Article 1476 To 1488
Article 1476 To 1488
Article 1476 To 1488
The ownership of the thing sold shall be A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing
transferred to the vendee upon the actual or for a price certain is reciprocally demandable.
constructive delivery thereof. (GENERAL RULE) (refers to mutual promise)
This rule shall apply to the sale of fungible d. AFTER PERFECTION, AFTER DELIVERY
things, made independently and for a single o Buyer
price, or without consideration of their weight,
number, or measure.
• Who Bears the lost; AFTER • Articles shown in para 1; from
PERFECTION; BEFORE DELIVERY perfection to delivery; injury or benefit
Fact Check: The RICE IS A FUNGIBLE GOOD a. Perfection happened BEFORE buyer
get to see the BULK OF GOODS
Q: Who bears the lost i. It is SALE OF DESCRIPTION,
Q: Is A required to deliver the sack of rice? b. Perfection happened AFTER buyer
i. Not a SALE OF
Q: Is B required to pay the sack of rice? DESCRIPTION, SAMPLE,
AS THE BUYER ii. Contract of Sale
iii. Buyer did not rely on D, S,
(3) Same example with (2) D&A to enter into a
Additional Info: The rice needed to be weighted
• Sale by Description o Proof of perfection of the
o Seller describe the goods contract
o Buyer has not yet seen the good
• Earnest price must
• Sale by Sample o Return to the buyer when seller
o Buyer has seen a sample of the cannot deliver
good from the bulk o But buyer can exercise the right
o The bulk should agree with the to renounce
o Should be the same in character
Earnest Option
and quality money money
Art. 1482
Whenever earnest money is given in a contract
of sale, it shall be considered as part of the Art 1483
price and as proof of the perfection of the
contract. Subject to the provisions of the Statute of
Frauds and of any other applicable statute, a
• Earnest Money or Arras or Deposit, def contract of sale may be made in writing, or by
o To show that the Buyer is word of mouth, or partly in writing and partly
earnest by word of mount, or may be inferred from the
o And given to the seller to bind conduct of the parties.
the bargain
• Validity of COS
• Earnest Money, significance 1. Made in oral
o Part of the purchase price 2. Made in writing
3. Partly oral, and partly writing Example
NOTE!! A valid contract does not mean that it is A sell his house to B for 5 million.
also enforceable
ii. Must be in writing to be
Enforce X / / X X /
enforceable able
iii. Selling through agent, the (bcs
authorization COS is
1. Must be in writing, consum
otherwise, if oral, ated)
the COS is void even
if the contract itself
is written and
notarized Recto Law, sale on installment, remedies of
2. Movable property
i. 500 above, must be in writing to Art 1484
be enforceable
ii. 500 below, can be done orally In a contract of sale of personal property the
price of which is payable in installments, the
3. Sale of Immovable property vendor may exercise any of the following
i. Must be in writing to be remedies:
enforceable and valid
ii. To be enforceable against a. Exact fulfillment of the obligation,
THIRD PARTY, COS should the vendee fail to pay;
1. must be a public b. Cancel the sale, should the vendee's
instrument (notarized) failure to pay cover two or more
2. Registered in the installments;
Registry of Property c. Foreclose the chattel mortgage or the
thing sold, if one has been constituted,
should the vendee's failure to pay
cover two or more installments. In this
case, he shall have no further action
against the purchaser to recover any
unpaid balance of the price. Any
agreement to the contrary shall be
• Requisites • What does CANCEL THE SALE
1. Object must be MOVABLE CONSTITUTE?
PROPERTY o Seller must return the payment
2. Must be INSTALLMENTS (should o Buyer must return the object
not be straight payment or DP + o However, the parties can
SP) stipulate that the payment will
not be returned as long as the
• What does remedy by the seller thing is not unconsumable or
means? against conscience
• Example: they can
Situation: A sold his car to B for 500k. agree that the DP will
They agreed that B will pay the remaining not be returned
price by installment of 50k. B will pay 5k
each installment (50 installments) • What does FORECLOSE THE CHATTEL
Problem: What if B will stop paying from o Applicable if the thing is entered
the 3rd installment and so on. What into a chattel mortgage
should the remedy of the seller? o CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DEF
• LOAN that naka sangla
Remedies: a personal property
1. Exact fulfillment o Seller will retrieve the property,
2. Cancel the sale BY THE BUYER.
• APPLIED IF 2 OR MORE UNPAID o Seller cannot recover any
INSTALLMENT unpaid payment from the buyer
3. Foreclose the mortgage
(1) A sold his car to B for 500k, will be paid 50k
Note!! Remedies are alternative not per installment.
Q: B did not paid in 3rd installment
• What contracts does this article R: A can choose option A or Exact fulfillment or
applies? sue A
1. Sale
2. Lease with option to buy (1485) Q: B did not paid 4th installment also
R: A can either cancel the sale or foreclose the
• What does EXACT FULFILLMENT chattel mortgage if the car is mortgage
o Seller has the RIGHT TO (2) A bought a car from Toyota. Bought under
DEMAND PAYMENT Toyota finance and chattel mortgage. A will pay
o Seller can sue Buyer to recover it in installment for 60 mos ,30k
the payment
• THE COURT then will Q: A did not paid on the 31st and 32nd
compel the buyer to pay installment. So Toyota foreclose the mortgage,
and resell it through an auction. A have still
unpaid 600k. And the Toyota resell the car for car after 1 year for 380k. The 120k installment
500k. Do you need to pay 100k will be applied.
A: NO A: It is a lease contract but the intention of the
party shows that it is a sale in installment,
Q: Same question to 2 but instead Toyota since the 120k is applied to the purchase price
cancel the sale and file a case against A as an
ordinary creditor. The court auction the car and (2) A sold his printer to B for 60k with a term 5k
retrieve 500k which has a deficiency of 100k. Do per month. The printer is in a chattel mortgage.
A need to pay the 100k? B failed to pay the 4th to 6th installment. A
A: Required to pay the 100k retrieve to the printer and file a case for the 3
uncollected installments.
(3) A sold his car to B, with an agreed term of
DP and the balance of 1 million will be paid for 1 Q: Will the case pass to court?
month. After 1 month, the 1 million is entered A: NO, because by retrieving the printer he is
into a chattel mortgage that is payable for 1 foreclosing the contract which is option 2.
month. B failed to paid 1M in one month. So the Note that the remedies is alternative, once the
car was regmata and A recovered 800k. Lessee chooses a remedy he cannot use the
other remaining options
Q: Does B need to pay the 200k unpaid?
A: Yes, because Art 1484 (option 3) does not
applied in this case. Chattel mortgage law is STIPULATION INSTALLMENTS NOT RETURN
applied instead.
Art. 1486
Art. 1487
Art 1488
• Expropriation, defined
o Involuntary in nature, the owner
may be compelled to surrender
the possession when all
essential requisites has been
complied with