English Dialogue

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Hello everyone! I’m Daimar. ¡ welcome to one more episode in Youth Melody!
(Summary of the topic to be discussed)
_ Today we know that there are different cultures, cunstoms, foods and typical
dances in the same country, but what is the origin of all this? In today’s episode we
Will talk a Little bit more about this topic. We Will break down the subject and
reflect. Is there really a clash between cultures? We’ll see it later
• Daimar: Due to the huge diversity, in Colombia there is a fascinating culture,
recognized for the quality of its people. From the musical rhythms, the
rhythm that infects anyone, even food prepared with local ingredients
makes every colombiam feel proud and wants to visit every corner of the
• Daimar: Today my partner María Paula is with us, who will tell us a little
about her place of origin. A small town located in Boyacá. Go ahead María
• Paula: ¡Good morning! My name is Paula, it’s a pleasure to be here with you
today. Greetings to all the people who are listening to us.
• Daimar: Well paula tell us a little bit about where you are from..
• Paula: ¡Of course! Well I am from a beautiful town that is near tunja and is
called ventaquemada.
• Daimar: ¡Oh that’s great! Tell us where is this town located
• Paula: Ventaquemada is located half an hour from tunja passing throungh
Boyacá bridge.
• Daimar: ¡Oh how interesting! I have visited Boyacá bridge, but I have never
been in that town.
• Paula: Yes, do you want to know something fun about my town?
• Daimar: ¡Yes of course!
• Paula: I am going to tell you the origino f the name ventaquemada since it’s
a funny story.
• Daimar: ¡Oh seriously?
• Paula: It is called that way because there was exchange sale and due to
rivalries and revenge they set i ton fire and the ashes remained.
• Daimar: wow. Did they start the fire in the sale?
• Paula: Yes, that’s why its name was like that : ventaquemada.
• Daimar: ¡How interesting! I never would have imagined that
• Paula: Yes.
• Daimar: ¡We’re still in tune! María Paula I have heard that in ventaquemada
there is the largest corn cake in the world. Is it true?
• Paula: Yes, ¡It’s true! The ventaquemada corn cake is a respresentative icon
of its land and its culture, so much so, that this town has been in Guinnes
Records attempt, for having made the largest corn cake in the world. Which
came to measure 7 meters and 4 centimeters in dinameter.
• Daimar: ¡Wow how interesting! Someday you have to give me one to try.
• Paula: ¡Of course!
• Paula: ¿Have you heard of some festivals held in ventaquemada?
• Daimar: Hmm, not really. Tell me a Little.
• Paula: There are many to be honest, but among those are: the horseback
riding, Fireworks, livestock fair, artistic concerts, gastronomy shows,
bullfinghting events among others.
• Daimar: ¡Interesting! You have to let me know the dates they do these
• Paula: with all my pleasure.
• Daimar: ¿You now? In Boyacá it happened to me that they use to use
familiar names a lot and, where I come from, we don’t usually dot it, unless
it’s a person very trustworthy
• Paula: Oh I understand
• Daimar: Yes, and sometimes they felt a bit ofended because I don’t have a
very familiar name
• Paula: It usually happens. It is as they say out there, clash for cultures.
• Daimar: It’s true. Well María Paula, thank you very much for your time.
• Paula: It’s nothing. Thanks to you too for opportunity to be here.
• Daimar: See you in a next one
• Paula: ¡Of course!

_ And this is the end of today’s episode! Hope you liked it, we have
discussed together on different cultures that exist and that this leads us to
want to explore every corner of our beautiful country in depth.

_ Thank you for your time and attention. Take care yourselves! See you in
the next episode, her friend Daimar says goodbye, here in youthful Melody!

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