LL.M Seminar Topics
LL.M Seminar Topics
LL.M Seminar Topics
M 1st SEM
1. THE REESARCH PAPER must start with the abstract of 300 words. It shall contain- a brief
profile of the student including e-mail ID, contact number and roll no.
2. Word limit for full Research Paper- 4000 words (inclusive of all citation and references).
3. Submissions must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin
on all sides with 1.5-line spacing.
4. Students must adhere to a uniform mode of citation (20th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform
System of Citation or ILI Citation is recommended).
5. The author should also send a declaration along with the abstract & final paper that their work is
original and unpublished and that it does not infringe the copyright laws.
6. The students are required to submit the paper through e-mail to [email protected].
Dr Monika Negi.