Wu 2011

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J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

DOI 10.1007/s10878-011-9437-8

An adaptive multistart tabu search approach to solve

the maximum clique problem

Qinghua Wu · Jin-Kao Hao

Published online: 9 December 2011

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Given an undirected graph G = (V , E) with vertex set V = {1, . . . , n} and

edge set E ⊆ V × V . The maximum clique problem is to determine in G a clique
(i.e., a complete subgraph) of maximum cardinality. This paper presents an effective
algorithm for the maximum clique problem. The proposed multistart tabu search al-
gorithm integrates a constrained neighborhood, a dynamic tabu tenure mechanism
and a long term memory based restart strategy. Our proposed algorithm is evaluated
on the whole set of 80 DIMACS challenge benchmarks and compared with five state-
of-the-art algorithms. Computational results show that our proposed algorithm attains
the largest known clique for 79 benchmarks.

Keywords Tabu search · Maximum clique · Constrained neighborhood · Informed

restart · Combinatorial optimization

1 Introduction

Let G = (V , E) be an undirected graph with vertex set V = {1, . . . , n} and edge

set E ⊂ V × V . A clique C of G is a subset of V such that every two vertices are
pairwise adjacent, i.e., ∀u, v ∈ C, {u, v} ∈ E. A clique is maximal if it is not contained
in any other clique, a clique is maximum if its cardinality is the largest among all
the cliques of the graph. The maximum clique problem (MCP) is to determine a
maximum clique. MCP is one of the first problems shown to be NP-complete in
Karp’s seminal paper on computational complexity (Karp 1972). The MCP has many
applications in real-life problems, such as classification theory, coding theory, fault

Q. Wu · J.-K. Hao ()

LERIA, Université d’Angers, 2 Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex 01, France
e-mail: [email protected]
Q. Wu
e-mail: [email protected]
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 87

diagnosis, biological analysis, cluster analysis and project selection (Pardalos and
Xue 2002). The MCP is equivalent to the maximum independent (stable) set problem
and is tightly related to some other problems like vertex graph coloring.
Given the importance of the problem, many methods have been proposed in the
literature. See Pardalos and Xue (2002) for a comprehensive review of these meth-
ods. Examples of exact methods based on the general branch-and-bound approach
can be found in Balas and Yu (1986), Carraghan and Pardalos (1990), Östergärd
(2002), Tomita and Seki (2003), Rebennack et al. (2011). As an alternative approach,
a number of approximate methods have been developed to find near-optimal solutions
to large and dense graphs. In the following, we briefly review some representative
Battiti and Protasi (2001) propose a reactive local search (RLS) procedure which
is highly successful. Pullan and Hoos (2006) introduce a very effective stochastic lo-
cal search algorithm which is one of the best clique methods. Other interesting and
representative methods are based on deterministic and probabilistic tabu search (Gen-
dreau et al. 1993), variable depth search (Katayama et al. 2005), quadratic optimiza-
tion (Busygin et al. 2002; Busygin 2006) and genetic search (Bui and Eppley 1995;
Marchiori 1998, 2002; Barbosa and Campos 2004; Singh and Gupta 2008; Zhang et
al. 2005).
Many state-of-the-art methods (such as Battiti and Protasi 2001; Pullan and Hoos
2006; Pullan 2006; Grosso et al. 2008) are based on a general approach that alternates
between a clique expansion phase and a plateau search phase. During the expansion
phase, one seeks to expand a clique of size k to a new clique of size k + 1 by adding
a vertex (which is adjacent to all the vertices of the current clique). When the current
clique cannot be expended, one switches to plateau search during which vertices of
the current partial clique are swapped with vertices outside the partial clique. Once
the current clique can be further expanded, one switches back to the expansion phase
and so on. Methods using this approach differ mainly from each other in the way they
perform the plateau search.
One different and somewhat neglected approach is presented in Friden et al. (1989)
for the equivalent maximum stable set problem. The algorithm (called STABULUS)
seeks a clique of fixed size k by exploring a space of vertex subsets S such that
|S| = k. For a given candidate solution S (i.e., a vertex subset of size k), STABULUS
swaps one vertex in S against another vertex in V \S in order to maximize the number
of edges induced by the new solution. This approach was later explored successfully
in Fleurent and Ferland (1996).
In this paper, we follow the basic idea of Friden et al. (1989) and develop an effec-
tive heuristic algorithm based on tabu search (Glover and Laguna 1997). Like STAB-
ULUS, the proposed approach searches a legal k-clique within a space of subsets S
(legal and illegal k-cliques) of size k (Sect. 2.1). Yet, the main components of our al-
gorithm are different from those of STABULUS. In particular, to allow the algorithm
to explore more efficiently the search space, the swap operations of our algorithm are
limited to vertices from two critical subsets A (a constrained subset of the candidate
solution S) and B (a constrained subset of V \S) (Sect. 2.2.2). To escape from local
optima, our algorithm applies both a deterministic selection rule (Sect. 2.2.3) and a
probabilistic selection rule to occasionally accept deteriorating solutions (Sect. 2.2.4).
88 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

Our algorithm uses a dedicated tabu list to prevent the algorithm from revisiting pre-
vious encountered solutions (Sect. 2.2.5). Finally, to allow the algorithm to explore
more new search regions, our algorithm employs a frequency-based restart strategy
(Sect. 2.3).
Our proposed algorithm is extensively tested on the commonly used DIMACS
clique benchmark instances (Sect. 3). Experimental results show the effectiveness of
this algorithm in finding large cliques within reasonable computing times. Actually,
except for one case (over a total of 80 graphs), our method attains the previously best
known results on all the DIMACS instances. To the best of our knowledge, no single
algorithm in the literature achieves such a performance. In addition to the computa-
tional results, we provide analyses about critical components of the algorithm.

2 Adaptive multistart tabu search

2.1 Solution strategy and general procedure

As noted in Friden et al. (1989), the maximum clique problem can be approximated
by finding a series of k-cliques for increasing values of k (a k-clique is a clique of size
k). Each time a k-clique is found, k is incremented by one and a new (larger) k-clique
is sought. This process is repeated until no k-clique can be found. The last k-clique
constitutes an approximation of the maximum clique of the graph. Consequently, the
maximum clique problem comes down to the problem of finding k-cliques.
Our Adaptive Multistart Tabu Search algorithm is designed for this k-clique find-
ing problem in a graph G = (V , E). In this section, we describe the general procedure
of AMTS while its components are detailed in Sect. 2.2.
For this purpose, we first define the search space Ω that is explored by AMTS.
It is composed of all the vertex subsets S of fixed size k (k-subsets) including both
feasible and infeasible cliques, i.e.,
Ω = {S ⊂ V : |S| = k} (1)
For any candidate solution S ∈ Ω, its quality is assessed by the evaluation function
f (S) that counts the number of edges induced by S:

f (S) = euv (2)

where euv = 1 if {u, v} ∈ E, euv = 0 otherwise.

Obviously, if a candidate solution S reaches the maximal value of this function,
i.e., f (S) = k ∗ (k − 1)/2, any two vertices of S are connected by an edge and the
candidate solution S is a legal k-clique. If f (S) < k ∗ (k − 1)/2, there must be at least
two vertices in S which are not adjacent, consequently S is not a legal k-clique.
The objective of our AMTS algorithm is then to find in Ω a solution S that reaches
the maximal value of f such that f (S) = k ∗ (k − 1)/2. The pseudo-code of AMTS
is given in Algorithm 1.
AMTS explores the space Ω by employing an optimization procedure based on
tabu search (Glover and Laguna 1997) (we denote this procedure by TS0 , which is
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 89

Algorithm 1 Adaptive multistart tabu search for maximum clique

Require: Graph G, Integer k (clique size), Integer L (search depth), Integer Itermax (maxi-
mum allowed iterations)
Ensure: k-clique if found
1: Begin
2: S ← Initialize(k) {Initial solution}
3: Iter ← 0 {Iteration counter}
4: while (Iter < Itermax ) do
5: S ∗ ← T S 0 (S, k, L, Iter) {Apply the tabu search procedure TS0 to improve S, Sect. 2.2}
6: if S ∗ is a legal k-clique then
7: Return(S ∗ ) and Stop
8: else
9: S ← FrequencyBasedInitialize(k) {Construction of a new solution S, Sect. 2.3}
10: end if
11: end while
12: End
13: Return(Failure)

described in Sect. 2.2). More specifically, AMTS generates first an initial solution
(k-subset) in Ω which is built greedily in k steps from an empty set S. At each step,
a vertex v ∈ V \S is added to S such that v has the maximum number of edges that
are connected to the vertices of S (ties are broken randomly).
From this initial solution S (a k-subset), AMTS runs TS0 to improve S by max-
imizing the function f (formula (2)). During a round of TS0 , the search continues
whenever TS0 finds improved solutions. If the search is judged to be stagnating (the
parameter L at line 5 is used for this purpose), the current round of TS0 is stopped
and then restarted from a new starting solution (More information about the restart
mechanism is given in Sects. 2.2.1 and 2.3). So a AMTS run is composed of multiple
rounds of the TS0 procedure. While each round of TS0 examines in detail a region of
the search space, each restart displaces the search to a new region.
The AMTS algorithm stops when a legal k-clique is found by TS0 , in which case
the found k-clique is returned. AMTS may also stop when the total number Iter of
iterations attains a prefixed maximum number (Itermax ) without finding a legal k-
clique. In this case, a failure is reported. Itermax is a user-defined parameter which
specifies the maximal search effort allowed to solve a given instance. Next we present
in detail the tabu search procedure TS0 .

2.2 The tabu search procedure

2.2.1 Main idea

Our tabu search procedure TS0 is based on the well-known tabu search method
(Glover and Laguna 1997). From a general point of view, tabu search explores the
search space by iteratively replacing the current solution by a new solution taken
from a given neighborhood. For each iteration, tabu search selects one of the best
neighbors among the neighbor solutions. With this selection rule, tabu search visits
90 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

solutions of increasing quality whenever solutions of better quality exist in the neigh-
borhood. When no improving solutions can be found (i.e., when a local optimum is
reached), tabu search still moves to a best neighbor (which is also the least worse so-
lution within the neighborhood). This strategy allows tabu search to go beyond local
optima encountered and continue its exploration toward possibly better solutions. To
prevent the search from revisiting an already examined solution, tabu search adopts
a so-called tabu list to record previously visited solutions. For a detailed presentation
of tabu search, the reader is referred to Glover and Laguna (1997).
Our TS0 procedure adapts the tabu search method to the problem of finding k-
cliques in a graph G = (V , E). The pseudo-code of our TS0 procedure is given in
Algorithm 2. TS0 operates on candidate solutions represented by k-subsets. S and S ∗
designate respectively the current solution and the best solution found so far (accord-
ing to the evaluation function f defined in Sect. 2.1). I is an iteration counter used
for the restart of TS0 while Iter is the global iteration counter used by AMTS in its
stop test (see Algorithm 1).
For each while loop of Algorithm 2 (lines 4–23), TS0 moves from the current
solution S (a k-subset in Ω) to a new neighbor solution (another k-subset in Ω). For
this, TS0 uses two different rules to select a dedicated vertex u in S and a specific

Algorithm 2 The tabu search procedure TS0 for k-clique finding

Require: Graph G, Initial solution S, Integer k (clique size), Integer L (depth of tabu search),
Integer Iter (iteration counter)
Ensure: The best solution S ∗ found by the tabu search
1: Begin
2: I ← 0 {I is the consecutive iterations during which f (S) is not improved}
3: S ∗ ← S {S ∗ records the best solution found so far}
4: while (I < L) do
5: if There exist improving moves in neighborhood CN then
6: Choose a best allowed swap(u, v) {Sects. 2.2.2 and 2.2.3}
7: else
8: Choose swap(u, v) according to the Prob. Move Select. Rule {Sect. 2.2.4}
9: end if
10: S ← S\{u} ∪ {v} {Move to the new solution}
11: Undate the tabu list {Sect. 2.2.5}
12: if S is a legal k-clique then
13: Return S and Stop
14: end if
15: Iter ← Iter + 1
16: if f (S) > f (S ∗ ) then
17: S∗ ← S
18: I ←0
19: else
20: I ←I +1
21: end if
22: end while
23: End
24: Return (Clique S ∗ )
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 91

vertex v outside S (lines 5–6 and 8–9, see Sects. 2.2.2–2.2.4), and then swaps u and
v to obtain a new solution (line 11). These swapped vertices are finally added in the
tabu list preventing them from being selected again for the next iterations (line 12,
see Sect. 2.2.5). If the new solution is a legal k-clique (i.e., f (S) = k ∗ (k − 1)/2),
the algorithm stops and returns the k-clique found (lines 13–15). Otherwise, if the
new solution S is better than the best solution S ∗ found so far (f (S) > f (S ∗ )), TS0
updates S ∗ by S and continues to its next iteration (lines 17–21).
The while loop ends if no improved solution is found for L consecutive iterations
(L is called the search depth). In this case, the search is judged to be trapped in a deep
local optimum. To escape from this local optimum, AMTS restarts TS0 from a new
starting point (see Sect. 2.3).
In the rest of this section, we provide a detailed description of the main ingredi-
ents of the TS0 procedure while in Sect. 2.3, we explain the solution construction
procedure for each restart of the TS0 procedure.

2.2.2 Constrained swap move and neighborhood

To explore the search space Ω of k-subsets (formula (1)), one naive way is to start
with any k-subset S ∈ Ω and subsequently swap a vertex of S with another vertex
of V \S. Clearly, such a unconstrained swap (used in Friden et al. 1989) induces
a neighborhood of size k ∗ (|V | − k) which may be quite large. More importantly
such a unconstrained neighborhood is not sufficiently focused and will not enable
an efficient exploration of the search space. For this reason, we introduce below the
constrained neighborhood which is both more focused and smaller-sized.
Let S ∈ Ω be a candidate solution (k-subset). For each vertex v ∈ V , let d(v)
denote the degree of v relative to the subset S:
d(v) = |{i ∈ S | {i, v} ∈ E}|
Let tabu_list be the tabu list containing the vertices that are currently forbidden
for migration (see Sect. 2.2.5).
Let MinInS = min{d(u)| u ∈ S, u ∈ / tabu_list} and
Let MaxOutS = max{d(v)| v ∈ V \S, v ∈ / tabu_list}
A = {u ∈ S | u ∈/ tabu_list, d(u) = MinInS}
B = {v ∈ V \S | v ∈ / tabu_list, d(v) = MaxOutS}
Now, to obtain a neighbor solution S from S, we swap one vertex u ∈ A against
a vertex v ∈ B. This transition (from S to S ) can conveniently be characterized by a
move denoted by swap(u, v) and written formally as: S = S ⊕ swap(u, v) or equiv-
alently S = S\{u} ∪ {v}. All possible swap moves induced by A and B define our
constrained neighborhood CN (S), i.e.,
CN (S) = {S : S = S\{u} ∪ {v}, u ∈ A, v ∈ B} (3)
Given the definition of d(v), it is easy to see that function f (S) (formula (2)) can
be rewritten as:
f (S) = ∗ d(i) (4)
92 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

For a given swap(u, v), the move gain Δuv , i.e., the variation in the function value
f induced by the swap move, can be conveniently computed by:
Δuv = f (S ) − f (S) = d(v) − d(u) − euv (5)
where euv = 1 if {u, v} ∈ E, euv = 0 otherwise.
Consequently, for any u ∈ A and v ∈ B, the following formulation can be con-

MaxOutS − MinInS − 1, if {u, v} ∈ E
Δuv =
MaxOutS − MinInS, otherwise.

2.2.3 Move selection strategy

Obviously, the moves with Δuv = MaxOutS − MinInS are preferable since they give
improvement of the evaluation function f mostly. Let T denote those swap moves
with the increment value equal to MaxOutS − MinInS.
T = {(u, v) : u ∈ A, v ∈ B, {u, v} ∈
/ E, Δuv = MaxOutS − MinInS}
We apply the following strategy to determine the best neighbor solution. If T is
not empty, then one pair (u, v) from T is randomly selected for swap. If T is empty,
vertex u is randomly selected from A and v is randomly selected from B. Notice that
in this latter case, u and v must be two adjacent vertices.
It can be easily showed that the solution S = S\{u} ∪ {v} obtained by swapping
such a pair of vertices (u, v) is one of the best non-tabu neighbor solutions in the
neighborhood CN (S), i.e., for any solution S ∈ CN (S), f (S ) ≥ f (S ). In fact, if
T = ∅, then for each S ∈ CN(S), f (S ) = f (S) + MaxOutS − MinInS − 1, i.e., any
solution in CN (S) has the same f value and S is among the best non-tabu solutions.
If T = ∅, then f (S ) = f (S) + MaxOutS − MinInS. For any other solution S ∈
CN (S) (assume that S = S ⊕ swap(x, y)), f (S ) = f (S) + MaxOutS − MinInS −
exy ≤ f (S) + MaxOutS − MinInS = f (S ). Once again, we can see that S is one of
the best solutions in CN (S).
Finally, to prepare the next iteration of the algorithm, d, A, B, MinInS and
MaxOutS are updated accordingly after each swap(u, v) move.

2.2.4 Probabilistic diversifying move selection rule

The above move selection rule assures an exhaustive exploration of the constrained
neighborhood. To encourage the search to visit new regions in the search space, we
additionally employ a strategy that disables the usual move selection rule and prefers
occasionally some deteriorating moves. Such an alternative strategy is triggered only
in a controlled and probabilistic manner when the current solution S corresponds to
a local optimum, i.e., for each allowed swap(u, v), the new solution S = S\{u} ∪ {v}
is not better than the current solution S (f (S ) ≤ f (S)). In this case, we apply the
following Probabilistic Move Selection Rule (PMSR).
– With a low probability P = min{ l+2
|V | , 0.1} where |V | is the order of the graph and
l = k ∗ (k − 1)/2 − f (S), select a (much worse) swap(u, v) as follows. Pick u at
random from S and pick v in V \S such that d(v) < k ∗ ρ, where ρ is the density
of the graph.
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 93

– With probability 1-P , select one best allowed swap(u, v) according to the usual
selection strategy defined in Sect. 2.2.3.
This strategy provides a way to allow the search to occasionally go to another
region when no better solution can be found around the current solution.

2.2.5 Tabu list and tenure management

To define our tabu list, first recall that a neighbor solution of S is characterized by a
pair of (u, v) where u is a specific vertex in A ⊂ S and v outside S. To prevent the
search from revisiting S, when a swap(u, v) move is performed, vertex u is added
in a data structure called tabu list and remains in the list for the next Tu iterations
(called tabu tenure, see Glover and Laguna 1997). We call vertex u tabu and forbid
the search to add u back to a solution during the period fixed by Tu . Similarly, vertex
v is marked tabu for the next Tv iterations, during which v cannot be removed from
the solution. We call a swap(u, v) move tabu if at least one of the two implied vertices
is marked tabu.
Inspired by the tabu mechanism proposed in Galinier and Hao (1999), the tabu
tenures Tu and Tv are dynamically adjusted by a function depending on the evaluation
function f (S). More precisely, let l1 = k ∗ (k − 1)/2 − f (S), l = min{l1 , 10}. Then,
Tu and Tv are defined respectively as follows:

Tu = l + Random(C) and
Tv = 0.6 ∗ l + Random(0.6 ∗ C)

where C = max{k/40, 6} is a parameter and the function Random(X) returns ran-

domly an integer number in {0, . . . , X − 1}. It is clear that Tu > Tv holds.
The first part of the tabu tenure of Tu can be explained by the fact that a solution
with a small evaluation function value should have a longer tabu tenure to escape
from the local optimum trap. Since the exact value of the tabu tenure is unknown, the
second part of Tu and Tu provides a random adjustment.
The reason for Tu > Tv is that preventing vertices in the current solution S from
being removed is much more restrictive than preventing vertices outside S from be-
ing added to S, since in general there are much fewer vertices contained in S than
those outside S. In addition, preventing vertices added to S from being removed for
a relatively long time can significantly inhibit available choices. Hence the tenure for
the added vertex v should be made smaller by comparison to the removed vertex u.
In order to implement the tabu list, a vector tabu_list of |V | elements is used.
As suggested in Glover and Laguna (1997), each element tabu_list(i) (1 ≤ i ≤ |V |)
records Ti + I , where I is the current number of iterations (Algorithm 2) and Ti is
the tabu tenure for vertex i. In this way, it is very easy to know if a vertex i is tabu or
not at iteration j: if tabu_list(i) > j , vertex i is forbidden to move; otherwise, i can
be moved without restriction.
Finally, at each iteration, the tabu status of a move is canceled if the move leads to
a better solution than the best solution S ∗ encountered so far.
94 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

2.3 A frequency-based strategy for new solution generation

To encourage the AMTS algorithm to explore new regions in the search space, we
repeat the tabu search procedure TS0 from different starting points. (This is what the
term multistart means.) Recall that a restart is triggered when TS0 cannot find an
improved solution during L consecutive iterations (Sect. 2.2.1).
To build a new initial solution for each TS0 restart, we devise an informed pro-
cedure guided by a long-term frequency memory. In this memory, we keep track of
the number of times a vertex has been moved during the search. To maintain the
frequency gi of vertex i, we use the following rules.
1. Initially, set gi = 0 for each vertex i ∈ V .
2. Subsequently, during the search, each time vertex i is removed from or put into the
current solution S, the frequency counter gi of vertex i is incremented, gi = gi + 1.
3. If for all i ∈ V , gi > k, then we reset gi = 0 for all i ∈ V . This mechanism re-
freshes the memory over time and avoids the situation where a vertex is defini-
tively prevented from being selected by the solution construction procedure (see
Given this frequency information, we create the new initial solution S for a restart as
follows. Initialize S by randomly adding a vertex having the smallest frequency value
in V and then repeat the above step until S contains exactly k vertices. For each step,
select a vertex v ∈ V \S such that v has the maximum number of edges that connect
to S. If several vertices satisfy the above criterion, select the vertex with the smallest
frequency value (less moved). If there are still several vertices that satisfy the two
criteria, select one of these vertices randomly.
Notice that if ATMS is given a maximum of allowed Itermax iterations, ATMS
may perform at most Itermax /L restarts during its run. A small (respectively large) L
value implies more (respectively less) restart of the TS0 procedure. We show a study
of the influence of L on the performance of the AMTS algorithm.

3 Experimental results

3.1 DIMACS Challenge Benchmark

In this section, we present an extensive evaluation of our AMTS method using the set
of second DIMACS Challenge Benchmark instances (Johnson and Trick 1996). We
also make comparisons with five state-of-the-art maximum clique algorithms from
the literature.
The DIMACS Challenge Benchmark set comprises 80 graphs from a variety of
applications such as coding theory, fault diagnosis problems, Keller’s conjecture on
tilings using hypercubes and the Steiner triple problem. In addition, the set includes
graphs generated randomly and graphs where the maximum clique has been ‘hidden’
by incorporating low-degree vertices. The sizes of these instances range from less
than 50 vertices and 1000 edges to greater than 3300 vertices and 5000000 edges.
Columns 1 and 2 of Table 1 show the name and size of each graph.
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 95

Our AMTS algorithm1 is programmed in C, and compiled using GNU GCC on a

PC with 2.83 GHz CPU and 8G RAM.

3.2 Experimental settings

We report our computational results based on the parameters values given here, even
though fine-tuning the parameters would lead to improved results.

Parameter setting The two main parameters for AMTS are the number of allowed
iterations (Itermax ) for each run and the search depth L of TS0 (see Sect. 2.3). Since
AMTS stops when a legal k-clique is found, Itermax can be safely given a very large
value. In this paper, we use Itermax = 108 as in Pullan and Hoos (2006) for their
DLS-MC algorithm which is our main reference. Notice that for many graphs, AMTS
attains a legal k-clique with much fewer iterations and stops long before reaching 108
As to the search depth L, it is set equal to |V | ∗ k except for the structured brock
and san graphs for which smaller values 4 ∗ k are used. As a general rule, it is prefer-
able to restart more frequently AMTS for structured graphs (by using a small L) in
contrast to random graphs for which L should be set to a larger value. The effect of
L on the algorithm is studied in Sect. 4.1.
Finally, since a maximum clique in a graph G is a maximum independent set in the
complementary graph G, when the density of G is greater than 0.5, it is transformed
to its complement and AMTS is employed to solve the related maximum independent
set problem.

3.3 Computational results

Given the stochastic nature of our AMTS algorithm, we run the algorithm 100 times
on each DIMACS benchmark instance with different random seeds, like in Pullan
(2006), Pullan and Hoos (2006), Katayama et al. (2005), Battiti and Protasi (2001).
To run AMTS on a graph, we set k to be the largest known clique size reported in the
literature. During a AMTS run, legal cliques of size k − 1 and k − 2 are also recorded.
These k − 1 and k − 2 cliques are reported if no k-clique is found for at least one of
the 100 AMTS runs.
Table 1 gives the computational statistics using the same information as that em-
ployed in the literature on the maximum clique problem such as Pullan (2006), Pullan
and Hoos (2006), Katayama et al. (2005), Battiti and Protasi (2001).
For each instance, we show in column 4 the solution quality by a triple a−b−c,
where a is the number of runs (out of the 100 runs) in which a clique size of ω (ω is
the maximum known clique size reported in the literature) is found, b is the number
of runs in which the algorithm fails to find a clique size of ω, but attains a clique
size of ω − 1, c is the number of runs where only cliques of size ω − 2 or worse
are found. The next three columns provide other information: the averaged clique

1 The source code of AMTS is available at: http://www.info.univ-angers.fr/pub/hao/amts.html.

96 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

Table 1 The results obtained by AMTS on the set of 80 DIMACS benchmarks based on 100 independent
runs per instance. The maximum known clique size for each instance is shown in the ω column (marked
with an asterisk symbol when ω is proven to be optimal). Quality is shown in the form a−b−c (column
4, see explanation). AvgTime is the CPU time in seconds, averaged over all successful runs. AvgSize is
the clique size averaged over the 100 runs. The last column indicates the total run time of the 100 runs of
AMTS for each instance. In 95% cases where a 100% success rate is reached, one single run suffices to
attain the largest clique size reported in the literature

Instance Node ω Quality AvgSize AvgTime Iter/sec TotalTime

brock200_1 200 21∗ 100-0-0 21 0.0136 280013 13.6

brock200_2 200 12∗ 100-0-0 12 0.3625 270770 36.25
brock200_3 200 15∗ 100-0-0 15 0.0105 272734 1.05
brock200_4 200 17∗ 100-0-0 17 1.7582 272728 175.82
brock400_1 400 27∗ 100-0-0 27 37.7739 187507 3777.39
brock400_2 400 29∗ 100-0-0 29 1.1818 187515 118.18
brock400_3 400 31∗ 100-0-0 31 1.7909 157902 179.09
brock400_4 400 33∗ 100-0-0 33 0.5956 146373 59.56
brock800_1 800 23∗ 98-0-2 22.96 234.6277 85714 25326.85
brock800_2 800 24∗ 100-0-0 24 33.1439 85649 3314.39
brock800_3 800 25∗ 100-0-0 25 52.3981 78950 5239.81
brock800_4 800 26∗ 100-0-0 26 15.2340 70768 1523.40
C125.9 125 34∗ 100-0-0 34 0.0018 400214 0.18
C250.9 250 44∗ 100-0-0 44 0.0058 336700 0.58
C500.9 500 57 100-0-0 57 0.1263 206611 12.63
C1000.9 1000 68 100-0-0 68 1.1471 181180 114.71
C2000.5 2000 16 100-0-0 16 0.6611 31685 66.11
C2000.9 2000 80 1-93-6 78.95 450.0996 86199 115300.62
C4000.5 4000 18 100-0-0 18 126.6315 15422 12663.15
DSJC500.5 500 13∗ 100-0-0 13 0.0071 106723 0.71
DSJC1000.5 1000 15∗ 100-0-0 15 0.3113 59241 31.13
keller4 171 11∗ 100-0-0 11 < 0.0001 212000 0.01
keller5 776 27∗ 100-0-0 27 0.0565 120772 5.65
keller6 3361 59 100-0-0 59 10.8103 47755 1081.03
MANN_a9 45 16∗ 100-0-0 16 0.0161 835681 1.61
MANN_a27 378 126∗ 100-0-0 126 0.0707 715188 7.07
MANN_a45 1035 345∗ 4-96-0 344.04 112.8498 436381 22450.52
MANN_a81 3321 1100 0-0-100 1098 27.5524 332219 2755.24
hamming6-2 64 32∗ 100-0-0 32 < 0.0001 581395 0.01
hamming6-4 64 4∗ 100-0-0 4 < 0.0001 245700 0.01
hamming8-2 256 128∗ 100-0-0 128 0.0005 236966 0.05
hamming8-4 256 16∗ 100-0-0 16 < 0.0001 177935 0.01
hamming10-2 1024 512∗ 100-0-0 512 0.3116 71123 31.16
hamming10-4 1024 40 100-0-0 40 0.9167 130548 91.67
gen200_p0.9_44 200 44∗ 100-0-0 44 0.0074 375939 0.74
gen200_p0.9_55 200 55∗ 100-0-0 55 0.0006 531914 0.06
gen400_p0.9_55 400 55∗ 100-0-0 55 0.5476 211914 54.76
gen400_p0.9_65 400 65∗ 100-0-0 65 0.0123 355871 1.23
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 97

Table 1 (Continued)

Instance Node ω Quality AvgSize AvgTime Iter/sec TotalTime

gen400_p0.9_75 400 75∗ 100-0-0 75 0.0415 200512 4.15

c-fat200-1 200 12∗ 100-0-0 12 0.0014 108675 0.14
c-fat200-2 200 24∗ 100-0-0 24 0.1742 91407 17.42
c-fat200-5 200 58∗ 100-0-0 58 0.1102 87719 11.02
c-fat500-1 500 14∗ 100-0-0 14 0.1354 47755 13.54
c-fat500-2 500 26∗ 100-0-0 26 0.2253 44150 22.53
c-fat500-5 500 64∗ 100-0-0 64 0.1009 39510 10.09
c-fat500-10 500 126∗ 100-0-0 126 2.6587 29629 265.87
johnson8-2-4 28 4∗ 100-0-0 4 < 0.0001 375939 0.01
johnson8-4-4 70 14∗ 100-0-0 14 < 0.0001 425531 0.01
johnson16-2-4 120 8∗ 100-0-0 8 < 0.0001 96993 0.01
johnson32-2-4 496 16 100-0-0 16 < 0.0001 22857 0.01
p_hat300-1 300 8∗ 100-0-0 8 0.0008 130548 0.08
p_hat300-2 300 25∗ 100-0-0 25 0.0007 220750 0.07
p_hat300-3 300 36∗ 100-0-0 36 0.0016 255754 0.16
p_hat500-1 500 9∗ 100-0-0 9 0.0011 84175 0.11
p_hat500-2 500 36∗ 100-0-0 36 0.0008 165213 0.08
p_hat500-3 500 50 100-0-0 50 0.0053 284419 0.53
p_hat700-1 700 11∗ 100-0-0 11 0.0098 60518 0.98
p_hat700-2 700 44∗ 100-0-0 44 0.0012 155470 0.12
p_hat700-3 700 62∗ 100-0-0 62 0.0053 233798 0.53
p_hat1000-1 1000 10∗ 100-0-0 10 0.0008 45202 0.08
p_hat1000-2 1000 46∗ 100-0-0 46 0.0009 105470 0.09
p_hat1000-3 1000 68∗ 100-0-0 68 0.0813 200348 8.13
p_hat1500-1 1500 12∗ 100-0-0 12 2.1815 31628 218.15
p_hat1500-2 1500 65∗ 100-0-0 65 0.3284 80123 32.84
p_hat1500-3 1500 94 100-0-0 94 0.3153 139885 31.53
san200_0.7_1 200 30∗ 100-0-0 30 0.2074 100102 20.74
san200_0.7_2 200 18∗ 100-0-0 18 0.2420 88909 24.20
san200_0.9_1 200 70∗ 100-0-0 70 0.1676 170024 16.76
san200_0.9_2 200 60∗ 100-0-0 60 0.1322 300293 13.22
san200_0.9_3 200 44∗ 100-0-0 44 0.0757 300263 7.57
san400_0.5_1 400 13∗ 100-0-0 13 11.4577 33336 1145.77
san400_0.7_1 400 40∗ 100-0-0 40 8.7633 40032 876.33
san400_0.7_2 400 30∗ 100-0-0 30 29.9791 42873 2997.91
san400_0.7_3 400 22∗ 100-0-0 22 56.2885 45024 5628.85
san400_0.9_1 400 100∗ 100-0-0 100 1.8674 42888 186.74
san1000 1000 15∗ 100-0-0 15 315.1698 37273 31516.98
sanr200-0.7 200 18∗ 100-0-0 18 0.0009 290697 0.09
sanr200-0.9 200 42∗ 100-0-0 42 0.0047 336700 0.47
sanr400-0.5 400 13∗ 100-0-0 13 0.0137 130548 1.37
sanr400-0.7 400 21 100-0-0 21 0.0048 182815 0.48
98 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

Table 2 The performance of

AMTS on the C2000.9 instance Clique size(k) AvgTime AvgIter Success rate

80 450.09 38797622 1
79 338.39 29169205 93
78 33.52 2890191 100

size over 100 runs, averaged CPU time in seconds over the successful runs and the
average iterations per second. The last column indicates the total run time of the 100
runs of AMTS to solve an instance. As shown below, for most of the tested instances,
one single run is sufficient to attain the largest clique size known in the literature.
Table 1 discloses that AMTS can find cliques of the largest known size for 79 out
of the 80 benchmarks. The only instance for which AMTS fails to find the best known
solution (ω = 1100) is MANN_a81. For this instance, AMTS obtains consistently
cliques of size 1098 in 100 of all the 100 runs. (The average time provided in Table 1
for the instance MANN_a81 is the average time to find cliques size of 1098.)
Of the 79 instances for which AMTS attains the best known solutions, in 76 cases
it finds such a solution with a success rate of 100%. Consequently, one single run
would suffice for AMTS to find a clique of the largest known size. For only three
instances (brock800_1, C2000.9, MANN_a45), not every run of AMTS can find a
clique of the largest known size. Still each run can attain either a best known clique
or cliques of sizes very close to the largest known size ω.
Indeed, for brock800_1 whose best known clique size is equal to 23, AMTS
reaches with a very high probability of 0.98 cliques of this size with a single run.
For C2000.9 which has a largest known clique size ω = 80, the success rate is only
1%, but AMTS obtains consistently cliques of size 79 in 93 of 100 runs, while the
remaining 6 runs finds cliques of size 78 (see Table 2). To the best of our knowl-
edge, cliques of size 80 for C2000.9 have only been reported recently in Grosso et al.
(2008). Not only AMTS attains this result, but also it can easily attain cliques of size
79 in reasonable time as shown in Table 2. Very similar comments can be made for
If we check the computing times in Table 1, we observe that for 58 out of the 80
DIMACS instances (i.e., more than 72% cases), the average CPU time for attaining
the best known solution is within 1 CPU second. A CPU time of 10 seconds to 7
minutes are required on average for the 22 remaining instances.
In sum, in 95% cases where a 100% success rate is reached, one single run of
AMTS suffices to attain the largest clique size reported in the literature with a running
time ranging from less than 1 second to several minutes. For the remaining 5% cases,
each single run of AMTS is able to find legal k-cliques with k equaling or very close
to the best known size ω.

3.4 Comparative results

In this section, we attempt to compare AMTS with 5 representative state-of-the-art

methods from the literature. The main comparison criterion is the quality of the so-
lutions found in terms of the largest and average clique size. Due to the differences
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 99

among the programming languages, data structures, compiler options and computers,
computing times are provided only for indicative purposes.
First, we recall the hardware and basic experimental conditions used by these ref-
erence methods.
– DLS-MC (Stochastic local search (Pullan and Hoos 2006)). The results of DLS-
MC were based on a dedicated 2.2 GHz Pentium IV machine with 512KB L2 cache
and 512MB RAM. For each instance, DLS-MC was run 100 times, each run being
allowed 108 iterations like in our case.
– KLS (k-opt variable depth search algorithm (Katayama et al. 2005)). The results
of KLS were based on a Sun Blade 1000 Workstation (UltraSPARC-III 900 MHz,
2GB memory). For each instance, KLS was run 100 trials. For each trial, KLS was
repeatedly executed n times, where n was the number of nodes of a given graph.
– HSSGA (Heuristic based steady-state genetic algorithm (Singh and Gupta 2008)).
HSSGA was run on a Pentium-III 1 GHz Linux based system with 384MB RAM.
HSSGA was run 10 times on each graph instance. For each run, HSSGA was run
until either the optimum solution value was found or a maximum of 20 000 gener-
ations was reached.
– RLS (Reactive local search (Battiti and Protasi 2001; Battiti and Mascia 2010)).
RLS was run on a Pentium-II (450 MHz CPU, 384MB RAM) machine. For each
instance, 100 runs were performed, for each run, the number of iterations was fixed
to 20000 × n.
– QUALEX-MS (Quick Almost Exact Motzkin-Straus-based search (Busygin 2006)).
QUALEX-MS was run on a Pentium IV 1.4 GHz computer under Red Hat Linux.
In Table 3, we first compare our AMTS method with DLS-MC which is the current
best maximum clique algorithm. The comparison focuses on solution quality, i.e., the
largest clique size found (averaged size is given in parenthesis if it is different from
the largest one). As explained above, computing times are provided only as com-
plementary information. Notice moreover that the results of DLS-MC were obtained
after fine-tuning its parameter (Pullan and Hoos 2006) on an instance-by-instance
Table 3 shows that AMTS compares favorably with DLS-MC in terms of the best
clique size. Indeed, AMTS can find the largest clique sizes for all the 80 instances
except one case (MANN_a81) while DLS-MC can find the best known solutions
for all the instances except three cases (MANN_a81, MANN_a45 and C2000.9). The
difference between AMTS and DLS-MC can also be observed in terms of the average
clique size obtained by the two algorithms; AMTS finds larger average clique size on
three large and hard instances (C2000.9, MANN_a45 and MANN_a81) while the
result of DLS-MC is better for one instance (brook800_1).
In terms of solution speed, DLS-MC shows better performance than AMTS on a
number of instances, in particular some structured graphs. Indeed, for these instances
(e.g., brock and san graphs), both algorithms can (rather easily) attain the best known
solutions, but DLS-MC needs much less computing time.
In Table 4, we report the best and the average clique size obtained by AMTS in
comparison with the other four algorithms (KLS, HSSGA, RLS and QUALEX-MS)
on 37 DIMACS benchmark instances which are used by these reference algorithms.
100 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

Table 3 Comparative results between AMTS and the top-performing maximum clique method DLS-MC.
Results of DLS-MC are taken from Pullan and Hoos (2006). The results of both algorithms are based on
100 runs with a maximum of 108 iterations per run and per instance. For DLS-MC, average CPU times
less than or equal to 0.0001 seconds are shown as . The focus is on solution quality. Computing times are
provided only for indicative purposes

Instance AMTS DLS-MC

Clique size CPU(s) Clique size CPU(s)

brock200_1 21 0.0136 21 0.0182

brock200_2 12 0.3625 12 0.0242
brock200_3 15 0.0105 15 0.0367
brock200_4 17 1.7582 17 0.0468
brock400_1 27 37.774 27 2.2299
brock400_2 29 1.1818 29 0.4774
brock400_3 31 1.7909 31 0.1758
brock400_4 33 0.5956 33 0.0673
brock800_1 23(22.96) 234.628 23 56.497
brock800_2 24 33.144 24 15.734
brock800_3 25 52.398 25 21.920
brock800_4 26 15.234 26 8.8807
C125.9 34 0.0018 34 <
C250.9 44 0.0058 44 0.0009
C500.9 57 0.1263 57 0.1272
C1000.9 68 1.1471 68 4.440
C2000.5 16 0.6611 16 0.9697
C2000.9 80(78.95) 450.100 78(77.93) 193.224
C4000.5 18 126.632 18 181.234
DSJC500.5 13 0.0071 13 0.0138
DSJC1000.5 15 0.3113 15 0.7990
c-fat200-1 12 0.0014 12 0.0002
c-fat200-2 24 0.1742 24 0.0010
c-fat200-5 58 0.1102 58 0.0002
c-fat500-1 14 0.1354 14 0.0004
c-fat500-2 26 0.2253 26 0.0004
c-fat500-5 64 0.1009 64 0.0020
c-fat500-10 126 2.6587 126 0.0015
gen200-P0.9-44 44 0.0074 44 0.0010
gen200-P0.9-55 55 0.0006 55 0.0003
gen400-P0.9-55 55 0.5476 55 0.0268
gen400-P0.9-65 65 0.0123 65 0.0010
gen400-P0.9-75 75 0.0415 75 0.0005
hamming6-2 32 < 32 <
hamming6-4 4 < 4 <
hamming8-2 128 0.0005 128 0.0003
hamming8-4 16 < 16 <
hamming10-2 512 0.3116 512 0.0008
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 101

Table 3 (Continued)

Instance AMTS DLS-MC

Clique size CPU(s) Clique size CPU(s)

hamming10-4 40 0.9167 40 0.0089

johnson16-2-4 8 < 8 <
johnson32_2_4 16 < 16 <
johnson8_2_4 4 < 4 <
johnson8_4_4 14 < 14 <
keller4 11 < 11 <
keller5 27 0.0565 27 0.0201
keller6 59 10.810 59 170.483
MANN_a9 16 0.0161 16 <
MANN_a27 126 0.0707 126 0.0476
MANN_a45 345(344.04) 112.850 344 51.960
MANN_a81 1098 27.552 1098(1097.96) 264.009
p_hat300_1 8 0.0008 8 0.0007
p_hat300_2 25 0.0007 25 0.0002
p_hat300_3 36 0.0016 36 0.0007
p_hat500_1 9 0.0011 9 0.0010
p_hat500_2 36 0.0008 36 0.0005
p_hat500_3 50 0.0053 50 0.0023
p_hat700_1 11 0.0098 11 0.0194
p_hat700_2 44 0.0012 44 0.0010
p_hat700_3 62 0.0053 62 0.0015
p_hat1000_1 10 0.0008 10 0.0034
p_hat1000_2 46 0.0009 46 0.0024
p_hat1000_3 68 0.0813 68 0.0062
p_hat1500_1 12 2.1815 12 2.7064
p_hat1500_2 65 0.3284 65 0.0061
p_hat1500_3 94 0.3153 94 0.0103
san200_0.7_1 30 0.2074 30 0.0029
san200_0.7_2 18 0.2420 18 0.0684
san200_0.9_1 70 0.1676 70 0.0003
san200_0.9_2 60 0.1322 60 0.0002
san200_0.9_3 44 0.0757 44 0.0015
san400_0.5_1 13 11.458 13 0.1641
san400_0.7_1 40 8.7366 40 0.1088
san400_0.7_2 30 29.979 30 0.2111
san400_0.7_3 22 56.289 22 0.4249
san400_0.9_1 100 1.8674 100 0.0029
san1000 15 315.170 15 8.3636
sanr200_0.7 18 0.0009 18 0.0020
sanr200_0.9 42 0.0047 42 0.0127
sanr400_0.5 13 0.0137 13 0.0393
sanr400_0.7 21 0.0048 21 0.0230
Table 4 Comparative results of AMTS with four other leading clique algorithms (KLS Katayama et al. 2005, HSSGA Singh and Gupta 2008, RLS Battiti and Protasi 2001

and QUALEX-MS Busygin 2006) on 37 DIMACS benchmark instances. The results of these methods are taken from the references. Graphs that are not shared by all these
algorithms are not shown. The focus is on solution quality. Computing times are provided only for indicative purposes

Instance Node Best Max-Clique Algorithm

Size Time Size Time Size Time Size Time Size Time

brock200_2 200 12∗ 12 0.3625 11 0.0035 12 0.29 12 9.605 12 <1

brock200_4 200 17* 17 1.7582 16 0.0066 17(16.7) 1.14 17 19.491 17 <1
brock400_2 400 29* 29 1.1818 25(24.84) 0.1334 29(25.1) 2.35 29(26.063) 42.091 29 3
brock400_4 400 33* 33 0.5956 25 0.0174 33(27.0) 2.76 33(32.423) 108.638 33 2
brock800_2 800 24* 24 33.144 21(20.86) 0.4993 21(20.7) 10.72 21 4.739 24 18
brock800_4 800 26* 26 15.234 21(20.67) 1.2160 21(20.1) 3.04 21 6.696 26 18
C125.9 125 34* 34 0.0018 34 0.0011 34 0.06 34 0.004 34 <1
C250.9 250 44* 44 0.0058 44 0.0278 44(43.8) 0.34 44 0.029 44 1
C500.9 500 57 57 0.1263 57(56.15) 0.2699 56(54.2) 4.17 57 3.124 55 4
C1000.9 1000 68 68 1.1471 68(66.38) 2.0049 66(64.1) 14.27 68 41.660 64 27
C2000.5 2000 16 16 0.6611 16 2.8971 16(15.4) 27.52 16 9.976 16 278
C2000.9 2000 80 80(78.95) 450.10 77(74.90) 14.715 74(71.0) 117.66 78(77.575) 823.358 72 215
C4000.5 4000 18 18 126.63 18(17.02) 23.802 17(16.8) 158.42 18 2183.089 17 2345
DSJC500.5 500 13* 13 0.0071 13 0.0256 13 0.71 13 0.194 13 5
DSJC1000.5 1000 15* 15 0.3113 15(14.93) 0.6711 15(14.7) 7.38 15 6.453 14 36
keller4 171 11* 11 0.0001 11 0.0003 11 0.01 11 0.002 11 1
keller5 776 27* 27 0.0565 27 0.0399 27(26.9) 4.04 27 0.171 26 16
keller6 3361 59 59 10.810 57(55.59) 52.364 57(54.2) 314.65 59 189.814 53 1291
MANN_a27 378 126* 126 0.0707 126 0.0178 126(125.5) 3.17 126 3.116 125 1
MANN_a45 1035 345* 345(344.04) 112.85 345(343.88) 6.2014 343(342.6) 65.25 345(343.602) 398.770 342 17
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108
Table 4 (Continued)

Instance Node Best Max-Clique Algorithm

Size Time Size Time Size Time Size Time Size Time

MANN_a81 3321 1100 1098 27.552 1100(1098.07) 39.484 1095(1094.2) 3996.65 1098 2830.820 1096 477
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

hamming8-4 256 16* 16 0.0001 16 0.0004 16 0.01 16 0.003 16 1

hamming10-4 1024 40 40 0.9167 40 0.2209 40(39.0) 10.21 40 0.078 40 45
gen200_p0.9_44 200 44* 44 0.0074 44 0.0317 44(43.1) 1.07 44 0.037 42 <1
gen200_p0.9_55 200 55* 55 0.0006 55 0.0065 55 0.29 55 0.016 55 1
gen400_p0.9_55 400 55* 55 0.5476 53(52.21) 0.2089 53(51.4) 1.83 55 1.204 51 2
gen400_p0.9_65 400 65* 65 0.0123 65 0.0647 65(63.8) 1.71 65 0.050 65 2
gen400_p0.9_75 400 75* 75 0.0415 75 0.0425 75 1.93 75 0.051 75 2
p_hat300-1 300 8* 8 0.0008 8 0.0021 8 0.02 8 0.018 8 1
p_hat300-2 300 25* 25 0.0007 25 0.0012 25 0.02 25 0.006 25 1
p_hat300-3 300 36* 36 0.0016 36 0.0118 36(35.9) 0.18 36 0.021 35 1
p_hat700-1 700 11* 11 0.0098 11 0.1245 11 1.02 11 0.186 11 10
p_hat700-2 700 44* 44 0.0012 44 0.0077 44 0.19 44 0.028 44 12
p_hat700-3 700 62 62 0.0053 62 0.0158 62(61.7) 2.01 62 0.035 62 11
p_hat1500-1 1500 12* 12 2.1815 12 2.6054 12(11.5) 14.62 12 30.274 12 95
p_hat1500-2 1500 65 65 0.3284 65 0.0625 65(64.9) 2.03 65 0.158 64 111
p_hat1500-3 1500 94 94 0.3153 94 0.4286 94(93.1) 2.91 94 0.192 91 108
104 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

Table 5 Comparison result of AMTS with KLS (Katayama et al. 2005), HSSGA (Singh and Gupta 2008),
RLS (Battiti and Protasi 2001) and QUALEX-MS (Busygin 2006) in terms of number of instances on
which AMTS found better (or worse) results out of the 37 DIMACS benchmark instances. The symbol ‘–’
used for QUALEX-MS indicates that the average clique size is not available

Best clique size Average clique size

Better than Worse than Better than Worse than

KLS 1 9 1 14
HSSGA 0 10 0 26
RLS 0 3 0 6
QUALEX-MS 0 14 – –

Table 5 summarizes the comparative results in terms of the number of instances on

which these algorithms performs better or worse than AMTS.
Tables 4 and 5 show that AMTS finds larger cliques than KLS for 9 graphs, while
the reverse is true only for one graph. Moreover, the average clique size found by
AMTS is better than that of KLS on 14 instances whereas KLS outperforms AMTS
on one instance. Regarding the other three algorithms (HSSGA, RLS and QUALEX-
MS), AMTS can find an equal or better solution than these reference algorithms on
each of the 37 benchmark instances.

4 Analysis of critical components of AMTS

4.1 Influence of restart

Recall that for each run of the algorithm, ATMS restarts from a new solution if the
current solution is not improved for L consecutive iterations. So a small (large) value
of L leads to more (less) frequent restart. To analyze the influence of the restart
strategy on the performance of the AMTS algorithm, we focus on the effect of L and
study the running profile of the evaluation function f (formula (2), Sect. 2.2.1) by
varying the value of L.
Experiments in this study are performed on a structured instance (brock800_2)
and a random instance (C2000.9). To solve these instances, we consider 3 different
values L = 100, 1000 and 10000. For each of these values, we perform 100 runs of
AMTS, each run being given a maximum of Itermax = 107 iterations.
The running profile is defined by the function i −→ f∗ (i) where i is the number
of iterations (counter Iter) and f∗ (i) is the best evaluation function value known at
iteration i, averaged over 100 runs. More precisely, let j denote the j th run of AMTS
(j = 1 . . . 100), fi (S ∗ ) the value of the evaluation function f (defined by (2) in

Sect. 2.2.1) of the best solution S ∗ known at iteration i of AMTS j th run. For each
 j ∗
plotted iteration i in the running profile, f∗ (i) is equal to 100
j =1 fi (S )/100. Such a
profile gives a natural way to observe the evolution of the best values of the objective
function during a search (Galinier and Hao 1999).
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 105

Fig. 1 Running profile of

AMTS with L = 100, 1000 and
10000 as well as AMTS without
restart (basic TS) on brock800_2

Figure 1 shows the running profiles of AMTS on the graph brock800_2 with k =
24. The figure shows also the running profile of AMTS without restart, i.e., with
L = Itermax (we call this version basic TS). From Fig. 1, we observe that AMTS
with L = 100 dominates AMTS with L = 1000 and L = 10000. Since smaller L
implies more restarts, this experiment suggests a frequent restart is quite useful for the
instance brock800_2 (in fact for other special structured instances). One also notices
that AMTS without restart performs the worst.
Figure 2 shows the running profiles of AMTS on C2000.9 with k = 79. It is in-
teresting to observe that for this graph, AMTS performs better with large values
L = 1000 or L = 10000 than with L = 100. AMTS without restart performs here
quite well. This suggests that for C2000.9 (in fact for many random instances) a long
search with the basic TS0 engine is more effective than a search with frequent restarts.
The above observations are confirmed by the results reported in Table 6. In this
table, we show the number of runs (out of the 100 runs) where a clique size of k
is found successfully by AMTS with these L values and ATMS without restart. For
brock800_2, search with frequent restarts makes ATMS more effective and robust
whereas the reverse is true for C2000.9.
More generally, various experiments suggest that for some structured graphs, rel-
atively smaller L values are preferable whereas for random graphs, it is advantageous
to use relatively larger L values. This experiment also explains the choice of the L val-
ues used in Sect. 3.3. In sum, compared to the Itermax parameter, L is more sensitive
to the structure of the graph and should be tuned with more care.

4.2 The tabu list

As explained in Sect. 2.2.5, each time a swap(u, v) move is performed, both the
dropped vertex u and the added vertex v are marked tabu for respectively Tu and Tv
iterations. We experiment here two additional tabu strategies which are summarized
together with the previous one as follows.
– Strategy 1: Only preventing the dropped vertex u from being put back into S in the
next Tu iterations.
106 J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108

Fig. 2 Running profile of

AMTS with L = 100, 1000 and
10000 as well as AMTS without
restart (basic TS) on C2000.9

Table 6 Success rate of ATMS with different values of L ∈ {100, 1000, 10000} and AMTS without restart
(basic TS) for brock800_2 (k = 24) and C2000.9 (k = 79)

Graph L = 100 L = 1000 L = 10000 Basic TS

brock800_2 99 87 18 0
C2000.9 0 6 19 17

Fig. 3 The basic TS with three

tabu strategies

– Strategy 2: Only preventing the added vertex v from being removed from S in the
next Tv iterations.
– Strategy 3: Preventing u from being put back into S in the next Tu iterations while
preventing v from being removed from S in the next Tv iterations. This strategy is
used in this paper.
We test these three strategies on C2000.9 with k = 79. Figure 3 shows the running
profiles. From the figure, we can observe that strategy 3, which is used by our pro-
posed AMTS algorithm, largely dominates strategy 1 and strategy 2 throughout the
J Comb Optim (2013) 26:86–108 107

5 Conclusions

Our proposed Adaptive Multistart Tabu Search algorithm represents a new approach
for approximating the maximum clique problem. AMTS seeks a clique of fixed size
k by effectively exploring subsets of vertices of size k. For this purpose, AMTS com-
bines a TS procedure with a guided restart strategy. The TS engine is based a con-
strained neighborhood and an adaptive technique for tuning the double tabu tenures.
To enable a more intensive exploration of the search space, AMTS uses an informed
multistart strategy which relies on a long term memory (move frequencies) to regen-
erate new initial starting solutions.
AMTS shows an excellent performance on the complete set of 80 standard DI-
MACS benchmark instances. AMTS finds the current best known solutions for all
the instances except one case (MANN_a81 for which cliques of size 1098 are found
easily). The competitiveness of AMTS is further confirmed when it is compared with
five state-of-the-art maximum clique procedures.
Most of the current top-performing algorithms for the maximum clique problem
are based on an expansion and plateau search model. The proposed method con-
stitutes an interesting alternative approach that probably merits more attention and
research efforts.
Finally, the AMTS algorithm has been applied very recently with success to solve
two combinatorial problems: graph coloring and graph sum coloring (Wu and Hao
2012a, 2012b). The algorithm with its source code that we make available will cer-
tainly find more applications.

Acknowledgement We are grateful to the referees for their comments and questions which helped us to
improve the paper. This work was partially supported by the Region of “Pays de la Loire” (France) within
the Radapop and LigeRO Projects.


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