DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W2
DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W2
DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W2
C. Presenting Today we are going to study Today we are going to study Today we are going to write Today we’ll be studying
examples/instances of the about compound words.” about body movements and about the aspects of verb” about the forms and
new lesson Have the pupils read “Find Out gestures.” “But first, what are verbs?” conventions of a film and
and Learn” from the LM page Have the pupils read “Read and “What are the tenses of verbs?” moving picture. What are
____. Learn” from the LM page ____. Original File Submitted and the things we need in
Answer the questions below the Answer the questions below the Formatted by DepEd Club making a movie and what
sentences. sentences Member - visit depedclub.com for do need to remember if we
more are to make our own film or
D. Discussing new concepts and C.Modelling for Students A. Modelling for C.Modelling for Students C.Modelling for Students
practicing new skills #1 Read the story in the “Try and Students Have the students read “Read Discuss “Read and Learn”
Learn” in the LM page ____. Unlocking of and Learn” on the LM page ____. on page ____ of the LM.
Identify the compound words in Difficult Words Discuss the process on how to Show the short film
the story. (using picture clues, create an outline and use other “Principles of Film Form”
Write it down on your notebook context clues, and graphic organizers. from youtube.com
examples) https://
chatting www.youtube.com/watch?
Say: v=yXmlLLqWrZQ
about what
their father
looked like
picture of
What are
they doing?
Say “They
just tapped
their feet
to loose
picture of
their feet”.
What is he
How does
he do it?
was sipping
coffee she
from a
(show the
picture of a
the story “The Homecoming” in
the LM’s “Let’s Read More”
___ and answer the questions
F. Developing mastery D.Guided Practice Guided Practice D.Guided Practice D.Guided Practice
(Leads to Formative Match the words in Column A to Have the pupils Group the class into five groups Have the students answer
Assessment 3) the words in Column B in order read “Try and and have them answer “Try and the “Find Out and Learn” on
to create a compound word. Learn” on the Learn” on the LM page ____. the LM on page ____.
Note that the words in Column B LM page ____. Have them write their answer on
can only be used once. a manila paper and have a
Column A Column B representative present their
answer in front of the class.
1. rain a. case
2. flower b. drop
3. window c. fly Sad angr excit ign Hun
4. butter d. light y ed ore gry
5. police e. man
6. book f. pane
7. sun g. pot
8. day h. room
9. sea i. shell
10. store j. shine
Bored silence stop
G. Finding practical applications E.Independent Practice E.Independent Practice E.Independent Practice E.Independent Practice
of concepts and skills in daily Do “Do and Learn” in the LM Answer “Do and Learn” on page Let the pupils answer “Do and Group the pupils into four
living page ____. ____ of the LM. Learn” on page _____. groups. Have them assign a
director, a cameraman, a
floor director, a lights man,
and the rest will be actors
and actresses. Have them
act out a scene with the
following theme:
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?