Types of Chromosomes:
Human Chromosomes. A chromosome where the centromere is not
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Pairs 1- central and is instead located near the end of the
22 are autosomes. Females have two X chromosome. Humans usually have five pairs of
chromosomes, and males have an X and a Y acrocentric autosomes (chromosomes 13, 14,
chromosome. 15, 21, 22). The Y chromosome is also
Of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes, 22 pairs
are autosomes (numbers 1–22 in Figure Centromere severely off-set from centre, leading
above). Autosomes are chromosomes that to much shorter p arm (e.g. chromosomes 13 -
contain genes for characteristics that are 15, 21, 22, Y).
unrelated to sex. These chromosomes are the Submetacentric
same in males and females. The great majority of
human genes are located on autosomes. A submetacentric chromosome is a chromosome
whose centromere is located near the middle. As
The remaining pair of human chromosomes a result, the chromosomal arms (i.e. p and q
consists of the sex chromosomes, X and Y.
Females have two X chromosomes, and males
arms) are slightly unequal in length and may also pregnancy that can diagnose it before birth,
form an L-shape. however more often it’s diagnosed later in life. If
not found before birth, it can sometimes be
Centromere off-centre, leading to shorter p arm
diagnosed because the baby has a smaller penis
relative to q arm (e.g., chromosomes 2, 4 - 12,
than expected, or later in the teenage years if
17, 18, X).
puberty doesn’t start or progress as expected.
Edward Syndrome
A chromosome whose centromere is centrally
Edwards syndrome, also called trisomy 18
located. As a result, the chromosomal arms (i.e.,
syndrome, is an autosomal chromosomal
p and q arms) are almost equal in length. A
disorder due to an extra copy of chromosome 18.
metacentric chromosome would have the X
Edwards syndrome is one of the autosomal
trisomy syndrome, second in frequency only to
Centromere is in middle, meaning p and q arms trisomy 21. It is a very severe genetic condition
are of comparable length (e.g. chromosomes 1, that affects how your child’s body develops and
3, 16, 19, 20). grows. Children diagnosed with trisomy 18 have
a low birth weight, multiple birth defects and
GENETIC DISORDERS: defining physical characteristics.
Down Syndrome Turner Syndrome
Down syndrome is a genetic condition where Turner syndrome, a condition that affects only
people are born with an extra chromosome. females, results when one of the X
Most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or
within each cell in their body, for a total of 46. A partially missing. Turner syndrome can cause a
person diagnosed with Down syndrome has an variety of medical and developmental problems,
extra copy of chromosome 21, which means including short height, failure of the ovaries to
their cells contain 47 total chromosomes instead develop and heart defects.
of 46. This changes the way their brain and body
develop. Cloning of Genes
GAU GAC UCC GCU AGG, which codes for the • Prophase occupies over half of
amino acids aspartate, aspartate, serine, alanine, mitosis. The nuclear membrane
breaks down to form a number of
small vesicles and the nucleolus
disintegrates. A structure known
If the A in the GAU were to be deleted, the code
as the centrosome duplicates
would become: GUG ACU CCG UAG G
itself to form two daughter
centrosomes that migrate to
In other words, every single codon would code opposite ends of the cell. The
for a new amino acid, resulting in completely centrosomes organize the
different proteins coded for during translation. production of microtubules that
The physical results of such mutations are, form the spindle fibers that
understandably, usually catastrophic. constitute the mitotic spindle.
The chromosomes condense into
compact structures. Each
• G1 phase. Metabolic changes prepare replicated chromosome can now
the cell for division. At a certain point - be seen to consist of two identical
the restriction point - the cell is chromatids (or sister chromatids)
committed to division and moves into held together by a structure
the S phase. known as the centromere.
• First part of cell division.