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Six Sigma Yellow Belt Project Charter

Project Name Customer Complaint Resolution Process Improvement

Today’s Date 03rd Jun 2023
Project Start Date 15th Jun 2023
Target Completion 15th Jan 2024

Project Element Response

Problem Statement The average resolution time for customer complaints in our
• Includes time, organization is currently 7 days, which is causing dissatisfaction
measurable item, gap among customers and impacting our customer service ratings.
and business impact We aim to reduce the resolution time to 3 days, resulting in
improved customer satisfaction and retention.
Business Case This project is important to undertake now as it directly impacts
• Why is this project customer satisfaction, which is a key driver of business success.
important to do now? By reducing the resolution time from 7 days to 3 days, we
• What is the project’s anticipate a significant improvement in customer satisfaction
financial impact? scores and increased customer loyalty. Additionally, efficient
• What is the impact on complaint resolution will lead to better operational efficiency and
DPMO/ Sigma level? reduced costs associated with customer escalations.
• What is the impact on
customer service
Goal Statement Our goal is to reduce the average resolution time for customer
• Specific complaints from 7 days to 3 days by implementing process
• Measurable improvements and streamlining communication channels. This
• Achievable will be achieved within a six-month timeframe.
• Realistic
• Time-bound
List of Improvement Goals Measure (units) Baseline Goal
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Project Charter

1. Reduce order processing time Days 3 < 24

2. Improve order accuracy Rate 85% 99%
3. Increase on-time delivery Rate 75% 95%
4. Minimize manual data entry Number of errors - Automated data
5. Streamline communication
Process efficiency - Improved
between departments
Process Our current customer complaint resolution process involves
• Describe the process customers submitting complaints via phone or email, which are
in which the problem then assigned to customer service representatives. The
exists representatives manually log the complaints and initiate
investigation and resolution procedures. Communication
between departments is done through email and spreadsheets,
leading to delays and miscommunications. The process lacks
clear escalation paths and standardized procedures, resulting in
prolonged resolution times.

To address this, the improved process will involve the

implementation of a centralized complaint management system
that automates complaint tracking and assignment. It will
provide real-time visibility into the status of complaints and
enable seamless collaboration between departments. Clear
escalation procedures will be established to ensure timely
resolution of complex or urgent complaints. Customer service
representatives will undergo training to enhance their resolution
skills and communication with customers.

The SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer)

diagram for the customer complaint resolution process is
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Project Charter

Project Scope Project Scope:

• What part of the
process will be • The project will address the order processing phase, including
addressed? receiving, reviewing, validating, and fulfilling customer orders.
• What are the • The boundaries of the project are defined from the moment an
boundaries of the order is received to the point of order fulfillment, excluding the
project or process? upstream processes such as marketing, sales, and order
• What areas are generation, as well as the downstream processes like shipping
inside or outside the and customer service.
team’s focus or • The team's focus and authority will be limited to improving the
authority? efficiency and accuracy of the order processing system. They
• Attach a SIPOC will not have authority over decisions related to pricing, product
diagram if necessary availability, or customer service policies.
Team Member Name
Project Sponsor John Smith
Key Stakeholders Mary Johnson (Sales Manager)
David Thompson (Customer Service Manager)
Sarah Miller (Inventory Manager)
Robert Davis (IT Manager)
Team Lead Emily Brown
Team Members Mark Wilson
Jessica Lee
Michael Clark
Laura Roberts
Process Owner Samantha Taylor
Other None
Timeline by Project Stage Milestone Target Completion Date
Define Project Charter and kickoff 15th Jun 2023
Measure Define and collect data 30th Jun 2023
Analysis Find causes 15th Aug 2023
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Project Charter
Improve Fix causes 30th Nov 2023
Control Standardize the fix 15th Jan 2024

Project Title

Expectation Example Team Rule

Attendance is required at all team Attendance is mandatory for all team members. Any
meetings. Changes in meeting times requests for absence or changes in meeting times must be
must be made at least 24 hours ahead communicated to the team leader at least 24 hours in
of time. advance.
Active participation is expected from all team members.
Team members may not be substituted
Participation Substitutions or replacements must be approved by the
unless approved by team leader.
team leader in advance.
We will stay on task and on topic, using
We will maintain focus during meetings, sticking to the
the Project Charter as our guide. A
Focus agenda and project objectives outlined in the Project
meeting agenda will be publishedat
Charter. The team leader will ensure that a meeting agenda
least one day in advance.
is circulated at least one day prior to the meeting..
Interruptions during meetings should be limited to
Interruptions for emergencies only. emergency situations. Team members are expected to
Phones turned to silent. keep their phones on silent mode during meetings to
minimize distractions.
Team members are responsible for completing assigned
All deliverables are expected to be
deliverables within agreed-upon timelines. All meetings will
Preparation completed in a timely manner. Each
have a predefined agenda shared with team members
meeting will have a published agenda.
Team members are expected to join meetings on time.
Meetings will begin promptly as
Timeliness Meetings will start at the scheduled time, and latecomers
may miss important discussions.
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Project Charter

Project Title

Expectation Example Team Rule

We will choose the best decision-
Decisions will be made using appropriate decision-making
making method for each situation. We
Decisions methods based on the situation at hand. Once a decision is
will support decisions made by the
made, all team members are expected to support and
adhere to it.
Data-driven decision-making is emphasized. Decisions
should be based on accurate and relevant data, and team
Data We will rely on data to make decisions.
members should prioritize gathering and analyzing data to
support their recommendations and decisions.
We welcome honest disagreements, as
long as everyone is treated with Conflict We welcome honest disagreements, as long as
respect. A facilitator will be used if everyone is treated with respect. A facilitator will be used if
conflict cannot be resolved. conflict cannot be resolved.

Team Member Role Signature

Emily Brown Team Lead

Mark Wilson
Jessica Lee
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Project Charter

Project Title

Expectation Example Team Rule

Michael Clark
Laura Roberts
Samantha Taylor Process Owner

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