Study Guide in PE

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Study Guide in PE and Health 12

What elements of physical literacy refers to an individual’s ability to develop movement

skills and patterns?
a. Behavioral c. Physical
b. Affective d. Cognitive
What element refers to an individual taking personal responsibility for physical literacy?
a. Behavioral c. Physical
b. Affective d. Cognitive
What is physical fitness?
a. Physical fitness is to the physical body what fine tuning is to a beauty.
b. Physical fitness is to the human body what fine tuning is to an engine.
c. Physical fitness is to the human nature what good alteration is to a device.
d. Physical fitness is to the social group what fine correction is to an engine.
What is exercise?
a. A physical activity that is intended, repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any
part of the body not used to improve health and maintain fitness
b. An activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of health and
keep up fitness
c. A physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of
conditioning any part of the body used to improve health and maintain fitness
d. An activity that structured and repetitive for the purpose of preparing any part of
the figure used to health and keep up health.
What physical activity are work- related activities such as climbing the stairs or lifting
a. Leisure b. Domestic c. Transportation d.
What physical activity are activities for recreation?
a. Leisure b. Domestic c. Transportation d. Occupational
What physical activity are activities for travelling or for commuting?
a. Leisure b. Domestic c. Transportation d.

Physical activity is very important for an individual to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Which
of the following is not a characteristic of a physical active person?

A) Protects against mental problems

B) Increases depression
C) Reduces Psychological distress
D) Improves self-esteem

Which of the following activity will rejuvenate the students once they are stressed?

A) writing
B) physical activity
C) recreation
D) studying

Grade 12 students from Makati High School are experience a lot of stress lately due to
deadlines that they need to meet for them to graduate. To combat stress, they are
encouraged to take a breather and be engaged with different recreational activity. Below
are activities they can choose from. Please indicate what classification each activity
represents: CAMPING
A) intellectual
B) cultural
C) social
D) physical

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: JINGLE MAKING

A) cultural
B) physical
C) intellectual
D) social

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: INTELLECTUAL JOINING


A) cultural
B) social
C) physical
D) intellectual

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: ATTENDING PARTIES

A) cultural
B) social
C) physical
D) intellectual

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: DRAMATIC GUILDS

A) cultural
B) physical
C) social
D) intellectual

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: INTERNET SURFING

A) intellectual
B) physical
C) cultural
D) social

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: MINOR SPORTS

A) intellectual
B) physical
C) cultural
D) social

Please indicate what classification each activity represents: JOINING PARLOR GAMES

A) social
B) cultural
C) physical
D) intellectual

When you're under stress, your body's "fight or flight" response is triggered — your body
tenses, your blood pressure rises and your heart beats faster. Why does heartbeat
increase when you are stressed?

A) your heart pumps faster.

B) none of the answers
C) both
D) your hearts electrical system goes haywire, temporarily
What is the effect of long-term stress?

A) ulcer
B) all of the answers
C) weakened immune system
D) insomnia

What helps lower the effects of stress?

A) eating more rice

B) daily exercise
C) red wine (in moderation)
D) vitamin C

What happens to the liver when you are stressed?

A) all of the answers

B) produces more blood sugar
C) clears fewer toxins
D) produces mor bile

What is a Chronic Stress?

A) pleasant or unpleasant
B) caused by prolonged stress
C) real of imagined
D) a stage of stress

What is the definition of stressor?

A) factors causing stress, can be pleasant or unpleasant, real or imagined

B) how the body reacts to stress
C) the body’s response to imminent danger
D) none of the answers

There are proper of coping up with stress. However, there are also things that one
should be avoided. Which among the choices below are bad ways of coping up with

A) illegal drugs
B) do recreations
C) social functions
D) declutter

There are a lot of way of dealing with stress. Which of the options below is often used
by a lot of people but should be avoided instead?

A) a couple cups of coffee a day

B) to shop 'til you drop
C) smoke cigarette
D) biofeedback training

What are the 3 harmful effects of stress?

A) Aggressiveness, depression, over-eating

B) Both A and B
C) none of the answers
D) heart problems, anxiety, phobias

Stress affects almost every part of the body and all aspect of life. What aspect of life is
being affected when these symptoms of stress are observed: moodiness, hostility, and

A) emotions
B) mind
C) behavior
D) body
Taking care of yourself during stressful time is very important. Which of the following
should be avoided to better cope up with stress?

A) talking with someone about the stress

B) Providing some down time for yourself
C) creating an emotional outlet
D) suppressing true feelings

It is the way human being reacts both physically and mentally to changes, events, and
situations in their lives.

A) problem
B) reflex
C) anxiety
D) stress

Which of the following does not describe a feeling of being stressed?

A) the feeling that you are in control of the situation

B) the feeling that you have lost personal control.
C) the feeling that an outside force is challenging or threatening you
D) the unsettling effects of change

Which of the following is not a symptom of being physically stressed?

A) stiff neck or aching lower back

B) excessive perspiration
C) irritability
D) headaches

Which of the following symptoms show a distressed behavior?

A) crying
B) grinding of teeth
C) fatigue
D) trouble remembering things

Which of the following symptoms does show a distressed emotion?

A) inability to concentrate
B) impulsiveness
C) anxiety
D) disrupted eating habits

Which of the following behavior signifies someone who experience stressed moment?

A) Accepts that change is part of life

B) Do not want to face problem/reality
C) Lives a healthy lifestyle
D) set priorities

A totally depressed person can manifest his thoughts on death. He thinks that ending
his life is a solution to problem. What is the action which describe the desire to kill

A) joy
B) suicide
C) depression
D) love

Stress is brought about by different events in life. Which of the following does not results
to stress?

A) recreation
B) deadlines
C) heartbreak
D) lack of financial support
There a lot of opportunity today in the health and fitness industry. Which of the following
is not consider a career in health and fitness?

A) athletic trainer
B) sports massage therapist Jobs
C) physical therapy assistant
D) referee

Being recreational active has positive effect to your health. Which of the following is not
a health benefit of recreational activities?

A) lower body fat percentage

B) lower blood pressure
C) lower cholesterol level
D) high blood pressure

The need to do something for recreation is an essential element of human biology and
psychology. Which of the following is not a characteristic of recreation?

A) Recreation must be voluntary; it cannot be ordered, imposed, or forced.

B) Recreation is an activity of leisure
C) Recreation is the same for everyone.
D) Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement or pleasure and
consider to be fun

Which among the following is an example of outdoor recreation?

A) chess
B) snake and ladder
C) scrabble
D) hunting and fishing

Which among the following is an example of indoor recreation?

A) horseback riding
B) charade
C) biking
D) canoeing, kayaking and rafting

Safety should be observed during recreational activities. Which among the following is
not a good practice and should be avoided when doing an activity?

A) inspecting the site of the activity

B) having knowledge of weather situation
C) lack or absence of emergency supply
D) avoiding areas of natural hazards

These are activities done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and consider to be

A) remedial class
B) recreational activity
C) PE actuvities
D) academic activities

Safety etiquette should be observed when using facilities and equipment. Which among
the following is not a good practice and should be avoided?

A) Moving on the double, avoiding loitering around and hanging out doing nothing
B) Moving on the double, avoiding loitering around and hanging out doing nothing
C) Not returning equipment after use
D) Practicing good form in performing exercise and movement

It is taking control of your brain, emotions, anxiety and overall well-being

A) stress management
B) issues
C) trends
D) problems

There are many terms synonymous with recreation. Which among the following does
not refer to recreation?

A) activities
B) pastimes
C) nightmares
D) experiences

Which among the following is not a health benefit of walking?

A) increase the risk of heart disease and stroke

B) help in the management of different health condition such as hypertension
C) help increase cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness
D) help in developing stronger bones and improve balance

Which among the following is not a health benefit of moving?

A) reduced stress, anxiety, and depression

B) reduced mental health and well-being
C) better concentration, memory, learning, and attention
D) reduced risk of physical illness

Motivation is a good way of avoiding stress. What are some of the ways to motivate

A) pay attention to your energy cycle

B) track your progress
C) move with a buddy
D) do something you don’t like

Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve physical
health. People who take part in park activities such as _______________ have lower
blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

A) walking
B) partying
C) eating
D) sleeping

Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do

something for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology.
Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and
considered to be _________.

A) boring
B) time consuming
C) dull
D) fun

Moderate physical activity refers to activities equivalent in intensity to brisk walking or

bicycling. Vigorous physical activity produces large increases in breathing or heart rate,
such as

A) jogging
B) brisk walking
C) playing most instruments
D) sitting using computer

Moderate intensity activities are those that gets you moving fast enough or strenuously
enough to burn off three to six times as much energy per minute. Which of the activities
are considered moderate intensity?

A) tennis doubles
B) hiking
C) basketball game
D) fishing

One limitation to measuring exercise intensity is it does not consider the fact that some
people have a higher level of fitness than others. Which of the activities shows a
vigorous intensity?

A) walking slowly
B) carrying heavy loads
C) bicycling light effort (10-12 mph)
D) standing light work (cooking, washing dishes)

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher

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