DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q4 - W6
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q4 - W6
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q4 - W6
A. Content Standard Understands the concepts and Understands the concepts and Understands the concepts and Understands the concepts and WEEKLY TEST
principles of selecting and using principles of selecting and principles of selecting and using principles of selecting and using 1. Administering test
consumer health products. using consumer health consumer health products. consumer health products. questions correctly
products. 2. Administering of weekly
3. Setting of standards
4. Test proper
5. Checking of test results
B. Performance Consistently demonstrates Consistently demonstrates Consistently demonstrates critical Consistently demonstrates critical
Standard critical thinking skills in the critical thinking skills in the thinking skills in the selection of thinking skills in the selection of
selection of health products. selection of health products. health products. health products.
C. Learning Explains the importance of Enumerates the components Describes the different Differentiates over-the counter
Competencies consumer health of consumer health components of consumer health prescription medicines
(write the LC Code)
H6ch-IVA-13 H6CH-IVbc-14 H6CH-IVcd-16
D. Discussing new concepts and Watch a video about consumer Groupings Groupings Groupings.
practicing new skills #1 health. Form 3 groups. Each will give Form 4 groups that will enumerate Form 4 groups.
sources of health information. the commonly used health Each will finds the meaning of each
products of consumers. over the counter medicine.
E. Discussing new concepts and How important is consumer Original File Submitted and Describe the different components What is an OTC?
practicing new skills #2 health? Formatted by DepEd Club of consumer health. Over the Counter (OTC) drugs are
Member - visit depedclub.com medicines sold directly to a
for more consumer without prescription
from a health professional.
F. Developing mastery (lead to What are the rights of the What are the components of What are the components of Put a check if it is a prescription
formative assessment 3) consumer? consumer health? consumer health? medicine and cross if not.
1. The right to choose 1. Health information 1. Paracetamol
2. The right to be heard 2. Health products 2. Carbocisteine
3. The right to safety 3. Health services 3. Antihistamine
4. The right to be 4. Antibiotics
informed 5. Antacids
5. The right to 6. Analgesics
satisfaction to basic 7. Antipyretics
needs 8. Antidiarrheal
6. The right to redress or 9. Laxatives
remedy 10. Decongestant
7. The right to consumer
8. The right to
environmental health
G. Finding practical application How can we stop or control Which is more practical buying at
of concepts and skills in daily health fraud? the sari-sari store or to a grocery?
living Who can be a victim of health Why?
H. Making generalization and What is the importance of
abstractions about the lesson consumer health?
I. Evaluating learning True or False What are the Describe each component of
1. Consumer health components of health consumer health.
means being wise in information? 1. Health information
purchasing health 2. Health products
products and 3. Health services
2. Consumer health is
important for us
because it helps us
acquire knowledge of
laws to protect
3. The right to being
4. The right not to
5. The right to danger.