Castillo Vallejos Ander CC
Castillo Vallejos Ander CC
Castillo Vallejos Ander CC
Learning evidence
Pimentel - 2022
DEFINITION A glossary, from the A dictionary is a book
Latin glossarium, is that lists the words of a
called a “catalogue of language and explains
words from a single their different meanings
discipline or specific in alphabetical order. In
place of study”1 that are addition, it can be used
established, commented both to know the
on, or explained. On the meaning of a word,
other hand, it is a set of pronunciation and
unusual comments and spelling. According to
annotations. Egg2, dictionaries can be
The glossary, also called as a fundamental
known as a dictionary of tool for the progress of
terms that facilitates the learning and the
prescription or acquisition of a
alphabetical ordering of language; however, in
the complete report of a recent years little use
subject; likewise, it is a has been seen in both
list of classified universities and
expressions and a list of colleges, it has
words of an author, text practically fallen into
or dialect that are difficult abandonment. Likewise,
to understand and each it is a product that
one is accompanied by understands the lexicon
some comment or of the community in
meaning. which it is created,
therefore, it responds to
a specific spatial and
temporal context”3.
CHARACTERISTICS In the glossary of Although it is true that
informative terms, Sosa4 dictionaries can contain
clarifies that the very diverse information,
glossaries resemble the they are particularly
dictionary (inclusively, characterized as follows:
they are usually 1. In some cases, the
arranged alphabetically), dictionaries are
but contain the illustrated
individuality of showing 2. They can be
only words from specific characterized by being
areas of knowledge, or in contained by one
other words in volume or more.
specialized disciplinary 3. Some dictionaries
endings, and these are include abbreviations,
characterized in the maps, flags, etc.
following way. 4. On the other hand,
1. Terms in a glossary dictionaries are
are grouped into characterized by being
categories. present on the internet
2. Participants can and in digital format (CD
interpret the entries in and DVD).
each glossary
3. Glossaries can also
be imported or exported
4. They are also
characterized by being
main and secondary
5. Glossaries can be
displayed with multiple
presentation formats
ADVANTAGES Among the main The dictionary
advantages we find: contributes to
- It is that the student has independent learning, in
the disposition of all the addition, as Quintero6
words that are mentions, the dictionary
associated with a course has excellent
in an orderly and advantages in
adequate way, on the contributing to the
other hand "it will help production of knowledge
professionals to and the exchange
contrast, refresh or between professionals.
update their Among the main
knowledge"5. advantages are:
1. Contains 1. Adapt words to a
technicalities according given communicative
to each branch situation
2. Make it easier to Look up synonyms and
locate words faster antonyms
3. Understanding of 2. Know the
each terminology pronunciation of words
3. Expand your
4. Understand the
figurative meaning of
words, expressions,
5. Clarify doubts about
the spelling of words
DISADVANTAGES In his book Sadornil7, he According to the
clarifies that among the education federation
most seen CC.OO8, Andalusia
disadvantages found in informs us that in a
a glossary are: dictionary we can find
1. Some terms found are three fundamental
mentioned in English, as disadvantages:
there are few words in 1. Many dictionaries may
Spanish. not be up to date with the
2. A given concept is newest and most
limited unknown words.
3. Does not always 2. The feeling is that
convey the specified many dictionaries are
required information equivalent or the same,
which leads to a poor
choice when selecting
3. Finally, the lack of
quality of some of these
dictionaries, although we
know that several
lexicographic proposals
have recently emerged
from the publishing
industry that have come
to alleviate this