Olympia Seal Installation m211-2

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Operation, and
Instructions For
OlympiaTM Double
Mechanical Seals
Bulletin No. M211-2

Table of Contents

Part I Installation & Operational Procedures

Part II Removal Procedures

OlympiaTM Double Mechanical Seal
Installation Instructions:

Disconnect and lockout all electrical/mechanical power to the pump prior to performing any maintenance
activities. Do not proceed until you have read these instructions and if you have any questions do not
continue but contact the nearest Mission representative for assistance.

Equipment List: - 30182-4-4 ¼” Male Push Lock……...2

1) Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket - 30682-4-4 ¼” Female Push Lock…..2
2) Use water or water and glycol for barrier - 31618H pressure Regulator…………1
fluid - 31619H 0-160 PSI Press. Gauge…..1
3) Barrier Fluid Reservoir Assembly - 31620H 65 PSI Relief Valve…………1
4) Allen Wrench - 44FTX-S ¼” Male NPT x ¼” JIC…….1
5) Olympia Double Mechanical Seal - 46FTX-S 3/8” Male NPT x ¼” JIC…...1
6) Lubricant - 6D917 Check Valve…………………..1
7) Stuffing Box - HOSE 25” x ¼” ¼” Male NPT x ¼”
8) Casing Gasket Female Swivel……….………………..2
9) Bracket Studs and Nuts - HZC ¼” x ¼” Male NPT hose
10) Gland Bolt Assembly Connector……………………………..1
11) Feed and Return Hoses - ¼”-20 x 1” Hex Head Cap Screw…...2
- ¼” Lock Washer………………………2
Part Numbers: RS Bracket - Bb250-5B 20 Series Female Coupler..1
1) P/N KCD SEAL Assembly Includes: 2) Allen wrench
- 31617H Barrier Fluid 3) 22451-DS
Reservoir………………………...1 4) Lubricant
- 215PN-4 ¼” close Nipple………1 5) 648403012 Casing Gasket
- 215PNL-4-15 ¼” Long Nipple….3 6) 3932-61H SS Nut & ####### 5” Stud
- 2203P-4 Female Tee……………3 7) 601102494 Gland Bolt Assy.
- 22451DS Olympia Seal………...1 8) Hose 20” x ¼”
- 218P4 ¼” Plug NPT HX………...1
Disconnect and lockout all electrical/mechanical power to the pump prior to performing any maintenance
activities. Do not proceed until you have read these instructions and if you have any questions do not
continue but contact the nearest Mission representative for assistance.
Part I - Installation: BOX BOLTS AT THIS TIME.
13) Teflon tape the male threads of both hoses.
NOTE: The Olympia seal set screws lock onto 14) Rotate stuffing box so the seal gland ports are
the shaft between the stuffing box and inboard accessible and thread the hoses into the gland
bearing cap. This area of the shaft must be clean and tighten firmly.
and perfectly round. If the shaft is corroded in this 15) Rotate stuffing box back to its proper position,
area the seal will not center properly and may fail install stuffing box bolts and tighten firmly.
prematurely. Replace shaft if this area of the 16) Firmly tighten gland bolts, permanently stabilizing
shaft is damaged. the double seal. Be sure to tighten all four nuts.
17) Inspect the impeller o-ring and replace if
1) Remove casing nuts and casing from pump. necessary.
2) Remove Impeller from pump. If equipped 18) Screw the impeller onto the shaft in a clockwise
the anti-loosening bolt in the front of the direction.
impeller must be removed by turning in a 19) If equipped thread the impeller anti-loosening bolt
clockwise direction (this is a left hand bolt). through front of impeller into the shaft and tighten
Remove impeller by turning in counter firmly in a counter clockwise rotation.
clockwise direction while holding shaft. 20) Adjust the impeller clearance so the impeller is
Note: Impeller removal wrench part number .020” from the stuffing box. (See pump
20652H is very useful for this procedure. maintenance instructions for detail on adjusting
3) Remove stuffing box by removing two the impeller clearance)
stuffing box bolts and then pulling stuffing 21) Once the impeller clearance is set, use the Allen
box away from power frame. wrench provided to tighten the double
4) Remove the grease zerk from the front of mechanical seal set screws. DO NOT ROTATE
the inboard bearing cap. THE SHAFT WHILE THE CENTERING CLIPS
5) Inspect shaft sleeve and shaft sleeve o-ring ARE INSTALLED OR SCORING OF THE SEAL
for damage and replace if necessary. Be FACE CAN OCCUR. There are (6) set screws
sure to coat ID of shaft sleeve with anti- that must be tightened. Tighten the accessible
seize compound to simplify future removal. screws first using a cross alternating pattern. A
6) Remove red plastic port plugs from the minimum of four opposing setscrews must be
22451-DS Olympia Seal gland. tightened before removing the centering clips.
7) Ensure 20614DS stuffing box ID and top are Once accessible setscrews are tightly set remove
clean and free from debris. the centering clips.
8) Center 22451DS seal, gasket side down into 22) Remove the four brass centering clips shown in
the ID of the 20614DS stuffing box Figure 1 (Do not rotate the shaft when the set
9) Install 601102494 Gland bolts through screws are set and centering clips are installed).
stuffing box ears and through 22451 DS Once all centering clips have been removed
gland. FINGER TIGHTEN GLAND BOLT rotate the shaft to tighten the remaining set
NUTS ONLY. Seal assembly must be able screws. Be sure all 6 set screws are tightened.
to move so it can center itself on shaft RETAIN THE CENTERING CLIPS FOR
during installation. FUTURE USE. Centering clips are required
10) Coat ID of power frame and machined OD when removing the seal from the stuffing box.
of stuffing box with anti-seize compound.
11) Coat the ID of the double mechanical seal
sleeve with the lubricant provided.
12) Gently slip the stuffing box and seal
assembly over the shaft sleeve until the
stuffing box is square and flush against the

Figure 1
23) Replace existing studs in the casing with the install. Tighten firmly.
5” studs provided in the 2:00 and 2:30 36) Pull knob on pressure regulator to unlock
position. adjustment. Turn knob counter clockwise until
24) Coat the OD of the stuffing box wear plate stops then turn knob clock wise 1 1/2 full turns.
with an anti seize compound. 37) Attach air hose to air inlet port and charge barrier
25) Position the casing gasket within the ID of fluid reservoir with air. Air Supply should be free
the casing (gasket can be held in place of moisture and oil. Barrier fluid level will drop
using a small amount of grease in the 12, 3, slightly as hoses and seal fill with fluid.
6, and 9 o’clock positions). 38) Turn pressure regulator knob clockwise until
26) Install casing onto power frame and tighten gauge reads 40 PSI. Push regulator knob in to
casing nuts using a cross alternating lock in position.
pattern. 39) Remove air line if desired.
27) Install the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket 40) Check seal, hoses and other fittings for leaks.
onto the 5” casing studs and thread the 41) Check pressure gauge and ensure pressure is
additional casing nuts provided to hold in holding at 40 PSI.
place. Tighten nuts firmly. 42) Return pump to service.
28) Bolt the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Assembly 43) Barrier fluid level should be maintained between
onto the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket ¼ and ½ full. Warning!! When re-filling
using bolts provided and tighten firmly. reservoir turn off the pump and lockout power
29) Wrap the barrier fluid reservoir male feed source. It is critical that the air pressure be
and return ports with Teflon tape. removed from the reservoir prior to attempting to
30) Attach the feed hose from the bottom of the re-fill it. To do this first disconnect air inlet from
seal gland to the bottom feed port of the source, relieve vessel pressure by pulling
barrier fluid reservoir. pressure regulator knob out and turning all the
31) Attach the return hose from the top of the way to the left (counter-clock wise), pull ring on
seal gland to the top return port of the pressure relief valve to ensure all pressure has
barrier fluid reservoir. been relieved, after ensuring that the pressure is
32) Re-install the grease zerk into the front of released remove fill plug and fill reservoir.
the bearing cap. 44) Once reservoir has been refilled repeat steps 35
33) Remove the fill plug from the top of the thru 42.
Barrier Fluid Reservoir.
34) Insert funnel into fill port and fill with 1 pint of
water (or water glycol solution for freezing
environments). Note: pulling the pressure
relief valve open while filling will increase
the fill rate.
35) Tape the fill plug with Teflon tape and re-
Part II – Removal Procedures holes have a flat head anti-tampering screw in
them and two of the holes are empty. DO NOT
NOTE: The Olympia Double Mechanical Seal can be INSTALL THE CENTERING CLIPS IN HOLES
successfully removed from a worn stuffing box and re- THAT HAVE THE ALLEN HEAD SET SCREWS
installed into a new stuffing box if the following IN THEM.
procedures are followed. The factory can also rebuild
the seal if the following procedures are followed.

1) Turn off pump and lock out power source.

2) Disconnect air source from air inlet of barrier
fluid reservoir
3) Close suction and discharge valves and
remove pump from line.
4) Pull out knob on pressure regulator relief
valve and turn counter clockwise until air
pressure gauge reads zero. Pull ring on
pressure relief valve to ensure all
pressure has been relieved.
5) Unbolt Barrier Fluid Reservoir from the Figure 2
Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket.
6) Remove drain plug and drain barrier fluid
into appropriate container. (Pull ring on 14) Remove the grease zerk from the front of the
pressure relief valve to accelerate draining inboard bearing cap.
of vessel) 15) Loosen (6) Allen head shaft set screws on the
7) Uncouple fill and return hoses from the Olympia seal. NOTE: THE CENTER CLIPS
Barrier Fluid Reservoir and drain into MUST BE IN PLACE BEFORE LOOSENING
appropriate container. THE SET SCREWS.
8) Teflon tape the drain plug and replace in 16) Remove the stuffing box bolts.
Barrier Fluid Reservoir and tighten firmly. 17) Rotate the stuffing box so you can easily access
9) Remove the Barrier Fluid Reservoir Bracket the hoses and remove the hoses from the
from frame. Olympia Seal gland.
10) Remove casing nuts and casing from frame. 18) Carefully remove the stuffing box and mechanical
11) Remove impeller from pump. If equipped the seal from the pump.
anti-loosening bolt in the front of the impeller 19) Loosen the gland bolts and remove the Olympia
must be removed by turning in a clockwise Seal from the stuffing box.
direction (this is a left hand bolt). Remove 20) Follow procedures defined in Part I
impeller by turning in counter clockwise Installation instructions steps 5 and
direction while holding shaft. Note: Impeller steps 7-41.
removal wrench part number 20652H is very
useful for this procedure.
12) Locate brass-centering clips originally sent
with seal.
13) Do not rotate the shaft with the centering
clips installed until the setscrews have
been loosened. Rotating the shaft with
centering clips and tightened setscrews
could score the seal face. Install brass-
centering clips as shown in figure 2. NOTE:
There are (4) centering clips and 10) female
threaded ports that they will fit. You must
install the clips in the correct female ports.
The female ports are located in the 3, 6, 9,
and 12 o’clock positions on the Olympia
Seal above the gland. Two of the proper

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