1SV19EC025 - ZFH - 20 Points Report - 2 - Removed
1SV19EC025 - ZFH - 20 Points Report - 2 - Removed
1SV19EC025 - ZFH - 20 Points Report - 2 - Removed
The AICTE Activity Points project has the focus on applying engineering skills to solve the social
problems existing in India. The project “Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless with Hotels
and Community Halls” throws a light on possible opportunity for the engineering solution in
preventing Food Waste and Networking Foodless with the Food Wasting Centers. The Project is
executed in 2 phases, Theoretical and Practical Phase.
In Theoretical Phase, the meaning of food, growing methods, preserving methods were studied.
For the sake of understanding the food is divided as Raw Food and Cooked Food. In the initial
theory classes the meaning and growing methods of Raw Foods were studied. The stages of
movement of raw food from grower to consumer till cooking were studied. The Raw Food
Wastages that may happen in the various stages of consumer cycle and the reason behind them
were analyzed. In the next stage, The Cooked Food meaning and its processes in the Domestic,
Hotels and Community halls were studied. The wastages of Cooked food during and after cooking
was analyzed. The kind of wastage that are happening due to the unorganized, unplanned and
unhealthy diet practices were explored. Also the various scientific methods to preserve the food
were explored. Towards the end the present solutions provided by Government and NGO’s, its
ineffectiveness and incapacity to reach the Zero Food Waste was studied. The gap existing in
reacting and responding to the Zero Food Waste was explored and the engineering solution was
In Practical Phase, a data survey is conducted with 20 individuals. For every individual, 60
questions regarding the Food Wastage, Present solutions, its ineffectiveness, necessity of
engineering solution were discussed. The survey is helping in analyzing the type of Engineering
Solutions needed to provide platform for the Zero Food Waste. The complete analysis of 1200
answers collected is recorded along with photos.
The Final probable solutions along with Financial, Legal and Beneficiary analysis to bridge the gap
in Zero Food Waste were discussed. This solution has a potential to be implemented in the
Practical world along with the necessary infrastructures.
Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Implementation Plan:
For the easiness of Implementation, the project was divided to 2 phases. In each phase, the
separate dynamics of the project was understood.
Phase-1 details:
• 10 Hours of Theory Class understanding the Source of Problem, Features of Problem, Present
Solutions, Success and Failure of Present Solutions, The Possible Solution to solve such issues
• 20 Hours of Case Studies, Interviews and Problem Analysis
Phase-2 details:
• 40 Hours of Practical Survey and Ground Work with the nearby Beneficiaries
• 10 Hours of Report Writing
Today, India has seen the enormous development in Urban Infrastructure. Except the pollution and
increased expenses for lifestyle, the Urban India has all basic infrastructures such as Education, Health,
Transport, Employment, Food and Special Services at the reachable levels.
At the same time, Rural India has not seen any development in the accessibility of the basic
infrastructures. They have to travel long distance to access even a small basic infrastructure. Though
pollution and expenses for life style is very less in Rural Areas, people are migrating to the Urban areas as
they need Basic Infrastructures than the other facilities available in Rural India
As per the experts, if at all Urban India has seen enormous development it is due to the
• Engineering Solutions
• Engineering Implementations
• Engineering Employments
Though engineering contribution is more in the development there are other segments that contributed
to the sustainable Urban Infrastructure such as
• Health
• Education
• Transport
• Dwelling Places
• Government Policies
In comparison, Engineering Solution is seen in less than 10% in the following segments of Rural India:
• Rural Development
• Agriculture
• Animal Husbandry
• Agriculture Marketing
• Rural Employment
• Promoting Local Tourism
• Women Empowerment
• Reducing Malnutrition
• Solid Waste Management
If an Engineer can bring automation to the non living environment in urban areas, he can bring such
solutions to the unexplored segments. Experts say, the Engineering Solution occupies 50% in the
development of any segment.
If we look back from 1970’s, Engineers has not contributed much to the Rural Development. After Rajiv
Gandhi’s scheme of introducing computer in India, people started learning Engineering but concentrated
much on Urban Solutions. The probable reasons are:
• Lack of Revenue in Rural India
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
• Unorganized Rural India
• Failure to foresee the potential of Rural India
• Failure to reach Engineering Solution due to more illiterates in Rural India
As a result, today India has given better scientists and entrepreneurs to the world. Today atleast one CEO
of top 10 companies in world is from India. But India itself is struggling to solve the social problems.
People with expertise in above segments are not interested to solve Rural Problems as:
• They prefer commercialization than Service
• Implementation has to start from elementary stage
• Lack of Public support in Rural Areas
• Lack of Infrastructures in Rural Areas
• Decreasing population in Rural Areas
• Unorganized segments are seen in Rural Areas
Hence AICTE, a Technical Education Monitoring Council has come up with a plan of AICTE Activity Points
that needs
• Identifying the Problem in Indian Society particularly in Rural India
• Explore the available Solution for the Problems
• Analyze the effectiveness of such solutions in the practical India
• Identify the reasons for the failure of solution
• Propose an engineering solution to such problem
• Conduct activities regarding such solutions if the project is considered for 80 Hours
• If same project is considered for more than 300 Hours, a prototype of such solution has to be
This is a motivational concept by AICTE to bring Social Innovation in Engineers at their education level to
• Address the Social Challenges of India
• Propose a practical solution to such challenges
• Bring more Social Innovations and Research
• Blend the available technology for effective solutions
AICTE Activity Points is very essential in shaping India for the sustainable life style
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
This project provides engineering solution in preventing the Food Wastage as the priority.
If we trace human food source to ancient period, we find that majority was from animals. As the
civilization evolved, the plant sourced food became majority. The consideration in this project is not the
type of human food source but the quantity. From the ancient to present period, the population has
increased, the area of cultivation increased, forest place decreased, rain pattern changed, agriculture
method changed, the perspective on the food has changed.
In the earlier days, there were no preservation techniques; hence foods were not preserved for long days.
As a result people knew the value of food and they were not wasting the food. In today’s generation,
there is preservation technique, foods can be preserved for long days and food is available in large scale.
Still people are wasting the food more than the earlier days. The main reason is identified as the
carelessness, not knowing the value of food, easy availability and no experience of food shortage.
It is the people attitude about the food that is considered as the major reason for the today’s wastage of
food. Illiterates and poor are avoiding food wastage while the Literates and rich are contributing to the
more food wastage.
Following are considered as the types of food to study the food wastage:
• Raw Food
• Cooked Food
The analysis of both is needed in depth to avoid the food wastage. In this generation, it is difficult to
create awareness but it is easy to bring implementation by government policy.
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
For the reason of analysis, we have considered following as the steps of Food Chain:
• Growing
• Distribution
• Retail Sales
• Consumption
Thorough analysis of food wastage and causes are analyzed in each and every stage. The discussion is
made on the possible methods to stop such wastages.
In India, today it is estimated that every person is wasting 50 KGS of Food Per Year. On an average, India
is contributing 7 Crore tones of food wastage in a year. Such a food is sufficient to feed entire African
countries. The density of food availability and wastage graph shows that it’s the inefficient food
monitoring that has caused the food wastage.
In this project, we try to understand the lack of engineering solution in the food industry to avoid the
food wastage. End of the day, we all earn to make life easier and smooth. Food is the major life savior. But
engineering solution is absent in such food wastage segment. The thorough analysis is made in this
The present government policies, solution of Non Government Organizations, its ineffectiveness, the
reason behind the failure will be explored in this project. Finally the engineering solution that can bridge
the gap in food wastage industry is studied. The financial analysis along with its effectiveness is explored
in the final part of this project.Hence a platform is needed along with government policy to address such
food wastages. Developing such solution is studied here
This project addresses the engineering solution that has potential to fill the wide gap existing in the Food
Wastage and methods to check them. Developing such solution helps in
• Enhancing the Rural Economy
• Enhancing the National Economy
• Enhancing the Employment and Entrepreneurship
• Enhancing the availability of food
• Enhancing the availability of food source to future generations
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Their main objective is identifying the Social Problem, executing the survey, developing the solution on
paper, implementing the prototype of the same
They are supporting students in the implementation of AICTE Activity Points. I have taken the support of
them in implementing this project
• 10 Hours of Theory Class understanding the Source of Problem, Features of Problem, Present
Solutions, Success and Failure of Present Solutions, The Possible Solution to solve such issues
• 20 Hours of Case Studies, Interviews and Problem Analysis
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Phase-2 details (50 Hours of Practical Study):
• 40 Hours of Practical Survey and Ground Work with the nearby Beneficiaries
• 10 Hours of Report Writing
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Phase – 1
Duration – 30 Hours
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
From historical period, Humans are dependent on following for the food.
• Plants – Gathering / Agriculture
• Animals – Hunting / Domestication
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
• Negative Calorie Food – Food that required more energy to digest than the energy released after
• Organic Food – Foods grown with the limited level of chemical usages
• Space Food – Processed foods prepared for the consumption of Astronauts in outer space
• Whole Food – Plant foods that are unprocessed and unrefined
Hence neither complete Raw Food nor complete Cooked Food is a healthy food habit. A blend is needed
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Pleasure in Eating:
Pleasure in eating is seen when it satisfies the sensory organs – Eye, Ear, Mouth, Nose and Skin
Let’s explore the roles of sensory organs in the eating pleasure.
• Eye: Any food with the nice presentation, added colors stimulates the remaining sensory organs
adding to the pleasure in eating.
• Ear: Any food preparation sound, cooking sound, eating sound and serving sound certainly
stimulates the remaining sensory organs adding to the pleasure in eating.
• Nose: Food smell whether raw or cooked will stimulated the remaining sensory organs adding to
the pleasure in eating
• Skin: The touch of food by bare hands, eating food with fingers provides the satisfactions while
• Mouth: The tongue and taste buds play a key role in identifying the taste of food. This organ plays
a major role in providing the pleasure in eating. The quantity of food eaten majorly depends on
the pleasure experienced by the Taste Buds
Though all 5 sensory organs contribute to the satisfaction in the eating experience, it is the taste that
plays major role. Studying about taste is very important as Humans waste the food or leave food on plate
citing the reasons of taste. We go to hotel to eat food without testing the taste and finally leave foods on
plate if it fails to reach the
expectation. Hence studying
taste buds and other details is
crucial to this project.
Taste Organ:
Taste Buds are the primary
taste organs that are found
on the Tongue. It helps in
experiencing the taste –
Sweet, Salt, Sour, Bitter and
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
• Sweet:
a. It is the most pleasant taste
b. It is caused by the presence of Glucose, Sucrose and Fructose
c. Its taste buds are present in the tip of tongue
• Salt:
a. It is the primary taste found in all foods
b. It is the taste of alkali metal ions such as Potassium and Sodium
c. Eating pure salt is considered as unpleasant
d. Its taste buds are present in the borders of tongue
• Sour:
a. It is caused by acids such as Vinegar in alcoholic beverages
b. It is a sign that food has gone Rancid (Incomplete Oxidation) due to bacteria
c. It stimulates the taste buds and flavor
d. Its taste buds are in the horizontal ends of tongue
• Bitter:
a. It is considered as unpleasant due to its sharp pungent taste
b. Its taste buds are in the hind-mid region of the tongue
• Umami:
a. It is a savory taste
b. It has characters of broths and cooked meats
c. Its taste buds are present in complete anterior and mid region of tongue
Before Independence, Agriculture was the primary economy. Hence rural population exceeded the urban
population. Post 1947 and 1990, country saw Industrial and IT-BT Revolution respectively. This caused
the drastic increase in urban population. This is due to the migration of people from Rural to Urban areas
searching the jobs. As a result the gap between Village and Urban areas increased.
This caused the revolution in distribution. Many researches helped the development of this segment. The
supply of food between Villages and Urban areas became a pivotal topic. This caused the development of
Food Chain.
For the sake of understanding, let’s understand the Food Supply Chain in
• Agricultural Products (Raw Foods)
• Industrial Food products (Industrial Processed / Packed Foods)
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Food Supply Chain in Agricultural Products (Raw Food):
There are 4 major nodal points and 1 connecting chain in the Food Chain.
Farming Place:
• It is the growing places of agriculture products
• It is the Rural Area
• Farmer harvests on daily / 15 days / Monthly / 3 Months / 6 Months / 9 Months / Yearly basis
• Harvested products are Perishable / Semi Perishable / Non Perishable
• Harvested products has to be reached to second nodal point within less duration
Wholesalers / Retailers:
• Wholesalers buy the products in bulk and distribute to the retailers on demand basis
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• Wholesalers are present in the central part of the town
• Retailers are distributed pan city
• The products have to be distributed to retailers in less duration
• It is the end point
• They are the domestic users, hotel consumers, restaurant consumers, community hall consumers
• They utilize the agriculture products to prepare and eat/supply cooked food
Road Network:
• Since the villages are found in remote places, it is difficult to provide rail network. Hence road
transport is widely used with the corresponding vehicles
• However rail network is used for transport between states
• Ship and Air network is used for transport between countries
Except the additional nodal point, the supply chain remains the same.
This supply chain is involved with less complexity than the supply chain of Agricultural Products
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
• “If the food intended to Human consumption is used for the non-human consumption like fuel,
then also it is considered as the Food Wastage”
• Food Waste:
a. It refers to the food that completes the food
supply chain up to a final product, of good
quality and fit for consumption but still
doesn’t get consumed
b. It causes due to discard whether or not after
it is left to spoil or expire
c. It happens at retail and consumption stages in Food Supply Chain
d. It accounts to 1/4th of the Food Produced
e. Example: Wastage of Rice from Retail Place till post cooking period
For the sake of research in this project, we consider Food Loss is a subset of Food Waste
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
f. Keeping the old stock at lower baskets and fresh stock on upper baskets to attract
customers. This causes the old stocks to be wasted most of the time
5) Logistics:
a. Improper packing of products
b. Less usage of crates and more usage of gunny bags
c. Overloading of products
d. Placing positions of products in shipping vehicle
e. No mechanized loading and unloading methods
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d. Buffet system always compounding to food waste
e. In India, emotions are valued more than food. Hence cooking more is considered as
There are many other Human Practices that are compelling to the food waste. Considering the time limit
of this project, the focus is limited.
These are the measures taken to prevent food waste before cooking. These are the precautions taken to
avoid spoilage before the perishability is gone. Following are some of the measures that could prevent
the Food Waste. These are the ideal solutions that help in changing the way Human looks at Food. As per
the perspectives understood, these solutions are ideal and it is moderate that Human follows it unless the
government makes it mandatory. Due to the lack of interest by Humans to follow them, it has become
ineffective in preventing the food waste. Let’s show light on these methods:
2) In Domestic Usage:
a. Pre planning of the food to be cooked for a week (Atleast 75%)
b. No excess food to be prepared
c. No excess vegetables to be stocked
d. Placing penalty for every home for the food waste generated
e. Placing different set of penalty for the raw and cooked food wasted
f. Tracking the food waste contributed by each individual in a year
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
b. No stockage of food materials
c. Mandatory to place the sample food for the customers to taste so that they wont leave on
plate citing the taste issues
d. Penalty by Hotel staff to the consumers for the wasted food
e. Penalty by Government to the Hotel for the food wasted
f. Mandatory to place the DIGITAL TASTE for every food prepared
4) In Community Halls:
a. Food Coupon has to be issued mandatorily. The food coupon has to be authorized by the
invitees 2 days before attending
b. Only 25% of the attendees can be allowed for spot food coupon
c. Marriage food arrangement has to be pre planned one
d. Penalty to be placed to the event organizer for any food wasted
e. Penalty to the event participant if any food is wasted
f. Make sute that the food is available to taste before taking them on the plate
These are the responses taken after the food is wasted or excess food sitaution arose. Though these
solutions are not developed perfectly, following are some of the responses:
Most of these methods look ideal and impractical. But these are effective one when the real food scarcity
appears. Following these step by step from now itself should save us in future
1) A “Committee for Food Waste Reduction” by the Central government to build strategy to
stop food wastage. Committee consists of
a. Chairperon – Expert in Food Wastage Industry
b. 2 Members from Food Manufacturing Industry
c. 2 Members working close to Super Market Industry
d. 2 Members experienced in Food Redistribution Networks
Though the government measures look at the initial stages, they would be very powerful in the future.
Since we all started worrying about the Food Waste since 2010, it is wise to add legal strengths to Zero
Food Waste concept.
Though till now these measures have seen small success, government has not come up with any
punishment compelling legal terms yet. Hence we are looking for government support in future years.
Following are the stakeholders in interconnecting places of excess food generation and places of foodless
1) Donors: They are the excess food generators and donating to the NGO to redistribute
2) Partners: They are the NGO’s bridging the donors and foodless beneficiaries
3) Beneficiary: They are the foodless who receives the excess food donated by the Donors
4) Volunteer: Any individuals or organisation wanted to participate in any of this chain
There are many NGO’s working in the root level. There are thousands of them. However following are
few NGO’s registered with Government to redistribute the food:
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MCKS Food for the Hungry 9873800500 [email protected]
Mera Parivar 7838594404 [email protected]
No Food Waste 9087790877 [email protected]
Rasoi on Wheels 9811982272 [email protected]
Responsenet Developmet Services 9810007524 [email protected]
Rise Against Hunger India 9900816948 [email protected]
Robinhood Army 9958674179 [email protected]
Roti Bank 9811425299 [email protected]
Roti Ghar 9769181218 [email protected]
SAB Ki Rasoi 9870091236 [email protected]
Society For The Promotion of Youth And 9891268872 [email protected]
Vijay Sri Foundation 9935888887 [email protected]
Inspite of these organizations, we have failed in reaching the foodless with the excess food due to
numerous administrative and logistics issues. Though these measures are appreciables, its not a final
solution to the issue.
However the above solutions are not addressing the food wastages. The recent survey says that India is
still wasting food worth of Rs. 92,000 crores per year. If we look at the above solutions, there is not even
30% of engineering solution adopted except the freezing method of preservations.
Though Food Science is a developed field with the ongoing research, it is seen that engineering solutions
are barely seen. The engineering solutions can definitely solve this with the automations and available
technologies. The AICTE Activity Points are meant to introduce the Engineering Students in
understanding such solutions and prepare a plan to solve them.
By the summary, the above discussions prove that a wide gap exists in the technology to solve the Food
Wastage issues. Engineering Solution is essential to bridge this gap. The ultimate aim of such Engineering
Solutions is
• Checking the Food Waste before cooking
• Addressing the Extra Cooked Food
• Addressing the spoilt Food Waste
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
While government policy is not favorable and delayed solution at this moment, engineering solution will
be quick and effective. Hence Engineering solution is very much essential to promote the Zero Food
Waste. Along with the expertise in LGS Social Innovation and Research Centre, we have proposed
following as the better engineering solution to create Zero Food Waste world. While many models are
there to solve such issues, following were discussed as they were believed to solve the issue with more
2) Taste Digitization:
Taste Digitization is a new method of identifying and quantifying the taste. We know that for every
human the taste is a mixture of 5 basic tastes – Sweet, Salt, Sour, Bitter and Umami. Any food that we eat
is tasted by the combination of these 5 tastes.
We have seen in the earlier discussion that Food Taste is one of the primary reasons to leave food on
plate. Even today we go to a Hotel and Restaurant; order the food without checking the taste. There is no
sample system to verify the taste. In the snacks and instant foods, such sample system becomes
completely difficult as they prepare instant and sample system cannot be adopted
We need to analyze the sensation technique of taste buds in Human. Same food is tasted differently by
different human. We need to understand the reason for same. Upon understanding the working method
of such taste buds, we can rate the taste as
1) Upon cooking any food, the chef calculates the reading of every taste by placing the sample on
device. This says the reading of each taste for that food. This helps in digitizing the taste and
delivering to the customer saying the taste of that food
2) Every Human has different taste likings.
3) So while ordering the food itself he can say the digital values of taste needed so that chef cooks
accordingly in case of instant foods
4) If already cooked food are there, before purchasing to eat, he can get to know the digital value of
taste and purchase it or not as per the reading displayed
By this, we get a TASTE SIMULATOR that helps in identifying the taste of any food and hence avoiding the
food to be left on the plate.
Implementing this needs lot of engineering principles and adaptation methods. However this will have a
good potential in limiting the wastage of food
This method completely replaces the “DIGITAL TASTE MACHINES” that uses electrodes to create he
virtual sensation of the taste.
The Engineering principles needed here is to develop platform and making people involve in such
tracking system. There are many case studies to be discussed here such as
All such case studies and implementation issues are to be addressed by the Engineering Solution
According to the survey, such services help in resolving the existing issue in Zero Food Waste. The
engineering solution needed here is the platform development, website development, involving public,
utilizing technology to involve the public in utilizing the service at less price.
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Phase – 2
Duration – 50 Hours
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Personal Details
01 Photo
02 Full Name
Hotel Owner
03 Person is Hotel Worker
Common Public
Rural Area
04 Living in Rural / Urban Area
Urban Area
05 Age
Food Waste is a topic of serious discussion Yes
now a days No
07 Achieving Zero Food Waste is impossible
1) Reduce the Food Waste
2) Create awareness in Public
08 Do you assure to commit to
3) Demand Engineer to develop solution that restricts
Human from wasting the Food
1) Money is important
2) Food is important
09 For Human
3) Emotions are important
4) Nature is important
About Food Waste
1) Animals have limited Food But Human have Surplus Food
2) Animals do not know the method of Vegetable Growing
but Human knows the Agriculture Methods
Animals know the value of Food than 3) Animals do not stock the Food. But Human stocks the
Human as Food
4) Animals are scared about the food availability but not the
5) All of the above
1) Human
Who has achieved Zero Food Waste till 2) Domestic Animals
today..?? 3) Wild Animals
4) No One
Every Day, Human is wasting food in one or Yes
other way No
1) Money is sufficient to buy Food
2) There are many people growing food, so Nation will not
Human is less interested to avoid Food
13 go to the Food Scarcity Level
waste as he believes
3) There is no Punishment for Food Waste
4) All of the above
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
Refrigeration is not the solution to Food
14 YesNo
1) Farming Place
2) Loading and Unloading Phase
3) Logistics Phase
15 More Food Waste happens in 4) Market Place
5) Retail Outlet Place
6) During Cooking
7) Post Cooking
1) Farming Place
2) Market Place
16 More Uncooked Food Waste happens in
3) Retail Outlet Place
4) In Home
1) Hotels and Restaurants
17 More Cooked Food Waste happens in 2) Domestic Houses
3) Marriage Halls
1) It is a Privacy Violation
2) India has enough food to be wasted
Food Wastage segment is untouched by 3) There are no methods to calculated Quality and Quantity
Law as of Food Wastage
4) Political Parties are avoiding these laws for the Vote
1) Everyone believes only solution is distributing extra food
Moment we think about solution to Zero to foodless
Food Wastage 2) Other Solutions cannot exist
3) Engineering Solutions are possible
1) One cannot assure, if the foodless has also wasted the
food or not
2) It involves more cost for NGO to identify and distribute
By distributing extra food in Hotel and (Petrol Expenses)
Community Halls to Foodless, 3) Hotels give extra food after 10 PM, by which foodless
would have slept
4) Food Wastage Problem cannot be solved by this method
5) All of the above
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Zero Food Waste – Connecting Foodless
1) Awareness Website and Videos
2) Excess Food Distributing Networks
Immediate Engineering Solution needed in
51 3) Track each Individual for quantity of Wasted
avoiding Food Wastage is
4) Digitizing Taste
5) None of the above
1) Raw Food Wasted during Cooking2) Cooked food Wasted
Every Hotel should be tracked on the
52 due to non tastier food3) Cooked food Wasted due to non
following every day
availability of Customers4) All of the above
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Following graph shows the survey result for the corresponding questions listed in previous page. Graphs
are drawn for the corresponding questions
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Zero Food Waste – Connection Foodless
25. Conclusion
Majority of the interviewed individuals has expressed the following
The engineering solution needed here is the platform development, website development, involving
public, utilizing technology to create awareness and actions in every step of food movement. This project
needs equal participation of business and engineering skills
In this 80 hours of work, the problem statement analysis and the ground work of data interview can be
done. This solution can be implemented only if another 300 hours of involvement is done
26. References
• www.lgstrust.com
• https://foodprint.org/issues/the-problem-of-food-waste/
• http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/196402/icode/#:~:text=The%20global%20volume%20of%20food,into
• http://www.fao.org/fao-stories/article/en/c/1309609/
• https://science.jrank.org/pages/2814/Food-Preservation.html#:~:text=It%20includes%20methods%20such%20a
• https://www.chintan-india.org/sites/default/files/2019-09/Food%20waste%20in%20India.pdf
• https://sharefood.fssai.gov.in/ifsaifsn-network.php
27. Appendix
Following are the list of 20 case study questions worked on about the Project:
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Project No-8 USN-1SV19EC025
Assignment Answer.
1) Do a short interview with your with your mother \ Guardian about the Food wastage...? Ask her her
following Questions...
wastage from green leafy vegetables, wastage from grains, pulses, serials ,etc.
● 250- 300g of wastage from vegetables will come out per day.
● It's totally depends on us that how much quantity we are preparing for a day.
Ans: ● Usually in a home everyone use eat 3 times per day and each one or
● Some kids are very arrogant and they won't eat if they won't get their special dish.
● Not, only kids sometimes adults also won't take food due to several reasons.
● sometimes mother give more to eat but the children won't eat that much so they left it on the plate.
● Not only left over and also some vegetables that we won't consume like green chilli, tomato,...
C) Quantity of cooked food left by the end of the day in GRAMS per day...?
• All cooked food need to be refrigerated (<5°c) or kept hot (>65° c)in a bain-marie.
• Leaving cooked food out too long at room temperature can cause bacteria .
• The cooked food should not be kept outside more than 2hrs.
• At the end of the day we will get the wastage of cooked food around 100g -150g per day.
• while total fruits is about 200kg, Fruits are good for health
• They can be used to maintain the diet and for weight loss
• Fruits are excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals and they are high in fiber.
▪ They get more loss around 25% of the fruit will be wasted .
5)Do a short interview with nearby Hotel Owner / Worker about the Food Waste..?? Ask him / her the
following questions
• It's not like that they won't get raw food waste, they are also getting it.
• Each and every day they prepare allot of dishes according to the customers requirement.
• Each and every day they are doing the same, so that they will be able to avoid food wastage
▪ They are managing in this way, so that they won't left with any food.
• They were trying their best to avoid food wastage by maintaining same taste or even better one.
• They are planning before cooking ,likewise they are managing since last 10-12yrs.
Ans: • He is collecting the left over food by the customers in a huge bag.
• Each and every day they are coming and taking it to feed the cows.
• It's a good thing we are managing our food wastage by reusing, giving it to others.
d) How much he pays to Garbage Collector per month to collect food waste..??
Ans:• Every day he won't get any loss from the hotel.
6)Do a short survey on list of food that you have wasted in your 1 day food cycle
b. Do they know scientific process to preserve cooked food other than Refrigeration..??
c. Do they know scientific process to preserve Raw Food other than Refrigeration..?
Ans: No
Ans: No
Ans: Applying salt to the raw meat and keeping in a plastic bag sealed tightly.
8) “Restricting people to not to waste food is the privacy violation. Everyone has right to buy / eat /
throw whatever food they have”. Do you agree this..?? Comment.
Ans: • No, Restricting people to not to waste food is not the privacy violation.
•Yes, Everyone has the right to buy anything and they can eat that no doubt on that.
• But when it comes to the food waste ,they have to adopt certain measures to avoid wastage.
• Nearly 40 per cent of the food produced in India is wasted every year due to fragmented food
systems and inefficient supply chains.
• we have to give information to each and everyone to not to waste the food .
• Usually we have seen in our country largest food wastage is contributed by weddings,
receptions, meetings...
•we have to avoid wastage of food as we have seen in the pandemic how people's have suffered
and died due to lack of food.
9) “Some people eat Chilly. Some people do not”. Hence if any individual leaves the chilly on food
plate, can it be considered as food waste....?
Ans: •Yes, if the person left it on a plate then definitely it comes under food waste.
•But we can avoid it before eating we can separate it , either they can consume that by slicing and
removing the inner part which gives spiciness.
•By the way consuming chillies is good for health, having more benefits but in a limit.
10)” Illiterates know the value of food more than the literates”. Do you agree
Ans: ▪ Literacy means the ability to understand ,evaluate, use.
▪ As some of the literates having arrogant they won't much value to the food.
▪ For example: In weddings though they are literate or illiterate they waste the food for their prestige.
11) Food Wastage in Local Hotels are less compared to the Star Hotels. Comment
Ans: • Hotel and restaurant industry is one of the major player in the growth of tourism as a whole in
• In general, local cost is less than the star hotels so, whatever customer pays he gets response for it
• when it comes to star hotels the cost will be high and the customer has the right to question the
manager in case of any kinds of default.
• In case of default, the Manager suggest the waiter to serve new or other dish so the previous dish
undergoes food waste
12) “Food Waste is the result of un-planning of the day to day activity”. Do you agree..? Justify the same.
Ans: • Yes, sometimes without plan their will be more waste as compare to normal.
• It's not possible to completely avoid food wastage, but by planning we can minimise the food wastage
• Day to day our activities are different, so according to the activities, we have to make our planning.
• In home , in hotel or any other places they have to analyse the things and then according to the
analysation they have to make a plan.
•Without planning not just we waste the food but also the money to.
13) “Government should prescribe the limit of food wastage per individual per year”. Do you support
this..?? Comment
• As, if now 50kg of food is wasted per person per year in Indian homes.
• If government made the statement then everyone will follow it either rich person or poor one.
• Around 17% of total food available to consumers in 2019 globally, went to the dustbins.
• Many people die due to hunger every year across the globe.
• Every year tonnes of food was wasted, so it is very important to avoid or reduce it by making an order
• So, that will reach to the poor people who are needy.
14) “Senior Citizens / Diseased Individuals feel like eating but upon receiving food on plate, they eat
only half...!!” Now this food goes on waste. Can this be considered as fault of Senior Citizen /
Ans: ▪ Definitely, this can be the fault of the person serving the food.
▪ They have to control their emotions and they need to serve little bit.
▪ If they serve full plate by saying you have to eat this, so that your health condition will be better.
▪ Especially for senior citizens and diseased persons have their own diet plan etc
▪ Because no one eat diseased person or senior citizens leftover since they were dealing with several
a. Imprisonment
b. Penalty Fee
c. Responsibility to grow within 3 months the quantity that he has wasted in 1 month
▪ when it comes to paying bill, everyone tries to reduce their wastage of food.
▪ I know it will not reduce it up to the mark
▪ But, it will minimise the percentage of food wastage per year or per day.
▪ It is a punishable offence.
▪ As our street and garbage bins are filled with it, landfills have sufficient proof to prove it.
▪ By this penalty fee the government will be able to feed the hunger person and even though the
government can implement several programs towards it.
16) Connecting Surplus food left to Foodless is auspicious. But this doesn’t solve the issue of Food
Wastage. It can just be a response to the wasted food. Do you agree...?? Comment
Ans: ▪ Surplus means an amount that is extra or more than you need.
• It's an irony that hunger problem exists in India although these is surplus of food in the country.
• Even the surplus is their, still 19 crore people in India starve every day.
Ans: No, As the hotel owners are doing their best to reduce the wastage.
▪ In every hotel they will get raw food waste for sure according to their situation they are managing the
food waste by giving it to the animals
▪ Yes, sometimes due to human error the food will not be tasty so some people left it which is collected
in a bag to give it for animals.
▪ It is rare that cooked food will be wasted only in some seasons it may effected.
18) In the case of Expired Packed Food / Food Materials / Snack foods, who has to be blamed..??.
a. Manufacturer
b. Retailers
c. Consumers
d. Government
ans: ▪ It's absolutely the retailers fault, because he need to check while buying the goods from the
• Sometimes the retailers sell the expired foods by erasing the expired dates
• Sometimes the food will not be saled in time so they are not good or safe for the human
▪ As it is a preserved food it has some chemicals along that food which is harmful for the human.
▪ As the government has warned the retailers to check while buying and selling the foods.
• So it's their duty to check each and everything otherwise they need to pay for it.
19) “ Human chefs has to be replaced Machine chefs. This way we can avoid taste alteration and food
wastages”. Do you agree....?? Comment.àà)3
•As our country also developing, we need to use such kind of robots to do the work.
▪ Robots are able to prepare portioned meal, it can able to maintain same taste consistently.
• It prepare the food very fast, it cost to much, so that it can avoid wastage of food
• While the human can make an error from which, the chef can't able to maintain same taste
• The human chefs take much time to cook food as compare to robot
20) “ Food is national property not the individual's though he has Paid for it”. Comment
• Though every individual pay for their foods but the only source for growing crops is be the humans .