/HQ1, or other locations appropriate to the ship’s
protection organization. The alarms are to operate independently of controls to activate
the spray system.
8.5.4 In ships where the SCC or ship’s protection organization is not continually
manned, additional alarms should be fitted next to the Officer of the Watch position at
sea, and next to the Quarter Masters position in harbour.
8.5.5 Where there is a potential fire risk, adjacent compartments should also be fitted
with smoke detection measures, for early warning of a fire incident.
8.6.1 To achieve an acceptable level of protection and to allow for a level of built in
redundancy, there should be a minimum of 3 heat detectors for the magazine with the
recommended maximum distance between detectors not greater than 9m and distance
from detectors to bulkhead not more than 2m. Where there is no adjacent compartment
hazard, the 2m distance from the bulkhead/ships side can be relaxed.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.6.2 The detectors should be sited just below the deckhead and distributed across
the deckhead, taking into account the layout of the magazine, potential heat flow
distribution and the relationship of its boundaries to the potential risk from the adjacent
8.6.3 Consideration should also be given to the fitting of detectors that detect the rise
in bulkhead temperature due to fire in an adjacent compartment.
8.6.4 The heat detectors may either provide a continuous readout of temperature
that the system control unit can electronically process, or be of the form where the
device triggers or activates at a preset temperature (68 degrees C).
8.6.5 Detectors should be of low thermal inertia capable of sensing and responding
to extremely steep temperature/time gradients of at least 25 degrees C per second.
8.6.6 Any single heat detector signal indicating 68 degrees C or more is to activate
audible/visible alarms, both locally and remotely in the SCC/HQ1, or other locations
appropriate to the ship’s protection organization. The alarms are to operate
independently of controls to activate the spray system.
8.6.7 Each detector must be capable of individually sensing and responding to heat
stimuli. i.e. the system should not be configured with combined detector loops.
8.6.8 Where there is a potential fire risk, adjacent compartments should also be fitted
with heat detection measures, for early warning of a fire incident.
8.6.9 Guidance on best practise relating to heat detection is contained in Def Stan
8.7.1 The selection of an appropriate magazine fire suppression and cooling system
must be based on a fire hazard and munition protection assessment. The advice of
DSS NAExp and NA Fire (MESH FS) should be sought as appropriate.
8.7.2 This ACOP below gives current best practise based on existing magazine fire
threats, stowage designs and compartment sizes (typically Frigate based). The stowage
design, density, compartment dimensions, munition type, packaging or container design
will all have a critical effect on fire fighting system performance, and must be considered
carefully. Therefore the current ACOP may not provide an ALARP solution to future
ship designs. Of particular concern should be any design where the aforementioned
design parameters vary from those found in existing magazine designs and where
large quantities of propellant and/or certain Insensitive Munitions may be stowed due to
their potential to contribute to very large deflagration events (albeit detonation may be
less of a concern).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.7.3 A water based spray system should be fitted within the magazine which
delivers water quickly enough, in sufficient quantity and with adequate coverage to
meet the Performance Requirements in Appendix 8.1.2. Gaseous systems do not cool
effectively enough to be considered for magazine protection on their own although their
use in combination with a water based arrangement would not be ruled out if fully
8.7.4 Modern water mist or fog systems have attractive benefits with low water
usage requirements and good atmospheric cooling and suppression capabilities,
particularly in well enclosed areas. However they have yet to be demonstrated in
magazine scenarios or against munition fire loads and trial evidence suggests their low
application rates may be a drawback when seeking to ensure rapid surface cooling over
large areas or in large volumes.
8.7.5 The preferred system at present (and based on a series of trials during the
1980’s) is the Rapid Reaction Spray System or RRSS. This is a generic term for a fully
automatic system activated by heat detectors (smoke detectors in early versions) and
supplied with seawater at 7 bar from the ship’s High Pressure Sea Water (HPSW) / fire
main. Using an automated spray control valve (with manual intervention mode) the
system uses normally dry pipework, within the magazine and open ended large droplet
sprinkler nozzles capable of protecting 9m2 of deck area from a height of 3m at a
delivery rate of 30l/min/m2. This has proved to be a relatively low-maintenance system
with reduced risk of leakage and corrosion of the magazine pipework. In many ships it
is supplemented by a backup pressurised reservoir to ensure reaction times can be met
while fire main pumps provide full flow to the nozzles.
8.7.6 Suitable nozzles (see Annex I Table 1 & Annex L for spray head layout) are to
be selected and arranged within the magazine so that all stowages and boundaries will
be covered with a water spray pattern optimised to the munitions stowed. Where
boundary cooling is required, it is essential that the whole bulkhead (up to the deckhead
joint) is effectively sprayed. Boundary cooling of bulkheads is not required when the
‘boundary’ is the ship’s side or a compartment/ tank containing water.
8.7.8 To achieve adequate coverage the following guidance is given, although the
specific configuration must be determined on a case-by-case basis and justified in the
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.7.9 Whenever munitions are present in the magazine, the design of the water
supply systems should enable the immediate availability of an adequate water supply.
8.7.10 Facilities are to be provided to enable the spray system to be flushed and
drained. A means of clearing any obstructions is also to be provided.
8.8.1 Where a RRSS is chosen as the design solution, it should react rapidly and
reliably to detector stimuli and be capable of three modes of operation:
c, Manual Intervention – the ability to manually open the main seawater valve
supplying the magazine.
e, The response time from a valid detection signal to full flow of water through
the spray heads should be determined by the characteristics of the munitions
within the magazine. Best practise indicates that response times to achieve
full water flow in the range 8 to 20 seconds can be obtained without undue
cost implications. Therefore, in line with ALARP principles, a time of 8
seconds or better should be the Basic Safety Objective with a time of 20
seconds being the Basic Safety Limit.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.9.1 The system control unit may, if monitoring the sensor temperatures
continuously, read all sensors simultaneously or poll each in turn. In the latter case
each sensor should be polled not less than once every 100 milliseconds.
8.9.2 The system control unit should have an internal operating delay commensurate
with the overall full water flow time requirements. This is likely to be in the order of 0.1
second on receipt of a valid detection to produce a control output to the power operated
8.9.3 The system control unit should have facilities to enable “self test checks” of the
sensors to be carried out as part of the routine maintenance procedures.
8.9.4 The system control unit should have facilities to enable full functional tests of
the system to be carried out. The spray system should be configured such that the
spray heads themselves may not be activated but that water flow from the downstream
side of the operating control valve is checked and suitably discharged over board. Def
Stan 07-204 part 3 provides guidance.
8.10.1 A pressure switch is to be fitted in the air pipe from the air storage bottle to the
solenoid valve to give audible and visual warning at the Control Panel, of low air
8.10.2 System isolating valves (locked open) are to be fitted upstream and
downstream of the Pneumatic Spray Control Valve. The latter is for full functional test
8.11.2 Each magazine spray system is to be provided with a manual Local Control
Facility (LCF) linked to the system control unit.
8.11.3 The LCF should be sited in a readily accessible position, adjacent to the
magazine access. It should not be sited within another compartment or on a different
deck level.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.11.4 Each magazine spray system is to be provided with a manual Remote Control
Facility (RCF) sited in the SCC/HQ1 or other location appropriate to the ship’s
protection organisation.
8.11.5 The RCFs for all the ships magazines should be co-located if practicable.
8.11.6 At least one deck, or a main watertight bulkhead, should separate the RCF
from the LCF.
8.11.7 Design justification may show that a third operating position is required. This
position is to be fully independent of the other manual operating positions. It is to be
sited on the weatherdeck and must have its own emergency back up power supply.
8.11.8 In order to ensure that there is no inadvertent operation of the spray system at
either the Local, RCF or Emergency Operating positions, suitable inter lock
arrangement are to be provided in accordance with the security requirements given in
Appendix 14.
8.11.9 If a key control system is provided as part of the inter lock arrangements, spare
keys should be held in frangible fronted RED key boxes sited adjacent to the Local and
Remote Control Facilities and Emergency Operating positions.
8.12.1 Each magazine spray system is to be provided with a local Control Panel to
enable manual activation of the Pneumatic Spray Control Valve.
8.12.2 The Control Panel is to be sited in a readily accessible position outside the
magazine in an access lobby or passageway.
8.12.3 Each magazine spray system is to be provided with a remote Control Panel
sited on the weather deck to enable manual activation of the Pneumatic Spray Control
8.12.4 The activation of the Pneumatic Spray Control Valve from the local and remote
Control Panel is to be by key operated switch.
8.12.6 All controls are to be clearly marked on the outside of each cabinet and the
instructions for operating the controls are to be clearly indicated inside the cabinet.
8.12.7 A key for each cabinet is to be stowed in a breakable glass fronted key box,
sited adjacent to the cabinet and Control Panel.
8.12.8 The RCFs for all the ships magazines should be co located if practicable.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.13 ACOP for RRSS - Manual Intervention in Operation - Heat Activated Systems
8.13.1 The automatic spray control valve is to be provided with a means of enabling
the water supply to be turned on manually.
8.13.3 If a key control system is provided as part of the protection measures, spare
keys should be held in frangible fronted RED key boxes sited adjacent to the local spray
control valve.
8.14 ACOP for RRSS - Manual Intervention in Operation Smoke Activated Systems
8.14.3 The Pneumatic Spray Control Valve, complete with actuator, air bottle and
manual operating lever is to be suitably protected in a lockable cabinet. The cabinet and
contents are not to be sited in any compartment that is capable of being locked.
8.14.4 All controls are to be clearly marked on the outside of each cabinet and the
instructions for operating the controls are to be clearly indicated inside the cabinet.
8.14.5 A key for each cabinet is to be stowed in a breakable glass fronted key box,
sited adjacent to the cabinet and Control Panel.
8.15.1 Subject to a suitable design safety justification being made and agreed by
NAExp, thermal bulb activated automatic systems may be fitted in magazines and
DDAs. These systems, which were in common use before the introduction of RRSS
and remain fitted to many vessels, have the advantage of relatively simple and reliable
detection and control systems, but can be prone to false activation as bulbs can be
broken accidentally. As this is a fully pressurised system the use of high quality non-
corrosive materials in these systems is essential and strict attention to condition of
pipework and fittings is required. Two general types are common both fitted with
thermal ‘quartzoid’ bulb sprayheads:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.15.2 The water nozzles, fitted with Quartzoid bulbs, should be designed to operate
at a temperature not exceeding 68 (+/-5) degrees C.
8.15.3 Where liable to damage the Quartzoid Bulbs should be guarded, with design of
the guard not adversely affecting the spray pattern.
8.15.4 The system must be pressurised with an adequate supply of water at all times
when munitions are present in the magazine, and best practise indicates the need for
fresh water priming.
8.15.5 A spray grid shut off valve is to be fitted in an accessible location either inside
the magazine or outside and close to the access boundary of the magazine. Clear
indication of valve open and shut positions is to be provided.
8.15.6 The spray grid shut off valve is to be operable at the valve only, and where
sited outside of the magazine is to be locked open.
8.15.7 A system isolating valve is to be fitted between the strainer and Fresh Water
Priming connection adjacent to the strainer. It is to be operable at the valve only and
locked open.
8.15.9 Spray pipe fittings within the magazine are to be brazed in accordance with
either Def Stan 02-743 Part 5 or BR 3013. A sufficient number of flanged or screw cone
union fitments are to be incorporated to enable the system to be dismantled for repair.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.15.11 To facilitate air bleeding and periodic testing, a 12.7 mm lockable ball valve is
to be fitted to the extremity of each branch of spray pipe. The valve is to have a screw
thread suitable for connecting a length of plastic or rubber hose to enable water to be
piped into a suitable container during testing operations. To prevent airlocks and
ensure that this system is fully primed with water, additional lockable air bleed valves
are to be fitted in the system.
8.15.12 In Metron Activated Spray System (MASS), the Piston Protractors are to be
capable of breaking all the Thermal Bulbs by a manual initiation from a control box sited
outside the magazine in an adjacent access lobby or passageway.
8.15.13 MASS activation systems and piston protractors must be suitably protected
against RADHAZ to prevent false activation.
8.16.1 A manual spray system may be fitted to upper deck launchers, normally loaded
with torpedoes or guided weapons magazines containing water activated stores that
need protection against the effects of false spray system activation. Including
magazines housing small quantity of explosive stores e.g. pyro/smoke SQTU.
8.16.2 The system is normally dry consisting of open-ended spray heads fed from the
HPSW main.
8.16.3 A spray control valve is to be fitted in the seawater branch close to the
magazine access.
8.16.4 For upper deck launchers, sufficient nozzles should be provided to ensure that
all parts of the launcher are completely drenched with water at an appropriate flow rate
(see guidance) at the sea water main pressure, nominally 7 bar.
8.16.5 For upper deck launchers the spray valve is to be sited in the supply branch in
close proximity to the launcher, but inside the ships structure.
8.16.6 The spray control valve is to be capable of both local and remote operation.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.17.1 For automatic spraying systems in magazines requiring large volumes of water
instantly and where the fire main is not continuously pressurised or there is a lack of fire
pump redundancy, a pressurised reservoir is to supply the magazine spray system, until
working pressure is achieved by the Fire/SW main. Where the ship is fitted with a
continuously pressurised fire main, with pumping redundancy of twice the capacity of
the magazine spray systems or greater and justification can be provided of multiple fire
pumps, with independence of electrical supplies, pump starting capability and prime
movers, than a pressurised reservoir is not required. SME advice on pressurised
reservoir design and where necessary HP air supply systems is available from MESH
FS and MXS IPTs, this expertise should be consulted at the design stage to ensure
achievement of MOD requirements.
8.17.2 A non return valve is to be fitted into the HPSW supply branch to prevent
contamination of the pressurised FW system.
8.17.3 Each fresh water reservoir is to be easily accessible for inspection and
maintenance and where fitted allow quick replacement of the pressure diaphragm.
8.17.4 A fresh water filling/draining connection and an overflow pipe fitted with a
stopcock, is to be provided for each reservoir. A non-return valve is to be fitted in the
discharge line.
8.17.5 The reservoir operating the pressure should be set to 1 bar above the normal
HPSW system pressure
8.17.7 The air bottles are to be charged from the ships HP air system with air driers
and filters fitted as necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the pressure
8.17.8 For RFAs all pressurised reservoir systems are to be acceptable to both MOD
and MCA.
8.17.9 All valves and cocks etc, are to be fitted with suitable locking arrangements
and clear indication of open and shut positions.
8.18.1 Automatic spray systems should be fed from two separate sections of the
ship’s pressurised seawater main (for RFAs this may be the spray or fire main) and/or
fresh water reservoir to achieve a degree of redundancy for these safety critical
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.18.2 Each supply branch is to be fitted with an isolating valve close to the seawater
main. An indicator at the valve should show clearly whether the valve is ‘OPEN’ or
8.18.3 To reduce the likelihood of sediment finding its way into the spraying system,
each branch is to be led away from the sea water main with an upward tilt and a
strainer is to be fitted close to and on the sea water main side of the alarm unit, in a
horizontal portion of the branch and in an accessible position for ease of maintenance.
In large ships (nominally over 5000 tonnes displacement) a second strainer is to be
fitted on the sprinkler side of the locked open spray valve where the distance between
the spray valve and the alarm unit makes this necessary.
8.18.4 For RFAs strainers are to be fitted whenever the spray supply is taken from the
fire main or general sea water system. Where a completely separate spray system is
fitted throughout the ship or holds, strainers need only be fitted adjacent to the spray
8.18.5 An additional isolating valve may be required on the seawater side of the
strainer to assist draining and periodic maintenance/cleaning, where the length of the
supply branch is considerable.
8.18.6 Spray systems should be provided with a pressurised reservoir where there is
insufficient water readily available in the sea water main to meet the spray system flow
rate requirements or reaction times.
8.18.7 Where a reservoir is fitted, the system should be designed to prevent sea
water ingress into the primed fresh water side of the system.
8.18.8 Where the seawater main cannot provide an adequate water supply, automatic
spray systems - with or without fresh water reservoirs - should have additional sea
water pump(s) started automatically to maintain spray system flow rate requirements.
8.18.9 It is acceptable in RFA Ship Defence, NAV's and Minor War Vessels (MWV)
Magazines, fitted with automatic spray systems, to have manual fire pump start up on
receipt of a signal from an early warning detection system, where no fully pressurised
sea water main/firemain is fitted.
8.18.10 Where the spray system is normally pressurised, the design of the system
should include arrangements for priming the spray grid with fresh water.
8.19 ACOP for Water Flow Sensors, Pressure Sensors and Associated Alarms
8.19.1 Water flow and pressure sensors are to be fitted at appropriate places in all
spray systems.
8.19.2 The electrical supply to the sensors should be from the ships normal electrical
supply, with an alternative back-up supply provided.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.19.4 For RRSS: Visual and audible alarms fitted with a mute facility to enable quiet
testing, are to be provided at the local control panel and at the SCC/HQ1. For RFAs
and NAVs additional sensor alarms are to be provided either in the Bridge area or at
any other control station that is provided with direct communication with the Bridge.
8.19.5 For QBSS/MASS: Visual and audible alarms, fitted with a mute facility to
enable quiet testing, are to be provided adjacent to the magazine. In MWVs and RFA
magazines for self-defence munitions, audible alarms are also to be provided on the
weatherdeck. In ships where the SCC or ship’s protection organisation is not
continuously manned, additional alarms are to be fitted next to the OOW position at sea
and next to the Quarter Master’s position in harbour. In NAVs and other ships not
manned by Naval personnel, the additional alarms are to be centralised either on the
Bridge area or at any other suitable control station that is provided with direct
communication with the Bridge.
8.19.6 Where Grinnell type Alarm Systems are installed the following applies:
c, The test and drain pipe from the flow alarm is to terminate into the nearest
d, The action of water flowing through the flow alarm valve operates the
diaphragm switch or switches. Operation of the diaphragm switch gives
immediate indication at the spray VCS or Machinery Control and
Surveillance (MCAS) unit in the NBCD HQ/SCC for that magazine.
NOTE: Provided that the flow of water to the diaphragm switch or switches
is maintained for longer than 12 seconds the local alarm (YODALARM) will
then activate between 9 and 12 seconds after initial closing of the
diaphragm switch.
8.20.1 Dry spray systems such as RRSS are to have a suitable facility fitted in the
branch pipe immediately down stream of the spray control valve to indicate readily if the
valve is passing.
NOTE: In thermal bulb systems such as QBSS and MASS, the spray isolating
valve is normally open and therefore no drain facility is required.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.21.2 A mandatory sign should be sited adjacent to all alarms with the legend:
xx xx xx Magazine
8.21.3 Each spray control/isolating valve and operating position for all spray systems
is to have a clearly visible sign adjacent to it which identifies the magazine being
served, and its normal system line-up position.
8.21.4 Signs at manual spray control operating positions are also to include whether it
is the ‘local’ or ‘remote’ operating position, e.g.
xx xx xx Magazine
8.21.5 System isolating valves are to have a clearly visible sign adjacent to it that
identifies the magazine being served and its normal state i.e. open or shut.
xx xx xx Magazine
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.22.1 An adequate number of hand held fire extinguishers are to be provided based
on a risk assessment, either inside the magazine or in the immediate vicinity of the
magazine. Further guidance is given in Appendix 8.33.1 Note that NA Fire (MESH FS)
are the SME for first aid fire fighting/damage control in ships and Def Stan 07-204 and
BR2170 should be consulted in addition to the specific magazine requirements listed
8.22.2 Where the magazine entrances are on exposed weather decks, due
consideration is to be given to protecting the extinguishers from the environmental
conditions or siting them inside the magazine.
8.22.3 Provision of first aid fire fighting services/equipment should be made to permit
the manual cooling of the boundaries of “large magazines”. Due cognisance of the
hazards within the adjacent compartment and the size of the magazine should be taken
when considering the extent of the facilities/services provided. Further guidance is
given below.
8.23.1 Where vertical launch missiles are stowed in a silo magazine, a Rapid
Reaction Spray System (RRSS) is to be fitted. In addition the following are also to be
b, Where missile launch canisters are fitted with integral deluge nozzles,
provision is to be made for a suitable connection to the ship’s HPSW / fire
8.24.1 The requirements for smoke and heat detectors in DDAs are detailed in
Appendix 8.2 above.
8.24.2 The compartments listed at Appendix 2.1.8 and in other DDAs where smoke
and heat detectors are employed, they are to activate audible and visible alarms, both
locally and remotely in the SCC/HQ1 or other location appropriate to the ship’s
protection organisation. More detailed guidance is given below.
8.24.3 Where the smoke and heat detectors are linked to a control system that
initiates the spray system, the control system should be located outside the DDA and
provided with interlocks and remote testing facilities that permit routine testing and
maintenance to be carried out without hindering the operation of the system. More
detailed guidance is given below.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.24.4 The number of smoke and heat detectors employed should be based on
compartment size and the need to prevent delayed detection due to the distance
between a fire source and a detector. See Def Stan 02-603 for further guidance on fire
detection best practise.
8.24.5 A water spray system is to be fitted within the DDA compartment, connected to
the ship’s fire main, which delivers water in sufficient quantity and coverage to deal with
all credible fire scenarios and prevent escalation of the event.
8.24.7 Guided weapon hoist trunks and weapon lifts, which may be used in wartime
for stowage of missiles and weapon preparation areas, sited adjacent to magazines,
should be fitted with the same type of spray system as the magazines.
8.24.8 Package Examination Rooms may be fitted with a manual spray system.
8.24.9 Vehicle decks and LPD/LSD(A) dock areas, where munitions may be
stowed in vehicles as part of an Embarked Military Force, should be fitted with manually
operated spray arrangements in accordance with Def Stan 07-204/NES 119 section
4.11.4 and taking into account the requirements and guidance in BR1754 (Regulations
for POL Safety).
8.24.10 Vehicle Decks and LPD/LSD(A) dock area spraying systems should be
capable of being sub-divided, so that different sections on each deck may be sprayed
individually, and operate with either fresh water or sea water mixed with Aqueous Film
Forming Foam (AFFF).
8.24.11 Weapon Parks should to be provided with Fire Monitors capable of laying
down a large quantity of water or AFFF on the complete park and surrounding area.
Where the weapon park is covered, spraying arrangements may be a suitable
alternative to monitors.
8.24.12 Fire Monitors or weapon park sprays should be capable of both local and
remote operation.
8.24.13 Unless otherwise stated in this standard, areas where temporary stowage of
munitions is likely to occur should to be provided with either a hose connection or be
fitted with a manual spray system.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.25.1 Appropriate measures are to be taken to allow the rapid spraying or flooding of
the hold of a Naval Armament Lighter (NAL) in the event of fire.
8.25.2 Use of fire detection (heat and/or smoke) within the hold with audio/visual
upper deck and towing vessel linked alarms is encouraged. This could be considered
best practise in support of any ALARP risk based argument despite limited time at risk.
A significant proportion of each NAL movement is with the hold and NAL itself
unmanned, and so early warning of any event, however minor, could be critical.
8.25.3 If the NAL is not fitted with a pressurised fire main, a dry spray grid should
be fitted to allow water from an outside source to be used, i.e. when being towed and
alongside a warship/RFA. The system should be capable of connection to the source of
supply by hoses via instantaneous couplings on deck. The locations of these should be
clearly marked and visible from associated vessels. Any isolating valves fitted should be
clearly labelled and normally locked open. Sufficient spray heads should be fitted within
the hold at the correct height and with the correct spacing to provide spray coverage to
all stowed munitions in accordance with the manufacturer’s nozzle data.
8.25.4 Sufficient portable 9 litre AFFF extinguishers (with spare charges and a
charge holder) should also to be provided in convenient positions at both ends of the
18.26.2 The design should be based on the 5 key requirements stated at Appendix
8.2.1. The solutions to the key fire fighting design principles result in provision of:
1. Reliable and effective smoke and heat detection across the full envelope
of the magazine and/or compartment.
3. Adequate “free air space” adjacent to all the boundaries of the magazine
and/or compartment and water supply to provide boundary cooling.
5. Effective “Fire Alarm” and “Fire Fighting” systems that are integrated into
the ship’s overall Fire Prevention and Damage Control arrangements.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.26.3 Justification for the first three requirements has been demonstrated by trials
and by past experience. Relevant trial reports and summaries may be obtained from
NAExp. US operational experience and past RN experience gives rise to the fourth
requirement. Operational experience and the broader requirements of Fire Safety
Certification as one of the ship Key Hazards, justifies the fifth requirement. The
following paragraphs give some insight to the rationale underpinning the key fire fighting
design principles and for the need to understand the characteristics of the munitions.
8.27 Guidance - the Design Requirements for Smoke and Heat Detection
8.27.1 The nature of any event that might initiate a munitions fire should be
determined through Hazard Identification studies conducted in accordance with Def
Stan 00-56 and JSP 430 Part 2 Whether such an event is a fire in an adjacent
compartment or a fire within the magazine or DDA, prompt detection of the smoke
and/or heat from such an event is essential to prevent escalation of the incident. Three
main parameters govern the effectiveness of the detection; the activation temperature
for a valid detection; the thermal inertia of the detectors and for both heat and smoke
and the siting of the detectors within the magazine or compartment. Furthermore it is
essential that the detection system has a low false alarm rate. Each parameter is
discussed in the following paragraphs but MOD SME for Fire detection is NA Fire
(MESH FS) from whom expert advice may be sought.
8.27.2 Activation temperature. For systems using QBSS, the temperature at which
the sprays are activated, namely 68 (+/-5) degrees C is predetermined by the boiling
point of the alcohol in the bulb. Past experience has shown this to be a satisfactory
compromise design solution. However, for Fully Automatic Fast Spray System
(FAFSS) using independent heat detectors, the activation temperature should ideally be
selected at the lowest possible value commensurate with that of not inducing an
adverse false alarm rate caused by excursions in the ships heating and ventilation
8.27.3 Thermal inertia of heat detection. The ability to detect and respond to
extremely steep temperature/time gradients is a vital feature of the detection system.
Figure 3 shows the virtually instantaneous temperature rise when a rocket motor is
ignited in a magazine compartment. The two curves reflect the peak temperature
adjacent to the rocket motor and the average of temperatures measured throughout the
magazine. Although this represents an extreme case of a rocket motor functioning in
design mode, it does illustrate the high rate of energy release from energetic materials.
The requirements to detect a steep or rapid rise in temperature in Appendix 8.32.5 Fig 5
below should be related to this example. Previous standards gave the thermal inertia
performance requirement for detectors as capable of responding to temperature
gradients of 25 degrees C per second. This figure should now be regarded as an
absolute minimum and detectors with the lowest possible thermal inertia should be
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.27.4 Siting of detectors. The siting of heat and smoke detectors is an integral part
of the magazine and DDA design and, as such, locations can only be determined when
the contents and usage profile of the compartment are known. Clearly detectors should
be placed where they are likely to be effective above munition stowages. However, an
additional and very important element in determining the location of certain of the heat
detectors is the need to be effective in detecting rises in boundary temperature caused
by fires in adjacent compartments. Figure 4 shows the temperature measured from
within a magazine when a 1 MW fire is burning in an adjacent compartment. One curve
reflects the highest actual bulkhead temperature and other curves reflect the
corresponding temperatures at deckhead detectors at various distances from the
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.27.5 The trial results show that it takes a significant time for deckhead sensors to
detect a rise in temperature from the heating of an adjacent boundary bulkhead. The
size of this magazine was approximately 100 m3. Heat distribution characteristics will
vary for specific magazines depending on their volume and the packing density.
However, the following principles may be applied:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.28.1 Fire needs to be fought quickly and effectively. The key parameters that
govern efficiency of water spray coverage are speed of response, spray pattern and
water quantity and siting of nozzles relative to the munitions and the boundaries. These
parameters are discussed in the following paragraphs.
8.28.2 Water spray response times. The energetic materials used in munitions
have a typical temperature of ignition in the range 120 degrees C to 200 degrees C.
Given that the heat detector has a threshold value of something in the range 500C
degrees C to 68 degrees C and the temperature rise gradient is likely to be steep, it is
vital that full water flow is achieved with the minimum of delay, if escalation of the
incident is to be avoided. Previous standards gave the response time for automatic
spray systems from detection to full water spray flow in the magazine as 12 seconds or
better. This figure should be used as the “benchmark” to judge whether the design
solution being proposed for automatic systems can be considered as ALARP when
conducting risk assessments for the actual munition outfit. A further ‘stretch target’ for
ships with an Invitation To Tender (ITT) after 2015 is to meet a time of 8 seconds or
8.28.3 The type of water spray pattern. The type of spray pattern for all systems
should be optimised to suit the type of munitions being stowed or in the DDA. It is
essential that whichever system and/or spray pattern is used, it must provide full water
coverage of all munitions in their stowage’s, particularly around the warheads and/or
motors of non-IM munitions, together with all internal compartment surfaces, including
the upper corners at the bulkhead/deckhead intersection. Optimisation can take the
form of water spray, water mist or water fog. MOD trials have shown that water mist
and water fog can be extremely effective against certain types of fires, notably those
involving liquid fuels, as the mist and fog reduces the supply of oxygen to the source of
the fire. Therefore, where munitions containing liquid fuels are present in the magazine
a combination of water spray and mist or fog could provide an effective design solution
for fire suppression and compartment cooling. The other aspect to be considered is the
water volume delivery requirement. This aspect can be divided into three components;
firstly boundary cooling for a fire in an adjacent compartment; secondly that required to
manage the heat generated by a munitions fire in the magazine or DDA. The third
component is the cooling required to prevent a fire and/or burning munition/explosives
from heating adjacent munitions. Each component is discussed below.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.28.4 Boundary cooling with a fire in an adjacent compartment. There are a large
number of variables associated with the nature of any fires in adjacent compartments
and these will need refinement through the hazard identification processes of Def Stan
00-56 to produce the design case for which solutions will be developed. There are also
many variables concerning the nature of the bulkheads within the various types of
magazine and DDAs and so the use of empirical data to calculate the heat transfer
function becomes complex. Previous versions of this standard have used prescriptive
requirements for water flow of either 30 l/mim/m2 or 40 l/min/m2 depending on the type
of fire fighting system being considered. It is recommended that these figures be used
as current “Best Practise” as follows.
8.28.5 For ships up to DD/FF size main magazines should have water spray
boundary cooling of not less than 30 l/min/m2 and ideally 40 l/min/m2 or better.
8.28.6 For all larger ships, whether warships or RFAs, 40 l/min/m2 should be the
minimum requirement for water spray boundary cooling.
8.28.7 Achievement of these flow rates, when taken in conjunction with effective
design of the direction of the water spray and provision of free air space adjacent to the
boundaries of the magazine discussed below, should provide a coordinated approach
to the design solution and lead to a robust design safety justification to support the
8.28.8 Cooling and heat management of a fire within a magazine. The majority of
energetic compositions in munitions burn pyrophorically, that is they burn without an
independent supply of oxygen. Therefore, once burning they cannot be extinguished.
The other part of the design solution for spray rates is thus to manage the heat
generated by the initiatory event such that no escalation occurs. The aim is to prevent
the spread of fire within the ship. As explained above previous prescriptive
requirements for water flow specified either 30 l/mim/m2 or 40 l/min/m2 depending on the
type of fire fighting system. It is recommended that these figures should be used as
current “Best Practise” as follows.
8.28.10 Magazines with a design capacity in excess of 5,000 kg NEQ should have a
spray system delivering a water flow of not less than 40 l/min/m2.
8.28.11 For each magazine design and for DDAs, specific fire scenarios should be
prepared and used to test the efficacy of the design solution to ensure the proposed
solution reduces the risks to ALARP. As there are many variables and unknowns
against which to develop the design solutions, DSS NAExp will be undertaking further
work in this area and can provide advice on request. In particular, the water volume
requirements for magazines could be determined by assessing the calorific values and
quantities of the energetic compositions in the munitions and designing the system to
manage the amount of heat generated by the burning munitions. Work is proceeding
to compile the data required for this purpose.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
c, The response of each munition to two key safety tests (the “Fast Heating”
and “Slow Heating” tests).
8.28.14 Location of water nozzles. Nozzles should be located to ensure that both
boundary bulkheads and stowages receive gapless spray coverage. DSS NAExp trials
have shown that the distance of stowages from the bulkhead and the position of spray
heads relative to the stowage, deckhead and the bulkhead are critical to achieving
effective coverage. Where bulkhead wetting is required for boundary cooling, upward
spraying heads give better coverage to the top of the bulkhead. Further advice may be
obtained from DSS NAExp.
8.28.1 In order to minimise corrosion problems in wet spray systems the system is
pressurised with fresh water, through a fresh water filling connection, up to the system
isolating valve
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.31.1 The magazine designer should have the lead role in specifying his fire alarm
and fire fighting solutions, but these will need to be done both in conjunction with and in
compliance with appropriate requirements for the ship’s overall fire prevention and
damage control arrangements (Def Stan 07-204 refers). This is a systems interface
issue between two of the Key Hazards identified in JSP 430 that require independent
Safety Certification, namely overall ship Fire Safety Certification and Ship Explosives
Safety Certification. While NAExp have lead responsibility for the explosives SMS to be
operated for the magazines and related compartments, these arrangements should be
coordinated with the fire SMS for the rest of ship regulated by Naval Authority (Fire).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.32.3 Further information on Fast and Slow Heating tests is given in Part 4 of this
standard, STANAG 4439 and STANAG 4240 (Liquid Fuel Fire Test for Munitions) and
STANAG 4382 (Slow Heating Test for Munitions). The assessed or test results for
these cases should be stated in the munition (OME) safety case and summarised in the
SEXSSI. This should be related to the generic type of energetic materials e.g.
propellant, high explosive, pyrotechnic, liquid fuel etc and the NEQ for each material.
8.32.5 Figure 5 below shows the range of times to reaction for a typical sample of
56 munitions likely to be embarked on ships. The following deductions follow from
Figure 5:
a, Mean Value of reaction time 3.3 minutes.
c, Of the 6 munitions with a reaction time less than 1 minute the reaction
times range from 1 second to 58 seconds with a mean value of 44 seconds.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Munition Occurrence
18 17
12 11
4 3 3
2 1 1
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time to reaction in Fast Heating test (minutes)
8.32.6 Once alight and with a reaction “no worse than burning”, the energetic
material will release its heat energy quickly, although the rate of release will be very
dependant upon the degree of confinement. In their design mode propellants and high
explosives burn extremely rapidly but if their casings are disrupted through, for example
fragment attack, then the burn rate will be lower. The graph at Figure 6 below shows
the heat energy released against time per unit kg of a typical energetic composition.
The following observations are made.
b, TNT has a calorimetric value of 4.1 MJ/Kg with most other HE materials
slightly higher.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Rate of Energy Release per unit kg (kW)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time to Complete Burning (s)
8.33 Guidance - First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment for Magazines and DDAs
8.33.1 Fire Extinguishers. (See ACOP at 8.22 above) To provide first aid extinguishers
for early attack of fires of a non explosive nature magazines are normally provided with
2 in No. 9 litre AFFF extinguishers, placed one inside and one outside the magazine.
For weather deck magazines the extinguishers are placed inside the magazine for
protection against the elements. The precise number of extinguishers provided should
take into consideration the size of the magazine and the potential risks involved. For
example an additional 9 litre AFFF extinguisher should be provided when hydraulic
handling machinery using flammable oil is fitted in a magazine, or when liquid fuel is
contained in a missile. The purpose of the extinguishers is to provide at least one ready
use first aid extinguisher inside to be available when the magazine is occupied; and an
extinguisher outside to be available for the first person arriving on the scene to
investigate an alarm. Provision of 2 extinguishers also harmonises with best practise in
NATO. A DDA should have at least one extinguisher readily available.
8.33.2 Fire Hydrants and Hoses. In the event of a fire in a compartment adjacent to
a magazine or DDA, the ships fire/emergency party will attempt to provide boundary
cooling irrespective of whether the temperature within the magazine has risen
sufficiently to initiate the spray system, or to threaten a munition in a DDA. Services are
therefore required to facilitate this ‘manual’ boundary cooling. As a minimum, a fire
hose should be sited within or very adjacent to a magazine for this purpose, with larger
magazines also provided with a hydrant off the Salt Water Main. Similarly DDAs should
have a hose and hydrant available in the near vicinity. Where the DDA is not equipped
with a spray system, the hose and hydrant should be within the DDA.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
8.33.3 Fire Monitors. Weapon Parks should be provided with Fire Monitors to
provide cooling to all the weapons in the park, or to assist in fighting fires. They may
operate with water or AFFF, although the former is preferred for efficient cooling of
weapons. Coverage should include adjacent areas where these may be cut off by fire.
Where the weapon park or preparation areas are internal then a suitable manual or
automatic spray system should be provided depending on the assessed risk.
Consideration should also be given to providing fire monitors in other appropriate
DDAs. Fire Monitors need to be capable of both local and remote operation in the
event of a serious conflagration. Ideally they should be linked with a CCTV system
covering the area for remote observation.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.1 Description
9.1.1 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the provision of suitable arrangements for air conditioning/ventilation
systems in magazines used for the stowage, handling, preparation/testing and
deployment for use of munitions from MOD ships. Where relevant, they should also be
applied to DDAs.
9.2.4 Magazine and small magazine air-conditioning and ventilation systems are
also to be designed to maintain the watertight integrity, flash/flame tightness, anti-
sabotage and NBCD requirements of this standard, JSP 862 and other SEMS and Key
Hazard areas as appropriate. Supporting design guidance is contained within this
standard and Def Stan 07-204. The duty holder shall take measures to ensure all
relevant requirements are satisfied.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.3.1 The objective of the air conditioning and ventilation system in a magazine is to
minimize chemical degradation of explosive compositions in munitions. The
environment within the magazine is to be maintained within that specified in Part 4
(GNE) of this standard or as specified by the Munition IPT for a specific munition where
this is a more onerous requirement.
9.3.4 Magazine heating is required when, in Arctic Conditions (as defined in Def
Stan 02-102/NES 102), the internal temperature of the magazine may fall below 7
degrees C .
9.3.6 If the required heating cannot be provided by hot water, approved electric ‘in
line heaters’ may be fitted in the trunk supply, subject to the following conditions:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.4.1 The general requirements of Def Stan 02-102 and 07-204 are to be followed.
MOD SME advice should be sought from the sponsor MESH FS.
9.4.3 Magazines designed for the carriage of explosives in bulk should be fitted with
an independent air conditioning system.
9.4.5 Where air bleed off valves are required by Def Stan 02-102/NES 102, they
should exhaust to atmosphere.
9.4.8 Small magazines and magazine lockers, where entry is not possible, do not
normally require a ventilation system. Arrangements for minor magazines including
Ship’s Pyrotechnic and Smoke Stores are covered in Def Stan 02-102.
9.4.9 Magazines containing weapons/munitions that may release toxic fumes should
be provided with an appropriate fume detector connected to a local and remote alarm
position as required for smoke and heat detectors.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.5.1 Ventilation trunking outside the magazine should be watertight (to the same
pressure as the compartment through which it passes). Gastight standards are
acceptable for fittings and ventilation trunks between adjacent magazines.
9.5.2 In compartments where water tightness is not required for damage control
purpose, the trunking should be flash/flame tight as a minimum standard over its whole
length from the boundary of the magazine to the flash/flame tight barrier or to the ATU.
9.5.3 A flash/flame tight barrier should be fitted within the trunking as close as
practicable to the magazine boundary. In practise this may be in the ATU
9.5.4 Flash/flame barriers may restrict airflow. Size of ventilation trunking shall be
calculated with care as increased ATU size and trunking may be necessary to provide
correct airflow rate. The effect of the gauze is exacerbated if the length of trunking is
considerable and if a single ATU serves a number of compartments. Therefore it is
recommended that magazines are served by dedicated ATU(s), if possible.
9.5.5 The air inlet in the AFU/ATU should be arranged to prevent water entry to the
vent system.
9.5.6 In vessels that are designed to meet low magnetic signatures, trunking may be
of a composite material, as approved by MOD SME in MESH IPT and DSS NAExp.
9.5.8 Inspection or access covers should not be fitted in trunking outside and close
to the magazine that it serves. This is also a security and anti-sabotage precaution.
Portable sections of the trunking should be arranged as necessary for cleaning
purposes, these being secured by flanged joints.
9.5.9 Ventilation trunking systems should not interfere with magazine water spray or
ammunition handling arrangements.
9.5.10 Smoke clearance trunking from other compartments may pass through a
magazine provided it does not impair magazine airtightness integrity. Where a smoke
clearance system is required for the magazine, it should be a dedicated system, albeit a
number of magazines may be linked.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.6.1 A central facility for ‘crash-stop’ ventilation should be provided to switch-off all
magazine supply and exhaust fans.
9.6.2 Watertight valves should be fitted in both supply and exhaust trunking, external
to the magazine boundary and adjacent to the bulkhead to satisfy the watertight
integrity and smoke boundary as identified by the Red Risk Zone see Appendix 4.13.5
and 4.13.6. Def Stan 02-360/NES 360 lists types of Water Tight Butterfly Valves
9.6.3 Ventilation natural supply and exhaust terminals should be fitted with a hinged
watertight cover capable of being pinned or locked shut and provided with hold open
9.7 ACOP for Magazine Ventilation Valves – Local and Remote Operating
9.7.1 All magazine ventilation watertight valves are to be capable of both local and
remote operation. This is a mandatory requirement to enable the spread of smoke and
toxic products to be controlled for the safety of the ship’s company. The operating
positions should be sited as follows:
a. Where the magazine is sited within the citadel, both the local and remote
operating positions should also be sited inside the citadel. The local operating
position should be outside and adjacent to the magazine boundary.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.7.2 In Minor War vessels, NAVs, NALs and other minor craft, where it is not
practicable to meet the remote operating position requirements of this section, the
remote position should be sited on the weather deck, clear of the magazine boundary
and housed in a lockable spray-proof cabinet. If this is also not practicable, an
alternative method may be to use a flush-deck operating fitting and place the operating
key in a lockable box on adjacent structure.
9.7.3 Access to the remote operating position should not require the local position to
be passed en-route, other than when exiting from the magazine.
9.7.4 Both local and remote ventilation valve operating positions should be lockable
and capable of accepting an approved padlock. A frangible keybox and key are to be
provided in vicinity of operating position.
9.7.5 Local and remote ventilation valve operating positions must be able to operate
the system with the other position still padlocked. This is essential for the operating
positions to be fit for purpose.
9.8.2 A ‘NOTICE’ identifying the magazine served by the ventilation system and its
function (i.e. supply/exhaust/recirc) should be fixed or painted next to each valve. The
NOTICE is also to indicate its normal system line-up position, i.e. ‘Locked Open/Shut’,
‘………….’ Magazine Ventilation
Supply Valve
9.8.3 A ‘NOTICE’ identifying the magazine served by the ventilation system and its
function should be provided at each valve operating position. The notice is to state
whether the position is the LOCAL or REMOTE and also its normal system line-up
position e.g.:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.9.2 The classification of hazardous areas into Zones in IEC 60079-10 is based on
the principle that the area in which flammable explosive stores are handled or stowed
should be designed, operated and maintained so that releases of material are kept to a
minimum. The provision of good ventilation is an essential element in ensuring that any
gas/vapour concentration is reduced by dispersion or diffusion. However, it is probable
that “dead” spaces will occur. Furthermore, under conditions of action damage, release
of material is more likely and ventilation may not be fully available. Magazines that
contain Compatibility Group J explosive stores or a hydraulic system with a flammable
fluid are therefore classified as Zone 2 areas (i.e. an area in which an explosive gas
atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation and, if it does occur, is likely to
occur infrequently and will exist for short periods only). See Def Stan 00-101 Part 3 for
the categorisation of Zone 2 and non-Zone 2 Magazines. Further information on the
use of ventilation in reduction of concentrations of gases and vapours is given in IEC
9.9.3 Some rocket motors require the maximum ambient temperature to be limited to
below the limit of 32 degrees C (see Appendix 9.3.3) to prevent too rapid chemical or
physical degradation. Examples are 27 degrees C for Vertical Launch Sea Wolf
(VLSW) and 29 degrees C for Sea Dart.
9.9.5 If a shared system is utilized then it should serve the minimum number of
compartments. In this case, it is recommended that the magazine(s) be the last
compartment(s) served by a supply fan. The exhaust should either be a natural
exhaust or the magazine should be nearest to the exhaust fan. Accommodation
spaces as referenced in Appendix 9.1.14 above are to be considered as sleeping and
messing quarters of the ship’s company.
9.9.7 Trunking external to the magazine within a compartment that does not require
to be watertight should be flash/flametight. This is to contain flash, flame, toxic products
and smoke generated from within the magazine and to keep out flash, flame, toxic
products and smoke from external accidents until the WTBV is closed.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
9.9.8 Some stores, e.g. Compatibility Group G stores, can release heavier than air
toxic vapours/dust during storage. In compartments where these stores may be
embarked, the ventilation arrangements are to take account of these emissions with the
provision of low level exhaust facilities.
9.9.9 Magazines containing munitions that may release toxic fumes should be
provided with an appropriate fume detector connected to a local and remote alarm
position as required for smoke and heat detectors.
9.9.11 MOD Subject Matter Expert advice on Ventilation and Air Conditioning in
applicable general standards is available from MESH IPT in addition to DSS NAExp.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
10.1 Description
10.1.2 This may highlight proposed platform design shortfalls and shortfalls in the
inherent safety of munitions when integrated into the Naval environment that may
produce unacceptable and intolerable consequences to the ship, personnel and the
10.1.3 This appendix details the Performance Requirement, ACOP and Guidance that
will support duty holders in determining mitigation methods that will optimise design for
stowage, handling and use of explosives. The design should reduce the potential
consequences to the ship from threats to tolerable levels by selecting appropriate
protection and mitigation methods.
10.1.4 The Classified Annex to this Def Stan ((NAN) EXP/03) gives more detailed
guidance on some of the techniques available for use in munition mitigation and is
available on from DSS NAExp on request.
10.2.1 MAP 01-103 provides details of the Ship Explosive Threat Hazard
Assessment. These will determine whether appropriate measures are required to
reduce risks from explosives to ALARP when stowed, handled or used in ships. Where
the residual consequences are not tolerable, a Platform and OME protection strategy is
required to be determined that will prevent initiation of munitions and/or reduce platform
consequences to tolerable levels that are ALARP and ensure that defined Operational
Capability levels can be maintained.
10.2.2 The duty holder shall take measures to ensure all relevant requirements are
satisfied to achieve the derived Platform and OME Protection Strategy with inclusion of
any URD/SRD requirements and with consideration for the performance of the weapon
system. The chosen methods must be addressed and justified in the SESC as
appropriate. Guidance on this is given below and in the Classified Annex (NAN)
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
10.3.1 The mitigation system or technique may be designed into the ships structure
or magazine/hold configurations with additional (non-structural or appliqué) mitigation
systems applied to compartment boundaries, stowage’s and around munition
containers. Techniques and systems are available to manage blast by reducing
consequences to the magazine/holds/weapon areas boundaries within the platform.
Fire systems are described in 0. Other techniques for example, include procedures
such as how munitions are stowed in relation to each other (Appendix 5 - Stowage
Plans) and JSP 862
10.3.2 Boundaries exist at four points in a platform design where mitigation methods
may be applied:
a. Whole ship design and magazine boundaries.
c. Munition Stowage.
10.3.4 The response of the munition should be assessed in the configuration used for
stowage in MOD ships, or in the configuration when in the DDA. This may be in the
unpackaged condition. The test results should be analysed to ensure that they relate to
the required configuration.
10.3.6 Barrier materials to prevent sympathetic reaction will need to absorb, modify
(change impulse) and deflect shockwaves, prevent or reduce fragment/jet velocities and
provide thermal barriers. All this without becoming a threat to adjacent munitions by
changing into a non-threatening form on breaking up from the forces involved.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
10.3.7 Any system will require validation for its specific application either using
existing information or by approved testing.
10.3.8 Mitigation may only be necessary for the vulnerable element of the munition.
For example, if only the warhead is vulnerable to the credible threat then only the
warhead requires protection or mitigation. It may however, be more cost-effective to
provide mitigation to the whole stowage or to the boundary of the magazine closest to
the vulnerable munitions.
10.3.9 These techniques should also be considered along with those recommended
in 0 for configurations of magazine stowage’s and in developing Stowage Plans.
Methods of assessment/test of mitigation are described in the THA (Reference MAP
01-103) and in the Classified Annex ((NAN) Exp/03).
10.4.1 Magazine, DDA and adjacent compartment fire protection and spray/flood
systems in accordance with Appendix 8 and Def Stan 07-204 are designed to prevent
exposure of munitions to fast heating.
10.4.2 Susceptible munitions should not be placed adjacent to the flight deck or
weather deck or in the vicinity of aircraft or vehicles or the fuelling points of either.
10.4.3 Where fast heating, or fast heating and impact, could lead to an initiation of
munitions in a VERTREP configuration and this leads to in-tolerable consequences to
the platform, personnel and to operational capability, VERTREP may be subject to
operational restrictions as specified in the SEXSSI and in JSP 862.
10.5.2 Mitigation measures for RATTAM threats or Sympathetic Reaction may offer
some or all of the protection required from Fragment Attack. It is important, that each
case be comprehensively evaluated to determine the driving threat(s). The relationship
between the penetrative capability of armour piercing (AP) bullets and fragments will
vary when alternative materials are used. Guidance is given in the Classified Annex to
this standard - (NAN) Exp/03. This outlines comparative details of the weight, bulk and
cost of armour materials and combinations of materials.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
10.5.3 It is important to bear in mind that it is more difficult to achieve a high level of
ballistic efficiency against fragments than it is against AP bullets. This is due to these
generic types of projectiles having distinctly different geometry’s, generally a fragment is
blunt and irregular while an AP is a slender profiled shape. Consequently, it is easier for
a ballistic armour to impart significant damage, disruption or destabilisation to a slender
projectile than it is to achieve the same against a fragment.
10.5.4 Specific advice should be sought from NAExp on suitable measures that are
currently under development for fragment protection. See Guidance in Appendix 11
below and in the classified annex (NAN) Exp/03 for further information.
10.6.1 Mitigation for Armour Piercing (AP) Bullet Attack is likely to be required where
munitions susceptible to bullet attack are permanently stowed above the waterline.
10.6.2 Reduction of risk from Bullet Attack during embarkation and disembarkation
should be provided by explosives safety management measures detailed in JSP 862.
Risks may be reduced by minimizing exposed susceptible explosive components, and if
necessary by temporary screens. Further guidance on mitigation for bullet attack is
outlined in the Classified Annex to this standard -(NAN) Exp/03.
10.7 ACOP for Mitigation of Blast Overpressure and Under Water Shock
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
10.8.2 Munitions that are susceptible to prompt shock initiation leading to sympathetic
reaction should be provided with mitigation as a minimum requirement. The vulnerable
elements of the munition should be protected from the effects of the response of a
munition from credible initiation events. Guidance is given in the classified annex to this
standard - (NAN) EXP/03 on mitigation techniques for this purpose. Specific advice
should be sought from NAExp on suitable measures that are currently under
10.9.1 Suitable protection against rocket efflux can be achieved by stowing munitions
such that the efflux from a missile does not play directly upon another munition or a
magazine boundary. Where this is not practicable, protective ablative or heat resistant
material should be fitted between stowage’s and bulkheads or decks or other munitions.
10.11.1 Boundaries exist at four points in a platform design where mitigation methods
may be applied to:
i. The whole ship design including siting of magazines within the hull
or superstructure to obtain maximum protection. This may be achieved
by placing magazines below the water line or central in the hull with side
protection from other compartments, passageways or tanks/wing tanks,
separation from other susceptible magazines and stand-off from crucial or
high risk components. Such vulnerability reduction strategies are also
discussed [Reference 76]
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
c. Munition Stowage
ii. Stowage system design: The design, material and structure of the
munition stowage system should be configured to mitigate the effect of
munition reaction upon adjacently stowed munitions by including barriers
between individual or units of munitions to effectively unitise the size of an
initiation event.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
10.11.2 More detailed guidance on the mitigation methods for each of the four
boundary points is given in the Classified Annex ((NAN) EXP/03).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
11.1 Description
11.1.1 The threat from wartime and terrorist activity presents potential hazards to
unprotected munitions that are susceptible to threat weapons. As a minimum,
protection against the defined threat is required in MOD ships.
11.1.2 For terrorist activity this is known as the RATTAM concept, which stands for
Response to ATTack on Ammunition and is defined by a threat weapon that will cause
an intolerable reaction from susceptible munitions.
11.1.3 Classified Annex (NAN) EXP/03 gives more detailed guidance on specific
threat levels and techniques to achieve appropriate protection where a munition is
classified as fragment and RATTAM susceptible. This is available on from DSS NAExp
on request.
11.1.4 This appendix details the Performance Requirement, ACOP and Guidance that
will support duty holders in achieving RATTAM protection where required.
1.2.1 Adequate protection is to be incorporated into MOD ships against Fragment and
RATTAM threats to reduce the potential to response to susceptible munitions, in their
permanent approved stowages, to levels that are ALARP and tolerable
11.2.3 Fragment and RATTAM threats and the response of the munition are to be
assessed as part of the Protection Strategy process (see MAP 01-103) The threats are
one of a range of hazards that munitions may be subject to in the Naval Environment.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
11.3.1 The prescribed fragment and RATTAM threat level is determined from current
intelligence of the most likely threat that may be used against Naval Platforms in their
required theatre of operations. This threat level is set by Customer one (DEC) and will
be described in the URD/SRD for each platform. The threat levels described in
Appendix 11 of Classified Annex Naval Authority Notice EXP/03 are a minimum
requirement; additional terrorist threats may be defined in the URD/SRD. For in-service
platforms the PDH is to establish the required level and to assess whether the existing
level of threat protection is sufficient, in consultation with the relevant DEC. Further
advice is available from DSS NAExp.
11.3.2 The requirement for threat protection for a munition should be assessed in the
configuration that will be used for stowage in MOD ships; this may be in the
unpackaged condition. The test results should be assessed to ensure that they relate
to the required stowage condition. This will include munitions introduced into service to
be stowed and carried on existing platforms. Methods of assessment/test are
described in Appendix 11 with guidance contained in the Classified Annex (NAN)
11.3.3 Where weather deck stowage is essential (e.g. Surface to Surface Guided
Weapons (SSGW) and vertically launched weapons) measures should be taken to
reduce the likelihood of occurrence of the most severe response of one explosive store
to the RATTAM threat causing a sympathetic reaction in adjacent stores that is greater
than Burning (Type V Reaction. Further detail is provided in Classified Annex (NAN)
11.3.4 Threat protection need only be provided to the susceptible element of the
munition. e.g. if the munition propellant response is deemed acceptable but the
warhead response is not protect only the warhead and not the propellant. Albeit it may
however be more cost effective to provide threat protection to the whole susceptible
area of the exposed side(s) of the magazine.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
11.4.2 Munition susceptibility data should be provided by the OME IPT as a result of
the munition testing required by JSP520. Specific details should be provided as part of
data created in support of the CSOME. Specific testing is described below:
NOTE: the test requirement specified by STANAG 4241, 4496 or Mil Stan
2105B should cover both the packaged and unpackaged condition, where
11.4.3 To assess a threat protection schemes that rely on partial protection, the
following factors should be determined and explained in the design justification. Further
advice is given in the Classified (NAN) EXP/03:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
11.5.1 Explosive stores susceptible to the current threat levels should be stowed
wherever possible below the waterline. The depth of the stowage beneath the waterline
for a given loading condition requires assessment depending on the defined level of
threat. Further guidance is given in the Classified (NAN) NAEXP/3.
11.5.2 Munitions stowed below the calculated waterline will only be vulnerable to the
current defined RATTAM threat when they are moved to a position providing exposure
to potential terrorist attack. Munitions stowed above the waterline are potentially
vulnerable at all times, whilst in operating environments, when a terrorist threat is
present. It is considered reasonable to assume during movement of ammunition that
where the munition is screened so that the terrorist cannot select the munition as an
aiming point then the risk of effective attack is very low.
11.5.3 If stowage below the waterline is not possible, or if the Hazard Classification
Code/Compatibility Group of the store prevents stowage below the weather deck,
guidance on suitable methods to provide threat protection is described in Classified
(NAN) EXP/03.
11.5.4 Siting and orientation of the munitions relative to the threat directions and to
sympathetic reaction responses may prevent initiation or subsequent reactions. Further
guidance is given in (NAN)EXP/03.
11.5.5 There are a number of armour options that may be either built into boundary
structure or applied as appliqué armour. The protection could also be fitted into
stowage’s or surrounding individual munitions and may be part of a combined mitigation
system designed to also prevent sympathetic reaction between munitions. Where it is
intended to fit an armour scheme to defeat other wartime threats it may be that this will
also suffice for the RATTAM threat or vice versa. However, the armour designed to
defeat a fragment threat may not be suitable to defeat the RATTAM threat or vice
versa. The protection option to be chosen can be derived from using the SETHA
methodology .Guidance is given in the Classified Annex (NAN) EXP/03.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
11.6.1 The RATTAM threat is assumed to be from either beam, from above, ahead
and from astern unless otherwise specified in the URD/SRD. Protection may be
required for vertical launch systems or exposed upper/weather deck stowage’s from
overhead (e.g. when passing under bridges). The specific threat to particular,
susceptible, munition(s) in the ship should be assessed in detail, Classified Annex
(NAN) Exp/03 Appendix 11 provides guidance.
11.6.2 For RATTAM threat weapons A1 and A2, the angle of attack has an influence
on the performance of the projectile, which, in certain conditions will lead to tumbling in
unpredictable directions, or ricochet. For RATTAM threat angles , see Appendix 11 of
the Classified Annex (NAN) EXP/03.
11.6.4 Any applied Fragment and RATTAM protection scheme is not to draw
attention to the presence or position of any magazine.
11.7.1 Classified Annex (NAN) EXP/03 gives guidance on specific threat levels and
techniques to achieve appropriate protection where a munition is classified as
susceptible. It is available from DSS NAExp on request. It is currently protectively
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
12.1 Description
12.1.1 Magazine over-pressure relief venting plates are designed to prevent the
structure of a magazine or preparation area being damaged by a credible incident in
the magazine involving the gas produced from the ignition of propellants (Liquid or
solid) or high explosives (Insensitive Munitions response of Type V burning).
12.1.2 They are not designed to cater for overpressure (Quasi Static over-Pressure or
QSP) caused by blast from detonation type reactions (Type I or II). Measures
discussed at appendix 10.11 should be considered for blast overpressure (QSP).
12.1.3 Classified Annex (NAN)EXP/03 gives more detailed guidance on the design of
venting plates for magazine over pressure relief. It is available from DSS NAExp on
12.1.4 This appendix details the Performance Requirement, ACOP and Guidance that
will support duty holders in achieving satisfactory design of pressure relief venting
plates where required.
12.2.1 Where susceptible OME are identified from conducting a SETHA, as described
in Chapter 9 with full details outlined in (MAP) 01-103, that may produce intolerable
consequences on the boundary structure, appropriate measures are to be taken to
relieve pressure from credible incidents in magazines to ALARP.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
12.3 ACOP for Over Pressure Venting Plates and Vent Routes
12.3.1 The use of a SETHA will identify susceptible munitions and determine the
scenario that is likely to occur if the propellant or HE is ignited (i.e. Type IV-Deflagration
or Type V-Burning response or, Propulsive Burn). The assessment is to determine also
whether there is the potential for propagation of the ignition event to more propellants or
a multi-burning response from the HE (IM Type V reaction) components. The
assessment is to determine the level of damage that may be tolerated to the boundary
structure and to calculate the permeable compartment volume for gas to fill. The
assessment is also to determine the number and size of the over-pressure vent
plate(s), including the trunking volume and numbers of turns required to relieve the
over-pressure to atmosphere whilst achieving the required level of structure protection.
Further guidance is in the Classified Annex (NAN) EXP/03.
12.3.4 The venting route should blow direct to atmosphere with a dedicated venting
trunk fitted between the munition area and atmosphere.
12.3.5 Vent plates must be provided with restraining arrangements to limit the
propulsion of the plates and risk of damage to the immediate area. “STG Vent” software
allows calculation of this.
12.3.6 The vent plate arrangements are to be designed to ensure that structural and
water tight integrity is maintained in accordance with the magazine and platform design
intent. The required scantlings for the vent trunk structure are to be calculated as for the
magazine boundary requirements specified in appendix 4.
12.3.7 Wherever a large venting area is required, more than one plate may be fitted.
(see guidance in the classified Annex (NAN) EXP/03).
12.3.8 Where the vent trunking is to include an escape route, the arrangements for
hatches must prevent over-pressures from escaping into other internal compartments.
Ladders and fittings are to minimise impedance of escaping over-pressure gas.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
12.4.2 The vent plate in the magazine should also be marked with a descriptive sign
‘Vent Plate’ in accordance with Def Stan 02-784/NES 784.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
13.1 Description
13.1.1 The products of an explosion are flash, transient flame, blast and (possibly)
fragments. Flash in this theoretical context refers to an electromagnetic radiation,
travelling at the speed of light, which is, in itself, no hazard to cased propellant or
encapsulated weapons.
13.1.2 In the context of magazine design in Lloyds Naval Rules and in this
Standard as mandated by Naval Authority Regulations (Exp), the term flash embraces
transient flame and associated pressure wave in addition to the electromagnetic
radiation referred to above. The protection against flash required by the magazine
design must cater for the effects of all three phenomena.
13.1.4 This appendix details the Performance Requirement, ACOP and Guidance that
will support duty holders in achieving satisfactory design of anti-flash protection in
magazines where required.
13.2.1 The preferred SETHA methodology , as described in Chapter 9 with full details
outlined in (MAP) 01-103, should identify susceptible munitions and where Anti Flash
Protection is required, appropriate measures are to be taken to reduce risks from
credible incidents in magazines to ALARP.
13.2.2 The Anti Flash design measures are to be detailed in the magazine design. This
must be considered in relation to other magazine and munition protection. Design
safety measures for anti flash are to be detailed in the DDD and justified in the SESC
13.3.2 Magazine and RU magazine access doors should be flash tight when closed.
13.3.3 Magazines that open on to the weather deck should be provided with an
access that is flash tight when closed.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
13.3.4 When ammunitioning routes that enter the hangar from inside the ship are
closed, the barrier formed should be flash tight.
13.3.5 Openings in magazines for secondary supply routes should be flash tight when
13.3.6 RFA Magazines should be flash tight when the main access is closed.
13.3.7 ANNEX F details the minimum standard of protection to meet flash tight
requirements. It is accepted that watertight or airtight/gastight openings meet flash tight
requirements when closed.
13.4 ACOP for Anti Flash Protection in Weapon Lifts and Hoists
13.4.1 All openings to weapon lifts/hoists should be fitted with a door/shutter that is
flash tight when closed.
13.4.2 Interlocks should be provided so that only the door/shutter at the level at which
the lift/hoist is stopped can be opened. In RFA magazines, doors at each level should
be interlocked.
13.4.3 Where there is more than one access to the lift/hoist from separate
compartments at the same level (of which at least one is a magazine) interlocks should
be provided so that only one of the doors/shutters at that level can be opened.
13.4.4 Where a magazine is served by two lift systems, the requirement for interlocks
to prevent access doors/shutters on the same level being opened at the same time
should be assessed and the risks reduced to ALARP.
13.5.1 Past battle damage experience in the Royal Navy has demonstrated on many
occasions that the electromagnetic radiation and transient flame arising from explosions
involving propellant can cause severe personnel injuries. In general, Anti-Flash
Protection should be provided for stowage’s and supply routes of all types of propellant
a. Munitions of 40mm diameter and below, where the potential for generation
of a damaging flame front is reduced by the lower NEQ of the stores.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
13.5.2 The specific effects of the blast wave and any fragments generated by
propellant explosions may be mitigated by the measures described in (NAN) EXP/03.
In the context of this section, the pressure wave is driving the flame front.
13.5.3 Detonation of high explosives (HD 1.1) will also cause electromagnetic
radiation in the form of an intense light flash. The blast and fragment effects caused by
the detonation normally mask the effects of flash on exposed personnel near to the
point of initiation. Mitigation for detonation and sympathetic reaction is described in
(NAN) EXP/03.
13.5.4 The aim of the design safety assessment of the flash tight measures for each
magazine should be to assess:
a. The potential for the natures of ammunition in the magazine (or on the
ammunition route) to generate flash. This will enable the flash
consequences of the worst credible incident in the area to be assessed.
b. The likelihood of an incident giving rise to the generation of flash in the
area. For an ammunition route this will include an assessment of the
likely usage of the areas for munitions – to evaluate time at risk.
c. The potential hazards in the area that may give rise to an incident that will
generate flash.
13.5.5 Risk management should then proceed to reduce the risks identified to ALARP
by elimination, where practicable, of the hazards identified in the area, or reduction in
the risk by quantity, flash mitigation or control measures. The most practical method of
flash mitigation is to provide a flash tight boundary to the magazine. This will generally
much reduce the flame front even though the boundary may be being damaged by the
pressure wave at the same time.
13.5.6 Where the response of the munitions to credible accidents or enemy action is
burning (Type V) it is unlikely that own munitions will contribute significantly to flash in
the context of this standard. However a significant heat load may be generated. The
fire protection measures identified in Appendix 7 and 8 are intended to mitigate this
13.5.8 Application of the requirements for interlocks for lifts and hoists in the
paragraphs above will also meet the requirements for interlocks for blast protection
specified in (NAN)EXP/03
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
14.1 Description
14.1.1 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the provision of suitable arrangements for the security and anti-sabotage
arrangements for munitions in MOD ships.
14.2.2 The requirements for all security and anti-sabotage arrangements are to be
assessed and incorporated in accordance with Def Stan 07-207/NES142. The
measures are to be detailed and justified in the SESC. Guidance on appropriate
security measures is given below.
14.2.3 The requirements for keys and tallies in Def Stan 02-141/NES 141 are to be
14.2.4 The security and anti-sabotage arrangements for munitions shall meet the
requirements of JSP 862, other SEMS and other ship Key Hazard Certification
requirements. The duty holder shall take measures to ensure that all relevant
requirements are satisfied. In particular the measures are to be compatible with the
requirements of JSP 862 Chapter 4 to enable effective and auditable control of security
of munitions to be exercised.
14.3 ACOP for Security of Doors, Hatches, Manholes and Escape Scuttles
14.3.1 Access doors, hatches and their associated manholes to magazines, lids/doors
to lockers containing explosives and the tops of any trunks or hoists which deliver direct
into magazines are to be fitted with arrangements suitable to accommodate the
approved securing arrangement as detailed in Def Stan 07-207/NES 142.
14.3.3 Where emergency escape scuttles are fitted to magazines they are to be
operable only from within the magazine.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
14.4.1 It must be possible to prevent access into magazines through auxiliary weapon
lifts, hoist trunks, or doors by means of an approved securing device on the magazine
side, e.g. by pinning the door in the closed position.
14.4.3 In RFA magazines, locking arrangements are to be fitted on the magazine side
of the lift trunk doors/shutters. Sliding bolts are not required on the inside of
embarkation hatches for RFA magazines.
14.3.4 In NAVs and NALs Armament Cargo Hold hatch covers are to be made secure
either by means of locking bars secured by approved padlocks, or other positive
means. Sliding bolts are not required on the inside of embarkation hatches.
14.5.2 Key cupboards, magazine lock and key designation is to be in accordance with
Def Stan 02-141/NES 141.
14.5.3 Key tallies to Detonator Lockers and the compartment(s) in which they are
housed are to be of magazine type, i.e. round.
14.5.4 All magazine spray and ventilation system valve operating positions are to be
fitted with an approved securing arrangement in accordance with Def Stan 07-207/NES
14.5.6 Air Conditioning Unit drains, LP air valves, hydraulic valves and compartment
drain valves should be provided with an approved securing arrangement in accordance
with Def Stan 07-207/NES 142.
14.5.7 All ventilation trunks are to be designed to prevent the passage of foreign
bodies or liquids into the magazine.
14.5.8 Exhaust outlets, air inlets and automatic air escapes are to be anti-sabotage
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
14.5.10 Pipe systems are not to terminate in a magazine unless they serve it.
14.6.1 The aim of the design assessment of security and anti-sabotage arrangements
should be to assess:
a. The positions of the munitions stowages within the ship – to evaluate
security risks.
b. The potential consequences of unauthorised access to magazine areas
or lockers.
c. The potential for acts of sabotage.
14.6.2 Security risk management should then proceed to reduce the security and
sabotage risks identified to ALARP by elimination, where practicable, of the security
deficiencies identified in the area or reduction in the risk by other control measures.
Application of the design requirements specified in Def Stan 02-141/NES 141 should
ensure that adequate security and anti-sabotage arrangements are achieved.
14.6.3 In general, the aim should be to prevent access without detection to munitions
that may be attractive to terrorists, criminals or ill-intentioned persons. Guidance to
police and local authorities for civil explosives storage indicates that the HSE would
expect a primary aim to be to resist unauthorised access until the response force can
make an effective response when alerted by the intruder alarm/surveillance system.
14.6.4 In the maritime field, the SMS in JSP 862 provides for several operator
procedures to ensure security. The presence of a Quartermaster/gangway sentry to
control access to the ship and a response force to tackle any intruder detected are part
of the controls in place. Daily magazine rounds, rounds to check that approaches to
magazines are locked and remain secure and rounds of adjacent compartments are
intended to both deter and detect intrusion.
14.6.6 Where the consequences of ill intentioned access or sabotage might be critical
to UK defence capability further measures should be taken. Examples include intruder
alarms/surveillance and CCTV monitoring of locked approaches.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
15.1 Description
15.1.1 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to static control measures and the provision of conducting decks where
required in MOD ships.
15.2.1 Appropriate static control measures are required where explosive stores
containing an Electro-Explosive Device (EED) with exposed contacts, terminals or
circuitry are vulnerable to contact during handling.
15.2.2 A conducting deck is to be provided where the Munition IPT or PIPT specifies
that static control precautions in stowage, preparation/test or handling are required for a
vulnerable munition.
15.2.3 The static control measures for vulnerable munitions shall meet the
requirements of JSP 862, other SEMS and other ship Key Hazard Certification
requirements. The duty holder shall take measures to ensure that all relevant
requirements are satisfied.
15.3.1 Ships carrying explosive stores requiring static control precautions should have
a separate area with a conducting deck to allow examination of any stores with
damaged or broken packaging. A conducting deck area to examine damaged
munitions is not required in NAVs and NALs.
15.3.3 Magazines and areas where the preparation, test, assembly or examination of
munitions are carried out and which require a conducting deck should have a
Hazardous Area Personnel Test Meter (HAPTM) Mk.3A (NSN 6625-99-591-3495)
static monitoring device installed, immediately adjacent to their access.
15.3.4 Conducting deck areas are to be prepared in accordance with the guidance of
BR3939 and painting scheme as called up in WARPAINT.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
15.3.5 The resistance to earth of the conducting deck must be less than 50 kΩ to be
effective. This is to be checked by a planned maintenance activity.
15.3.6 A ‘notice’ similar to the following should be provided in a prominent place in the
15.4.1 The aim of the design safety assessment of static control precautions should
be to assess:
b. The munition stowage and processing areas within the ship where
munitions with vulnerable EED’s are handled – to evaluate conducting deck
d. The potential for loss of mission capability in the event of action damage
to conducting deck areas.
15.4.2 Risk management should then proceed to reduce the risks identified to ALARP
by elimination, where practicable, of the deficiencies identified in the provision of
conducting deck areas, or reduction in the risk by other control measures. Application
of the design requirements specified in BR3939 should ensure that adequate static
control arrangements are achieved.
15.4.3 Details of explosive stores, which necessitate the use of static control
measures such as conducting decks, should be obtained from the munition safety
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.1 Description
16.1.1 This appendix sets out the Performance Requirements, ACOP and Guidance
that relate to the provision of safe and suitable arrangements for the handling of
munitions in MOD ships.
16.2.1 When transferring ammunition, the risk to the munition, handlers, the ship and
the environment is to be reduced to a level that is ALARP. This is to be justified in the
16.2.2 MXS IPT are the subject mater experts for all munitions manual handling and
mobile mechanical handling equipment. They sponsor JSP 467 (MoD general handling
Regulations) and BR 3027. They should be consulted for advice on all aspects of
manual handling and MMHE including the production of appropriate procurement
specifications for such equipment in all MoD ships.
16.3.1 Before developing specialized handling equipment for a new weapon system,
the feasibility of using in service weapon handling equipment is to be assessed.
16.3.2 All necessary drill procedures are to be provided for ammunition handling
equipment. The procedures are to be published in handbooks for use by the munition
handlers. Such procedures form an essential part of the “safe system of work” to meet
the requirements of the SEMS in JSP 862 and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
16.3.3 The safety of the proposed new arrangements for ammunition handling shall
be demonstrated. This may be by virtual reality modelling or trials. Operator
procedures are to be proved with inert munitions before use.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.4.1 A primary ammunition route is to be provided for all munitions from the
embarkation point to their dedicated permanent stowage or launcher.
16.4.2 Apart from vertical launch missiles, SSGW weapons in canisters and large
decoys (above 100 mm in diameter) replenished only in harbour, a secondary route is
also to be provided from the embarkation point to the dedicated permanent stowage or
16.4.4 The rate of supply and manpower shall meet the requirements of the
16.4.5 Assault routes are to be provided for routes of transit of E3 munitions through
the ship to the point of disembarkation. Areas used to stow/hold/prepare munitions on
assault routes are to be classified as DDAs.
16.5.1 All necessary handling equipment, (including davits, cranes, miller’s flaps,
chutes, cruets, eyeplates, whips, sheaves, rollers, jackstays, lifting strops, portable
dumping platforms and other associated fittings) is to be provided together with
procedures for striking down or supply of munitions, safely and efficiently, along both
primary and secondary ammunition routes.
16.5.3 The manual handler lifting limitations contained in Manual Handling Operations
Regulations (as amended) 1992 (MHOR), HSE Guidance Tool INDG383 and Def Stan
00-25 are to be observed.
16.5.4 Secure rattle free stowage’s are to be provided for all handling equipment
retained onboard. Further guidance is given in Def Stan 02-703.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.5.5 Handling arrangements shall be able to operate safely within the environment
specified in the URD/SRD/Staff Requirement in accordance with Def Stan 08-123/NES
1004 and the environment specified in Part 4 of this Def Stan (GNE).
16.5.6 Handling and lifting equipment in the magazines and ammunition routes is to
be tested/examined in date in accordance with the requirements of BR 3027(1) and Def
Stan 02-113.
16.6.1 All Mobile Mechanical Handling Equipment (MMHE) used for handling/carriage
of munitions shall be fully compliant with the electrical equipment requirements laid
down in Part 3 of Defence Standard 00-101.
16.6.3 All MMHE that is used to move munitions shall comply with the additional
minimum specifications detailed in Annex H.
16.7.2 Portable rails, guides, trackways, mobile cranes or loading systems may be
used for embarking missiles, torpedoes, other ammunition and decoys into launchers,
launch tubes or embarkation hatches. All such equipment should meet the ammunition
lifting test and examination requirements of BR 3027(1) and Def Stan 02-113.
16.7.3 Where ship’s cranes are fitted they should be compliant with JSP467,
BR3027(1) and Def Stan 02-113 to allow use for embarking ammunition.
16.7.4 The manning level of any handling option should be as low as possible
commensurate with safety.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.8.2 The following principles should apply to primary ammunition route equipment:
b. The primary route should also not interfere unnecessarily with other
important ship operations (e.g. aircraft movement).
c. The primary route may include a dedicated hoist or lift or make use of
hatches and doors provided for normal ship access.
a. The movement of munitions from the dump area to their stowage location
should be by standard trolleys, special-to-type pallet trolleys,
Replenishment at Sea (RAS) crates and handling equipment.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
d. Ramps with anti slip surfaces should be provided in way of door sills, and
should be as light as possible consistent with adequate strength. The
gradient of ramps should not exceed 1:6 or such lesser gradient required
to prevent ‘bottoming’ of munitions trolleys as they cross its peak.
e. Suitable secure, rattle free, stowage arrangements should be provided for
the ramps when not in use.
f. Doors and hatches should be consistent with the requirements for safe
weapon supply and replenishment.
g. Where sloping ladders are an integral part of the ammunition route they
should be capable of being either struck down or turned to form chutes.
h. Cruets should be provided to avoid damage to cases, packages, ACAs,
containers etc when lowered or raised through hatches.
i. For temporary rigging between decks, guide wires and spreader bars
should be fitted.
j. Where mechanical handling is specified, lashing points for restraining
should be provided in the preparation area.
16.8.5 Assault Routes and procedures should be provided for all munitions to be
issued and disembarked/re-embarked by or for E3.
16.9.1 Whilst being strong enough to resist the impact of the heaviest load that may
be moved up or down, through the hatch (including the cruet), millers’ flaps should be
constructed to be as light as possible.
16.9.2 Where millers’ flaps are not permanently fitted, a secure, rattle free stowage
close to the hatch should be provided.
16.9.3 The design of the millers’ flap stowage should allow safe and effective
installation and operation by personnel during ammunition movements. A diagram of a
typical millers flap is shown at Annex J.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.10.1 General design requirements for munition handling and lifting equipment are
set out in JSP 467 and BR 3027(1) and Def Stan 02-113. Electrical requirements are
given in Part 3 of this standard. Mechanical and environmental requirements are the
same as for other magazine equipment as specified elsewhere in this standard.
16.10.2 The handling system should ensure that the load is always under positive
control within its design limits and operational environment and will not slide or topple.
16.10.3 Ship motion prediction programs are acceptable to derive both the lateral and
vertical accelerations at which the handling equipment has to operate and survive for
design purposes. See also guidance in Part 4 (GNE) of this standard. Such programs
should be validated adequately.
16.10.4 If a degaussing system is fitted to the ship, handling equipment shall be tested
to Def Stan 59-411 i.a.w. Def Stan 08-123/NES 1004.
16.10.6 Powered lifting and embarkation equipment should have an alternative means
of raising or lowering the load if there is a power failure.
16.10.7 The load should remain secure and under control in the event of a power
16.10.8 Cordage used for moving munitions should be manufactured from natural
fibres or polypropylene. When moving munitions with exposed EED wiring or with a
bare EED (including those in a damaged state), then the use of natural fibre cordage is
mandatory. See guidance below.
16.11.1 Embarkation, Striking Down and Course of Ammunition Route Drawings for all
munitions listed in the Armament Statement should be provided for each MOD ship.
Example drawings/sub sheets are shown at Annex G.
16.11.2 Ammunition drawings should detail the routes and all handling equipment
necessary for the movement of munitions throughout the ship. This includes Assault
Routes and procedures for E3 munitions.
16.11.3 Drawing sheets should be of A3 size, assembled into bound folders for
inclusion in the Ship Datum Pack. Final or draft versions should be available in the ship
prior to Slow Run Through (SRT), tests and trials.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.11.5 Individual primary and secondary route drawings, indicating the route to a
magazine or magazine locker (or group of magazines on the same deck and within the
same watertight subdivision) should be identified on schematic drawings referenced
from the Master Drawing.
16.11.6 Separate tabulated sheets, broken down into sub routes, should be provided to
identify the following:
c. The potential for loss of mission capability in the event of action damage to
ammunition handling arrangements.
16.12.2 Risk management should then proceed to reduce the risks identified to ALARP
by elimination, where practicable, of the deficiencies identified in the provision of
ammunition handling arrangements, or reduction in the risk by other control measures.
Application of the design requirements specified in this standard should ensure that
adequate ammunition handling arrangements are achieved.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
16.12.3 Interference should not be caused to any operational activity in the Action or
Defence State, unless these are mutually exclusive. In peacetime, other ship activities
should be arranged so as not to cause interference to weapon practises and
ammunition movements. Temporary barriers and/or warning signs should be provided,
where appropriate, to avoid uninvolved personnel entering a hazardous area. Primary
routes should not use frequently used main passageways or ship emergency
evacuation routes.
16.12.4 To ensure that natural fibre cordage is in use when potentially damaged
munitions with exposed EED’s need to be moved it is advisable to specify natural fibre
cordage for secondary ammunition handling/lifting appliances so far as practicable.
16.12.6 Use of existing handling machinery and equipment in new ship development
may ease training and logistic costs.
16.12.7 The safe lifting height for a munition is generally determined by a 12 m drop
test or assessment (see GNE in Part 4 of this standard). Providing munition dump
points at 9 m or less from the waterline ensures that a margin of safety is available to
cover the height of lifting above the deck edge and any obstacles and the distance
below the waterline that the load may be in the lighter.
16.12.8 Adequate communications are essential to enable timely and positive control
of weapon movement to reduce risks. Operating procedures should require the fitting
and proving of communications prior to any evolution.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
17 JSP 467 Power Driven Lifting Appliances Used for MXS IPT
Handling Conventional and Nuclear
23 Not Used
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
33 Def Stan 02- Rod Gearing standard for valve operation DStan
35 Def Stan 02- Guide to the Policy, Design and Installation DStan
603/NES 603 of Fire Detection Systems in H M Ships
(Interim) (Category 1)
37 Def Stan 02- Requirements for Sewage and Grey Water DStan
712/NES712 Systems for Surface Ships
40 Def Stan 02- Flame Metal Spraying and Hot Dip DStan
764/NES 764 Galvanising of Surface Ships
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
46 Def Stan 07- Requirements for Fire Protection and NA Fire (MESH
204/NES 119 Damage Control for Surface Ships FS) & DStan
50 Not Used
55 Def Stan 08- Requirements for the Design and Testing DStan
123/NES 1004 of Equipments to Meet Environmental
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
57 Def Stan 07- The Requirements for Fire Protection and DStan
204 Damage Control for Surface Ships – Part
3: Surface Ships and Submarine
58 Def Stan 08- Requirements for Damage Control and Fire DStan
147 Protection for the Safety of Surface Ships
and Submarines – Part 2: Submarines
60 JSP 430 Part 3 Naval Authority Regulations (now JSP 430 DSS– SSMO
(NAR) Pt 3)
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
AP Armour Piercing
BS British Standard
CG Compatibility Group
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DC Damage Control
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GW Guided Weapon
HE High Explosive
HF Human Factors
HV High Voltage
IM Insensitive Munitions
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RH Relative Humidity
RU Ready Use
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TNT Trinitrotoluene
UN United Nations
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WP White Phosphorus
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Definitions in bold are established by this standard. Otherwise the source of the
definition is indicated at the end of the definition within square brackets.
Ammunition Route Any route used for the movement of explosive stores [JSP 862]
Armament Hold
A compartment classified as a magazine where explosives
may be stowed in their transit packaging.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Designated Danger Compartments and spaces not fitted out specifically for the
Areas stowage of explosive stores, but in which there is likely to be an
increased hazard to ship/submarine due to the temporary
presence of munitions [JSP 862].
Dangerous Area ‘Dangerous Areas’ are normally accepted as safe for the
temporary presence of munitions when these areas meet fully
the requirements of BR 1754 – ‘Safety Regulations for Storing
and Handling Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants and certain other
hazardous stores in HM Ships’.
Embarkation The area on board ship where explosive stores are placed
Dump Area prior to proceeding along the ammunition route. The area
is used during RAS, RIH and Vertrep.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Magazine Locker A self contained locker, designed for the permanent stowage of
the whole or part of the ship’s outfit of the designated explosive
store(s) for which built-in magazine facilities have not been
provided. It is free standing or recessed into the ship’s
structure, but its boundaries are not part of the ship’s structure.
It is surrounded by an air gap. A locker does not have an
“adjacent compartment” because of this air gap and is of such a
shape or size that it does not permit “walk-in” and the contents
are handled while standing outside [JSP 862].
Primary Route The main route, from the point of embarkation to the
Magazine and from the Magazine to the RU stowage,
weapon launcher/gun/aircraft along which the ammunition
is moved and/or returned.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Re-supply Route The Supply Route being used after the initial supply of
ammunition has been provided to the RU stowage and/or
weapon launcher/gun.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Safety (System) The expectation that a system does not, under defined
conditions, lead to a state in which human life is endangered.
Secondary Route The route from the point of embarkation to the Magazine
and from the Magazine to the RU stowage, weapon
launcher/gun/aircraft and vice versa, along which the
ammunition is moved if the Primary Route is not available.
Supply Route The Primary and Secondary ammunition routes from the
Magazine to the RU stowage or direct to the weapon
launcher/gun if no ready use stowage exists and vice
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Type II response The second most violent type of explosive event. Some but not
all the energetic material reacts as in a Type I response. An
(Partial Detonation) intense shock occurs; a part of the case is broken into small
fragments; a ground crater can be produced, the adjacent
metal plates can be damaged as in a Type I response and
there will be blast overpressure damage to nearby structures.
A Type II response can also produce large case fragments as
in a violent pressure rupture (brittle fracture). The amount of
damage relative to a Type I response, depends on the portion
of material that detonates [AOP-39].
Type III response The third most violent type of explosive event. Ignition and
rapid burning of the confined energetic material build up high
(Explosion) local pressure leading to violent pressure rupture of the
confining structure. Metal cases are fragmented (brittle
fracture) into large pieces that are often thrown long distances.
The un-reacted and/or burning energetic material is also
scattered about. Air shocks are produced that can cause
damage to nearby structures. Fire and smoke hazards will
exist. The blast and high velocity fragments can cause minor
ground craters and damage (break-up, tearing, gouging) to
adjacent metal plates. Blast pressures are lower than for Type
I or Type II responses [AOP –39].
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Type IV response The fourth most violent type of explosive event. Ignition and
burning of the confined energetic material lead to non-violent
(Deflagration) pressure release as a result of low strength case or venting
through the case walls (outlet gap, initiation capsule, etc…).
The case may rupture but does not fragment; orifice covers
may be expelled and un-burnt or burning energetic material
may be scattered about and spread the fire. Pressure releases
may propel an unsecured test item, causing an additional
hazard. No blast effect or significant fragmentation damage to
the surroundings, only heat and smoke damage from the
burning energetic material [AOP-39].
Type V response The least violent type of explosive event. The energetic
material ignites and burns non-propulsively. The case may split
up non-violently; it may melt or weaken sufficiently to allow slow
release of combustion gases; the case covers may be
dislodged by the internal pressure. Debris stays in the area of
the fire although covers may be thrown up to 15 metres. This
debris is unlikely to cause fatal wounds to personnel [AOP-39].
Upper Deck An area on the flight deck or upper deck designated for
Weapon Park pre-positioning of explosive stores prior to loading onto an
aircraft or for immediate use.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Weapon System The aggregate of the weapon, the associated launching vehicle
or platform launching the munition, the available munition and
the ancillary equipment necessary to aim, launch and guide the
munition, as applicable.
Zone 2 Area An area in which an explosive gas mixture is not likely to occur
in normal operation and if it occurs it will only exist for a short
time [IEC 60079-10].
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Ship. Location.*
Guidance notes on the purpose and use of the S285K are contained on the reverse of
this form.
Sheet of
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1. RN Form S285K lists all explosive and non-explosive stores, including portable
fittings and lifting equipment, that have been authorised by the Platform IPT
Team Leader (PIPTL), for stowage in a given magazine /WSC/locker designed
for the permanent stowage of explosives.
3. The Form is authorised by the PIPTL and will be updated to reflect design
changes during the life of the ship.
6 The S285K Lists are not to be changed by Ships’ Staff nor are they to be used
for accounting purposes.
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DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Figure 7 below details the procedure to be used in deciding which MMHE is required for
the explosive stores / magazine environments with which it is to be used.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1 Compliant with the appropriate industry CE Markings Machinery, electrical, EMC, etc. See item 9 for EMC
standards for design & build of MMHE
2 Safe Working Load - Suitable for the Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT DDD / Equipment Safety Case to document
maximum expected load (References include BR3027: Chapter 6), Def Stan
02-113 and JSP 467 Chapter 16)
3 Single point failures that could result in Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT DDD / Equipment Safety Case to document.
uncontrolled lowering / drop of load are to
be avoided
4 Zone 2 Compliant Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Zone 2 compliant MMHE is only required when a
magazine is designated as Zone 2.
5 First Aid Fire fighting equipment (onboard JSP 482 Chapter 16 refers
MMHE for use with MMHE fires only).
6 Maximum Surface Temperature Maximum Surface Temperature of MMHE to be JSP 482 Chapter 16 Annex C and Def Stan 00-101
135oC Part 3 refers
7 Water spray proof Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Refer to 0 of Def Stan 00-101 Part 3
8 Propulsion Internal Battery or Diesel engine only. NOT Petrol or Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
10 Antistatic arrangements Earthing Straps / Strips. Suitable visible earthing Visible to allow for operator to identify excessive wear
arrangements or damage. Conducting tyres may be a suitable
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
aircraft operations and any other clearance
12 Clearance over watertight door coamings Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Dimensions of ramp to ensure that the underside of the
or temporary coamings access ramps MMHE does not make contact with the coaming /
15 Types / sizes of loads to be moved Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Standard pallet or special load. Are adjustable forks
16 Turning Circle Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Turning circle on ammunition route, into magazine or
inside partly filled magazine.
17 Any special Deck and / or ramp surface Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Flow-Forge stowage system in magazine, non-slip
requirements features of ramps, etc.
18 Suitable for lashing Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT To lash vehicle securely when not in use.
19 Maximum Ramp incline / Angle / Wet / Dry Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT
20 Towing Points Front and Rear towing points to enable recovery of To allow recovery of MMHE in event of propulsion
MMHE with maximum load up ‘slope requirement to failure or loss of traction.
be inserted by Platform IPT’
21 Speed Limiters Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Does risk assessment provide a need to limit speed? If
so, what speed?
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
22 Overhead protection from falling objects / Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Based upon Platform risk assessment.
loads for the operator
23 Operator visibility when reversing Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Will MMHE be required to reverse when carrying load?
Will it need to reverse up or down slopes?
24 Maximum induced vibration level from Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Munition Safety Case to be checked for any maximum
MMHE into load vibration levels
25 Suitable Lighting Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Forward & reverse travel lights and lighting to allow the
operator to observe the load.
27 Robust Equipment Safety Case JSP 430 and Def Stan 00-56.
30 Sea State Requirement to be inserted by Platform IPT Platform IPT to determine any limitations in sea state.
Def Stan 00-101 Part 1 Appendix 16.1.40 may provide
further information on conditions.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.1 Background
1.1.1 This ANNEX and the process map at the end of the Annex sets out
additional guidance on how to meet the Performance Requirements at (Appendix 8) that
relate to the provision of suitable arrangements for firefighting and munitions thermal
protection systems in:
• Magazines;
• Designated Danger Areas (DDAs).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Authority Fire and associated whole ship Fire Safety Certification shall also be met outside
magazines and DDAs where applicable. The duty holder shall take measures to ensure
that all relevant requirements are satisfied.
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DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
and the operational environment, the selection of appropriate passive fire protection
systems shall require:
• An understanding of the maximum fire size that may result in all adjacent
• The sensitivity of munitions to radiative heating from a shared boundary with an on-
fire compartment
• The inherent passive resistance of the stored munitions and, if applicable, its
packaging, to an applied fire source
1.3.8 From knowledge of the munitions’ reaction to various heating regimes (as
described in Part 4 of this standard, STANAG 4439, STANAG 4240 and STANAG 4382)
and the operational environment, the selection of appropriate 1st aid fire fighting
equipment shall require:
• details of the likely initial burning characteristic of the stored munitions;
• knowledge of the presence of liquid fuels (missile propellants)
• knowledge of material hazards of associated handling equipment
1.3.9 Munitions fire characteristics. The primary information on characteristics of
munitions is the type and quantity of the energetic materials used in the munitions and
how the energetic material reacts to the Fast Heating and Slow Heating safety tests in
each specific munitions design. In principle the Fast Heating test characterises the
munitions’ reaction to a fire where the munitions is insulted rapidly with intense heat. The
Slow Heating test indicates the munitions’ reaction at the other end of the continuum of
thermal input where the input is progressive over a long period of time. The two forms of
heat input cause differing forms of chemical change within the energetic materials and
hence often lead to different end events.
1.3.10 As an example, in a non-IM munitions the response to both Slow and Fast
Heating could be a Type I reaction. Alternatively it could be that its slow heating response
is more benign than the fast heating reaction or indeed the reverse could apply. The
munitions design and nature of the energetic materials will determine what the end events
are for both tests. It is important to recognize that the tests only characterize the munitions’
reaction to somewhat idealized test scenarios. In practice the heat input from a real fire in
a magazine is likely to lie somewhere between Fast and Slow, but closest to Fast,
particularly if large quantities of propellant are involved or where torching occurs. It is also
important to note that some energetic materials, particularly propellants, can react violently
when they are subjected to temperatures of circa 70/800C for periods as short as 10
minutes. This temperature is significantly below the typical Temperature of Ignition of
160/1800C for propellants. The result illustrates how chemical changes in the energetic
material accelerate with potentially severe consequences if the materials are not “kept
cool”. Therefore, in order that the risks can be deemed as ALARP, it is best practice to
design the fire fighting arrangements based on the “worst case” situation which will be the
time to reaction in the Fast Heating test.
1.3.11 Further information on Fast and Slow Heating tests is given in Part 4 of this
standard, STANAG 4439 and STANAG 4240 (Liquid Fuel Fire Test for Munitions) and
STANAG 4382 (Slow Heating Test for Munitions). The assessed or test results for these
cases should be stated in the munitions (OME) safety case and summarised in the
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
SEXSSI. This should be related to the generic type of energetic materials e.g. propellant,
high explosive, pyrotechnic, liquid fuel etc and the NEQ for each material.
1.3.12 As Insensitive Munitions (IM) are introduced progressively, the reaction to
both tests for IM munitions embarked should be a Type V, i.e. “no worse than burning”.
However this does not equate to absence of risk. The important parameter is the “time to
reaction”. Under Slow Heating test conditions munitions have a time to reaction in excess
of 10 hours and typically the time is some 30 hours. It follows that the key parameter for
the design of magazine fire fighting arrangements is the result of the Fast Heating test
coupled with an understanding of the amount of energy or heat generated. It is also
important to know the configuration of the munitions when it was subjected to the test and
relate this to the state when it is in the magazine and/or DDA (i.e. whether packaged or
unpackaged, whether part of a Unit Load, an individual item or part of a munitions).
1.3.13 Figure 1 shows the range of times to reaction for a typical sample of 56
munitions likely to be embarked on ships. The following deductions follow from Figure 1
a) Mean Value of reaction time 3.3 minutes.
b) Standard Deviation of reaction time 3 minutes.
c) Of the 6 munitions with a reaction time less than 1 minute the reaction times range
from 1 second to 58 seconds with a mean value of 44 seconds.
Munition Occurrence
18 17
12 11
4 3 3
2 1 1
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time to reaction in Fast Heating test (minutes)
1.3.14 Once alight and with a reaction “no worse than burning”, the energetic
material will release its heat energy quickly, although the rate of release will be very
dependant upon the degree of confinement. In their design mode propellants and high
explosives burn extremely rapidly but if their casings are disrupted through, for example
fragment attack, then the burn rate will be lower. Figure 2 shows the heat energy released
against time per unit kg of a typical energetic composition. The following observations are
a) Propellants typically have a calorimetric value in the range 3.2 to 4.9 MJ/Kg.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
b) TNT has a calorimetric value of 4.1 MJ/Kg with most other HE materials slightly
c) An NEQ of 1 kg of typical energetic material will generate some 4 MJ of energy.
The power (rate of energy release) will be dependant on the period of time over
which this energy is released.
Rate of
Release 2500
per unit
kg (kW) 2000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time to Complete Burning (s)
Figure 2 - Heat energy released against time per unit kg of a typical energetic
1.4.1 The selection of detection equipment shall be coherent with the hazard
signatures associated with events within the compartment, whether it be the magazine or
adjacent space.
1.4.2 The selection of detection equipment shall be coherent with the design and
operation of the enclosure; in particular, its volume, height, deckhead detailing and
operation of HVAC systems.
1.4.3 The selection of detection equipment employed for the triggering of active
systems shall be coherent with the selected active protection system(s) and its mode of
operation; total flooding, or zoned.
1.4.4 The selection of active protection system(s) shall be coherent with the
required mode of operation; total flooding, or zoned.
1.4.5 The selection of active protection system(s) shall be coherent with the
burning properties of the stored munitions and the hazards presented from adjacent
1.4.6 The selection of active protection system(s) shall be coherent with the
sensitivities of the stored munitions to the suppression/cooling media employed.
1.4.7 The selection of passive protection will be coherent with the protection
requirements of the stored munitions; the protection requirements of adjacent
compartments; and the active protection system function.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.5.1 The requirements for adjacent compartments are given in Paragraph 10 and
Paragraph 8 of this document.
• Appropriate measures are to be taken to reduce risks to munitions from adjacent
compartments to ALARP in MOD ships (1.2.1)
• Risks from munitions to adjacent compartments are also to be reduced to ALARP
as described in Paragraph 8 (1.2.2)
1.5.2 Historically magazines become involved in events through fire-spread from
adjacent compartments and as such, carefully considered, these spaces may be designed
to create a high level of protection for the magazine.
1.5.3 Subject to consideration of fires starting within the magazine, protection of
adjacent compartments may enable simplification of the in-magazine protection systems.
Mechanisms that may be employed include:
• detection;
• specification of ‘inert content’ within the adjacent space (fire break principle);
• active protection of adjacent spaces on the basis that a lesser specified system
used in advance of the magazine is a more efficient mechanism of protection;
• the use of active ‘passive’ systems such as low oxygen inerting of normally
unoccupied spaces;
• the creation of passive boundaries to alleviate the need for boundary cooling and
reduce the likelihood of radiated exposure of munitions from fires in adjacent
compartments. Traditional magazine protection methods require the use of large quantities of
water which may lead to ship stability issues and removal of resource from other priority
systems. Improvements in the passive fire protection of thermally vulnerable surfaces can
reduce the manpower effort and water supply resource applied to boundary cooling
activities thereby improving crew safety and optimising resource usage. Passive protection
products include:
1.6 Detection
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
• give notification of events that may lead to fire; often referred to as ‘precursor’
signs which might include build up of heat, smoke, or equipment malfunction;
• give notification of a likely fire to personnel by audible and visual alarms;
• operate an active protection system(s).
Each of these requires differing levels of sensitivity to accommodate the differing
consequences of a false alarm. To this end it is not uncommon to simultaneously operate
a number of detection systems/methodologies to avoid degrading ‘first notification’ to the
least sensitive system (generally one that automatically operates a protection system).
1.6.2 The requirement for the detection system shall be determined from the Fire
Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment (1.3) and Performance Objectives (1.2).
1.6.3 Selected detection parameters must be carefully considered in conjunction
with the geometric configuration of the protected compartment, deckhead design detailing,
storage arrangements and installed HVAC systems. Timely detection of gas bourn species
such as smoke, heat and carbon monoxide can be impeded by high deckhead heights,
deckhead features such as beams and obstructions that may ‘channel’ gases, large
volumes, and the operation of ventilation systems. Line-of-sight detectors, such as IR
devices, whilst immune to the aforementioned vulnerabilities associated with gas bourn
species detectors, may be impeded by complex stacking arrangements that limit viewing
areas, and fuels with low IR signatures. It may be necessary to detect more than one
species to adequately detect events that may develop in a number of ways from onset.
1.6.4 Detailed Guidance on best practice relating to detection is contained in
Def Stan 02-603. Where systems are used that are not covered in Def Stan 02-603 or this
document, alternative appropriate standards should be sought, or the manufacturer’s
installation guidance should be used and sufficient supporting evidence of function
supplied to NAEXP for approval.
1.6.5 Def Stan 02-603 states that fire detectors are to be installed in all
magazines, adjacent compartments (except low fire risk compartments) and in DDAs (see
also Paragraph 10 of this standard for additional information).
1.6.6 Triggering of an automatic protection system will require a valid signal from 2
or more point detectors.
1.6.7 ‘Point’ detectors should be sited just below the deckhead and distributed
across the deckhead, taking into account the layout of the magazine, potential gas flow
distribution, channels and obstructions, and the relationship of its boundaries to the
potential risk from the adjacent compartment/area, where applicable.
1.6.8 Where features, such as beams, within the deckhead can act to channel
detected gas species or form reservoirs that may delay detection, the point detection
devices shall be positioned in accordance with these features. Overall detector numbers
shall not be less than would be employed on an unimpeded ceiling.
1.6.9 Any single detector signal should activate audible/visible alarms, both locally
and remotely in the SCC/HQ1, or other locations appropriate to the ship’s protection
organization. The alarms are to operate independently of controls to activate the spray
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.6.10 Where the detectors are linked to a control system that initiates the active
protection system, the control system should be located outside the magazine. The control
system should be provided with interlocks and remote testing facilities that permit routine
testing and maintenance to be carried out without hindering the operation of the system.
1.6.11 When the detection and control system is activated separate audible and
visual alarms should be operated locally outside the magazine and at appropriate remote
positions throughout the ship. Where a visual alarm could be seen from off board,
darkened ship facilities are to be provided.
1.6.12 In ships where the SCC or ship’s protection organization is not continually
manned, additional alarms should be fitted next to the Officer of the Watch position at sea,
and next to the Quarter Masters position in harbour.
1.6.13 The detection system control unit may read all point detectors
simultaneously or poll each in turn. In the latter case each sensor should be polled not less
than once every 100 milliseconds.
1.6.14 The detection system control unit should have an internal operating delay
commensurate with the overall suppression / cooling medium full flow time requirements
as determined by the Fire Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment 1.3 and
Performance Objectives 1.2. This is likely to be in the order of 0.1 second on receipt of a
valid detection to produce a control output to the power operated valve.
1.6.15 The detection system control unit should have facilities to enable “self test
checks” of the sensors to be carried out as part of the routine maintenance procedures.
1.6.16 Smoke detection. Many systems exist for the detection of fire by smoke
• Point detectors (optical and ionisation)
• Beam detectors (optical)
• Aspirated systems
• Video recognition systems
The most appropriate device for the application will be determined from the Fire Hazard
and Munitions Protection Assessment 1.3 and Performance Objectives 1.2. Where
systems are not adequately covered in Def Stan 02-603, alternative appropriate standards
should be sought.
1.6.17 To achieve an acceptable level of protection the minimum number of point
smoke detectors should be determined on deckhead area, based on the following
• Deckhead area < 12 m2 : 1 sensor fitted
• Deckhead area 12 m2 to 25 m2 : 2 sensors fitted
• then, 1 extra detector for every additional 50 m2 (or part thereof)
1.6.18 Smoke detection is not considered a suitable means of detection for the
activation of zoned protection systems (1.10.10).
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.6.19 Heat detection. Many systems exist for the detection of fire by heat
• Electronic point detectors
• Thermally sensitive devices (such as sprinkler bulbs)
• Linear detectors
• IR video systems
The most appropriate device for the application will be determined from the Fire Hazard
and Munitions Protection Assessment (1.3) and Performance Objectives (1.2). Where
systems are not adequately covered in Def Stan 02-603, alternative appropriate standards
should be sought.
1.6.20 The alarm threshold value for heat detection devices should be close to but
no lower than 30oC above the highest anticipated ambient temperature of the
1.6.21 To achieve an acceptable level of protection the minimum number of point
heat detectors should be determined on deckhead area, based on the following guidance:
• the maximum spacing between sensors shall be 3 metres;
• the maximum distance between a sensor and bulkhead shall be half the sensor
1.6.22 The heat detectors may either provide a continuous readout of temperature
that the system control unit can electronically process, or be of the form where the device
triggers or activates at a preset temperature.
1.6.23 Detectors should be of low thermal inertia capable of sensing and responding to
extremely steep temperature/time gradients of at least 25°C per second.
1.6.24 Each detector must be capable of individually sensing and responding to
heat stimuli; i.e. the system should not be configured with combined detector loops.
1.6.25 Consideration should also be given to the fitting of detectors that detect the
rise in bulkhead temperature due to fire in an adjacent compartment.
1.6.26 The additional requirements as described in 1.10.10 should be followed
where the size of the magazine requires the spray system to be configured into zones.
1.6.27 Where there is a potential fire risk, adjacent compartments should also be
fitted with heat detection measures, for early warning of a fire incident, paragraph 10
provides additional details.
1.6.28 Flame detection. Installation and performance requirements for flame
detectors (IR / UV / Thermal imaging) will be determined from the Fire Hazard and
Munitions Protection Assessment (1.3) and Performance Objectives (1.2). Where systems
are not adequately covered in Def Stan 02-603, alternative appropriate standards should
be sought.
1.7.1 The Fire Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment will identify the
requirement for active suppression systems in and adjacent to:
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
• magazines;
• compartments adjacent to magazines;
• small magazines;
• magazine lockers;
• ammunition routes;
• ammunition handling equipment;
• DDAs
1.7.2 Many active systems exist for the suppression of fires and the protection of
involved items from heat including:
• Water spray & sprinkler systems
• Water mist systems
• Gaseous systems
Each has their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of fire suppression and surface
cooling capability but could be considered singularly; in combination with each other; or in
combination with passive systems and methodologies; depending upon the outcome of
the Fire Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment (1.3) and Performance Objectives
1.7.3 Water spray & sprinkler systems. Water spray systems may take several
forms and may be used for general compartment protection by discharging water through
sprinkler or spray heads at a high level or object protection by using directional spray
nozzles. Water spray system operation and control may take two basic forms:
a) Sprinkler or spray deluge systems, discharging water over a pre-designated
area or zone through open nozzles. Control of these systems may be:
1. automatic, in response to a signal from a fire or overheat detection system
connected to a control valve. Automatic deluge spray systems may also be
manually operated at the control valve and at remote locations if specified.
The Rapid Reaction Spray Systems (RRSS) is a form of automatic deluge
system that has been developed to deliver water to the sprayers with a
minimum delay time between detector activation and water discharge; or
2. manually only, by opening a control valve (or throwing a switch at a remote
location and thereby opening a control valve) and discharging water over a
pre-designated area through open nozzles.
b) automatic sprinkler or spray system which:
1. discharge water from individual sealed sprinkler heads or spray heads or
sprayers in response to heating of the individual sprinkler, spray heads or
sprayers; or
2. automatically discharging water from individual sealed sprinkler heads or
spray heads, with the option of manually remotely activating the sealed
sprinklers in pre-designated groups. These are usually referred to as
Metron Activated Spray Systems (MASS);
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Water spray systems are effective fire suppression and object cooling systems; have been
used as the preferred system for the protection of magazines in the past; and may be
suitable for use in a ‘zoned’ configuration (see 0).
1.7.4 Water mist systems. Water mist systems have proved successful at
suppressing liquid fuel fires in closed compartments. Fire extinguishment using water mist
is achieved by a process of reducing the oxygen level around the fire site to a level that will
no longer support combustion. Water mist is capable of extinguishing large fires (relative to
the size of the compartment) quickly but may have difficulty in suppressing small, deep
seated or shielded fires. They are unsuitable for use on fires involving chemicals
containing oxygen available for combustion such as cellulose nitrate. Water mist is
ineffective at cooling hot surfaces as the water flux rates are insufficient. Water mist
systems have been developed for protection of machinery spaces (see DEF STAN 02-XX)
but have not previously been used for protection of magazines. The most likely use of
water mist would be in combination with other forms of protection and are not suitable for
use in a ‘zoned’ configuration (see 1.10.10). Further research would be required before
they could be used for the protection of magazines or weapons.
1.7.5 Gaseous systems. Gaseous fire extinguishing systems can be effective in
closed compartments. Carbon dioxide and inert gas systems extinguish fires by the
reduction of the oxygen in the compartment to a level that will no longer support
combustion. Gaseous fire extinguishing systems may fail to extinguish deep seated fires
and will fail to extinguish fires involving chemicals containing oxygen available for
combustion such as cellulose nitrate. Gaseous systems provide little or no surface cooling
and to this end their most likely use would be in combination with other forms of protection.
They are not suitable for use in a ‘zoned’ configuration (see1.10.10). Carbon dioxide
discharges are known to produce electrostatic discharges which under certain
circumstances could cause a spark.
1.7.6 For guidance, the remainder of this Annex concentrates on describing water
spray and sprinkler systems which have historically been the preferred option. Where
information is not readily available for other systems, an appropriate alternative standard
should be sought together with the manufacturer’s design guidance for submission to
1.7.7 Water spray system equipment selection and system design. Nozzle
selection - A variety of nozzles are available for use in water spray systems, the selection
of which depends on the intended use and the nature of protection required. For general
compartment protection the following may be appropriate:
a) For deluge systems including RRSS
1. open sprinkler heads;
2. open spray heads;
3. open directional sprayers producing a mixture of water droplets (within the
small to medium size range) and a water distribution having a defined cone
angle or distribution pattern, which will vary with the nozzle entry pressure;
4. open swirl chamber nozzle sprayers producing a mixture of water droplets
(with a high proportion of large droplets) with a water distribution having a
defined cone angle or distribution pattern (sometimes referred to as high
velocity spray nozzles);
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.7.8 Sprinkler heads, spray heads and sprayers are available in a number of
different orifice sizes which are frequently defined by a ‘k’ factor. A ‘k’ factor allows the flow
through a nozzle to be calculated for a known nozzle entry water pressure, the relationship
is expressed by the equation:
k =
P is the nozzle entry pressure in bar (bar)
Q is the flow rate in litres per minute (l/min)
1.7.9 The maximum operating pressure of sprinkler heads, spray heads and
sprayers will be identified in the supplier’s data sheet, but should not be less than 12 bar.
The effective operating pressure range for fire suppression and cooling purposes will be
specified by the supplier and will vary depending on the product, positioning and
performance requirement.
1.7.10 The minimum nozzle entry pressure of installed sprinkler heads, spray
heads and sprayers providing general area protection will depend on the ‘k’ factor of the
nozzle(s), the water flux rate required in litre/min/square metre (l/min/m2) or (mm/min) and
the area of coverage required per sprinkler or sprayer. The minimum nozzle entry
pressure of any nozzle within an array should be either:
a) not be less than that determined by the equation:
⎛ A.d ⎞
P=⎜ ⎟
⎝ k ⎠
P is the nozzle entry pressure in bar (bar)
A is the nozzle coverage area in square metres (m2)
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
d is the specified water flux rate required in litres per minute per square
metre (l/min/m2)
b) the nozzle suppliers specified minimum operating pressure
whichever is the greater of the two values.
1.7.11 Automatic sprinkler, spray or sprayer heads with a thermally sensing sealing
device which releases to discharge water for fire fighting (such as glass bulb
or solder link) shall be chosen with a temperature rating close to but no
lower than 30ºC above the highest anticipated ambient temperature. They
shall have a thermal sensitivity rating of either “quick” or “special” response
in accordance with BS EN12259-1.
NOTE. Quick response heat sensitive elements are more thermally sensitive than
special response heat sensitive elements and should be considered to be the
preferred choice. Special response nozzles may be slightly more robust than quick
response nozzles and may be the preferred choice where they may be susceptible
to shock or vibration.
1.7.12 Where nozzles have thermally sensing sealing devices and are located in an
area where they may be susceptible to mechanical damage, they should be protected by
purpose made guards that do not adversely influence their water spray pattern.
1.7.13 The selection of water spray system operation will be influenced by the outcome of
the Fire Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment. The likely rate of fire development
and the susceptibility of magazine’s content to fire and heating will provide the basis for
determining the detection system to employ and whether the water spray system should
be operated automatically on receipt of and alarm of fire or manually.
1.7.14 Where there is a threat of a rapidly developing fire and/or overheating of
weapons presents an immediate hazard an automatic deluge system, such as the Rapid
Reaction Spray system (RRSS) should be employed. RRSS protection consists of an
automatic deluge spray system connected to the HPSW, although the flow immediately
after operation of the system is supplied from a pressurized FW pressure tank. Providing
the water supplies of the HPSW is both adequate and immediately available at all times,
without the need to start pumps, an additional pressure tank water supply (as required by
the RRSS) may not be necessary. A full description of RRSS is given in DEF STAN 07-
204 Part 3 (NES 119 Part 3).
NOTE. Where differences exist between DEF STAN 07-204 and this standard, the
requirements of this standard should take precedence.
1.7.15 Where there is a threat of a fire and/or overheating which presents a hazard
requiring prompt action but also requires a level of protection against spurious operation of
a deluge system, consideration should be given to employing an automatic sprinkler
system with MASS capabilities, which can be zoned, and operated manually
1.7.16 Where a relatively slow rate of fire development is anticipated because;
a) of the absence of exposed of combustible materials; and
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
NOTE automatic sprinkler systems will only operate if fire is present in the
compartment or magazine they are installed to protect and will be insensitive to
fires originating in adjacent compartments. Automatic sprinkler systems also
preclude the possibility of manual control unless the system is a Metron Actuated
Spray System (MASS).
1.7.17 Where munitions are palletized, in transport containers or boxes and are
considered suitable to be stowed in blocks of storage, a high level deluge sprinkler or
spray system may provide adequate suppression and cooling.
1.7.18 Where open nozzles are used they should be located close to the underside
of the deck head, to provide cooling at the deck head.
1.7.19 Sealed sprinkler, spray and sprayer heads should be located with the
deflector between 0.075 and 0.15m below the deckhead for detection purposes.
1.7.20 Consideration should also be given to positioning of nozzles relative to high
level obstructions such as pipework, cabling, structure and other systems which could
adversely influence the water droplet distribution over the stored munitions below.
Additional nozzles may be necessary below some obstructions to ensure both deck head
cooling and adequate coverage of the stored munitions.
1.7.21 Clearance between the nozzles and top of the storage is important to allow
the water distribution pattern to be formed. Clearances therefore determine the horizontal
spacing between nozzles under the deckhead to achieve an acceptable water distribution.
The relationships between the maximum spacing of nozzles and clearance between the
top of the storage and the nozzle shall be maintained in accordance with the supplier’s
data sheet and Table 21.1, whichever gives the smallest spacing. A minimum clearance of
300 mm is highly desirable and should be observed where possible. Clearances down to
250 mm may be permissible for some applications providing adequate water distribution
can be achieved. The area at reduced clearance shall be limited to a maximum of 25% of
the total storage area and preferably dispersed throughout the storage rather than over a
single area. Clearances less than 300 mm shall be justified to NA Exp at the design stage.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Table 1 Maximum horizontal spacing between nozzles vs. clearance between top of
storage and the nozzles for high level compartment spray magazine protection
Maximum spacing between nozzles
Clearance between Open sprinkler and Glass bulb or solder Glass bulb or solder
to top of storage and spray heads link (sealed) link (sealed)
the nozzle 1 sprinkler and spray sprinkler and spray
heads with heads without
mm 2 3
actuators actuators
≥ 500 2.5 2.5 2.5
< 500 ≥ 300 2.0 2.0
< 300 ≥ 250 1.5 1.5 5 4
1. Measured from the underside of the nozzle deflector or swirl chamber outlet to the top
of storage
2. Glass bulb and solder link (sealed) sprinkler and spray heads which may open
individually under the influence of heat or may be operated remotely using an electrically
activated actuator (MASS). Nozzles may be operated singly or in predetermined groups,
3. Glass bulb and solder link (sealed) sprinkler and spray heads opened individually by
4 Unsuitable for use at clearances less than 500 mm
5. Sealed sprinklers and sprayers spaced at less than 2.0m spacing may wet adjacent
heads and may either delay or prevent their operation due to cooling of the heat sensitive
element(s). Cooling by adjacent nozzles should not prevent operation by MASS.
1.7.22 Glass bulb and solder link (sealed) sprinkler and spray heads minimum
spacing between adjacent heads should not be less than 2.0m.
1.7.23 The maximum distance of nozzles to bulkheads and any boundaries
requiring cooling should be no more than half the design spacing between nozzles. The
whole of the bulkhead should be sprayed including the deckhead joint.
NOTE. When a boundary is the ships side, compartment or tank where the obverse
side is wetted with water, cooling may not be required providing it can be
established that the surface will be wetted during a fire. Where munitions are stored
close a boundary not requiring cooling it is necessary to comply with the half
spacing requirement to achieve the required flux rate over the storage
1.7.24 Where directional sprayers are required to protect bulkheads and
boundaries, in addition to high level compartment spray protection; water spray should be
applied by the directional sprayers at a flux rate of 10 l/min/m2 over the whole area to be
protected. The flux rate calculations shall be exclusive of any run down.
1.7.25 Where compartments or zones are protected only by high level water spray
protection located beneath the deck head, water flux rates applied by high level protection
shall be not less than 40 l/min/m2 at over any area of the area of protection.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.7.26 Cooling at lower levels within blocks of storage may be achieved by run
down through the storage block for munitions which are not considered sensitive to
heating. Relying on water rundown may not provide ALARP for some munitions such as
torpedoes, depth charges and guided weapons. Consideration should be given to spraying
water, using directional sprayers, onto the surfaces of sensitive munitions, in addition to
the high level compartment spray protection. All surfaces of the exposed munitions should
be sprayed with a water flux rate of 10 l/min/m2 (without reliance on water run down or
compartment high level spray protection) to provide cooling. Where both high level
protection is provided and sensitive weapons are protected by directional spraying onto
the surface of the weapons the general high level water spray protection may be provided
at a flux rate of not less than 30 l/min/m2.
1.7.27 The time for water delivery through spray systems shall be determined by
estimation and calculation at the design stage. The appraisal should include the following
time elements:
a) where systems are initiated manually;
• the time from a first alarm of fire to initiation of the system,
b) for automatic and manually operated systems;
• the time from activation of the system to discharge of water from the
• time to start any pumps and deliver water at the flow and pressure
necessary for the protection to deliver water at the specified flux rate.
1.7.28 For RRSS full water flow should be achieved within 12 s, measured from
activation of the spray system.
NOTE The 12 s time to full water flow for RRSS is based on past practice.
1.7.29 Where magazines are large and zoned systems are employed, the total
number of zones shall not exceed four.
1.7.30 The deluge system pipework sizing and the system water supply capacity
shall be capable of supplying the demand of all zones in a compartment operating
1.7.31 Compartment drainage should be designed such that surface water is
retained on the deck to provide surface cooling and also allow for its quick removal when
1.7.32 Control valves for each automatic sprinkler, spray or sprayer system or zone
shall be located outside the protected compartment close to access to the magazine.
Clear indications of the valves open and shut positions shall be provided. The valve shall
be normally strapped and locked in the open position.
1.7.33 A system isolating valve shall also be fitted between the strainer and the
fresh water priming connection, adjacent to the strainer. The isolating valve shall only be
operable at the valve location and shall be strapped and locked open. A lock key shall be
housed in a breakable glass fronted key box in close proximity to the isolating valve.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.7.34 If additional isolating valves, which may interrupt the flow of water to the
sprayers, are present in the system, they are to be locked open and their keys held in
accordance with the NBCD requirements.
1.7.35 Pipework within the magazine shall have sufficient flanged or screw cone
union fittings to enable the system to be dismantled for repair. Other than fittings to allow
pipework removal and for nozzles, pipe connections shall be brazed in accordance with
DEF STAN 02-743 (NES 743) or BR 3013.
1.7.36 For flushing and draining purposes, a 65 mm instantaneous hose
connection with a 40 mm bore stop valve shall be fitted on a short branch between
installation control valve and the flow alarm.
1.7.37 Each automatic sprinkler or spray system shall have a 12.7 mm lockable ball valve
fitted at the extremity of each terminal range or branch pipe to enable air bleeding, testing
and flushing. The valve shall have a fitting suitable for connecting a flexible hose to allow
for the safe disposal of water.
1.7.38 Where nozzles are fitted with thermally sensing sealing devices and a gas
generator actuator (such as MASS), the actuators shall be operated by a control box
outside the magazine in an access lobby or passageway.
1.7.39 Electrically operated triggering devices such as MASS shall be suitably
protected against RADHAZ to prevent spurious operation.
1.8.1 Control of automatic deluge systems such as RRSS. The system control unit
shall be located in a readily accessible position adjacent to the magazine access.
1.8.2 Each automatic spray deluge system shall be provided with a manual local
control facility (LCF) linked to the control unit. The LCF shall be sited in a readily
accessible position adjacent to the magazine access.
NOTE: It should not be sited within another compartment or on a different deck.
1.8.3 Each automatic spray deluge system shall be provided with a remote control
facility (RCF) sited in the SCC/HQ1 or other location appropriate to the ships protection
organisation. The RFC’s for all the ships magazines should be co-located if practicable.
1.8.4 At least one deck or main watertight bulkhead should separate the RCF
from the LCF.
1.8.5 Where the Fire Hazard and Munitions Protection Assessment indicates that a third
emergency operating position is justified, this position shall be fully independent of the
other manual operating positions. It shall be sited on the weather deck and shall have its
own emergency back-up power supply.
1.8.6 In order to minimise the possibility of inadvertent operation of spray systems
at either the local, remote or emergency operating positions, suitable interlock
arrangements shall be provided in accordance with the security requirements given at
Appendix 14.
1.8.7 If a key control system is provided as part of the inter-lock arrangements,
spare keys shall be stowed in frangible fronted red key boxes sited close to the local,
remote and emergency control positions.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.8.8 Where the local, remote and emergency control facilities are by means of
electrical control panels operation shall be by key operated switch. A key for each
electrical control cabinet shall be stowed in a frangible fronted red key box sited close to
the control panel.
1.8.9 All controls shall be clearly marked on the outside of each cabinet and
instructions for operating the controls shall be clearly indicated inside the cabinet.
1.8.10 Electrical control panels on the weather deck shall be house in a cabinet
complying with BS EN 60529 degrees of protection IP65/IP67.
1.8.11 Automatic deluge control valves shall be provided with a means of enabling
the control valve to be operated/released manually. Suitable measures and operating
procedures shall be implemented to ensure that manual operation of the valve is only
carried out under authorised conditions.
1.8.12 Control of manually activated spray systems. Controls for manual operated
deluge systems shall be located close to the magazine access.
1.8.13 For upper deck launchers the control valve shall be located in close
proximity to the launcher but within the ships structure.
1.8.14 Each manually controlled system shall also be capable of remote operation.
The remote operation shall be separated from the local control by one deck or a main
water tight bulkhead from the local position.
1.8.15 A 65 mm instantaneous hose connection with a 45 mm bore shall be fitted
on a short branch between the system control valve and the strainer for flushing, draining
and testing purposes.
1.9 Water supplies for water spray and sprinkler protection systems
1.9.1 Seawater supplies for spray systems. Automatic spray systems shall be fed
from two separate sections of the ships HPSW main (for RFAs this may be the spray or
fire main)/FW reservoir to achieve a degree of redundancy for these safety critical
systems. If this is not possible an ALARP justification will be required to satisfy NAEXP
that SW supply redundancy options have been considered and all available design options
1.9.2 Each supply branch is to be fitted with an isolating valve close to the
seawater main. An indicator at the valve should show clearly whether the valve is ‘OPEN’
or ‘SHUT’.
1.9.3 To reduce the likelihood of sediment finding its way into the spraying
system, each branch is to be led away from the sea water main with an upward tilt and a
strainer is to be fitted close to and on the sea water main side of the alarm unit, in a
horizontal portion of the branch and in an accessible position for ease of maintenance. In
large ships (nominally over 5000 tonnes displacement) a second strainer is to be fitted on
the downstream side of the locked open system control valve where the distance between
the system control valve and the alarm unit makes this necessary.
1.9.4 For RFAs strainers shall be fitted whenever the spray supply is taken from
the fire main or general sea water system. Where a completely separate spray system is
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
fitted throughout the ship or holds, strainers need only be fitted adjacent to the spray
pump. An additional isolating valve may be required on the seawater side of the strainer to
assist draining and periodic maintenance/cleaning, where the length of the supply branch
is considerable.
1.9.5 Spray systems should be provided with a pressurised reservoir where there
is insufficient water readily available in the SW main to meet the spray system flow rate
requirements or reaction times.
1.9.6 Where a reservoir is fitted, the system should be designed to prevent sea
water ingress into the primed fresh water side of the system.
1.9.7 Where the seawater main cannot provide an adequate water supply,
automatic spray systems - with or without FW reservoirs - should have additional SW
pump(s) started automatically to meet the spray system flow rate requirements.
1.9.8 It is acceptable in RFA Ship Defence, NAV's and MWV's Magazines, fitted
with automatic spray systems, to have manual fire pump start up on receipt of a signal
from an early warning detection system, where no fully pressurised SW main/firemain is
1.9.9 Where the spray system is normally pressurised, the design of the system
should include arrangements for priming the spray grid with fresh water. See guidance in
paragraph 1.9.10.
1.9.10 Fresh water reservoirs/pressure tank. For automatic spraying systems
where the magazine requires large volumes of water instantly and where SW pumps are
not continuously running, the spray grid is to be fed initially from a pressurized fresh water
reservoir and subsequently from a branch capable of being fed from two separate sections
of the sea water main. SME advice on pressurised reservoir design and where necessary
HP air supply systems is available in WSA/DopsE from MFFM and MXS sections, this
expertise should be consulted wherever possible to assist achievement of MOD
1.9.11 The water in the supply branch from the sea water system is to be separated
from the fresh water in the spray grid and reservoir outlet piping by a non-return valve.
1.9.12 Each fresh water reservoir is to be located to allow access for inspection and
maintenance and where fitted, to allow quick replacement of the pressure diaphragm.
Afresh water filling/draining connection and an overflow pipe fitted with a stopcock, is to be
provided for each reservoir. A non-return valve is to be fitted in the discharge line.
1.9.13 If air pressure is required, it should be provided to each reservoir by means
of HP air bottles charged at 275 bar. Pressure reduction is to be achieved in two stages,
reducing pressure to 70 bar and then to the operational requirement of 7 bar. One stage
pressure reduction may be accepted subject to design approval.
1.9.14 The air bottles are to be charged from the ships HP air system with air driers
and filters fitted as necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the pressure controllers.
1.9.15 For RFAs all pressurised reservoir systems shall be acceptable to both MOD
and MCA.
1.9.16 All valves and cocks etc. are to be fitted with suitable locking arrangements
and clear indication of open and shut positions.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.9.17 Freshwater pressure tanks should be sized to provide a water supply for at
least the duration estimated for the SW supply to provide the pressure and flow required
by the spray system.
1.9.18 NOTE. Ideally the pressure tank capacity should be sufficient to supply the
system demand for at least 2.5 X the estimated time for the SW main to provide the
pressure and flow. Where systems are zoned the demand should be based on two zones
operating simultaneously for the duration
1.10 Instrumentation & signalling for water spray and sprinkler protection
1.10.1 Water flow and pressure sensors shall be fitted at appropriate places in all
spray systems.
1.10.2 The electrical supply to the sensors should be from the ships normal
electrical supply, with an alternative back-up supply provided.
1.10.3 Deluge spray system, including RRSS. Visual and audible alarms fitted with
a mute facility to enable quiet testing, shall be provided at the local control panel and at the
SCC/HQ1. For RFAs and NAVs additional sensor alarms shall be provided either in the
Bridge area or at any other control station that is provided with direct communication with
the Bridge.
1.10.4 Automatic sprinkler and spray systems including MASS: Visual and audible
alarms, fitted with a mute facility to enable quiet testing, shall be provided adjacent to the
magazine. In MWVs and RFA magazines for self defence munitions, audible alarms shall
also be provided on the weatherdeck. In ships where the SCC or ship’s protection
organisation is not continuously manned, additional alarms shall be fitted next to the OOW
position at sea and next to the Quarter Master’s position in harbour. In NAVs and other
ships not manned by Naval personnel, the additional alarms shall be centralised either on
the Bridge area or at any other suitable control station that is provided with direct
communication with the Bridge.
1.10.5 Grinnell type Alarm System or equivalent. Where a Grinnell type Alarm
System or equivalent is installed each installation shall comprise of a flow alarm valve,
local alarm and diaphragm switch or switches, with associated electrical circuits to the
local alarm and to the NBCD HQ/SCC.
1.10.6 The flow alarm valve is to be fitted in the nearest convenient passageway,
lobby or unlocked compartment and not in the magazine.
1.10.7 The test and drain pipe from the flow alarm valve is to terminate into the
nearest scupper.
1.10.8 The action of water flowing through the flow alarm valve operates the
diaphragm switch or switches. Operation of the diaphragm switch gives immediate
indication at the spray VCS or Machinery Control and Surveillance (MCAS) unit in the
NBCD HQ/SCC for that magazine.
NOTE Provided that the flow of water to the diaphragm switch or switches is
maintained for longer than 12 seconds the local alarm (YODALARM) will then
activate between 9 and 12 seconds after initial closing of the diaphragm switch.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.10.9 Provision of Drains in Spray System Pipework. Dry spray systems such as
Deluge spray, including RRSS, shall have a suitable facility fitted in the branch pipe
immediately down stream of the spray control valve to indicate if the control valve is
allowing water to pass downstream of the control valve.
NOTE. In automatic sprinkler and spray systems with sealed sprinklers and
sprayers such as MASS, the installation control valve is normally open and the
downstream pipework is water filled to the sprinklers or spray heads, therefore no
drain facility is required.
1.10.10 The drain facility should be identified by a notice, displayed in a prominent
position, with the words ‘DRAIN’ in BLACK text on a WHITE background together with a
BLACK arrow.
1.11 Zoning
1.11.1 Where the magazine is large, and the stored munitions may be susceptible
to damage by the employed extinguishing media, consideration may be given to
configuring the protection system(s) into zones such that the suppression system does not
act on the whole magazine when a fire/heat source is confined to a small area. The use of
zoned systems must be justified to DSS NAEXP.
1.11.2 Careful consideration must be given to the choice of detector employed in
zoned systems since the parameter detected is expected to describe the location of the
fire. Heat detectors operate at a temperature threshold that is high in comparison to
ambient temperatures and to this end the detector that operates first is likely to be the one
closest to the fire/heat source. Smoke detectors alarm at very low threshold levels since
smoke is not a normal constituent of air and to this end, in any given enclosure, smoke
detectors in all zones might operate almost simultaneously making location difficult.
Additionally, heat moves vertically upwards from a fire in a well defined plume whereas
smoke, being particulate, has a greater propensity for spreading horizontally out from the
plume making its deckhead signature less clear. IR/UV detection is a common choice for
the activation of zoned protection systems in industrial applications.
1.11.3 Zoning of protection systems using gas parameter type detectors (heat,
smoke, CO etc.) is unlikely to be suitable for compartments with active HVAC systems or
very high deckhead heights.
1.11.4 The number of detectors employed in a zone should be calculated in
accordance with 1.6, treating each zone as a separate compartment.
1.11.5 Where confirmation of detection with a second device is stipulated to
activate the protection system, the detectors should be doubled up and co-located.
1.11.6 The suitability of active protection systems for zoning needs careful
consideration. Systems whose dominant mechanism of extinguishment is by oxygen
depletion, such as gaseous and water mist systems, are unlikely to be suitable for
implementation on a zoned basis.
1.11.7 For active protection systems that are deemed suitable for zoning,
extinguishing media must be available in sufficient quantities to supply all zones operating
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
simultaneously to cater for escalation of the event outside the zone of origin and where
fires occur at zone boundaries.
1.11.8 Where fires occur on a zone boundary the detection system will be expected
to activate protection systems on all ‘sides’ of the event.
1.11.9 When zoning is employed, where possible stored munitions should be
located in the centre of the zone as this represents the position where protection will be
optimised and single zone management of the event is most likely to succeed. Ideally the
deck will be marked to show zone boundaries and preferred storage locations (see 1.12).
1.12 Signage
xx xx xx Magazine
Inform OOW/OOD If Alarm Activates
1.12.3 Each spray control/isolating valve and operating position for any manually
operated system is to have a clearly visible sign adjacent to it which identifies the
magazine being served, and its normal system line-up position.
1.12.4 Signs at manual spray control operating positions are also to include
whether it is the ‘local’ or ‘remote’ operating position, e.g.
xx xx xx Magazine
1.12.5 System isolating valves are to have a clearly visible sign adjacent to it that
identifies the magazine being served and its normal state i.e. open or shut.
xx xx xx Magazine
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.12.6 Special area protection identification. Where protection systems have been
designed to specifically protect particular munitions in part or in whole (such the warheads
of Torpedoes, Depth Charges and Guided Weapons), the designated areas should be
marked accordingly with details of the munitions and storage orientation (if applicable).
1.12.7 Zoning signage. In large magazines and DDAs where protection systems
are zoned, the zone boundaries should be marked. Ideally, the preferred storage locations
within zones should also be marked (zone centres) to optimise the potential benefits of
zoning without jeopardising protection performance.
1.12.8 Adjacent compartment signage. Where adjacent compartments have been
employed as part of the integrated methodology for the protection of an adjoining
magazine appropriate signage shall be located within the compartment describing any
limitations that may be placed on its use to preserve its protection role.
1.13.1 Fire Extinguishers. To provide first aid extinguishers for early attack of fires
of non explosive nature magazines are normally provided with 2 in No. 9 litre AFFF
extinguishers placed one inside and one outside the magazine. For weather deck
magazines the extinguishers are placed inside the magazine for protection against the
elements. The precise number of extinguishers provided should take into consideration the
size of the magazine and the potential risks involved. For example an additional 9 litre
AFFF extinguisher should be provided when hydraulic handling machinery using
flammable oil is fitted in a magazine, or when liquid fuel is contained in a missile. The
purpose of the extinguishers is to provide at least one ready use first aid extinguisher
inside to be available when the magazine is occupied; and an extinguisher outside to be
available for the first person arriving on the scene to investigate an alarm. Provision of 2
extinguishers also harmonises with best practice in NATO. A DDA should have at least
one extinguisher readily available.
1.13.2 Fire Hydrants and Hoses. In the event of a fire in a compartment adjacent to
a magazine or DDA, the ships fire/emergency party will attempt to provide boundary
cooling irrespective of whether the temperature within the magazine has risen sufficiently
to initiate the spray system, or to threaten a munitions in a DDA. Services are therefore
required to facilitate this ‘manual’ boundary cooling. As a minimum, a fire hose should be
sited within or very adjacent to a magazine for this purpose, with larger magazines also
provided with a hydrant off the Salt Water Main. Similarly DDAs should have a hose and
hydrant available in the near vicinity. Where the DDA is not equipped with a spray system,
the hose and hydrant should be within the DDA.
1.13.3 Fire Monitors. Weapon Parks should be provided with Fire Monitors to
provide cooling to all the weapons in the park, or to assist in fighting fires. They may
operate with water or AFFF, although the former is preferred for efficient cooling of
weapons. Coverage should include adjacent areas where these may be cut off by fire.
Where the weapon park or preparation areas are internal then a suitable manual or
automatic spray system should be provided depending on the assessed risk.
Consideration should also be given to providing fire monitors in other appropriate DDAs.
Fire Monitors need to be capable of both local and remote operation in the event of a
serious conflagration. Ideally they should be linked with a CCTV system covering the area
for remote observation.
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
1.14.1 Where vertical launch missiles are stowed in a silo magazine, a Rapid
Reaction Spray System (RRSS) is to be fitted. In addition the following are also to be
a) A spray system capable of drenching the exterior of each missile container.
Where warhead shielding/mitigation is provided between canisters care must be
taken to ensure that all parts of the canisters are drenched fully.
b) Where missile launch canisters are fitted with integral deluge nozzles, provision
is to be made for a suitable connection to the ship’s HPSW / fire main.
1.15.1 The requirements for smoke and heat detectors in DDAs are detailed in
Appendix 8.
1.15.2 In the compartments listed at Paragraph 9.4 and in other DDAs where
smoke and heat detectors are employed, they are to activate audible and visible alarms,
both locally and remotely in the Ships Control Centre (SCC)/HQ1 or other location
appropriate to the ship’s protection organisation. More detailed guidance is given below.
1.15.3 Where the smoke and heat detectors are linked to a control system that
initiates the spray system, the control system should be located outside the DDA and
provided with interlocks and remote testing facilities that permit routine testing and
maintenance to be carried out without hindering the operation of the system. More
detailed guidance is given below.
1.15.4 The number of smoke and heat detectors employed should be based on
compartment size and the need to prevent delayed detection due to the distance between
a fire source and a detector. See Def Stan 02-603 for further guidance on fire detection
best practice.
1.15.5 A water spray system is to be fitted within the DDA compartment, connected
to the ship’s fire main, which delivers water in sufficient quantity and coverage to deal with
all credible fire scenarios and prevent escalation of the event.
1.15.6 Where the DDA compartment is large; consideration should be given to
configuring the system into zones such that a whole area is not “wetted” when the spray
system is activated.
1.15.7 Guided weapon hoist trunks and weapon lifts, which may be used in wartime
for stowage of missiles and weapon preparation areas, sited adjacent to magazines,
should be fitted with the same type of spray system as the magazines.
1.15.8 Package Examination Rooms may be fitted with a manual spray system.
1.15.9 Vehicle decks and LPD/LSD(A) dock areas, where munitions may be
stowed in vehicles as part of an Embarked Military Force, should be fitted with manually
operated spray arrangements in accordance with Def Stan 07-204/NES 119 section 4.11.4
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
and taking into account the requirements and guidance in BR1754 (Regulations for POL
1.15.10 Vehicle Decks and LPD/LSD(A) dock area spraying systems should be
capable of being sub-divided, so that different sections on each deck may be sprayed
individually, and operate with either FW or SW mixed with Aqueous Film Forming Foam
1.15.11 Weapon Parks should to be provided with Fire Monitors capable of laying
down a large quantity of water or AFFF on the complete park and surrounding area.
Where the weapon park is covered, spraying arrangements may be a suitable alternative
to monitors.
1.15.12 Fire Monitors or weapon park sprays should be capable of both local and
remote operation.
1.15.13 Upperdeck launchers and launch canisters, normally loaded with torpedoes
or guided weapons, are to be provided with permanently fitted manually operated spray
systems. The nozzles should be sited such that when activated they fully drench the
launchers, containers or barrels.
1.15.14 Unless otherwise stated in this standard, areas where temporary stowage of
munitions is likely to occur should to be provided with either a hose connection or be fitted
with a manual spray system.
1.16.1 Appropriate measures are to be taken to allow the rapid spraying or flooding
of the hold of a Naval Armament Lighter (NAL) in the event of fire.
1.16.2 Use of fire detection (heat and/or smoke) within the hold with audio/visual
upper deck and towing vessel linked alarms is encouraged. This could be considered best
practise in support of any ALARP risk based argument despite limited time at risk. A
significant proportion of each NAL movement is with the hold and NAL itself unmanned,
and so early warning of any event, however minor, could be critical. 1.16.3 If the
NAL is not fitted with a pressurised fire main, a dry spray grid should be fitted to allow
water from an outside source to be used, i.e. when being towed and alongside a
warship/RFA. The system should be capable of connection to the source of supply by
hoses via instantaneous couplings on deck. The locations of these should be clearly
marked and visible from associated vessels. Any isolating valves fitted should be clearly
labelled and normally locked open. Sufficient spray heads should be fitted within the hold
at the correct height and with the correct spacing to provide spray coverage to all stowed
munitions in accordance with the manufacturer’s nozzle data.
1.16.4 Sufficient portable 9 litre AFFF extinguishers (with spare charges and a
charge holder) should also to be provided in convenient positions at both ends of the
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
Protection design No
Material hazards
associated with
handling equipment
Detection systems Passive systems Zoning Active systems 1st Aid systems
1.6 1.3 1.11 1.7 1.13
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
ANNEX K AUTOMATIC AIR ESCAPE. More details can be found in (NAN) EXP/03
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
ANNEX L Typical Sprayhead layout showing coverage 300mm below the Spray
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
DEF STAN 00-101 Part 1 Issue 2
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