Olympia Seal Installation m211-2
Olympia Seal Installation m211-2
Olympia Seal Installation m211-2
Operation, and
Instructions For
OlympiaTM Double
Mechanical Seals
Bulletin No. M211-2
Table of Contents
Disconnect and lockout all electrical/mechanical power to the pump prior to performing any maintenance
activities. Do not proceed until you have read these instructions and if you have any questions do not
continue but contact the nearest Mission representative for assistance.
Figure 1
23) Replace existing studs in the casing with the install. Tighten firmly.
5” studs provided in the 2:00 and 2:30 36) Pull knob on pressure regulator to unlock
position. adjustment. Turn knob counter clockwise until
24) Coat the OD of the stuffing box wear plate stops then turn knob clock wise 1 1/2 full turns.
with an anti seize compound. 37) Attach air hose to air inlet port and charge barrier
25) Position the casing gasket within the ID of fluid reservoir with air. Air Supply should be free
the casing (gasket can be held in place of moisture and oil. Barrier fluid level will drop
using a small amount of grease in the 12, 3, slightly as hoses and seal fill with fluid.
6, and 9 o’clock positions). 38) Turn pressure regulator knob clockwise until
26) Install casing onto power frame and tighten gauge reads 40 PSI. Push regulator knob in to
casing nuts using a cross alternating lock in position.
pattern. 39) Remove air line if desired.
27) Install the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket 40) Check seal, hoses and other fittings for leaks.
onto the 5” casing studs and thread the 41) Check pressure gauge and ensure pressure is
additional casing nuts provided to hold in holding at 40 PSI.
place. Tighten nuts firmly. 42) Return pump to service.
28) Bolt the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Assembly 43) Barrier fluid level should be maintained between
onto the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket ¼ and ½ full. Warning!! When re-filling
using bolts provided and tighten firmly. reservoir turn off the pump and lockout power
29) Wrap the barrier fluid reservoir male feed source. It is critical that the air pressure be
and return ports with Teflon tape. removed from the reservoir prior to attempting to
30) Attach the feed hose from the bottom of the re-fill it. To do this first disconnect air inlet from
seal gland to the bottom feed port of the source, relieve vessel pressure by pulling
barrier fluid reservoir. pressure regulator knob out and turning all the
31) Attach the return hose from the top of the way to the left (counter-clock wise), pull ring on
seal gland to the top return port of the pressure relief valve to ensure all pressure has
barrier fluid reservoir. been relieved, after ensuring that the pressure is
32) Re-install the grease zerk into the front of released remove fill plug and fill reservoir.
the bearing cap. 44) Once reservoir has been refilled repeat steps 35
33) Remove the fill plug from the top of the thru 42.
Barrier Fluid Reservoir.
34) Insert funnel into fill port and fill with 1 pint of
water (or water glycol solution for freezing
environments). Note: pulling the pressure
relief valve open while filling will increase
the fill rate.
35) Tape the fill plug with Teflon tape and re-
Part II – Removal Procedures holes have a flat head anti-tampering screw in
them and two of the holes are empty. DO NOT
NOTE: The Olympia Double Mechanical Seal can be INSTALL THE CENTERING CLIPS IN HOLES
successfully removed from a worn stuffing box and re- THAT HAVE THE ALLEN HEAD SET SCREWS
installed into a new stuffing box if the following IN THEM.
procedures are followed. The factory can also rebuild
the seal if the following procedures are followed.