Declining Health in Youth in Modern Era
Declining Health in Youth in Modern Era
Declining Health in Youth in Modern Era
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This research paper includes a comprehensive Obesity is linked to a range of health problems, including
literature review of the causes and consequences of diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.
declining youth health, including the role of technology
in promoting healthier lifestyles. Empirical data were In addition to obesity, poor dietary habits are also a
collected through a survey of youth aged between 10 and concern among youth. Many young people consume diets
24 years old, who were asked to use the INFITS app for a high in sugar, fat, and salt, and low in fruits, vegetables, and
period of six weeks. The survey assessed changes in whole grains (5). This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and
physical activity levels, dietary habits, and mental health other health problems, such as poor dental health and
outcomes following the use of the app. The results of the digestive issues.
literature review suggest that the declining health of Sedentary lifestyles are another contributing factor to
youth is a complex issue, with multiple contributing declining youth health. The widespread availability of
factors, including poor dietary habits, sedentary technology and social media has led to a decrease in
lifestyles, and mental health issues. The use of physical activity levels among young people (6). This can
technology, specifically health and fitness apps, has the lead to a range of health problems, including obesity, poor
potential to improve the health and wellbeing of youth cardiovascular health, and reduced muscle strength.
by promoting physical activity, healthy eating, and
mindfulness practices. Finally, mental health issues are a significant concern
among youth in the modern era. According to the National
Keywords:- Android, Health, Technology, Non Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), approximately one in
Communicable Disease, Obesity, Wearable, App. five youth in the United States experience a mental health
disorder each year (7). This includes conditions such as
I. INTRODUCTTION anxiety, depression, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). The causes of these mental health issues
The health of youth in the modern era is a growing are complex and multifactorial, but stress and social media
concern worldwide, as reports of declining health continue use have been identified as contributing factors.
to emerge. Today's youth are facing a range of health
challenges, including rising rates of obesity, poor dietary Given the range of health challenges facing youth in
habits, sedentary lifestyles, and mental health issues. These the modern era, it is critical to identify effective strategies
issues are exacerbated by the widespread availability of for improving their health and wellbeing. One potential
technology and social media, which have contributed to a solution is the use of technology, specifically health and
decrease in physical activity and an increase in stress and fitness apps. These apps have the potential to improve
anxiety among young people. As such, it is critical to physical activity levels, dietary habits, and mental health
understand the factors contributing to declining health among young people. In particular, the INFITS app has been
among youth and to develop effective solutions to improve designed to promote health and fitness among youth through
their health and wellbeing. a range of features, including personalized workout plans,
nutrition tracking, and mindfulness exercises.
Obesity is a major health concern among youth in the
modern era, with rates continuing to rise. According to the This research paper aims to investigate the use of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the INFITS app as a potential solution to improve the health and
prevalence of obesity among youth in the United States has fitness of today's youth. Through a comprehensive literature
tripled over the past four decades (3). This trend is not review and empirical study, this research aims to shed light
limited to the United States, as countries across the world on the causes of declining youth health and to identify
are also seeing rising rates of obesity among youth (4). strategies for promoting healthier lifestyles among young
The use of health and fitness apps has also been found C. Intervention:
to be effective in improving mental health outcomes among The intervention will involve the use of the INFITS
youth. A study by Mani et al. (2015) found that the use of a app for a duration of 12 weeks. Participants will be
mindfulness app led to reduced symptoms of anxiety and instructed to download the app on their smartphones and use
depression among undergraduate students. The study it to track their physical activity levels, dietary habits, and
highlighted the potential of technology to deliver mental mindfulness practices. The app will provide personalized
health interventions to a wider audience. feedback and goal-setting mechanisms to encourage
behavior change. Participants will also be encouraged to use
Several studies have also investigated the factors that the social support feature of the app to connect with other
influence the effectiveness of health and fitness apps in users and share their progress.
promoting behavior change. A study by Fanning et al.
(2016) found that the frequency of app use, the perceived D. Ethical Considerations
usefulness of the app, and the user's motivation to change The study will be conducted in accordance with the
were key factors that influenced behavior change. The study ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. All
suggested that apps that were tailored to individual needs participants will provide informed consent before
and preferences were more likely to result in sustained participating in the study. Participants will be informed that
behavior change. their participation is voluntary and that they can withdraw
from the study at any time without penalty. All data
The INFITS app is a health and fitness app that aims to collected will be kept confidential and only used for
promote healthier lifestyles among youth by providing research purposes.
personalized feedback, goal-setting mechanisms, and social
support. The app includes features such as workout plans, E. Limitations
nutrition tracking, and mindfulness practices. A study by The study has some limitations. The study's sample
Soni et al. (2021) evaluated the effectiveness of the INFITS size is relatively small and recruited from a single college
app in promoting physical activity levels, dietary habits, and campus, which may limit the generalizability of the findings.
mental health outcomes among college students. The study The study relies on self-reported data, which may be subject
found that the use of the app led to significant improvements to response bias. Lastly, the study's duration of 12 weeks
in physical activity levels, dietary habits, and mental health may not be long enough to assess the long-term impact of
outcomes. the intervention on behavior change.