Reply On Design Based Report - Drainage 20230512

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Bangladesh Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway Project Review on

Reply to Review on
Design Based Report – Drainage (DBR) (DAEEP-GG-0001)

Reply to Review
12th May, 2023
Document Control Sheet

Document Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage

Code JSTI-EPTISA-202303-009

Edition R0

Author Debarshi Guha Roy, Eptisa

Verification Dipmalya Palit,Eptisa

by Internal
Audit Team
Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage (DBR)

Table of Content

1. Submission review.........................................................................................2
2. Technical review............................................................................................3
2.1 Reply to Review comments on Design Based Report - Drainage…................3
3. Conclusion.....................................................................................................4

Bangladesh Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway
Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage (DBR)

1. Submission review

The content of the submission is laid as below:

 Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage

 Design Based Report – Drainage (DBR) (DAEEP-GG-0001)

Bangladesh Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway
Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage (DBR)

2. Technical review
Reply to Review comments on Design Based Report - Drainage Revision 00

2.1Reply to review comments on Design Based Report – Drainage (DBR)

SL Topics Observation from Responsibi Observation from Respons
EPTISA on 09-04-2023 lities / EPTISA on 12-05-2023 ibilities

A Section The section lacks clarity NCME In the latest DBR NCME
3.4(Page 3) and requires further (Drainage) NCME states
elaboration. Only the that, “The catchment
Catchment pavement is considered area near the road will
Area as the contributing area, also be considered based
with catchment on topographic map. If
calculation based on the catchment surface
length and width of elevation near the road
road. Additionally, two is higher than road, then
tables are included that it can be considered as a
outline areas of part of catchment area.”-
different land use and Agreed. However, the
the total sub-catchment table containing the sub-
area; however, their catchment area is
scope remains unclear. missing from this
There is no suggested revision of DBR, which
solution provided to was included in the
address the possibility previous revision. The
of overtopping caused table containing the area
by the discharge of of catchment and sub
water from the catchment area needs to
surrounding area. Also, be included in the DBR
the catchment area for for a clear understanding
the segment between of the drainage system.
13+000 to 15+500,
calculated as 58250m2.
But the value
mentioned is incorrect.
B Section 4.2 As previously advised, NCME 1.The provision of a NCME
(Page 4) it's preferable to avoid a median drainage system
drainage system that is recommended in the
Supereleva allows water to move superelevated portion.
tion from one side of the
road to the other. 2.Provision of median
Instead, using a median cuts for drainage of one

Bangladesh Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway
Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage (DBR)

SL Topics Observation from Responsibi Observation from Respons

EPTISA on 09-04-2023 lities / EPTISA on 12-05-2023 ibilities

drain may be a more carriageway shall lead to

appropriate solution. pavement damage of
According to AASHTO, another carriageway.
in the case of a median
barrier being used, 3.The provision of
especially on curved median cuts requires the
sections of the road design of median edges
with superelevation, it's at different levels.
important to However, both the right
incorporate inlets or and left edges of the
slotted drains to guide median are at the same
the water that has level which needs to be
collected against the redesigned with a
barrier. minimum slope of 3

E Section 3.1 Figure-4.3 IDF curve, NCME NCME is recommended NCME

(Page 1 & referred to in the to attach the reference
2) revised section is not documents with the DBR.
found. It is Referral documents for c,
Derivation recommended to m, and e which are
of IDF provide references for variable co-efficient are
Equation all the citations used in also required.
this section.
F Section 5.3 The Hydrological Report NCME (The peak Discharge and NCME
Page 10 does not contain catchment area needs to
information regarding be verified from the
Hydrologic the Peak discharge of latest hydrological
al 2644ft3/s and report. The unit of peak
Informatio catchment area of discharge needs to be in
n 4068.97 acres Cumec rather than
2644ft3/s)-ASIF BHAI
G Section 5 The structural design NCME
portion is missing from
Structural this DBR which was
Design present in the earlier
Revision of the DBR.


Bangladesh Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway
Reply to Review Comments on Design Based Report - Drainage (DBR)

 The report has been submitted via email Date on 13-03-2023.
 Reviewed on 25-03-2023
 Reply to review comments submitted by NCME on 07-04-2023
 NCME CODE: NCME-DC-1-DD-202304-001 Rev.0
 Reviewed on 09-03-2023
 The report was submitted via email on 24-04-2023
 Reviewed on 12-05-2023

Major observations include:

 Lack of clarity in catchment area calculation and tables, and no solution for potential
 Median drain recommended for superelevated sections.
 Missing Figure-4.3 IDF curve, proper references for citations recommended.
 Hydrological Report lacks information on peak discharge and catchment area.
 Structural design of drains is missing in this revision of DBR.

Bangladesh Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway

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