Ho 63
Ho 63
Ho 63
2009 I ISSUE 63
2 0 0 9 I ISSUE 6 3
cover feature: going dutch in
A Dutch CH47 International news headlines are full of stories about how NATO
hovers at TK as
crewmembers hook
is desperately short of helicopters as part of its International
on another load for Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Alan Norris
transport to one
of the forward reports on one european country though that has been quietly
operating bases. providing rotary-wing assets for operations in the southern
30 Photo by
Alan Norris
provinces of Helmand.
frost fighters
Vineyard development throughout New Zealand in the past few
years has been steady and impressive. However, the country’s cold
weather means some innovative solutions had to be found to stop
the grapes from being damaged or destroyed by frost. Enter the
helicopter – and a new way for helicopter operators to make money.
tomorrow’s troop transport
A new warbird on the horizon is preparing to carry troops,
cargo and firepower to the next front lines. Jeffrey Decker
reports on AgustaWestland’s development of the AW139 into
a military workhorse.
on your own
Working for oil and gas usually means working in some of the
remotest regions on earth. So what are the challenges? We
examine operations in Peru’s Amazon basin for some clues.
52 74
sioux – story of an ancient warrior
For many reasons, 1945 was historic. It will forever be remembered
as the year that the United States unleashed the atomic bomb and
regular features 60 the Second World War ended. It was also the year that the United
Nations and the World Bank were formed. The venerable Bell 47
From the Editor 3
also happened.
Industry update 4
subscription Form 9
out of control
When wildfires raged toward the edge of Los Angeles, dozens
The opening shot 26
of helicopters flew to help douse the blaze. Now a federal
investigation examines why the flames reached so far.
Inside EMS – Everyone is Crew 19
74 86
flight training – More than
Just Flying 21
law & order – FAA Supremacy
and Pre-emption Take a Hit 23
eye on eastern europe –
Updated news 25
personal profile – Robert Hill 96
You’re a guardian. Ready at a moment’s notice to assist and save. You’re one who restores life.
We get it. We do the same thing for helicopters. From repurposing a helicopter to a new role, repairing a trusted machine or needing
a new helicopter completed to your own exacting specifications, our reputation for making your mission-specific helicopter a reality
is legendary. We’re Edwards & Associates, Inc., the helicopter company that’s dedicated to seeing your Performance Exceeded.
hate bureaucracies, especially those that riddled with endemic failures. The report
seem to make things worse rather than said the MoD’s equipment program was 35
better. I hate process especially when billion pounds ($US56 billion) over budget,
the process achieves nothing and often five years behind schedule and could not be
prevents focus on the outcome. afforded in the long-term.
While good bureaucracy and proper “How can it be that it takes 20 years to
process are necessary, the destructive buy a ship, or aircraft, or tank? Why does
elements of both seem to be driving Western it always seem to cost at least twice what
By Mark Ogden Militaries these days and both seem to have was thought? Even worse, at the end of the
grown exponentially in the last few years. wait, why does it never quite seem to do
Why is it that Western Militaries these days what it was supposed to?” the newspaper
appear so focussed on process rather than reported, quoting from the leaked report.
CEO result? Is it the bureaucratization of Defense Flexible enemies like the Taliban are “unlikely
Neville (Ned) Dawson – or is it incompetence? (maybe the same to wait for our sclerotic acquisition systems
thing.) Bureaucracies by their nature are risk to catch up.”
PUBLISHER averse (dressed up as risk management With many British troops being killed by
Cathy Horton
where there is little management actually roadside bombs, much public criticism
taking place) and often invent process to kill has been directed at a perceived lack of
EDITOR in chief
Mark Ogden
off risk rather manage or understand it. Yet helicopters to avoid troops travelling by land
without risk, there is often no gain. in inadequately armored road vehicles.
european editor After 30+ years in the Australian Defense The MoD said the government would be
Alexander Mladenov Force (ADF), I have viewed an organization publishing the report “in due course.”
now toppling with bureaucracy with Meanwhile Colonel Stuart Tootal who led
sub editor apparently more emphases on political
Leigh Neil the Third Battalion, the Parachute Regiment
correctness and butt-covering than actually in Afghanistan’s troubled southern Helmand
getting the job done or winning the battle. Province in 2006, said a lack of the proper
legal EDITOR
Robert Van de Vuurst
ADF equipment procurement in the ADF support from London was threatening
is a mess, with the occasional exception – to undermine the battle against Taliban
african editor such as the recent C-17 and Super Hornet extremists. “There is a real risk that we could
Kevin Barker purchases. Equipment procurement in the lose the war in Afghanistan. If it is lost, it
ADF is a drawn-out affair where what is will not be in places like Helmand, but in
ems editor purchased often ignores what the person the corridors of power in cities like London
Mike Biasatti on the ground asked for or needed, while and Washington,” he wrote in the Sunday
costs sky-rocket and what ends up being Mirror newspaper.
technical EDITOR
purchased is practically guaranteed to be
Chris Smallhorn Debacles such as the US Armed
long-in-coming and obsolete. I have seen
Reconnaissance Helicopter program
the “dead cat” syndrome where programs
only cements my view of the inability of
Damiano Gualdoni that have fundamentally failed to deliver
the Western Military to do its job due
the required capability are literally thrown at
to the process shackles imposed by
proofreader the operational level to sort out, in order to
bloated and incompetent bureaucracies.
Barbara McIntosh get them out of the procurement agency’s
Fortunately, however, unlike the British and
Australian examples, the US manages to
This isn’t a recent manifestation in the get equipment upgrades, modifications
ADF – rather it’s been coming for some and capability improvements to the field
time, with review after review building reasonably quickly once the initial purchase
more process rather than forcing individual reaches operational capability. Maybe
responsibility. Endless committee reviews, this is where the uniform takes over from
an engineering hierarchy that does anything the bureaucracy?
other than rapidly enable needed changes, Companies supplying or bidding these
and a bureaucracy that appears to ignore projects are often blamed for the under-
the operator – all combine to result in performing equipment where, in reality,
obsolescent systems, equipment that isn’t the process employed by the military
quickly modified to meet the ever-changing bureaucracies almost guarantees failure and
Oceania Group Intl face of the battlefield and a complete “loss extraordinary price escalation. As I’ve noted
PO Box 37 978, Parnell of faith” by the operator in the ability of the in the past, companies can be their own
Auckland, New Zealand “system” to help them win the battle. worst enemies but that’s no excuse for the
PHONE: + 64 21 757 747 A recent UK report highlighted similar increasing mess bureaucracy and process
FAX: + 64 9 528 3172
British problems. A recent leaked report is creating.
for Britain’s Ministry of Defense says its It is time for our political masters and
procurement program is hugely inefficient military leaders to stop being so focused
[email protected]
and harming Britain’s ability to fight. on their processes, political correctness
The Sunday Times newspaper reported and butt-covering and get focused on the
receiving a leaked copy of a 296-page draft needs of the guys in the field. They need to
of the report that highlighted that the MoD get brave and take some risks. The military
www.heliopsforum.com system of acquisition of new equipment was and the supporting industry will both be the
better for it. n
industry update
We Maintain
industry update
Tel-Tail Floodlights
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industry update
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and everywhere else your business takes you
Thermal Camera
FLIR Systems and Sofradir will be
collaborating on state-of-the-art, third-
generation dual-band detectors and
camera cores to create thermal cameras
with enhanced capabilities for military and
commercial applications. Sofradir brings
its industry-leading detector technology
and mass production capacities, while
FLIR will design cameras and insert them
into both US and international developed
systems. This collaboration comes at a
point when dual-band detectors are just
beginning to become available after a long
period of materials development in several
countries. The applications include not only
military and security imaging systems, but
also thermographic and scientific cameras.
This is because they provide the possibility
of precise non-contact temperature
measurement with automatic compensation
for unknown material emissivity. Sofradir’s IR
detectors are integrated into thousands
of military-grade systems deployed to detect,
observe and identify objects at
great distances, day and night, through fog,
smoke and dust.
The dual-band thermal camera will operate
in the midwave and longwave bandwidths,
allowing users to switch spectral bands
depending on the particular object to
be identified or surveyed. The longwave
bandwidth can optimize detection at cooler
temperatures, and be beneficial on a
battlefield, in the presence of dust, smoke
or fog. The midwave bandwidth will enhance
performance in high temperature and high
humidity. The cameras will also provide
for efficient image fusion between the
two bands, as the images will be naturally
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industry update
So your helicopter will be in the air – and not on the platform waiting for parts.
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here are big changes coming in the consider them as such, even without the
HEMS industry in the US. One of the official designation.
best things you can do right now is No matter the name, I am here to tell you
engage your crews; challenge them to rise that coming to work in a diminished capacity
up to the level of performance that we must puts lives at risk and while not violating a
all operate, recognize their successes, regulation, it is an intolerable practice and
address deficiencies as soon as possible, potentially disastrous. On board the aircraft
and never let matters of personality detract I’m flying, I am counting on everyone to be
By Mike Biasatti
from the mission or the message at hand. an extra set of eyes. What additional burden
Imagine being an EMS pilot coming to was going to be placed on his partner
work one night and upon opening the door that night as he operated in a diminished
to the trailer, directly before him, sitting at capacity? What obstruction on landing
Everyone is the table was the night nurse with an I.V. in visible to only his field of view was going to
Crew his arm, a bag hanging above him tacked be missed because of his condition? What
to the wall and a second already depleted medication error might be made because
bag on the table next to him. The night the crewmember took an OTC medication
Should medical personnel paramedic is seated in front of the television before work to mask other symptoms –
conform to similar aware that his medical partner for the night and the side effects cause an undesirable
was taking on his second bag of fluids and reaction?
standards of flight fitness apparently had no issue with it. How many HEMS aircraft and crew need
as the pilot? When asked what was going on, the nurse to be lost before we all get it? Are the nurse
explains that he wasn’t feeling well when he and the paramedic passengers on the
arrived and needed some fluids, but he was outbound legs, and then transformed into
feeling better now and was fine to work. crewmembers once the patient arrives?
This actually happened. In this case, a They are CREW, and as such bear a great
conversation ensued, a lie was told, a phone responsibility toward the safe outcome of
call was made, another conversation was had every mission and have on more than one
and the nurse went home against his will. occasion called out obstructions that may
Now the point in all of this is why did very well have been missed and resulted in
this nurse and apparently his paramedic catastrophe.
partner think that it was okay for This job for all its fun and good times,
him to feel bad enough upon arrival demands that each crewmember be
to work that he didn’t call in sick engaged 100%, to look out for those wires,
earlier, or at the very least go home call out traffic and make sure that we all go
when he started to feel ill? (ill enough home at the end of our shift. Apathy and
to know that he needed IV fluids). complacency along with ego and pride are
Is it that he felt that his role as a killers. It is so easy to take as routine that
crewmember that night was not departure from your base, that descending
important enough to be at 100% left downwind turn to base and final
fitness? Would he be as comfortable approach to your hospital. I implore you
with the situation had he come in though to be that thorn in everyone’s side
and seen his pilot on the second and insist that each person is active and
bag of fluids, but claiming he felt engaged in their respective roles aboard
better now and was fine to fly that the aircraft and when operating around the
night? Why should the wellness aircraft. Don’t ever take for granted that any
requirement for one crewmember be any lift off, en route time or landing is routine.
different from the other crewmember? No crew plans on becoming a statistic, but
Programs in the US operate under history shows this to be a very dangerous
one of two structures. The first is where profession (currently #2). Please take care of
the medical crew are employees of yourself and your fellow crewmembers. Go
the certificate holder and considered home at the end of every shift.
crewmembers and bound by their specific Don’t allow ego to play a part in
sections of the operations manual. The interactions. Build one another’s strengths
second is where the medical crew are into a complimentary compilation of well-
hospital employees and the aircraft is coordinated teamwork. Go home safely at
operated by one of many companies in the the end of your shift, come back tomorrow
country serving the air medical community. – and repeat.
In these cases the medical crew are not Happy Holidays from Mike and your
official crewmembers of the certificate colleagues at www.emsflightcrew.com and
holder, but most, if not all operators please put “Safety above all else”. n
Organised by:
flight training
lying helicopters for most pilots is but also for their broader attitude to aviation.
something they love, and would Pilots need to understand that from the
be happy doing for the rest of their day they open a manual to the day they
working lives. What takes away from the retire they should be learning and advancing.
enjoyment are unreasonably demanding They should be aiming for post-graduate
customers, sometimes harsh living flying qualifications such as instrument and
conditions and the almost-always away – multi-engine ratings. They should really
from-home demands which usually leads to understand what makes a helicopter tick,
By Mark Ogden
AIDS (Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome) and why designs are the way they are
and usually – pay. (just because you can doesn’t mean you
While of course the new entrants to the should). Engineering and maintenance
industry should focus their time, effort and understanding should be intrinsic to a pilot’s
More Than money on developing the necessary flying ability to operate a helicopter. Pilots should
skills to be useful to the industry, it seems be seeking to learn about the regulations
Just Flying? that once-qualified, many are happy to sit and the development of those regulations
back and do nothing more than fly – while and associated rules, by studying and
In this world of multi-skilling still complaining about their pay. Well, that keeping current with such references as the
and perpetual change, approach can be very self-limiting and ICAO Annexes. The Annexes can make for
put a “time expired” label on a pilot. It can some interesting reading. They should be
should pilots learn more
certainly limit potential income. seeking to do courses on such things as
than just flying – or should What many entering the industry need accident investigation, auditing and safety
they broaden their horizons to understand is that for the very reason of management – and branch out into contract
the love of flying, there is always someone development and management. They should
and become involved
coming up through the ranks ready to be taking on secondary roles in the company
in other aspects of the replace the older pilots. Sure, experience to learn about how it works, and helping the
helicopter industry? is looked on favorably, but there is companies to expand and develop. After all,
satisfaction and greater earning potential someone has to pay the wages.
by gaining more flying and other industry- So outside of companies, where else
related qualifications, such as in safety and can pilots find areas to expand their
management. knowledge? Many institutions offer post-
A good friend who is also a well- graduate qualifications such as degrees in
respected chief pilot was recently telling of aviation management. There are courses
his disappointment with some of his pilots held on accident investigation and safety
in their reluctance to take on extra tasks management. My only caution here is
around the company. Some of the guys were that before enrolling in these courses,
paid good money but they saw their role find out what they offer, who is teaching
purely as pilots, nothing else. Interestingly, (their background and experience within
he was saying that this was one area where the industry sector) and their general
he saw the greatest difference between reputation. Ask people who have done
ex-military and pure civil-trained pilots. courses as to which learning institutions
He said that ex-military pilots appeared or companies they would recommend.
to have a different attitude Read about where the industry
What many
and were more prepared to is going and look ahead to what
take on other work within entering the industry qualifications may be needed. Many
the company and certainly who managed to recognize early
need to understand
more prepared to accept that occupational health was going
other responsibilities without is that for the very to be a requirement are now reaping
asking, “How much more will reason of the love of the benefits of those early courses.
I get?” I acknowledge that Safety and risk management and
pilots in the military have a
flying, there is always auditing are becoming not just
lot more opportunity to do someone coming up “good to haves” but are being
courses and be provided regulated requirements, so pilots
through the ranks
more ongoing training, and need to understand exactly what a
they are required to do things ready to replace the safety management system is, for
other than just flying. While older pilots. example.
the continuous learning Pilots, especially those operating
process can be onerous, most of these helicopters, need to understand that
pilots tend to find themselves much more continual learning is essential to stay
employable when they leave the service, not relevant to an industry that is developing at
just for their flying hours and qualifications, an ever-increasing rate. n
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The invertible floor integrated rollers of the DRS Advanced Cargo Handling System (ACHS)
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We’re always looking for new enemies to conquer. www.drs.com
be pre-empted. Some examples of this they could not serve alcoholic beverages
are bankruptcy, the postal service and, of on the ground or in the airspace over New
course, aviation. Anyone who flies, fixes, or Mexico. In what seemed like an exercise in
manages any type of aircraft is familiar with state power gone awry, the legal answer
the concept, even if they don’t know it. An seemed obvious - that is that New Mexico’s
illustrative example is aircraft certification. attempt to regulate an airline’s service of
No matter where you are in the US, if you are alcohol was clearly pre-empted by both the
trying to get an aircraft certified, you deal with Airline Deregulation Act, which prohibits
By Rob Van de Vuurst the FAA - period. In contrast, and as another states from regulating “service” on airlines,
example, when you’re driving the speed limit and Part 121 of the CFR, which expressly
can change from state to state, even on the prohibits airlines from serving intoxicated
interstate system. The reason why states passengers.
cannot regulate the aircraft, as opposed to Unfortunately, the federal judge in New
FAA Supremacy cars, is pre-emption. Congress has enacted Mexico did not agree. In an eyebrow-raising
and the Federal Aviation Act which covers aviation
safety, so states cannot make up their own
decision, she found that the FAR regulating
service of alcohol on airlines did not pre-
Pre-emption version of the FARs. Can you imagine a world empt New Mexico’s laws and that the
without pre-emption if every time you flew serving of alcohol was not “service” under
Take a Hit to a different state you had to learn different the Airline Deregulation Act. You’re probably
regulations, or even worse, have a separate seeing now why this case has caused some
You may recall that about pilot’s license? consternation in the legal end of the aviation
So why am I addressing this topic for a world. Let’s say you’re an attorney for an
two years ago, I wrote a
second time? Because the playing field has airline, or a helicopter charter operator for
column about the concept shifted – and in a most unusual way. Last that matter, and imagine having to go tell your
time I wrote about how Tennessee tried to boss that, just to be safe, we might want to,
of “pre-emption” and how
regulate the type of equipment that must oh, apply to get a liquor license in every state
it can affect you. While I’m be on an EMS helicopter. Fortunately, the in the country, even for the ones that we just
sure you didn’t find it nearly judge in the case dismissed Tennessee’s fly over and don’t even land in?????!!!!!!
arguments and found that aviation safety As we go to press, the case is on appeal,
as intellectually stimulating is pre-empted by the Federal Aviation Act and I sincerely hope that this thing is
as I do (I’m just weird that (and hence the FAA regulatory system), so reversed - and fast. Think for just a moment
Tennessee could not create different or how it could affect every one of us if this
way), it is nonetheless a
additional requirements. For all involved, court’s rationale starts getting copied in
legal principle that bears this appeared to be a simple case, and other circuits. For the fixed wing guys, this
watching, especially in the Tennessee was just testing the waters only to case may just be an anomaly. For the most
be gently reminded of the limits of its power part they have similar missions, from airport
aviation world. by a federal judge. to airport, all of which are covered in-depth
That brings us to a recent case on the by the FARs. However, for those of us in the
issue of pre-emption and the FARs. In a rotor world, this should be a wakeup call.
tragic set of facts, a passenger who had The varied missions of the helicopter and
been served alcohol on a US Airways flight the ability to land almost anywhere create a
deplaned in New Mexico, left the airport, variety of situations where states can find a
and then proceeded to drive the wrong way void not filled by an FAR.
on an interstate, resulting in the death of not So what can you do to protect yourself?
only himself, but five family members in the If you do find a state law that you feel is
other car as well. New Mexico responded pre-empted, follow it anyway. Consult your
by giving US Airways a citation for violating legal counsel, and get them to fight it through
a state law prohibiting the sale of alcohol to the proper channels, but until a court says
intoxicated individuals. Then it went even differently, the state law is not pre-empted.
further and issued a cease-and-desist order I’m sure US Airways never expected that
ere’s a quick refresher on what I to prohibit them from serving alcohol within New Mexico would win the case, but they
discussed last time – “Pre-emption” the state because they did not have a state still followed the regulation by applying for a
exists because the founding fathers license. As would be expected, US Airways liquor license. Had they not done so, the fines
knew that some issues were more efficiently appealed to the federal courts, but to protect and citations could have been exorbitant.
handled on a large scale federal level, instead themselves while the appeal worked its way The moral of the story is to always be on
of by the states individually. To prevent through the legal system, they applied for and guard, and don’t consider yourself compliant
patchwork regulations in these areas of were granted a temporary license to serve just because you follow the FARs. Always
law they added the “Supremacy Clause” to alcohol in New Mexico. The issue came to have a good aviation attorney – one familiar
the Constitution, which basically says that a head when the state cited US Airways for with the potential areas where states could
if Congress creates a national regulatory violating the law against serving alcohol to an try to regulate, and rely on them. It may cost
system (and they have the power under intoxicated individual for a second time. They a little extra in the short run, but it could save
the Constitution to do it), then any attempt used this to deny US Airways a permanent you potential citations, fines, and operational
by states to regulate the same issue will license to serve alcohol, and told the airline issues later. n
Eye on Eastern Europe
Ka-32A11BC gains European service customers, with no less than 120
certificate at last examples expected to be rolled out in 2009
he Spanish and Portuguese Ka-32 at the two existing production facilities in
operators can breathe with ease after Russia, and no less than 70 per cent of
the 30 September 2009 decision of these are destined for export customers.
the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
to grant a type certificate for the Kamov
By Alexander Mladenov Ka-32A11BC variant. Without a certificate,
the civilian operators in Europe would have A good many Mi-17s
been required to ground their fleets after 28 bought by USA for use
September, when the temporary permission in the War on Terror…
for the Ka-32A11BC operations issued by but not all are happy
EASA expired. n October 2009, US Senator Richard
Achievement of acquiring the EASA Shelby publicly revealed in a letter from
certificate was the result of five years of US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates,
sustained effort pursued jointly by Kamov that the US has spent a total of $US807.2
and Helisureste of Spain to prove that the million on the purchase of Russian-made
co-axial helicopter meets the stringent Mi-17 helicopters for delivery to
European aviation safety requirements, as Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. He criticized
outlined in EASA Part 29. The Ka-32A11BC the US DoD program, claiming that it
is used mainly in the freight role in both appears to be an ad hoc procurement
Spain and Portugal. Kamov management process with inadequate oversight. Shelby
forecasts that there will be mildly profitable also added that this is an undefined, delayed
sales of more Ka-32A11BCs in Europe program, and simply not a good use of
as this cost-effective helicopter occupies taxpayer funds.
its own niche without any significant Unconcerned by the Shelby’s statements,
competitors. the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
In is noteworthy that such an EASA (NAMSA) has been selected to act as
certification process is not going to be the contracting authority in the expected
repeated by Mil with the latest Mi-8/17 refurbishment and upgrade of tenders for
civilian derivatives. The main reason for the Mi-17s provided by the East European
this is that Europe is not being regarded as countries for operations in Afghanistan.
a prospective market for the Mi-8/17 and The drive for an increasing use of the Mi-17
thus it would not be cost-effective to invest to provide an additional airlift capacity is
any money for a protracted and potentially reasonable, since the Hip-H is well known
expensive certification campaign. The Mi- as a reliable, simple and easy-to-maintain
8V-5/Mi-17V-5 and Mi-171/Mi-172 however, helicopter. It was designed for simplicity
are still sold well to Russian and a number from the very beginning in an effort to meet
of Third World military, civilian and public the requirements for reliable operations in
all climates and terrain, from the Siberian
wasteland to the South American jungles
and the Sahara dessert.
The initiative, however, is still moving at a
very slow pace and by the end of 2009 there
is no clear understanding regarding the
amount of available funding, the numbers
of the Mi-17s to be provided by the East
European nations, as well as the defined
timelines for the bids to refurbish and
upgrade the Hip-Hs and their re-entry into
service dates.
As per the original expectations of NAMSA
dating from mid-2009, the first batch of four
upgraded Mi-17s (two provided by Hungary
and another two by Bulgaria) with trained
crews is now to be ready for deployment by
mid-2011. But even this date is likely to be
delayed no less than six months, should the
initiative be successful at all. n
T he opening sh ot
Bell 214B-1,
N217PJ flying
tower tops near
San Fransisco
summer of
2009. Pilot-Mike
co-pilot Brad Hall.
Dutch in
ince the start of the operations advanced CH-47D in service at the a number of Chinook operators in
in Southern Afghanistan in time, incorporating a number of Afghanistan have infrared jammers,
2002, the Royal Netherlands features that became standard in the the vulnerability from heat-seeking
Defense Force has played a CH-47 Super D International Chinook. surface-to-air missiles is not seen as a
pivotal role in the development of the The CH-47 Super D International potential threat. The Dutch CH-47Ds do
NATO-ISAF coalition, providing troops Chinook was equipped with the not have infrared jammers or exhaust
as part of the Provincial Reconstruction Honeywell Avionics Control and diffusers installed, but the MAWS
Teams. The Royal Netherlands Air Management System (ACMS) glass dispensers can carry up to 30 RR-170
Force (RNLAF) Air Task Force (ATF) has cockpit, which integrates the chaff cartridges or 30 MJU-7/B IR flares.
been providing air assets in the form communications and navigation suites, For the Afghanistan operations the
of Chinook and Cougar helicopters and Electronic Flight Information System Chinooks have been fitted with extra
based on Kandahar Air Field (KAF), and (EFIS) with the Bendix weather radar, Kevlar armor plating on the cockpit
Apache AH-64D attack helicopters at flight control and night-vision-compatible sides and the floor of the cargo hold,
Tarin Kowt in Uruzgan province. display. Multifunction displays presenting which provides protection from small-
the information from all of these systems arms fire. The drawback of this extra
The Aircraft to the pilots, the ACMS also includes a amour, however, is the addition of an
In 1993 the RNLAF ordered 13 digital map and GPS. extra 11,023 pounds (5,000 kilograms)
CH-47s made up of a mix of six new- For self-defense, the aircraft are to the all up weight (AUW) of the
build CH-47D Chinooks and seven fitted with the AN/APR-39 Radar aircraft and with a full fuel load,
ex-Canadian C-model Chinooks which Warning Receiver (RWR) and AN/ reducing its lifting capability to a
were upgraded to D-models at the ALQ-156A Missile Approach Warning 8,000 pounds (3,630 kilograms) useful
Boeing facility in Philadelphia. On System (MAWS). The MAWS has load. The Chinooks are fitted with
completion the Canadian airframe a cockpit control unit and a chaff/ three MAG M240D General Purpose
flight hours were zeroed. When the flare programmer coupled to a Tracor Machine Guns (GPMG) – two mounted
first CH-47D was delivered to 288 ALE-40(N) chaff and flare dispensers in the port and starboard doors and a
Squadron in 1996, it was the most mounted on the fuselage. Although third on the rear ramp.
Loads can vary from food
or fresh water to troops
and civilians reflecting the
multinational role ISAF are
undertaking in Helmand.
Loadmasters and
gunners are constantly
scanning for threats
despite the Dutch
Chinooks having never
knowing been fired
upon during their time
in Afghanistan.
To ensure maximum performance phase inspections normally scheduled agrees that this training helps, but
and reliability of the Chinooks, to fit into this maintenance period. also agree it’s impossible to train for
engineers carry out 200-hour desert The engineers are impressed at the the more daunting aspects of a brown-
inspections at KAF, checking and durability of the aircraft and the lack of out, especially when a pilot will be
cleaning all engine access panels and notable component problems. flying blind, losing all visibility and
all electrical connectors. Replacement references during the last few seconds
parts are not a major issue as regular Pre-Deployment training of a landing.
flights between the Netherlands and Having 13 aircraft in a fleet was By the time pilots arrive in
Afghanistan ensure the turnaround an unlucky number probably tempting Afghanistan they are at combat
on spares is no more than two to three fate. In 2005, two cabs were lost during ready status, which means that every
days. But on KAF the Dutch engineering Operation Enduring Freedom. One was currency and qualification is up to date
clamshell hanger is located next to the the result of brown-out conditions and they have been through the whole
US Army Chinook maintainers and during the insertion of troops – the training process including tactical
the RNLAF have recently entered an second a hard landing after losing and mountain flying. The long-term
agreement with the Americans to use power in cruise flight. No injuries were experience gained in Afghanistan helps
parts from the US Army inventory, if suffered in either incident, but both with the supervision of new pilots
the need arises. That should reduce helicopters were deliberately destroyed coming in to the theater for the first
lead times even further. by ground troops to stop the Taliban time, and they are usually paired with
The T55-L-714 engines are currently from using any of the downed aircraft an experienced pilot to help bring them
only fitted with wire filters on the equipment. up to an even higher standard.
intakes, but a modification program Following these incidents it was
to fit the Engine Air Particle Separator decided there must be more training in Operations
(EAPS) filter system is ongoing. conditions that can simulate operations With 65 percent of Dutch helicopter
Chinooks deployed from 2010 will have in Afghanistan as closely as possible. assets carrying out their flying outside
the EAPS system. While operating in Brown-outs are when the rotor of their own country, this constitutes
Afghanistan the engines undergo a downwash kicks up dust and debris, nearly 8,000 hours of flying from a total
compressor power-wash after each reducing the pilot’s visibility during a of 12,000 hours spent in the air each
flight, using only water, and a four landing or takeoff procedure. year. The Chinooks of 298 Squadron
weekly wash with detergent. Pre-deployment training starts have been continuously deployed on
At the end of the deployment the in the Netherlands with very basic missions since 1998, including Africa
aircraft return to the Netherlands brown-out condition training, and then to support the United Nations Mission
where they are stripped down and moving to Spain where over a three- in Ethiopia, and as part of SFOR in
undergo a major desert maintenance week flying period the crews undergo Macedonia.
program – removing up to 39.8 more advanced brown-out conditions, The RNLAF operate the Boeing
pounds (18 kilograms) of the talcum flying lower and using the terrain and CH-47D in heavy-lift roles, and the
powder fine dust and replacing any surroundings to try to simulate flying Eurocopter Cougar in the medium-
components as needed, with any conditions in Afghanistan. Everyone lift roles – with both types rotated at
Kandahar Air Field every six months. Kamp Holland was an American The Black Ring
With summer temperatures ranging base until August 2006 when ISAF
Although the resupply is referred to
from 16°c (61°f) at sunrise to 50°c (122°f) assumed control for Afghanistan’s
as the Black Ring, the whole process is
by midday, helicopters can be operating security and the US handed over
more like a cycle wheel with the center
in these ambient temperatures at an command of the base to the
being Tarin Kowt, still known as FOB
altitude of 3,000 feet. Netherlands. Other multi-national
Ripley, and the spokes fanning out to
The rotation has two functions. troops are based 60 kilometers to the
the FOBs.
First, the Cougar would have a reduced west in Deh Rawod and dotted around
Color-coding helps with the pre-
lift capability during these hot summer a number of smaller Forward Operating
flight planning, which is more of a
temperatures in Afghanistan and so the Bases (FOB) in the area. The TFU troops route planning, identifying the FOBs
Chinooks will be deployed in the hotter have been supported locally by a Dutch that they will be visiting. Normally
months of April to October. Second, the AH-64D Apache detachment since 2006, every FOB will always need something
aircraft return to the Netherlands for and in April 2009 helicopter assets were – food, water, ammunition, and people
regular deep clean and maintenance increased when a detachment from the coming in and going out. The FOBs
– minimizing wear and tear on the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade deployed always have a request in place and
airframes in the long term. Apache, Blackhawk and OH-58D flexibility is an important part of the
To make best use of the helicopter helicopters. day. A list of cargo and passengers is in
assets in Helmand Province, American, The one-mile (1.6 kilometer) place the night before when the flight
British, Canadian, Australian and runway at Tarin Kowt is still a hard crew prepares a flight plan usually
Dutch airships now come under a Joint dirt surface, but 2010 will see the based on a four-to-five-hour flight,
Helicopter Command, which in turn start of major construction work with and this then gives them the flexibility
receives all tasking from Regional the building of a new control tower, of taking on at least two extra hours
Command South, with both commands terminal building and the asphalt of tasking.
located at Kandahar Air Field. surfacing of the runway. Large C-17, Usually, one Chinook is configured
A little more than 1,500 Dutch C-130 and Russian civilian aircraft for all passengers and the second for a
troops are stationed in the strategically deliver the bulk of the supplies, with combination of passengers and cargo
important southern province of helicopters and trucks taking the with seats running along the left-hand
Uruzgan under ISAF as part of Task smaller loads out to the troops in side of the aircraft, and a roller system
Force Uruzgan (TFU). As you would the field. Two Dutch Chinooks make on the right-hand side for handling
expect, the RNLAF Chinooks focus resupply runs at least once a week to cargo. The standard crew is two pilots,
on the Uruzgan province but have and from Tarin Kowt, with groups of two loadmasters and two door gunners,
operated in both the South and East of FOBs divided into color codes – Black, the latter provided by the Dutch Air
Helmand where coalition troops White and Grey rings denoting a Mobile Brigade – plus the loadmasters
are operating. The Headquarters of the particular set of bases. are also trained to operate the GPMG.
TFU is located on Kamp Holland the During our time with the Dutch The re-supply flight is an eight-hour
Dutch military base near Tarin Kowt Air Task force, we had the rare and day of non-stop drop-offs and pick-ups,
(TK) the provincial capital of Uruzgan exclusive opportunity to fly on one of with the crew eating and drinking on
province. these re-supply flights. the go. The Taliban see the downing
5,000 litre
Ph: + 64 9 534 4803
Brown-out conditions
are common in
Afghanistan and the
Dutch Chinook pilots
are well trained in the
landing procedures
with the whole crew
having a role to play.
visibility for
about two to
three seconds.
of a helicopter as a big propaganda minimize their exposure time in the brown-out, the RNLAF is well-aware of
headline and so the threat from lower altitudes. Leaving Kandahar low the dangers and now has a very strict
shoulder launched rocket-propelled and fast we climbed out of the threat procedure in place with the whole crew
grenades (RPG) is a very real issue. level and into the cooler air, reaching taking an active role in the landing.
So for security the Chinooks always Tarin Kowt in 45 minutes – and once Both pilots set up the approach to
aim to be on the ground for the the first cargo and passengers were the landing area, with the right- seat
shortest possible time, which makes unloaded the aircraft moved to the pilot having control. Should he lose
unloading of the cargo a less-than- re-fuelling area. ground reference, the left- seat operator
graceful operation. Returning to the staging area, the can take control if he has ground
Operating in daylight only, our ground crew from the Dutch Air Mobile reference. The two loadmasters are
flight was a 07:00 start giving the operations team has prepared the first also monitoring the landing, reporting
crewmembers the maximum amount cargos and PAX for loading. The team the movement of the cloud so that
of time to complete their tasks. As we has ensured the loads are within aircraft the pilots can anticipate the speed
approached the flight line the three limits and will also fit inside the cargo and height of the dust cloud. If the
Dutch Chinooks could be picked out hold. All this is carried out as quickly as setup is correct, when the dust cloud
by their distinctive nose, housing the possible, with the first Chinook lifting is at the cockpit the aft wheels will
weather radar and their light green off just minutes after landing – heading be about three feet off the ground.
paint scheme – this compared to to the first FOB of the day. Anything more and the aircraft will
the sand color of the US Army and Most of the FOBs now have prepared not be lined correctly and the height
darker green of the RAF, Canadian and helicopter landing sites with gravel will be too great for a safe landing. The
Australian Chinooks. and stones covering the fine dust of pilots have an approach altitude and
Any pilots in Afghanistan will the Afghan soil – minimizing the dust airspeed which is called the “gate,”
talk about the threat level which is clouds that are always generated by and from there it requires just a little
considered to be highest between the downwash of a Chinook. With a nose attitude change to decrease the
150 feet (50 meters) and 2,000 feet full brownout you will land without air speed, which should bring the
(600 meters), above which the aircraft visibility for about two to three helicopter to an almost zero-zero
are out of range of enemy ground seconds, which is daunting for pilots landing.
fire. To reduce the risk even further, used to flying with their eyes and Under-slung loads are often carried,
pilots always depart at the maximum with ground references. Having lost an and a tactical load drop-off is usually
possible airspeed for the conditions to aircraft in 2005 as a direct result of a adopted when delivering the external
The Belgian
general purpose
machine guns,
mounted on
the port and
starboard doors For mutual support
and rear ramp, the Dutch Chinooks
provide always fly in pairs, one
close quarter aircraft configured for
self defense. passengers and the
second for a mix of
cargo and passengers.
cargo. To drop off a load in dusty were loaded. As soon as the thumbs-up for the US Army. The CH-47F will have
conditions hovering in a big cloud with was given by the rear loadmaster the the Northrop Grumman AAR-54(V)
no ground reference, required another Chinook lifted off again. Missile Approach Warning System and
type of procedure to be in place. This During the 7.5-hour flight we a payload of 21,000 lbs (9,525kg) – the
is similar to the ground procedure, visited six FOBs. The whole loading and first CH-47F was handed over to the
but the helicopter is now hovering unloading process took no more than RNLAF in mid-2009.
at 20 feet (6 meters) without ground four minutes each time, a testament
reference. The loadmaster releases the to the training, coordination and Summary
load as soon as it hits the ground and experience of the crews. Multi-national cooperation
immediately signals the pilots that across the ISAF nations was very
the load is clear. Tactically speaking The Future evident during our time with the
you are longer on the ground with an In February 2007 Boeing signed a Royal Netherlands Air Force, moving
internal load, but with an under-slung direct commercial sales agreement passengers of mixed Dutch, Australian,
load you can drop it and fly away with the Dutch Ministry of Defense American, French, British and Afghan
quickly. So the choice of load delivery (MoD) for six new-build CH-47F (NL) National Army troops. The CH-47s of
can depend upon the surroundings, the Chinooks, citing a much-needed the Royal Netherlands Air Force have
threat and the kind of load. expansion of the Chinook fleet, both in proved a valuable asset over the years
Arriving at most of the FOBs, we numbers and capability. The contract in support of many NATO missions
flew into minimal dust and once the marks the first international sale around the globe. With NATO troop
aircraft was down the passengers of the CH-47F and is valued at $576 numbers and logistical requirements
disembarked first and the loadmaster million (EUR 390 million). One major expanding in Helmand province, their
released the cargo straps while the rear difference in the CH-47F (NL) Chinook role is likely to increase in 2010. That’s
gunner took off the GPMG from the rear compared to the US Army model will a challenge the RNLAF crews will
ramp. As soon as the ramp was clear, be the cockpit. Currently the Dutch equally rise to – and meet. n
the pallets were pushed on the rollers CH-47D Chinooks are fitted with
off the end of the ramp, sometimes Honeywell’s ACMS Block-5 cockpits HeliOps would like to thank the
helped with a slight raising of the – but to ensure easier integration the Netherlands Defense Helicopter Command
Chinooks nose. As soon as the cargo RNLAF has chosen the ACMS Block-6 for arranging the visit to Afghanistan and
was clear the GPMG was refitted while avionics suite, rather than the newly in particular Captain Karen and Captain
the new passengers and assorted kit developed Rockwell Collins standard Marcel for their assistance.
Vineyard development throughout
New Zealand in the past few years has
been steady and impressive. However,
the country’s cold weather means some
innovative solutions had to be found to stop
the grapes from being damaged or destroyed
by frost. Enter the helicopter – and a new
way for helicopter operators to make money.
gavin conroy
gavin conroy
top left: Frost Fighters “latent warmth” of water to prevent freezing. Hot air
Windhawk burners heat up the air from ground level.
Helicopters kept Starting around 4 p.m. on any given evening
Which method is used depends on the size of the
their awesome when a frost is forecast, the helicopters start
looking E model arriving at Omaka for fuel, and pilots meet with area and the severity of the frost, and the methods
hard at work day vineyard owners and managers. Once refuelled, the are often used in combination. Vineyard employees
after day on frost. are on stand-by on these nights with hot air burners
helicopters head to the vineyards for a look around
the area of operation before landing at the vineyard placed around boundaries and wind machines.
top middle:
for a top-off of fuel if it’s provided on site. Then it’s When the temperature drops to around 2 degrees
One of the largest
types on frost time to wait and see what develops. or lower, burners and/ or wind machines are started.
was this BK117 Helicopters are normally the last option for Wind machines can be manually operated but
of HeliPro. fighting frost because of their sometimes-high most have temperature sensors. That means they
operating costs. The return on using helicopters to come to life when the temperature drops to the
fight frost, however, is that thousands of tonnes of required level for start-up. The machines rotate
Numerous R-22s
were called into grapes have been saved. And even if the frost doesn’t through 360 degrees, and if a good inversion layer is
action although occur, helicopters are sometimes the best insurance present they can protect the crops. These machines
they don’t spread policy a winery can have when the frost approaches. either have two or four blades and are effective for
the wind around as There are four main methods of fighting frost 6-8ha, which is roughly the same as a helicopter.
much as the bigger
– wind machines, sprinklers, helicopters and hot However, the principle is different.
air burners. Wind machines, like helicopters, push Wind machines blades are mounted vertically,
warm air down to ground level. Sprinklers use the which pushes the air across the vineyard, but
If an inversion
layer is detected
the pilots fly slowly
over the vineyards
gently forcing
warmer air down
towards the plants.
helicopters can move air downward. That stops cold – and protect areas of grapes effectively,” he says. top right:
air pooling, not to mention the extensive ground a “The other important duty for the helicopter is to Omaka Airfield was
an MD sales rep’s
helicopter can cover. As the temperature drops the keep the cold air moving so it doesn’t hang about
dream come true
call goes out to the helicopter pilots to start their in the vineyard – it’s very important to keep the air most afternoons.
machines and take to the air. circulating.”
It is not uncommon to see helicopters flying center right:
from around 11:30 pm through to 9 am. Most It’s About The Inversion Layer There were
about 20 R-22s
machines have good lighting, and external air The inversion layer can be difficult for the
spread around
temperature gauges help the pilots find the pilots to find, but once they do they lightly push the Marlborough
inversion layer. Because the wind machines are at the warm air down to the grapes. Yet the pilots vineyards
a fixed height, their usefulness can be limited. need to be careful as pushing down too much air throughout the
Neville Gane from Mud House Wines explains can remove the heat and make the already fragile night.
further. “The helicopters are vital to our operation. situation worse. These days, a lot of growers keep
bottom: Every
When the wind machines are struggling, the the vegetation level to a minimum down the rows helicopter on frost
helicopters get in the air and can cover distance of grapes to allow more warm air to rise at night, as looked like a flying
quickly.” that helps to create a good inversion layer. If it gets Xmas tree to
“We are on the ground monitoring temperature too cold and the inversion layer doesn’t exist, then ensure other pilots
could see it.
at all times and if a guy calls me from the far end of the helicopters have to land.
the vineyard and says the temperature is dropping If an inversion layer is detected the pilots fly
we can get the helicopter there quickly with no fuss slowly over the vineyards gently forcing warmer
Garden City air down towards the plants. Mixing the air raises only a short stroll to the aircraft to provide quicker
Helicopters had five the temperature above the critical level where bud reaction and protection times.
machines working damage can occur. The rise needed is minimal and
the frost including
this EC120 and
once the day warms up the helicopters return for Night Flying
AS350B. fuel before heading home. Timing is everything and Flying in the dark of night does have its risks,
a rapid response can be needed. Accommodation for especially when operating closely to the ground, and
pilots is normally provided on site and it is usually obstacles such as power lines and other structures
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An EC130 stands
out with the
winery bathed in
lights behind.
gavin conroy
gavin conroy
above left: area is in an instrument approach sector. Air Traffic producing vineyard land in New Zealand, so the
Heaters such as Control does the best they can and when there majority of aircraft are required there. But conditions
these are also used
are 100-plus machines operating in a small area, often get very cold in the Gisborne, Canterbury and
to create heat in
communication with ATC is a must. Cromwell areas as well. On some nights, there could
the vines, which is
in turn dispersed by The more notice operators can get from wine well be 500 helicopters flying all over New Zealand
large fans. companies, the better. They need to get the aircraft to protect this $1 billion industry. Considering the
on site, and without enough notice there is a good congestion with so many aircraft sharing the same
above right: chance that the wait for fuel could be long at Omaka. airspace the safety record has been great.
The new buds on the
In 2007 more than 30 helicopters were waiting for So next time you are sitting back enjoying a glass
vines captured early
in the morning.
fuel at one time. Consequently, some vineyards now (or bottle) of your favorite Kiwi white or red just
have bulk fuel on site. remember that the helicopter industry is vital to this
Marlborough holds 70 percent of the total country’s wine industry – so cheers to all involved! n
If it works, it’s
he AW149 will be the as requiring eventual replacement lifecycle. Turkey is the first potential
only new generation over the next 35 years,” Garavaglia customer to consider those appealing
aircraft in its class able continues. “The AW149 will be the only features. The AW149 is meeting head-
to meet and even exceed new generation helicopter in this class on against a T-70 derivative of the S-70
the very latest and future market specifically designed for the military Black Hawk as Turkey’s military makes
requirements,” predicts Roberto and governmental market.” its order decision later this year. It’s a
Garavaglia, vice president of marketing high-stakes order that would be a big
for AgustaWestland. With 70 percent First Customer? boost for the Italian manufacturer as it
of its 2008 sales in the military sector, First conceived in 2005 and aims to fill a niche around the world.
AgustaWestland followed that market officially launched in 2006, the AW149
closely to design what could become a was designed to ease support services Niche
top-seller. and reduce the cost of ownership, At 8.1 tons, the 18-seat AW149 will
“There are more than 8,000 both optimizing aircraft effectiveness fit between the 5.7-ton AW159 (Lynx
helicopters in the current worldwide and minimizing the maintenance Wildcat) and the 10.6-ton NH90. Those
military fleet which could be identified requirements within the helicopter’s two airframes have naval versions,
photos by Ned Dawson & Agusta Westland
but no naval model of the AW149 offering 2,000 shp each. Significant releasing detailed performance data,
is planned. differences are also apparent in the but the aircraft will have a cruise speed
At first glance this new airframe avionics, the transmission and the of 150 knots, and will be able to hover
resembles the 6.4-ton AW139, which rotors. Its performance is already OGE at over 6,000 ft on a 35°C/95°F day
was developed jointly with Bell expected to meet and exceed the at mission weights,” says Nannoni.
Helicopter and has made its mark original targets with the first flight The aim is for the AW149 to offer
since 2001 across the military and of the prototype later this year and the best operational effectiveness and
commercial sectors. Though it does a second prototype preparing to fly flexibility, performance, payload and
draw on AW139 technology, the new in 2010. state-of-the-art open architecture
model is larger, more advanced and technology at a competitive price.
more powerful. Its 12.4-cubi-meter Performance Promise Specific prices aren’t being shared.
cabin is 37 percent larger than the Excellent hot and high performance “We have a clear target in terms
139’s 8 cubic meters. The AW149’s twin are key design features, says of the best possible cost effectiveness
General Electric CT7-2E1 turbo-shaft engineering director Fabio Nannoni. to achieve,” says Garavaglia. “That
engines are 20 percent more powerful, “For competitive reasons we are not is why we are confronting various
will be equipped for troop transport, guns the troop seats drop to 14,
but a wide range of equipment options including the two gunner seats.
Advanced solutions allow other military roles including “An important feature of the AW149
reconnaissance, surveillance, logistic is that with the weapon carriers fitted,
for communications support, ground fire suppression, the cabin doors can still be used for
casevac/medevac, C3 paramilitary rescue operations with the winch or
and data sharing
operations, external load lifting rapid roping,” says Nannoni. Direct
through multiple and firefighting. External auxiliary engagement will always be an option
tanks give extra range. In medivac and a wide range of weaponry fits
sensors will be configuration, up to six stretchers on the airframe and external pylons,
available, and the and four medics fit into the cabin including 7, 12 or 19 tubes for 70 or
that is 3m long, 2.26m wide and 81 mm rockets, air-to-surface rockets
AW149 will come ready 1.45m tall, with room left for medical and 12.7mm or 20mm machine guns
equipment. As an aerial command pods. Pintle-mounted machine-guns
to fly at night and in
post it fits “unprecedented workspace” can be fitted on fixed-frame windows
adverse weather. for C3-dedicated equipment and two or in relation to the doors.
The external cargo hook can carry Single Pilot
as much as 2,720 km (6,000 lbs) of A single pilot can fly the AW149,
challenges related to the very latest heavy equipment and the rear cargo although a co-pilot will be on virtually
technologies and capabilities that we hold offers three cubic meters of every military’s mission roster. A
are developing.” With a maximum additional space. Two large sliding comprehensive open architecture
take-off weight of 8,100 kilograms and doors allow even more cargo to fit in avionics package reduces crew
a maximum useful load of more than the main cabin. Originally designed workload, increasing situational
3,000 kilograms, the AW149 promises for 15 troop transport seats (and only awareness and safety. AgustaWestland
impressive capability in its class to 7.5 tons), customer feedback pushed is designing, integrating and testing
perform a variety of missions such the capacity to 16 crashworthy seats, the avionics system in-house and is
as troop transport, SAR and CSAR, plus the two pilot seats. If the soldiers using an avionics rig for testing the
command control and communication, are fully equipped there is room for system prior to flight. All of the major
support and logistic operations and VIP 12. If the aircraft is equipped with two components of the avionics system
military transport. The basic aircraft window-mounted 7.62 mm machine have been specified and are undergoing
The AW149 was
designed to ease support
services and reduce
the cost of ownership,
both optimizing
aircraft effectiveness
and minimizing
the maintenance
requirements within the
helicopter’s life-cycle.
testing – utilizing equipment from helicopter’s rugged construction Farnborough Air Show in 2006,
various avionic suppliers, but for incorporates crashworthy features such AgustaWestland officials remarked that
competitive reasons they aren’t yet as armored pilot seats, crashworthy the AW149 was proof they had finally
disclosing supplier details. Keeping troop seats, and self-sealing fuel become one integrated company. Just
modern communications and tanks to maximize survivability. two years earlier UK-based GKN sold
surveillance in mind, AgustaWestland’s The list of features includes a FLIR their 50 percent share to their Italian
engineers conceived the AW149 for the system, NVG-compatible lighting, joint venture partner Finmeccanica
modern “network-centric” battlefield – health and usage monitoring system, for £1.06 billion. Their Agusta and
and based the avionics on the MIL-STD- weather radar, emergency locator, Westland helicopter companies had
1553B data bus with four 6” x 8” color defensive aid sub-systems, personal merged in 2000. AgustaWestland’s
active matrix liquid crystal displays. locator, air conditioning, anti-icing, facility in Yeovil took on lead
“It will feature fully-digitized de-icing, engine air particle separator, development after the military division
avionics with open architecture and emergency flotation system, external moved to those offices in England. The
fully-integrated mission equipment, electrical hoist kit (272 kg/600 lbs) prototypes are being built in Italy.
a modern NVG-compatible glass with utility hoist light, wire strike
cockpit and a 4-axis auto-pilot to protection and a closed circuit Turks
reduce pilot workload and help the re-fuelling system. Its composite If the AW149 is selected to
crew concentrate on the mission,” airframe lands on heavy duty wheeled meet a cross-service Turkish utility
says Nannoni. tricycle gear that is designed for helicopter program requirement, its
Advanced solutions for operations from unprepared surfaces first batch will be built by Turkish
communications and data sharing and easy maneuverability on the Aerospace Industries and other Turkish
through multiple sensors will be ground. “First deliveries commence companies. “Turkish industry would
available, and the AW149 will come in 2013,” says Garavaglia. “We see a also be responsible for the assembly,
ready to fly at night and in adverse market for thousands of helicopters customization, testing and delivery,”
weather. More than sensors and when considering that several potential says AgustaWestland spokesperson,
computers are needed to get through customers worldwide are increasingly Geoff Russell.
a battlefield safely, which is why the in need of replacing their existing “AgustaWestland is committed to
AW149 is designed for low-acoustic, aging fleets, which include four to expanding its successful cooperation
visual and infrared signatures. The 10 ton class airframes – with larger, with Turkish industry with the T129
latest infrared suppressors help even more capable aircraft. Low support to other platforms in the future,” he
more. Its five-blade main rotor and and maintenance requirements will adds. That attack helicopter is a version
four-blade tail rotor are made with minimize the operating costs and the of the Agusta A129 Mangusta and is
state-of-the-art ballistic-tolerant through-life ownership costs.” being managed by Turkish Aerospace
composites for a smooth ride at high Plans are also underway for a Industries, based in Ankara. The
speeds, plus low vibration and noise full Level D flight simulator. When shareholders of that company are the
signature. When all else fails, the the project was announced at the Turkish Armed Forces Strengthening
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A recently announced order contest
from India could pit the AW149 against
the Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow,
the Mil Mi-28 and the Eurocopter Tiger.
A persistent budget shortage at the
UK Ministry of Defense put its long-
term agreement with Finmeccanica
in jeopardy last year and that Lynx
order was in danger of cancellation.
Now named the Lynx Wildcat by the
UK, the AW159 is back in the clear and
could first fly in November and enter
service in 2014. Russell asserts the
Foundation (TSKGV), Undersecretariat “We have seen significant interest global recession has not slowed that
for Defense Industries (SSM) and the from potential customers in Europe, the development, or development of the
Turkish Aeronautical Association Middle East and Asia,” says Russell. BA609, T129, AWXX9 or the AW149. n
(THK). ”If the AW149 becomes their
next project,” says Russell, “the basic
aircraft is the same, but the TUHP149
will have significant Turkish content in
terms of avionics and role equipment.
Turkish industry would be responsible
for the customization of the TUHP149
to meet the requirements of various
Turkish agencies including the
Gendarmerie, Land Forces Command,
Police, Forestry and Coast Guard.” The
first AW149 mock-up was displayed
under the banner “TUHP149” at the
Paris Air Show in June next to a mock-
up of the T129. The TUHP149’s first
public debut was two months earlier at
the IDEF exhibition in Istanbul. Turkey’s
potential order that has
been a major shaper of the
aircraft’s design is for as many as 115
aircraft. The initial order is for 109.
Twenty are for the police, 11 are in line
for the coast guard and six are headed
for the navy. When first announced in
late 2007 it was a 54 aircraft order for
the Turkish air force, army and navy.
The order increased to 78 aircraft and
was to be finalized before this summer,
but the decision was pushed back to
July and again to the end of this year.
The competitor AgustaWestland
hopes to beat out, for that order is
Sikorsky, which is offering a T-70
derivative of its UH-60 Black Hawk.
The UH-60A first entered service for
the US Army in 1979 as a replacement
for the UH-1 Iroquois transport
helicopter. If and when the US or other
nations place orders for the AW149,
the construction facility for their order
hasn’t yet been selected.
Train with the best: S-300CBi helicopter ™
Working for oil and gas
usually means working in
some of the remotest regions
on earth. So what are the
challenges? We examine
operations in Peru’s Amazon
basin for some clues.
Water vapor vortices
form around rotor
blades in the high
humidity of the jungle.
above: Columbia exploration rig from one site to another. Federal laws to spare. “As a general rule we order parts at 250
Pilot Rick Puckett in Peru restrict the size of rig sites in the delicate hours out,” he says.
(left) and Copilot jungle eco-systems, and road building is generally Crew chiefs also keep track of their anticipated
Jorge Parades
not allowed. Consequently, helicopters are almost flight schedule, since increased flight time can
fly the Columbia
Model 234 over the
always the best – if not the only – method available reduce the number of days available for shipping.
Peruvian rain forest. for moving crews and supplies. Since Columbia Helicopters Peru was established
Some petroleum companies will also occasionally in 2003, the office staff in Lima has become well-
opposite page:
Typically, it’s the combine medium and light-heavy helicopters with versed in working with two field crews to ensure
clouds of flying, the Model 234 so that loads can be operated more parts and components are ordered well before
biting insects that efficiently and most cost-effectively. During a recent they are needed. While the time-limited parts are
torment a person in Perenco rig move in northern Peru, the petroleum typically the easiest to track and order, the company
the Peruvian jungle,
company used a Columbia 234 (precision capacity generally plans for at least two weeks for shipments
but bigger, scarier
bugs are always – 26,000 lbs), two Vancouver Island Helicopters to reach the field crews. This period accommodates
near by. (VIH)/Helinka Ka-32 Kamovs (useful load capacity preparing and shipping the order, as well as allowing
10,500 lbs) and an Andes Bell 212, which primarily time for the order to clear Peruvian Customs.
delivered personnel and camp supplies. A Helinka
Mi-8 also supported the operations, flying crew AOG
change personnel and supplies from the base camp In the event of an emergency or unplanned
to Iquitos. repair, the two Peruvian crews first try to work with
Columbia maintains and operates two -234s each other. Chances are that if one crew doesn’t
in Peru, where the company has legally established have a needed part in stock, the other crew might
a company and has become a fully-licensed have a spare on hand. Then it’s simply a matter of
operator. The helicopters primarily support getting the part shipped across the country using
petroleum exploration operations for PlusPetrol commercial carriers. Of course, that doesn’t always
and Talisman, and occasionally for other operators mean rapid delivery. Recently, one crew shipped a
like Perenco if the schedule for one of the two main generator to the other crew whose aircraft was AOG.
customers permits. An extra day of delay resulted when a well-meaning
While some consumables are available within but poorly informed employee of a floatplane
Peru, Parcel makes certain that his orders to the company pulled the generator off the plane to make
office are submitted via internet with plenty of time room for other baggage. Rush shipping charges
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Columbia flys most
rig loads using a
200-foot longline,
which requires
precise skills in
placing the load at
the rig site.
top left: Using a These men work both at the sending and receiving employee to find an unusual balance between their
crane with a load-cell, sites, and do more than simply hook the load to personal and professional life, as well as having a
workers weigh each the helicopter. supportive family at home.
load before flight to
“My job is to make sure that every load takes “It’s hard to leave my family behind,” admits
ensure it is within the
lifting capacity of the the fullest advantage of the helicopter’s lifting Puckett, who has also worked for Columbia
aircraft. capacity,” said Lee Bradford, a load coordinator for Helicopters in Chile and Papua New Guinea. “At
Columbia in Peru. “If a load goes out too light, it’s least Peru requires less travel time, and I am able to
right: A Helinka/
VIH Kamov hovers costing our customer more. If the load is too heavy, exchange emails with my family once I’m here.”
over a seemingly the helicopter may not be able to lift it and they’ll be Being near the equator, the sun always rises and
cluttered rig site in burning fuel and costing our customer more.” sets about the same time, making it easy to learn
preparation for lifting As some of the first people responsible for how the day will go.
a load.
maximizing efficiency, load coordinators work “I usually get to the aircraft around 5:30 and do
bottom left: directly with the rig hands to ensure loads are sent in my pre-flight, then spend a few minutes working on
Columbia Crew company emails and checking the weather forecasts,”
the proper order. Each load is weighed and marked to
Chief Scott Parcell
ensure proper aircraft utilization. Smaller loads are said Puckett. “During rig moves, we try to get up and
begins to perform
the day’s post-flight often combined with others into two-part loads, or a moving as soon as possible – weather permitting.”
maintenance with number of smaller items are loaded onto skids that Unlike flying in the mountains of Papua New
an inspection of the can accommodate a variety of rig components. Load Guinea, poor weather can be seen coming from a
aft-rotorhead on the distance in Peru. That gives pilots in Peru plenty of
coordinators are also responsible for ensuring all
Columbia Model 234.
loads are secured for flight, using chains and straps time to make appropriate accommodations.
to make sure that nothing falls from the load during If the load coordinators are not actually spending
the flight. the nights at the sending-and-receiving site, they
are typically on the first flight out each day. Once on
Flying the Loads site, they alert the heavy-lift pilots of their readiness
Crews working overseas are generally on a four- by radio and then prepare to hook the first load of
week rotation – 28 days in camp followed by 28 the day. Once the helicopter is overhead, the load
days at home. Both Columbia and VIH also make an coordinator talks to the pilot by radio, explaining
effort to hire qualified local pilots, mechanics and/or where the load is on the site, what it weighs and
load coordinators. The 28-day schedule requires an what the helicopter will be carrying.
hot shot
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Copilot Jorge Parades available. Otherwise the crew makes use of various at least it’s not a really cold rain. That’s makes it
signals to Mechanic flashlights and headlamps. Working outside also really miserable.”
Shane Parkinson that means being exposed to the weather and other While the world craves energy and the “easy”
they have enough fuel
“annoyances” – that include swarms of insects in the hydrocarbon sources falter, there will be even greater
during a hot refueling
operation. Peruvian jungle. needs to work in remote areas. Here the helicopter
“Working in the rain is never good,” says one is essential and whether lifting oil rigs or people, the
mechanic who doesn’t want his name used. “But helicopter remains a tool of trade. n
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The Bell 47 was such a
winning design that within a
few months of its first flight, it
became the first helicopter to
receive civilian certification.
Young saw this as a distraction and the third ship Popular
was designed purely to be an effective helicopter,
The 47 took the world by storm claiming a host
rather than a pretty-looking product. Of course he
of world records and helicopter firsts. It was such
was right and the third prototype was a total success
a successful design that it remained in continuous
and formed the basis of one of the most important
production for more than 30 years, with more
aircraft in history – the Bell 47.
than 6,000 examples built. However, its architect,
Arthur Young, considered his work done and left the
Winning Design
company to study philosophy in October 1947.
The Bell 47 was such a winning design that within
While the Bell 47 started life as an extremely
a few months of its first flight, it became the first
successful civilian machine, it was the military that
helicopter to receive civilian certification. Larry Bell
made the aircraft a legend. The H-13 Sioux (as the 47
foresaw that the helicopter would be the mode of
was called by the US military) became the workhorse
transport in the latter half of the twentieth century
of the Korean conflict. In the casevac role, in which
and was delighted he had stolen the lead from his
they had a litter attached to each skid, these little
rival Sikorsky. He was so pleased in fact, that despite
helicopters lifted nearly 21,000 casualties from the
building the Bell X-1 in which Chuck Yeager would
front lines. The use of the Sioux to deliver patients
break the sound barrier, from then on Bell was
to hospitals (as made famous by the TV show MASH)
essentially a helicopter manufacturer. Although the
was largely responsible for halving the death rate of
early giddy predictions made about helicopters were
injured soldiers, compared to the rate in the Second
not to be realized, Bell would still to do rather well in
World War just a few years before. It was not for
this line of business!
nothing that the H-13 was christened “The Angel of
Mercy” by the ground troops.
It wasn’t just in the humanitarian role that the H-13
was employed. Reconnaissance, radio relaying and
liaison all became important jobs for the Sioux. In a
trial with bazookas strapped to the skids, the type
was even found to be effective in the anti–tank role,
although politics prevented the idea’s widespread
introduction. A decade or so later, the H-13 went to
war again – this time as an observation machine at
the start of the Vietnam conflict. It was to be the
last hurrah of the type in US military service, as the
Sioux was soon replaced by the OH-6 (Hughes 500).
Kiwi Wings
In 1965, when the US was on the verge of retiring
the H-13 – at least from the frontline – other
countries were about to introduce the machine into
service. The British army had taken delivery of the
first of 200 airframes the year before and the Royal
New Zealand Air Force received its first (B47G-3B-1)
aircraft in December. The Sioux was to be New
Zealand’s first military helicopter with six examples
having been ordered to train pilots for five UH-1Ds
and two Westland Wasps that were also ordered at
the same time.
Along with Bristol Freighters as tactical transports
and Austers for reconnaissance, the helicopters
came under the umbrella of the then recently
reformed No 3 (Battlefield Support) Squadron. The
battlefield support tag was soon dropped and more
helicopters replaced the fixed-wing aircraft as 3
Squadron got to grips with helicopter operations
during the late 1960s.
Seven more Sioux (B47G-3B-2) joined the fleet
in 1970, heralding the start of a classic time for
Sioux in RNZAF service. The additional aircraft
allowed the type to serve as more than just
trainers. Reconnaissance, forward air control,
communications and casevac became new tasks in
support of the army. The army even supplied some
of the pilots, who along with the Navy Wasp pilots,
made 3 Squadron a tri-service “purple” unit long
before such concepts became commonplace.
Many stories and rumours abound from the
operational Sioux period and they were undoubtedly
exciting times. Sometimes, much too exciting
though, as the Sioux suffered numerous accidents.
These were typically the result of extreme low-level
operational flying or the old helicopter enemy –
wire strikes. The Sioux actually suffered the worst
accident rate of any post-WWII RNZAF aircraft.
Eventually, with half the fleet written off, the Sioux
were withdrawn from the operational role and
the five remaining aircraft returned exclusively to
training duties.
3 Squadron
No 3 Sqn, which is now based at Ohakea, is still the
home unit for the remaining Sioux (all B47G-3B-2s) as The use of the Sioux to deliver patients to
well as their bigger Bell siblings – the UH-1H Iroquois.
hospitals (as made famous by the TV show
It also happens to be the largest RNZAF Squadron,
especially in terms of pilot numbers, with three or MASH) was largely responsible for halving
four students arriving every six months to undertake
the death rate of injured soldiers compared to
helicopter training.
Before helicopter trainees get near a helicopter the rate in the Second World War
they first have to get to grips with fixed wing aircraft
– in fact, about 200 hours worth during the intensive
Visit the AFS website to learn more about the unique features of the FAST Bucket:
“Wings” course. As Sqn Ldr Rob Stockley, the boss
of 3 Squadron’s training flight explains, “Pilots
in the RNZAF are pilots first and role specialists
second, and helicopter flying is purely a role.” It is an
interesting concept and one that Stockley says is not
only cost-effective, but also serves the RNZAF well.
“Students not only finish the Wings course with
first-rate aeronautical knowledge, but the higher
speed of the fixed-wing aircraft (compared to
helicopters) forces them to think quickly and on
their feet,” says Stockley. “It actually helps us a lot.”
(However, nothing is ever permanent and the process
is currently under review.)
After “mastering” the Airtrainer and King Air,
prospective helicopter pilots arrive at 3 Squadron
justifiably believing they can fly. “They get in the Sioux
and find they can’t really fly anymore and certainly
can’t hover – it really is a great leveller,” laughs Rob.
One trainee likened the process to learning to
ride a bicycle (fixed wing) and having just done so,
converting to a unicycle (helicopter).
Despite Young’s stability bar, and hydraulic
assistance for the controls, which was not present
on the original Bell 47, the Sioux is still far from
easy to fly. Stockley praises the helicopter as honest
and forgiving but says that it needs a high level of
skill and continuous attention in order to fly it well.
“There are no trims, no auto pilot, no auto-hover, usually leave the circuit. As one senior officer aptly
no anything,” says Stockley. “The throttle has a put it, “Sioux training is all about learning to land
correlation cam that, in theory, will increase RPM as in paddocks – starting with large ones and finishing
the collective is raised. In practice, adjustments are with small ones – simple as that!”
always necessary.”
This was an aspect of flying the Sioux that I had Performance?
the opportunity to observe after a short photo shoot. When the aircraft do leave Ohakea, cross-country
As we were returning to the airfield, I watched flying can be a bit of a mission. At a typical cruise
Rob’s hands and feet in continuous but ever-so- speed of around 65 knots, getting anywhere in a
slight motion on the controls, in order to keep Sioux takes a while and pushing into a headwind
the helicopter flying along smoothly as if it were can easily see the helicopter being overtaken by
attached to rails – almost. cars! Despite this, Stockley and fellow display pilot
Despite the challenges of learning to fly the Sioux, Flt Lt “Aussie” Smith, and a handful of student pilots
lessons are typically absorbed quickly and the and maintainers demonstrated the machine at a
coordination “reprogramming” that is required to number of air shows around the country last summer.
fly helicopters is soon instilled – so much so that The two-ship display, called Sioux Blue, is a neat
students are often flying solo with as little time as demonstration that highlights the surprising agility of
10 or 11 hours instruction. One reason that students the Sioux – as well as the skills of the pilots who drive
progress quickly on the Sioux is that the helicopter them. With any luck, Sioux will continue to be seen
is powered by a Lycoming piston engine. Unlike out-and-about during air show seasons in future.
turbines, piston engines don’t suffer a pick-up lag and It is now more than six decades since the type first
are therefore much more responsive. According to flew and more than four decades since the Sioux
Stockley, this provides more learning opportunities was introduced into New Zealand. Recently, one of
as the instructor can allow students to get things the Kiwi airframes passed the grand total of 10,000
very wrong (and very obvious to the students) before flight hours, so it is not surprising that it is now
taking corrective action. getting more difficult to maintain the fleet. Genuine
Another characteristic of the Sioux that is very Bell components have become harder to source, but
popular is the visibility afforded to the pilot – there as one officer – only partly – joked, “There is no part
is just so much of it from the spacious bubble. Before that can’t be replaced or rebuilt. With a bit of welding
our flight, Stockley had explained that it was “like and linseed oil, the thing will go on forever.”
flying a park bench,” but understanding did not sink
in until I experienced it for myself! End of an Era
In total, students spend about 75 hours “enjoying” Unfortunately, the end of an era is approaching.
the view from the bubble of the Sioux – mostly New helicopters such as the highly capable NH-90
around the Ohakea area. In fact, the helicopters don’t and A109 will replace the Iroquois and Sioux in
RNZAF service within the next few years. In fact, A109LUH helicopters, the first of which is scheduled
it was the decision to replace the Iroquois with the to arrive in New Zealand in 2010. Naturally enough,
NH-90 that was the death knell for the Sioux’s RNZAF the A109, which will train and prepare pilots to fly
service. The NH-90 is a highly capable machine the NH90 (as well as the Navy’s SH-2G Seasprite),
that represents a massive jump in technology over ticks all the boxes in terms of modern equipment,
the UH-1H “Huey” and will require fundamentally avionics and navigation gear. The A109’s rear cabin,
different skills to operate. Prospective NH-90 along with a cargo hook and rescue winch, means
pilots will have to get to grips with a glass cockpit, that it will also be able to be used to train crewman
modern avionics and systems, and the helicopter’s as well as pilots – a task that would be prohibitively
contemporary handling characteristics. expensive if carried out on the much larger NH-90.
The training requirements of future NH-90 pilots The A109 also scores over the Sioux in having a
are a world away from what the Sioux can deliver. real operational capability. Typically, this will be as
While the Sioux has been the perfect trainer for the a light transport carrying up to six personnel or a
Huey, it is nevertheless a very “limited” training small amount of freight. Other potential roles include
tool. It can only be used to teach helicopter flying to use as a platform for counter-terrorism work, or in
a basic level, after which it has nothing to offer. Not support of a number of non-military government
to put too fine a point on the situation, the Sioux is agencies. It looks as if the A109 will be an excellent
now obsolete. At one stage, it had been intended that acquisition and while the RNZAF is undoubtedly
the remaining machines would be retired this year looking forward to receiving the new machine, many
in order to free up personnel to train for the new pilots and ground crew – past and present – will be
acquisitions. However, the type has had a reprieve. bound to have mixed emotions.
The current (tentative) date for retirement is now The Sioux is an extremely popular machine in
expected to be around 2012, although this is far from the service and will be sadly missed when it finally
“concrete” and depends on how quickly the new retires. As one officer summed up, “It is the end of
machines can be brought into service fully. the road for no radar, no GPS, follow State highways,
seat-of-the-pants flying. Of course, this is why the
The Sioux’s Sioux has to be replaced – but it is also what has
replacements will be five AugustaWestland made flying the machine such a pleasure!”. n
w w w. v E c to r a E ro s pac E . c o m
to l l F r E E : 1 . 8 8 8 . 7 2 9 . 2 2 7 6
H E l i c o p t E r s E rv i c E s
r E a Dy to s E rv E . a ro u n D t H E wo r l D.
w w w. v E c to r a E ro s pac E . c o m
to l l F r E E : 1 . 8 8 8 . 7 2 9 . 2 2 7 6
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ith only a few fires in the Forest burned just north of Los couldn’t be cut around it, according to
western United States this Angeles. For the first time in memory, Gerald Cosey, who served as US Forest
summer, some helicopter residents of the world’s 13th largest Service (USFS) Air Operations deputy
operators were feeling city were fearful that the haze over the branch director for most of the fight.
the recession worse than ever. That Hollywood sign was more than just “We basically did just that, playing
changed suddenly with an act of arson smog. In fact, it was more – it became catch-up, trying to make sure nothing
in August – and everything turned hot Los Angeles County’s largest fire ever. got burned up as far as property values
in a big way. go,” Cosey said. “With the fire being as
The Station Fire in Southern Playing catch-up large as it was, our roles initially were
California defied its massive Heavy hitting was needed early for structure protection for the citizens
containment effort and more than because the fire spread so far and of Los Angeles county and other
160,500 acres of the Angeles National and so fast that traditional fire lines neighboring jurisdictions.”
Thom as Hart
In the first two weeks, the ground Total cost of battling the Station pulling experts from across the state
and aircrews had a fast-moving fight. Fire reached $US93 million. Local, to take charge.
They hit the expanding fire from state and federal agencies didn’t blink “Type 1 is the biggest team there
the front and from where it had already though at that expenditure with more is,” Keesee notes.
burned, in a hectic bid to stop it. than 5,000 structures under threat. That team devised Incident Action
Property always has first priority in When it was all over by September Plans, listing objectives of the overall
firefighting, followed by wilderness 26, 89 homes were destroyed and 13 incident strategy and specific tactical
conservation. When the huge damaged. Twenty-six commercial actions for each operational period.
neighborhoods along the forest were properties were in ruins and 22 An air attack group supervisor called
finally safe, the firefighters returned more needed repair. More than 100 out specific targets to meet those
to their primary tactic of cutting or outbuildings were gone even after more objectives from an airplane over the
burning lines in the mountainous than 5,000 firefighters saved what they fire and alerted every aircraft to clear
forest and letting the fire burn up to could. Near the north end of the forest out when a DC-10 or 747 was moving in
those lines. 64 big cats huddled in transport trucks, for its huge drop. They often designate
The blaze started on August 26 and ready to evacuate Shambala Preserve the lowest, roughest terrain for a heli
peaked September 8, when 222 fire before the danger passed. coordinator to spot targets for other
engines were joined by 55 bulldozers There were 22 injuries and two helicopters. Layers of elevation separate
and 23 helicopters, plus ten air tankers LA County Firefighters died when those two as well as the fixed-wing and
and the world’s only 747 supertanker. their truck plunged off Mount Wilson, rotor tankers they coordinate.
That giant from Evergreen International shifting the investigation from arson According to Keesee, the helibase
Aviation of Oregon was an impressive to homicide. That mountaintop hosts managers reported to an air support
sight on its first active mission, two-dozen communication towers group supervisor (who reports to air
dropping 20,000 gallons of water and for television and telephones. They operations, while the group supervisor
retardant with each sortie. were threatened with obliteration, managed all fuel and supply needs for
but survived thanks to a continuous aircraft on the ground. “The leaders
frenetic firefighting campaign. Mount of Team 5 have experience working
Wilson Observatory was also spared, together and they moved into their
In the first two weeks the just barely! roles seamlessly,” Keesee said. The
system simplifies the challenge of
ground and aircrews had Firefighters assembled blending pilots who have just met.
a fast-moving fight, hitting Leading those fixed-wing aircraft “Probably the biggest lesson learned
and helicopters was Jon Keesee is just to continue working on the inter-
the expanding fire from agency relations so there’s a smoother
from the Orange County Fire Authority
the front and from where in his role as Team 5 air operations transition from the beginning of the
branch director. The local US Forest fire,” he said. “You have LA city, LA
it had already burned in a Service team was in charge at county and the Forest Service – then
hectic bid to stop it dead. first, but by the third day this we had LA county sheriff... you had all
blaze burned out of control and those different agencies, so you’ve got
USFS activated the Type 1 team, to keep everybody on the same page.”
Opposite page left: With but on early on the fight on the
so much smoke lingering over ground and in the air was rushing
the fire visibility was very low and just to save property. This
frequent radio communication Erickson Air-Crane was spotted
between each helicopter, like this over the city of Pasadena on
CH-54B and its peers, was vital. Aug 30.
Thom as Hart
Los Angeles County Fire
Department Air Operations
has four Bell 412s with
two-door 360 gallon tanks.
This aircraft is also fitted
for firefighter transport and
EMS evacuations.
Full skies communicated by radio after each drop concerns up the chain of command and
The skies were saturated and after leaving each dip site.” extra separation was added.
with helicopters from adjoining “We have a certain sense of what “Everything’s important but we
municipalities and the private we need to do, while some of the do it at a slow pace to make sure it’s
operators AeroWest Helicopters, smaller helicopters may not understand safe,” he explains, “We don’t believe in
Kachina Aviation, Siller Helicopters, our methods,” continued Pearson. urgency. Not in the air world.”
TFR Helicopters, Rainier Helicopters, “When we’re on the fire concentrating Urgency is a key word though for
Brainerd Helicopters, Helicopter on the drops we don’t want to be Los Angeles City Fire Department Air
Transport Services and Helicopter distracted by some little JetRanger Operations, which tries to overwhelm
Express. coming through and doing his thing.” every fire before it goes anywhere.
“For the most part all the ships we Their fleet was invited by USFS for only
had were under contract, which is kind Long hours, quick days one day when Little Tujunga Canyon
of strange,” said Keesee. “On a fire this Pearson’s 150-day USFS contract was in danger. Though they lent their
big normally they wouldn’t be, but it calls for 12 days on and 12 days contracted Erickson Air-Crane to the
was the only game in town in Southern off. “Your 14-hour day goes by very USFS for weeks, the blaze only once
California. We had around 2,000 hours quickly,” said Pearson, who added that threatened the city itself.
of flight time within the first three pilots are only allowed to fly eight “We’ve got brush areas that
weeks of the fire (counting both fixed- hours each day. Aircraft inspections completely surround the city on two
wing and rotorcraft).” and planning take up the rest of a sides, so we use the Air-Crane in those
Overall the rotorcraft flew 1,158 pilot’s busy day, leaving just enough areas primarily and it’s a very effective
hours and dropped 4,500,000 gallons of time for meals and sleep. tool to knock a fire down in a hurry,”
water and 416,000 gallons of retardant. “Still,” said Pearson philosophically, explains lead pilot, Jeff Moir.
According to Keesee, the helicopters “it was easier than flying for logging Since almost all properties in the
moved 178,000 pounds of cargo and operations. Fighting fires is like a Los Angeles area have high values,
hauled 1,082 passengers. vacation for us – we get to stay in the Los Angeles City Fire Department
Considering the different nice hotels and we get to eat real Air Operations team strategy is to hit
capabilities of the helicopters, like their food, not camp food up in a logging hard and fast with their Longranger,
airspeeds and dipping needs, led to job someplace or eating out of a gas JetRanger, three Bell 412s and two
grouping the different types together at station.” AW139s. Their own aircraft supervised
helibases and in the air. “We were up In the air, working with so many LAFD’s operations in that canyon,
to ten Sky Cranes, so with that kind of pilots and aircraft can become a burden keeping in touch with the Air Attack
number we were able to work them all despite solid coordination. It tests a Supervisors of USFS who allocated that
together,” Keesee recalls. pilot’s ability to focus. corner of the fight to the city.
Erickson Air Cranes and Sikorsky “You’re listening to three or four Southerly winds nudged the blaze
S-61 and S-64s operated out of Brackett radios,” says Pearson. “There are times away from the city, but Moir says
Field Airport, including the S-64E flown I’ll actually turn a radio off because I’m the fire’s radiant heat made its own
by Mark Pearson of Siller Helicopters. being overloaded.” winds from the flat canyon floor.
“Mixing apples with apples is good Congestion in the air led to some Piloting an AW139, Moir watched the
policy”, says Pearson. “The pilots close calls, according to Ramone Ucha, Air-Crane work higher elevations and
agreed to repeating patterns, like only manager of the San Gabriel Dam their medium helicopters tackle the
making left-hand turns after a drop. helibase, one of five established around blaze below.
In addition, it helped that each pilot the Station Fire. The pilots sent their They followed the lead of USFS,
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ned dawson
ned dawson
above left: The remains bottom right: Weary fire
of a USFS station after fire fighters head off for a short break
swept through destroying before walking back to the fireline
everything standing. for a long nights work.
ned dawson
ned dawson
The fire burnt so hot
there was absolutely
nothing left on the
ground after it roared
its way through.
ned dawson
ned dawson
but Moir suggested the city’s strategy 30 in a written statement, “With the they do that. They don’t see the big
would work better. significant loss of life, and impacts to picture when he does that, or they’re
“We say we’re going to hold it here,” the local community, we must determine too lazy to go down the hill and build a
he explains. “We hit it with everything the effectiveness of our efforts, including cold trail!”
we’ve got and more often than not it how decisions were made and how fire “We try to refrain from that when
works. I’m just astounded why that’s behavior prediction models helped guide we’re working with the County Fire
not how they approach some of these our suppression strategies.” Dept. or Forestry,” he adds. “We’re
big fires, because that’s how we do it in Tidwell noted that nationally, invited to their stuff and when in Rome
the city and it works great.” the USFS extinguishes 98 percent of you do what the Romans do.”
The coordination by USFS is wildfires within the first 24 hours and Moir’s criticism puts an urban
overkill, he suggests. “They seem to that the Station Fire involved one of firefighter’s point of view against
be more concerned with putting the the largest initial attack efforts ever tactics used around the world and a
structure and logistics in place than in undertaken. But officials apparently structure used across the nation.
putting the fire out,” said Moir. “Boy, misjudged the fire after the first day, “The Incident Command System
a statement like that could get me in downsizing the response too early. worked,” stated Cosey, who normally is
trouble, but that’s the way it is.” Other agencies will participate in field battalion chief for LA County Fire
According to Moir, “The biggest the review, including the Los Angeles Department Air Operations. He stepped
challenge during that one day on the County Fire Department, which is being in as deputy air branch operations
Station Fire was probably the lack of criticized after the deputy chief sent director before serving as director to
support from the ground companies. only one heli-tanker into the Station oversee aerial operations in the fire’s
We can knock down the big portions Fire on its second day and denied a last days.
of it but if we don’t get somebody USFS request for another. Chris Akin of Helicopter Express
following behind to put the rest out, it’s Moir said that even as the blaze finished a 150-day USFS contract on
going to smolder and get started again.” grew to become the largest in the Oct. 2 at Angeles National Park as pilot
county’s recorded history, other roads of a Bell 205A1++. He has worked with
Internal Investigation that would have made good firebreaks the city fire department under their
The USFS itself has launched an were overlooked, and at times ground strategy, where the first helicopter to
internal investigation into how its crews were starting controlled fires the scene takes charge.
team handled the fire. Some local without the advantage of an aerial “They definitely have their own
residents think more could have been point of view. way of doing things,” he agrees, “I don’t
done sooner, especially after what was “You get it all put out and now know if it’s more effective – it’s just a
a 15-acre fire was thought contained you’ve got some idiot setting flares different style. I wouldn’t say anything
after its first day, before it quickly raged to get it going again,” said Moir. “I bad about how they do things and I
out of control. Forest Service chief, personally take great joy washing those hope they wouldn’t say anything bad
Thomas Tidwell announced on Sept. guys down a hill with an air drop when about us.”
Thick smoke nearly obscured
the sun as a Los Angeles
County Fire Department pilot
flies this Firehawk over La
Cañada, California after a water
drop Sept 1. The county and
city departments are among
the few in the world who keep
flying after the sun goes down
by using strong spotlights and
night vision goggles all night.
Nick Carlson/
truelifeim ages.com
Akin has his own criticism about Before he was brought on the the fire itself. The immediate airspace
powerline awareness, with numerous Station Fire, Akin was fighting the around the base was his to control, but
powerlines intersecting the forest. Morris Fire, which began just one day as soon as each helicopter takes off it
“Anywhere a powerline crosses a earlier in the eastern Angeles forest reports to Air Attack.
canyon, it would be really nice to see and scorched 2,168 acres. “When it slows down, they will
more of those little plastic balls they The nearby San Gabriel reservoir call us and give us specific targets or
put on them,” he said. “I think that’s to the north and Morris reservoir to missions,” Ucha explains.
a small price to pay – to possibly save the south of that fire gave ample water The fire’s last hot spots were Ucha’s
somebody’s life.” to scoop and drop. Water from those responsibility. His team planned out
Akin notes that the utilities reservoirs was also needed to supply the aircraft rotation into dip sites they
sometimes send a helicopter into the fight against the distant Station also chose. In the fire’s last days they
the fire zone to check on powerlines, Fire. Limited water access slowed had only the Bell 205 of Helicopter
but doesn’t send representatives into the Station Fire effort as helitankers Express, which Akin flew. Another
morning pilot briefings to warn about needed up to 15 minutes to refill at the 205 in service to the Bureau of Land
those lines. Pilots do warn each other, Little Rock and Cogswell Reservoirs Management was on call if things
and as the local pilot, Akin was often before portable tanks with both heated up.
fielding those questions. water and retardant were erected just “Somebody’s got to baby-sit it,”
“Air over the forest is dangerous minutes from the fire line. Ucha said, as ground crews dug up
to fly in the best conditions,” he stump holds and checked smoking
adds, “with very steep hills, lots of On the move heaps. “The other day they flew over
canyons at elevations of 8,000 feet. The aerial firefighters dipped into with infrared and found a lot more hot
Those hills beckoned oxygen into the the waters behind Hansen Dam as well, stuff than they thought was there.”
fire and it didn’t need strong wings where the first helibase was set up and The fire’s final breath was around
to run wild.” became the base for light recon patrols. Mount Wilson and the forest’s San
The Incident Command Post was set Gabriel Wilderness Area.
Windless and hazy up at the Santa Fe Dam Recreational The clean-up is mostly the work
Very dry and dense potential fuel Area, and a total of four helibases were of ground crews, including Ziggy
of ceanothus, chamise, scrub oak and established as the fire spread to the Hernandez, lead firefighter on Angeles
manzanita covered the entire fire East. The central base was at the St. Helitack module. His team of 13
area and big cone douglas fir filled the Gabriel Dam where Ramone Ucha was firefighters is trained to ride that Bell
drainage bottoms. With no major fires helibase manager, overseeing medium- 205 into the most remote corners of
there in 40 years the fuel was ready to sized helicopters. the forest and take the fire head-on or
burn, with or without heavy winds. “Brackett Field Airport had carve lines where no one else can.
Often strong winds endanger most of the heavies,” he said. “Aqua “Our module calls for long
helicopters but on this fire the opposite Dulce Airport had a mix of heavies line remote hook training, which
was true. As winds died the smoke and mediums.” specifically deals with sling-load
lingered and obscured everything, at Ucha, who regularly is missions and cargo,” said Hernandez.
one point so severely all helicopters superintendent of the forest’s Helitack “How to receive, how to package and
were grounded. crew based at the Chilao Ranger how to send off.”
“As the fire moves up the hill it Station, says no flames threatened During their three-week training
pushes up a big headwind,” said Akin. those helibases, though they had come period, they even learn to rappel from
“After it crows the ridge it loses that dangerously close on the Morris Fire helicopters. “After that there is the
momentum and that heat and the that he’d also fought. The sun made hands-on with the actual helicopter
smoke collapses down into the valley, things hot enough. – where everything is on the ship and
in the direction of the wind.” “At one point you couldn’t walk how to use it,” Hernandez explained.
Akin’s contract has him flying for 12 more than 20 feet and you would find With full gear, which includes
days and off for 12, but he rarely goes an ice chest,” he adds. tightly-packed fire shelters that cover
home to Oregon. “That’s easier,” he Keeping the base safe, supplied and a single firefighter with reflective foil,
says, “because my wife drives the fuel in motion was Ucha’s duty, with Air the aircraft can carry nine firefighters.
truck for the contract.” Attack controlling the airspace over Depending on the mission, between
two and ten will be dropped off isn’t yet in sight. In fact, the Station What caused it to start a full month
together. Fire could just be the beginning. The earlier is under intense investigation,
“We’re always dealing with notorious Santa Anna winds have with a $50,000 reward from the County
weight issues,” Hernandez continued. begun to blow in off the ocean and of Los Angeles for that answer. Even
“The allowable depends on the promise to breathe power into any two months after the fire was out
elevation we’re going to as well as the blaze that starts up. That’s why the Angeles National Forest was closed
temperature. If we’re really low and it’s final Station Fire containment date was to visitors. But at least the 9.9 million
really cold we can fit ten people in the pushed from Sept. 15 to Sept. 19, and people living in Los Angeles County can
helicopter.” part of why it wasn’t declared beaten know the thick haze over their city is
They’re trained to be independent until Sept. 26. only the usual smog. n
in deep wilderness for weeks if
necessary, but on the Station Fire they
were only at one site no longer than
Drop Off
a day. “This fire was very unique,”
he said, “with new orders and new
missions as often as every hour.”
Your Aircraft.
“There have been many times on
this fire where we’ve gone to one spot
in the morning and come back to the