DIRECTIONS: Choose The Letter of The Best Answer

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DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.

1. What system in Sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing


A. Sports Officiating
B. Sports Psychology
C. Sports Science
D. Sports Youth

2. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our

A. Save the money during the sports competition

B. Train youth in sports related activities like us athletes and sports official
C. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities
D. All of the above

3. In games which require the officials to run continuously what fitness component
should the official possess?

A. Balance
B. Endurance
C. Power
D. Strength

4. Officiating has a high-quality demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer

and combative sports. What should the referred do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating

A. Warm up
B. Dynamic stretching
C. Static stretching
D. Instantly proceed with officiating

5. What lifestyle related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke
and eat without cholesterol-rich foods?

A. Cancer
B. Diabetes
C. Heart disease
D. Stroke

6. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Iron
D. Protein

7. What is the best value that a sports official must possess?

A. Fairness
B. Punctuality
C. Unjust
D. All of the above

8. It is a voluntary participation in an activity during free and unobligated time that

gives enjoyment?

A. Recreation
B. Fun
C. Fitness
D. All of the above

9. What physical component is needed for a badmintoon player to quickly return the

A. Speed
B. Agility
C. Strength
D. Endurance

10. In hiking, what fitness component is required of you?

A. Speed
B. Agility
C. Strength
D. Endurance

11. Active recreation participation is everyone's responsibility, which of the following

is the best reason for this?

A. Maintain weight
B. To have a healthy lifestyle
C. Keep a physical fit body
D. Have fun enjoyment and satisfaction

12. Larissa wants to have a healthy weight range. What can she do to maintain her

A. The intake of food depends on her moods

B. The calorie intake is more than the energy expenditure
C. The energy expenditure is more than the calorie intake
D. The intake of calorie should be equal to the energy expenditure
13. The barangay health worker made a survey on the BMI screening of high school
students. The result revealed a very high number of obese teenagers. What would
be the best action of the Barangay Health Worker?

A. Tell them to exercise everyday

B. Send them immediately to the doctor
C. Invite them for a lifestyle change seminar
D. Encourage them to eat vegetable everyday

14. Why is badminton played indoors?

A. Its more convenient to play inside the gym

B. Friction is greater providing better stability
C. Air resistance is lesser inside the gym
D. Its more comfortable inside the gym

15. According to the World Health Organization (2002), do you agree that the
recommendation of healthy community will be helpful to the people. Which statement
is true?

A. Yes, because a clean and safe physical environment will be helpful to have a
healthy community
B. No, because some of the people dont engage and practice healthy lifestyle
C. Yes, because people may take seriously regarding to the healthy community
D. No, because it will not sustain the available resources for all.

16.Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health that are

determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the
surrounding environment. What possible services that you will you recommend to
have a clean and safe physical environment?

A. Jogging
B. Cleaning the drainage
C. Improved street lighting
D. All of the above

17. Which does not describe a healthy community?

A. A clean and safe environment

B. An environmental that meets everyone's basic needs
C. An environmental that promotes social harmony and actively involves
D. An environmental that is fully aware of its daily opportunities

18. Community health problems are common nowadays with the rise in modern
technology and most people neglect the importance of the basic need for safety.
What community health problems do you see in the present time?

A. Waste disposal
B. Disease control
C. Peace and order
D. All of the above

19.Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community


A. To attain luxury of life

B. To keep the safety of the community
C. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home
D. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle

20. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?

A. Less disease, less health, care costs

B. Active community involvement
C. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
D. More community development.

Prepared by:

Jaybert G. Martillo























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