Justice in Globalised World
Justice in Globalised World
Justice in Globalised World
Objective –
Globalisation has brought gradient changes in the law and society. It has changed the ways
law is perceived and added new challenges for theorising ‘justice’. Law and Justice, in a
globalized world, have a different setting. Issues that the constitutions of the States deal with
have spilt to international boundaries and entered the international law society. Concerns of
international law and their agencies transcended the domestic spheres too. Statist notions of
‘law’ may sometimes be juxtaposed to the internationalist notions of ‘law’. These situations
raise several pertinent questions about how we construct ‘law’ and justice’ in these changing
times. Hence, a study of these concepts is a crucial part of a study of International Law at the
post-graduate level. Therefore, the objectives of this course are as under:
To make students understand about the inter-section of law, justice and globalization.
To discuss about the principles of law and justice in contemporary scenario.
To discuss about the impact of globalization.
Module I
Concept of Law
1. Philosophy of Law
2. The need and problems in defining law
3. Various schools of Law
4. Whether right is right by nature or only by enactment and convention?
5. An exhortation addressed by Demosthenes to an Athenian jury (men ought to
obey the law for four fundamental reasons)
Module II
Concept of Justice
1. Justice and arguments about justice
2. Concept of justice and conception of justice
3. Kinds of Justice
Compensatory, distributive, socio-economic
Procedural and Substantive
4. Theories of Justice
Gandhian philosophy on Social Justice
Ambedkarite social transformation
Rawlsian and Nozickian Model of Justice
Ronald Dworkin’s justice and personal ethics
Mill’s utilitarian theory of justice
Amartya Sen’s – The Idea of Justice
5. Justice according to law and Law according to Justice
Module III
Globalisation: Background and ramifications
1. Nature, meaning and significance of globalization
2. Definitional issues of Globalization
3. Qualifications in defining globalization
4. Primary issues, normative debates and policy responses to globalization
5. Growth of Transnational Law
Module IV
Concept of Global Law and justice
1. What is global law?
2. Concept of global justice
3. Theories and Perspectives of global justice
Critical legal studies
Post-modernist jurisprudence
Feminist jurisprudence
4. Challenges to global justice
Global poverty (Thomas Pogge and Joseph Raz)
Armed conflict and Crimes against humanity
Environmental catastrophe & sustainable development and health
Oppressive policies
5. International Human Rights and domestic sphere of states
Module V
Global Justice and International law
1. The colonial origins of International law
2. The orient and the Occident
3. Third World Approaches to International Law
4. Fourth World Approaches to International law
5. Marxist Approaches to International law
Suggested Readings